HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-08-18 A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia
was held at the Office Building of said County on the !8th day of August, 1948.
Pre'sent: Messrs. C. Purcell McCue, E. J. Ballard, Henry Chiles, and C. R. Dorrier.
Absent: Messrs. P. B. Peyton and W. W. Wood.
Officers present: County Executive, Commonwealth's Attorney, and Sheriff.
Minutes of the meeting of July 21, 1948, were read and approved.
Communication was received from R. C. Ambler, Resident Engineer of Department of
Highways expressing h~s regret ~n being transferred from Albemarle County. Mr. Ambler also
appeared before the Board to express his appreciation for the kind and considerate coopera-
tion given him by the Board of Supervisors during his seven years work in Albemarle County.
The Board likewise expressed their appreciation to Mr. Ambler and instructed Mr. Fife to
write a letter to General Anderson commending the excellent work done by Mr. Ambler, copy
of said letter to go to i~r. Ambler.
The following claims were received against the Dog Fund:
a) Claim of Lewis H. Spencer for five hens and twenty baby chickens.
Upon motion, made by Mr. Dorrier and seconded by Mr. Chiles, it was
ordered that this claim be paid at the Pate of $.15 each for the baby
chickens and $.25 each for the hens.
b) Claim of James Sprouse for 3' hens and 61 chickens five weeks old.
Upon motion made by Mr. Chiles and seconded by Mr. Dorrier it was
ordered that $ .30 each be paid for the chidkens and the claim for
hens not allowed because the hens are not assessed.
c) Claim of E. E. Thomas for 1 lamb weighing 95 pmunds and 5 sheep.
Upon motion, made by Mr. Chiles and seconded by ~r. Dorrier, it was
ordered that this claim be allowed as follows: 1 lamb @ $20.00 and
the sheep at $12.00 each.
d). Claim of W. F. Collier for 1 lamb and 1 sheep. Upon motion, made
by Mr. Chiles and seconded by Mr. Dorrier, it was ordered that $15.00
be paid for the lamb and $12.00 for the sheep.
e) Claim of R. L. Powetl for 9 hens and 8 chickens weighing 1-~-
pounds. The 1948 tax return of Mr. Powell shows no chickens assessed.
Mr. Powell is of the opinion that he told Mr. Black to list his
chickens. ~. Black feels that he would have listed the chickens of
Mr. Powell had he been told by the taxpayer to do so. Upon motion,
made by Mr. Chiles and seconded by Mr. Dorrier, it was ordered that
no allowance b$ made for the hens and the chickens be paid at the rate
of $ .60 each.
f) Claim of W. Weller Head for 1 calf. On June 16, 1948 the Board
approved a claim of Mr. Head's for two calves killed by dogs. The
Vetinerary has advised that the calf for which ~. Head is now making
claim died from exertion the same day that the two calves were killed.
Upon motion, made by Mr. Chiles and seconded by ~M. Dorrier, it was
ordered that ~f~. Head be paid $36.00 for the calf.
g) Claim of H. V. Herold for 6 lambs weighing $0 pounds each. Upon
motion, made by Mr. Ballard and seconded by Mr. Dorrier, it was ordered
that Mr. Herold be paid ~16.00 each for these lambs.
Nr. B. D. Chesshir, Game Warden, reported to the Board on the plans for Feeding
Stations for birds that the Game Commission has underway for this County. The Commission
hopes to open its project with thirty one-acre fields of grain and to enlarge this project
to as many as sixty fields.
~r. L. H. Arnold of the Arnold Company appeared to report on the progress made on~.th~
two-way radio system, t~. Arnold reported that the nm~ receiver was some ~.mp~.ovement over tho
old one but not enough improvement to give satisfactory service. ~r. Arnold is of the opinion!
that the noise interference at the present location is so great that coverage at all points
in the County can not be ebtained. Mr. Arnold agreed that within the next week his Company
would begin the test survey from the proposed location on Carter's Mountain. The Board re-
quested ~r. Arnold to make a thorough test survey from Carter's Mountain to all points in the
County during both daytime and night so as to know the possibilities of this new location be-
fore the change is made. Mr. Arnold agreed that if he did not find this location entirely
favorable from his test survey that he would report his findings to the Board before any
i~,~x~}';~,:change was made.~ Mr. Arnold agreed to make tho necessary agreements and arrangements with
the Arnold Company for the months April, May, June, and July be paid with the understanding
I '
ithat in so paying for this servic~ the County does not jeopardize its position covered by
contract to satisfactorily install in this County two-way police radio equipment.
