HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-03-11SPECIAL Mr,.Henry A. Haden submitted his resignation as a member of the Albemarle County Planning Commission due to the fact that he is now a resident of the ~'~ of Charlottes- vitle. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, Mr. Haden's resigngtion was accepted. Mrs. Anne H. Loving, Supt. of the Department of Public W~Ifare, submitted a proposed budget for the Welfare Department for the year beginning July !, 1948. This budge~ was considered but no action was taken. The County Executive submitted a proposed Budget for the year beginning July 1, 1948, and a synopsis of the ~ame was ordered published according to law, and March 17, !948, at I0:O0 A.~. was fixed as the time for public hearing on same. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, it was ordered that the Chairman be re- quested to call a Special Meeting for Friday, ~arch 1~, 1948, to discuss the proposed budge~ before the public hearing at the regular meeting. ~taim~ Against:%h~ ~ohntyl,a~ou~ting,:,tg,'~86~ 45©~98~r~ ~esen%ed,~elamine~ ~,~nd a~l~sd~and ~er~ifi~d ~Oi the/~i~ct~ri~ ~in~nc~ fori pad--an%2 an~icharged~agains~ Zh~ ~o~lo~a General Fund School Fund Dog Fo/md Crozet Fire District Fund Crozet Sanitary District Fund Commonwealth of Va~ Current Credit ~12,730.86 52,589.71~ 86.45~ 26.52 4,934o14. 16,083.30 Upon motion, the meeting adjourned. March Il, 1948o Pursuant to the following w&iver,the members of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, met in special session on this date with the following mem- . . . ~ ~ Henry Chiles, C. R Dorrier, P. B. hers present: Messrs C. Purcell ~cCue~ E J Ba_laro, . Peyton, and ~ ~. Wood. We, the undersigned members of the Board of County $uoer- visors of Albemarle ~o,~nt~ hereby waive notice and service t~ereof of a Special Meeting of sRid Board to be held at ten o'clock A.M. on March !1, 1948, at the County Office Building for the purposes of considering and acting upon the resignation of Hunter G. Cockrell as County Executive and Director of Finance; 'considering the selection of his successor; considering communications from T. Coleman Andrew~ and Company~ and matters pertaining to the office of ~hunty Executive and Director of Finance; considering the School Budget and County Budget for 1948-1949, and all matters pertaining to said Budgets~ and considering an~ acting upon any and all matters to~ching the sug- gestions hereinbefore mentioned that may properly come before said meeting; and we do hereby consent to the transaction of any and all business and the taking of such action at said meeting upon the afore- said matters as may be lawful, inciRent and necessary thereto. Given under our hands this llth day of March, 1948. (Si~ned) C. Purcell ~cCue ~. Warren Wood E. J. Ba!lard P. B. Peyton C~ R. Dorrier Henry Chiles Mr. C. Purcell ~cCue presented a letter from H. G. ~ockrel! submitting his resignation as County Executive and Director of ~mnanc~ to be effective April !, 1948. Upon motion, made by Mro Henry Chiles and seconded by ~r. P. B. Peyton, ~. Cockrell's resignatien was accepted. Upon motion, made by ~r~ Henry Chiles and seconded by ~r. Eo J. Ballard, it was ordered that ~heCs~vices of T. Coleman Andrews and Company be secured to maks a turn- over audit of the accounts of the Department of Finance at the close of business on March 31, !9~. As suggested by~r. C. Purcell McCue, motion was made by ~r. E.~Jo Ballard and seconded by ~r. C. R. Dorrier~ appointing Mr. P. B. Peyton to succeed ~r. ~cCue on the ~e!fa~ Board~ ~r. H. G. Cockrell presented certai~ amendments to the proposed budget for the year b~ginning July l, 1948 and ~pen motiom, ma~e by ~r. C. R. Dorr~er and seconded by ~r. P. B. Peyton, the said amended proposed budget was ordered published according to law with regard to the proposed increase in levies and April 14~ 1948 at 10 o'clock A. ~. was £ixed as the time for ~ub!ic hearing on same. Upon motion, made by ~r. Po B. ?eyto~ and seconded by ~r. W. ~. ~ood, it was ordered that a uniform ~ate of ~2o65 vet hundred by levied in all Districts. ~r. Paul H. Cale~ Superintendent of ~choo!s, advised that the tentative cash appropriation of ~!5,000.00 for the current year would probably not be required~- ~n additio the anticipated net surplus at the end of the current year would be ~15~000.00 Upon motion, made by Mr. Henry Chiles and seconded by ~r. P. Bo Peyton, it was ordered that the following changes by made on the proposed budge~ ~e 5:. Decrease Unappropriated Reserve