HomeMy WebLinkAbout1949-07-20A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia~
was held at the Office BuildJ~ug of said County on the 20th day of July, 1949.
Present: Nessrs. G. Purcell NcCue, E. J. Ballard, C. R. Dorrier, J. W. Williams,
and W. W. Wood.
Absent: Mr. Henry Chiles.
Officers present: County Executive and Commonwealth's Attorney.
~inutes of the meeting of June 15, 19~9, were read and approved.
The following claims against the Do§ Tax Fund were presented~
(a) Claim o£ P. R. Welch for seventy-four turkeys averaging 4 lbs, 2 Oz.
each. Upon motion, made by Mr. Ballard and seconded by Mr. Williams,
it was ordered that Mr. Welch be paid $1.75 for these turkeys, a
total of $129.50.
(b) Claim of Sarah NcCauley for two turkeys weighing 12 to 14 lbs. each.
Upon motion, dul~ made and seconded, it was ordered that ~s.
Cauley be ~aid $6.00 each for these turkeys, a total of $12.00.
(c) Cls~im of~C. E. Starkweather for four sheep and fifteen lambs averag-
ing 65 lbs. each. Upon motion, made by Nr. Wood and seconded by
~r. Dorrier, it was ordered that Nr. Stark~eather be paid $12.00 each
for th~ sheep and $0.20per pound for the lambs, a total of $243.00.
(Mr. Starkweather submitted a letter in connection with this claim,
requesting the Board to ammend the Dog Laws to prohibit the running
at large of dogs at night. No action was taken on this matter.)
(d) Claim ofT. J. Mnllman for one sheep. Upon motion, duly made a~d
seconded it was ordered that Mr. Nullmanbe paid the assessed value
of $5°00 for this sheep.
(e) Claim of G. R. Paschal for one sheep and one lamb weighing approxi-
mately 80 lbs. Upon motion, made by Mr. Dorrier and seconded byNr.
Wood, it was ordered that Nr. Paschal be paid the assessed value of
$12.00 for the sheep and $16.00 for the la, ab, a total of $28.00.
(f) Claim of Lee Jackson for one hen and 27 chickens weighing abont one
lb. each. Upon motion, made by Nr. Wood and seconded Nr. Dottier, it
was ordered that ~. Jackson be paid the assessed value of $0.25 for
the hen and $0.25 per pound for the chickens, a total of $7.00.
~r. D. A. Robinson, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses of the
Department of Finance for the month of June, 1949, one-third of which to be Borne by the
State. Upon motion, duty made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified, and ap-
~ D. A. Robinson, D:L~ector of FSnance, submitted g Statement of Expenses of the
Sheriff's Office for the month of June, 19~9, two-thirds of which to be borne by the State.
Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified, and approved.
Nr. D. A. Robinson, Director of Finan_ce~ submitted a Statement of Expenses of the
Ormmonweal%h's Attorney's Office for the month of June, 19/+9, one-half of which to be borne
by the State. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was e~amined, verified,
and approved.
A Statement of Expenses incurred in the maintenanc$ of prisoners con. fined in the
County Jail, along with a Summary Statement ~f Prisoner Days, for the month of June, 1949,
was submitted. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified,
and approved.
Claim of Dr. Richard T. Ergenbright, Jail Physician, in the amount of $3.75, was
presented and approved for payment.
The following order regarding the remodeling, repairing, and ~efinishing of the
Court House was received from Judge ~emuel F. Smith:m~
~he Board of Supervisors being anxious to provide a suitable, beautiful
~ud fit court room and cot~rt building, employed an architect of ~tional
renown to supervise the reapir, refinishing and remodeling. The work has
been completed and the court occupied the court room for the first time on
Ju~y ll, 1959. The work done has produced a court room that is convenient,
comfortable, and beautiful. The work shows the best of taste and has cre-
ated a room of hean~y that Thongs Jefferson sought in public and private
buildiugs. In 1803 he called attention thst the building that then stood
(the central portion of the Court House) ~d not properly represent the
~reat County of Albemarle. Today the court room is in keeping with is
arcI~itectural taste and shows the dignity he was so gifted .in giving to
~s work.
