HomeMy WebLinkAbout1949-08-17Upon motion, the meeting adjourned. Chairman A regular meet~_ug of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle C~unty, Virgir_ia, was held at the Office Building of said Co~ty on the 17th day of August, 19~9. ~essrs. C. Purcell ~cOue, Eo J. Ballard, C. R. Dottier, J. W. Williams, Present: and W. W. mood. Absent: ~r. Henry Chiles. Officers present: County Executive and Commonwealth's Attorney. ~nutes of the meeting of July 20, 19%9, were read and approved. The following claims against bhe Dog Tax Fund were presented: ~a) Claim of Ben R. ~alton for five hens weighing approximate~_y six pounds each and twelve chickens weighing approximately one and three-fourths Potm~each. Upon motion, made by Nr. Ballard and seconded by~r. Wood, it was ordered that ~£~. ~alton ~e paid $1.25 each for the hens and $0.70 each for the chickens, making a total of $14.65. (b) Claim of C. E. Win8 two sheep assessed at $6.25 eamh and four lambs weighing from 75 to ~0 pounds each. Upon motion, made by Nr. Dorrier and seconded by~r. Wood, it was ordered that ~Ar. Walton be paid the assessed value of~6.25 for the sheep and $0.20 per pound for the lambs, making a total of $72.50~ Nr. D. ~. Robinson, Director of Fin~uce, submitted a Statement of E~penses of the Department of Finance for the month of July, 19~9, one-th~_a of which to be borne by the Stat Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this S~ement was examined, ~erified, and approved. ~. D. A. Robinson, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of E~enses of the Sheriff's Office for the month of July, 1949, two-thirds of which to be borne by the S~$~. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this ~tatement was examined, verified, and approved. Nr. D. A. Robinson, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses of the Commonwealth's Attorney's Office for the month of July, 1949, one-half of which to b~ borne by the S~e. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this S%atement was exs~ined, verified, and approved. A Statement of Expenses incurred in the maintenance of prisoners confined in the Co~ty Jail, along with a Summary Statement of Prisoner Days, for the month of July, 1949, was submitted. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, these Statements were examined, verified and approved, Communication was received from Nr. Henry Chiles advising that ~e would be unable to attend the August 18th meeting and stated that if he were present, he would vote for the ~ubmission of the proposed bond issue to finance the County's share of the remaining costs ~f ~he joint Negro High ~chool to the electorate of the County for their approval or rejection. ~. Paul H. Cale, Superintendent of Schools, appeared regardLug the proposed bond issue for the Joint Negro High School. After a discussion of this matter, the following re~o- lution, introduced by ~r. J. W. ~¥illiams and ~econded by Nr. C. R. 'Dorrier, was unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia: l~ The following resolution, adopted by The County School Board of Albemarle County, Virginia, is hereby in all respecbs ~pproved: "BE IT RESOLVED by the County School Board of Albemarle County, Virginia, as follows: (1) It is hereby determined that it is necessary to construct jointly with the City of Charlottesville, Virginia, a neEro high school building and jointly to furnish ~ud equip the same for the joint use of the County of Albemarle and the City of Charlottesville~ and hereby de~ termined that one-half of the costs of construction and one-half of the costs of furnishing and equipping s~id building be at the expense of said County, (2) It is hereby determined that it is necessary and expedient to contract a loan on the credit of the County of Albemarle in an amo~u~t not to exceed $800~000.00 in order to c_arry out the purposes referred to in the foregoing paragraph, and to issue School Bonds of Albemarle Couhty to evidence said loan in the amount not to exceed $600,000.00, pursuant to Sections 673, 2738, 2739, 2740, ~741, and 2741b, of the Co~e of Virginia, which said bonds shall bear interest at a rate not exceeding five per centum per annum, and shall mature in such annual, or semi- annual, installments, as may heres~ter be determined by resolution of this Board, the last installment of which shall be payable not more than thirty years from the date of such bonds, provided, however, that at least four per centrum of the