HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-05-19 A,regu'lar.meeting of the Board of Co.unty Supervisors of Albemarle .County, Virginia, was hold'at the 'OfficeBuildtng of said~'COunty on the' 19~hday or'May, 1948, Present: Messrs. C~'~'Purcell ~cCue,'E.~j. Ballard, Henry'Chiles, C. R. Dorrier, and W. W. Wood. approved Absent: Gen. P. B. Peyton. Officers present: County Executive, COmmonwealth,s Attorney, and Sheriff. Minutes off'the meetings of April 21, 1948, and April 27, 1948, were read and Mr. Hugh Henderson, AssiStant County Agent, appeared and expressed his appreciation to the Board for its contribu~isn toward prizes for the 4-H Club baby beef show and Mr. J. R.i Win~ield also appeared concerning this matter and requested ~%hat the Board make a similar appropriation for next year's show. Upon motion, made by Mr. Ballard and seconded by Mr. Chiles, the following resolution was Unanimously adopted:. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albe- marle County, Virginia, that $250.00 be and is ~ereby appropriated out of the Unappropriated Reserve of the 1948-~9 Budget, to be used for prize~ in the 1949 Baby Beef Show to be sponsored by the 4-H Club. Mr. J. R. Wingfi~ld also appeared and requested the Board to levy a~tax on amuse- ments within the County of Albemarle. No action was taken on this matter. Upon motion, made by Mr. Dorrier and seconded by Mr.~ Wood, Elizabeth Ford was hereby offered for $75.00 the 4~ acres located in Scottsville District, this being the County property previously p~rchased at a tax sale recorded in the name of Ashby and Lily Brown. The following report of Viewers was presented and accepted in accordance with Section 2039 of the Virginia Code: TO THE HONORABLE BOARD OF COUNTY~SUPERVISORS OF ALBEMARLE COUNTY: The undersigned, Viewers appointed by your order made on the 17th day of March, 1948, respectfully report that on the 30th day of ~Mar~h, 1948, we viewed the extension of Route 734 and reject the re- quest that this road be~extended due to the fact that there is too much mileage involved for the number of people served.~ (March 30, 1948) (Si~ne~) Henry McComb Bush Lamed D. Randolph Cammann C. Duke The following report of Viewers was presented and accepted in accordance with Sedion 2039 of the Virginia Code:~ TO THE. HONORABLE BOARD OF COUNTY SUPERVISORS OF ALBEMARLE COUNTY: The undersigned, Viewers appointed by ySur order made on the 17th day of March, 1948, respectfully report that on the 30th day of March, 1948, we Viewed Roads in Maury Hills and recommend that they be taken into the Secondary Sy~tem, providing that the residents will grade and rock such portion of the road as they see fit at the rate of 400 tons per mile. (March 30, 1948) (Signed) Henry McComb Bush Larned Randolph Cammann C. Duke The following report of Viewers was presented and accepted in accordance with Section 2039 of the Virginia Code: TO THE HONORABLE BOARD OF COUNTY SUPERVISORS OF ALBE~LE COUNTY: The undersigned, Viewers appointed by your order made on the 17th day-of March, 1948, respectfully report that on the 30th day of the request for this to be taken into the FluVann~ line'Jand:.reject ' ~ Secondary System .due tO the fact that it does not serveen0ugh people and since it joins Fluvanna, that County should do something to make it leasable for us to act. Mkrch 30, 1948 .... ~ (Signed) Henry McComb-Bush Lamed D. Randolph Cammann C. Duke The following report Of viewers was presented and accepted in accordance with Section 2039 of the Virginia Code: TO THE HONORABLE BOARD OF COUNTY SUPERVISORS OF ALBEMARLE COUNTY: The undersigned, Viewers appointed by your order made on the 17th day of March, 1948, respectfully report that on the 3Oth day of March, 1948, we viewed the Outlet from~Miss Martha Gillock's property to Route 692, and recommend that this road should be taken into the Secondary System from the old County Road to the present Route 692, provided there is a clear 30 ft. right-of-way. March 30, 1948. (Si~ned) Henry McComb Bush Lamed D. Randolph Cammann C. Duke. The following report of Viewers was presented and accepted in accordance with e~ Section 2039 of the Virginia Cod~. TO THE HONORABLE BOARD OF COUNTY SUPERVISORS OF ALBEMARLE COUNTY: The undersigned, Viewers appointed by your order made on the !7th day of March, t948, respectfully report that end, he 3Oth day o£ March, 1948, we viewed a road between the City and Stony Point through the ~ay~or4~a~ bo the property of H. K. Williams and reject the re- quest for this road to be taken into the Secondary System due to_the fact that it does not serve enough people. March 30, 1948. (Signed) Henry McComb Bush Larned D. Randolph Cammann C. Duke The follOwi~g report of Viewers was presented and accepted in accordance with Section 