The,~court recogni~g the splendid improvements made to the court room
and. the interior and exterior of the Court House wishes to record its ap-
proval and appreciation and to express its thanks to the Board o£ Super-
Therefore: this co~_~t expresses to the Board of Supervisors of Albe-
marle County its than~s and orders that a certified copy of this order be
transmitted to the said Board.
(signed) Lenmel F. Smith, Ju~dE~e_
A Copy
(Signed) Eva W. ~aupin, Clerk
Nr. Robinson was/~re~aested to contact the Historical Society regarding the hanging
of an oil painbing of Thomas Jefferson at the front of the Cour~ Room.
Upon motion, made by Nr. Ballard and seconded by Nr. Dorrier, the following reso-
lution was unanimously adopted:.
BE iT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, that it is the sense of the Board of County Supervisors that
from this date foward, no paintings or pictures be hung on the walls
the Court Room except oil p~tings in appropriate frames.
A revised b~d~et of the Joint Health Department for the year 19%9-50 was presented
showing $320.00 in increased revenue estimates from State Funds appropriated for Biologicals
Upon motion, made by 5~. Dottier, and seconded by Nr. Wood, this revised Budget was unani-
mously approved.
~$. Robinson presented claim of the State ~Health Department in the amount of
$1639.33, covering the cost of the Dental Cli~c in Albemarle County for the year ending
Jun~ 30, 19~9. ~r. Robinson advised that only $1~50.00 had been set up in the Budget for
this purpose. Upon motion, made by ~. Ballard and seconded by ~. Dottier, this claim was
approved fo~ payment in the amount of $1639.33.
The purchase of the lsmd in the name of Albert B~ker's Heirs, adjoining the
Club Camp, was again discussed and ~. Robinson reported that }~r. Huff had tried to contact
the heirs of Alber~rBaker but had received no replies to his inquiries. Nr~ Robinson re-
ported further that this tract of land would be up for sale for taxes during the coming Eal]
and suggested that no a~tion be taken on this matter for the present. Action On this matte~
was deferred.
A report on the County Jail was received from the Department of Corrections. In
regard to the proposed consolidation of the City and County~Jails, Nr. Robinson-reported
that the joint committee meeting of the City and County, the City had offered to keep countl
prisoners in the City,Jail on a cost basis, and had also requested that, should they keep
county prisoners, they be given permission to work them. ~. Robinson advised that in dis-
cussing the matter with the City, he expressed the desire for a ressonably long term con-
tract. After a lengt~hy discussion of this matter, ~. Robinson was requested to contact
and Fluvanna
the officials of ~adison and Green/Counties regarding the possibility of their participatioz
in the cost of maintaining the County Jail.
5~. Robinson presented to the Board a statement from John N. Ross in the amount
of $9~17.71, covering the cost of alterations and repairs to the Court House, with the ex-
ception of a few minor repairs, estimated at ~lO0.O0, still to be completed, The Board ex-
pressed its approval on the appearance of the Court House and of the cost of the alteration
and repairs.
Commuuication wa~ ~received from th~ Chamber of Commerce advising that the annual
picnic would be held at the Blue Ridge Golf Course on July 27, 19%9, at -~:30 P.~.
Communications were received from the League of Virginia Counties and ordered
.......... ~ ..... +.,~ .~ +.~,~ a~,mtv ?arm A~ent and the Oou/lt~lHome ~monstration
A letter of resignation was received from Mr. E. H. Bain as Chairman of the Crozet
Water C~mmittee, effective July 20, 1949, or as soon thereafter as possible. After discus-
sion of the matter, action thereon was deferred until a later date.
A letter from B. C. Baker, addressed to Paul H. Cale, was presented advising that
August 15, 1949, had been set as the completion date for the working drawings and specifi-
cations of the Joint Negro School. In connection with t!mls matter, the following resolution
was received from the City Council:
"BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Charlottesville that the City
Attorney be and he is h~eby authorized to prepare au ordinance authorizing
the issuance of bonds for the purpose of improvement to the Public Schoo.~
System of Charlottesville, and,
BE iT FURTHER RESOLVED that the ~ayor and the City Manager be and are here-
by requested to confer with proper Albemarle Couhty Officials relative to
the date of the bond issue election pertaining to the New Joint Colored High
Upon motion~ made by Mr. Dorrier and seconded by Mr. Ballard, the action of the
Se2~ooI Board taken at its last regular meeting was approved - namely: "BE IT RESOLVED that
the Cammonwealth's Attorney of Albemarle County, be and is hereby~ authorized~to engage the
services of Wood, Hoffms~, King, and Dawson, recognized bonding attorneys of New York, to
supervise proceedings touching thee referend'~a and to certify the issue of bonds for the
Joint Negro High .School."