Communication was received from Major W. C. Thomas, Executive Officer of the Depart-
ment of State Police en~losing a report on the survey of our two--way radio system recently
conducted by Lt. Thomas and Mr. Lee.
The following Committee was appointed to work out a set of rules and regulations to
be followed in the keeping of the Radio Log in the Sheriff's Office: ~. Henry Chiles, Mr.
Robinson, and ~r. Fife. Mr. Robinson was instructed to secure information as to the re-
uirements of the Federal Communications Commission in connection with the record keeping of
the Log.
Mr. Henry McComb Bush appeared requesting the Board of Supervisors to furnish office
space for the joint office of the City and County Draft Board. Upon motion, made by Mr. Chile
and seconded by Mr. Baliard, it was ordered that they be allowed to use Room 308 in the County
Office Building with no charge for rent.
R~. Fife advised the Board that the Lake Albemarle Commission, as requested by the
Board , had furnished him with a copy of its Charter and By-Laws and so far as he was able
to determine these instruments were legally sound. The following Committee was appointed to
make a thorough study of the Lake Albemarle Commission's project: Mr. Wood, Mr. Chiles, Mr.
Fi~e, and Mr. ~obins.on.
The following reports were presented, approved, and ordered filed:
a) County Executive
b) Virginia State Planning Board
c) Charlottesville Public Library
d) Department of Agriculture
e) Department of Corrections
Mr. D. A. Robinson, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses of the
Department of Finance for the month of July, 1948, one-third o£ which to be borne by the
State. Upon motion, d~y made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified, and ~
Mr. D. A. Robinson, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses of the
Sheriff's office for the month of July, 19A8, two-thirds of which to be borne by the State.
Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified, and approved.
Mr. D. a.'~ Robinson, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses of th~
Commonwealth's Attorney,s office for the month of July, 1948, one-half of which to bebborne
by ~he State. Upon mot2on, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified,
and approved.
A ~tatement of Expenses incurred in the maintenance of prisoners confined in,the
County Jail during the month of July, 1948, was submitted.~ Upon motion, duly made and second~
ed, this Statement was examined, verified, and approved. ~I
A Summary Statement of prisoner days was submitted. Upon motion, duly made and
seconded, this Statement was examined, verified, and approved.
Claim of Dr. Richard T. Ergenbright, Jail Ph?sician, amounting to $2.00, was
presented and approved for payment.
Claim was received from the Virginia State Plar~_ing Board in the amount of ~201.00
uepresenting one month's salary of a draftsman who is working on 'the Albemarle County maps~
and a claim in the amount of $231.58 for materials used for the period ending June 30th.
Upon motion, made by Mr. Chiles am.d seconded by Mr/ Ba!lard, these claims were approved for
Mr. Robinson reported that we had received a letter from University of Virginia
· ~-~ ~.~+~ ~ =+~m~n~ ~ n~r aaeollil% for hospitalization service under our contract for
the period April:ii, 1948 through ~une 30, 1948. This statement shows that the County's one-
half of tetal bills rendered for period April 1, 1948 through June 30, 1948 to be $3532.32
of which $1875.00 has been paid, leaving a balance of $1657.34. It was ordered that'this
letter be acknowledged and filed.
Upon motion, duly made and seconded, the following resolution was unanimously
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle
County, Virginia, that $206.25-be and the same is hereby appropriated from
the Unappropriated Reserve of the General Fund to cover additional amount
needed for the purchase of uniforms for the Sheriff's Office.
Requests were received from the Sheriff for salary increases for his Deputies retro-
active to July 1, !9A8. Upon motion, made by Mr. Ballard and seconded by Mr. Dorrier, the
following resolution was unanimously adopted:
BE IT RESOLVE~ by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle
County, Virginia, that the following requests from the Sheriff of Albe-
marle County for s&!ary increases retroactive to July I, 19~, for -the
balance of the calendar year be and are hereby approved:
Name of Present ~onth- Requested Approved Month-
Deputy ~y Salary Increase IyS~lary
W. Abbott Smith $175.00 $ 15.00 $190.00
~. S. Cook !75.00 15.00 190.00
T. W. Wolfe 175.00 15.00 190.00
T. ~. ~hitten 165.00 15.00 180500
P. E. Elliott 14O.O0 15.00 155.00
J. Fulton Thomas 160.00 5.00 165.00
BE IT RESOLVED that the approval of the above increases are sub-
ject to the approval of the State Compensation Board.
