HomeMy WebLinkAbout1947-07-08Mr. Cockrell called the Board's attem~ion to the fact that the term of ~r. Campb~il Holt as a member of the Welfare Board would expire on June 30, 1947. Upon motion madeby Dr. Bruce and duly seconded, Mr. Campbell HOlt was reappointed for a term of three years. An off~r:of $100.00 was received from Henry J. Kinney to buy three acres of land in the Samuel Miller District. Upon motion, made by Mr. Wood and seconded by Mr. Bruce, Mr. Cockrell was_ authorized to sell this three acres of land to Henry J. Kinney. I A communication was received from Mr. W. O. Fife, Commonwealth's Attorney, requestin~ an increase of $300.00 per annum to cover the cost of the increased work required of the Commonwealth's Attorney's office, both in criminal and civil matters, and also the increased cost~ of office maintenance. Upon motion, made by Mr. T. E. Bruce and seconded by Mr. W. W. Wood, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albe- marle County, Virginia, that the request of N. 0. Fife, Commonwealth's Attorney of Albemarle County, for an increase of $300.00 per a~um in the compensation of his office, be and the same is hereby approved, and that the Compensation Board be requested to grant such increase begin- ning January 1st, 1948, the increase to be allocated to salary or ex- penses of the office, as the Compensation Board may deem proper. Communication was received from F~ed C. Kimbo and read. Claims against the County amo~nting to $~4,082.41 were p~esented, examined, and allowed and certified to the Director of Finance for payment and charged against the folloE- lng funds: General Fund School Fund Dog Tax Fund Crozet Fire District Fund Commonwealth of Va. Current Credit Acct. Crozet Sanitary District Fund Dog Tax Credit Account ~ McIntire Trust Fund Road Debt FundS: RivannaDistrict Samuel Miller Histrict White Hall District $ 12,939.18 19,839.00 1, I10.78 5.40' 485.66 994.16 70.06 1,388.17 2,400.00 4,025.00 825.OO $ 44,082.41 UPon motion, the meeting adjourned. July 8, 1947. Pursuant to the following waiver, the members of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, met in special session on this date wish the following members present: Messrs. P. H. Gentry, E. J. Ballard, Henry Chiles, C. Purcell ~cCue, T. E. Bruce, and N. N. Nood. Ne, the undersigned members'of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, do h~reby waive notice and service of notice of a Special Meeting of the Boar~ of County Supervisors to b~ held at 12 o'clock noon, on the 8th day of July, 1947, ~t the Board Room, in the County Office Building, on Court Square, in the City of Charlottesville, for the purpose of receiVing:biS~,on~.the, proposa~ to~ improve the Crozet Nater System; for the purpose of passing a reso- lution concerning dog laws; and to do all other things at said meeting in and about the purposes heretofore stated that may be lawful, inci- dent and necessary thereto. Given under our hands this 8th day of July, 1947. (signed) P.H. Gentry C. Purcell ~cCue E. J. Ballard 'T. E. Bruce Bids recei~ CONTRA( 15,288 (3) 9 ' six (4) ~? Fihe (5) (6) 44 (7) 36 New (s) 3/4 'in, (9) t in. (lo) 1-1/2 (ll) 2 in Ga (12) TrenCh (1~3) 1:2:'4 Cc (14) 9 in. (15) 2 in. As Total Co The following is the Bidding Schedule of additions and improvements to the Water Supply and Distribution System for the Cro'zet Sanitary District of Albemarle County, Crozet, Virginia: edll2:00~ Noon~.. TuesR~y~ July 8t 1947 -- ~iley & Nit~on~ Consulting .En~ineerst Lynchbur~, ¥irgini~. Harman Construc- ~J'~ Pbnton, Jr. Item: ftJ 6 in. cast iron pipe imstalled per ft. 0S~ Cast iron fittings installed per lb. i~. valves w/valve boxes installed and valve boxes installed ~red services installed services transferred ~ers on existing services installed .lvaniZed iron pipe installed per ft. ) iron pipe installed per ft. ) iron pipe installed p~r ft.) iron pipe installed per ft. ~avation - unclassified per cu.