HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-09-15A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, ¥irginia, was held at the Office Building of said County on the 15th day of September, 1948. Present: Messrs. C. Purcell McCue, E. J. Ballard, Henry Chiles, ~ R. Dottier and W. W. Wood. Absent: Gen, P. B. Peyton. Officers present: County Executive, Commonwealthfs Attorney, and Sheriff. Minutes of the meeting of August 18, 1948, were read and approved. Mr. Elmore B. May appeared and presented a petition for the extension of Route 645 la distance of one and one-half miles joining Route 231 at the old Edgewood School. Upon imotion, made by Mr. Ballard and seconded by Mr. Wood, it was ordered that this road be view- ied the next time viewers are appointed. Request was received from S. W. Barnes to take into the Secondary System roads in the sub-division of Blue Ridge Motor Company, Crozet,qVirginia. Upon motion, made by Mr. Ballard and seconded by Mr. Wood, it was ordered that these roads be viewed the next time viewers are appointed. Petition from Mavis S. Ballardand others was received requesting that the road iknown as St. George Extension, Crozet, Virginia, be taken into the Secondary System - a ~distance of 450 feet. Upon motion, made by Mr. Ballard and seconded by Mr. Wood, it was ordeZ ed that this road be viewed ~he next time viewers are appointed. It was brought to the attention of this Board that due to a misunderstanding on the i part of the last road viewers appointed the petition to improve or take into the Secondary System short 18th Street this road was not viewed. Upon motion, made by Mr. Ballard and ~iseconded by Mr. Wood, it was ordered that this road be viewed the next time viewers are appointed. Mr. R. O. Ambler, former ReSident Highway Engineer, appeared before the Board with ihis successor, Mr. W. W. Shields. In behalf of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle !County,Mr. McCue, Chairman of the Board, extended a welcome to theCounty ~ Mr. Shields and assured him that the Board would cooperate with ~is office in every possible way. Mr. Ambler recommended that one-fourth mile of Route 709 leading down to the Hancock Mill including a bridge therein be dropped from the Secondary System since this road is no longer of service to the general public and he further stated that unless this road is droppe~ it will necessary for the Highway to rebuild a bridge over the mill raceway which wo~ld take funds a~llocated to the County which 'could be used to a better advantage. Mr. Ambler recommended that ~iewers be appointed to view ~his road for this purpose. Since it was not Mr. Amblerfs intention to close this road officially, Mr. Fife, Commonwealth's Attorney, expressed the opinion that it was not necessary to have Viewers appointed in this case where lithe road is Only t~ be abandoned for~ighway maintenance. Mr. W. W. Shields, Resident Highway Engineer, appeared and discussed a general memorandum from the State Highway Engineer's Office regarding suggested policies for the Board !in considering additions to be made to the Secondary System. Mr.W. A/ Perkins appeared on behalf of the University of '~irginia regarding Federal ? iWork Projects in Albemarle County over which this Board has jurisdiction and on motion of Mr. ~lShiles, seconded by Mr. Dottier, the following resolutions were unanimously adopted: '~ BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of the County of Albemarle, Virginia (which Board of Supervisors is the governing body of said County of Albemarle) which has jurisdiction over the area in which Project No. VAlVe44363 of the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia, the corporate name of the institution generally known as the University of Virginia, is located, that the waiver of the removal re- quirements of SeCtion 313 of the Lanham ACt (Public Law 849, ?6th Congress as amended) with respect to said Project is hereby speci- fically approved in ~ccordance with Public Law ?96, 80th: Congress. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of the County of Albemarle, Virginia (which Board of SUpervisors is the governing body of said County of Albemarle) which has jurisdiction over the area in which Project No. ~-V-44385 of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia, the corporate name of the institu~tion generally known as the University of Virginia, is located, that the waiver of the removal requirements of~ Section 313 of the Lanham Act (Public Law 849, 76th Congress as amended) with respect to said Prbject is hereby specifically approved in accordance with Public Law 796, 80th Congress. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of the County of Albemarle, Virginia (which Board of Supervisors is the governing ~ body of said County of Albemarle) which has ~$risdiction over the area i~ which Project No. VA-~J-4439 of The Rector and Visitors of the bniversity of Virginia, the corporate name of the institution generally known as the University of Virginia, is located, that the waiver of the removal requirements of Section 313 of the Lanham Act (Public Law 849, 76th Congress) as amended with respect to said ~roject is hereby speci- ficaliy, approved in accordance with Public Law 796, 80th Congress. Mr. B. D. Chesshir presented a claim of Anderson Wood for i yoe and 2 lambs killed by dogs. Upon motion, made by .Mr. Dottier and seconded by Mr. Wood, it was ordered that $10.00 be paid for the yoe and $11.00 each for the lambs. Mr. Chesshir inquired as to whether there was any large acreage of land in the County bo be sold for delinquent taxes that might be used for a hunting area. No action was taken on this inquiry. Mr. Chesshir presented a claim of $2.65 from Charlottesville Motors for a fan belt that it was necessary to have installed on his car on the night of July 31, 1948. Upon motion lade by Mr~ Dorrier and seconded by ~Mr. Wood, this claim was approved for payment. The Board stressed to Mr. Chesshir the importance of reporting emergency purchases to Mr. D. A. Robinson as soon as possible after such purchase is made. Mr. ~D, A. Robinson, Director Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses of the Sheriff's 0~fice for the month of AuguSt, 1948, two-thirds of which to be borne by the State. ~ Gpon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified, and approved. Mr. Do A. Robinson,. Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses of the 3epartment of Finance for the month of August, 1948, one-third of which to be borne by the Btate. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examin~d, verified and approved. Mr. D. A. Robinson, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses of t~e ~ommonwealth's Attorn.ey's office for the~ month of August, 1948, one-half of-which to be ~orne by the State~ Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, veri- ~ied and approved. A Statement of Expenses incurred in the maintenance of prisoners confined in the ~ounty Jail during the month of August, 1948, was submitted. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was .e~amined, verified, and approved. A Summary Statement 'of prisoner days was submitted. Upgn motion, duly made and Claim of Dr. Richard T~ Ergenbright, Jail Physician, amounting to $3.75, was present~ ed and approved for payment. Report from the Virginia Conservation Commission was-presented and ordered filed and claim in the amount, of $12.55 was presented and ~pproved for payment. Notice was received from the State Corporation Commission that P. F. Lawrence and Ro T. Davis had made application to operate motor vehicles in furnishing passenger service from Boonesville over-State Highway No. 230 to Dyke Store, Virginia, thence traveling State Highway No. 66~ to intersection of State Highway No. 7~3, thence traveling State Highway 743 to U. S. Highway~No. 29 to State Highway No. 601, route of present certificate into Charlottesville, This notice was ordere~ filed. Notice was received from the State Corporation Commission that O. C. Wiley & Sons, Inc~ had made application to operate motor vehicles for the handling of property (commodities generally) over irregular routes in Albemarle County. It was ordered that this notice be filed. Co2~unication was received from the State Compensation Board regarding requests for salary increases from the Sheriff and was ordered filed. Upon motion, made by Nr. Chiles and seconded by Mr. Nood, it was ordered that the hame of the Department and the County of Albemarle be placed on each of the County cars. Robinson was instructed to secure information on appropriate lettering. A request was received from the Sheriff to have the County cars.in his department service~ outside of the~County Shop. The feeling was expressed that since the County Shop is now servicing the rest of the County's cars and the School Department's fleet of buses