HomeMy WebLinkAbout1949-01-19 A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held at the Office Building of said County on the 19th day of January, 1949. Present: Messrs. C. Purcell McCue, E. J. Ballard, Henry Chiles, C. R. Dorrier, and W. W. Wood, and Gen. P. B. Peyton. Absent: None. Officers present: County Executive, Commonwealth's Attorney, and Sher~f. ................ Mr. C. Ro Dorrier nominated Mr. C. Purcell McCue as Chairman for the year 1949, which nomination was seconded by ~r. W. W. Wood. There being no further nominations, Mr. NcCue was unanimously elected. Mr. W. N. Wood nominated Mrs. June T. Via as Clerk of the Board for the year 1949, which nomination was seconded by Mr. E. J. Ballard. There being no further nominations, Mrs. Via was unanimously elected. Npen motion, made by Mr. C. R. Dottier and seconded by Mr. N. W. Wood, it was ordered that all present Department Heads be reappointed in their respective Departments. Minutes of the meeting of December 15, 1948, were read and approved. Mr. R. O. Hall, Mr. W. F. Kirby and ~r. Harry W~ight appeared before the Board and requested the Board to recommend for maintenance by the Highway Department a road leading from Route 250 approximately two miles East of Shadwell which is about 2,000 ft. in length and which serves seven families. Upon motion, made by Mr. Chiles and seconded by ~r. Mood, it was ordered that this road be viewed the next time Viewers are appointed. A petition was presented requesting bridges, pipes or whatever is necessary by-pass the water of three streams which are dangerous to travel on Route 600 between Stony Point and Cismont after rain or melting snow. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, it was ordered that this road be viewed the next time Viewers are appointed. Communication from John B. Rosebrook was again presented requesting that the short section of road No. 609 leading from Route 608 down to the old mill, east of Carter's Bridge, be closed. Mr. Robinson was instructed to advise Mr. Rosebrook that the road had been abandoned so far as Highway maintenance was concerned and that it would be necessary for him to post a notice of his intentions to close the road at the Court House and at two places on the road to be closed. Mr. John L. Herring appeared and presenter a petition requesting that the old Cotmty Road, l~own as the Brock Mill Road, leading from Route 643 near Stony Point, be re- opened and maintained in a passable condition. Mr. Herring advised that the length of the road was approximately 500 yards. Upon motion, made by Mr. Chiles and seconded by Gen'~ Peyton, it was ordered that this road be viewed the next time Viewers are appointed. Commumication was received from the Department of Highways enclosing a sketch showing chan~es in the Primary System of Albemarle County, made necessary by the relocation and construction of Route 250, Project 723-F amd was ordered filed. Communications were also received from the Department of Highways advising that the following additions to the Secondary System had been approved by the Deportment of Highways:~ (1) .From Rt. 600 East of Cismont to Louisa County Line - 0.70. Nile. (2) Section 7 - Old location of Rt. 6, from Int. New Rt. 6 just north of underpass beneath N. & A. R.R., thence under railroad and northeast to int. Rt. 335 - 0.63 Nile. Mr. Bai~ appeared~ on behalf of the County Planning ~ommission and premented a progress report on the City's proposed sub-division control in the areas surro~g the City of Charlottesville. ~r. Bain advised that a fin~l report would be made by the Com- mission after the matter wa~s inveStigated further. The existing condition of the entrance to the Sau.dridge Service Station at ¢~ozet caused by work done by Mr. M. S. Hudgins, was again brought to the attention of the Board andi discussed at length. Upon motion, made hy Mr. Chiles and seconded by Mr. Dorrier, Mr. Robin~ son was instructed to write to Mr. Hudgins and request that he repair the entrance to ~. Sandridge~s Service Station and also the area by the Fruit Growers' Association. The following letters, addressed to Mr. D. A. Robinson, County Executive, concerning the two~way radio in Mr. William R. Napier's~personal automobile, were presented: 1/12/49 "Dear Mr. Robinson: I am writing this letter to acknOWledge receipt of certain two- way radio equipment which is the property of the County of Albemarle and which has been installed in my personal automSbile for my use in connec~ tion with my duties as Dog warden in the County. I agree to be wholly responsible for any damage caused to the aforesaid two-way radio equipment whi~e_in my possession and prior to January 20, 1949. It i~ my understanding that 'the County Board of Super- visors will, at its meeting, January 19, decide What arrangements will b~ made on a permanent basis to protect the County from loss or damage to the said radio equipment. Very truly yours, "Dear Mr. Robinson: (signed) Wm. R. Napier" 1/l /4 I recently sold an automobile to Nr. Napier who WaS recently appointed Dog Warden of Albemarle County, It is my understanding that Mr. Napier