The Library Contract for the year beginning July 1~ !9Z8 was presented and tabled
until the next meeting of the Board.
A communication was received from Lo~mie H. Pope, Real Estate Appraiser, that it was ~
necessary that an additional appraiser be employed if the reassessment of the County was to
be completed by December 3!s~as scheduled. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, it~was
ordered that ~r. Robinson communicate With Mr. Fred Forberg, Supervisor of Appraisals of
the State Deoartment and act according to his recommendations in the selection of this
additional appraiser.
Request was received from Paul H. Cale, Superintendent of Schools, for a supplemental
appropriation of $7870.00 for InstruCtion- Special and Adul~ and a revision of Estimated
Revenue for like amount from State Funds - Special Education. This supplement is requested
for armual salaries of teachers at Blue Ridge Sanatorium and University of Virginia Hospital.
Upon motion, made by N~. Ballard and seconded by ~r. Dorrier, the following resolution
was unanimously adbpted:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemar!e'
County, Virginia, that the County School Budget for the fiscal year 1948-
49 be and is hereby amended as follows:
Supplemental Appropriation - Instruction- Special & Adult -$7870.00
Suppiem~ntai Estimated Revenue - State Funds - SRecia! Education - $7870.00..
A communication was received from the National Bank and Trust ComPany advising of the
closing out of the following old and inactive accounts and enclosing a check in the amount
of $366.85 representing the balances in these accounts:
Ivy District School Board - August 16, 1919
Rivanna School Board
Albemarle County Schools - October 24, 1942
$293. A4
6A. 5O
Upon motion, made by ~r. Dorrier and s_econded by Nr. Ballard, it was ordered that this check
~be credited to the General Fund.
Co.~unication was received from the League of Virginia Municipalities calling attent-
lion to a meeting of Town and County Managers to be held at the Chamberlain Hotel, Old Point
Corafort, Virginia, on September 27th.
Resolutions were received from the following containing requests to the Governor to
call a special session of the General Assembly to enact a sales tax for the purpose of
establishing and maintaining an adequate school building program.
a) Board of Supervisors of Wythe County.
b) Board of Supervisors of Southampton County.
~r. Robinson presented to the Board a memorandum from ~r. Calhoun of Calhoun Chevrolet
Oompany showing costs of $183.00 on school bus chassis which he recently sold to Albemarle
County which were not included in ~. Calhoun's ~ids. Of this figure ~75.00 ~epresented
a price increase after our order was placed and ~i08.00 reyl~esented the insta!!ationoof true-
stop b~akes on four buses. Upon motion, made by ~r. Bal!ard and seconded by Mr. Dorrier, it
was ordered that ~r. Ca~houn be paid ~108.00 for the brakes but not for the price increase.
~r. Robinson was requested to express to Mr. Calhoum the County's appreciation for the
~iscount of ~2101.00 allowed on the purchase Of these buses.
Upon motion, made by Mr. Bal!ard and seconded by Mr. Dorrier, the following resolution
was unanimously adopted:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle
~ounty, Virginia, that ~1359.A4 be and the same is hereby appropriated
from the Unappropriated Reserve of the General Fund to cover the purchase
of a 1948 Chevrolet Sedan from Calhoun Chevrolet Company.
Upon motion of ~r. Chiles, seconded by Mr. Dorrier, ~Ir. ~obinson was instructed to have the
old Welfare car repaired and put in good shape.
l~r. Robinson called to the Board's attention the fact that the City had reimbursed
the County ~250.00 for City Dental work paid by the Joint Health Fund. This amount represents
one-half of the cost of City Dental work expended from t~ Joint Health Fund for C±ty Dental
Nork during the fiscal year 1947-48. It was pointed out that when this expenditwre was made
the County reimbursed the Joint Health Fund 60.3% of the total amount or $301.50.