there should be no¥~exception made in this case. Mr. Robinson pointed out that-it was true at the present $ime the Shop,s facilities for greasing and washing of our equipment are inadequate and he outlined a number of changes at the Shop which he recommends. He was instructed to secure estimates of the cost of the changes which he recommends. Mrs. Eva W. Maupin, Clerk, appeared before ~the Board~to discuss the matter of purchasing record books and office supplies and the binding of books. Mrs. Maupin was instructed by the Board to make requisition to the Director of Finance for supples and recordil books needed and in the case of book binding to specify where she would like this'work!done. The Lake Albemarle Committee reported on the progress made in the study of the Lake Albemarle Commission's project but withheld any recommendation until further study. Communication was received from the University of ~irginia Hospital and referred to the Hospital Committee. Mr. Fife advised that the Hospital Committee meet with City of Charlottesville officials before the SLH Contract for the year 1948-49 is executed. Communication was received from the Board of Supervisors of Warwick County and was ordered filed. Communication.was received from the League of Virginia Counties advising of the annual meeting of the Leagae~$o be held at the Hotel Chamberli~, Old Point Comfort, Virginia,!i on October 27, 2S,~and 29, 19~. On question from the Chairman ~r. Wo W. Wood, Mr. E. J. Bal~ard and Mr. C. R. Dorrier offered to attend this meeting as representatives of this Board. Communication was received from the American Society of Planning Officials advising of a conference to be held October 11-13, 1948 at New Yorker Ho~el, New York City and itwas ordered that this be referred to the Chairman of the County Planning Commission. Communication was received from Virginia State Planning Board enclosing data on Highway Zoning and was ordered filed. Communication was received from-~rs. Hannah W. Catlin, President of the Virginia ~usic Festival calling attention to a meeting to be held in the Monticello Hote, September seconded ation of $450.00 for Instruction- Special andAdult, and a revi ion of EstimatedRe e e fo a like amount from State Funds - Special Education. Upon motion, made by Mr. Chiles and by Mr. Ballard, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia that the County School Budget for the fiscal year 1948-49 be and is hereby amended as follows: Supplemental Appropriation-Instruction-Special & Adult - $450.00 Supplemental Estimated Revenue-State Funds-Special Education -$450.00 Mr. Robinson presented a statement of the cost of land for the joint colored high ~chool showing $38,260.25 as the total cost of the land, not including architect fees prev- iously paid nor Court Costs, recording fees, attorney fees stiI1 to be paid. Upon motion, made by Mr. Chiles and seconded by Mr. Ballard, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County S~pervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that ~5,~;or as much thereof as may be necessary be and is hereby appropriated from the Unappropriated Reserve of the General Fund to be used in payment of the County's share of Court costs, recor~ng fees and attorney's fees in connection with the purchase of land for the Joint Colored High School. ~ a Mr. Robinson presented to the Board a report of th~ Creze~W ter Committee, recommen~ lng a change in the water connection charge. Upon motion, made by Mr. Chiles and seconded by Mr. Wood, the following Ordinance was unanimously adopted: BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, as follows, to-wit: ~ On and after December 1st, 19~8, a charge of $25.00 will be made ..... for each additional connection to the Crozet Water System. The present charge of $7.50 ~or connections will continue until December 1st. An offer was received from Wiley and Wilson, Lynchburg, Virginia, to make a blue mint of the reservoir area, including the reservoirs, chlorinator house, pump pits and all :onnecting piping of the Crozet Water Supply System for a sum not to exceed $300.00 furnishing six Eopies of the drawings. Upon motion, made by Mr. Chiles and seconded by Mr, Dorrier, 5his offer was accepted. An offer was received from Fox Brothers, Greenwood, virginia, to put a four inch cone ~lab on the reservoir of the ~rozet Water System. Upon motion, made by Mr. Chiles and second~ by Mr. Dottier, it was ordered that