HomeMy WebLinkAbout1949-06-15Upon motion, the meeting adjourned. Chairma~ A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle.County, Virginia, was held at the Office Building of said County on the 15th day of June, 1949. Pr6sent: Messrs. C. Purcell McGue, E. J. Ballard, G. R. Dorrier, and W. ~. Wood, and Gen. P. B. Peyton. Absent: Mr. Henry Chiles. Officers present: County Executive and Commonwealth's Attorney. Minutes of the meeting of May 18, 1949, were read and approved. Mr. ~. W. Shields appeared and. advised that rightm of way had been received from landowners along that section of road beginning at Route 615 at Lindsay Station mud extendin~ to the South of the Arbogast property and from landevmers on the read leaving R~ute 250 ap- proximately two miles east of Shadwell, extending Southeast for 2000 ft. Mr. Shields also appeared concerning the improvement of Route 677 for which there is a $10,000 appropriation for the current fiscal year. Following a discussion of this mat- ter, the following resolution, offered by Mr. Ballard and seconded by Mr. Wood, was unani- mously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County ~pervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the State Highway Department be, and is hereby, authorized to put hard surface on Route 677, if, at the end of the current fiscal year, there is a balance left over in the $10,000.00 appropriation mow being used for widening and ditching this road. Communication was received from the State Department of Highways advising that the following addition and abandonment were approved, effective June 20, 1949: Addition: - From Rt. 717, 0.47 ~. Northeast of Int. Rt. 717 and Rt. 721 to Iht. Rt. 6. (Length - 0.05 Mile.) Abandonment - From Int. Rt. 721 to 0.47 Mi. Northeast. (Length 0.47 Mile) Request was received from L. C. Parrish at Dyke, Virginia, to take into the Secon- dary System the road leading off of 664 near its intersection with Route 230, for approxi- mately one and one-fourth to one aud one-half miles, which serves six families. ~r. Parrish was advised that he would be mailed the regular application form as approved by this Board at the regular May meeting, as soon as the forms are completed. Dr. S. D. Sturkie appeared and presented a revised septic tank ordinance as prepare~ by the committee appointed for this purpose. Upon motion, made by Gen. peyton and seconded by Mr. Wood, this ordinance, as follows, was unanimously adopted and ordered published in the .Daily Progress once a week for two consecutive weed~s: AN C~DINANCE REGULATING THE DISPOSAL OF HUMAN WASTES ~ND EXCREMENT IN THE COUNTY OF ALBE~LE, VIRGINIA, AND PROVIDENG A PUNISHMENT FOR FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH SAID ORDINANCE. Section 1. No person, firm or corporation shall construct on any premises owned by him an arrangement for the disposal of human excrement which may probably endanger any sourc~ of d~ water, or which allows flies to have access to the human excrement. Section 2. No person, firm or corporation shall deposit any human excrement upon the surface of the ground or in any place where it may endanger a source of drinking water or be accessible to flies or animals. Section 3. On and after the effective date of this Ordinance all homes or other places in which flush toilets are newly installed shall be provided by the owner with a method of sewage disPosal approved by the Gounty Health Officer or his representative. Section 4. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to ~nstall er have installed a septic tank in the County of Albemarle without first obtaining a _permit fro~ the County Health Officer or his representative. The Health Officer shall decide the and design and approve the location of the septic tank. The minimum working capacity shall be as follows: Potential Capacity Capacity Septic of Home Tank in (No.B~.) .... Gals. ,,, J~e~_- th · Width. Space Li~Guid.. De~th. 2 or less 450 6,G" 2~6~ 1'0" 4'0" 3 ~20 7.'0" 3'6" 1'0" 4'O" 4 1000 8'0" 4'0" 1'O" 4' 0" 5 1250 9'0" 4'6" 1'0~ 4'3" 6 1480 9'6" 4'8" 1'3" %'6" 7 1720 10' 0" 5' O" 1'3" 4' 8" The amount of subsurfact drainage tile to be used shall be determined by the Health Officer,~ or his representative, at the time the permit is issued. The k~nd and amount of absorption material shall conform with the regulations of the Health Department. L_ Section 5. S~ptic tanks shall be inspected by the representative of the itealth De-i partment, and approved before they are permitted to be covered or used. i~ Section 6. