HomeMy WebLinkAbout1947-03-19A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of $!bemarle County,
Virginia, was held at the Office Building of· said County on the 19th day of March, 1947.
Present: Messrs. P. H. Gentry, E. J. Ballard, T. E. Bruce, Henry Chiles, C.
Purcell McCue, and N. N.
Absent: None
Officers present: County Executive, and Commonwealth's Attorney.
Minutes of the meetin$ of February 19 and 26 were read and approved.
The following reports were presented and ordered filed:
(a) County Executive.
(b) District Home Board.
(c) University of Virginia Hospital.
Mr. H. G. Cocktail, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of Expense of the
Department of Finance for the month of February, 1947, one-third of which to be ~borne by
the State. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified,
and approved.
Mr. H. G. Cockrell, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of Ekpense of
the Sheriff's Office for the month of February, 1947, two-thirds of which to be borne by
the State. Upon motion, duly ma~e and seconded, th~s Statement was examined, verified,
and approved~
~r. H. G. Cockrell, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of Expense ef the
Co~monw~alth~Attorney's Office for the month of February, 1947, one=half of which to be
borne by the State. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined,
verified, and approved~
A Statement of the Expenses incurred in the maintainence of prisoners confined
in the County Jail during the month of February, 1947, was submitted. Upon motion, duly
made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified and approved.
A Summary of ~risoner Days was submitted. Upon motion duly made and seconded,
this Statement was examined, verified and approved.
Claim of Dr. Richard T. Ergenbright, Jail Physican, amounting to $3.75 was pre-
sented 'and approved for payment.
The following reports of Viewers appointed at the meeting of February 26, 1947,
were presented and accepted:
The undersigned, Viewers appointed by your order made on the 26th day of
February, 1947, respectively report that on the 12th day of March., 1947, they
viewed a road at Keswick leading off of Route 616.
Inasmuch as a road leading off of 616 runningLi in a north-eastward direc-
tion for a distance of .7 miles would serve approximately 19 families, we feel
that this road should be taken into the Secondary System.
Ma'rch 12, 19~7. /signed/ Do ~. Owen
Lamed D. Ran_doloh
J. I. Maupin.
The undersigned, Viewers appointed by your order made on the 26th day
of February, 1947, respectively report that on the 12th day of March, 1947,
they vis,wed approximately 500 feet beyound Route 612.
~ ~e, the undersigned, feel that Route 612 should be extended approxi-
mately 500 feet from the end of the present maintenance in a south easter-
ly directSnn.
March 12, 19~7. '/signed/ D.B. C~_en _
The undersigned, Viewers appointed by your order made on the 26th day of
Febrvary, 1947, respg~tively report that on the 12th day of March, 1947, they
viewed Route 619 to the home of Mrs. Minnie Mahanes.
We, the undersigned, do not feel justified in requesting the Department
of Highways to extend Route 619 to the home of Mrs. Minnis Mahanes due to the
distance and would serve only two families the year round.
March 12~ 1947. /signed/ D.B. Owe: n ~_
The undersigned, Viewers appointed by your order made on the 26th day of
February, 1947, respectively report that on the 12th day of March, 1947, they
viewed a r~sd at Lindsay leading from Route 615.
Due to the six families living on or near the road leading southward
from Route 615 at Lindsay Station, we feel that the Highway Departmeht
should be requested to take this road in for a distance of one mile.
March 12, 1947. /signed/ ~Owen
Lsrned D.
& J,,~ I. Naupi, n,~ , ,,
The undersigned, Viewers appointed by yoursorder made on the 26th day
of February, 1947, respectfully report that on the 12th day of March~
1947, they viewed , as requested by Mr. V. A. Smith, a porti0n of the
old Scdttsvi_~le Road~jus~ south of ~Vood's Store.
From the evidence given, this would eliminate or block the right-of-
waY to two k~awn property owners whichhave no other outlet other
than the old Scottsville Road, and we are of the opinion that
same should not be closed.
