HomeMy WebLinkAbout1947-10-15A regular meeting of the Beard ef CemntySmpervisors~of-Al~emarleCeunty, Virginia:
was held at the Office Building of said Cou. nty--en the 15thm~y.ef October, t947.
P~esent: --MesSrs.,.P.H..Gentry, E..J. Ballard, T..E. Bruce, Henry Chiles, C. Put-
cell McCue and W. W.. W~ed.
Absen~t: None.
Officers-present: County Executive. and Sheriff.
Minutes of the meeting of September 17, 1947, were read and approved.
Mr. Ray Yowell appeared and requested that a distance of approximately .6mi. of
Route 1, near the Fluvanna Line, be taken into the Secondary System. Mr. Yowell was advisedli
that this Road would have to be viewed and viewers would be appointed at a later date.
Mr. O. R.~Eandolph appeared as chairman of the Aviation Committee of the Chamber
of Commerce, concerning a site for a proposed commercial airport. Mr. Randolph presented
the plans of the committee and requested'that the County approve the first step of these
plans which called for $15,000.00 for options and engineering. Mr. S. E. Stott, Acting
Directo~ of the C.A.A. a~so appeared concerning this matter and explained to the Board the
advantages of a Class 3 airport in Albemarle County. Mr. Gentry appointed a committee con-
-~ sisting of Mr. W. W. Wood and Mr. T. E. Bruce to work jointly with a committee from the City
Council in the study of this matter.
Mr. Julian Thomas appeared and requested that Route 708 be improved. Mr. Thomas
was advised that~this would have to be put into next year's Highway budget if approved and
that it would be taken under consideration at a later date.
Dr. John H. Russell of the State Department of Taxation appeared regarding the
ways in which the State Department could assist the County in the reassessment of real estat~
for the year 1948. Upon motion, made by Mr. Henry Chiles and seconded by Mr. C. Purcell
McCue, the following resolution was unanimously adopted:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albe-
marle County, Virginia, that the proposal of Dr. John H. Russell of.
the State Department of Taxation, to assist in the reassessment of
real estate in the County, be and is hereby approved and accepted.
A communication was presented from Wiley and Wilson concerning engineering fees in.
connection with the Crozet Water System and was ordered filed. Wiley and Wilson also pre-
sented an approved statement of M. S. Hudgins in the amount of $10,532.70, which claim was
approved for payment. ~ i~
A letter was received from Seth Burnley, City Manager, advising the the City would?~
k~ep dogs ~n the pound at the City Yard provided the County pay the City Fifty Cents ($O.50)-!
per day per dog. This communication, also advised that the Game Warden or his Deputy would
have to take the dogs to the pound and put them in the pen provided for same and would also
have to dispose of same if it became necessary.
The following report of Viewers was presented and accepted in accordance with
Section 2039 of the Virginia Code:
The undersigned, Viewers appointed by your order ma~e on
the 17th day of September, 1947, respectfully report that on the 2nd
day of October, 194~, we viewed Route 756 and reject the request for
an extension as there is quite a mileage involved and very few houses
are served. Therefore, we do not feel justified in including this
in-~he ~ecendary ~ystem.
~O¢.t~ber 2, 1947.
M. Y. Sutherland, Jr.
Ashby Adams
J. I. Maupin
The following report of Viewers was present-ed-a~ accepted in accordance, with
Section 2039. ef ~%he---¥i~gi.mia~ Code:
The undersiga-ed,-Viewers .appointed by your order made on
the l?th day of September, 1947, respec~tfully report tha't ~en the
2nd day of 0et.ober, 1947, We~viewe~ .Loc~sb G~ove~Em%ens&.on~, En~
Street, and St. Otair Avenue .and reject the a~dition of these streets
inasmuch-as this is a private development and. the persea or persons
de~eloping- same .are deriving a profit therefrom. We-feel that these
roads should be graded, surfaced, and surface treated before-the.-
Cotmty is requested to. take them into the Secondary System~
October 2, 1947. (slimed) M'. Y~$ Sutherland, Jr.
Ashby Adams
J. I. Maupin
The following report of Viewers was presented and accepted in accordance with
Section 2039 of the Virginia Code:
The undersigned, Viewers appointed by your order made on
the 17th day of September, 1947, respectfully report that on the'
2nd day of October, 1947, we viewed Route 746 and reject the re-
quest for an extension due to the fact that this extension only
serves three houses and being over a mile in length, we do not
feel that we are justified in including this in the Secondary System.
October 2, 1947. (signed) M. Y. Sutherland, Jr.
~ 1~ Ashby Adams.
J. I. Maupin
The following report of Viewers was presented and accepted in accordance with
Section 2039 of the Virginia Code:
The undersigned, Viewers appointed by your order made on
the 17th day of September, 1947, respectfully report that on the
2nd day of October, 1947, we viewed the road to the home of H. G.
Cockrell and reject the request ~.or an addition at the present time
as there is only one house on this road and it takes the status of
a private road. Therefore, we do not feel justified in including
this in the Secondary System. until additional houses are erected.
October 2, 1947.~ (sig~ed) M. Y. Sutherland, Jr,
Ashby Adams
J. I. Maupin
~ The following report of Viewers was presented and accepted in accordance with
Section 2039 of the Virginia Code--
The undersigned, Viewers appointed by your order made on
the 17th day of September, 1947, respectfully report that on the
2nd day of October, 1947, we viewed the old road from Beddows Mill
to Boonesville and recommend that inasmuch as this road is not being
used and has not been used for a number of years, that it be closed
from Mrs. Hall's barn to the creek at Beddows Mill.