2039 of the Virginia Code: TO THE HONORABLE BOARD OF COUNTY SUPERVISORS OF ALBEMARLE COUNTY: The undersiSned, Viewers appointed byyour order made on the 17th day of March, 1948, respectfully report that on the 3Oth day of March, 1948, we viewed the road through the property of J. D. ~ilde III from R~oute 250 to Road known as the Ballard Road, 677, and reject the request for this road to be taken into the Secondary System due to the fact that the amount of travel does not justify the amount of expease~ ~nvolved. March 30, 1948 (Signed) Henry McComb Bush Larned D. Randolph Cammann C. Duke Mr. R. C. Ambler,~Re~ide~ Engineer, appeared before %he Board and presented a revised budget showing changes in the tentative budget of the Department of Highways previously presented to-the Board. Upon motion, made by Mr. Wood and seconded by Mr. Ballard, the changes in the aforesaid budget wer~ approved. The fact was called to the Board's attention that there has been a tremendous increase .in the rate at which claims are being paid from the Dog Fund. ~B. D. Chesshir, Game Warden,~ pointed out that during recent months-fowl and livestock claims had been computed at the highest market Value on all unassessed animals and fowls. Mr~ Robinson that claims for unassessed livestock and fowls be paid at .the lowest market value, effective June 1, 1948. Upon motion, made by Mr. Ballard and seconded by Mr. Chiles, Mr. Robinson was authorized to pay the claims now on hand and those which come in prior to June 1, 1948, on the present basis. Mr. McCue appointed a committee consisting of Mr.~Wood, Mr. Chiles, and Mr. Ballard to work aut a schedule for the payment of livestock and fowl otaims. Claim was received from the Cityof Charlottesville for expenses ~of the City Library amounting to $2.,307.85, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1948, in accordance with contract dated July 26, 1948. Upon motion, made by Mr. Dottier and seconded ~yMr. Wood, this claim was approved for payment. The following reportswere presented and approved for payment~ la) County Executive. (b) University of Virginia Hospital. (c) Joint Health Department. (d) Charlottesville City Library. A Resolution for the City of Charlottesville having been read to the Board, stating that the ~ayor of the City had been ~e'qu~sted to represent the City to work with a committee from the Board of Supervisors and the Children's Home Board on the plans of a new Childrens' Home, Mr. C. Purcell McCue, Chairman, appointed Mr. C. R. Dottier to represent the Board of Supervisors on this committee along with himself as an eX-officio member of the committee. On motion of Mr. Wood, seconded by Mr. Chiles, the above appointment was unani- mously approve~. ~.~D. A. Robinson, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of ~xp~nses of the Dep~rtment of Finance for the month of April, I948, one-third of which to be borne by the State. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, vermfm~d, and ap- proved. Mr. D. A. Robinson, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses of the Sheriff's Office for the month of April, 1948, two-thirds of which to be borne by the State.~. Upon motion, d~ made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified, and approved. Mrl D. A. Robinson, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of ~Expenses o~ the Commonwealth's Attorney's 0f~ice for the month of April, 1948, one-half of which to be borne b~the. State. Upon motion, duly made ~and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified, and approved. A Statement of the Expenses incurred in the maintenance of the County Jail for the month of April, 1948, was submitted. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified, and approved. A Summary Statement of prisoner days was submitted. Upon motion~duly made ~nd seconded, this Statement was examined, verified, and approved. Claim of Dr. Richard Ergenbright, Jail Physician, amounting to $6.00 was presented and approved for payment. The Welfar~ Budget for the year ending June 30, 19~9, a~ revised by the State Department of Public Welfare was presented and approved in the amount of $114,260.00 by mo~ion of Mr. Ballard, seconded by Mr. Wood. Report on turnover audit of accounts and records of H. G. Cockrell, Director of Finance, for the period fmom July-l, 1947 through March 31, 1948, was received from T. Cole- man Andrews and Company, and the Clerk was ordered to register one copy of said budget to Mr. Cockrell. Communicmtion was received from J. Gordon Bemnett, Auditor of Public Accounts, accepting the above audit as made by T. Coleman Andrews and Company. Mr. Robinson was in- structed towrite to the Auditor of Public Accounts inquiring as to whether or not a copy of this audit was furnished