HomeMy WebLinkAbout1949-03-16 A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia,
was held at the Office Building of said Co~ty on the 16th day of March, 1949.
Present: ~essrs. C. Purcell NcCue, E. J. Ballard, He~ry Chiles, and C. R. Dorrier,
and Gen. P. B. Peytom_.
~bsent: ~o rY. ~. V~ood.
Officers present: County Executive and Commonwealth's Attorney.
~inutes of the meetings of February 16, 1949 and February 18, 1949, were read and
Dr. S. D. Sturkie, Health Officer, appeared and presented to the Board a proposed
Septic~Tank Ordinance. Upon motion, made by- ~M. Chiles and seconded by Mr. Dorrier, it was
ordered that a notice be published in the Daily ProEress snce a week for two consecutive
weeks and that a like notice be post~dii~a~t theOourt House, stating the Board's intent to pass
a Septic Tank Ordinance proposed by Dr. Sturkieo ~
Nr~ D. A. Robinson, Director of Finance, presented a Summary of Prisoners and
Prisoner Days for the year 1948 as follows:
Classification of Prisoner
Oommonwealth (from Albemarle County)
Albemarle County
Sub-total Commonwealth and Albemarle
Town of Scottsville, Virginia
Madison County
Green County
Fluvanna County
Army a~ud Navy
Other Authorities
To~al for Year
Prisoners Admitted Prisoner Days
254 2703
398 3033
63 335
41 739
44 307
52 310
31 53
16 28
12 81
6~_ ? 4SS6.
Upon motion, made by Mr. Chiles and seconded by Gen. Peyton, the following committee
was appointed by the Chs. irms~u to work out a basis for a per diem charge for participants in
the County Jail: Nessrs. C. R. Dorrier, C. Pumcell NcCue, D. A. Robinson, and ?~. O. Fife.
~. Eobinson presented a letter to the Board which he had written to the Link Pmdi~
Corporation stating that their claim in the amount of~ had been approved for paymen~i
and advis~_ug that the payment of this claim does not prejudice the County!s position covered
by contract for satisfactory installation and service in this County of the two-way radio
police equipment, which communication was approved by the Board.
Col. Henry B. Goodloe appeared and discussed the existing method of collection of
delinquent real estate taxes. After consideration of this matter, action thereon was deferred
until the next meeting of the Board.
Col. Goodloe also appeared and suggested that some of the electoral precincts be
combined. The Chairman appointed the following committee to study this matter: ~essrs. W.O~
Fife, C. Ro Dorrier, and Henry B. Goodloe.
Mr. H. A. Haden, representative from the City Council, and Mr. Gus. Tebell, Nayor
of the City of Charlottesville, appeared and requested the Board to a~nend its ordinance
~garding the license tax on carnivals and suggested that the tax be set at ~$300.00 per day,
futher advising that the City would be willing to set whatever rate was agreeable with the
County. Upon motion, made by ~r. Chiles s_nd seconded by Nr. Ballard, it was ordered that a
notice be published in the Daily Progress once a week for two consecutive weeks, and that a
like notice be posted at the Court House, stating the Board's proposal to ammend its OrdinanCe
regarding license tax on carnivals by raising the daily tax from $100.00 to $300.00.
Report of the Charlottesville-Albemarle Public Library for the month of February
was presented, approved, and ordered filed.
The following proposed budget for the year 1949-1950 of the Charlottesville-Albe-
marle Public 'Library was presented:
sl0 Salaries:
Lib. Asst. - Armentrout
Lib. Asst. - Palmer
Night Libn. - Wright
janitor - D~iver
Bookmobile Asst. ~ Time (NEW)
sl6 Supplies
"a Books and t~gazines
"b Binding
S20 Cleaning
s40 Office Equipment
s52 Light
s53 Heat
s56 Building I~aintenance '
s61 BOokmobile operation
~63 Travel (New Item)
ST0 Water and Gas
sSO0 Miscellaneous TOTALS
State Aid Funds available for additional book
purchase on basis of above budget ........
