HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-12-15 A regular meeting of .the Board of Cotunty Supervisors of Albemarle .County, Virginia, was held at the Office Building of said County on the 15th day of December,~..1948. Present: Messrs. C. Purcell McCue, E. J. Ballard, Henry Chiles, C. R. Dorrier and ~, ~. Wood~ and Gen. P,B. ~Peyton. Absent: Officers present: County Executive and. Mr. D. B. Marshall, Attorney of the Office of the Commonwealth'.s.-A%torney. Minutes of the meetings of November '17, 1948, and December 1, 1948, were read and approved. Mr. E. H. Bain, Mr..D.B..Owen, and Mr.. W. Wright Harrison appeared as a delegatior for the Crozet Lions Club concerning a proposed sidewalk in Crozet along the north side of Route 240%hrough the colored section. Mr. Bain stated that the citizens $f.Crozet had previously made a request for the aforesaid sidewalk and had been advised by Mr. Ambler, Resident Engineer of the Department of Highways at that time, that the sidewalk would be ovex the w~ter line and work on this project should be postponed until the water line was comm pleted. Since this Board was requested to endorse the sidewalk~ the ~following resolution, proposed by Mr. Chiles and seconded by Mr. Dorrier, was unanimously adopted: WHEREAS, the citizens of Crozet have requested that a sidewalk be laid through the colored section of Crozet along the North Side~ of Route 240,~ AND, WHEREAS, the Department of Highways has funds set aside for the above mentioned purpose, NO~, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supe~- visors of Albema~-le County, Virginia, that the request for a sidewalk in Crozet along~the North side of Route 240, be and is hereby endorsed by-this Board. Mr. Bain also appeared and discussed the existing~¢ondition or.the road over the water line caused by. work done by~Mro M. S. Hudgins, Contractor. Mr. Robinson was instructe~ to write to Mr. Hudgins on behalf of the Board of Supervisors, advising that the leveling of this road is still his resDonsibility. Mr. Bain also appeared on behalf.~f the Planning ~ommission and requested an ad- ditional appropriation to cover the cost of mailing the zoning pamphlets prepared by the Commission.~ Upon motion, made by Mt. Dottier and .seconded by Gen. Peyton, ~he fOllowing resolution was unanimou~!yadopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board .of County .Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virgiaia, that a sum sufficient be and is hereby appropriated from the Unappropriated ~eserve of the General~Fund to be used by the Planning Commission for the purpose of mailing zoning pamphlets. A request was received from Mr. John B, Rosebrook to close a short section of Road No. 609 leading from Route 608, and a communication was received from the Department of High~ ways advising the Board of the changes in the Primary System of Albemarle County made necessary by, the relocation and construction of Route 250. Since Mr. N. W. Shields, ReSiden~ Engineer of the Department of Highways, was not present to discuss these matters with the Board, action was deferred until the next regular meeting of the Board. The following reports were presented, approved, and ordered filed= i~I CountyExecutive. Tax Collections. (c) Charlottesville and Albemarle Public Library. (d) Distric~~ HomeBoard. In~discussing the DiStrict Home Board Re~0r$, Mr. Robinson .called the' Board' s attention to the fact that the City-of Staunton, which is. now using the f&cilities ~of the District Home, is not..a participating unit, and that he intended to obtain the opinion of the Attorney General on this matter. ~fter considerable ~iscussion., on motio~ of Mr. Chiles~ seconded by' Nr. Wood, .the following resolution was unanimously adopted: RESOLVED that the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County is opposed to the admission of any additional counties or cities to membership ~on the District Home Board'and is likewise opposed to the use of the facilities of the District Home by any Such additional BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy counties or'cities or their citizens, of-this resolution be fowarded to Mrs° I. B. Kennedy, Secretary of the District Home Board. Mr. D. A. R~binson,~Di~e~te~'0f.~inAnce~sub~i~ted ~?~S%~tement~f~Expens.es of the Department of Finance for the month of November, 1948, one-third of which to be borne by theii State. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified, and approved. ~'o D. A. Robinson, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses -of t.,he Sheriff's Office for the month of November, 1948, two~thirds of which to be borne by the State. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified, and ap= !i proved. ~.~ Mr. D, ~. Robinson, Director o~ Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses of the Cemmonwea!th's ~torney's Office for the month of NOvember, 1948, one-half of which to be borne by the State. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified and approved, il A Statement of Expenses incurred in the maintenance of prisoners confined in the ~ County Jail during the month of November, 1948, was submitted. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified, and approved. A Summary Statement of prisoner days was submitted. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified, and approved, Claim of Dr. Richard T. Ergenbright, Jail Physician, in the amount of $10.50, was presented and approved for payment. Communication was received from Mr. Henry McComb Bush advising that he could no longer serve as a member of the Finance Board since he Was now a resident of the City of Charlottesville. No action was required by this Board on this matter. Mr. Robinson advised the Board that the names of theapplicants for the poSition of Game Narden in Albemarle County, along with proposals of the County relative to this position as set forth in minutes of November 17, 1948, _had been turned over to Mr. Quinn, Executive Director of the CommiSsion of. Game and Inland Fisheries. Mr. Robinson further advised that the aforesaid proposals had been tentatively approved by Mr. Quinn. Claims of the Virginia Stage Lines, Inc. and Dr. Burnley W. White, amounting to $12.40 and $9.50 respectively, covering charges made by Mr. B. D. Chesshir, former Game Warden, were presented butno a~tion was taken on these claims at this time. The matter of personal property assessors for the coming year was discussed. A~p- plication was received from Mr. J. R. Robinson for the position of Sc°ttsville District Assessor and was ordered filed. Mr'. Robinson was instructed to get in touch with Mr. Eugene P. Durrette to see whether or not he could render his services as an assessor for the ~omingl kear. E~ supplemental report was received from Mr. David A. Lyons, Jr., Ta~ Collector, ~howing collections amounting to $102.~1 and was ordered filed. The deficiency in the amount of the Bond of the Director of Finance was again Wood, Mr. Robinson was authorized to increase his bond in the amount of $25,000.00 Communication was received from Dr. S. D. Sturkie, Director-.of the Joint Health · Department, ,concerning the inadequate water supply and sewerage ~disposat-at the Pine Grove i~ Service Station and Trailer Camp. Dr, Sturkie advised that this condition could not be corrected until after January 1, 1949, at which time the Law would permit him to correct con-t ditions of this type. Communication was receivedfrom Miss R. Belle Burke-, District .Home Demonstration Agent, advising that the Virginia Extension Service recommended Mrs. Joyce T. Hoge for the position of A~sistant Home Demonstration Agent in Albemarle County effective January 17, 1949 The employment of Mrs. Hoge was approved by the Board, and upon motion, madebyGen~.~Peyton and seconded by Mr. Chiles,~Mr. Robi~s~ was instructed-to~,advise the Virginia Extension Service that the County of Albemarle would supplement the salary of Mrs. Hsge in the amount of $1,200.00 per year.. Communications were received from the State Compensation Board approving requests salaries and expenses of the Department of Finance, the Sheriff's Office, and the Common- wealth's Attorney's Office as follows: ~partment of Finance Salarie~: Treasurer Commissioner Robert C.~Sours, Asst. to Director Lucille J~ Stephenson, Clerk Hilda ~a~Ye.r, Clerk Virginia D. Hicks, Bookkeeper 'q?Vlrginia Re Sandridge, Bookkeeper ~a~line Wood, Clerk Clerk Assessors and Collectors Extra Help Other Exens~ Premium on official bonds of employees Telephone and Telegraph Stationery, office~ supplies, and tax tickets ~ileage, Director of Finance - 55 per mile POstage Sheriff's Office Salaries: Sheriff W. S. Cook, Deputy P. M. Elliott, Deputy W. Abbott Smith, Deputy Thomas W. Wolfe, Deputy T. M. Whitten, Deputy J~ F. Thomas, Deputy Jail Cook Other Expenses: Premium on official bonds Telephone and Telegraph $4, 500,00 4,000.00 3, O0G~. O0 2,100.00 1,740.00 1,500.O0 I,SO0,00 1,500.00 1,500.00 4,000. O0 1,800.00 175o00 200.00 800.00 