by'that Department ~o ~he~ Bonding Company. Proposal was received from T. Coleman Andrews- and' Company to -audit-the accounts and records of the ~ounty for -the year ending June-30, 1948, for the sum of $900.00. Upon motion made by Mr. Chiles and seconded by Mr. Wood, this proposal .was~. accepted and Mr. Robinson was instructed to write T. C°~man~?Andrews and Company accordingly. Claim from the Arnold Company for installation of our two-way radio system for $702.50 plus $66.00 for April service, was presented and inasmuch as the Board of Super- visors is not satisfied ~ith 'the installation and service of the equipment, the claim was deferred and Mr. Robinson was requested to advise Mr. Arnold that the County does not con- sider its contract with 'the Arnold Company as satisfactorily completed as to the insta_].lation of the equipment or service being rendered on the equipment. Mr. Robinson was also r~uested to inform Mr. Arnold that unless these conditions are corrected within thirty days from this date, the Board will take such action in the matter as circumstances then require. ~A%'. Mr.' Robinso~n.'s::.:re~quest(; ~em: Th-'ompson, Of th~-$~ate, police.,~D~ep~rtment-appeared before the'Board and discussed the operation of the two-way radio system in the County, Robinson was requested to secure the service of Lt. Thompson in setting up an efficient office regarding the logs, records, etc. of the radio dispatchers' office. A recommendation was received from the Crozet Water Committee to pay Mr. and Mrs. Crickenberger $50.00 for damages to their barn.. This matter was tabled for the present. The following recommendations were received from the Crozet Water Committee and upon motion, made by Mr. Chiles and seconded by Mr. Ballard, were made a part of the rules and regulations of the Croaet Water Works: (1) Where there are ~two or more dwellings served with water through the -same meter, the minimum charge of $2.50 per month shall be multi- plied by the number of dwellings so served, and the mi~.'~ um con- sumption shall be increased in the same manner. (2) In the matter of billing patrons for water on an annual basis, a uniform billing date shall be established, and July 1st is the ac- cepted date. ~r. Robinson was instructed to write Mr. E. H. Bain, Chairman of the Water Committ~ and request the committee to work out minimum monthly charges wherewer possible with those water customers now being billed on an annual basis and to also request the committee to determine the details of the agreement between Mr. Bowen and the Crozet Water Company. Report on the progress made on the Albemarle County Tax Map was received from the Virginia State Planning Board and ordered filed, and Mr. Robinson was instructed to request Mr. Lonnie H. Pope to appear before the Board at its next meeting with the view oD giving th~ Board a progress report on his work. The follOWing agreement of the Joint Health Department was presented and ordered spread upon the minutes= THIS AGREEMENT made this 1st day of February, 1948, be and between the County of Albemarle, party of the first part, hereinafter called County, the City of Charlottesville, party of the second part, hereinafter called City, and the University of Virginia, party of the third part, hereinafter called University, E-ITNESSETH: THXT '~HEREAS, the parties hereto are so situated with reference to each other that public health in said County, City and University can best be promoted by the establishment and maintenance of a' single Health Department, and such single Health will best protect the health of the entire community- and may be ~r~e economically and efficiently operated than separate Health Dapartments, and ~HEREAS, under the statutes of the State of Virginia and the charter of the City Of Charlottesville broad powers are granted to the Board of County Supervisors and the Counc~ of the City to provide for the general health of the inhabitants, and to estahlish health WHEREAS, the University has created a Department of Public Health and.Eygie.ne in the Medical School to promote knowledge of, interest in, and application of the principles of preventivemedicine, NON, THEREFOHE, THIS AGREEMENT W I T N E S S E T H : ~HAT, 1.' In consideration of the premises and the mutual benefits which will accrue to the parties hereto, the County, City and University agree to form a Joint Health Department, said Department to operate under the direction of a Joint Health Board as hereinafter pro- vided. 2. The Joint Health Board shall consist of three members, one representing the County, one representing the City, and one representing the University. 