wilt use this car in his official capacity as well as for personal driving. I have been informed that certain valuable two-way radio equip- ment has been installed in this ~ehicle, said equipment being the property of the County of Albemarle. I realize fully that any lien which I may h01d on the automobile does not and cannot extend to the radio equipment i~sta!led therein. I am writing this letter at the request of Mr. Napier and I am tur~ng it over ~o him for delivery to you. Very truly yours, (signed) WHITTEN BROS. IN0. BY: G. H. Whitten, Pres." Mr. Napier appeared before the Board and advised that he was carrying fire, theft, · and property damage insurance on this car and that the insurance covered the radio equipment,i. but that he did not carry collision insurance. A verbal agreement was made between Mr. Napier and the Board of Supervisors, whereby Mr.. Napier assumed full responsibility for any damage caused to the radio equipment installed in his car which may occur while being used ~: for personal driving. The following claims againmt the Dog Fund were presented: (a) Claim of ~r. G. W. Douglas for one sheep was' presented. ~pon motion, made by Mr. Wood and seconded by Gen. Peyton, it was ordered that this claim be paid at the assessed value of $8.50. (b) Claim of J. T. Via for one sheep was presented. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, it was ordered that this claim be denied. (c) Claim of Col. Olark J. Lawrence for one sheep and two lambs was pre- sented. Upon motion, made by Mr. 0hiles and seconded by Mr. Ballard, it was ordered that the assessed value of $10.00 be paid for the sheep and that the lambs, weighing 95 lbs. each, be paid for at the rate of $0.20 per pound. (d) Claim of Mr. Hugh Henderson for two sheep was presented. Upon motion, made by Mr. Wood andseconded by Mr. Ballard, it was ordered that Mro Henderson be paid $12.00 each for these sheep since they were ~pmm~_~- chased after January l, 1948i (e) Claim of Mrs. Austin Kilhamfor four hens weighing five pounds each, was presented. Upon motion, made by Mr. Woo~and-seconded by~. Chiles, it was ordered that ~rs. Xilhambe paid $0.25 per pound for these hens. (f) Claim of Marie Clark for three ducks weighinE four pounds each, was presented. Upon motion, made by ~. Wood and seconded by ~r. Chiles, it was ordered that these ducks be paid for at the rate of $1o00 each. 32O (g) Claim of Charles E~ Norton for three ewes was presented, upon' motion, · a~p' by Mr. Nood and seconded by ~Lr. Ballard, it was ordered t&at $10.00 be paid for each of these ewes. (h) Claim of Jay'JOhns for t~ree sheep and"t~2ee lambs~'Weigh~_ug 75 pounds each, was presented. 'Upon~ motion, duly made a~d seconded, 'it-was -' o~dered that Mr. JOhns be paid for' the sheep at 'the assessed value of $~1.00 each and for the lambs at $0.25 per pound. (i) Claim of Ers. Jo 0. Wilson for five turkeys and eight chickens was pre- sented. SinCe no report had been turned in b~the Game Warden~ Mr. Julian Thomas was instructed to investigate this claim and report back at the next meeting of the Board. An agreement, p~epared by the Commission of Game and Inland Fisheries, concerning the employment of a Dog Warden for Albemarle. County and the City of CharlOttesville, was presented. Upon motion, made by Mr. Chiles and seconded by Mr. Dorrier, it was ordered that the Commonwealth's Attorney ammend this agreement to embrace the 2a~t that the County of Albemarle would be responsible only for actual mileage of the Dog warden on official County business and that this mileage allowance is not to exceed SLOG.00 for any month and is not to be accumulative ~rom month to month. ~he status of Mr. Julian Thomas, Chief Forest Warden and Deputy Sheriff, as an assistant to the Dog Warden, was discussed and action on this matter was deferred. The following reports were presented, approved, and ordered filed: (a) County Executive. (b) Tax Collections. (c) Charlottesville-Albemarle Public Library. (d) Department of Welfare and Institutions - Jail Report. In approving the Report of the County Executive, the work on the Albemarle County Tax Map was brought th~:.tbe attention of the Board. Upon motion, made by Nr. Chiles and seconded by Mr. Wood, it was ordered that 9ork on this map be continued until its completion bringing the map up to date as of January l, 19&9, and thmt the ~irector of Finance be charge~ with the responsibility of keeping said map up to date thereafter. Upon motion, also made by Mr. Chiles and seconded by Nr. Wood, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED bY the Beard of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that a sum sufficient be appropriated from the Unappre- ~.~ propriated Reserve of the General Fund to cover the cost of completi~ and keeping the Albemarle County Tax Map up to date~- In reviewing the Jail RePort, Mr. Robinson advised that he had requested a con- ference in his office attended by a representative of 'the Finance SectiOn of the Department of Welfare and Institutions and Maj. R. M. Youell. ~r,~ Chiles suggested that after a con- ference, a committee should be appointed to set a per diem dost for prisoners from Flu?anna, Madison, and Greene Counties. Mr. D. A. Robinson, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses of the Department of Finance for the month of December, 19Z~, one-third of which to be borne by the State. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified, and approved. Mr. D. A. Robinson, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses of the Sheriff's Office for the month of DeCember,'~ 19Z~, two-thirds of which to be borne by the State. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified, and approved. ~ Nr. D. A. Bobinson, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses of the Commonwealth's Attorney's Office for the month of December, 19Z~, one-half of which to be borne by the State. Upon motion, duly made qnd' seconded, this Statement was examined, veri- fied and approved. A Statement of ~Expenses incurred in the maintenance of prisoners confined in the County Jail during the month of December, 1948, was submitted. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified, and approved. A Summary Statement of Prisoners was submitted, Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified, and approved. ¢la~ of Dr. Richard T. Ergenbright, Jail Physician, in the amount of $0.75, was presented and approved for payment. The rate of pay of personal property assessors for the year 1949 was discussed. Upon motion, made by Mr. Dorrier and seconded by Nr. Wood, it was ordered that personal property assessors be paid at the rate of $1.10 per hour and that they be paid mileage at the rate of $0.05 per mile. Communication was received from Carrie L. Biesen, Executive 'Secretary of the Com- pensation Board, advising that the excess fees for the Clerk's Office for the year 1948 amounted to $1,187.83, one-third of which, $395.94, wa~ payable into the State Treasury by Albemarle County. Upon motion, made by Mr. Nood and seconded by Nr. Ballard, it was ordered that the State be paid $395.9~o An annual'repOrt of Clerk's Fees was received from ~so Eva. W. Naupin, Clerk and was ordered filed. A contract was received from the Virginia Electric and Power Company and action thereon was deferred until the next meeting of the Board. Communication was received from W. R. Duke, Jr., Probation and Parole Officer, co~ cerning the lease on Room 107 in the County Office Building. Action on this matter was de- ferred until the Committee appointed to study rental of County Office space makes a thorough. investigation of this matter. Mr. D. A. Robinson, Director of Finance, presented a letter from the Depar~.ent to Dr. ~o ~. Stinson, dated December 12, 1946, stating that when he paid the taxe~ of Finance of E. E. Snapp, an error of $2.34 was made. Mr. Robinson advised that this matter had just been brought to his attention, and since this was a 1946 ~aE, he would have to have the authority of the Board to make the refund of $2.34. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, ~r. Robinson was instructed to refund this $2.34 upon receipt of the receipt given for these t axe s. Communication was received from the State Chamber of Commerce enclosing statement covering membership dues for the year 1949o Upon motion, duly made and seconded, it was ordered that $75.00 be paid for the dues for the year 1949, the amount previously paid by the County. Mr. McCue appointed the following committee to work with a committee from the City of Charlottesville in making a survey of the costs of the Joint Negro High School ProjeCt: Mr. C. R. Dorrier Mr. W. W. Wood Gen. P. B. Peyton Mr. W. 0. Fife Upon motion, made by Mr. Wood and seconded by Mr. Ballard, the following resolutiom was unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of'County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that $180.00 be and is hereby appropriated from the Un, appropriated Reserve of the General Fund to cover the County's share of the premium on an additional $25,000.00 approved for the bond of the Director of Finance at a meeting held on December 15, 1948. Upon motion, made by Mr. Chiles and seconded by Mr. Dorrier, the following BE IT RES~BVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that $1~9.00 be and is hereby appropriated from the Un- appropriated Reserve of the General Fund to cover the cost of uniform for Nr. C. R. Marshall, Deputy Sheriff. Gen. Peyton presented a report on the Hospital Committee meeting. He advised that Mr. Darden raised the question of indigent patients being admitted to the Hospital unnecessar ~ily. He:~further advised that Dr. Mulihollam~ assured the committee that no indigent patme~ts were aslmitted to the Hospital unless it was absolutely necessary in the opLuion of the medical faculty. A revised budget of the Department of Public Welfare for the year ending June 30, 1949, in the amount of $121,699.95, of which $28,643.56, is the County's share, was presented and approved and signed by Nr. Co Purcell NcCue, Chairman. Mr. Wood presented a report on the Albemarle Lake Committee meeting. He advised that Mr. Quinu, Executive Director of the Commission of Game and inland