750.00 750.00
750.00 ----- 750.00
775.00 775.00
720. O0 720. O0 1, 50Q. O0
-- - ~50.00 750.00
3 40 · O0 85. O0 425. O0
200.00 I00~00 300.00
1,417.00 708.00 2,125.00
200.00 100.00 300.00
50.00 t0.00 60.00
160.00 40.00 200.00
120.00 ~0.00 150.00
240.00 60.00 300.00
850.00 850.00
~00.00 300.00
67.00 33.00 !00.00
24.00 2A. O0
100.00 50.00 150.00
~ 2
~tl, 35.00 $5,27~.00 $i6,509~00
$ , 60.0o $6,5 4.0o 818,384.0o
Upon motion, made by ~. Dorrier and seconded by Gen. Peyton, ~r. Robinson was in-
structed to contact ~. H. W. Walsh, Chairo~n of the Board of Trustees, to d~scuss the County's
share of the proposed budget.
Communication was received from the Albemarle Tuberculosis Associati°n requesting
an additional appropriation to cover the care of County ~atients for the remainder of the
fiscal year. Upon motion, made by Gen. Peyton and seconded by ~r. Ballard, the following
resolution was unanimously adopted:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albems~le
County, Virginia, that $1,000.00 be and is hereby appropriated from the
Unappropriated Reserve of the General Fund to cover the cost of caring
for County tuberculosis patients for the remainder of the fiscal year.
A copy of a communication to ~Ar. Vincent Shea, Bursar of the Universit~.of Virginia~
from~r. W. F. Tompkins~ Comptroller of the Nedical College of Virginia, regarding the num-
ber of indigent cases from counties adjacent to Albemarle, was presented and ordered filed.
Communication was received from Samuel S. Clark, Rea~iEstate Reassessor,~and Ge:or§~
Gilmer, Attorney~ concerning the erroneous assessment of certain lands in Albemarle C0uuty. ~
Upon motion, made by Gen. Pe~%on and seconded by~Ar. Chiles, the following resolution was
WHEREAS, ~. George Gi~er, Attorney, who has been appointed to
collect delinquent land taxes, has recommended that the following parcels
of land be delet~ from the County!s Tax Rolls due to the fact that, in
his opinion the land is erroneously assessed for 1947, 1948, and prior
years as per the records in the Clerk's Office:
Name Acreage
John B. Updike ~l
Robert Dudley, Estate 35
Jane Wade 30
J. ~. Coleman 240
Francis Hall Estate 63.75
Fountain Marshall Estate 2
Leland Blackwell 52
Hugh A. Dollins 24
Hugh A. Dollins 224
Nelson White (Colored) 1
R. T. Niller 410
Lucy Carver ll
Samuel ~iller
Samuel ~ilier
Samuel Niller
White Hall
White Hall
White Hall
White Hall
White Hail
White Hall
NOW, TI~EFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Super-
~msors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that these parcels be considered
as erroneous assessments on the basis of Nr. Gilmer's report~ and no
further efforts be made to collect taxes on same.
Comm~uication was presented from Randolph Odell, Con,missioner of Parks, concSrning
Lake Albemarle and was ordered filed. The committee a~p~ted regarding the L~e advised
that it would report on its meeting at the next meeting of the Boa_rd.
Co~uunication was received from the State Chamber of Co~uerce advising that the
Silver Jubilee membergnip meeting would be held at Roanoke, Virginia, at the Hotel Roanoke
~r. D. A. Robinson, County Executive, presented the following tree, script from the
minutes of the meeting of the District Home Board held on January 15,. 1948:
"City~auager of Waynesboro informed the Board that Waynesboro takes the
position that it has paid its share of taxes toward upkeep of the Homes
and therefore feels that it has a right to be voted into membership.
Therefore, on motion of J. ~Emmett Gleason, seconded by Hunter G. Cockrell,
this Board doth hereby accept the City ofWaynesboro, Virginia, as a mem-
ber of the Board and the CityEanager. of Waynesboro is authorized to
quest a General Assembly to ammendthe~ Virginia Act under which District
Homes are authorized to include the City of Waynesboro."