from ~95,000.00 to ~71,000o00 Increase Cash Appropriation to School from ~O- to ~24,00Oo00 ~ Decrease Cash Appropriation from ~39~000~OO to ~24,000.00 In.crease Surplus from -0- to ~15~O00.00 Upon motion, made by ~r. Henry Chiles and seconded by Mr. C. R. ~orrier~ it was ordere~ that the School Board be advised that the School Budget be temporarily adopted with the change that ~39~000.00 b~ appropriated from the Genera! Fund~ the carry-over of surplus from last year reducing this f~gu~e to ~24,000.00, if same or any part thereof be necessary. Upon motion made by ~ Henry Chiles and seconded by ~r. Co Ro Dorr~er, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOL~ED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albe- marle County, Virginia, that the salaries of ~rs. Luciile J. Step, eh- son and Mrs. June T~ Via~ Clerks in the Department of Finance~ be creased from ~1,980.00 per year to ~O0.00 per year, effective July 1, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Compensation Board be and is hereby requested to bear one-third of the expense~ of the above in- creases~ Upon motion, made by ~r. C. R. Do~rier and seconded by Mr~ Henry Chiles, the foll~wing resolution was unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albe- marle County, ~irgimia, that the employment of an Assistant Jailor at ~i,92Oo00 per year and the employment of three Radio Dispatchers at ~1,500~O0 each ~er year, be and is hereby authorized. BE I~ FURTHER RESOLVED that the Compensation Board be and is hereby requested to share in the expease of these ~additional 239 Upon motion, made by Mr. E. J. Ballard and seconded by ~r. W. W. Wood, it was ordered that the proposed Budget be amended as follows in regard to compensation of assistants in the C!erk~s Office: Mr. W. L. Maupin - ~rs. Helen Humbert Mrs. Nancy Harris ~=,a~ 820.00 per year instead of 43,000.00. 1,800.00 per year instead of $1,920.00. 1,560.00 per year instead of ~1~680.00. Upon motion, made by Mr. E. J. Bal!ard and seconded by Mr. P. B. Peyton, it was ordered that 25% be fixed as the basis of assessment of property in the County for the year 19A~. Upon. motion, the meeting adjourned. Chairman. A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervizors of Albemarl.e County~ Virginia! was held at the Office Building of said County on the 17th day' of March, 1948. Present: Messrs. C. Purcell McCue, E. J. Ba!lard, Henry Chiles, C. R. Dorrisr,- P. B. Peyton, and W. W. Wood~ Absent: None. Officers present: County Executive, Commonwealth's Attorney, and Sheriff. Minutes of the meetings of February 18, 19A8 and March Il, 1948 were read and approved. Mr. R. C. Ambler appeared and presented a letter from Dr[ Hart concerning an ~ addition at North Garden. Mr. McCue requested Mr. Ambler to white him a letter stating his recommendations in this matter. 'i Mr. Paul H. Cale appeared and requested the Board .to request the Highway Depart- ment to grade the field adjoining the Scottsville High School property which is now being used as a baseball diamond. Mr. A~!er advised that this work could be done when the labor and equipment was available. Upon motion, made by Mr. E. J. Ba!lard and seconded by Mr. P. B. ~eyton, it was ordered that this field be graded. A request was received from J. F. Du!aney and R. D. York to ~l. Sse Old Highway 250 from Gulf Oil Plant to C. & O. Overhead Bmidge on Route 677; Since the notice of this in- tent to have ~he read closed was not posted a sufficient length of time before the Court ter~? no action was taken on this matter. ~ Mr. W. W. Waddell appeared concerning the proposed improvement to the interior of the Court Room and presented a petition signed by members of the Bar, endorsing the proposed improvements. The matter was taken under advisement. Mrs. Barr appeared a~ficerning the trash that was being d~mped a~ono the side of .~ Stony Point Road. Mr. Ambler advised that one notice concerning this matter had been pub- lished recently and he would be glad to publish another one. A com~minication was received from J. D. Wilde III requesting that the road going ~hrough his place from Ropte 250 to the road known as the Ballard Road (677) be taken into the secondary system. Mr. Wilde was adVised that Viewers woui~ be aooointed to view this road. Mr. H. G. Cockrell called the Board's attention to the fact that Miss Martha Roberts i had requested that a~portion of the Old Stony Point Road be closed several months ago but no !action was taken at that timm. It was ordered that Viewers be appointed to view this road. '~