HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-03-17 Upon motion, made by Mr. E. J. Ballard and seconded by Mr. W. W. Wood, it was
ordered that the proposed Budget be amended as follows in regard to compensation of assistants
in the Clerk!s Office:
Mr. W. L. Maupin -
Mrs. Helen Humbert
Mrs. Nancy Harri~s
~2,880.00 per year instead of ~3,000.00.
1,800.00 per year instead of ~1,920.00.
1,560.00 per year instead of ~ ~680.00.
Upon motion, made by Mr. E. J. Ballard and seconded by Mr. P. B. Peyton, it was
ordered that 25% be fixed as the basis of assessment of property in the County for the
year 19~8.
Upon motion, the meeting adjourned.
A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia
was held at the Office Building of said County on the 17th day'of March, 1948.
Present: Messrs. C. Purcell McCue~ E. J. Ba!!ard, Henry Chiles~ C. R. Dorrisr,
P. B. Peyton, and W. W. Wood.
Absent: None.
Officers present: County Executive, Commonwealth's Attorney, and S~er=~.
Minutes of the meetings of February 18, 1928 and March I1, 1948 were read and
Mr. R. C. Ambler appeared and presented a letter from Dr[ Hart concerning an
addition at North Garden. [~. McCue requested Mr. Ambler to white him a letter stating his
recommendations in this matter.
Mr. Paul H. Cale appeared and requested the Board to request the Highway Depart-
ment to grade the field adjoining the Scottsville High School property which is now being
used as a baseball diamond. Mr. A~..~ler advised that this work could be done when the labor
and equipment was available. Upon motion~ made by ~r. E. J. Ba!lard and seconded by Mr.
P. B. Beyton, it was ordered that this field be graded.
A request was received from J. F. Du!aney and R. D. York to eZSse 01d Highway 250
from Gulf Oil Plant to C. &' 0. Overhead B~idge on Route 677. Since the notice of this in-
tent to have ~he read closed was not posted a sufficient length of time before the Court term~
no action was taken on this matter.
Mr. W. W. Waddell appeared concerning the proposed improvement to the interior of
the Court Room and presented a ~etition signed by members of the Bar, endorsing the proposed
improvements. The matter was taken under advisement.
Mrs. Barr appeared a~cerning the trash that was being dumped along the side of-
S~ony Point Road. Mr. Ambler advised that one notice concerning this matter had been pub-
lished recently and he would be glad to publish another one.
A communication was received from J. D. Wilde III requesting that the road going
~ough his pKace from Route 250 to the road known as the ~a!lard Road (677) be taken into
the secondary' system. Mr. Wilde was advised that Viewers wo~]~ be appointed to view this
Mr. H. G. Cockrell called the Board's attention to the fact that Miss Martha Robert~
had requested that a.~:portion of the Old Stony Point Road be closed several months ago but no
action was taken at that timm. It was ordered that Viewers be appointed to view this road.
Mr. PaUl Durrett appeared concerning the road at Longwood to Jake Via's property
and was advised that-Viewers would be appointed.
Mr~ .B.D. Chesshir appeared and requested that the Board Y~y;~ hospital bill for
rabies treatment. Upon motion, duly made ~d saconded, this claim was ~pprovedo
The following reports were presented,'approved, and ordered filed:
(a) County Executive.
(b) University of Virginia Hospital.
(~) Charlottesville Public Library~
~r. Ho G. Co¢'kre!l, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses of the
Department ~ Finance for the month of January and February, 19A8, one-third of w~ich to be
borne by the State. Upon me,ion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, veri-
fied and approved°
Mr. Ho G. Cockrell, Director of Finance, submitted a g~mtement of Expenses of the
Sheriff's Office for the months of January and February, 1948, two~thirds of which to be
bo~ne by the State. U~on motion, duly made and seconded, th~s statement was examined, veri-
fied and approved.
Mr. H. Go Cockrel!, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses of the
Gommonwealth~s Attorney's Office for the month of Februa~¥~ 194~, one-half of which to be
borne by the S~&teo Upon motion, duly made and seconded~ this Statement was examined, veri-
fied and approved.
A Sta%em~nt~tof~Ex~rises incurred in the maintenance of prisoners confined in the
Gounty Jail during the month of February, 1948, was submitted. Upon motion, duly made and
seconded, this Statement was e~amined, verified, and approved.
A Summary Statement of Prisoner Days was submitted. Upo~ motion, duly made and
seconded, this Statement.was examined, verified and approved.
Claim of Dr. Richard To E~g~ab~ight, Jail Physician, amounting to ~50 was ~re-
sented and approved for payment.
A resolution was received from the City Council concerning the Joint HeaIt~ Contrac'
and u~o~ motion~ made by ~r. W. W. Wood and seconded by ~r. E. J. Ba!lard, the following
resolution was adopted:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albe-
marle County, Virginia, that the form of the Joint Health Contract as
heretofore presented and approved, be and the same is hereby amended
so as to permit meetings of the Joint Health Board to be c~l!ed by any
member, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairman of the Board of
County Superwisors be and is hereby authorized to execute said contract
as so amended.
A communication was received from the Peoples ~atio~a~ Bank requesting a change in
escrow° This matter was referred to the Financ~ Board.
A letter was received from the Keswick Area~Citizens Association concerning te!e~
phone ser~ce in rural ~reaso Th~s matter was di~sed at length but no action was taken.
CommUnication was received from E. H. Bain, Chairman of ths'Crozet ~ater Committee
reco~mmending the adoption of a rul~fixing the maximum quantity of water pe~ month for the
~1.50 connections' at 2,000 gallons, with the usual 40~ per ~. charge for the e~cess above
that quantity. Upon motion, made by Mr. Henry C~i!es and seconded by Mr. P. B. Peyton, it
was ordered that this change in rate ~e included in the original rules and regulations of th~
Water Committee.