Er. Robinson advised ~at Mr. L. D. Densmore and ~Ar. J. P~ Bordon wguld like to ha~e
a meeting with the Board to discuss the telephone situation. Augus~ !7, 1949, at 2:00 P.M.
was set a~ the time for this meeting mud Mr. Robinson was instructed to advise Messrs. Dens,"
more and Borden accordingly.
An invitation was received by the Boa~fl from the Chairman of the C~mlpeper Board of~:
Supervisors, to attend the Culpeper Bicentennial on Ju/j~ 28th, 29th, and 30th. Mr. Wiliiamsi!
advised that he would attend on the 30th, and ~. Robinson was ~_ustructed to acknowledge
~his invitation.
~. J. W. ~illiams submitted his resignation as a member of the School Board.
Upon motion, made by Mr. Dottier and seconded by Mr. Ballard, Mr. Wil!iam~~ resignation was
Upon motion, made by ~ir. Williams and seconded by ~. Ballard, Mrs. W. H. Paine
(~rs. Mildred Paine) was recommended to serve on the School Board from the Charlottesville
District. There being no further recommendations, ~irs. W. H. Paine was appointed to serve
as a member of the Oouuty School Board.
Mr. Robinson presented a check made payable to the University of Virginia Hospitalii
in the amount of $12~9.00 to cover the balance of appropriation made by the Board for the
fiscal year 1948-49 to be applied on .~paid accounts of indigent patients from this County.
Upon motion, duly made and seconded, it wins ordered that this $12~9.00 be applied to the
unpaid accounts of the prior years. The Hospital Committee, consi~ting of ~r. Wood, Mr.
Dorrier, Mr. Robinson and Mr. Fife, was instructed to confer with the Hospital officials
regarding the new contract for the care of the County's indigent oatients.
Upon motion, made by Mr. Wood and seconded by ~. Ballard, the following reso-
lution was ~nar~mously adopted:
WHERF~, the Boamd of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia,
desires to pay tribute and respect to the memory of the late Major-General
Phillip B. Peyton~ a member of this Board from January 1st, 19~8~ until
his death on June 23rd, 1949;
That in the death of General Peyton the County has lost a capable and
useful official, members of the Board have lost a courteous an~ considerate
associate. Despite the cemparatively short period-of service with
the Board, his helpful suggestions~consideration for the views of
others, and conscientious conception of duty, coupled with humility,
an unassuming nature and high sense of honor have impressed in last-
ing memory the fineness of his quality, the coveted attributes of
his character~
BE IT FURTPIER RESOLVED, That this b~ief appraisal of the service
and character of General Peyton be spread upon the ~Luutes of the
Board, and a copy transmitted to his widow.
Nr. ~icCue, Ohairmau~ appointed ~r. Williams to serve on the Wel_fare Board as th~s
Board's representative for a term of three years to expire June 30, 1952, and also to serve
on the Joint Negrd School Financial Committee and t~ae District Home Committee.
The matter of purchasing the Woodward tract of land for the Consolidated County
High School was dis~ssed and action there~u deferred.
~r. Robinson advised that the Judge and ~. Watson and Mr. Taylor had requested
that venitiau blinds be put in their offices, :~. Robinson was authorized to have this
work done as a part of the renovation of the Court House. The Rent Committee was instruct~
to se~ a new rental rate for -the office of Watson and Taylor.
Mr. Robinson~ reported that he had con~-erred with Nk~. Nat B~vnley regarding the
-moving of the Permit Ex~miner's Office from Room 106 and had been advised by Mr. Burnley,
that if this office was moved from the County Building, the neareEt place for an Examiner's
Office would be Palmyra or Stana~.dsville. The Board expressed the opinion that if leasing
the office now used by the ~uer to ~r. Russel Joyce would mea~u that there would be no
Examiner in this area, they would prefer the Exsm~uer to remain in Room !06.~ Action ~ns. thi~
matter was deferred in order to give ~. ~rnley more time to try to obtain au office in
this vicinity.
