HomeMy WebLinkAbout1947-02-26sent: February 19, 1947. The Board of County Supervisors met on this date with the following members pre- Messrs. P. H. Gentry, T. E. Bruce and W. W. Wood. Since a~ quorum was not present, the ~meeting was adjourned until February 26, 1947. ~~, Cha mrma n An'~djo~r~ed meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia~i was held at the Office Building of said County on the 26th day of'February, 1947. Present: W. W. Wood. proved. Messrs. PA H. Gentry, E. J. Ballard$ ~ E. Bruce, C. Purcell McCue, and Absent: Mr. Henry Chiles. Officers present: ~ounty Executive, Commonwealth's Attorney, and Sheriff. M~nutes of the meetings of January 15th, 20th, and 30th, 1947, were read and ap- Application having been made to the Board of County Supervisors of this County by Leslie Redmond to take into the Secondary System a portion of a road running into Route 616 near Eeswick, it is ordered that Messrs. C. C. Duke, Larned Randolph, J. I. Maupin, B. D. Nawyer, and D. B. Owen, resident free holders of this County, any three of whom may act, be and t~ey are hereby appointe~ Viewers whose ~uty it shall be to ex, mine such road and report upon the expediency of establishing the same; they shall, as soon as practible after re- ceiving this order, proceed to m~ke the view, and may examine other routes and locations tha~ th, e one proposed, and if of the opinion that there is a nexessmty for estabhshmng a publmc road they shall locate the same, return ~ map or diagram thereof, with a report to the Board stating locations of such road, ~the convenience and inconvenience that will result al well a: to the individuals as to the public, whether the said road will be one of such mere private convenience as to make it proper that it should be opened, established, and kept in order by the person or persons for whose convenience it is desired, whether any yard, garden, orchard will have ~o be taken; the names of the landowners on such road, which of such landowners shall require compensation for the l~nd so taken, and for the damages of the residue of the tract, if any, beyond the peculiar benefits to be derived in result to such residue from the road to be established; and all other facts and circumstances in their opinion useful in enabling the Board to determine the expediency of establishing the road, and they shall file such report with the Clerk of this Board; in the event that some of the landowners do not require compensation and they will execute written consent, giving the right of way in question, the said Viewers shall obtain such consent and return it with their report; Provided, however, that the Chairman of the State Highway Commission, sometimes called the State Highway Commissioner, shall forthwith be notified of and made a ~rty to thee proceedings, and that he shall likewise be notified of the time and place of the meeting of the Viewers herein designated. Application having been made to the Board of County Supervisors of this County to establish a public road exting Route 612 for approximately 500 feet from the present mainten~ it is hereby ordered that M6ssrso C. C. Duke, Larned Randolph, J. I. Maupin, B. D. Mawyer,an~ D. B. Owen, resident ~reeholders of this County, an~ three of whom may act~ be and they are hereby appointed Viewers whose duty it shall be to ~xamine such road and report upon the expediency of establishing the sams; they shall, as soon as practible after receiving this ~s~ proceed to make the view, and may examine other routes and locations than the one proposed, and if of the opinion that there is s necessity for e~tablishing a public road ice, stating locations of such road, the convenience and inconvenience that will result as well ss to the individuals as to the public, whether the sai~ road will be one of such me~e private convenience as to make it proper that it should be opened, established, and kept in order~by the person or persons for whose convenience it is desire, whether any yard, garden, or orchard will have to be taken; the names of the landowners on such road, which of such landowners shall require compensation, wh~t will be a just compensation to the landowners requiring comoensation for the land so taken, and for the damages of the residue ofo~the trac~, if any, beyond the peculiar benefits to be derived in result ~o SUCh residue from the road to be established; and all other facts and circumstances in their opinion useful in enablingl ' ~' ~ an8 they shall file such re- the Board to determine its expediency of establlsnzno the road, port with the Clerk of this Boards in the event that some of the landowners do notrequire the compensation and they will execute written consent, giving the right of way in question~ the said Viewers ahll ob- tain such consent and return it with their report; Provided, however, that the Chairman of the State Highway Commission, sometimes call ~d the State Highway Commissioner, shgll forthwith be notified of and made a party ~6 these proceedings, and that he shall likewise be notified of the time and place of the me,~ting of the Viewers herein designated° Application having been made to the Board of County Supervisors of this County to establish a public road extending Route 610 from the present maintenance by Mrs. ~innis Mahanes, it is hereby ordered that Nessrs. C. C. Duke, Larned~Raadolph, J. I. Maupin, B. D. ~awyer, and D. B. Owen, resident freeholders of this Coonty, any three of whom may act, be a ~d they are hereby appointed Viewers whose dut~ it shall be to examine such road and report upo the expediency of establ~sn~no the same; they ~hall, as soon as practibie after receiving th.s order~ proceed to make the view, and may examine other routes and locations than the one proposed, and if of the opinion that