HomeMy WebLinkAbout1947-04-02An adjourned meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held at the Office Building of said County on the 2nd day of April, 1947. Present: ~essrs. P. H. Gentry, E. J. Ballard, T. E. Bruce, Henry Chiles, C. Pur- cell McCue, and W.~W. Wood. Absent: None. Officers present: County Executive an8 Commonwealth's Attorney. ~r~;.~Ri~hard ?ietsch~ Pre~id6nt of 'the Parent~.Teachers~:AssSciation Of'..Cro~et,.V~r~ ginia~ appeared and presented~%o the Board the~.follbwing~r~solution~which~w~s~ad~Pted ~ythe Assoc&ation':~ WHEREAS the Albemarle County School Board hms given careful consideration to the needs for increases in teachers' salaries, new equipment, and maintenance of buildings and equipment that may keep our current unsatisfactory school system from utterly breaking down, and V~EREAS ~id School Board has determined that the planned new joint Negro High School with Charlottesville~ which the County i~ obliged to make a reality, can best be financed through a ~l.O0 sink- ing fund levy over approximately two years instead of borrowing the money, and ~REAS said School Board is required to give painstaking study to such aforementioned matters together with costs and methods of financing, which you gentlemen have neither the time nor the obli- gation to do, but recognizing that said School Board has no taxing power, Therefore BE IT RESOLVED unanimously by this meeting of the 8rozet Parent-Reachers Association held on ~onday, March 17, 1947 at the Crozet High School, that the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County grant the ~3.30 school tax levy for the coming fiscal year as re- quested by the Albemarle County School Board. recorded vote: A~es: Messrs. Following a lengthy discussion of the Budget, the same was adopted by the followin~ Purcell McCue, and ~. W. Wood. P. H. Gentry, E. ~. Batlard, T. E. Bruce, Henry Chiles, C. Noes ; None. ANT ICi PATED tSt~ RPLUS ' Delinquent ! Taxes: 1944 and Prior 1945 1946 INTEREST LAND REDEMPTIONS FEES: Clerk Sheriff ~ Commonwealth's Attorney Transfer Fines BOARD OF P~ISiNE~$ STATE SUPPLANTS: Public Health 1/~ Dept. ~ Finance Expenses Ca?itatiOn ~ Taxes ~2/3 Sherif$'s Office Expenses Naintenanc~~ of Jail A.B.O. Profits Distribution ~ENT~J4 OF COUNTY 9ROPERTY LICENSES DOG TAX TRANSFER SALE OF Pi~PERTy V. P. A. REI~U. BE$!ENT: State Federal Ore rhe ad Refund on Checks ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA REVENUE ESTIMATES FOR THE YEXR E~DING JUNE 30, 1948 GENERAL FUND (Estimated) Year Ending June 30, 1947. $ Yoo, oo0.o0 (Actual) Year Ended June 30. 1946 $207,747.34 347.12 300.00 172.3~ 500.00 806.56 1,000.00 2,739.58 2,000.00 7,831.42 12,000.00 12,429.37 10,000.00 5O3.42 7OO.OO 2,355.00 2,200.00 870.30 500.00 i1,~77.80 1,000.00 42185 50.00 Tentative Increase Over Decreas~ Under Final Estimate Year Ending Year E~ding Estimate June~1947 JJume~30,.i!9~7 $1oo, oo0j0o 100,0cox 200.00-o- oo!1oo oo.oo-o- ooloo 800,00 -0- 200i~0 800.( 800.00 -0- 1,200~00 800. 8,000.00 -0- '4,000~00 8,000.( 10,000.00 -0- -d- 10,000.( 700.00 -0- 700.( 2,200.00 -0- -~- 2,200.( 500.00 -0- -,,-~ 500.( 1,2oo.oo 200.00 1,200.( 50.00 -0- 50.( 9,595.00 10,512.00 i!O,O00.O0 -0- 7,500.64 6,500.00 7,000.00 500.00 2,670.00 2,300.00 2,~00.00 200.00 ~,000.16 9,500.00 9.500.00 -0- 1,330.61 i1,000.00 1,000.00 -0- 69,951.15 58,000.00 70,000.00 !2,000.00 4,420.00 4,400.00 4,400.00 -0- 1,265.00 lO0.O0 500.00 400.00 2,758.64 1,500.00 1,500.00 -0- 611.39 1,000.O0 500.00 - -0- 23,726.52 26,000.00 35,500.00 $,500.00 24,Z~9.95 25,000.00 43,000.00 !~,000.00 6,405.07 6,000.00 -0- -0- 4,156.10 1,000.00 1,000.00 -0- UNC~;~E~efund-D.P.W. ~utomobiles 1,193.45 1,000.00 1,000.00 -0- . i 300.00 00.00 200.00 ~! i':TOT~:~:! ~' REw'ENUEioTHER THAN CUEHENT LEVY ~407.383.25_ ~ 284_.~2.00 . ." "~ Amount to be ~aised by.Current Le~y " 32,301.?0.~ Delinquents bysed on 10% ~ Le~y ~%uired 35,890.00 Assesme~ Value of Property 14,444,721.00 ~ate of Levy .25 512~'00 !0,000.( -~- 7,000.( -G- 2,500.( -~- 9,500.I -~' 1,000.~ -~- 70,000.i 4,4oo. -~- 500.~ -G- 1,500.1 O0 500.~ 6,000. 3'5~,500.I 43,000.~ 1,000.1 1,000.t !90 N&. of Funct. Title of Funj t~0n lA Board of County ~ 1AA Misc. ServiCes lB County Executive lC Dept. of Finance 1D Col. of Delin. T~ 1E Bd. of Equilizat~ 1F Tax Nap 1G Co. Planning Com 4 l~cording Docmmm 5A Circuit Court 5B Trial Justice Cot 5c Com. Atty. ~ffic~ 6A Policing & Invest 6C Care of Prisonerl 7 Fire Prevention 8B Public Assi~tanc. 8C County AssiStancE 8D Lunacy Commissio~ 9 Public Health ll A~c. & Home Ec. 13 Elections 14 Buildings & Grou~ TOTAL EST. EXPENDITI LA BD. OF CO. SUPEi~ 100 Comp. of Members 220 Traveling Exp. ~OTAL [AA MIS0. SERVICES [99 Hd. Viewers [99A Tax Refunds ~00 Advertising ~01 Auditing ~06 ~eague of Va. Cc !13 Workmens Comp., ~1/+ P~nt, Safe Depo. 28 Tel. & Tel. ~19 Comtributions- Local Ch. Com. ~ Stats Ch. Com. City Library 99 ~isceltaneous O0 Ruto Purchase · 00-6 Auto Naintenan 00-7 Auto Naintenan O0 Purchase of Land O1 4-H Club Camp 99 Unapprop. Reserv ~TAL B COUNTY EXECUTIVE P2 Comp. of Co. Ex. )6 Dues and t2 Ins.Pre.