HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-06-18 A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia,
was held at the Office Building of said County on the 16th day of June, 1948.
Messrs. C. Purcell McCue, E. J. Ballard, Henry Chiles, C. R. Dorrier,
and N. W. Wood.
Gen~P. B. Peyton.
Officers present: County Executive, Commonwealth's Attorney, and Deputy Sheriff.
Minutes of the meeting of May 19th, 19~8, were read and approved.
Mr. L. H. Arnold of the Arnold Company appeared and reported on the progress being
made on the two-way radio system and advised that the Company is now working on a new re-
ceiver which he feels will be an improvement over the present one. The matter of changing
the location of the antenna from the Monticello Hoteltto the Virginia Forestry Tower on
Carter Mountain was discussed and Mr. Robinson was instructed by the Board, with the approve!
of Mr. Arnold, to secure the ser~ces of ~r. Lee and Lt. Thomas of-the State Police Depart-
ment, with the view of making a complete survey of our presend radio system and also a study~.
of the proposed new location for our antenna. Mr. Arnold stated that he would assume every
responsibility for seeing that the equipment be made servicable and also cost of making any
relocation of equipment. Mayor Roscoe Adams also appeared concerning this matter and ad-
vised the Board that the City of Charlottesville would work with the County for the mutual
benefits bo be received and as far as the City is concerned, the advantages obtained sc far
have been greater than the disadvantages. Mr. Julian Thomas advised that Nit. Berlin Eye
of the Virginia Forestry Service would be willing for the County to use the Forestry's fire
tower prov~ided the COunty relieve the Forestry Service of any damage ~e to the equipment.
Mr. Lonnie H. Pope appeared and reported on the progress being made in the re-
assessment of the real estate of the County. The Board requested Mr. Pope to keem them in-
formed of the progress made and stressed the fact that they w.anted the job completed by
December 30, 1948, even if it meant employing additional assistance in doing so.
The following reports were presented, approved, and ordered filed:
(a) County Executive.
(b) Charlottesville Public Library.
Mr. D. A. Robinson, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses of the
Department of Finance for the mont$ of May, 19&8, one,third of which to be borne by the
State. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified, and
Mr. D. A. Robinsoh, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses of the
Sheriff's Office for the month of May, 1948, two-thirds of which to be borne by the State.
Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified, and approved.
~lr. D. A. Robinson, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses of the
Commonwealth,s Attorney's Office for the month of May, 1948, one-half of which to be borne b~
the S~ate.
A Statement of Expenses incurred in the maintenance of prisoners confined in the
County Jail ~uring the month .o~ May, 19&8, w~s submitted. ~pon motion, duly made and
seconded, this Statement wqs examined, verified, and approved.
A Summary Statement of prisoner days was submitted. Upon motion, duly made and
seconded, this Statement was examined, verified, and approved.
Claim of Dr. Richard T. Ergenbright, Jail Physician, amounting to $ 3.75 was
presented and approved fnr payment.
The matter of paying the Link Radio Corp. bill was discussed and it was ordered
lhat no part of the bill be paid until all of the equipment ordered is received.
Upon motion, made by Mr. C. R. Dorrier and seconded by Mr. W. W. ~ood,
Robinson was authorized to employ Mr. Robert E. Flood as radio dispatcher at the salary of
Mr. Robinson presented bids from the State Farm Insurance Company and the Commerce
Realty and Insurance Company on insurance for County owned automobiles and recommended that
all a6tomobiles be covered by the same Company. ~r. ~Ballard made a motion to pIace the in-
surance on these-cars with the State Farm Insurance Company, Which motion was seconded by
Mr. Wood. The vote on this motion was as follows: Ayes: Mr. E. J. Ballard and Mr. O. W.
Wood. Noes: Mr. Henry Chiles and Mr. C. R. Dorrier. Mr. Robinson was instructed to secure
more bids and report back at the next meeting of the Board.
~r. Robinson reported that he had received a report from the Department of Agri-
culture on the test made on gasoline stored at the County Shop. This report compared
favorably with the standard specifications of the State. Mr. Robinson also reported that we
would receive a regular monthly test of our gas supply and also obtain a comparative test
of this gasoline with that of other brands being distributed in Virginia.
Mr. E. S. Napier appeared a~d requeEted that approximately 200 yards of read be
taken into the Secondary System, this read being the outlet from his property to the Coves-
ville Road. Upon motion, made by ~r. Chiles and seconded by Mr. Ballard, it was ordered
that this road be viewed the next time viewers are appointed.
Communication was received from Dr. George M. Lawson, Acting Health Officer, en-
closing a report of dental work done in the County from September 10, 19%7, through April 30,
19~$. Dr. Lawson also reported that the Health Department had the responsibility of deter-
mining the schools to be visited by the dental clinic and also advised that efforts were
being made to give the county complete coverage as to white schools every two years. Durin~
the past year no colored denest was available~.and therefore no colored dental work was done
during this period. Dr. Lawson also advised that the principal of each school has a~tempted
to determine those able to pay for the dental service and that the County was given credit
for all collections which the dental clinic was able to collect for .this service.
Mr. Robinson reported on the use being made of the courtesy cards from Standard
Oil Company during the first month in use which is as follows:
W. Abbott Smith 1
W. S. Cook 1
Thomas W. Wolfe 3
T. ~. Whitten 6
B. D. Chesshir 19
No. of times used in current month
He also reported that his is not a fair comparison of use being made of the cour%es
cards in as much as each operator has in his possession a courtest card from the Tsxas Com-
pany on which we have.to date, received no report as to the use being made Of the cards from
this Company. Mr. Robinson also reported the net cost to the County of gasoline used in the
above cars as follows: (1) Regular gas from the Shop drum - $0.1220 per gallon; (2) Regular
gas outside - $0.2030 per gaIlon; and (~) Premium gas - $0.2260 per gallon. The members of
the Board without formal action reaffirmed the fact that the cards were secured for~emergen~
Communication was received from the State Department of Public Welfare regarding
chan~e of status of ~elfare Department personnel and w~s ordered filed.