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to neglect, fail or re~ase to comp2y with provisions of this ordinance. Section 7. ~ny person, firm or corporation who violates any of the provisions of this ordinance, or the regulations issued under it bythe County Health Department, shall fined the sum of not eX~eeding Ten Dollars ($10.00) ah~d each week of failure or refusal to com~lywith the ~ovisions shall be deemed a separate offense, and he shall be fined an ad- ditional sum of Five Dol!ars ($5.00) for each weak of failure or refusal~to comply with the Ii ~sions of this ordinance, or the regulations issued under it by the County Health De- partment. Section 8. All ordinances, or parts of ordinances, in conflict with pro~isions ef this ordinauce are hereby repeale~. The Dir~ct~r~oflFinance presented a tabulation of bids received on the County's a~omotive and school bus chassis and body needs which had been secured through the Division li of Purchase and Printing and also communication from the Calhoun ~Chevrolet Company dated May 26, 1949, offering to fur~ish to the County its automotive equipment needs for a period of-one year ending June 30, !9~50, on a cost plus 5% basis. Upon motion of Gen. P. B. Peyton~ seconded by Mr. Dottier, Mr. Robinson was authorized to accep~ Mr. Calhoun's offer. Mr. Gale and Mr. Walton appeared concerning th~ma%ter of purchasing the County school bus body needs. Mr. 0ale questioned his responsibility of specifying Thomas as a dealer on six new school bus bodies. Mm. Fife advised that if the purchase was within the appropriation the pur~asing agent had ne authority to substitute his judgment for'the wishes of the School Bo~rd. Upon being questioned by Mr. Robinson, Mr. Gale advised that the School Board had taken no formal action bat that several of the individual members had expressed themselves regarding this matter. Mr. Cale asked that a p~licy be set as to all County Schoe! Board purchases. Upon motion, made by Mr. Wood and seconded by Gen. Peyton, Mr. NcCue and Mr. Dottier, were requested to work out with Nr. Gale a satisfactory basis for the purchasing of i~ the Schools' needs by the County's purchasing agent. After conferring with Mr. Cale, Mr. McCue and Mr. Dorrier reported that Mr. Gale had agreed to limit his requisitions for p~- chases to a specified item or its equal. The following claims against the DoS Tax Fund were presented: (b) Claim of Mrs. Nancy P. Tree for three lambs Weighing approximately 100 pounds each. Upon motion, made by Mr. B~l~ and seconded by Mr. Dorrier, it was ordered that ~V~so Tree be .paid a total of $60.00 for these lambs. (c) Claim of Andersom Wood for six lambs weighing en the average of 25 pounds each. Npon motion, made by Mr. Ballard and seconded by ~. Dottier, it was ordered that Mr. Wood be paid a total of $30.00 for these.lambs. (d) Claim of E. H. 0denhal for *~ree ducks ranging fram 8 to 15 pounds in weight. Upon motion, made by Mr. Ballard .and seconded by Mr. Derrier, it was ordered that Mr. Odenh~l be paid a total of $1.00 for the three ducks. (4) Claim of G. H. Vandevender for one cow weighing 1400 pounds. Upon motion, made by Mr. Ballard and ~econded by Mr. Dorrier, it was ordered that Mr. Vandevender bs paid $50.00 for this cow. (f) Claim of George S. Leis for three sheep and one lamb weighing approxi- mately 75 pounds. Upon motion, made by Mr. Ballard and seconded by Mr. DOrrier, it was ordered that Mr. Leis be paid a total of $45.00 for these sheep and lamb. (g) Claim of Edward L. Carlo for one sheep amd one lamb weighing 150 lbs. and 75 lbs. respectively. Upon motion, made by Mr. Ballard and seconded by Mr. Dorrier, it was ordered that Mr. Carle be paid a total of $25.00 for the sheep and lamb. (h) Claim of George Gibson for two sheep weighing 150 pounds each and two lambs weighing 60 lbs. each. Upon motion, made by Mr'. Ballard and seconded by Mr. Dorrier, it was ordered that Mr. Gibson be paid a total of $36.00 for these sheep amd lambs. Mr. D. A. Robinson advised that Mr. Russel A. Joyce, Superviscr~of Vocational Re- habilitation, had requested the use of office space in the County Office Building. Upon motion, made by Gen. Peyton and seconded by Mr. Wood, ~r. Robf~son was instructed to contact Mr. T. F. ~in~field to investigate the possibility of the Division of Motor Vehicles Permit Examiner moving in with the License Bureau on Fifth Street, so that the office now used by the Division could be rented to Mr. Joyce. Mr. Robinson advised that Mrs. Ruth Burruss Huff, Home Demonstr~cm Agent, had con- ~.u~lted him regarding the possibility of the Coumty's purchasing a small tract of land, new in ~he name of Albert Baker, adjoining the 4-H Club Camp property. Upon motion, made by Mr. B~l~.