HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-04-21258 A regular meeting of t~he Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia was held at the Office Building of said County on the 21st day of April, 19~8. ~essrs. C. Purcell. McCue, E. Jo Ballard, Henry Chiles, C. R. Dorrier, Pres~nt: and W$ N. Nood. Absent: Mr. P. B. Peyton. Officers present: County Executive and Sheriff. ~n~tes of the meeting~ of March,Z7, 1948, April 1, 1948, and April 14, 19~8, were read and approved. ~r. Paul H. Cale, Superintendent of County Schools~ appeared concerning the condemnations proceedings in connection with the-purchase of a site for the proposed Joint Negro ~igh School. Upon motion, mad~ by Mro ~. Wo Wood and seconded by ~r. Henry Chiles, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the ~o~rd of County Supervisors of Albe- marle County~ Virginia, that .the ~ib~m~rl~.-$~unty School Board be and it is hereby authorized to proceed with the purchase of a site for the proposed Joint Negro High School, and BE tT FURTHER RESOLVED that ~16,377.50 be ~py, r~priated from the Unappropr£ated Reserve of the General Fund to be used by the School Board in purchasing a site for the aforesaid school. A request wa~ received from Mr. B. D. Chesshir, Game Warden, asking the Board to cut out the fifteen-day ~quirrel season in September to preserve game. ~his matter was tabled until the next meeting of the Board. Request wasereceived from Mr. B. D. Chesshir for a rifle which he estimated would cost approximately ~0.00. Upon motion, ma~e by Mr. Henry Chiles and seconded by ~itr. W. W. ~ood~ Ur. D. A. Robinson was amthorized to purchase this rifle and be reimbursed by ~. Chesshir, the rifle ~ remain the property of Albemarle County so long as ~r. Chesshir is employed by the County~ The County Executive cai!ed the Board's attention to the fact that Mr. Chesshir had purchased a trailer costing approximately ~!00.00 which he used to carry dogs to the City Dog Pound. Upon motion, made by ~r. E. J. Baiiard and seconded by Mr. W. ~. Wood, it was ordered that Mr. Chesshir be reimbursed for the ~urchase of this trailer. An offer of ~10.00 was received from Mr. B. D. Chesshir for a ~artime ice box which was used by the County Jail before an electric refrigerator was purchased. Upon motio: made by ~r. Henry Chiles and seconded by ~r. C. R. Dorrier, this ~ff~roof ~!0.00 was ac- cepted. ~r. B. Do Chesshir recommended the Board to adopt a policy whereby dogs would be prohibited from rurming at large during the monthS of April, ~Y~' June and July. It w~s ordered that this matter be referred to Mr. W. 0. Fife, Co~onwealth's Attorney. Mr. W. C. Williams, Attorney~ appeared and presented a notice stating that P. F. Lawrence and R. T. Davis had made application to the State Corporation Commission to operate motor vehicles in furnishing passenger service between Boonesville, Virginia, and the Inter- section of State Highways No.s 628 and 601, over State Highway Nox. 230 and 628~ as an ex- tension of Certificate No. P1747, authorizing passenger service between Charlottesville, Virginia, and Mission Home. ~'he matter of improving the in~erior of the Court Hous~ was again brought to the attention of the Board. The Chairman appointed a committee consisting of Mr. Do A. RSb~nson and Mr. C. R. Dorrier to serve with him to investigate this matter and ~ro Robinson was in- structed to secure bids on this proposed work by the next m~eting of the Board, ~f possible. 209 Reports of Viewers appointed on March 17, 1948, were received and tabled until the next meeting of the Board. A petition was received requesting that Short 18th Street ba improved. This matter was referred to Mr. R. C. Ambler, Resident Engineer. Request was received to close a ~ortion of the 01d Stony.Point Road. This matter was tabled until the next meeting of the Board when Mr. Ambler could be consulted. The following reports were presented and ordered filed: (a) County Executive. (b) University of Virginia Hospital. (c) Charlottesvi]!e Public Library. (d) District Home Board. Mr. D. A. RSb~nson, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses of th~ Department of Finance for the month of ~arch, 1948, one-third of which to be borne by the State. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined~ verified and approved. Mr. D. A. Robinson, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses of the Sheriff's Office for the month of March, 1948, two-thirds of which to be borne by the U~on motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified and approved. Mr. D. A. Robinson, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses of the Co~onwealth's Attorney's Office for the mont~ of ~arch, 1948, one-hal~ of which to be borne by- the State. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, veri- fied and approved. A Statement of Expenses incurred in the maintenance of prisoners confined in the County Jail during the month of March, 1948, was submitted. U]:on motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified and approved. A Summary Statement of Prisoner Day was submitted. U~on motion, du!ymade and<~ xeconded, this Statement was examined, verified, and approved. Claim of Dr. Richard T. Ergenbright, Jai~ Physician, amo~mting to ~2.25, was vresented and allowed for payment. An offer of. ~60.00 was received from Elizabeth Ford for land in the Scottsvit!e District taken in by the County in 1944 from L. A. Brown. Mr. C. R. Dorrier was requested to investigate this tract of land and report back at the next meeting of the Board. A letter was presented from Dr. George A. Nevitt stating ~hat there is~a ~eficit in the dental fund of ~$12.59~ one-half of which is due by the County. Mr. Robinson was instructed to investigate this.~matter and report back at the next meeting of the Board. Mr. Robinson called the Board's attention to the fact that May Ist, was the dead- line for filing tax returns and May 3rd, was the deadline for paying poll tax in order to vote in the next election, and asked that he be allowed to publish a notice calling the attention of the ~ublic to these facts and also distribute notices through the schools. Upon motion, maae by Mr. W. W. Wood and seconded by Mr. E. J. Ballard, Mr. Robinson was authorized to publish and distribute this notice. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: BE IT RBSOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that Mrs. Anne H. Loving, Superin- tendent of the Department of Public Welfare of Albemarle County, be and she is .hereby appointed to certify indigent pa%~ents to the University Hospital for hospitalization and treatment. Claim of M. S. Hudgins, Contractor, ~aounting to ~1}~344.O1, was presented for payment. Mr. Chiles called the Board's attention to the fact that a barn had been damaged 2,60 of this condition and ask that the Committee agree on the settlement of the matter. Upon motion, du3y made and seconded, the foilowinE resolution was unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board' of County Suoervisors of Albe- marie County, Virginia, that $525.00 be and is hereby transferred from the Crozet Fire District Fund to the Crozet Sanitary District Fund to cover the annual rental for thirty-fi~e fire plugs at the rate of $15.00 per plug. Mr. Robinson advised the Board that a refund of $13!.74 had been received from the City Mortgage and Insurance Company for premiums on bonds of employees in the Deoartment of Finance. The ~tatus of Mr. J. W. Williams as School Board Member was discussed and tabled until, the next meeting of the Board. The operation of a ~o-'c~-C~ta machine in the County Office Building was discussed and it was ordered that the mper&~ion of the machine be continued for the benefit of County' employees. Upon motion, madd by Mr. He~ry Chiles and seconded by ~r. E. J. Baliard~ the DirectOr of Finance was hereby ord~ed to wri~..off and was relieved of further responsibility for the collection of 1945 and prior years of personal property taxes, effective April. l~ 1948. The followin~ approval, was received from Mr. C. H; Morrissett, State ~ax Commissioner: "Mr. Daniel. A. Robinson, having been appointed by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, County Executive and Director of Finance of Albemarle County from and after the first day of April, 19A8 to succeed Mr. Hunter G. Cockrell, resigned, as evidenced by a certified copy of the resolution of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle ~ounty, adopted on the 17th day of March, 1948, under which appointment the said Daniel A. Robinson will be Chief Assessin~ Officer of the County of~Atbemarle, it ~s hereby certified in conformitywith Chapter 368 of the Acts of Assembly of 1932 that the said appointment has been and is hereby approved by me." Report from the Virginia Conservation Commission was received and ordered filed and claim of ~137.45 was presented and approved fmr payment. A report was received from the Vmromnma State Planning Board showing the progress made on the Albemarle County Tax Map and ~,~s~O~rd~red fi~ed. I~r. Robinson presented a comparis~-:i~:-.assassed valuations in the County for the past five years and pointed out the wide varid~'i'~s- in assessed valuations from year %o year. Commun~.cat~_ n was received from -the Bure~'~:of Public Administr~tS. on and was ordered filed. Mr. Robinson called the Board's attention to the fact that the County had not been reimbursed on Welfare mileage since July~ !947~ and on motion, duly made and seconded, Robinson was authorized to submit a claim to the State Department of Public Welfare feguestin~ reimbursement on this mileage at the maximum rate approved by the State. Communication was received from the Virginia State Chamber of Commerce advising that the annual Reception and Congressional Dinner would be held on April 26, 1945. Communication was received from the League of Virginia Municipalities advising that1 the Semi-annual Meeting of the Virginia Section of the International City Managers Associatio~ would be held April 24-25, 1948.~- Communication was received from the Treasurer's Association ~ Virginia advising that the annual meeting of the Associa%isn would be held in Lynchburg on June 11-12, 1928, and enclosing a claim amounting to ~I0.00 for annual dues. Upon motion, made by Mr. Her~y Chiles and seconded by Mr. E. J. Ballard, this claim was approved for payment, and Mr. D. A. Robinson was authorized to attent the me,ting in Lynchburg. - Communication was received from the Keswick Area Citizens Association expressing their appreciation of the Board's interest in the condition of telephone service in rural areas. Communication was received from Mr. I. T. Q~inn, Executive Director of 'the Com- mission of Game and Inland Fisheries, assuring the Board that Albemarle Lake would not be sold or leased until the County and City had been consulted. Communications were received from Fred C. Kimbo. Mr. Robinson advised the Board tha~ Mr. T. M. Whitten, Deputy Sheriff, had re- placed the siren on car No. 4 and wish to be reimbursed for the new siren by-selling.~it to the City of Charlottesville. Mr. Robinson was authorized to act on this matter. The shop facilities For County Automobiles was discussed and Mr. McCue appointed a c~nmittee consisting of Mr. Chiles, Mr. Wood and Mr. Robinson to study the situation. The payment of livestock and fowl claims was discussed and action on the matter was tabled until the next meeting of the Board. The rental of Room 304 was discussed and Mr. Robinson was authorized to continue to rent this room for ~!0.00 per month until a sur~ey of floor space could be made and the rental of room~ in the County Building adjusted. Mr. Robinson called the Board's attention to the fact that the Join2 Health Fund was handled separately from the other County funds and suggested tha~ it be made a part of the regular County functions. It was ordered that the Joint Health Fund be classed as a regular county function and handled as such effective July 1, 194~. Claims against the County amounting to ~92,395.56 were presented, examined~ and ~llowed and certified vo the Director of Finance for pa~nent and charged against the fo!lowing General Fund School Fufld Dog Tax Fund Crozet Fire District Fund Crozet Sanitary District~Fmnd McIn%ire Srust Fund Comm. of Va. Current Credit Account Comm. of Va. Dog Tax Credit Account Uoon motion, the meeting adjourned. funds~ 817,489.48 5~,$83.24 152.05 886.47 1,525.54 ~92,395.56 Chairman.