~. ~obinson reported to the Board on the cost per ~quare foot of the various offices
in the Court House and County Office Building, a!s:o the rent received. No immediate~action
~as 'taken.
Comm.:~nications were received from Fred C. Kimbo.
~r. Robinson reported that he contacted City officials concerning the parking around
]curt Square and Mayor Adams w~uld advise as to what provisions could be made.
A questionnaire was received from the League of Virginia Counties requesting in-
formation as to whether or not the Board of Supervisors, by resolution has endorsed the
enactment of a sales tax and whether the Board, by resolution has urced the calling ~£ a
special session to deal with this probiemJ Each of these questions were answered "No~ and
returned to the League of Virginia Counties.
Mrs. Minnis ~ahanes appeared and made application to have taken into the Secondary
~ystem the exte~±on of Route 25~O for .2 of a mile beyond its present maintenance.
?~. William T. ~tevens, President of the Bella~reEstates, appeared and made appli-
cation to have the following roads taken into the Secondary System: That road designated
from Route 250
as CanterBury R~ad leading/to Dogwood Lane, thence southeastwardlyto the Old Farm Road,
thence north~-ardly along this road back to Route 250, the poin~ of beginning (a distance of
approximately one mile and ll5 feet).
Application having bee~ made to the Board of County Supervisors of this County to
take into the Secondary System a section of approximately !½mi!e of that road leading
northwest off Route 712 near North Garden, it is hereby ordered that Messrs. Do Bo ~wen,
H.~ Ashby Harris, C. C. Wade, Cammann C~ Duke, and H. V. Herold, resident freeholders of this
County, any three of whom may act, be and they are hereby appointed Viewers whose duty it
shall be to examine such road and report upon the expediency of establishing the same; they
shall, as soon as practible after receiving this order, proceed to ~ake the view, and May
examine other routes and locations than the ones proposed, and ~f/the opinion that there is
a ~ecessity for establishing public road~, they shall locate the same, return a map or a
diaffram thereof, with a report to the Board stating locations of such roads, the convenience
and inconvenience that will result as well as to the individuals as to the public, whether
the said road will be one of such ~ere private convenience as to make it proper that it
should be opened, established, and kept in order by 'the person or persons for whose con-
venience it is desired, whether any yard, garden, or orchard will have to be taken; the
names o* the landowners on such road, which of such landowners shall reeuire compensation,
what will be a just compensation to-the landov~ners requiring the compensation for the land
~h. peculiar
so taken, and for the damages of the~residUe of the tract, if any, beyond ~ ~
benefits to be derived in result t.o such residue from the road to be established; and all
other facts and circumstances in their opinion useful in enablin~ the Board to determine
its expediency of establishing the road, and they shall file such report with the Clerk of
this Board;
In the event that some of the landowners do not require the comoensation and they
will execute written consent, givin~ the right of way in question, the said Viewers shall
obtain such consent and return it with their report;
provided, however, that the Chairman of the State Hi~hw~ay Co~nission, sometimes
called the State HiEhway Commissioner, shall forthwith be notified of and made a party to
theee proceedings, and that he shall likewise be notifded of the time and the place of the
meeting of the Viewers herein designated.
Application hav~n~ been made to the Board of County Supervisors of this Cour£y to
take into the Secondary System the road used by E. S. Naoier as an outlet from his property
to the Covesville:Road, it is hereby ordered that Messrs. D. B..~wem, H. Ashby Ms~ris, C. Co
Wade, Can~ann .C Duke~ .and H. V. Herold, resident freeholders ce this County, any three of
whom may act, be and they are hereby appointed Viewers whose duty is shall be to examine suc~i
road and report, upOn'the expediency of establishing the s~e~ they shall, as soon as practi-
bie after receiving this order, proceed to make the view, and ~ay examine other routes and
locations than the one proposed, and if of the opinion that there is a necessity for es-
tablishing a public road, they sha~l locate the same, return a mad or diagram thereof, with
a report to the Board stating locations of such road, the convenience and inconven~_ence that
will result as well as to the individuals as to the public, whether the said road will be
one of such mere pr~v&te convenience as to make it proper that it should be opened~ es-
tablished, and kept in order by the person or persons for whose convenience it is desired,
whether any yard, garden, or orchard will have to be taken~ the na~es of the landowners on
such road, which of such ~andowners shall require compensation, what will be a just com-
pensation to the landowners requirin~ compensation, for the land so taken, and for the
damages of the ~esidue of the tract, if any, beyon4 the peculiar benefits to'be derived in
result to-such residu~ from the road to be established; and all other facts and circ~m-
stances in their opinion useful in enablin~ th~ Board to determine its e×pediency of es-
tablishing the road, and they shall file such reoort with the Clerk of this Board~
_.? ~ In the event that some of the landowners do not require compensation and they wilt
execute written consent, giving the right of way in question~ the said Viewers shall obtain
such consent and return it ~ith their report;
Provided, however, that the Chairman of the State H~ghway Com~ission~ sometimes
called the 8t~te Highway Co~missioner. shall forthwith be notified of and made a party to
these proceedings~ and that he shall likewise be notified of the time and place of the
meeting of-~he .Viewers herein designated.