principal amount of said bonds shall, be- ginning not later than five years after date of issue, be payable an~ nually, together with all due interest. A tax sufficient to pay the principal and interest of said bonds as the same mature shall be levied upon all of the property subject to taxation by said County. (3) A certified copy of which resolution shall be presented by the Clerk of this Board to the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County for approval, after which the Clerk of this Board shall present a certi- fied copy of this resolution, together with evidence of the approval there- of by the Board of Co~_uty Supervisors of Albemarle County to the Judge of the Circuit Court oF Albemarle County for his approval, and the said Judge of said Circuit ~ourt is hereby requested, if in his judgment he sees fit to approve this resolution, to approve the proposed loan and bond issue, to enter he approval upon the records of the Circuit Court of Albemarle County, and to make an order requiring the Judges of Election, on a day fixed in said order not less than thirty days from the date of ~aid order, to open a poll~and take the sense of the qualified voters of the County of Albemarle on the question whether s&&d School Bond~ shall be issued for the ~m~rposes stated in paragraph I of this resolution. (4) This resolution shall take effect immediately." 2. It is hereby Setermined thatit is necessary to construct jointly with the City of Charlottesville, Virginia, a negro high school building and jointly to furnish and equip the same for the joint use of the County of Albemarle and the City of C}z~rlottee- ville; and hereby determined that one-half of the costs of construction, an~ one-half of the costs of £urnishing and equipping said building be at the expense of said County$ 3. It is hereby determined that it is necessary and expedient to contract a loan on the credit of the Co~uty of Albemarle in end, amount not to exceed $600,000.00 in ~o c~rry out the purposes referred to in the foregoing paragraph, and to issue School Bonds ~ t of Albemarle Coun y to evidence said loan in the amo~aut not to exceed $600,000.00, pursuant to Sections 67~, 2738, 2735, 27A0, 274~, and 2741b, of the Code of Virginia, which said bond~ shall bear interest at a rate not exceeding five per centum per annum, and shall mature such annuan, or semi,annual, installments, as may here~ter be determined by resolution of this Board, t he last installment of which shall be payable not more than thirty years from ~he~i~a~e~.o£~ch. bonds, provided, however, that at least four per centum of the principal am~/~ ~'~'~i~nds shall, beginning not later than five years a£ter date of issue, be pay- able a~nually, togethe~.~ith ali due interest. A tax sufficient to pay the principal and interest of ~aid bendS'~s the same mmture shall be levied upon all of the property subject to taxation by said Gounty. 4.. The Clerk of +~his Board is hereby authorized to present to the Jhdge of the Circuit Com-t of Albemarle County, V±rginia, a certified copy of this resolution and the Judge of said Circuit Court is hereby requested, if in his judgment he sees fit, to approve this resolution and said resolution of the County School Board~ to approve the proposed loan and bond issue, to enter his approval upon the records of the Circuit Court and to m~ke au order~r~q~i~ing ~dEegS~o~-~$1ection, on a day fixed in his said order, not less than 30 days from the date of said order to open a poll and take the sense of the qualified voters of the . County of ~lber~ar!e on the question of whether the said S~hool Bonds shall be issued for the 886 Mr. D. A. Robinson reported that the had written to the Boards of~Supervisors of ~adison, Greene, and Flu~anna Co~_nties, requesting a hearing on the matter of said counties participating in the maintenance costs of the Coo~ty Jail. He f~ther reported that he had appeared before the Board of Madison County and had suggested a flat rate of $~25.00 per plus a per diem charge of ~0.75, but that he had received no final answer from that Board. ~. Robinson advised that he had not heard from Fluvarma County but that he had been asked t¢ attend the meeting of the Greene County Board on August'27th. It was decided that this Boar~ await the reaction of all three Boards concerned before taking any definite action on this matter and before setting the rate to be charged. ~. Eobinson reported that he had also coz tacted Judge Smith