3. The Board of County Supervisors shall s~lect one member of said Joint Health Board, who shall serve for such term as said County Supervisors shall determine. Said member shall ~et for the County ~n the pro~pt and efficient administration of the affairs o8 the Joint Health Department, provided that in all matters pertaining to the appointment, resignation, or removal of the Health Officer, or in the promulgation of public health and sanitary laws and regulations, or pertaining to the annual appropriation of the County for the operation of the Joint Health Department, the Joint Health Board may recommend.or advise~ but ~ts action shall be subject to the approval of the Board of County Supervisors. ~. The Council of the City shall choose one member of the Joint Health Board, who shall serve for such term as said Commissioners may determine. Said member shall act for the City in the prompt andefficient administration of the affairs o£ the Joint Health Department, provided that in all matters pertaining to the appointment, resignation, or re- moval of the Health Officer, or in the promulgation of public health and sanitary laws and regulations, or pertaining to the annual appropriation of the City for the operation of the Joint Health Department, the J~int ~Health Board may recommend or advise, but its action shal~ be subject to the approval of the Dity 08m~issioners. 5. The University hereby designates the Professor of Hygiene and Public Health of the Medical School as its member of the Joint Health Board with full power to act for the University, p~ovided that in matters pertaining to the annual appropriation of the University for the operation of the Joint Health Department, the Joint Health Board may recommend but must be guided by the official action of the Board of Visitors of the Univer- sity. 6. The Joint Health Board, the Joint Health Officer, and the other employees of 'the Joint Health Board shall perform, carry out, and execute all duties now or hereafter prescribed by the ordinance of the City of County and State laws and regulations pertaining to Public Health and Sanitation, and said Department,its officers and employees shall have all powers now or hereafter conferred by said ordinance, regulations and laws. 7. The Joint Health Board shall hold regular meetings at leazt four times of each year on the second Tuesday of June, September, December and February. Special~meetings may be called at any time upon the request of the Chairman of the County Board Of Super. visors, or the Nayor of the City, or &ny member of the Joint Health Board. It .shalI elect a chairman who shall hold office for one year unless reelected. The Health Officer 'shall ek officio act as secretary of the Joint Health Board but shall not have a vote. 8. The said Joint Health Board shall act in an advisory capacity in the appoint- ment, resignation er removal of the Health Officer, provided that it is understood and agreed that the position of Health Officer shall be filled only by a person approVed by the ~ State Health Department and the contra~ting parties to this agreement. 9. The parties to this agreement shall have the power to fix the salary and the term of office of the Joint Health 0fficer~ the ~oint Health Board shall have. the power to grant leave of absence in excess of twenty-four hours, to the Joint Health Officer, and in a general way to outline the performance of his duties and _su.~ervise-his activities. lC.- It is understood and agreed that the Health OfFicer shall otherwise have Full direction and responsibility for the administration of the Joint Health Department. He shal'. have the power to appoint all employees, fix the dutie~ and hours of work, regulate the leave of absence, and remove for cause the employees of the Joint Health Department, sub- jeCt, however, to the approval of the Joint Health Board. He shall make regular reports of the work of the Joint Health Department at the regular meetings of the Joint Health Board held quarterly', and shall make special reports to said Board requested by its Chairman, and shall keep the Board of County Supervisors and the City Commissioners informed of the activi Sics of the Joint Health Department. ll. The contracting parties further agree that the~facilities of the Joint Health Department may be utilized for the teaching of medical students or nurses and for research by collaboration between the Joint Health Officer and the Department of Public Hygiene of the Medical School so far as this may be practiczl without interfering with the adminis- trative efficienc~jof the Organization. 