March 12, 1947. /signed/ ~ D~?,, B.. o~,,en
_ Larned
_ ~: J_._!. Mau~in~ __
The matter of appointing a member to the Equalization Board was discussed, but
no action was taken.
Mr. T. W. Ross of the Department of Highways appeared before the Board and ex-
plained the proposed constructing and relocating Route 626 and part of Route 627. Upon
motion 6f~.~e Board, Mr. Bruce was appointed to act for the Board in securing rights-of-
way for this road.
Upon motion, duly made and seconded, the following resolution was umanimously
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Eirginia, that in providing rights ox way for relocating or widening roads in
the secondary system, the supervisor of the district in which s~hh rights-of-
way are required shall be and is hereby appointed as the agent of this Board
for the purpose of securing necessary rights-of-way.
Mr. R. C. ~nbler, Resident Engineer, presented to the Board the Budget ~r the
Secondary System of Highways for the year ending June 30, 1948. Upon motion, made by Mr.
Bruce ~nd seconded by Mm. Ballard~ the following resolution was unanimously adopted:
. Highways for the year ending June 30, 1948, ~s presented by Mr. R. C.
Ambler, Resident Engineer, be and the same is hereby approved.
A communication from Mr. P. G. Ligon rejecting the County's offer of $70,000.00
for the Crozet w~ter Works and offering to sell the ~ater Works for $77~894.00 was read,
and Mr. H. G. Cocktail, Director of Finance, was authorized and directed to write to Mr.~
Ligon offering the sum of $73,500900 for the Water Works on the condition that Mr. Ligon
assume the responsibility for all litigation on the property.'
A communication from the State Department of Highways listing the roads approved
as additions to ~the SecOndary Road System was presented and or~dere-d filed~
A communibation from Mr. R. H. Jones concer'.~g the treatment of the inmates ~t
the District Home was read, ~nd Mr. H. G. Cocktail, Director of Finance, was instructed to
investigate th~so
Et was brought to the attention of the °card that Jefferson's Birthday, April 13~
one of the official holidays, falls on Sunday this year. Mr. Cockrell was instructed to
compare with the City Offices, and if they have a holiday on the Monday following, April 14,
the County Offices will al~o close.
The c~aim for the Virginia Conservation Commission was presented and approved
for payment.
The question~' was raised a~ to whether or not the County wanted to engage the
services of an attorney for the prupose of acquiring the necessary land for the joint
megro high school. This Was left tothe discretion of Mr. W. O. Fi~e, Commonwealth's
The following resolution adopted by the School Board was presented and adopted:
RESOLVED, that Hunter Go Cocktail, Cou~tyExecutive, be
authorized on behalf of this Board to negotiate for an equitable
arrangement with the respective landowners of the. po~p~rty app-
roved for location of thepproposed joint school for a Negro High
School and he shall report to this Board such arrangement or ar-
rangements, if any, as may be proposed as a result of such nego-
tiations, which negotiations are to be undertaken preparatory to
eminent domian proceedings if no equitable arrangement proves to
be practicable.
The report of the Jail Inspector was presented and ordered file~.
A resolution made by the McIntire ParentLTeachers Association was presented and
ordered filed.
On motion, duly made and seconded, the following resolution was unanimously ad-
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle
County, Virginia, that the Chairman and clerk of this Board b~ and they
~re hereby authorized to execute a deed of conveyance to J~ Bo Kegley
for Arrowhead School Lot, delivery on payment of fifty do!l~zs~($50. O0),
according to agreement of this Board with said Kegley of July 26, 1933.
Claims against the Co~uty amounting to ~,869.88, were presente~, examined, and
allowed and certified to the Director of Finance ~or payment and charged against the fo!-
lowing funds:
General Fund $3,291.61
School Fund 5,%98.80
Dog Tax Fund 305.90
Mclntire Trust ~und 51.~2
Crozet Fire District Fund 2.73
Commonwealth of Va. Current Credit acct.T19.z2
Upon motion, the m~eting adjourned, to meet again on April 2, 1947'.
.... ' ~airman.