~. .tS per cu. yd. rbound macadam road base per sq. yd. alt surfs~ treatment per sq. yR. Based on Estimated Quantities Work eted Certifie, Check or Bid Bond Re on Number ) Contin- ) gency. ) ) ) tioh Co., Inc. Landisville~ Pa. Unit Pric~ Total $ 2.65 $40,513.20 Virginia Unit Price Total $ 1.07 $16;358.1'6 .22 19.00 57.50 55.00 12.00 65.00 .35 .45 .50 ~.65 1.50 28.O0 3~50 1.50 1,725.90 171.00 977.50 990.O0 528.00 2,340.00 $47,245.60 .17 7.50 20. O0 t0.00 12.50 12.50 .70 .80 .90 1. O0 2.00 40.00 3.50 3.00 1,33~.65 '67.50 340.00 180.00 5 o.oo 450.~00 279.31 90 days 120 days $2,400.00 833 $1,500.Bond ~ Langley Con~tr~ tion 8o., Hampi .Virginia__ Unit Price Total $ 1.37 $20,944. ~6 1,255. 10.00 90.~ 25.00 425.~ 25.00 450.~ 2O.OO 880.( 20.00 ~720.~ ~25 .30 .50 .75 1.50 35.00 4.00 3.50 $24,764.'7 210 days $2,000.Bom 63~ Part II CONTRACT( (1) 15,288 ft (2) 7,845 lbs (3) 9 - Six i: (4) 17 Fire h~ (5) 18 New me' ~f above sehedute: Item: F. L. Showalter, Inc., Lynchburg, Virginia Uhit Price Total Conner & Wadiu Roanoke, Virginia Unit Price Total 6 in. Cast iron pipe installed per ft. Cast iron fittings installed per lb. · valves w/valve boxes installed · drants w/valves and valve boxes installed ered services installed $ 1.20 $18,345.60 $ 1.75 $26,754.00 · 15 1,176.75 .25 1,961.25 12.OO 108.00 30.00 270.00 37.00 629.00 90.00 11,530.O0 16.00 288.00 ~9.00 702.00 (6) ~44Existi~ g serviceE transferred (7) 36 New me,ers on exisging services installed (8) 3/4 in. G~lvanized iron pipe installed per ft. (9) 1 in. Gal~Ianized iron pipe installed per ft. ) ~'~(lO! 1-1/2 in.~Galvanized imon pipe installed per ft.) ~(ll~ 2 in. Gal~Rnized iron pipe installed per ft. ) Contin- i/(12) Trench excavation - unclassified per cu. yd. ) gency. '~1(i3) 1:2:4 Concrete per cu. yd. ) ?i14) 9 in. Nat~rbound macadam ro~d base per sq. yd. (15) 2 in. AsDi Total cos~ P~ork Comp] Certified Re_gistrat~ alt surface treatment per sq. yd. Based on Estimated Quantities ~ted ~heck or Bid Bond ~nNumber 21.O0 20.00 .30 .36 .60 .80 3.00 40.00 3.50 2.00 924.00 29.00 1,276.00 720. OO 18. O0 648. O0 .75 1.00 1.50 2.00 ® 4.00 52. O0 9.00 4.75 $22,191.35 $33,141.25 120 days 70 days $1,125. check $1,800.Bond 21 853 Upon motion by Mr. W. W. Wood and seconded by r~M. E. J. Ballard contract for work for improvement to the Crozet Sanitary District was awarded to M. S. Hudgins Company of Rca- noke, Virginia, and the Chairman of the Board was authorized to execute the contract. The contract was awarded to M. S. Hudgins Company of Roanoke, the second lowest bidder because of the fact that the representative of the lowest'bidder was unable to state ~hen the work could be begun and when completed, while M. S. Hudgins stated that he could Lmmediately begin the work and complete it within one hundred days. Furthermore, time of ~ompAet~on was the most impo~tant factor to the Cro~et Sanitary District, upon the recom- nendation of Wilwy and Wilson, Consulting Engineers, the contract was awarded M. S. Hudgins ]ompany as aforesaid. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, the following resolution was unanimously .dopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the Law applying to the collection of dog license fees, the enforcement of the Laws relative to licenses upon dogs, and the application of the proceeds from dog licenses should not be 8han~ed. Upon motion, the meeting adjourned. M. S. Hudgins Roanoke, Virginia Unit Price Total $ 1.23 $18,804.24 .15 1,176.75 10.O0 90.00 25.00 425.00 15.O0 270.00 13.O0 572.00 10.00 360.00 .30 .35 .43 .55 2.30 60~00 3.00 1.25 $21,697.99 100 days $'2,000Bond · ' 854 Chairman,