Fisheries, met with the committee and informed them that the Commission was anxious to dispose of Albemarle Lake but would not do so without the approval of the County of Albemarle and the City of Charlottet vilie whose original interest in the lake amounted to $3500.00 each. Mr. Wood recommended that Mr. Wright of the Virginia Conservation Commission be contacted to determine if the Commission would be interested in taking over this Lake, which recommendation was concurred by the Board. The matter of non-participating units using the District Home was again brought to the attention of the Board and Mr. Robinson was instructed to obtain the opinion of the Attor~ ney General on this matter. Commuuications were received from the League of Virginia Counties and ordered filed Communication was received from Mr. George W. Dean, State Forester~ concerning the Resolution of the Board adopting Section 549-a-I of the Code of Virginia a~ enacted by the 1948 General Assembly relating to pine seed trees, and was ordered filed. Mr. Robinson called the Board's attention to the fact that in 1946 a spa~e electric pump was taken out of the furm~ce room in the County Office Building by a representa. tire of the Omohundro Electric Company and had never been returned. Mr.. Robinson further advised..~.tha~ he ha~ checked with Mr. 0mohundro to see if this pump was in his possession and Mr. Omohu~dro had stated that he was unable to locate it but would make a more thorough search. Mr. Robinson was instructed to obtain a final answer from Mr. 0mohundro and also to obtain the value of the pump at the time it was taken by the Omohundro Electric Company. Communications were received from Fred C. Kimbo. The enforcement of the Building Permit Ordinance, which was adopted by the Board on December 18, 1940, was brought to the attention of the Board and action thereon was de- ferred. Mr. Robinson advised that Mr. Arnold was here on January 17, 1949, mud made a test from the tower on the property of Mr. A. B. Osgood located on Patterson Mountain. He stated that Mr. Ar~o!d advised that the reception from this point was not as good as that from Carter's Mountain but was somewhat better than from the present location of the antenna on the Monticello Hotel B~!ding, and recommended that the antenna be moved to Patterson Nountai Mr. D. B. Marshall was instroocted ~o contact Mr. Osgood concerning this matter. Upon motion, made by Nr. Dor~ier and seconded by Mr. Wood, it was ordered that Robinson and the committee, consisting of Mr. M¢Cue and Mr. Chiles, settle the bill of the Arnold Company at such time as they consider the work satisfactorily accomplished. Upon motion, made by Mr. Chiles and seconded by ~. Wood, it was ordered that this ~o~r~ m~et at q:O0 A.M. on the third Neduesday of each month until further notice. cooperation in the matter of purchase and sale of county materials and supplies. Claims against the County amounting to $76,058,93, were presented, ex,mined, and allowed and certified to the Director of Finance for payment and charged to the following funds: General Fund School Fund Dog Tax Fund Crozet Fire District Fund Crozet Sanitary District Fund ~oint~Hea~h ~De partment Fund Joint Negro High School Fund Comm. of Va. C~mrrent Credit Account Comm. of Va. Dog Tax Credit Account Upon motion, the meeting adjourned. $12,975.24 59,014.22 53.38 31.56 120.42 2,849.68 16.00 990.37 8.06 $76,058.93 Eebruary 10, 1949. Pursuant to the fOllowi~g waive, the members of the Boo2d o£ County Supervisors Albemarle County, Virginia, met in special session on this date with the following members present: Messrs. C. Purcell McOue, He~ry Chiles, and W. W. Wood, and Gen. P. B. Peyton. We, the undersigned members of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, hereby waive notice, and special service thereof, of a meeting to be held at 3:00 P.M. ~n the 10th day of February, 1949, at the County Office Building for the purpose of considering the Stateand Local Hospital Contract for the care of the Co~ty's indigent patients at the University of Virginia Hospital, and we do hereby consent to the transaction of any and all business and the taking of such action at said meeting upon the matter hereinabove mentioned as may be lawful, i~cident, and necessary thereto. Given under our hands this 10th day of February, 1949. C. E. Dorrier ~. ~ ~e~ton Upon motion, made by ~r. Wood and seconded by Gen. Peyton, the following resolution was un~uimously adopted: BE IT P~SOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the contract with the University Hospital, heretofore pre- sented to this Board and heretofore executed on behalf of this Board by 0. Purcell McCue, its Chairms~, and on behalf of the University of Virginia Hss- pital by George Bokinsky, Comptroller, and fi~ing a per diem rate of $11.68 per patient day, be delivered on behalf of the ~'ounty, provided that the ap- proval thereof by the Department of Welfare and Ins*.itutions be procured prior to delivery. BE IT FURTN~F~I RESOLVED that the action of the Board of County Super- visors taken at its meeting held on O~t~ober 20, 1948, imposing certain