October 2, 1947. (signed) M. Y. Sutherland, Jr.
Ashby Adams
J. I. Maupin
~ The~foltowing report of Viewers was p~e~ented and accepted .. i,n accordance with
Section 2039 of the-Virginia-Cede:
The undersigned, Viewers -appoin%ed by your order~ made-
the-tTth day of September, 1947, respectfully report-that.on the
2nd day of Oc%e~er, t947~ we-viewed a road. i.n Esmomt ~ea~ Purvis'
Store an~ accept this road as an addition~ te the Secondary S~stem
as this road is only One mile. in-length and.serves eight houses.
Therefore, wefeel that itshould be included.-
October 2, 1947.
M. Y. Suthertam~, Jr.
Ashby Adams
J. ~. Maupin
~he :following report of Viewers was presented an8 accepted in-accordance with
Section 2039 of the Virginia Code:
The undersigned, Viewersappointed by you~: order made on
the 17th day of September, 1947, respectfully =eport that on the
2nd day of October, 1947, we viewed the streets in the Piedmont
Subdivision and reject the addition of these streets inasmuch as
this is a private development and the person~or persons developing
same are deriving a profit therefrom. We feel that these roads should
be graded, surfaced, and surfact treated before the County is requested
to take them into the Secondary System.
October 2, 1947. (signed)
M, Y. Sutherland, Jr.
Ashby Adams
J. I. ~aupin.
The following reports were presented, .approved, and ordered filed:
(a) County Exe~..~tive.
(~ University O~Virginia Hospital.
(c) Charlottesville Public Library.
Mr. H. G. Cockrell, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses of the~!
Department of Finance for the month of September, 1947, one-third of which to be borne by
the State. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, .this Statement was ~xamined, verified, and~
Nr. H. G. Cockrell, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses of the~
Sheriff's Office for the month of September, 1947, two-thirds of ,which to be borne by the
State. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified, and
approved. ~
Mr. H. G. Cockrell, Director of FinanCe, submitted a Statement of Expenses of the.~
Commonwealth's Attorney's Office fo~ the month of September, 1947, one-half of which to be
borne by the State. Upoh motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined,
verified, and approved.
A Statement~ of Expenses~ incurred in connection with ~he maintenance of the County~l
Jail during the month of September, 1947. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this State-!i
ment was examined, verified, and approved.
A Summary Statement of prisoner days, was presented. Upon motion, duly made and
seconded, this Statement was examined, verified, and approved.
~l~im of the Virginia Conservation Commission amounting to $21.95 was presented
and approved for payment.
A Communication was received from the Department of Highways setting forth the
proposed construction for 1948 - 1949 and' was ordered filed.
Communication-was r-~leiV~d from. the- Chamber. of Commerce advising the. 1Bo~l~d e~ -the
Claims against the County amounting to~$92,889.62 were presented, examined, and
allowed and certified~'~o the Director of Finance for payment and charged against the
Annual Meeting of .theChamber of Commerce onOctober 20, 1947.
A committee ~rom the City of Charlottesville consisting of-Mayor Roscoe S. Ad~ms
and Acting Police Chief Adam-s.i andLt.. Thomas of ~ghe State-Troopers-appeared concerning the
installation of a two-way radio system in the Sheriff's c~rs. After~a discussion of this
matter, Mr. H. G. Cockrell was instructed to th~fnke C6mpany to have a survey made.
following funds:
General Fund $11,853.93
School Fund 57,464.77
Crozet~ire Dist. Fund 265.36
Crozet Sanitary Dist. Fund 22,368.15
Commonwealth of Va, Current Credit Acct~ 254.33
Dog Tax Fund ~
Upon motion, the meeting adjourned.
A regular meeting of the Board of County 'Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia~
was held at the Office Building of said County on the 19th day of November, 1947.
Present: Messrs. P. H. Gentry, E. J. Ballard, T. E. Bruce, Henry Chiles, C. Pur-
cell McCue and W. W. Wood.
Absent: None.
Officers present: County E~ecutive and Sheriff.
Minutes of the meeting of October 15, 1947, were read and approved.
Upon motion made by Mr. T. E. Bruce and seconded by ~r. Henry Chiles, the following
resolution was unanimously adopted:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisorsof Albe-
marle County, Virginia, that the State Department of Highways be and
is hereby requested to black-top approximately one mile of road in the
Meadowbrook Heights.
A revised-budget of the Welfare Department was presented and approved-and the
Chairman of this Board was authorized to eign the Budget on behalf of the Board.
The following reports ~ere presented and ordered filed:
(a) County Executive.
(b) University of Virginia Hospital.
(c) District Home Board.
(d) Library of the C~ty of Charlottesville.
(~) Virginia Conservation Commission.
(f) Joint Health Department.
Mr. H. G. Cockrell, Director of Finance, presented a Statement of Expenses of the
Department of Finance for the month of October, 1947, One-third of which to be-borne-by the
State. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified, and
Nr. H. G. Cockrell, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses of the
Sheriff's Office for the month of October, 1947, two-thirds of which to beborne by the
Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified, and ap-
mr. H. G. Cockrell, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses of the
Commonwealth's AttorneY's Office for the month of October, 1947, one-ha~ of ~hich to be.