this offer be accepted. The matter of quarterly billing the Crozet Water Supply consumers was discusse~ but ~o immediate action was taken. The Board recommended that the matter of water rates be..broug~t to the attention of the Crozet Water Committee for discussion and study. Communication was received from P. G. Ligon and was ordered filed. Communication was received from the Department of Highways advising that effective ~eptember 10th, 1948, the following s~ction of road was abandoned and eliminated from the ?rimary Highway System: Old location of Route 250, from the centerline with the right of way opposite Sra. 118~75 northwesterly 1.03 mi. to the centerline with the right of way opposite Sra. 164~40 - length 1.03 miles. The following report~ of Viewers was presented and accepted in accordance with, Section 2039 of the Virginia Code: TO THE HONORABLE BOXED OF COUNTY SUP~VISORS OF ALBEMARLE COUNTY: The undersigned, Viewers appointed byyour order made on the ...... ~ ~ ..... * ~ ~o~,~v ~ort that on the 23rd day of 'ere 600 from the end of the present maintenanoe south to the. Eouisa County line, and recommend that this road be. taken into the secondary sys~tem since this and a similar distance of the same route leading from Eouisa county is the only portion of this route now not in the secondary system. August 23, 1948 (Signed) D. B. ~wen H. Ashby Harris C. C. W~de The following report of Viewers was presented and .accepted in accepted in accordance with Section 2039 of the Virginia Code: TO THE HONORABLE BOARD OF COUNTY SUPERVISORS OF ALBE~IAREE COUNTY, VIRGINIA: The ~undersigned., viewers appointed ~by yo~ur order made on the 18th day of August,. 1948, respectf~tlly report..that on.the 23rd day of August, 1948, _we viewed a section of approximately l~mile of~that road leading northwest off Route 712 near North Garden., and reject the request that this road be taken into the secondary system due to the fact that there is too much mileage in- volved ~or the number of people served. August 23, 1948 (Signed) D. B. Owen H. Ashby Harris C. C. Wade The following report of the Viewers was presented and accepted in accordance with Section 2039 of the Virginia Code: TO THE HONORABLE BOARD OF COUNTY SUPERVISORS OF ALBEMARLE COUNTY: The undersigned, viewers appointed by your order made on the 18th day of August, 1948, respectfully report that on the 23rd day Of August, 1948, we viewed the road used by E. S. Napier as an outlet and reject-the request that this road outlet be taken ihto the-secondary system due to the rs. ct that it does~'~not serve enough people. August 23, 1948 (Signed) D. B. Owen H. Ashby Harris C. C. Wade The following~report of Viewers was presented and accepted in accordande with Section 2039 of the Virginia Code: TO THE ~ HONORABLE BOARD OF COUNTY SUPERVISORS OF A~EMAR~E COUNTY: ~-. The undersigned, viewers appointed by your order made on the 18th~day of August, ~48, respectfully report that on the 23rd day of August,.1948, we viewed the roads of~ the Bellair Estates leading from 250 south along Canterbury Road to Dogwood Lane, thence ~outheastwardly to the Old Farm Road,-thence northwardly a long this road back to 250, the point of begi~ming (a total d~- tahoe of approximately one mile and 115 feet), and reject the request that this road be taken into the secondary system~due to the fact that itdoes not serve enough people. August 23, 1948 (Signed) D. B. Owen H. Ashby Harris C. C. Wade Th~f~ll&wing report of Viewers was presented and accepted in accordance with Section 2039 of the Virginia Code: TO THE HONORABLE BOARD OF COUNTY SUPERVISORS OF ALBEMARLE COUNTY: The mndersigned, viewers appointed by your order made on the 18th day of August , 1948, respectfully report that on the 23rd day of August, 1948, we viewed the extension of Route 610 two tenths' of a mile b~yon~ its present maintenance, and reject the request that this road be extended and taken into th~ secondary system due to the fact that it does not serve enough people. August 23, 1948 (Signed) D. B. Owen The following report of Viewers was presented and accepted in accordance with Section 2039 of-the Virginia Code: TO THE.HONORABLE BOARD OF COUNTY SL~PERVISORS OF ALBE~ARLE COUNTY'. The undersigned, appointed .by your order made on the 18th day of August, 1948 to view a section of the Old Stony Point Road which lies directly under the bedrooms of the home b~longing to Miss Martha Roberts and Miss ~artha Moore, commonly known as "Media", this section of road forms the western boundary of the Roberts-Moore property and. the eastern boundary of property belonging to M. H. McMurdo., and extends from a point sou~h~where a fence, marks a line between the property belonging to Mrs. Mary Adams and the Roberts,Moore ~roperty-, this fifty feet being-the space now used as an entra~ce to. the MoMurdo..prapertY; and report in. writing whether incur opinion, any, and,if any,. what ineonvenience~:.