12. The work of the Joint Health Department shall be financed by funds con- tributed annually by the contracting pa~ties as follows: A budget for the said Joint Health Department for twelve months beginning on July 1st shall be prepared by the Joint Health Board and submitted 'to the contracting par- ties for approval by the governing bodies of the three contracting partie~ prior to March ls in each year. The University of Virginia will contribute $2,000.00 ~er annum to said Joint Health Department. Such sums as may be contributed by the State of Virginia or such other agencies as may from time to time wish to participate in the promotion of the public health of the community shall be received by the Joint Health De.partment. The balance necessary to make up the amount of the proposed expenditUres shown in said Budget shall be contributed by appropriations made by the City of Charlottesville and by the County of Albemarle in pro- portion to the respective services rendered bhe City and County as determined by a survey to be made by the Department of Public Administration of the University. Pending completion of such survey, the City and County shall make equal appropriations, and upon the compl.et~on of such survey the City or County, a~ the case may be, shall ~ay to the other party such sum as may be necessary to reimburse any amount overpaid by such other party prior to the completion of such survey. The City and County shall share in the State appropriation to local health units in proportion to the respective services rendered the City and County as determined by snch survey. Contributions to be made by the County' and City as hereinabove set forth shall be made by monthly payments sufficient to create a revolving fund for the u~e of said Depart- m~nt of $2,500~00 at the commencement of each month. The UniverSity further agrees to conduct in the laboratories of the E~dical School such laboratory examinations as may be necessary in con~uection with the public health its hospital will give p~ference to the care and interest in the City and Co~zuty, and that treatment of such indigent patients from said County and City as the Health Officer may certify to be a menace to public health, but this provision shall not be construed to im- pose obligation on the University to accept and treat indigent patients in said County and City in general. The City agrees that the Joint Health Department shall have the' right to use the office space now used by it under the existing contract at a rent ef $50.00 per month to '26 be paid one-half by the County and one-half by the City, but the-Joint Health Board may withi the approval of the-contracting parties make such other arrangements for office space as it deems advisable-. The Money appropriated for the operation of the Joint Health Department shalli,. 13. be budgeted to one account. Said account shall be kept by the Director of Finance for the County, who shall B~all~wed $15.00 for such services, and who shall furnish to the con- tracting parties such reports and financial statements as they may require. 14. Within the limits imposed by the appropriating bodies the Health Officer, un- der the supervision of the 'Joint Health Board, shall have the power to budget the account so as to secure a maximum efficiency and economy in the administration of his Department, but the budgetary expense estimates shall not be exceeded without the approval of both the ~ Board of County Supervisors and the City Commissioners. Disbursements shall be made upon vouchers signed by the Health Officer. Financial statements shall be made quarterly to the Director of Fin&nco of Albemarle County, bhe Director of Finance of the City of Charlottes- ville, and the Bursar of the University of Virginia, Any properly authorized officer of anylil of the three contracting parties shall have access to the books of the Joint Health Depart- mont. The Health Officer shall be responsible for the proper expenditure of the funds of th~ Joint Health Department, and the Joint Health Board shall be diligent in seeing that th~ responsibility is propezly discharged. 15, This agreement shall be deemed in effect as of January I, 1948, and contri- butions to the current budget of the Joint .Health Department operating pursuant to contract between the parties dated April 24, 1939, shall from and after January 1, 1948, be made in the manner and subject to adjustments as provided in section 12 hereof. 