Claim was received from the University of Virginia Hospital amounting to $1875.00
covering the b&~lance due by the County under SLH Contract for the period April l, 1948 -
June 30, 1948, inclusive. Upon motion, made by Mr. Wood and seconded by Mr. Chiles, the
following resolution was unanimously adopted:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of' County Supervisors of Albe-
marle County, Virginia, that $1875.00 be and the same is here9~ appro-
priated from the Unappropriated Reserve of the General Fund to be used
in payment of claim of University of Virginia Hospital covering amount
.... ~+~o~ ~ the neriod beginning ~priI 1,
Report was received from the Virginia State Planning Board showing the progress
made on the Albemarle County tax map and was ordered filed.
An offer was received from the Division of Markets, Stste Department of Agri-
culture and Immigration, to test the weighing and measuring devices in Albemarle County
for approximately $125.00 per 'year. Upon motion, made by Mr. Wood and seconded by Mr.
Chiles, this offer was accepted and the Chairman was authorized to sign the agreement for
this service, effective July 1, 1948.
Communication was received from Mr. Paul H. Cale, inviting the Board to attend
the State-wide High School Principals' Conference being held at the University of Virginia
from June 17- 22, 1948.
Report was received from the Dep~rtment of Corrections on the County Jail and
was ordered filed.
The following notice was received from the State Department of Highway~ and was i~
.ordered filed:~ ~
Notice is hereby given under Chapter 212, Section 2, Act approved
March 19, 1926, that the State Highway Commission proposes to aban-
don and eliminate from the Primary Highway System the following
section of Route 250 in Albemarle County:~
Old location of Route 250, from the canterling
with the right of way opposite Sta. 118~75 north-
westerly 1.03 Mi. to the centerling with the right
of way opposite Sta. 164t40 length 1.03~miles.
Provided, however, that if there is any objection to the closing of
said section of old Route 250 the same must be filed in writing in
the office of the State Highway Commission, Richmo~d,~ Virginia.contra
Mr. Robinson called the Board's attention to the fact that the ct with the Ii
City of Charlottesville for the use of the Clerk's Office an~
December 31, 1947. This matter was tabled until the next mee
Comunication was received from Mr. L. W. Wood cone
garage which he has rented to the County for a number of years.
the Court House expired on
ling of the Board.
erning repairs needed to the
This matter was referred
to Mr. ~obinson for further investigation and action.
Communication was received from Mr. E. V. Nalker, A~ttorney, concerning the damage!.
by surface and sewer water to the property of Mrs. Jennie Drumheller. This matter was
referred to Mr. W. O. Fife for further investigat~Sn~.
Report from the Virginia Conservation Commission was presented and ordered filed
and claim in the amount of $214.08 was presented and approved £o~ payment.
Mr. Robinson called the Board's attention to the fact that Mr. J. R. ~n~field, ~'
Jr., an employee of the County, was delinquent for tangible personal property taxes for ..... ~
the years 19~7, 1938 and 19~0. This matter was discussed but no action was taken.
Communication was received from J. Gordon Bennett, Auditor of Public Accounts,
advising that a copy of the audit made by T. Coleman Andrews and Company of the accounts of!~
the Department of Finance for the period beginning July 1, ~'1947 and endihg ~ar~h 31, 1948,
had been furnished the Bonding Company, Upon motion, made by Mr. Chile~ and' seconded by
Mr. Wood, it was ordered that the deficit of Mr. H. A. Haden in the amount of $96.26 and
the deficit of Mr. H. G. Cockrell in the amount of $224.30, be marked off the books and
charged to General Fund Surplus.
Co~,unication was received from the International City Managers' Association
advising t~hat the annual conference of that Association would be held at ~ackinac Island,
~ichigan, September 12-16, 1948.
Communications ~were received from Fred C. Kimbo.
Mr. Robinson suggested to the Board that the delinquent tangible personal propert~
taxes be turner over to a d~linquent tax collector and recommended ~r. David A.. Lyons.
~r. Robinson was instructed to have Mr. Lyons ~ppear before the Board at its next meeting
what terms he would ~o this work.
The use of the Board. Room at night was discussed and ~r. Robinson recommended
that the Court House be used at niEht in preference due to the fact that the janitor has
to come back at night to open the building when the Board Room is. used and a dispatcher-is
on duty twenty-four hours of the day in the Court House. The Board concurred in Mr.
Robinson' s recommendation.
Mr. Robinson reported that the service of Dr. S. D. Sturkie as Health Officer
of the Joint Health Department had been secured at an annual salary of $7,500.00, i~.:~a~-
cordance with Sectfon 3 of the Joint Emalth Agreement dated February 3, 1948. Upon motion,
duly made and seconded, Dr. Sturkie's appointment is hereby approved.
Claims against the County amounting to $93,972.70 were presented, examined, and
allowed and certified to the Director of Finance for payment and charged against the
following funds :~
General Fund
School Fund
Dog Tax Fund
Crozet Fire District Fund
:¢rozet Sanitary District Fund
~CIntire Trust Fund
6ommonwealth of Virginia Current Credit Account
Upon motion, the meeting adjourned.
1, 594.24