~ard and seconded by Gen. Peyton, Mr. Robinson was instructed to investigate the p~ospect of buying this property and was given the authority to purchase same if the price does not exceed$700.O0. Mr. Robinson reported that he bad been advised by the Area Rent Control Board that the rental increase had been accepted and that a new lease would Mr. Nalsh, Chairman of the Library Board, appeared concerning the Library,s 1949-50 budget. Mr. Robinson was requested to confer with Miss Mullen conce~z~ug this matter. Upon motion of Gen. P. B. Peyton, seconded by Mr. C. R. Dottier, the following ~esolution was unanimously adopted: ~EqEREAS, this Board has ~reviously gone on record ~Opp~si~ the granting of any rate increases to the Virginia Telephohe and Telegraph Company until such time as the Company has converted its equipment to dial phones and demon- strated its ability and willingness to furnish adequate service te the citizens ef Albemarle County, and WHEREAS, ~he State Corporation Commission has entered no permanent order for rate increases throughout the Company's system pending additional facts and evidence to be presented at a hearing set for September 12, 1949, and WHEREAS, it is the opinion of this Board that an independent financial and engineering survey made by competent utility consultant is the best meams of presentLug to the State Corporation Commission at its S~ptember 12, 1949, scheduled hearing, the true facts concerning the Virginia Telephone and Tele- graph Company's financial condition, results of its operations financially, the sufficiency of its equipment, and the adequacy of the service furnished. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that as a means of expediting a financial, hereby appropriate a sum not in ~excess of $500.00 as this County's share of such a survey to be conducted on a mutual cost sharing ~sis with other counties and communities- served '1:~7' the Virginia Telephone and Te!e- graph Company, with ~he League of Virgd,uia Counties and the- League of Virginia Municipelities; and with any Chambers of Commerce, Retail Net- chant's Associations located within the areas concerned, and other in- tarested groupS. Communication was received from ~eorge Gilmer, Attorney, advisLng that he had been unable to locate the following parcels of land: Nathaniel B~nley's Heirs, Charlottesville, White, 5 acres, Fan~uie C. Colquit, Rivanna White, 5 acres, D.E. 136, p. 332 in 1907. Deed states she sold all the land and there is a new survey attached to the deed. There were no taxes assessed from 1908 to 1943 inclusive. M. M. Cs~ver's children, givanna, White, 7 37/100 acres, 1944 only, picked up by Shapteigh and then dropped. C. D. Fishburne's Heirs, Charlottesville, ~hite, 4 acres, pick-ed ~p by Shapleigh and dropped. N. D. Meriwether, givan~a White, 2 ~100 acres, picked up by Shapleigh and dropped. ~4argaret Rogers Estate, Rivar~ua, White, 1 84/100 acres, picked up by Shapleigh and dropped. George Terrell, Charlottesville, White, 1 acre, picked up by Shapleigh and dropped. R'. D. Anderson and Others, Samuel Miller, White, 5 acres, has been dropped from the books and should be stx~ck from Mrs. ~upin's records. J. Goutay Martin, Samuel Miller, ~nite, 2 7/10 acres. This is delin- quent from 1931 to date. I cannot find the land. I think it should be struck from the current land books and -from the delinquent land books. ~his matter was referred to Mr. Fife for his advise. Statement of Receipts and Expenses for the year ended December 31, 1949, of the Clerk of the Circuit Cou~t, was received from the Compensation Board and ordered filed. Communication was received from R. Belle Burke, District Home Demonstration Agent, advising that Miss Elise Noel had agreed to accept' the position of Assistant Home Demon- stration Agent, effective July 1, 1949, at a salary of $100.00 per month._ Miss Burke ad- ~. vised that Miss Noel would be taking f~r~her training during the first fifteen days of her .~ employment and had agr66d that, should she leave the County within one year, one-half month'!S the end of her employment. Upon motion, made by Mr. Dorrier an~I sal~Lry ~oulc~ be seconded by Gen. Peyton, Miss Noel's employment ~as approved on this basis. ~ Cemmmmication was received from Naupin Pence, Clerk of the City Council, advising that Messrs. Tebell, Haden and Bowen had been appei~ted by the City Council as a committee to confer with a committee from the County relative to~.~ the Joint Operation of the County and!i Communication was also received from Mr. Pence, enclosing a copy of a resolution ofI the City Council relative to the participation in the expenditures of the Joint Health De- partment, which resolution was the same as that adopted by the Board of County Supervisors on May 18, 1949, Mr. D. A. Robinson, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses of the ~ Department of Finance for the month of May, 1949, one-third of which to be borne by the State. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examineS, verified, and ap- proved. ~r. D. A. Robinson, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses of the Eheriff's Office for the month of May, 1949, two-thirRs of which to be borne by the State. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified, and approved. .