~Would result, from. discontinuing the portion described .ah~ve., beg leave.ts make.~report as.£ollows'~_. That on the 23rd day of Augnat~,~.~1948, we. met~.upo.n.. 2he partion ~of. the road. desired to be discon- tinued and ~proceeded to view said.~po.rtion, and,. after, careful examination of the portion desired to. be discontinued, we mow report that. in our opinion, no inconvenience will result to anyone, of said road .described above is discon- tinued and Closed. Augast 23, !9~8 (Si~ned) D. B. Owen H. Ashby Harris C. C. Wade A report of the Charlottesville Public Library for the month of August, 1948 was presented, approved., and ordered filed. Upon motion., made by Mr. Dorrier and seconded.by Mr. Wood, it was ordered that the Library Contract for the year beginning~ July. 1, 1948 be executed, and spread upon the minutes ~ Agreement. made this. 26th day cf..July, 1947-, by and~.hetween, CharlottesviI!e Library Board, hereinaf~ter called, the City Board,. party of the.. first part, and _the County Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, hereinafter called thaBoard cf Superv.~sors, party of the second part. NITNESSETH That for and. in consideration of. the. mutual, promises, and~ agreements by said parties respectively to~ be performed as herein co. ntained, said parties promise and agree with each~ other as follows: (!) That the City Board will provide library service to residents of Albemarle County who apply for~ books which it may have in its library from a book-mobile traveling over such.routes in Albemarle County with such stops as may be appro.ved by the Extension Service of the Virginia State Library as reasonably adequate,~and from its main library. (2) That the Boar~ of Supervisors will pay to the City of Charlottesville, for the afor~esaid service Three Thousand Dollars (3,000.00) in monthly installments of $250,00 each~ .payable~ at the end of each month. (3) The City Library Board shall be cons~i%uted during ~he term of this contract as provided at paragraph (4) of an agreement be~ween~ the.., parties ...hereto dated July 26, 194~, relating to extension of library ser~i.ce~ ~by book-mobile ta residents of Albemarle County. (4) This contract shall become~obtiga_tory~ upon the partiea~ hereto when approved by the Court'oil of the City of Charlot%esvi!le. The term of this contract shall be for one year from Julylst, 1948, and from year · ~ ~-~ thereafter until the end o2 a year, one month prior to the end 'of which, either such notice to he by registered.~ mail addressed to the Chairman.~of the,. ~bo~dy to be notified, at the Clerk's Office of~.Albemarle County., Char!ottesville,~Virginia.in case of notice to Board of Supervisors and at the City Librar. y, McIntire Park, Charlo~ttesville~ Virgi~ia. In .Testimony wher~eof, the parties hereto~have .caused this instrument to be executed on their.behalf by their respective~officers, agents, hereunto duly authorized this !st day of July, 1948. CHARLOTTESVILEE EIBRARY BOARD ~'i:COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ALBEMARLE COUNTY By~C~. Purcell McCue · ~itness: Lucille. J..Stephenson, Clerk Upon motion, duly made andseconded, the following.were appointed as members of the Albemarle County. Planning Commission. to. serve.a term of four years: Mt. Guy A. Via, Free Union, Virginia Mr. Edward L. Smith.,..IvyDepot, Virginia Mr...C.C.~ade, Batesville, Virginia Mr.. Henry P. Omohundro., Scottsvilte, Virginia Mr. Robinson.stated that theCounty Zoning Commissi,n~had requested him to se- cure fromthe~Board..its permission to distribute.with the County'S tax notices s pamphlet on zoning in Albemarle County. The pamphlet is being prepare~ by the Zoning Commission with ~he cooperation of the University of Virginia Extension Division. He stated that the Commission was making ~h~sL~squest in order to get as complete a coverage in the County as possible and also in order to avoid any unnecessary expense of a separate mailing. Since a copy of the .proposed pamphlet was not available and because of a feeling that the public might interpret such a circulation o~ distribution as a stamp of approval by the Board of County Supervisors this request was rejected. The Committee on the Improvement of the Court House will. meet with Mr. Milton Grigg~ Architect.and Mr. Ross, Contractor ~o secure..estimates, on.