-Surety 18 Tel. & Tel. [9 Stationery )5 Office Equipment )TAL DEPT. OF FINANCE )2 Comp. of Directo~ )5 P~cording of Del. ALBE~AiEiE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SUI~AYf OF EXPENDITUPE ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1948 ~ENEP~J~ FUND !9 Comp. of tcille Jones 1980. tne Via 1980. .rginia Hicks 1980. .lda Mawyer 1500. ~. Crenshaw 1500~ .ldred Lacy 1680~ w Position 1500~ Assessors 3000~ :tra Help lO00~ 0 Advertisin~ Appropriation Expenditure Year Edding Proposed Increase Ove~ Dec~els~ Allow~d~By June 30, 1947 Expenditure Year Ending Year Ending i BoardT. .... i .... -~ A ~:riat~on June 30. 19~7 June 30~19~7 up. $ 2,250.00 $ 2,205.05 $ 2~250.00 $ 2,250.00 -O- -0- 144,877.25 4,275.24 105,100.O0 107,300.00 -~2,550.00 350.00 Off. 1,741.00 1,445.60 1,691.00 1,682.00 -0- 9JDO 19,980.00 18,707.16 22,355.00 23,930,00 23,025.00 ~,~50.00 xes 4,000.00 3,896.29 4,000.00 3,000.00 -O- 1,O00.O0 on 1,SlO.O0 345.31 1,S10.O0 1,460.00 -0- 50.00 .... ~,920.00' -~,147.80 5,040.00. 2,~00.00 -0- 3,040.00 1,800':00 24~.~0 1,600.0'0 ' 1;~00.00 -o- ;~00.00 ts 13~399.25 12,041.88 13,362.00 13,992,00 ...... 890;00 300.00 1,732.86 1,628.89 2,032.86 2,491.70 458.84 -O- ft 150.oo 86.84 150.00 150.00 -o- -0- 4,250.00 4,200.00 4,250.00 4,250.00 -0- -O- igating 12,682.00 11,335.70 14,530.00 14,601.00 681.00 610.00 2,848.00 2,824.02 3,136.00 3,650.00 584.00 70.00 2,000.00 505.25 1,500.00 1,720.00 1,020.00 800.00 77,84!~00 81,688.49 89,4!5.00 1!4,135.00 24,790.00 ~70.00 8,080.00 9,435.95 8,580.00 8,380.00 200.00 400.00 500.00 456.74 500.00 500.00 -0- -0- 16~700.00 15,539.30 19,200.00 17,400.00 -0- 1,800.00 7,2!5.00 6,879.73 7,855.00 8,0~5.00 260.00 !00.00 3,740.00 4,881~5 3,340.00 4,340.00 t,000.00 -0- ~S ? 71o.9_o _. 5-102..56 _ _ _9,~90.00 __.~ 705.00 _1 '50.00 ~~..15 ~86.86 $344.931.70 ] ~~ .t Box ~ 2,250.00 107,300.00 1,682.00 23,930.00 3,000~00 1,460.00 2,000.00 !,100.00 13,992.00 2,491.70 150.00 4,250.00 !4,601.00 3,650.00 1,720.00 !1:12,755.00 8,380.00 500.O0 17,400.00 8,015.00 4,340.00 8.645.00 2,000.00 2,000. O0 2,000.00 2,000.00 -0- -O- 250.00 205._~_~._ ..... 2~50.00 2~ 0.:00_ _ -@~ ~. -0- _ 2.250.00, .. / 2 20~5.05 _ 2 ,250.00 _ _ 2.25Q:0O -0- -0- 50.00 16.05 50.00 50.00 -O- -0- 750.00 30.73 750.00 500.00 -0- 250.00 100.00 26.00 ~100.O0 100. O0 -0- -O- 1,412 · 72 1,412 · 72 750 · O0 750. O0 -0- -0 - 250.00 404.71 250.00 250.00 -O- -0- 75.00 i~0.52 50. O0 100. O0 50~00 -O- 25..00 50.00 25.00 25.00 -0- -0- 25.00 -O- -0- -0- -0- -O- )0.00 [5.QO 275.00 800.00 2,227.00 1,326.70 1,075.00 500.00 286.13 500.00 50.00 31.17 50.00 ~e 250.00 298.54 300.00 :e 250.00 254.47 400.00 1,000.00 7.50 500.00 250.00 -0- 300.00 ~37.662.~3_ -0- 10~,000.00 7_ 25 .275.2& . O ,lOO,OO .CE 2,000.00 250.0~ __~2_~250.00 50.00 500.CO 100.00 750.00 250.00 lO0.OO 25.00 --O-- ond 1,075.00 -0- -0- 400.00 -0- !00.00 2,550.00 2,500.00 -0- 300.00- -0- -0- 400.00 -0- -0- 500.00 -0- - 0- 300.00 -0- -0- , lO0,OpO.OO -0- -0- , .107~3Qo.00 2~550.00 350.00_ uents 1,320.00 1,320.00 1,320;00 21 · O0 17 · 50 21 ~00 25. O0 25 · O0 25 .~00 75.00 62.53 75 ;00 1~0.00 20.57 100,00 _.___~0. O0 - O- 150 ;00 .. 1,741.00 1_~. 60 _~1 691;00 4,728.00 4,680.00 4,680. O0 200.00 178.60 200.00 12,152.O0 10,817.74 13,120.00 100.O0 139.20 100.O0 4 Book Binding lO'.O0 12.00 15.00 6 Dues & Subscripti 20.00 20.00 20.00 2'Ins. Pre.-Surety 150.00 162.50 ~50.00 8 Tel. & Tel. lOO.O0 67.72 lO0.O0 0 Traveling 200.00 (47.32 150.00 9 Stationery 2,000.00 2,138.07 2,000.00 9 Miscellaneous ~20,00 -O- 20.00 5 Office Equipment 300,00_ ,~,01 ~,SQ~.~O0 400.00 TAL ~9,78~90 _ . 1~.707116 _ 22.355.00 2_ ~ _~,930.00 COL. OF DELIN. 2 1,320. O0 -0- -0- 17.00 -0- ~:~00 25.00 -0- -0- 70.00 -e- 5.00 100.00 -0- - O- Aso.oo -o- -o- 1,682. O0 4,680.00 -0- -0- 200.00 -9; -0- 1,075.00 400.O0 2,550.O0 3OO.OO 400.CO 500.00 3o0.00 .oo,ooo.0o 107,300 1,320.00 17. O0 25.00 70.00 100. O0 150. qO __!.,_z 682.oo 4,680.00 200.00 16,120.00 3,000.00 -O- 125.00 25.O0 -0- 15.00 -O- -0- 20.00 -0- -0- 150.00 -O- -O- 100.00 -0- -0- 100.00 -O- 50.00 2,000.00 - O- -0- 20.00 -0- -0- 16,120.00 125.00 15.00 20.00 150.O0 100.00 100.00 2,000.00 20.001 __~00.00 oo -0- ~ / 00~. O0: 3x025.00 _____~0.00 2~.00 ~_~o 3, ooo. oo ~_ 3_~6.29 ~_0.00 ___ ~0.00 -0- t OOQ.Oo ~ 3.000.00 No. .Funct. T~T. ~ OF FUNCTION 1E BD. OF Et ~ALIZATION 100 Comp. of 200 Advertis~ 218 Tel. & T~ 220 Travelin TOTAL. YEaR ENDED Appropriation E~penditure .Year Ending June 30, 1947 A ~ .r_oRr iat $ on_. ~emb e rs 1,260. O0 273 · OO 1,260.00 ng 25.00 -0- 25.00 ~1. 75.00 57.46 '~75.00 Exp .... 1~0.00 %~ l_~O.OO ~lO.~oo ~ _ ~.! ~~31o. co 1F TAX MAP 102 Comp. of Engineer 109 Comp~ ofi~ssistants Hugh ~inor ! ll40.O0 Nannie ~elto~ ll40.O0 TOTAL ~$~e~ Decrease Un~er ~Expenditure Year Ending Year Ending . Ju e 0n ~3 19~7 _June 30 _1947~ Allowe8 By Board 1,91 1,260. O0 ~0- -0- 1,260.00 25.00 -0- -0-~ 25.00 75.00 -0- -O- 75.00 100. O0 -0- 50 · 00~ ~ 100. O0 1,~60.00 -0~__~ ~ ~= 2,400.00 2,400.00 2,760.00 2,000.00 -0- 760.00i~ 2,000.00 2,520'.00 1,747.80 2,280.00 -g- 20,00 _ ~,t4?~t~Q_ __ 5.040.00 ~ _2,000.00 -0- -0- 2,280 .