Application having been ~ade to the Board of County Supervisors of this County to
take into the Secondary System the roads of the Bellair Estates leading from 250 south alon~
Canterbury Roa~ to Do~ood ~ane, thence southeastwardly to the Old Warm Road, thence north-
wardly alon~ this road back to ~50, the point of beginnin~ ( a tota~ distance of approxi-
mately one mile and ll5 feet), it is hereby ordered that NesSrSo R. B. O~en, H~ Ashby Harris,
C. C~ ~ade, Cammann Co Duke, and H. V. Herold, resident freeholders of this County, any three
of whom may act, be and they are hereby appointed Viewers whose duty it shall be to e×amine
such road and reoort upon the expediency of establishinE the same; they shall, as soon as
practible after receiving this order, proceed to make the view, and m~ay examine other routes
and locations than the one propo ed, and if of the opinion that there is a necessity for
establishing a public road, they shall locate the s~me, return a ~ap or diagra~ thereof, with
a reoort to the Board ~tatinE locations of such road, the conven~ience and inconvenience that
result as well as to the individuals as to the public, whether the said road will be one of
such mere private convenience as to make it proper that is should be opened, established,
and kent in order by the person or persons for whose convenience it is ~esired, whether any
yard, gar~en, or orchard will h~ve to be taken; the names of the landowners on such road,
which of such landowners shall require compensation, ~hat will be ~ ~ust compensation to the
landowners requirin~ compensation, for the land so taken, and for the damages of the residue
of the tract, if any, beyond the peculiar benefits to be ~erived in r,sult to such residue
from th~ road to be established; and all other facts and circumstances in their ooinion
usefu! in enabling the Board to determine its ex~0ediency of establishin~ the road, and they
shall file such report with the Clerk of this Board;
In the event that some of the landowners do not re~£~ire compensation and they will
execute written consent, giving the ~ight of ~ay in question, the said Viewers sh~ll obtain
such consent and ret~n it with their report;
Provided, however, that the Chairman of the State HiEhway Commission, sometimes
called the State Highway C~mmissioner, shall forthwith be notified of and m~de a party to
these proceedings, and that h~ shall likewise be notified of the time and place of the
~eeting of the Viewers herein designated.
Application having been made to the Board of County Supervisors of this Counto to
take into the Secondary Syste~ the extension of Route 610 two tenths of a mile beyond its
present maintenance, i~!~is hereby ordered that Nessrs. D. B. Owen, Ho Ashby Harris, C~ C.
.~ade, Cammann C. Duke, ~nd H. V. Herold, resident freeholders of this County, any three,of
of whom may act, be and they are hereby anoointed Viewers whose duty it shall be to examine
such road and report upon the expediency of establishing the s~me; they shall as soon as
practible after receivin~ this order, proceed to make the view, and may examine other routes
and locations than the one~proposed, and if of the opinion that there is a necessity for
establishing a~public, rg~d, they shall locate the same, reto~n a map or diagra~ thereof, with
a report to the Board stating locations of such road, the convenience and inconvenience that
will result as well as to the individuals as to the public~, whether the said road will be
one of such mere private convenience as t~ make it proper that it should be opened, estab-
lish~a, and kept in order b~ the person or persons for whose convenience it is desired,
whether any yard, garden, or orchard will have to be taken~ the names of the landowners on
such road, which of such landowners shall require compensation, what will be a just compen-
sation to the landowners requiring compensation, for the land so taken, and for the damages
of the residue of the tract, if any, beyond the peculiar benefits to be derived in result to
such residue from the road to be established; and all other facts and c~r~umsuances in their
opinion usefu~ in enablinM the Boated to determine it~ e×pediency of establishing the road,
and they shall, f_~e such report w~.th the Cl~rk of this Board;
In the event that some Of the landowners do not require compensation and they will
e×ecute written consent, ~iving the right of v~ay in question, the said Viewers shall obtain
such consent and return it with their report;
Provided, however, that the Chairman of the State Highway Commission, sometimes
called the State Highway Commissioner, shall forthv:ith be notified of and made a party to
these proceedings, and that he shall 'likewise be notified of the time and place of the
meetin~ of the Viewers herein desighated.