concerning this matter and that Judge Smith ad~-'±sed that he was perfectly willing to go along with ~bhe Co~unty on the consolidation or with ~ contract for the care of the prisoners for Madison and Greene~that they ~a~ been merely brought here for a minor coz venience to him and that if the County is unable to work out a contract for the care of thes~ prisoners, the d~stance to Culpeper or Orange is relatively the same as to o~ County Jail. Judge Smith further stated that he realized that one Jail in the City of Charlottesville could be operated at a lower cost than two. Report of the Charlottesville-Albemarle Public Library was received, read, and ordered filed. The following report of Dental Services rendered in Al'bemarle County Schools durin8 the' school year 19~8-g9 was received from the Joint Hezlth Department: Name of School No. Puoils Examined No. Needin~ Treatment No. Treated ~cIntire High ~ 288 17~ Red Hill 211 186 147 Stony Point 146 124. 91 Barboursville 16 15 6 Cove sville 51 46 38 Crozet 202 155 87* Total 94.7 817 541 *This work was done in June~ 19~9, and was paid by the Albemarle Child Welfare Association. The following report of the Rent Committee was received and upon motion, made by Mr. Wood and seconded by ~r. Ballard, was ~_uanim~usly accepted: The Undersi~ued, members of the Committee appointed by you to study the matter of rental rates in the County 0ffide Building and Court House, wis~ to make this, a sup~lementa~ report to that filed with you February 16, 1949, and covers facilities now occupied oy 0.. R, Randolph, T~ylor and Watson, and the Virginia State Highway Department. In view of the fact that Taylor and Watson have a contract w~ich expires December 31, 1949, we recommend that their rent be continued at the rate previously'recommended of $420.00 per s~uumuntil January 1~1950~ at which time we recommend that thick,rent be in- creased to $810.00 per annum, an~ that the rental be on a monthly basis with a required ad- vance notice of three months from ei~her the County or Taylor and Watson of their desire to terminate same. We feel that in view of the lease existing between the County and Taylor ~ud Wa~soz a similar rental should apply to 0. R. R~udolph who also occupies quarters in the Court House, and that his rental be contLuued at the rate of ~450.00 until December ~l, 1949, and that his rental on January l, 1950, be increased to $900.00 per annum. In our report to you of February 16, 1949, we recommended that the ~mual rental rate o~ the facilities occupied by the Virginia State Highway Department be increased to $900.00 per annum, and your action approved this rate effective July l, 1949. The Highway Department has requested the use of Room 106 ~u addition to the facilities now occupied by them. This is the room which has recently been Vacated by the Division of Motor Vehicles Examiner. They have also requested that should these facilities be made available to them~ that their new rental rate be postponed until September 1, 1949. After considering the ~ztt~ of the Highway Department, we recom~end that Room 106 be made available to them and that their annual rental rate be set at $1200.00 per annum effective September l, 1949, and that their previous rental rate of $300.00 per smmum be extended to that time instead of effectiw July ~, 1949. If the above recommendations are acSepted, the rental rates of all facilities rented by the County~ill be approximately $1.50 per square foot per a~aum, ~ffective January, l, 1950, except for that of the League of Virginia Co, ties and the City of Charlottesville.~ Respectfully submitted, W. W. ~ood, Acting Chairman Henry Chiles D. A. R~oinson Ir~ regard to the rental of office space in the Co~t House to Watson sad Taylor, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginias that Nr. D. A. Robinson be aud he is hereby authorized to enter into a lease with Watson and Taylor for the office space ~_n the Court House now occupied by them with a clause providing for a notice of ninety (90) days by the County in the ev~n~ that said office space should be needed for any agency of or related to the County. A lease was received from the Public Buildings Administration for the office space occupied by the ~rea Rent Control Office. Upon motion, made by ~. Wood and seconded by ~r. Dottier, ~r. Robinson was authorized to execute lease after revision by he saad ~. Fife, who were authorized to revise this lease on behalf of the Board. A pamphlet