~-0- ' ~ ___Lo4o.oQi .,, , ,ooo.Q 1G PLANNING O0~IISSiON 102 Comp. of Engineer 319 Statione~ 1,500.00 165.85 b 300.00 ~ _ _ ?9.75 1,500.00 1,000.00 100.00 lOQ.qO -0- 5oo.oQ 1,000.00 -o- !i--- lOp.OO 4 PECORDING pOCUMENTS 101 Comp. of Clerk 105 Certifin~ voting list 109 Comp. of iAssistants'. W.L. I~aupin 12772.00 Helen Hu~ber~1680. O0 Nancy Bishop 1440.OO 201 Auditing 204 Book Bind~ing 212 i~ns.Pre.~Sure%y Bond 218 Tel~ & T~i. 250 Excess F~es 317 Record Bdoks 317A Ra,Index Books 319 StationO~r 399 Misc.ella~e cue 405 Office E~u~pment TOTAL 5A CI~DUIT CCURT 102 Comp. of Judge 103 Comp. of Relief Atty. 109 Comp.~ of Stenographer 121 Jurors & Witnesses 122 Jury Commission 218 Tel. & Tel. 314 Libraries TOTAL 4,200.00 4,200.00 4,200.00 4,200.00 300.00 342.00 300..00 300.00 5,088.00 5,092.00 5%12.00 125.00 218.74 !25.00 500.00 141.62 500,00 25.00 35.00 25.00 100.00 84.10 100.00 500.00 -0- 800.00 850.00 789.99 850.00 100.00 -0- 'iL 100.00 500.00 t91.91 500.00 911.25 901.25 250.00 20Q.O0 _~5.27 20Q.O0 13,399.25__~12____~1.88 1__~3362.00 -0- -0-" 4~- 200.00 -0-. 300.O0 1,152.86 1,152.86 1,152.86 50.00 25.00 50.00 -O- -O- 4OO.OO 400.00 368.70 300.00 75.00 45.00 75.00 40.00 37.33 40.00 ~. O0 -0- 15 .~00 _ %.732.86 1,628.00 ~2.~032.86 5,892.00 125.00 800.00 35.00 lO0.o0 500.00 850.00 lO0.00 500.00 250.00 __~.00 l~.O0 480. O0 --0-- 300.00 10.00 lO0.O0 sgo.oo -0- 5,892.00 -0- i! 125. O0 -0- 800.00 -O- 35.00 -0- 100.00 300.00 5O0.QO -0- 850.00 -0-i 100,00 -0- 500.00 -0- 250.00 ~0o.oo ii:_ ~_ALdi2.oo 5B TRI.~ JUSTtCEdCOUP~ 218 Tel. & Tel. 40.00 37.38 317 i~6ord Books 4 0.00 -0- 319 Stationery 40.00 49.46 399 Nmsce!laneous 51j00 -0- 405 Office Equipment 22~5,00 TOTBYL !~ 150;00 86.~84 1,3LL.70 5 ).oo 60 3.00 4o3.o0 ? .0o 4 .00 ~ .00 158.84 -0- 1,311.70 -0- -0-~ 50.00 2DO.O0 -0- 600.00 100.00 -0- 400.00 ~- -0- 75.00 -0- -0- 40.00 -o- -o- 1.~ 40.00 4O. O0 40.00 5.00 I, .?0 . 4~. 8_.L. -0%.= 2,491.70 £~¢..00_ _ I~T00 _ 4 ).oo 40.00 40OOO ~.00 !io.oo -o- -o- 40.00 -0- -0- ! 40.00 -.0- -0- 40.00 -0- -0- ~ 5.00 iOaCO~O -0-~ i -o- - - L _15o.o_o %G COL~O~TH'S ATTY. 102 Comp. o£ !Atty. ~,200.00 4,200.00 4,200.00 4,200.00 lll Doctors' ~Fees _50.00 -0- __50.00 _50.00 TOTAL ___.~.25__0.00 _.4~_2_00. O0 .... ~,0.00 ..4_~0. O0 6A POLICING & INWESTIGATING 102 Comp. o£ ~Sheriff 106 Comp. of Deputies W. A. Smith 2100.00 W. S. Cook 1980.00 T. W. Wolfe 1980.OO w. c. Dou la 198o.oo 212 Ins.P.% ~e..iSurety Bonds 218 Tel. & ~el~ 220 Nileage 220t Traveling Expenses . ~ 319 Stat~one ry 325 Uniforms 399 ~iscellaneous 400 Auto. ~hase 400-1 Auto ~intenance 400-2 Auto N~intenance 400-3 Amto ~int~nce 400-4 Auto N~int~ce 405 Office Equipment 499 Police Equi~ent ~T~ 60 CA~ OF P~SONE~ 102 Comp. of ?allot 106 Comp. of ~Cook lll Doctors 218 Tel. & T~l. 301 B~dding ~lO Fo~ Supplies ~1 Fuel -0- -O- -0- -0- -0- -0- 3,636.00 3,636.00 3,638.00 3,636.00 6,756.00 5,790.00 55.00 45.00 100.00 76.33 50.00 I1.65 50.00 58.41 50.00 46.88 200.00 180.62 25.00 -0- 400.00 395.87 400.00 324.08 500.00 481.30 400.00 289.56 10.00 -0- ~9.oo Y 12 .682._00 7,384.00 50.00 100. O0 5O.OO 100.00 25.OO 200.00 25.00 8,040.00 50. CO 100.00 50.CO 100. O0 50.00 200. O0 15.00 1,200.00 1,200.OO 400.00 250.00 400.00 250.00 500.00 300.00 400.00 300.00 !0.00 10.00 to~-__ 50.00 50.00 ll_~35.70 1~. 5_2_0.00 __1/,~601 .-~0 656.00 --0-- --0-- --0-- 2~00 '0-- --0-- --0-- 15o.o01 15o.oG 200. O0 1oo.o01 -90- '"0-- 610.0G -0- 681.O0 4,200.00 50.00 4,250.00 3,636.00 8.040. O0 50.00 1 O0. O0 50.00 ]_ 100.00 50.00 200.00 15.00 1,200.00 250.00 2~0.00 3OO.OO 3OO,OO 10.00 50..00 14,601. O0 1,320.00 1,320.00 1,488.00 1,560.00 72.00 288.00 288.00 288.00 300.00 12.00 25.00 16.50 100.00 75.00 -O- 50.00 4 5.30 50.00 50.00 -0- -0- 48.14 50.00 50.00 -0- 1,000.00 930.23 1,000.00 1,500.00 500.00 100.00 22 .11 50.00 30.00 -0- -0- 25.0( 20.00 1,560.00 300.00 75.00 50.00 50.00 1,500.00 30.00 No. of Functo TITLE OF FU1 399 Miscellaneous TOTAL 7 FIRE PREVENTION 116 Comp. of Chief 208 Forest Fire TOT~& 8B PUBLIC ASSISTANC1 100 Comp. of Bd. Men 102 Comp. of Supt. 109 Comp. of Assist~ Anne H. Loving Sarah H. Ashhurn Roselle Faulconer Anne C. Lightner Esther F. Bull Jo. Armentr out Extra Help 212 ins.. Pre.-Suret 218 Tel & Tel. 220 Nileage 319 Stationery 320 Text Books 399 ~iis~ellaneous 405 Office Equipmen' 999 Tramsfer to V.P TOTAL 80 COUNTY ASS ISTANC] 701 Univ. Hospital 70lA Care T.B. Pati~ 70lB St. Annes' Pre 702 Alb. Community 704 District Home 705 Widow's Pensior. TOTAL 8D LUNACY CO~ISSGOi 124 Comp. of Member TOTAL 9 PUBLIC HEALTH 1!1 Negro Dentist 138 Reg. of Vital 150 Lab. Service 229 Approp. Joint TOTAL 11 AGD. & HOME EC. 109 Comp. of Steno. 114 Farm Demonstrat T. O. Scott 192 H. ~. Brumback 144 C. G. Greet 72 ll8 Home Demonstrat Mrs. Ruth Huff 1~2 Lucy'T. Johnson ll4 218 Tel. & Tel. 319 Miscellaneous 405 Office E~uipmen TOTAL 13 ELECTIONS 112 Election Offic~ 214 Rent 222 Voting List 319 Stationery 399 Niscellaneous TOTAL 14 BLDGS. & GROUND~ 19 Capital Outlay 119 .Comp. of Janitc 207 Electric Curre~ 210 Ins, Pre. - Fi~ 215 Repairs 223 ~ater SerVice 306 Cleaning ~ater~ 311 Fuel 399 Niscellaneous 403 Furniture & Fi~ TOTAL ENDED JU_ ~ NE 3~9, 1946 Appropriation Expenditure ~TION Year E~ing Proposed Increase Over Decrease Underi Allowed Jun~ 30, 1947 Expenditure Year Ending Year Ending By Ap~riation ~ ~ o,o__j,~.2__ 5o.oo ' _-. -~- -o- ~ '~.oo . -~o.