~r. D. A. Robinson, Director of Finance. and approved. A Statement of Expenses incurred in the maintenance of prisoners confined in the County Jail during the month of May, 19~9, was submitted. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified, and approved. A ~Summary Statement of Prisoner Days was submitted. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified, and approved. Claim of Dr. Richard T. Ergenbright, Jail Physician, in~ the amount of $~.00 was presented and approved for payment. Repc~t of the County Executive was presented and approved. Nr. Robinson requested that $8E,014.6~ be transferred from the General Fund Un- appropriated Surplus to the Consolidated County Road Debt Fund, which is ~he ~ount pro- vided in the 1949-50 budget as the sum necessary to completely provide for the balance of the County, s Road Debt with the estimated collection from the 1949 levy. of $44,010.00. Thi audit recommendation was made with the feeling that the June 30th, 1949,/report would probably be the last audit report before some action is taken te provide f~_nds for the Joint Albemarle and Charlottesville Negro High School, and it was the feeling of Mr. Robinson ~that this action would provide a much more favorable financial position from a credit standpoint. On motion of Nr. Dorrier, seconded by Mr. Wood, the follow.lng resolution was uuanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, virgimia, that $88,014~68 be and is hereby appropriated from the Unappropriated S~rplus of ~he General Fund to be transferred to the Con- solidated County Road Debt F~ad. The following resolution was received from the Albemarle County Plannin~ Cereals- sio~ WHEREAS, it has been brought to the attention of the Albemarle County Planning Commission that the Virginia Telephone and' Telegraph Company has been granted temporary rate increases that apply to the Orozet and Scottsvil!e exchanges, and that no action was taken by the State Corporation Commission on the Company's proposed increase for the Charlottesville exchange, whi~ in addition to the city of ~harlottesville is the principal exchange serving Albemarle County; ~I1D NHEREAS, the State corporati~u Commissio~ has entered no permanent order for rate increases throughout the Company's system pending additional facts and evidence to be presented at a hearing set for ~ptember 12, 1949; AND ~HEREAS, it is a matter of record that an official of the Compauy, at a public hearing before the Council of the C~ity of Charlottesville, has stated in effect that it will be some time before parts of the County will be served and that it is probable that certaiu areas of the County will n~ver be served; AND WHEREAS, the Farmers Mu~a~Ji~Telephone Company, a mntual association operatLug wholly within ~_lbemarle County, has negotiated for the transfer of its properties and the securing of service by the Company to its members for a period of over seven years without reacD_ing a definite committment or more than a contim~ed postponement of action; AND WHEREAS, this Co~mission is of the opiuion that mamy are~ of the County ~re not beiug properly served due to the lack of sufficient equipment and that in order to overcome this deficiency the Company has set up umuecessary toll. barriers between exchanges resulting in the retarding of the orderly economic development of the County against the best interests of the residents thereof. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that this Commission petition the Beard of County Supervisors of Albemarle County for a complete engineering and fim~n~ial survey of the Virginia Telephone and Telegraph Company in order that a true appraisal may be made in the light of the ~eambles hereof and of any additional matters of fact and in order that the finding thereof may be properly presented to the ~tate Corporation Commission for its eon- sideration in finally act~ug upon the Company's re,est for increased rates at the hearing set for Septembe~ 12, 1949. .~i~:BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED,' that as a means of expediting the foregoing requested survey, consideration be given to condUcting the s~rvey on a ~atual cost-shag basis with other counties and co~ties served by the Virginia Telephone and Telegraph Company, with the League of Virginia Co,reties and the League of Virginia Municipalitiem; and with any Chambers of Commerce or Retail Nerchan$;s Associations located within the areas concerne On motion, made by ~. Wood and seconded by Mr. Dorrier, the following resolution was una~.mously adopted: NHEREAS, by a certain agreement of April 30, 1947, between P. G. Ligon with the Peoples National Bank of Charlottesville, Virgimia, to be held by said Bank under terms and conditions i~ said agreement set forth; and ~HEREAS, the said P. G. Ligon has complied with the said terms smd conditions in part, and has satisfied and discharged the' clsdms ~set up in an injunction suit, and attachment proceeding incident