60O.0O 1.ooo.o0- 29,915.O0 2,280.00 1 ~860.00 2~280. O0 2,280~00 2,160.00 1,980 · 00 300. O0 55.00 125.00 Necessary travel on official business- 65 per mi. Stationery and Office Supplies Commonwealth's Atty,'s Office Salaries: Attorney Nancy Wade Failes, Stenographer O__ther Expenses: Postage 660. O0 _~ 50?00 $ 17 ~ 666.00 4,000.00 48O.OO 20.00 4,500.00 Mr. Robinson presented and requested approved~tthe following claims: (a) Meals for overtime, Department of Finance $ 11.35 (b) Meals - Commissioners of the Revenue Meeting 10.65 (c) Meals ~ D~A~obinson and D. B. Marshall - to Department of Taxation 1.80 (d) Meals - Committee to Commission of Game and In- land Fisheries 4.75 Upon motion, duly made and seconded, the foregoing claims were approved for payment Communication was received from the State Chamber of Commerce regarding capital im- provement for schools in the &rate of Virginia and was ordered filed. Communications were received from Fred C. Kimbo and ordered filed. The mat~er of relocating the-two-way radio antenna ~o 'Patterson'S Mountain was' again brought tO the attention of the Board and Mr. RObinson ~advised that 'he had not yet ap- proached Mr. Osgood concerning this'.-matter. No further, action .was .taken on this mat~er. 'Upon motion, made by Mr. Chiles and seconded by Gen. Peyton, the ~°llowing rose- ~ lutiOn was u~animousty..adop%ed: ~' WHEREAS, the people of Charlottesville, of Albemarle Connty, of Richmond, of RockingHam County, of Port Republic, and of Harrison- burg, have petitioned the-Honorable Harry F. Byrd, The Honorable Ac Willis Robertsen, and the Honorable Howard N. Smith to have a bill enacted in the next session of Congress to open and construct a road ' across the Shenandoah National Park, known as the Brown's GaP Turnpike, and restore the breastworks of Stonewall Jackson1 which were destroyed in the construction for the Park D~ive at this gap, thereby connecting Virginia State Highway No. 629 and No. 230 on the east with No. 629 on the west of the Mountains, AND WHEREAS, they have requested that this Board endorse the aforesaid project, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLYED by the Board.of County Super- visors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the afpresaid project be and is hereby endorsed. Mr. Bill Hubbard appeared and advised that years ago the road by his property was relocated, leaving a piece of property approximately twenty feet wide between the old and neT locations. He further advised that the presen~ landowner of the property between the two roads wou d not permit~ him to cross this strip of land and consequently~ he was forced to drive into Nelson County to come eastwardly into Albemarle, Upon motion, made by Mr. Chiles and seconded by Mr. Dottier, it was ordered that Mr. W. W. Shields, Resident Engineer, and viewers, to be appointed at a later date, view this road and suhmit their recommendations to the Board. Mr. Robinson, County Executive, reported that on December 1, 1948, he gave Mrs. Lucilte J. Stephenson a thirty-day notice of termination of~ her services with the County after which date she did not report for further work with the County..Mrs. Stsphenson this day came before this Board and asked to be heard regarding the action taken by Mr. Robinson and after having been heard by this Board, on motion of MrJ Chiles, seconded by.General P.B. Pey~pn, it was ordered that the action of Mr. Robinson be confirmed, and inasmuch as Mrs. Stephenson had not reported for further work after Deeember~ 1st, that she be paid for her services through that day, plus one week of vacation not previously taken, amounting to a total of $49.00. Mrl Robinson reported that he had secured the services of Mrs. June T. Via~ formerly employed by the~ County and at $175.00 per month - the amount previously' paid her, /nd recommended that she be appointed Clerk. Upon motion of Mr. 'Chiles, seconded, by Mr. Wood, Mrs. Via's employment was confirmed and appointed Clerk of the Board. Mrs, ~ia's em- ployment as of December 1, 1948, is hereby confirmed and appointed Clerk of this Board. Claims against the Couuty amounting to $1~9~209.!6 were presented~ examined, and~'~ il!owed and certified to the Director of Finance for payment and charged to the following unds: General Fund School Fund Dog Tax Fund Crozet Fire District Fund Crozet S~nitary District Fund Joint Health Department Fund 1t~760,98 56,376.01 189.96 17o61 94~o07 2,658~20 Commonwealth of Virginia Current Credit Acct, [77~265.33