~o ~-~ ~ 3i, 65o.oo ~rden -0- -O- Service ~2.000.QO 505.2~ . __ 2.000.00 5~5.25 , -0- 1,020;00 1,020;00 -O- li, 020.O0 1,500,00 700:00 -0- 800.00 f 700.00 l, 500.00 ~0.00 ~20.00 800.00 ~ )ers nts 2100.00 1980.00 1980.00 1740.00 1680.00 1380.00 1200.00 Bonds 400.00 383,20 2,448.00 2,~16.60 400.00 400.00 -0- -0- 2,580.00 2,940.00 360.00 -0- 9,248.00 8,697.20 10,820.00 5.00 5,00 ~..00 125.00 162.57 200.00 1,000.00 1,447.18 1,200.00 ~00.00 333.84 400.00 400.00 459.67 400.00 100.00 !~.26 100.00 100.00 128.73 100.00 ~.Fd. 63,615.00 67,639~_24___ _73 21~.00 '77.841.00 81,688.~9__8___~.00 ats 'entorium d, 12,060.00 1,240.00 -O- 5. OO -0- -0- 180.00 - 0- 20.00 1,500.00 3 00.00 -0- 400.00 -0- -0- 400.00 -0- -0- 50.00 -0- 50.00 lO0.O0 -0- -0- 96,100.00 22_~890.00 - O- ~_iij/~.oo ~o.oo 7o.oo 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500..00 1,080.00 900.45 1,080.00 200.00 -0- 200.00 '1~$00.00 2,400.00 1,200.00 3,000.00 3,635.50 3,500.00 l,lO0.09 %,,.9oo.oo .... 1,1oo.oo 8,080.00 __~.00 .8,580.00 1,500.00 - 0- 1,080.00 -0- 2O0.O0 -0- 1,200.00 -0- 3,700.00 200.00 700.00 -0- 8,380.00 -0- &oo.oo 200.00 400.OO 400.00 ,760.00 860.00 5.00 180.00 ,500.00 400.O0 4oo.oo 5o.00 100.oo 9~,1oo.o0 11~,75~.00 500.O0 080.00 200.00 200.00 700.00 700.00 ~8o..oo 5oo.oo oo~,oo___~_~, ~_Z~__~ 500.00 500.0 ~00.00 -0- >00.00 -0- -0- 250.00 -O- 250.00 250.00 ,atistics 150.00 139.00 150.00 150.00 1,800.00 1,800.00 1,80Q.00 -O- ~alth___~500.O0 1_~3600.00 ~17~000.00 1__~7000.00 ___!d~7o__o.oo ~_!Lj~3o ~q~.oo ~_L_4oo.oo -0- -0- 1,800~00 1,800.00 1,020.00 i~G~O'.O0 1,080.00 1,200.00 ~rs ~ ).00 ).00 ).00 3,720.00 3,720.00 4,080.00 4,080.00 )rs: ).00 ).00 2,200.00 2,005.51 2,320.00 2,460.00 125.00 98.37 125.00 125.00 50.00 34.50 50.00 50..00 100.00 1.3~5 200.00 10_0~00 ~ 2%~TOq _ _ 6_~87~5~.0q 80!5,0Q 120.00 !A140.00 7~0- 260. O0 -0- -0- 1__ _ ~__~00;: 100.00 5oo.0. O 2 50.O0 150.00 .~000.00 ~,200.00 ,080.00 ~,460.00 125.00 50.00 100.00 iS 3,500.00 4,448.80 3,000.00 4,000.00 75.00 127.50 125.00 125.00 50~00 ll. O0 50.00 50.00 100.00 162.50 t50.00 150.00 1_5.00 _ 131.95. ~15.00 ,1_.5.00 ..... 3 7~.0.00 ~_ ' 881.7~ ~ 3.,..2~0.00 1,000.00 --0-- 4.34q. 00_ _ 1. 000. O0 . 5oo.oo -o- 5o6.oo 2oo.oo , Helper 1,860.00 1,714.42 2,040.00 2,220.00 1,500.00 1,260.92 1,500.00 1,400.00 250.00 51.05 2 250.00 250.00 2,000.00 682.16 4,000.00 2,500.00 300.00 323.36 300.00 325.00 Is 300.00 338.25 300.00 400.00 600.00 -0- 600.00 8o0.00 100.00 .40 100.00 50.00 bures _ 300.00 72~.00 3__0~.00 500.00 ___.~ 71o.oo L._~o.2..~_ '_ ?__r~q.oo s_,~.oo -0- -0- 180.00 25.00 100.00 200.00 -0- 200.00 300.00 100.00 --0-- 1,~00.00 -0- 50.00 ~o.oo ., 000.00 125.00 50.00 150.00 200.00 $, 220.00 i,400.00 250.00 ~., 500. O0 325.00 400.00 800.00 50.00 _500.00- 8G POOR RELIEF 703 General ~.elief 8,859.79 8,264.09 9,960.00 13,500.00 3,540.00 39,000.00 7,000.00 3,600.00 600.00 30,000~00 9 ,600.00 10,000.00 ~2~1_!_50.00 704Old~Age Assistance 29,14~.!5 29,004.65 32,000.00 705 Aid~to the Bii~ 2,456.50 2,135.50 3,000.00 706 Aid to Depende~ Child. 19,463.50 18,947.00 20,400.00 707 Regular Foster~are _ ~6'120.0~ 9[288.00 7]_850.0~ rOT,& ~[ _~__67~39. ~_. 7_~3 210.0~ -0- 1 , 500.00 -0- 39,900.00 -0- D, 600. O0 -O- '3p,O00;O0 -0- ~000.00 _..%-lqO-Oo _. 22 89q.00 TRANSFER ~NERAL FUND No. of Funct.$ITLE ~ 12 P~OTECTiON 116 Comp. of 220 Travel 317 Record Bo ~s & Tags 319 Stationery 399 Miscellan~ ~us 400-5 Auto NaJ ~tenance 501 Fowl Clai~g 502 Livestockl¢!aims 50~ Rabies T~tment 504 154 Due St4te 505 Transfer ;b Men. Fd. TOTAL 193 REVENUE ESTIMATES VIRGINIA PUBLIC ASSISTANCE FUND Year Ended Year Ended Tentative June 30, 1946 June 30, 1947 Estimat~ ~ _~stimatedL .67,~-~ 73,21o.0o ~6.10o.00 YEAR ENDING ~ Increase ~er Decrea~&e Under Allowed ~Year Ending Year ~nding By June~o~_!%~ ~ e~ Boa~d 22.890. O0 ..... i -0- $6~ 100.O0 EXPENDITU ~ ESTimATES DOG TAX FUND YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, %946 ~ Year Ending Proposed June 30, 1947 Expenditure ITEM ~tion Expanditure .... A_~_riation )F LIVESTOCK ~ND FO~S ~me WarRen 832.50 832.50 l, 320.00 420. O0 -0- -0- 200.00 500.00 180.00 126.80 150.00 150.00 5.00 -0- 5.00 5.OO 10.00 8.00 10 o00 10.00 350.00 304.63 450. O0 450.00 350.00 192.45 350.00 350 .O0 2,000.00 1,870.68 2,000.00 2,000.00 200 .O0 12. ?5 100. O0 100 .O0 900.00 857.93 900.00 900. O0 _ __!, 585.00 2,758.64 _.. __fil__5-OO 1__~1!5.00 _ 6 4_12.50 _ _f~964.38 __6_____6.~00_~. 6_~000.00 Increase Over DeQrea~e Under Allowed Year Ending Year Ending By June 30, 1947 JuRe 30, 194~ Board -0- 9~0.00 3o0.00 i~ -o- 5oo.o0 -o- '!-o- 150.00 -0- :! -0- 5.00 -0- -0- 10.00 -0- '.!~ -0- 450.00 -O- :!i -0- 350. O0 -0- ii -0- 2,000.00 -0- !i -0- 100.00 -O- ~'0- 900.00 600.00 ! -0- _ _1 ll3 · 0q 900.00 _ _~_ 6 coo;co Sale of Dog s No. of Funct. 