16. The members of the Joint Health Board now operating pursuant to said contracti. of April 24, 1939, shall continue as members of the Joint Health Board pursuant to this contract to the expiration of the terms for which they were originally appointed. ~7. This agreement sha~l continue in effect until July l, 1949, and thereafter shall continue in force from year to year, provided that any one of the contracting parties may terminate the agreement as of July 1st in any year after giving ~h~ice to the other parties in writing not less than ninety days prior to said termination date. IN TESTI~0NY NHEREOF, the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County has caused its name to be siSned hereto by its Chairman and attested by its Clerk, and the City of Charlottesville has caused its hame to be signed by its Mayor, and attested by its Clerk,!i and the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia has caused its name to be signed by it Rector and attested by its Secretary. ATTEST: BOARD OF COUNTY SUPERVISORS OF ALBEMARLE COUNTY (signed) June T. Via Clerk (signed) C. Purcell. McCue Chairman ATTEST: (si~ed) Jas. E. Bowen, Jr. _ ~ C~erk ATTEST: CITY OF CHARL~i'TESVILLE (signed) R.S. Adams May or RECTOR AND VISITORS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA (?iEned) Vincent Shea (signed) E.R. Stettinius,.Jr. Secretary Rector Communication addressed to the Superintendent of Public Welfare from the State Department of Welfare~ concerning salaries and salary schedules, was presented by Mr. Robinson and after general discussion thereof, Mr. Robinson was authorized to solve this problem as he sees fit in fairness to all concerned. Mr. Eohinson stated that he felt that no adjustments were in order at thi~ tlm~. b~u,,~- ~e +~ ~-~ ....... merits had been made after consideration by the Welfare Board as well as the Board of Super- visors and that in considering the budget for the coming fiscal year consideration has also been given to thes~ matters and adjustments made on the basis of both the Welfare Board's and the Board of Supervisors' judgment. Mr. Robinson a~vised the Board that permission had ~been granted by the County and City to the Alcohol Tax Unit to install a mobile police radio unit on the car owned by the Treasury Department stationed in Charlottesvilled. Communication was received from Evelyn Day Mullen, Librarian Director, a~vising that the Bookmobile had arrived and would begin serving the County shortly. A schedule of ghops planned during the first week of its serviSe was a~so.presented. Claim was received from the University of Virginia Hospital for $112~.00, this being nine months pro rata of the annual appropriation made by the County. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: BE IT.RESOLVED b~the Board of County Supervisors of Albe- marie County, Virginia, that $1125.00 be and is hereby appropriated from the Unappropriated Reserve of the General Fund to be used for University of Virginia Hospital. The following budget of the Joint Health Department was presented and approved in the amount of $33,6~0.00 to be financed from the following sources: State Funds - $12,240.00; University of Virginia contribution - $2,000.00; balance to be financed by con- tributions from the City of Charlottesville and County of Albemarle on the basis of the pre-I sent con%ract on which the Coo~ty's part is not to exceed $10,820.00: Salary, Health Officer ............. Travel, Health Officer Salary, Sanitation Officer ........... Travel Sanitation Officer Salary, Sanitation Officer ........... Trav~l,DSa~i.~abie~ Officer...... .... Salary, Supervising Nurse (MrS.'ROberts) .... Travel, Supervising Nurse (Mrs. Roberts) ...... Salary, Nurse No. 2 (Mrs. Larkum) ....... Travel, Nurse No. 2 (Mrs. Larkum) ....... Salary, Nurse No. 3 (Mrs. Sykes) ........ Travel, Nurse No. 3 (Mrs. Sykes) ......... i (v t) Sa ary, Nurse No. acan . . . ~ ~ ..... 4 (V~ant) Travel, Nurse No ........... Clerk, Salary (Mrs. Larrick) ; Auditor .... Clinic Nurse, .... S'l'r-aay ..... '":' ............. Clinic Nurse T~avel Office Supplies and Printing .......... Biologi~als i Equipment ................... Postage .................... Telephone and Telegraph ............ Medical Supplies ................ Part-time Secretary .............. Night V.D. Clinic & part-time Medical Azsts... $7,500. O0 5OO.OO 2,340.00 660. O0 2,280.00 66O.OO 2,400.00 660.00 2,340.00 66O.OO 2,340.00 660~00 2,220.00 660. O0 1,620.00 180. O0 2,100. O0 330.00 370.00 200.00 190. O0 180. O0 60, O0 40:00 840. O0 Contingent and Miscellaneous .......... ~ $33,630.00 An offer of $10.00 was received from Dick Scott foran old typewriter which is not being used by the County Agent's Office. ~r. Robinson was a~horized to iuvestigCte this matter and act. Communication was received from the National Association of County Officials ad- vising that the 1948 Annual Conference of that Association would be held in Jacksonville, Florida on June 21,22, and 23, 1948. Communication was received from the League of Virginia'Counties advising that the ~eague would hold a conference on County Government in the CoUnty court House, here on June 3, 1948. Communications were received from Fred C. Kimbo. Mr. Robinson informed the Board that he had relieved Mr. McAllister of his duties as radio dispatcher for the good of the radio service and that the Sheriff had concurred in this release. He also advised the Board that