~the proposed improvements t~the Cour~Ho,~se. Therecomme~daticns. of this Committee are to be presented to the BOard at the next meeting. Mr.. Robinson reported calling Mr,~ Arnold cu._September 14, 1948 to check on the present status.of~the test survey of the propoSed relocation of the antenna toCarter's Mountain .... Mr. Arnold.advised that he hadnot begunthis test surveybnt would do all he could to~ get.s2arted the following week. Mr. Robinson presented the assessed valuation by the State Corporation Commission of Public Service Corporations in the County. Upon motion,, made by ~r. Dottier and se5Onded by Mr. Wood, it was ordered that this report be acknowledged. Mr. Robinson was asked to prepare a comparison on the assessed value of the various Public Service Corpora- tions for the past several years. A resolution was received from the Board of Supervisors and School Board of Prince George County requesting the Governor to call a specia2 session of the General Assembly to enact a sales tax for the purpose of providing funds for necessary capitalout- lay for school buildings. The report of the·County Executive was presented, approvedand ordered filed. Mr. Robinson advised the Board that Sam Clar$, Real Estate Appraiser was e~loyed on September 1~ 1948 at a monthly salary of $340, as recommended by the Stat® Department of Taxation. Communications were receive~ from Fred C. Kimbo and ordered filed. Mr, Fife reported tha~ as requested b~ him at the.. last meeting of this Board, he had.written.~the.following letter to. General ,~nderson, Highway_COmmissioner, eEpressing the 'i Board's sentiments.towardMr...R~.CaryAmbler,~our former,.R~si~Lent. State. Highway Engineer: General:James A. Anderson Highway Commissioner Richmond, Virginia Dear Sir: At the last meeting of the B~ard of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, the. Board. learned withregret that Mr., R. Cary AmbIer would be transferred from the'local highwaY office, and I was instructed by the Board to express~to you on behalf of the Board its regret at loosing him. In the years that Mr. Ambler has been in charge of the High- way office here he has demonstratedhis efficiency in administration of dutiespertaining to that office. He has been considerate, patient and courteous toward everyone, Mr. Ambler's high character and his treatment of the ppblic,~as well as his efficiency, tended ~-'~ to gain for him the respect.of, everymember of the Board of County SuperVisors of this County, the officials~,.of..the County and .the public with shom he camein contact.. It~is~a.pleasure to the writer to convey this_sentiment to you~on behalf of the Board. CC: Mr. R. Ca~y Ambler Resident Engineer State Highway Department Staunton, Virginia Mery truly yours, (Si ned) O. Fife Commonweal~th's Attorney, Albemarle County Mr. Fife presented to the Board the.follewing reply from General Anderson, Btate HighwayCommissiener: Hon. Wm. O. Fife Commonwealth's Attorney, Albemarle Co. Court Square, CHarlottesville~ Va. Dear Mr. Fife: PleaSe express to each Member of the Board of Supervisors my deep appreciation of their kind thoughts regarding Mr. Ambler's services. I am glad indeed that Mr. Ambler has been able to render outstanding service to Albemarle. I feel sure that you and each Member of the Board will aid his successor~ Mr. Shields, in giving the county more fine service. With warm thanks for your interest, Sincerely yours, (Signed~ J, A. Anderson, Commissioner Communication was received from Lucy Maury Fowler. regarding the sale of dogs by Game Wa~aen to the University HospiSal for vivisection and was ordered filed. Claims against the County amounting to $~O,095.09 were presented, examined, and .allowed and certified to the Director of ~Finance for payment and charged the following funds: General Fund School Fund Dog Fund Crozet Fire District Fund Crozet Sanitary District Fund Commonwealth of Virginia Current Credit Acct, Joint Health Department Fund Upon motion, the meeting adjourned. $ 14,334.23 71,780.42 386.32 17.13 158.67 783.97 2,63~.35 $--9o,095.09 Chairmam