40 FIRE PH0¢E ?ION 119 Comp. of 207 Electric O~rrent 210 Ins. Premi~a 214 Rental of Fire Hydrants 215 R~pairs 223 Water Sea, ice l · 300 Auto Tire ~; Repairs 311 Fuel I 312 Gas., Oil and =rease '399 Riscellan~us TOT~ DELINQUENT T~ 1945 1946 ' TOTAL REVENUE ~OUNT TO BE ~ISED B~ CU~a~ LEVY D~INQ~NTS C~$BASIS OF 10% ~S~SEDRATE~ OF L~V*~E ~ O~ ~nct. TITLE 3F ITE~ [ppropriation 800 ~dempti, n~of Bonds 803 Interest o~ Debt: $366,000.00 ~ 54 TO%~ SURPLUS: Value of Sem~rities ~ed P~ENUE ESTIMATES DOG TAX FUND Y~ar Ended Year Ended June 30, 1946 June 30, 1947 __~~~Estimated~ 5,7%9.50., ~,000.00 .... C~OZET FiPEDISTRICT FUND EXPENDITU~ ESTIMATES YEAR ENDING~E 30, 1946 AppDopriation Expenditure Year Ending June 30, 1947 Appropriation 60.00 60.00 60.00 10.00 2.21 30~00 100.00 90.00 100.00 462.00 462.00 462.OO 10.00 70.00 10.00 18.00 1 8.00 18.00 100.oo 86.16 lOO.OO 25.00 -0- 25.00 30.00 17.90 35.00 40.00 36.75 30.00 ~E~.oo s4_~.02 870.00 Tentative increase Over Decrea Estimate Year Ending Year Jun~~4~7 __J=une 3 6,000.00 --~ -0- P~oposed Expend £ture Under Allowed inding By 1947 Board -0- 6,000.00 YEAR ENDING JUNE ~0, i94 Increase Over Decrease Under Year Ending Year Ending June 3_0_,_ 1_~_47- June 36. 1947 Allowed" By Board ~t34,287.69 68,000.00 HEVENUE ESTimATES 60.00 20.00 tDO.O0 ~62.00 3O.OO 18.00 !00.00 25.00 35.00 ,_ 30.00 880.00 -O- -0- 60. OO -0- ~%00 20.00 -o- ,,i- - lOO.OO -0- :-0- 462.00 20.00 !-0- 30.00 -o- ii[o, 18.oo -o- io- ~oo.,oo - O- ,i'0- 25.00 -0- 1-0- 35 · O0 20. O0 !0.00 880.00 Cash CU RP:~NT TAXE~ Charlottesvi] Ivy District Rivanna Dist~ Samuel Mille Scottsville ~hite Hall D To be finance TOTAL Year Ended June 30, 1946 Year Ended June 30,~1947 ~Estimated] Tentative Estimate Increase Over Decreasei~Under Allowed Year Ending Year Ending By June 30 19~ June ~~ard ;3.oR 2o.~ 25.oo lo.oo -o- !5.oo , ~ .00 25 .OO -e- i0.00 60.00 ~35.00 -0- .T ~5.00 845.00 93.00 938.00 937,613. O0 .lO 10.00 ~5,00 Expenditure ~OAD DEBT FUND EXPEndiTUrE ESTINETES Year Ending June 30, 1947 r~Proposed App~:O~r'f~ion Expenditure .... ,_! ./f ., ~ ~ 499,~21.36 317,167.69 __38,300.00 18_m~300.00 5_37 821.6 _335 ~7.69 Increase Over Year Ending June -0- 182,35 -0- 202 ~ENUE ESTIMATES Year Ending June 30, 1947 (Estimated) Tentative Estimate June 30 lz~947 _ _ Increase Over Year Ending June~O~ Decreas~i~ Under Allowed Year ~ding By 1947 Board .67 317,167.69 .1~ District 2,706,868.00 @.20 1,573,251.00 @ ,20 'i~t 2,745.677.00 @ .80 ' District R,790,394.00 @ .95 ,i~trict 2,987,702.00 ~1.05 strict 1,640,829.00 @ .40 diby Temporary Loan from Gen. Fd. 554,024 · 27 5,382.02 8,573.61 22,921.68 26,123.30 30,064.75 13,052.72 --O-- 20;!. 2,~'7. ' '?. 202,287.69 659_ 142.35 _ 3 : 67.69~ -o- 351,73 5,413.73 3,146.50 21,965.84 26,508.74 31,371.87 6,563.32 ~_s~o.oo 31.71 ~.t6 385 1,307.12 3s_i~!~o.oo _3_9,978.43 5,42' 6,48~ 363,65] {.58 202,287.69~ O- 5,413.73 ~.11 3,146.50 0- 21,965.84 - 26,508.74 O- 31,371.87 .40 6,563.32 - 38,210.00 .09 '33~'/,67&9 STATE FUNDS General Appropriati¢ Supervis ion Vocational Education Special Education Supt. ' s Salary Principal's SAlaries Transportation COUNTY FUNDS Delinquent Taxes (19 Delinquent Taxes (19 Cash .Appropriation OTHEE FUNDS Dawson Fund Tuition-Other Divis.~ Tuition-Private Souz Sale of Supplies Sale of Real Es~a~ Rents, ~ebates & Mit Gasoline Tax Refund Jean's Fund Textbooks Surplus Total Ravenue other COUNTY TAXES TOTAL A~OUNT TO BE P~ISED Delinquents on Basis Leyy Required Assessed Valuation Rate of Levy TITLE OF FUNC .~O. of TITLE OF ?unc t. ITEM 17A ADNINIST RATION-S [00 Comp. of Members [01 Comp. of Clsrk 102 Comp. of Supt. /02a Comp. of Asst. t35 C~omp. of Secret~ ~06 Bues & Suhscripl ~09 Expreaa etc. ~15 Repairs to Equi~ ~18 Postage., Tele.&~ ~20a Traveling Expe~ ~20b Traveling Exp. ~20c " ", As ~99 Other Expenses $19 Office Supplies $26 Census, Surveys~ ~05 Office Equipment ~OTAL .TB INSTF~ICTiON .TB1 Day,School Com' 33-1a Head Te~.EI~ .33-1b " " EI~ · 33-1c " " .~-ld " " .33-3a P~in. Elem.W. .33-3b Prin. Elem.W.] 33-3c Prin.Elem.N2 .33-3d Prin. Elem. N.] .34-1a Teach.-Elem.~ .34-1b Teach.Elem.W .34-1c Teach.Elem. N .34'1d Teach. Elem.N Teach .Sec .Sec .W.] .Sec .N.i .Sec.N.~ .Voc.W.~ .Voc .W 34-3c Teach.Voc.N.~ 34-3d Teach.Voc.N.~ 35-a Sup. N.M. ~5-b Sup.W.F. 35-c Sup. N.M. 35-d Sup. N.F. 'OTAL 7B INSTRUCTION q~2 Evensning, etc 34e Special and Ad' 34f Substitute 05 Other Exp.&inst~ OTAL .6) [5) )ns :ellaneous ~han sc oo FUND P~VEN~ ESTIMATES Year Ended (Estimated.) June 30, 1946 Year Ending .~ctu_ ~)_ _~1947 Tentative Estimate 172,200.00 183,706.00 228,916.00 5,986.73 5,900.00 7,070.00 9,921.69 9,000.00 15,120.00 299.26 300.00 300.00 1,~70.66 1,476.00 1,956.00 1,722.00 1,732.00 3,940.00 7,624.00 -0- -O- 3,549'.55 3,000.00 4,000.00 7~7.53 1,000.00 t,000.00 -0- 25,250.00 15,000.00 977.50 9,35.00 935.00 528.95 200.00 200.00 666.00 200.00 300.00 581.~0 t00.00 300.00 4,958.00 500.00 700.00 706.00 3,200.00 5,248.77 1,468.41 1,900.00 1,800.00 -~- 100.00 100.O0 12,514.92 $,000.00 12,000.00 --0-- .6. z~, .o6 .~oo.o0~ Current Taxes282,856.66 280,499.00 298,885.77 432,Q12.~5 _ -~t42 .~ 57~ 8~1.00 3Y CURP~NT LEVY 273,005.23 of 10% 30,333.91 303,339.14 14,444,721.00 2.10 ~iON ~o_n_~nditure EXPEND!TU~ ESTIMATES Increase Over Decrease Nnder Year Ending Year~:~Ending I Final ~J~e_~ ~. Estimate 45,210.00 -0- ~,170.00 -0- 6,120.00 -0- -0- -o' 480.00 -0- 2,208.00 -0- -0- -0- 1,000.00 -0- -0- -0- -0- 10~250.00 228,916.00 7,070.00 15,120.00 300.00 1,956.00 3,940.00 -0- 4,000.00 1,000.00 15,000.O0 -o- -o- $35.oo -0- -O- 200.00 - 0-~ 300.00 200.00 - - : 300.00 200.00 700.00 2,048.77 5,248.77 -0-~ !00.00~ 1,800,00 -0- -0- 100.00 3,000.00 -0- 12,000.00 _ -0- _ _. 