Mr. Hughes had ~tem~ered'his resignation' effec- tire ~une 1, 1948, giving as his reason for resigning as an understanding from Mr. C0ckrell that he was to be paid $150.00 per month after a coupl~ months of service, which appeared to be a misunderstanding so far as the Board was' concerned since ~.was.Dhe intention of the. Board originally to start these men at $115.00 but had agreed to a beginning w~lary of $125.d0 per month. Communication was received from Mrs. Ruth Burruss Huff, Home Demonstration Agent, advising that there had been considerable amount of tresspassing through the grounds and building of the 4-H Club Camp and a large amount of property had been stolen from the camp building. This communication was addressed to the Sheriff and asked the Sheriff to take every possible step to apprehend the tresspassers through this property. CommuniCation was received from Dr. George M. Lawson requesting an appropriation for dental service rendered in the white Schools of the County by the stat~ Eealth Depart- ~i mont. Mr. Robinson was instructed to investigate this matter to determine who had the respo~, sibility of seeing that this dental work was carried out properly and the following resolu- tion was unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albe- marlo County, Virginia, that $1,600.O0, or a sum sufficient, be and is hereby appropriated from the Unappropriated Reserve of the General Fund to be used for services rendered by the State Health'Department for dental work in the white schools of the County. Mr. R. C. Ambler, Resident Engineer, appeared as a representative of the State Department of Highways and the following road requests were received: (1) Request received from Mrs. John Mays to take into the Secondary System approximately 1½miles of road leading Northeastward off of Route 712 near North Garden. (2) Request received from Mr. E. M. Frazier to improve approximatel~ 200 yards of Route 621 at Eastham. Request received from Mr. F. E. Paulett to hard surfact 1.35 mi. of Route 795 near Scottsville. (4) Request presented by Mr. E. 0. McCue, Attorney, to hard surface Route 677 between I~Road and Garth Road, and also Route 658, dead-end, into Mr. George Cart's place. (5) Request received from Mr. Edwards to surface treat Route 641 by Burnleys. (6) Request presented for Mrs. Applegate to improve Route 611 near Earman's and White Hall. (7) Request to open drains and construct new bridge on Route 689 across Yellow Mountain Creek. (8) R~quest presented for Mr. E. S. Napier to take outlet into system. (9) Mr. Chiles called Mrl Ambler's attention to the dense growth on Route 240 where it jo'ins Route 250 at Mechums River Bridg~.~ requested that consideration be given to the widening of the following bridges: (1) First bridge on Route 240 west of Mechums River; (2) Bridge in front of Mr. Pietch's place on Route 684; (3) Dr. Davis' bridge at the base of Cometary Hill$ and (4) the first concrete bridge east of intersection of Routes 635 and 250. (10) The following requests were received from KeswickArea 0itizens Assoc: (a) Reduce speed limit on Routes 231 and 22 from Louisa to Shad- well to 40miles per hour. (b) Install "Dangerous Curve Ahead" signs at all "S" Curves on these routes. (c) Install sign reading "Dangerous Intersection" on Route 250 leading into Shadwell. (d) 0il secondary roads leaving Routes 231 and 22, particularly Road 616, Road 648 and the gravel road to Campbell Station. (e) More efficient police patrol on Routes 231 and 22. P~tition was presented requesting that a portion of the Old Stony Point Road be closed. Upon motion, made by Mr. Chiles and seconded by Mr. Wood, it was ordered that this Retition was presented to improve Short i8th Street and upon motion, made by ~r. Chiles and seconded by mr. Wood, it was ordered that this Road be viewed the next time viewer& are appointed. P~etition was presented to i~prove the Flint Road to the property of L. H. Naylor. No action was taken on this matter due to the fact that the Viewers appointed on March 17, 1948, turned this road down. Upon motion, made by Mr. Chiles and seconded by Mr. mood, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albe- marle County, Virginia, that Nr. Robinson be and is hereby authorized to make temporary transfers of excess funds available in the Road Debt Funds to the General Fund. Claims against the ~ounty amounting to $26',953.76 were present~d, examined, and allowed and certified to the Director of Finance for payment and charged against the followin funds: General Fund School Fund Dog Tax Fund Crozet Fire District Fund Crozet Sanitary District Fund Commonwealth of Virginia Current Credit Account Upon motion, the meeting adjourned. $13,134.41 9,203.52 17 . 8 35.91 2,601.64 · !, 05.80 $26,953.76 Chairman