Application having been made to the Board of County Supervisors of this County to
take into the Secondary System the seven t~nths of a mile section of Route 600 from the end
of the present maintenance south to the Louisa County line, it is hereby ordered that ~essrs.
D. Bo Owen, H. Ashby Harris, C. C. Wade, Cammann C~ Duke, ahd H. V. Herold, resident free~o
holders of this CoUnty, any three of whom may act, be and they are hereby appointed Viewers
whose duty it shall be to e×amine such road and report upon the e~oediency of establishing
the same~ they shall, as soon as pract~ble after receiving this order, proceed to make the
view, and may e~amine other routes and locations that the one proposed, and if of the
opinion that there is a necessity for establishing a public road, they shall locate the same,
return a map or diagram thereof~ with a report to the Board statin~ tocat OhS of such road,
the ~onvenience ~nd inconwnience that will result as well as to the individuals as to the
public, whether the said road will be one of such me~e private convenience as to make it
proper that it should be opened, established, and kept in order by the person or persons for
whose convenience it is desired, whalher any yard, ~arden, or orchard wml~ have to be taken;
the names of the landowners on such road, which of such landowners shall require co~pensation~
what will be a just compensation to the landowners requiring compensation, for the land so
taken~ and for the damages of the residue of the tract, if any, beyond the peculiar bSnefits
to be d~rived in result to such residue from the road to be established; and all other
f~cts and circumstances in their opinion useful in enabling the Board to determine its ex-
pediency of establishin~ the road, and they shall file such report with the Clerk of this
In the event that some of the lando~ners do not require compensalion add they will
execute written consent, ~iving the right of ~ay in question, the said Viewers shall obtain
~sqch consent and return it with their report;
Provided, however, that the Chairman of the State High~ay Commission, sometimes
called the State Highway Commissioner, shall forthwith be notified of and made a party to
these proceedings, and that %e shall likewise be notified of the time and place of the meet-
ing of the Viewers h~rein designated.
Application having been made to the Board of County Supervdsors of A!bemarl~e
County, Virginia, to have discontinued the section of the Old S~ony Point Road which lies
directly under the bedrooms of the home belonging to Miss Martha Roberts and ~iss ~artha
Moore, co. only known as "Media", a section of road which forms the western boundary of the
Roberts-Moore property and the eastern boundary of property belonging to M. Ho NcMu~do, and
extends from a ooint south where a fence marks a line between the prooerty belonging tb~!~s.
Nary Adams and the Roberts-Moore property, this fifty feet being the space now used as an
entrance to the ~c~rdo property, it is ordered that Nessrs. D. B. Owen, H. Ashby Harris,
C. C ~ade, Ca~ann C Duke, and~H,YV;~H~rold, any tkree of whom may act, be appointed viewer~
whose duty it shall be to view the portion of said road now. desired to be closed~ and ~ake a
report in ~iting whether in their opinion, any~ and if any, ~hat inconvenience~.~ould result
from discontinuing the same; the viewers herein na~ed shall meet at said road ~n the 23rd
day of August, 19~8, to view that portion of the road to be closed~ and file with the Clerk
this Board their report in writing.
It is further orderedthat the State Highway Commissioner shall be made a party
to these proceedings.
Claims against tbs. County amounting to $72,794.91 were presented, examined, and
allowed and certified to the Director of Finance for payment and charged against the
following funds:
General Fund
School Fund
Dog Fund
Orozet Fire District Fund
Crozet Sanitary District Fund
Commonwealth of Virginia Current Credit Acct.
Joint Health Department Fund
Upon motion, the meeting'adjourned.