Nr. D. A. Robinson presented an agreement between the County and Jesse B. Wilson
pertaining to the rental of the office space in t~e Court House to Messrs. Taylor and Watson~
Attorneys, ~ud reported that he had been advised by~Iessrs. Taylor and Watson that although
this agreement did not terminate until December 31, 19~9, they would be willing to negotiate
for a new contract effective July l, 1949.
Oommunication was received from Capt. R. H. Blair stating that he would be unabl?
to accept his app&intment as a member of the Planning Co~nission. ~r. Robinson was ~nst uc~e~
to ask for a recommendation from the Planning Commission for a person to fill the unexpired
term of Nfs. Elizabeth Chamberlain.
A report on the survey of the Joint Health Department was received from the Bureau
of Public Administration. ~Ar. Robinson was instructed to obtain additional information as to
the employment and service of additional personnel.
Report of the County Executive for the month of February, 1949, was presented and
Nr. D. A. Robinson, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses of the
Department of Finance, for the month of February, ~1949, one-third of which to be borne by the!
State. Upon motion, du]~ made and seconded, this Statement was eXemined, verified, and
~V~v. D. A. Robinson, Director of Finance, ~ubmitted a Statement of Expenses of the
Sheriff's'~O~fic~ for the~month of February, 19~9, two~thirds of which to be borne by the ~
State. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified, and
approved. ~
Nr. D. A. Robinson, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses of the
Commonwealth's Attorney's Office for the month of February, 19~9, one-half of which to be
borne by the State. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, veri-
fied and approved.
A Statement of Expenses incurred in the maintenance of prisoners confined in the
County Jail during the month of February, 194.9, ws~s submitted. UpOn motion, d~Z~y made and
seconded, this Statement was examined, verified, and~.approved.
A Summary Statement of Prisoner Days for the mont~ of February, 1949, was sub-
Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified, ap~k~
Elaim~of Dr. Richard T. Ergenbright, Jail Physician, in the ~mount of $2.75 was
presented and approved for payment.
Nr. Paul H. C~e, Division Superintendent, Nr. Joe Henley, Chairman of the School
Board, and members of the School Board, appeared and discussed the proposed location of the
new consolidated white high school. Upon motion, made by Geno Peyton and seconded by
Chiles, the School Board w~s authorized to pnrc~hase approximately fifty acres belonging to
Eizzie ~Cat~le~ti~ud H. C. ~ic~ie, Jr., at $400.00 per acre and ~r. Robinson was authorized
to m~ke the arrangements for the purhhase of this property.
the expediency of establishing public road from .Route 636, at approximately 500 feet East of
Nelson County line, in a Southerly direction to the center of old roadbed at entrance to the
Hubbard property;
Ane it not appearing that the proper officials of the Highway Commission were noti-
fled and have appeared in the proceedings; and the said Viewers have duly returned their re~
port, in writing, accompanied by a plat, or diag~am, by the State Highway Department, showing
the proposed route, and fr6m which it appea~s that the land owner affected is J. P. Flipps,
whose address is Bob 707 Covington, Virginia, and that Sam Flippo is the present tenant on
said property;
Therefore on motion duly made and seconded, it is ORDERED that the Clerk of this
Board issue process to sunnnon J. P. F~ppo and Sam Flippo to appear at lO:O0 A.M. before the
BOard of County Supervisors of Albem_arle County~ Virginia, at their regular meeting to be
held at County Office Building on Court Square in said County on the 20th day of April, 1959
to show cause, if any they can, why the said report in the matter of establishing a public
road throught the lands of J. P. Flippo should not be adopted.
The following report of Viewers was presented and accepted in accordance with
Section 2039 of the Virginia Code~
We, the undersigned, being Viewers appointed by your Board at its regular meeting
on February 16, 1949, to view the following described section of road and make report to
your Board, hereby wish to advise that on Narch 7, 1949, we viewed this section of road and
make the following reportt
Beginning at Route 250, approximately 0.5 Mi, West of West Corporate
Limits of the City of Charlottesville, and following the streets marked
in red on the attached plat of the Bellair Estates Sub-division.