there is a necessity for establishing a public road, they shall locate the same, return a map or dRagram thereof, with a r~port to the Boar8 stating locations of such road, the convenience and inconvenience that will result as well as to the individuals as to the public, whether the said road will be one of such mere private convenience as to make it proper that it should be opened, established, and kept in order by the person or persons for whose convenience it is desire~, whether any yard, garden or orchard will have to be taken; the names of the landowners o~ such road, which of such landowners shall require compensation, what will be a just compens8tion to the landowners requiring compensation for the land so taken, and for the damages of the residue of the tract, if any, beyond the peculiar benefits to be derived in result to such residue from the road to be established; and all other facts and circumstances in their opinion useful in'enabling the Board to determine its expediency of establishing the road, and they shall file such report with the Clerk of this Board; In the event that some of the landowners do not require the compensation and they will execute written consent, giving the right of way in question, the said Viewers shall obtain such consent and return it with their report; P~ovided, however, that the Chairman of the State Highway Commission, sometimes called t~he~State Highway Commissioner, shall forthwith be notif~e~ of and made a party to these proceedings, and that he shall likewise be notified of the time and place of the meeting of the Viewers herein designated. Application having been made to the Board of County Zupervisors of this County to establish a public road extending Route 615 at Lindsay Station for one mile, it is hereby o~dered that Nessrs. C. C. Duke, Larned RandolRh, J. I. Eaupin, B. D. Mawyer, and D. Bo Owe~, resident freeholders of this County, any three of whom may act, be and they are hereby of establishing same~ they shall, as soon as practible after receiving this order, proceed to make the view, and may examine other routes and locations than the one proposed, and if of the opinion that there is a necessity for establishing a road they s~all locate the same, return a map or diagram thereof, with s report to the Board stating locations of Such road, the convenience and inconvenience that ~ill result as well as to the individuals as to the public, whether the said road will be one of such mere private convenience as to make it proper that it should be opened, established, and kept in order by the person or persons fos whose convenience it is desired, whether any yard, garden, or orchard will have to be taken;il the names of the landowners on such road, which of such landowners shall require compen- sation, what will be a just compensation to the landowners requiring compensation for the land so taken, and for the damages of the residue of the tract, if ~ny, beyond the peculiar! benefits to be derived in result to such residue from the road to be established; and all other facts and circumstances in their opinion useful in enabling the Board to determine its. expediency of establishing the road, and they shall file such report with the Clerk of this Board; In the even that some of the landowners do not require the compensation and they will execute written consent, giving the right of way in question, the said Viewers shall obtain such consent and return it ¥~ith their report; Provided, however, that the Chairman of the State Highway Commission, sometimes, called the State Highway Commissioner, shall forthwith be notified ~f ~hd ~e a~pap~y to these proceddings, and that he shall likewise be notified of the time and place of the meeting of the Viewers herein designated. iN THE ~ATTER OF DISCO~}}U!NG A PORTION OF THE OLD SCOTTSV!LLE RCAD: Application havin~ been made to the Boar~ of Co~ n'y Suoervisors of ~lbe~rle County, Virginia by ~Lr. V. A. Smith, to have discont'nued a port, on of the old Scottsv~!le Road just south of Wood's Store an~ running through the property of Nr. V. A. Smith~ and it appearing that notices have heretofore been posted w~th regard thereto, and the requffred twenty days having now' e!apse~, it is ordered that Nessrs. C. C. Duke, Lamed Randolph~ J. i. Naupin~ B. D. Na~.~er, D. B. (kwen, any three of whom may act, be apno~nted viewers whose duty it shall be to view the oortion of said old Scottsvilt Road now desired to be closed, and make a report in writing whether in their opine, on, any~ and if any, what in~ convenience would result from discontinuing the same; the v~ewers herein named shall meet at said road on the 12th day of ~arch, 1947~ at 9:00 o'clock to v~ew that portion of the road to be closed, and file with the'Clerk of this Board their renort in ~iting. It is f~rther ordered ~hat the State Highway Commissioner shal~ be made a party to this proceeding~z Niss Coffee~ a representative from the State appeared and presented the plan of a bookmobile for Albemarle ~ounty at the February 19th meeting. Since there was not a quorum present and no action was taken at that time, the matter was aga~n brought to the attention of the Board. Upon motion~ made by Nr. Batiard and seconded by Nr. NcCue, the plan of the bookmobile for Albemarle County was unanimously adopted. Upon motion, made by Mr. Co Purcell NcCue and seconded by ~:~. E. J. Ba!lard, the following resolution was unanimously adopted. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albe~arle County that H. Go Coc~rell, County ~ecu~ive~ be and he is hereby authorized and empowered to offer in writing to Nr. P. G. Ligon the s~ of $70~000o00 for the purchase of all lands, buildings, reservoirs, dams, appurtenances, easements, water rights~ r~ghts of way, pipes, piping hydrants, equipment, appliances and all relating to aug connected with the 6rozet Water System of said P. G. Ligon, cepting, however, Leitch&s Spring and rights therein, the reservoir therewith and pipes leading from Leitch's Spring to the chlorinator chamber~ the afore- said sum of ~70,000,00 to be ~aid in cash from funds of The Crozet Sanitary Dis- trict of Albemarle County upon deiivery of an appropriate deed,-with general warranty and statutory covenants 6f title, conveying the property mentioned here- inabove free and clear of !i&ns. The following reports ~ere presented and ordered filed: (A) County Executive. (B) University of Virginia Hospital. (C) Va. Conservation Commission. ~r. H. G. Cockrel!, Director of Finance, s~mitted a Statement of Exoenses of the Department of Finance for the month of January, 1947, one-third of which to be borne_by the State. Uoon motion~ duly made and seconded, this State,cut was examined, verified~ and approved. ~. ~o G. Cockrell, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of Exoenses of the Sheriff's Office for the month of January, 1947, two-thirds of which to be borne by the State. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified~ and approved. Mr. H. G. Cockretl, Director of Finance, s~mitted a Statement of Expenses of the Commonwealth Attorney's Office for the month of Janua~z, ]oz?_~., one-half of which to be borne by the State.. Upon motion, du!ymad, e and seconde~, this Statement was examined, verified and approved. ~h~ maintenance of orisoners confined in the! A Statement of the Expenses incurre~ in ~ ~ 6ounty Jail durint the month of January, 1947, was submitted. Upon motion, duly made and second:ed, this Statement was e×amined, verified, and aporovedo A Summary Statement of Prisoner Days for the month of January,_ l.~A~, was submitted. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, ~erified, and approved. Claim of Dr. Richard T. E~genbright, Jail physician, amounting to $!.75, w~.s pre- sent-ed and approved for payment. Upon~motion, made by~. [.IcCue and zecondedby~. Bruce, the following resolution was uaanimousiy adoot~d: BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOfd{D OF COUNTY SUP~ViSORS, of Albemarle County Virginia, that $5,500.00 be and is hereby appropriated to co~er an increase in the salaries of teachers, principals, supervisors, an8 other oersons em- ployed by the Co~muty School Board. Communication from ~tr. E. Oo McCue was presented requesting' the Board b6 appoint a committee to study the school systems of the County and the City. Mr. Gentry appointed Gen. P. B. Peyton, ~iro E. H. Bain and ~r. F. E. Paulett to serve on this committee. Report was received from Mr. C. H. Shapleighba~d ordered filed. ~fr. H. G. Cockre!l was instructed to write to ~r. ~. Y. Suthertand and ask if he cout~ serv~ on the Equalization Board. Mr. Cockrell was authorized to sell the old bricks from theClerk~s Office to B D. Chesshir at ~ The audit of the accounts of the Trial Justice o~f_ce~ was presented, aceepted~ and Ordered filed. Nr. Jutian'D. Thomas presented a resol~tion concerning the prevention of forest fires. 'Upon motion~ made by Nr. Bal!ar~ and seconded by~. Bruce, ~. Thomas waz authori~ printed to have two hundred posters/spreading this resolu£ion to be posted throughout the County. ........... ~o~ ~=~+.~t ~ountv A~ent presented h~s resignation to the Board Uoon motion~ made by [~. NcCue and seconde5 by Mr. Bruce, the rate of pay of personal property assessors was set at $1o00 per hour. Upon ~otion~ m~de by ~r. McOue and seconded by ~f~o Bruce, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: ~E IT RKqOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that $~00.00 be mn5 is hereby appropriated to cover the amount of raises requested for the employees of the Welfare De- partment. Upon motion, mad~ By ~/~r. MCCue and seconded by Mr. Bruce, ~'. Cockrell was authorized to employ ~r.-Robert Sours in the Department of ~Finance. Upon motion, made by Nr. Bruce and seconded by Nrc Wood, the following resolutions was unanimousty~dopted; BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County Virginia~ that ~200.00 be and is hereby appropriated to cover the amount of re~ses requested for the clerks in ~h~ Olerk's Office. BE IT RESOL~ED by the Board of County Supervisors of ~lbemarle County~ Virginia, that ~163o35 be and is hereby appropriated to cover the amoun2 of raises requested for the employees o£ the Sheriff's Office° Upon motion, made by i~. Wood and seconded by ~,~Ir. Ballard, the following resolution !I was unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Co~unty Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that 8125.00 be and is hereby appropriated for an increase in the salary of the Director of Finance and County Executive from February, 1947 throughtJune, 1947o BE IT RESOLVED BY THE Board of County Supervisiors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that $100.00 be and is hereby appropriated to cover the increases of two Department of Finance employees, Upon motion, mad..~ by Nr. V~ood and seconded by Mr. NcCue, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle .... County, Virginia, that the Director of Finance be an5 is hereby authorized to make temporary loans an5 transfers from the General Fund and Debt Funds to Debt Funds needing ~ash for bonds mattering the year ending June 30, 1947o Claims against the County amounting to $20,689.86 were presented, examined~ and allowed and certified to the Director of Finance for payment and charged against the following fun~s: General Fund_ School Fund Crozet Fire District Fund Crozet Sanitary District Dog Tax Fund McIntire Trust ~Fun~ Current Credit Account Upon motion, the meeting adjourned. $8,752.10 4.36 789.68 2A!.74 336.!0 ?19.A2 Cha irman