733~000,0~ -0- 61,736.77 43,350.00 298,885.77 L32.o8o.8 -o- 193 s17.66 Year Ending June 30, 1947 Proposed Appropriation Expenditure ]HOOLBOAiD 1,200.O0 l~030.DO 1,200.00 1,440.00 -0- -0, -0- -0- 4,800.00 4,800.00 4,8.00.00 6,000.00 ~upt. -0- -0- 2,$00.00 4,600.00 ~y etc.2,000.O0 2~6!2.50 2,676.00 3,240.00 [OhS 6.00 6.00 6.00 24.00 -O- -0- -0- -O- nent 50.00 19.95 50. 00 50.00 ~l. 300.00 266.00 300.00 325.00 ~es 200.00 139.60 200.00 200.00 ~upt. 400.00 216.27 &O0.00 ~00.00 ~.Supt. -0- -0- 300.00 -0- . -0- -0- 1,190.00 534.78 1,190.00 etc. -O- 162.00 -0- !~0.00 98.39 200.00 ~ 10~.~6.O0 __~_.885.49 . 13 7~.00 Increase Over Decrease Under Year Ending Year Ehding J~June 301z_~_~_ 240.00 -0- -0- -0- !~200.00 -0- 2,200.00 -0- 564.oo -o- 18.00 -0- -0- -0- 25.00 -O- -O- -0- Allowed By Board 400.00 100.00 -0- 150.00 150.00 - O- 150.00 1,175.00 -0- 15.0q 1,175.00 -o- -o- -o-t -o- 270.00 , 70.00 -0-I 270.00 1,440.00 6,000.00 4,600.00 3,240.00 24.00 --0-- 50.00 325.00~ 200.00 400.00 ~00,.00 ~hite, N.-Negro, F.-Femate,~ M.-Male) m.w.N. -0- -O- m.W.F.13,000.O0 12,474.77 N.M. '0- -O- NoF. 5,000.00 4,835.49 . 18,630.00 22,187.00 . -0- -0- 1,575.00 1,752.50 1,755.00 2,460.00 M. -0- -0- . 91,832.00 106,540.47 ~. -0- -O- i. 29,605.00 36,631.12 2,835.00 6,179.19 28,420.00 25,654.99 1,215.00 -0- 5,490.00 6,018.11 . 7,880.00 7,592.91 6,900.00 6,874.66 1,620.00 1,669.Z~ -0~ -0- 4,300.00 4,431.58 4,117.00 4,641.49 -0- -0- ._.__.~7~5.oo _ 1.9oo.oo ~9.mO0 ~5%,~43~.~... -0- 2,500.00 1~896000 16,385.00 -0- -0- 6,~90.50 8,750.00 23,750.00 26,885.00 1,995.50 2,500.00 2,720.00 3,600.00 -0- 2,400.00 131,760.00 156,550.00 1,672.50 2,100.00 44,573.50 58,100.00 6,927.00 30,100.00 37,~66.50 36,950.00 400.00 4,400.00 9,131.00 10,200.00 9,530.00 13,200.00 8,771.50 11,650.00 1,880.00 2,000.00 -O- -0- 4,871.81 5,850.00 4,888.76 5,200100 __4koo.oo 2_ oo.oo 314.417.57~720.00 2,500.00 -0- 2,500.00 796.00 -0- 16,385.00 -0- -0- -0- 2,259.50 -0- 8,750.00 3,135.00 -0- 26,885.00 -0- -0- -0- 504.50 -0- 2,500.00 880.00 -0- 3,600.00 2,400.00 -0- 2,400.00 24,790.00 -0- 156,550.00 427.50 -0- 2,100.00 13,526.50 -0- 58,100.00 23,173.00 -0- 30,100.00 -0- 416.5( 36,950.00 4,000.00 -0- 4,400.00 1,069.00 -0- 10,200.00 3,670.00 - O- 13,200.00 2,8?8.50 -0- 11,650.00 120.00 -0- 2,000.00 -0- -0- -0-' 978.19 -0- 5,850.00 311.24 -0- 4,888.76 -0- -0- -0- 300.00 -o- 2,&O0.OO _ s? Lt 360.00 4,128.88 360.00 360.00 hers 1,000.00 994.50 1,000.00 1,500.00 uction -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 500.00 -0- -0- -0- __1.360.00 5,123.~8 1,360.00 500.00 -0- 360.O0 1,5o0.00 1,860__ O0 __YEAR END~..~~946 No. Appropriation Expenditure 'Year Ending of June 30, 1947 Proposed Funct. TITLE OF FUNCTON~ ~ppropriation Expenditure ~B INSTRNOT!ON 1763 Other instructional Costs. 109.Comp. of Clerk to Prin. -0- -0- -0- 1,200.00 220a ~rav.Exp.7oc.Teach.W. 700.00 375.95 700.00 1,000.00 220b Trav. Exp. roc.Teach. N. 250.00 20.55 250.00 250.00 220c Trav.Exp. Iome Ec.Teach. 600.00 178.20 600.00 600.00 220d Trav.Exp. 3up. W. 900.00 f[565.37 900.00 900.00 220e Trav. Exp.;up.N. 300.00 260.90 300.00 300.00 221 Tuition Pd other Div. 4,500.00 4,405.48 4,500.00 5,000.00 305 Gen. Suppl es 2,250.00 1,178.60 2,000.00 2,150.00 313 Laboratory Supplies 500.00 295.19 ~00.00 750.00 314 Library Su )plies 1,675.00 1,062.99 1,600.00 1,600.00 315 Manual Training Sup. -0- -0- -O- -0- 320 Textbooks ~urnished Free -0- - O- -0- -0- 322 Voc. Training Supplies 550.00 459.54 600.00 900.00 399 Other inst~uc_ ~ional Costs -0- -0- 150.00 300.00 . 12,225.00 8.,82~.7~ - ~,~00.00 14,9~0.00 TOTAL ,. . 17C CO-ORDINATE ACTIVITIES 129 Compulsor~iAttendance 1,150.00 1,214.00 199 Other ComOrdinate A~tiv.- -0- -O- 220 Trav.ExP.Attend.Officer 600.00__ 608. ~ ~.85 TOTAL~ ~1,7~0,_00 1.823.85 YEAR ENDING JUNE 30__q~1948 I Year Ending Year~En~ing By ~ J=D~~_7Y_ JuDe 30,~ Boar~d ~ 1,200.00 -0- 1,200.00 300.00 ?-0- 1,000.00 :'.~0-:.. -0- 250.00 -0- -0- 600.00 -0- -0- 900.80 -O- -O- 300.00 500.00 .!~-0- 5,000.00 150.00 -0- 2,150.00 250.00 -0- ?50.00 -0- -O- 1,600.00 -0- ' -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 300.00 -0- 900.00 1_5o.oo -o- 3oq.,po 2,850i00.. ~ . !:.-0- ...14,950.00 1,147.00 '0- 600.CO 1.7A7.00 17D AUXtLIA~ AGELNCIES 17dl TransportAtion of Pupils 123 Comp. of M~chanics 5,2~0.00 5,245.49 $,200.00 136 Comp. of T~uck Drivers12,375.00 10,764.59 12,375.00 210 Fire Insurance-Buses -O- -0- -0- 211 Liab. Ins~I- Buses 1,300.00 8~5.03 1,300.00 ~18 Telephone Service 85.00 68.05 8 5.00 219 Transportation by Contr~500.00 252.00 1,000.O0 300 Repairs, Tires, etc. 15,OO0.00 13,746.86 16,000.O0 312 Gasoline ~c. ~_500.00 7.375.91 1,240.00 93.00 -0 - -O- 6Qp.90 ....... -0- 1,840.00 .... 93,00 7,296.00 2,096.00 17,955.00 5,580.00 -0- -0- 1,300~00 -0- 85.OO -O- 1,000.00 -0- 21,200.00 5,200.00 _ 8,~5oq.oo .__!,8_5oo.oo ;I -O- 1,240. O0 -0- 600.0 -0- 7,296.00 -0- 17,955.00 i~-0- -0- ?