Ne find that t~his is a sub-division Lu the process of being developed
and do not feel that there are sufficient number of homes to be served
~to justify requesting same to be put in the State Secondary Road System,
therefore, we cannot recommend the greeting of this petition.
(Si ed)
P. H. Gentry
W. C. Douglas
J. A. Adams
R. E. Turner
Eugene P. Durr~tte
The following report of Viewers was presented and accepted in accordance with
Section 2039 of the Virginia Code:
We, the undersigned, being Viewers appointed by your Board at its regular meeting
on February 16, 1949, to view the following described section of road and make report to
your Board, hereby wish to advise that on Narch 7, 1949, we viewed this section of road and
make the following report:
Beginning at Route 250, approximately 2.0~les East of Shadwell and at
top of hea~/ grade, thence Southeast over old public entrance for 2000
feet. We find that the section of this location from Route 250 to top
of grade, approximately 500 feet in length, to be impassable and, in our
judgment, not practical to grade, or have an entrance bo Route 250, be-
ing at this point ena vertical curve at the top of heavy grade and be-
ing cut where sight distance would be very short. It is suggested by
the interested citi~mens that a new location fo~ this entrance some 300
feet to the East of the present old entrance would be more practical.
We firJ that the 30 ft. unobstructed right ~of way over this section of
old road has not been given and the citizens question whether it could
be secured.
We believe that there is a need fro a road at approximately ~his location
to serve the seven families as represented ir. the petition (it appears
to us that these families must only own cut over timber land as we could
not see any homes or road~ leading to homes from the present road) and
would recommend to your Board that when the interested citizens would
construct a practical entrance to Route 250 and put s~me in maintainabm!~e
condition that your Board recommend sam~ to be placed in the Secondary
Road System.
(Signed) P. H. Gentry
W. C. Douglas
J. A. Adams
R. E. Turner
Eugene ~. Durrette
The following report of Viewers was presented and accepted in accordance with
Section 2039 of the Virginia Code:
Ne, the undersigned, being viewers appointed by your Board at its regular meeting
on February 16, 1959, to view the following described section of road and make report to
Beginning at Route 663, Nor%heaat of Wilhoit, and extending 2010 feet
to the Northeast, following the present road used by six families
living along and back of this section of roa_d.
We find that there is a need for a public road to serve these people
and recommend placing of this section in the State Secondary Road Sys-
We are attahhing signed statement of all landowners adjacent to this
section or road, giving a 30 ftc right of way.
P. H. Gentry
W. C. Douglas
J. A. Adams
R. E. ~urner
Eugene P. Durrette
The following report of Viewers was presented and accepted in accordance with
Section 2039 of the Virginia Code:
We, the undersigned~ being Viewers appointed by your Board at its regular meeting
on February 16, 19~9, to view the following described section of road and make report to y0ur;
Roard, hereby wish to advise that on March 7, 1949, we viewed this section of road and make
the following report2
Leaving Route 643, near Stony Point, and continuing Northwest along old
County Road approximately 500 yards.
We find that this old road serves two families and is in need of drainage,
however, we feel that there is not sufficient traffic to justify Placing
same in the State Secondary Road System, therefore, we cannot recommend it.
(Signed) P. H. Gentry
W. C. Douglas
J. A. ~dams
R. E. ~urner
Eugene P. Durrette
The following report of Viewers was presented and accepted in accordance with
Section 20~9 of the Virginia Code:
We, the undersigned, be.!ug Viewers appointed by your Board at its meeting on
February 16, 1949, to view the following locations and make report to your Board, hereby wis~
to advise that on Narch 7, 1949, we did view:
1. That section of Street begirnaing approximately 100 feet East of 14th
Street, one block North of Chesapeake Street and ending at intersection
with Route ll02, approximately 260 feet.