Nr. Robinson reported that he s~d Nfs. ~ullen had contacted ~r, Church, State
Librarian, and discussed the library budget and that the best figure he ~ould ar~rive at was
$750.00 in excess of the present budget. Upon motion, made by Mr. Wood and seconded by
Dorrier, ~he following resolution was unanimously adopted:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supe~u~lsors of Albem~rle Coonty,
Virginia, that $7501~ 00~ ~ ~ ~d is hereby appropriated from ~hap~e~ated
Reserve to the County's Appropriation to ~he City of Charlottesville/Lib-
rary Service making the total. ~propriation of this County for the year
1949-50 $3750.00.
Mr. D. ~ Robinson submitted the County Executive Report for the month of June,
1949, and called the Board's attention to all appropriation items which had been over ex-
pended. Upon motion, made by ~a~, D0~rier and seconded by ~. Williams, the following reso-
lution was un~mimously adopted:
BE IT RESOLVED ~y the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Vi~ginia, that the over expenditures of all appropriations in the 1948-~9
bmdget be, and they are hereby approved.
Communication was received from the State Department of Highways advising that
a new Seconds~y System manual was being published and enclosing a copy of the chapter re-
garding policies of the Department on additions, abandonments, and subdivision streets.
~. ~. ~. Shields, Resident Engineer, appeared and presented the 1949-50 Secondar2
System BudSet which allocated $157,~t~.00 for ordinary m~utenance, $48~00.00 for replace-
ment~ and $o2,000.00 for construction - a total budget of $26B,~t~00~ ~. Shields
vised that the main change in this year's budget w~]~th~inclusion of funds fo~~ graveling
WHEREAS, ~. W. W.. Shie!d~, Resident Engineer of the Department of
Highways, ~has presented to this Board the 1949-50 Budget of the Secon-
dary System of Highways in the amount of $268,318.00, of which $157,618.00
is allocated to ordinary maintenance, $48,700.00 replacements, and
$62~000.00 to construction,
NOW, T WHEPJEFOP~E~ BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of
Albemarle County, Virginia, that the 1949-50 Budget of the Secondary System
of Highways,as' presented by Nr. Shields, be and the same is hereby approved.
Mr. R~ss of the Department of Highways appeared and requested a resolution from
this Board guaranteeing a forty-foot right of way along a section of Route 712 and submitte~
an omniDas deed to be signed by all landowners along this section of read. Upon motion,
made by ~r. Dorrier and seconded by >~r. Wood, the follov~ng resolution was ~unanimously
~ERF~, the Commonwealth of Virginia through the Department of High-
ways has prepared and submitted plans to the Board for the construction
or improvement of a section of Route ?12 of the State Secondary System,
project 1302-01-02 (01d 1372 F.B2), in Albemarle County, from 1,219 ~i.
N.~ Int. Rt.633 (South Garden) to Int. Rt. 20 (Keene), approved June 23,
1949;. 'and
~, it is proposed to finance this cost of construction fifty
percent from Federal Aid Secondary Funds and fifty percent from State
Funds allocated to Albemarle County; and
WHEREAS, it is the desire of this Board that said road be improved
in accordance with said plans.
NOW, THERKFOHE, BE IT RESOLVED; That this Board hereby approves the
plans and requests the Department of Highways to proceed with construc-
tion in accordance with tess pls_us~ and this Board hereby agrees to and
does guarantee a ~0 foot unrestricted right of way as indicated or noted
on said plans, together with the right and easement to use such addition-
al areas as may be required for the proper execution and maintenance of
the work as indicated on plans, it being understood that incidental costs
such as moving and resetting e~aisting fences~ houses, structures, utili-
ties, or other obstructions of such nature, are to be paid from Secondary
Funds allocated or to be allocated to Albemarle Couuty.
It is full, her understood ~md agreed that in the event one or more
property owners refuse to execute a deed covering land required from
their properties for the ~ight of way purpomes, this Board hereby autho~
rizes the Om~monwealth of Virginia Department of Highways to institute
condemnation proceedings and agrees to pay from funds allocated or to be
allocated to Albemarle County all costs in connection therewith including
awards of commissioners.
