HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-12-01SPECIALDecember l, 1948. Pursuant to the following waiver, the members of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County met in special session on this date with the following members present: Messrs. C. Purcell M~Cue, E. J. Ballard, Henry Chiles, C. R. Dorrier, P. B. Peyton, and W. Wood. We, the undersigned members of the Board of County Supervisors of Albe- marle County, hereby waive notice, and special service thereof, of a meeting to be held at 10:O0 A.M. on the 1st day of December, 19~, at the County Office Building, for the purpose Of considering and discussing with Mr. i. T. Quinn, Executive Secretary of the Commission of Game and Inland Fisheries the position of Game Warden for Albemarle County and to hear a delegation from the Charlottesville City Council on its proposed sub-division controll in the areas surr~muding the City of Charlottes- ville, and we do hereby consent to the transaction of any and all business and the taking of such action at said meeting upon the matters hereinabove mentioned as may be lawful, incident, and necessary thereto. Given under our hands this 1st day of De~ember, 19~8. Dor~ier ~ W. W. Wood Mr. I. T. Quinn appeared and expressed the opinion that the County's Game and Dog Laws could be more efficiently administered and best enforced by the employment of a man ~o work in Albemarle County exclusively as a Game Warden and one man employed to work. exclusive[ under in the enforcement of Dog Laws. It was also the opinion of Mr. Quinn that/such an arrange- ment, there should be an increase of 30% in the sale of dog tags in the County of Albemarle, while there was doubt in the minds of some members of the Board of S'.~pervisors as to the economy or efficiency in the proposed recommendations of Mr. Quinn. On m~tion of ~u. Peyton, seconded by Mr. Chiles, the following resolution was unanimously adooted: ~ BE IT ~SOLVED THAT WHEP~EAS Mr. I. T. Quinn, Executive Director of the Virginia State Commission Qf Game and Inland Fisheries, appeared before this Board this day and made the following recommendations: namely, that one man be employed to work in Albemarle County exclusively as a Game Warden, and that another man be employed to work within the said County exclusively in the enforcement of Dog Laws, AND ~7~EREES, this Board is entirely sympathetic to Mr. Quinn~s expressions of the desire for more adequate supervision of game and fish activities in Albemarle County, and_is, therefore, desirous of lending as full cooperation to the Commission as is Consistent With efficiency ~.~ in County activities, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT UNANIMOUSLY RESOLED that the recommen- dations hereinabove set out be adopted and employed for the perior of one -Y adopted is not desirable in Albemarle County, said procedure shall be subject to modification and'change, As further evidence of the desire of this Board to cooperate with th~ Commission in the conservation of game and enforcement of Dog Laws, ~k~. Robinson was instructed to ad- vise Mm. Quinn that this Board proposes the following: (!) To supplement the monthly salary of the Dog Warden in the amount of $100.00 per month. (2) To make a maximum travel allowance per month of $100.00 on a basis of $0.05 per mile for actual mileage traveled. (3) To furnish a two-way radio unit to be installed in the Dog Warden's car operated on the City of Charlottesville Police and County of Albemarle Sheriff's radio frequency. (~) ~o maintain service on the two-way radio unit. General Peyton and ~r. Wood offered their services as a delegation to discuss this proposal -~ith the Game Commission. ~ir. H. Al Haden and 5~r. Roscoe S. Adams, members of the City Council ~of Charlottes~i ville and Ur. L~ttelton Waddell, City Attorney, appeared and discussed the City's proposed sub-division control in the areas surrounding the City of Charlottesville. The City's proposed sub-division control was only informally presented to the Board for consideration inasmuchas such a control would be administered by the County's Planning Commission. On motion of K r. Chiles, seconded by Mr. Dorrier, it was ordered that the City's proposed sub- division control ordinance be referred to the County Planning Commission and that the Planning Commission be requested to report its recommendations to the Board. Upon motion, the me~ting adjourned. Chairman.