2. Also that section of 18th Street between East ~arket and Chesapeake
Streets, approximately 0.10 mile distance, and make the following report:
(1) We find a need for that section of street beginning approximately 100
feet East of 14th Street, being the East Corporate L~mits of the City of
Charlottesville, and extending to intersection with and end of present
State Route ll02, a dist...ance of approximately 260 feet, being a side en-
trance to the cemetery and serving two families, therefore, we recommend
to your Board that this be placed in the State Secondary Road System.
(2) We failed to find sufficient traffic on that section of 18th Street,
from East Market to Chesapeake Street. This being a very steep grade and
only serving one house, not 'facing on State Secondary Roads, therefore, we
do not recommend granting of this petition.
P. H. Gentry
W. C. Douglas
J. A. Adams
R. E. Turner
Eugene P. Durrette
The following report of Viewers was presented and accepted in accordance with
Section 2039 of the Virginia Code:
We, the undersigned, being viewers appointed by your Board at its regular meeting
on February 16, 1949, to view the following described section of road and make report-to yo
Board~ hereby wish to advise that on ~arch 7, 1949, we viewed this section of read and make
the following report:
Leaving Route 230 in Crozet and extending to'the East for 450 feet, being
an extension of St. George Addition on Route 1202.
We find that t_his section is in a sub-division and do not feel that it is
in pro~r shape to ask the Highway Department to take over for maintenance.
It will be necessary for the petitioners to establish their 40 ft. right of
way lines and grade, drain and surface with crushed stone before they could
ask for same to be placed ir. the State Secondary Road S2stem. Ne cannot
recommend granting of this petition.
P. H. Gentry
~. C. Douglas
J. A. Adams
R. E. Turner
Eugene P. Durrette
The following report of Viewers was presented and accepted in accordance with
Section 2039 of the Virginia Code:
~;~%~, the undersigned, being Viewers appointed by your Board at its regular meeting
on February 16, 1959, to view the following described section of road and make report to
your Board, hereby wish to advise that on Narch 7, 19~9, we viewed this secti6n of road and
make the following report:
Beginning at the end of RSute 691, East'of Route 230 in Crozet, and ex-
tending from the several streets laid out and partially constructed in
sub-division of the Blue Ridge Notor Company, being a total of approxi-
mately 0.5 Nile.
We find that tkis is a sub-division still in process of being developed
and the present traffic, in ou~ judgment, does not ~u. t~y requesting
same to be put in the State Secondary Road System, therefore, we cannot
recommend the granting of this petition.
P. H. Gentry
We C. Douglas
J. A. Adams
R. E. Turner
Eugene P. Durrette
The following report of Viewers was presented and accepted in accordance with
Section 2039 of the Virginia Code:
We, the undersigned, being Viewers appointed by your Board at its regular meeting
on February 16,~ 1949, to view the following described section of road and make report to
your Board, hereby wish to advise that on ~rch 7, 1949, we viewed this section of road and
make the following report:
Beginning at the end of present Route 6~, West of Gordonsville, and con-
tinuing for approximately 1.5 miles to the West and South intersecting
Route 231 at the old Edgewood S~ool property. We find that this pro-
posed location would, in our opinion, not be justified as construction of
same would be expensive and the fencing of sam8 would be more than the
landowners would be willing to undertake. In fact, we do not believe that
they understood that they would have to take care of the fencing and give
a free unobstructed 30 ft. right of way. We, therefore, do not recommend
the granting of this petition.
(Signed) P. H. Gentry
We C. Douglas
J. A. Admms
R. E. Turner
Eugene P. Durrette
~. ~ogers appeared concerning a ~oad in the Rivanna District and was advise~ tha~
this matter was in the hands of ~. ~. ~. Wood for investigation.
Communication was received from the State Department of Highways, acknowledging
receipt of the Board's resolution of February 16, 19~9, requesting the Highway Department
to include in the primary system~ Secondary Route 613 from Route 250 near Charlottesville
to Route 33 near Barboursville, and advising that this request was being submitted to C. S.
~ulten, Chief Engineer, for his consideration.