thereto, brought by J. T. Henley' and Ray W. Warrick, and satisfied and discharged the claims- set up in a chancery suit brought by Dora A. Farrish ~nd ~ames A. Robinson; though claims involved in s~u attachment proceeding brought by Herbert Cold Storage and Ice Company, Incorporated, have not yet been satisfied; and ~HEREAS, this Board is of the opinion that said Ligon should now be permitted to withdraw from said Peoples National B~uk of Charlottesville, all ~unds in exeess of the sum of $6,000°00, or the equivalent thereof im securities, pro~lded the sum of $6,000.00, or~ its equivalent in securities, be retained by said Bar~ under the terms of said agreement of April 30, 1947; BE IT RESOLVED, THEREFORE, that the Beoples National Bank of Charlottes- ville be, and it is hereby, authorized and requested to continue to hold $6,000,00 in cash, or its equivalent in securities, under the terms of said agreement of April 30, 1947, and to pay over and deliver to P. G. Ligon, or his attorney, aL1 sums, or securities, in excess of the aforesaid sum of On motion~ duly made and seconded, the following re~q!m~tion was unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED that this Board has learned with deep regret of the-~ death of ~ohn ~hite Page, a valued employee for some years of the Joint ~.~i~ Health Department of the County of Albemarle and City of Charlottesville; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution, expressing the sentiment of this Board, be transmitted to his family. Report of the District Home was presented and approved. Communication was received from the National Association of County OfficialS ad- vising that at the last meeting of the Chamber, a resolution was adopted commending and thanking the County Executive for his helpfulness in Presenting the CD, tubers' views before the State Corporation Commission relative to proposed increases in telephone rates. Communication was received from the State Chamber of Commerce and was ordered filed.~ Communication was received from Fred C. Ki~bo. Resolutions were received from the Greenwood Community League, the Albemarle Ruritar~ Club, and the NcIntire Paren~-Teacher Association, endorsing the proposal of a central high school to serve Albemarle County. Upon motion of Mr. Wood, seconded by Gen. Peyt~, the following resolution was unamimously adopted~ ~N~, the salary adjustment committee, appointed by the Board ef County S~pervisors, has recommended salary adjustments of certain County officers and employees, effective July 1, 1949, and ~HEREAS, these recommended salary adjustments have been approved by this Board in the County's 1949-50 Budget, NOW, TEEREF~, BE IT RESOLVED ~ the Board of County Supervisors ~ Albemarle County, Virginia, that salaries in the Department of Finance, be, and they are hereby increased, effective July l, 1949, as follows: Amount Previously approved Amount approved in lNam~ e a~.d ~.ositi.o~ ~ by Comoensation Board 19~9-50 BudEet Annual Increase t~.u~e T. Via, Clerk $2100.00 $2220.00 ' ~ $120.'~0 B m. l O.OO 0.00 ~irg_i~ia R. Sandrmdge, Clerk 1500.OO . z~ ^~ BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that salaries, ia the Commonwealth's Attorney's Office be, and they are hereby increased, effectives July 1, 1949, as follows: Amount previously approved Name and Position b_~emp~nsat~ion Board W. O. Fife, Comm.&try. $4,000.00 Nancy N. Failes, Steno. 480.00 Amount approved in !9~9-50 Budget $4,.200.00 580.OO Annual Increase $200.00 100.00 BE IT F~RTHER RESOLVED that salaries im the Clark' s Office be, and they are hereby increased, effective J~ly 1, 1949, as follows: Amount previoUS~mly approved .Name and...P.o, si~tion J~y:;>C~oensa~on Board Helen H. Humbert, Dpt. - - $1,800.00 Nancy B. Harris~ Clerk 1,560.00 Amount approved in 1_~ .~-50 .._B..udget $1,920.00 1,680.00 Ar~a~ Increase $i2o.6d ...... 120.0,0 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that th~ followiag ,named salary in. the Sheriff's Office be, and is hereby increased, effective, July 1, 1949,-as follows~ Amount previously ~approved Name and Position ~-:_Compensa~ion Board Mrs. P.M. Elliott, Jail Cea $ 300,00 Amount approved in 1949-~0 Budget $ o.oo Annual Increase BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Compausaticm Board of the State of Virginia be, and is hereby, requested to approve°these salaries amd to participate in its proportionate share of same. Claims against the County amounting to $1G0,626.08 were presented, examiaed, and allowed and certified to the Director of Finance for payment and charged against the follow- ing funds: General Fund School Fund Dog Tax F~ud Crozet Fire District ~and Crozet Sanitary District Fund Joint Health Department Fund Commonwealth of Virginia Current Credit Acconmt McIntire Trust Fend $ 27,712..68, 66,9~7~.93~ 2t~50 2,66~66 1,236~88 1,605.~ $100,626.08 Upon motiau, the meeting adjourned.