titled "The Secondary System" was received from the Department of Hi,h- ways which was designed to serve as a manual to assist the Board in its administration of matters pertaining to the Secondary System of Highways. Communication was received from the Department of Highways advising that a~ recom- mended bz resolutions of this Board, the following additions to the Secondary System of Albe~ merle County had been approved by the Saate Highway Department, effective August 15, 1949: (1) From Int. Rt. 29, 0.5 NJ. N. of Covesville to 0.06 ~i. West - Length 0.06 Nile. (2) From E.C.L. Charlottesville to Int. Rt. ll02 - Length O.10 (3) From Int. Rt. 663, N.E. of NiLhoit, extending 0.38 NJ. to the northeast - Length 0.38 ~ile. (4) From Int. Rt. 691 to 0.02 NJ. southwest, thence 0.10 NJ. S.E. Length 0,12 Nile. (5~~ From Int. Rt. 746~?~0o~7Ni. E. of Int. Rt. 61~, to 0.30 N.E. - Leagth 0.30 mile. (6) From int. Rt. 250 to 0.38 NJ. South - LeEgth 0.50 mile. - (7) From Int. Rt. 250, i NJ. N. of WCL Charlottesville, to O. 50 ~. S. - Length 0.50 Nile. (8) From Int. Rt. 615 at Lindsay to 0.60 NJ. southwest - Length 0.60 Nile. Nr. Robinson reported that all of the rights of way needed in the construction and J~provement of Route No. 692 had been secured. A copy of a petition to the Virginia State Highway Corm~issioner to B~a~.d surface roads in the residential area of Neadowbrook Heights was received and ordered filed. ~. W. Wl Shields appeared and advised that in recommending additions during the coming year, Albemarle County would be allowed one percent of its total mileage~ provided the cost of these additions did not exceed ~i~e percent of the m~uey allocated this County for construction. ~r. ?~. W. Wood, Chairman of the Hospital Committee, reported that the committee had~i met with ~r. Darden and Hospital officials regarding 'the contract for the care of the County indigent patients and that they had been advised by the Hospital officials that the cost for this care was considerably more than the $7500.00 appropriation of the County ~ud they would 1Lke to have this appropriation raised to $10~000.00. ~r. Wood stated that he felt that the Hospital was indirectly responsible for the large number of people who go there for fr~e ~eatmento Upon motion, made by ~r. Wood and seconded by ~r. Ballard, the following reso- lution was unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle CoUnty~ Virginia, that ~ D~A~bb£r~son be and he is hereby authorized to execute the contract with the University of Virginia Hospital for the care of the County's indigent ps~tients~ the appropriation to cover this contract not to e~ceed $7500.00, BE IT ~GRTHER RESOLVED that ~s. Anne H. Loving, authorizing agent, be ~00 ~ and she is hereby requested not to authorize any cases a~ter the ~z~ plus any S.L.H. allocations, are spent. Report was received from the District Home Board for the two month's period ending June 30, 1949, and was ordered filed. Communication was receivod from T. Coleman Andrews. The current nNews Letter" was received from the Charlottesville and Albemarle Chamber of Corm~erce and ordered filed. Communication was received from the League of Virginia Counties requesting the Board's support in the protest to the grantLug of another telephone rate increase to the VirgLuia Telephone and Telegraph Company. Upon motion, made by ~. Williams ~nd seconded Mr. Wood, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOL~D by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that $3~0.O0 be and the same is hereby appropriated from th$ Un- appropriated Reserve of the General Ft~d to be used in employing technical assistance in p~otesting the granting of s~other telephone, rate increase to the Virginia ~elephone and Telegraph Company$ this sum is in addition to the $500.00 previously appropriated by this Board at its July 20th meeting. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this appropriation is made with the ~o- vision that other Counties participate in the employment of said assistance. Commomication was received from the Medical Society of Virginia regarding the~ effort in Washington to create a Depsmtment of Public welfare, t~e secretary of which to hay a cabinet rar~k. No action was taken on this matter. A resolution was received from the Alb.emar!e~ County Ruritan Club requesting the Board to use ihs power~;~vested in it to demand th~..t ~the Virginia Telethons and 'Telegraph Com- pany extend.