Comm~uication was also received from the Department of Highways advis~_ug that the
following addition to the Secondary System, as recommended by this Board, was approved -
efi~c~_ve ~arch ~$, 1949:
0.10 NJ. South of S.C.L. Charlottesville, then O.l~i. East of Rt. 29,
~ast of
then 0.08 N~. S~mthwith a Side Street O.lO ~. long 0.07 NJ. m
Route ~29 - a distance of 0.~2 ~.
Upon motion, duly made and seconded, it was ordered that public hoiice be pub-
tished in the Daily Progress fifteen days prior to the next regular meeting of the Board,
advising that a representative of the State Highway Department would meet with the Board of
Supervisors to discuss road matters.
Application having been made to the Board of County~Supervisors of this County to~
include in the Secondary System approximately one-half of a mile from the end of Route 734
beyond Ash Lawn, it is hereby ordered that ~essrs. Ashby Adams, Claude Douglas, P. H. Gentry,
~. Y. Sutherland~ and R. E. Turner, resident freeholders of this County, any t?~ee of whom
may act, be and they are hereby appointed ~ewers whose duty it shall be to examine such
road and report upon the ~×pediency of establishing the same; they shall, as soon as prac-
tible after receiving this order, proceed to make the view, and may examine other routes
establishing a public road, they shall locate the same, return a map or diagram thereof, with
a report to the Board stating locations of such road, the convenience s~ud inconvenience that
will result as Well as to bhe' individuals as' to the public, wh~th&r the said road will be one
of such mere private convenience ~s to mak~ it proper that' it should be opened, established,
and kept in order by the person or persons for whose convenience it is desired, whether any :
yard, garden, or orchard will have to be taken; the names of the landowners on such road,
which of said landowners shall require compensation, what will be a just compensation to the
~equmrzno compensation, for the land so taken, and for the damages of the residue
of the tract, if any, beyond the peculiar benefits to be derived in result to such residue o~
the road to be established; and all other facts e~ud circumstances ~u their opinion useful in
enabling the Board to determine its expediency in establishing the road, and they shall file
such report with the Clerk of this Board;
In the event that some of the landowners do not require compensation and they
execute written consent, giving the right of way in question, the said Viewers shall obtain
such consent ~nd return it with their report;
Provided, however, thaD the Chairman of the State Highway Commission, sometimes
called th~ State Highway Commissioner~ shall forthwith be notified of and made a party to
these p~oceedir~s, and that he shall likewise be notified of the time and place of the meet-~i
lng of the Viewers herein designated.
The following claims against the Dog Fund were presented:
(1) Claim of George D. Crickenberger for one hog weighting 90 lbs. was
presented. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, it was ordered
that Mr. Chickenberger be paid $15.00 for this hog.
Claim of Julian Catterton for one sheep weighing 125 lbs. was pre-
sented. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, it was ordered that
Mr. Catterton be paid $12.00 for this sheep.
Claim of Warren Davis for three lambs was presented..Upon motion
duly made and seconded, it was ordered that ~&r. Davis be paid $29.00
for these lambs.
Claim of Mrs. Dave Farrish for one pig weighing 75 lbs. was pre-
sented. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, it was ordered that
~&vs. Farrish be paid $12.00 for this pig.
Claim of Co E. Wine for eight sheep was presented. Uoon motion,
duly made and seconded, it was ordered that ~. Wine be paid $10.00
each for these sheep, a total of $80.00.
The County Executive submitted a proposed budget for the year beginmff~ug July l,
1949, and ending June 30, 1950, and a synopsis of the smme was ordered published according
to Law, and I0:00 A.~I., April 20, 1949, the date of the regular April meeting of the Board
of Co~muty Supervisors, was fixed as the time for public hearing s~d adoption of same.
Communications were received from Fred C. Kimbo.
Claims against th~ County amounting to $79,~28.5~, were presented, examined, and
allowed and-'certified to the Director of Finance for payment and charged against the follow-
Lug funds:
General Fund
School Fund
Dog Tax Fund
Crozet Fire District Fund
Crozet Sanitary District Fund
Joint Health Department Fund
Comm. of Va. Current Credit Account
Upon motion, the meeting adjourned.