-0- 1,300.00 .-0- 85.00 1,000.00 TOT~£ ~980.00 _ 8~. 44.460.00 . ~7,336.00 17D2 AUXILIA~ ~AGENCIES 400 M;eplacememt of Bus: ps . -O- TOTAL 2 -0- -0- __ 30_009.00 6-0Q9.oo. 30,O00~O0~aO00.O0 _ _ _12,876.00 -0- -0- 17D3 OTHER A~-~ILmlA~ AGENCIES 298 Community Activ.&Commenc.lO0.O0 299 Dist. of Textbooks lO0.O0 ~:299b Other Aural. Agencies -0- ~ ~-310 Cafeteriasl -O- J1327 Textbooks ~or Bes~le 7,500.00 i!''TOTAL i ~700.0~ 69 o 80 150.00 150.00 73 . 13 100.O0 100.00 -0- -0- -0-9 -0- -0- -0- · .9.%poo ,oo 12 9oo.oo 2 .9o .oo -0- ~ -0- 150.00 -O- -0- 100.00' -0- ~ -0- -O- -0- -0- -0- ~00 ~i . 12 ooo.oo oo E7E10PE~TIONiOF SCHOOL PLANT 105 Recordingi~f Documents 35.00 ll9 Comp. of J~nitors 5,400.00 123 Comp. of others 2,000.00 207 Light and Power 1,300.00 218 Tel. Service 50.00 223 Water Service 600.00 300 Tires etc. 150.00 306 Janitors S~pplies 2,000.00 311 Fuel 6,500.00 312 Gasoline etc. 200.00 323 Nells 1,O00oO0 399 Other Expenses 500.00 ~0- 5,077.40 2,791.73 1,084.28 47.3~ 412.43 275.76 1,744.86 5,096.25 491.61 284.15 35.00 35.00 6,520.00 7,802.00 2,500.00 3,910.00 i,~00.00 1,600.00 65.77 28O.OO 600.00 600.00 200.00 250.00 2,000.00 3,000.00 6,500.00 6,'500.00 300.00 300.00 !,000.00 1,000.00 500.00 500.00 -0- 1,282.O0 1,~10.00 200.00 215.23 50,00 1,000.00 --0-- --0- 400 Replacement of SeT.Tr. ~.00 -0- -0- 12~0G. 00 TOTAL : 20 6. .too 1_?-.3q5.7_1.' 21.a. .6zg.7726j9_.7.7.00 17E2 MAINTENANQE OF SCHOOL PLANT 2!5a P~pair of ~ldgs.etc. 6,000.00 4,811.27 8,000.00 10,459.O0 215b ",Furnlbure~ & Equip.l,500.O0 1,323.44 1,500.00 2,000.00 215d Repair, Floors 300.00 12.75 2,800.00 3,000.00 399 Other Expenses -O- -O- -0- -0- TOTAL % 7_~8q0.0_ 0 . _ 6,1~7~.6~ _ 12 3~0,00 t.~51459.00 ----~-~! 20Q tO0 , .. 2,459.O0 500, O0 200.00 --0-- 3,159.00. 17F FIXED CHA~ES 210 Fire ins. 2,000.00 1,5/%.14 2,000.00 2,500.00 211 Liability Ihs. -O- -0- -0- -0- 213~ Workmen's Ciomp. Inc. 10.O0 lO .?l 15.00 ~O- 214 Rent -0- -O- -0- ~5.00 299 Other Chars~_ -0- -0- -O- 100.00 TOT~ __20_~10,00 1,554.~ 2,0!5.00 2,~5._00 500.00 95.00 100.00 -0- 35.00 -0- 7,802~00 -O- 3,910~00 -0- 1,600.00 -0- 280,00 -0- 6O0.00 -0- 250.00 -0- 3,000.00 -0- 6,500.00 -0- 300.00 -0- 1~000.00 -0- 500,00 -0-. ....2_6,97?_ .OQ -0- 10,459.00 -0- 2,000.00 -0- 3,000.00 f -0- 15.459.00 -0- 2,500.00 -0- -O- i5.00 -0- -o- 95.00 i~-O- 100.00 1~ C~ITAL OUTLAY ~205 Architect~Fees -0- -0- -0- -O- !~i'300 Voc. Equipment 400.00 -O- 2,400.00 4,530.00 ill~400a New Schoo~ Buses .O0 15,000 10,059.55 5,000.00 -O- j!?i~03 Equip. for B~dgs. 600.OO 628,28 1,400,O0 4,200.00 ~600a Purchase o~ Land -0- -0- -0- -O- 600b Imp~ovememt to Sites 200.00 -0- 1,500.00 500.00 60la New Bnildings -O- -O- -0- -O- 60!b Alterations of Bldgs. 6,000.00 6,046.00 10,500.00 -0- 699 Other Capital Outt_~ -0- -0- -0- -O- TOTAL 6-L_ _ 22,200_a. 00 ~ 20_..,_800.00 _~0.00 -0- 2,130.00 -- 2,800.00 --0-- --0-- -0- 4,530.00 5, OOO.O0 -0- ;~ .O_ 4,200.00 -0- -O- 1,0bO.00 500.00 10,500.00 -0- 16,~qbO.O0 -~9,230.00 No · of Funct. TITLE OF FUN( 20 DEBT SERVICE 800a Payment of Bor 800b Payment to Sin] SO1 Payment to Lite~ 803 Interest on Bon( 804 Interest on Lit~ TOTAL GRAND TOTALS Broadus Wood High S¢ Crozet Greenwood NcIntire Neriwether Lewis P~d Hill Scot~sville Albemarle Training TOTAL ~at. Bk. & Tr. Co. ?eoples Bank ~iteraryFd. of Va. ~OT.~L ApPropriation Expenditure year Ending Pooposed June 30, 1947 Expenditure .rlON ..... -._~r :_--'_..; ' _ _ . increase Over Becrease ~ Year Ending Year Endi nder Allowed ~g By s -0- -0- -0- -0- -O- lng Fd. -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- ~ry Fd.2,325.00 2,325.00 2,325.00 2,325.00 '~ ~ ~'~';0;;'~ -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- ~1,590 ?0_~0 . ! 0_60_.0Q_ . 1.~..020.OO : 975.Q0 _ _ -0-~ 3,91~,00 ~385,00 - .... 0 MCINTIRE T/~ST FUND ~ool 300.00 240.58 307.14 314.28 300.00 308.67 307.14 314.28 300.00 315.54 307.14 314.28 300.00 386.84 300.00 300.00 300.00 286.86 307.t4 314.29 300.00 206.53 307.14 314.29 300.00 321.85 307.15 314,29 ~~300.00 !38.-9_ 3 .... 3. ~7.1_~5~.~__ _.,.4oo.oo K,_g0_3.8o K.,_45o.oo 5oo.oo REVENUE ESTIMATES MCtNTIRE TP~STFD. Year Ended June 30, 1946 _ (~ctual). 1,151.00 1,057.78 Year Ending June 30, 1947 Tentative ~Estimated~ EStimate 1,100.00 1,200.00 1,050.00 1,000.00 30O,OQ 7.14 7.17 7.14 --0~ · 7 .15 7.15 7,14 7.t4_ O0 37 _ _ Increase Over Decrease Under Year Endin$ Year Ending 100.00 -0- -0- 50.00 Ls.oo -o- -0- 2,325.00 ___2 oo.oo -0- 31~.28 314.28 314.28 300.00 314 · 29 314.29 314 · 29 --0~,~1 j,2,500'0~ Final Eslimate 1,200 .~-~ 1,000.( 0 375.( 0_ __- 2,583.7~~0.00~=~.2~_575~Q0 _ _175.0_ .__0__. ..... 50.00 ., -_ _. ~;.575.( In connection with the adoption of the School Board, the following reso!utiSn was unanimously adopted upon motion made by.Er. McCue and seconded by ~r. Bruce: BE IT ~S©LVED that in adopting the SChool Bodget, the Board of County Supervisors deplores the use of funds by the School Board in providing salaries for a maid or for a secretary or clerk for principals, especially in view of the need for new buses and increased appropriation for teacher~ and principals' salaries. The Board proceeded to lay the County Levies for the Year 1947 and ordered that the Director of Finance of the County of Albemarle assess and collect on all taxable rea~ estate and all taxable tangible personal property, including machinery and tools not assessed as real estate at the general reassessment of lands in 1925, used or employed in a manufacturin or mining business taxable by the State on Capital; including public service corporation property (except the rolling stock of railrozds operating by steam), based upon the assessment fixed by the State Corporation Comm~ission and certified by it to the Board of County Supervisors both as to location and valuation. For General County Purposes, Twenty-five Cents ($0.25) on every One Hundred Dollars worth of said property. For Operation of School purposes and School Debt purposes, Two Dollars and Ten Cents, ($2.10) on every One Hundred Dollars worth of said property. For interest and Sinking Fund for District Road Bonds, the Director of Finance shall levy and collect on all of said property as follows to-wit: (1) In the Charlottesville District Twenty Cents (~.20) on every One Hundred Dollars worth of said property. (2) In the ivy District Twenty Cents (~.20) on every One Hundred Dollars worth of said property. (3) In the Rivanna District Eighty Cents, ($0.80) on every One Hundred Dollars worth of said property. (4) In the Samuel ~ilier District Ninety-five Cents ($0.95) on every One Hm~dred Dollars worth of said property. (5) In the Scottsville District One Dollar and Five cents (~1.05) on every One Hundred Dollars worth of said property. (6) In the White Hali~District Forty Cents ($0.40) on every One Hundred Dollars worth of said property. 197 Upon motion, made by Mr. ~cCue and seconded by Mr. Bruce the following resolution was unanimously adopted: BE iT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that $500.O0 be and is hereby appropriated for. leg~a.~l services in connection with school condemnation proceedings. Upon motion, the meeting adjourned. Chairman. / A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albe~marle County, Virginia,~ was held at the Office Building of said County on the 16th day of april, 19L~?. .~ Present: Messrs. P. H. Gentry~ E. J. Ba!lard, T. E. Bruce, Henry Chiles, C. Pur- cell McCue, and W. W. Wood. ~ent: None. Officers present: County Executive and Commonwealth's Attorney. Minutes of the meetings of March 19, 19L~7 and ~_pril 2, 19~7 were read and approved.!i Application having been made to the Board of County Supervisors of this County to take into the Secondary System approximately one-half of a mile of Franklin Street, it is hereby ordered that Messrs. Eugene Durrett, P. C. Minor, C. C. Duke, Harrison Waite, and Henry Bush, resident freeholders of this County, any three of whom may act, be and they are hereby appointed Viewers whose ~.uty it shall be to examine such road and report upon the 8xpediency of ~st~b~ishing the same; they shall, as soon as practible after receiving this order, proceed to make the view, and may examine other routes and locations than the one pro-~ posed, and if of the opinion that there is a necessity for establishing a public road, they shall locate the same, return a map or deagram thereof, with a report to the Board stating locations of such road, the convenience and inconvenience that will result as well as to the~ individuals as to the Public, whether the said road will be one of such mere privste con- venience as to make it proper that it should be opened, established, and k~pt in order by th~! person or persons for whose convenience it is desired, whether any yard, garden, or orchard will have to be taken; the names of the landowners on such road, which of such landowners ~hall ~equire compensation, what will b'e a just compensation to the landowners requiring compensation, for the land so taken, and for the damages of the residue of the tract~ if any,: beyond the peculiar benefits to be derived in ~esult to such residue from the road to be established; and all other facts and circ,mmstances in their opinion useful in enabling the Board to determine its expediency of establishing the road, and they shall fil~ Such report with the Clerk of this Board; In the event that some off the landowners do not require the compensation and they will execute written consent, giving the right of way in question, the said Viewers shall obtain such consent and return it with their report; Provided, however, that the Chairman of the State Highway Commission, sometimes called the State Highway Commissioner, shall forthwith be noti_eied of and made a party to these proceedings, and that he shall likewise be notified of the time and place of the meeting of the Viewers herein designated. Upon motion, made by Mr. McCue and seconded by Mr. Bruce, the Secondary System of Highways was instructed to take into the Secondary System of Highways, approximately one- half of a mile on Franklin Street~ as d~signated on map of Carlton - Deed Book 97, Page 353 into the oec ndary System in accordance with Section 2039 of the Virginia Code, provided the Viewers' report is favorable.