~'its lines and grs~ut adequate ~telephone seryice to the people of Albemarle County at reasonao_e rates. Statement was received from the Albemarle Tuberculosis Association showing the receipts and disbursements for the fiscal year ending J~e 30, 19~9, and was ordered filed. As provided by Law, ~r. D. A. Robinson, Director of Finance, submitted the de]in- quent lists for the year 1948 as follows: Capitation Taxes Income Ints~ugibles Personal Property Real Estate Totals DELINQUENT TAX LIST AT ~ 30, !99~ Tax _ .Penalty~ Total Tax Penalty Total $9,175.50 ~58.78 9,634.28 8,722.50' 436.13 9,~58.63 1,592.75 79.64 1,672,39 2,729.72 136.~49 2,.$66.21 367.09 18.3E 385,~2+ 314.68 15.73 330.41 9,189.68 459.48 9,649.16 4,126.65 206.33 4,-332.98 32,2,18.78 i620.94 34,039.72 22,736.72 t!36.8~ 23,873.56 Upon motion, made by ~M. Wood and seconded by ~M. Williams, it was ordered that no ps~t of this list be published. ~f~. Robinson presented the names of M. Y. Sutherlsm. d of North Garden and Robert E. Taylor of Meadowbrook Heights, as recommendations of the Planning Commission for me~%%rs of that Commission. Action on this matte~ was tabled until the next meeting of this Board.-./ Communication was received from ~. I. T. Quinn, Executive Secretary of the Com- mission of Game and Inland Fisheries, ad~sing that in the sale of dog tags in AlBemarle County and the City of Charlottesville, $7,436.25 was collected from Jan~a.~y 1~ to j~me 30t~, 1968, end that for the same period of 1949, $8,958.75 was collected. The resignation of Mr. E. H. Bain as Chairman of the Oroz~t Wate~ Conuuittee, was again brought to the attention of the Board and tabled. Mr. Robinson reported that he had contacted ~. Jo~hn MacLeod, President of the Historical Society, regarding the hanging of an oil painting of Thomas Jefferson in the front of the Court Room smd Mrs. MacLeod had promised to b~ing this matter t9 the attention~ of the Society~ The Report of the County Executive for the month of julY, 1949, was presented and approved. Upon motion, made by Nr. Dorrier and seconded by ~. Wood, the following reso- lution was unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of-County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia~ that $i~200.00 be and is hereby appropriated from-the Unappropriated Reserve of the General Fund to be used for Aid to the Blind. Communications were received from Fred O. Kimbo and read. Nessrs. Densmore, Bordon~ and Swanson of the Virgi~nia Telephone and Telegraph Company appeared before the Board and requested that the Board drop its oppSsition to the increase in telephone rates proposed by said Company. ~!~. R. T. W. D~d~e~ III smd ~. J. R. ~ingfield appeared s~id ~resented arguments for the Board to continue its opposition. ?' During the discussion/~r. Densmore af work being done and to be done by the T~!e- phone Company~ he advised ~. Dorrier that the dial system would be installed at Scottsville! not later than 1951. Co~mr~nic~tion was received from the Booker T~ Washington Birthplace ~[emorial questing a contribution from this Board to the Birthplace Nemorial Fund. This matter was referred to ~[r.~ Fife and Nr. Robinson was instructed to acknowledge receipt of this com- munication. The matter of giving coUnty employee~, other than Department Heads and assistants,~i two Saturdays a month off was brought to the attention of the Board. After discussion of this matter, the following resolution~ offered by ~. Williams and seconded by ~[r. Wood, was unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of ~lbemarle County, Virginia, th~.t county employees be given two Saturdays a month off, provided each individual's work warrants such time off and provided that this be acco~tfhhed with no additional costs to the Co~uty. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that each Department head work out a schedule to provide for this time off whereby, half of each office force shall be on duty every Saturday. Claims against the County amounting to $7t, 734.64 were presented~ examined, and allowed and certified to the Director of FinanCe for .~ay~nent and charged against the follow-ii General Fund School Fund Dog Tax Fund Crozet F~e District Fund Crozet Sanitary District Fund '~oint Health Department Fund Joint City and County Negro High School Fund Consolidated County Roa~ Debt Fund Con~. of Virginia Current Credit Accou_ut Upon motion, the meeting adjourned. Lug funds: $15,639.18 4S,~47.47 665.00 15.76 2,7~3.79 3,205.31 500.00 66.9._82