The Committee also recommended that ~r. ~enry A. Haden be permitted to make a 1"
connection to the A~' line that terminates at the Crozet Hi~a School, the expenses of same to
~r. Seth Burntey appeared concernin~ the Albemarle Lake and the intent of the
Commission of Game and Inland Fisheries to sell same. Upon motion, duty~made and seconded,
the following resolution was unanimously adopted~
Due to the fact that Albemarle County is jointly interested
financially in Lake Albemarle with the City ~nd State Department
of Game and Inland Fisheries and,
WH~EAS, Senate Bill #27A gives the Department of Game and
Inland Fisheries the right to sell or lease the whole property,
The Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County hereby
protest a sale at this time and requests of the Game and Fisheries
Department that both the City and County be consulted before even
a ~ease be signed.
Comm~uication was received from the State Department of Public Welfare advising
~hat Mrs. Anne H. Loving had completed her probationary period as Superintendent of Public
Welfare and asked if the Board wished to recommend her~permanent appointment. Upon motion,
made by ~r. E. J. Ballard and seconded by Mr. C. R. Dorrier the following resolution was
unanimously adopted:
WHerEAS ~rs. Anne H. Loving has completed her~probationary period
as Superintendent of Public Welfare of Albemarle County~
NOW, THER~EFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by tha Board of County Supervisors
of Albemarle County, Virginia, that ~Ar~. Anne H. Loving be and is hereby
recommended for permanent appointment by the State Department of Public
Communication was received from ~rs. A. B. Kindrick advising that she ~a~ld like
to purchase from the county land in the White Hall Histrict which had belonged to Fannie
Davis, a Welfare client. ~r. Fife was requested to answer ~rs. Kindrick'z letter.
Communication was received from Mr. William Henry Stargell concerning land which
~m~his opinion belonged to him and should be transferred accordingly. No action was taken
on this matter.
The 0mohundro Electric Company submitted a price of $28~.76 for one ~J-11 Frigidair~
refrigerator for the County Jail. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, ~. H. G. Cockrell
was authooized to purchase this refrigerator for the County Jai~.
The proposed budget of the Welfare Department for the year beginning J~ly l, 19~8,
was present&duand upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Budget was approved in the amountl
of $131,115.O0 subject to the Approval of the Welfare Board.
Claim of the Virginia Conservation Commission amounting to $15.A8, was presented
and approved for payment.
A report was received from the Virginia State Planning Board showing progress mad~
on the Albemarle County Tax ~ap and was ordered filed.
Communication was received from ~r. J. P. ~thur concerning the Shenandoah Apple
Blossom Festival and requesting financial support of the County. No action was taken on
this matter.
Upon motion, duly made and seconded, ~he following resolution was'nnanimously
BE IT RSVOLVED by the Board of County Suoervisors of Albemarle
County, VirEinia, that $4,250.00 be appr~6priated out of Unappropriated
serve ~o. ba-~'used ~ as ~£oilows:
Rea~ Estate Assessors
Secretary to Assessors
Nileage for Assessors
seconded by Mr. Henry Chiles, Mrs. T. E. Bruce was appointed to succeed Mrs. Faulconer in
this capacity.
The following members were appointed to serve on a committee to investigate the
expenditures of the Albemarle Tuberculosis Asso~iation~
Mr. P. B. Peyton
Mr. C. R. Dorrier
Communication was received from Mrs. Randolph Catlin, President of the Virginia Musi
Festival and was ordered filed.
Co~w. aunication was received from Mr. G. S. Mullen, Chief Engineer of the State De-
partment of Highways, acknowledging receipt of the Resolution passed by this Board of
February 18, 1948.
Report was received from the State Board of Corrections listing committments to the
Jail during the month of January, 1948, and was ordered filed.
Communication was received fro~ Fred C. ~mbo and was ordered filed.
The following Viewers were appointed to view roads in the County:
Mr. C. C. Duke
Mr. Harrison Waite, Jr.
Mr. Henry McComb Bush
Mrs J. I. Maupin
Mr. Larned Randolph
The following is a list of persons making application for the position of County
Executive and Director of Finance:
~. C. C. Graves
Mr. W. F. Coburn
Mr. M. A. Early
Mr. John DeKoven Bowen
Mr. J. P. Zang
Mr. A. Gaines Fray
Mr. Robert Sours
Mr. Harry Dinwiddie
Mr. Ed Overman
Mr. Seth Burnley
Mr. Bernard Chamberlain~
The matter of a successor to Mr. H~nter G. Cockre!l, County Executive and Director
of Financ~ was discussed at some length,
On motion, duly made and~:seconded, the following resolution was unanimousIy!~adopted:
BE iT Pd$SOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle
County that Mr. Daniel A. Robinson be and he is hereby appointed County ~....~.~
Executive and Director of Finance for the County of Albemarle for the
period beginning April lst,~ ~945, and ending July 30th, 1925, or for
such portion of said period as may be necessary, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED t~t the Salary' of the said Daniel A. Robin-
son be and the same is hereby fixed at ~666.66 per month.
Ci&ims against the County amo~mting to ~69,?~2.62 were presented, examined, and
allowed and certified to the Directom of Finance for payment and charged against the followi~
General Fund
School Fund
Dog Tax Fund
Cffozet Fire District Fund
Crozet Sanitary District Fund
Comm. of va. Current Credit Account
McIntire Trust Fund
Upon motion, the meeting adjourned.