Uppn motion, made by ~. Wood and seconded by Nr. Williams, the following reso-
lution was ~uanimously adopted:~
~ERF~S, "~His Board, on May 18, 1949, guaranteed a 40 foot right Of
way to the HighWay Department in order that said Department might pro-
coed with the construction and improvement of a section of Route 692 of
the State Secondary System, Project 1302-03 (01d 1372-H) in Albemarle
County, from 0.046 Ni. E. Int. Rt. 250 (E. of Alton) to 0.510 ~i. W.
of W. Int. Et. 635 (Bate~ville) approved April 21, 1949,
N0Yl, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors
of Albemarle County, Virginia, that it is understood and agreed that ~_n
the evens one or more property owners refuse to execute a deed ~overing
land required from their properties for right of way purposes, this
Board hereby authorizes the Commonwealth of Virginia Depart ~m~nt of High-
ways to institute condemnation proceedings and agrees to pay from funds
allocated or to be allocated to Albemarle County all costs in connection
therewith including awards of commissioners.
Communications were received fr°m Fred C. Kimbo andrread.
Claims against the County amounting to $ 39,962.92 were presented, examined, and i~
allowed and certified to the Director of Finance for payment and charged against the follow~
ing fands~
General Fund
School ~d
Dog Ta~ Fund
Crozet Fire District Ftmd
Crozet Sanitary ~istrict Fund
Joint Health Department
Commonwealth of Virginia Current Credit Acct.
Commonwealth of Va. Dog Ta~ Credit Acco~mt
Upon motion, the meeting adjourned.
A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle C6unty, Virginia,
was held at the Office Building of said County on the 17th ~day of August, 19~9.
~essrs. C. Purcell EcOue, E. J. Ballard, C. R. Dottier, J. W. Williams,
and W. W. Wood.
Mr. Henry Chiles.
Officers present: CouutyExecutive and Commonwealth's Attorney.
NJ_uutes of the meeting of July 20, 1959, were read and. approved~
The following claims against ~he Dog Tax Fund were presented:
ga) Claim of Ben R. ~alton for five hens weighing approximately six pounds
each and twelve chickens weighing approximately one and three-fourths
pot~n& each. Upon motion, made !nj Nr. Ballard and seconded by~r. Wood,
it wasordered that r~. Walton be paid $1.25 each for the hens and
$0.70 each for the chickens, making a total of $14.65.
(b) Claim of C. E. Win~ two sheep assessed at $6.25 each and four lambs
weigh~_ng from 75 to 80 pounds each. Upon motion, made by S~r. Dottier
and seconded by Mm. Wood, it was ordered that ~. Walton be paid the
assessed value of~6.25 for the sheep and $0.20 per pound for the
lambs, making a total of $72.50.<
~. D. A. Robinson, Director of Fins_uce-, submitted a Statement of E~penses of the
De9artment of Finance for the month of Jo/y, 1949, one-third of which to be borne by the Stat~.
Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this SAg~ement was exam~J_ued, verified, and approved.
N~. D. A. Robinson, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses of the
Sheriff's Office for the month of July, 1949, two-thirds of ~hich to be borne by the
Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this ~tatement was examined, verified, and approved.
~&r. D. A. Robinson, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses of the
Commonwealth's Attorney's Office for the month of July, 1949, one-half of which to b~ borne
by the S~A~e. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, ~nis Statement was examined, verified,
and approved.
A Statement of Expenses incurred in the maintenance of prisoners confined in the
Co~ty Jail, along with a Summary Statement of Prisoner Days, for the month of July, 1949,
was submitted..Upon motion, duly made and seconded, these Statements were examined, verified
and approved.
Communication was received from Mr. Henry Chiles advising that ~e would be unable
to attend the August 18th meeting and stated that if he were present, he would vote for the
~ubmission of the proposed bond issue to f~_nance the County's share of the remaining costs ~f
the joint Negro High ~chool to the electorate of the County for their approval or rejection.
Nr. Paul H. Cale, Superintendent of Schools, appeared regarding the proposed bond
issue for the Joint Negro High School. After a discussion of this matter, the following re~o-
lution, introduced by ~. J. W. Williams and ~econded by ~r. C. R. ~Dorrier, was unanimously
BE IT R~OLI~D by the Board of Cou~uty Supervisors of Albemarle County,
1. The following resolution, adopted by The County School Board of
Albemarle County, Virginia, is hereby in all respect~ approved: