HomeMy WebLinkAbout1949-09-21ago A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia,i was held at the Office Building of said County on the 21st day of Sept®mber, Present: Messrs. C. Purcell McCue, E. J. Ballard, Henry Chiles, C. R. Dorrier, and W. W, Absent: ~,'~. J. W. Williams. Officers present: County- Executive and Co~onwea!th's Attorney. Minutes of the meeting of August 17, 1949, were r®ad and approved. Mr. Guy Via and several other citizens appeared sad requested that the road from Ehart's Mill to Free Union~ a distance of /+.6 mil~s, bc hard surfaced. ~r. Shields advised that the interest of the citizens wou~d be considered when the next budget was prepared ~nd that he would discuss this matter again with ~r. Fia and others at the January, 1950~ Board meeting or in his office. Communmcatmon was recemved from the Department of Hmghways enclosmng sketch showmn~ changes in the Primary System of Albemarle County made necessary by the relocation and con- struction of Route 6. These changes were approved by this Board by resolution of November 19, 1945, and coo_firmed by the Hig~vay Dep~rtment on August 23~ 1949. Nr. D. A. Robinson presented the right of way deed on Route 692 which had been com- pleted and Mr. ~cCue, Chairman, signed this deed on behalf of the Board of Superiors. Shields advised that the Richmond office was anxious to complete the rights of way on Route 712 also. A copy of a letter to Mr. T. W. Ross, ~t of Way Engine~r~ was presented showinE a n~ber of legatee properties on Route 712 on which rights of way had not been s~c~ed. Mr. Shi~tds ad~sed that since the Cowry had ~ar~tesd the right of way, work could be stated and th~ rights of way ~ question coo2d b~ s~c~d later if n~c$~ssa~y. Co~ication was received advising that the A~uual Highway ConferSnce would be h~!d at ~I on October 20th and 218t~ 1949. ~. Julian Thomas and Mr. E. O. McCu~, Jr. appeared ~d re~st~d that Route 708 ~om Red Hill to Littt~ Carter's Bridge be improved. ~r. Dorri~r advised that h~ wuuld view this Road with Mr. Shields. Upon requast of Nr. ~tl~ton Wadde!!~ City Attorney, the following resolution, off~red by ~r. Chi!~s ~d seconded by ~. Wood, was ~an~ous!y adopted: BE IT ~SOL~ by the Board of Co~ty Supervisors of A!bemarl~ County~ V~ginia~ that it is th~ opinion of this Bo~d that the tri~- i~ ~cel of l~d lying i~eS~ately east of the main east gate of the gro~ds of th~ U~versity of V~ginia now used for street p~poses is a portion or-University Avenue s~d therefore~ was a~ex~d to the City of Charlottesvi~ in 1939~ ~ud was not excepted from the order of tion as a p~t of fha l~uds of the University of Virgi~a. In accordance with request of Mr. Shields the following r~solutions, offered by Mr. Dorrier and s~conded by N~. Chi!~s~ ~ef-~uimousty adopted: BE IT RESOLED by the Board of County Supervises of Albsm~le Co~ty~ Virginia, that this Board do~s hereby approve the abandomn~nt of the following old s~ctions of Route 53 as requestad by fha State Highway Dep~tment ~der ~oject No. 1372-K3,B!: Station to Station 238/80- 2t2/45 BE IT ~SOLI~D by ~h~ 3oard of Co~ty Supervisors of Alb~mar!e Co~ty~ ~lrglmla~ that th~ abandoamemt of .09 mile of Route 317 (31ue Ridg~ Sanatoria), as shown on Plat submitted to this Board~ be and ls Report of the County Executive was presented and approved. ~,~r~ Robinson called the Board~s attention to the fact that an additional appropriation w~s needed for the ~- creased costs of textbooks for indigents. Upon motion, made b~ ~Iro Chiles and seconded by }Ar..Wood, the following resolution wa~ unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supez~isors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that ~400~0~ be and is hereby appropriated from the Un~ appropriated Reserve of the General Fund to bc used for textbooks for in- digents. Report of the Oharlottesvill~-Alb®marle Public Library for the month of August, 1949, was presented and approved. The following claims against the Dog Tax Fund were presented: (a) Claim of G. R. Pasc~al for on~ lamb weighing 85 pou~ds killed by dogs. Uoon mstion, lmade bye. Dottier and second®a by ~. Wood, it was o~d~r®d thatlF~. Paschal be paid ~0.20 per pound for this lamb, atotai ~f ~!I.00. (b) Claim of Edwarm L. Carle fo~ two lambs weighing approximately 90 pounds each. Upon motion, made by Mr. Chiles ~ud seconded by~r. Dottier, it was ordered that Mr. Carle be paid $0.20 per for these lambs, a total of $36.00. (c) Claim of G. R. Paschal for two rams killed by dogs. Since this claim statod the date of birth of these rams to be around the ~_rst of the year, this claim was referred back to Mr. Napier to be checked as to the exact date of birth. ~m. D. A. Robinson, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses of the Department of Finance for the month~ of August, 1949¥ one-third of which to be borne by the State. Upon motion, doly made and seconded, ~is Statement was examined, verified~ and ap- proved. ~ Mr. D. A. Robinson, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses of the Sheriff's Offic® for the month of August, 1949, two'thirds of which to be born~ by the S~a%~ Upon motion, duly mad~ and seconded, this Statement was examineS, ~erified, and approved~ ~[r. D. A. Rob~mson, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses of the Commonwealth's Attorney's Office for the month of August, 1949, one-half of which to be born~ by the S~t~te. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was ex~mined, verified, and approved. A Statement of Exoenses incurred in the maintenance oftthe County Jail and a mary statement of prisoner days were submitted. Upon motion, duly mad~ and seconded, these Statements were examined, verified, and approved. Claim of Dr. Richard T. Ergenbright, Jail Physician, in the amount of e ~3 ~ 75 for ~ services rendered during the month of August, 1949~ was presented and approved for pa~®nt. '~ ~.~. D. A. Robinson, Director of Finsmce, presented a comparison of Comaty and Stat~ Tax assessments for the las~ several y~s~s, summarized as follows: Personal Prooerty. Char!otte svi!!m Woolen Mills Sanitary Ivy R~vanna Saumel Miller S~muml ~ller Crozet Scottsvill~ Town of Scottsville Whitm Hall Yrnite Hall Crozmt Fire Total Pmrsonal ~operty Land and Impro_v_vements Charlottesville Woolen ~litls Sanitary Rivanna Semuel ~iller Samu~l ~ilier C~ozet Fire Scottsville Town of Scottsville White Hall $797,120 23,970 518,280 718,180 692, 520 76,650 960,130 60,780 321,550 %3 5~ 68O 4,404, 860 19 - (Decrease) ~ Increase 30,020 6,050 614,820 96, 540 862-,130 143,9 50 824,320 131, 800 88,070 ti, 420 1,053,370 93,~0 79,940 19,160 363,620 42,070 5,201,710 796,850 1,652,840 1,711,230 58,390 48,840 50,110 1,270 t~,053,680 1,113,130 59,450 1,482,410 1,480,870 (1,540) 1,415,960 1,406,280 (9,680) 114, 360 115,820 t, 460 t, 609,860 %, 674,620 6~, 760 102,470 121,790 19,320 525,750 502,520 393 Public Service Charlottesville Woolen Mills Sanitary Ivy Rivanna Samuel Miller Samuel Miller Crozet Fire Scottsville Town of Scottsville White Hall ~'~hite Hall C~ozet Fire Total Public Service .1~9~ 1949 Increase - 650,119 688,733 38,614 3,815 224,030 231,238 7,208 859,6~8 883,9A6 ~, 258 783,1t6 811,285 28,139 32,$9i 33~970 1,079 ~8~97~ ~7,929 18,955 18~ 776 !9~429 191,784 207,295 15~5~ 3,378,180 3,519,060 11~880 GR~ND TOTAL ALL CLASSES 16,227,900 17,3770~9_72_ State Taxes CLass of Tax ~ ~ Increase - ~Decrease) Capitation Taxes kI7;33~0 18,066.00 730.50 Intangible Taxes 53,033.76 46,177.38 (6,916.38) Income Taxes ~269 576.8~ Total 211~552.50 333~760119 O~mmunications were received from the State Compensation Board approving the salar~ adjustments requested for the Department of Finance, Dhe Sheriff's Office~ and the Common- wealth~s Attorney's Office. ~. Robinson advised that he had employed.Miss ~. Louise Hanna at a salary of $110. Der month and Mrs. Marjorie K. Johnson at a salary of 8125.00 per month to replace Mrs. Hild~ M. Morris and ~s. Virginia R. Sandridge in the Department of Finauce. lf~. Robinson advised further that ~n view of seven years prewious experience in this Department, should her services prove satisfactory, he had a~'~ed to increase Mrs. Johnson's salary to $i40.00 per O0 month on January 1, 1950, the sam~ as that now paid ~s. Sandridge whom she i~s replacing. Upon motion, made by ~. Dorrier and seco_.~ed by ~/~. Bal!ard, the employment of ~tiss Hanna and ~,,~rs. Johnson was approved. Communication was received from M. M. Pence, Clerk of the Council of the City of Charlottesville, enclosing the following extract from the minutes of the meeting of the council held on September 6, 1949: A Communication from ~f~. D. A. Robinson, County ~xecutive, stating that the Co~mtyBoard of Supervisors had placed November 8, 1949, as the date most satisfactory for the ref®rendum of th~ Joint Negro High School Bond Issue, was presented. On motion by ~. Adams, second®d by Nrc Haden~ the City Attorney was instructed to prepare an ordinance fixing November $, 1949, as the date for an election on the question of issuance of bonds for the Joint Negro High School and for ~dditions to Venable School with advice to the County Board of Supervisors that such date is acceptable with the City. Robinson advised that the State-Local Hospitalization Agreement between the County of Albemarle and the University of Virginia had been approved by the Department of Welfare and Institutior~. The following is a copy of the SLHAgreem®nt: VIRGINIA This Agreement between the University of Virginia Hospital, Char!ottesv~.lle, ya., and the Count_~of Albemarle is made with the following provisions: 1. The Hospital agrees that, if accommodations are available at the tim~ the re- qUest is made, it will admit and furnish hospital care and treatment to patients upon pre- sentation of an official authorization signed by a referring physician snd issued by the Authorizing Agent of the above named locality entitling them to hospitalization under the State-Local Hospitalization PI~ as ~urovided by Chapter 197, Acts of Assembly of !9~, as s~ended. 2, Each authorization issued by an Authorizing Agent will be for a period not to exceed fourteen days° A new authorization is required for each rea&mission. If a longer period of time is required than the original authorization, a "Request for Extension of Hospitalization" is to be submitted to the Authorizing Agent on or before the eRpiration of the previously authorized period. Such request must be approved by Authorizing Agent to entitle the hospital to reimbursement for the additional time. ' ~. The Hospital agrees to care for person~ admitted under &his agr2ement as ward patients at the rate of $11.75' per patient day. Thzs constitutes the total charges for car~ of the patient including medical and surgical services except such items as p~cha~e of bloo~ for transfusions, special nt~sing servic~ and other i~_fr~quent and~uusual exp®nses~ which, when approved by'the Departm®nt of Welfare ~nd Institutions, may be charged at the preVailin~ rat~s for w~d patients. 4. Infants hospitalized concurrently with the mother during the fourteen-day newborn p~riod are to be cared for without charge other than that specified for the care of the mother. Premature i~_fants requiring hospitalization without the mother or at the expiration of the fo~teen-day period, ar~ to be cared for at 40% of the rate specified above. Sick infants requiring hospitalization without the mother, or gt the e~piration of' the zourte~n-day period, are to be cared for at the full rate-soecified above. 5. Payment will not be made for service rendered prior to date of authorization eRcept in case of emergency admimsion which should be reported within 72 hours to the Authorizing Agent who will receive an application from and inv®stigate the eligibility of the patient. 6. The Hospital agrees that the toga! paym~ent, regardless of source, for the carol! of a patient under this pls~ will not exceed the rates specified herein. 7. The Hospital agrees to notify the Authorizing Agent within 72 hours foS~lowing the admission and/or readmission of a patient hospitalized under this agreement. *~2his rate ~s subject to the approval of the Department of Welfare and Institutions. 8. Immediately upon discharge of a patient from the hospital, a bill is to be rendered to the CountZ of Albemarle on the form furnished for thi~ purpose. '' 9. This agreement may be terminated on thirty days written notice by either part~i or the State Department of Welfare and Institutions, otherwise the agreement shall remain effect from Ju__l~lff~to Jun~30~l~. For Hospm~al. University of Va. Hosit~ ~BokinskT~. ComDtro!!er For County: Albemarle County (S~n$~)~ D. A. Robinson Count~Executi? September 1, 194~ Approved by: _ _Si.ned.' ~t_hurW. Ja~es Department of Welfare and Institutions. Report of the District Home Board for the months of July and August was presented and apprbved. A report of the test on the weighing and measuring devices in Albemarle County was received from the Department of Agriculture along with a claim for ~!25.00 for this ser- vice. Upon motion, made by ~.~Wood and seconded by Nr. Chiles, this claim was approved for payment and the continuation of this service wgs approved. A request was received from the Planning Commission asking that ordinances be made available to the citizens of Albemarle Oounty. Upon motion, made by Mr. Wood on, seconded by ~. Chiles, Nr. Robinson was instructed to index a~l County ordin~uces and have each published in a separate fo~der for distribution upon request. A sum_mary of fiscal matters for the year ending June 30, !9~9, was received from the Deoe~rtm~nt of Conservation and Development and was ordered filed. A request was received from the York County Board of Supervisors asking that this Board pass a resolution petitioning the Governor to de-control rents. No action was taken on thid matter.~ Co~unication was received from the League of Virginia Counties enclosing statis- tical information regarding the State-Local Hospitalization Program for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1949o Communication was received from the League of Virginia Nunicipaiities advising that its s~n~ual convention would be held i~~ Re..anoke, October ~ - ll, 1949. Mr. Robinson was~ °authoriz®d to attend this convention if he found it convenient to do so. PUblic '~elfare Statistics were received from tho Department of Welfare and Insti- tutions and discussed and ordered filed. The annual report of the Albemarle County Chapter of the American R~d Cross was r~ceived and ordered filed. Communication was received from the Virginia l~usic Festival and was ordered filed. A request was received from the Sheriff for flashing warning lights. Mr. Robinson) suggested that temporary flares be purchased for the Sheriff rather than the flashing lights~ After a discussion of this matter, Mr. Robinson was authorized.to purchase the temporary warning flares for the Sheriff. I~ro Robinson advised that he had met with the Greene County Board of Supervisors regarding a contract for the ke®p of their prisoners in the county jail but that he had c®ivmd no comfit%meat Jrom Gr®ene County. He further advised that he had r®ceived a letter from th~ Fluvanna Board of Coomty Supe2wisors r~questing a copy of thru contract for said card of prisoners, t~r. Robinson requested s_nd was amthoriz~d %o have a conf®rmnce with Green~ and Fluvanna Counties regarding this matter. ~Lr. Robinson advised that Dr. Sturkie had requested that a pamphlet enti~l®d "Questions ~nd Answers about the Joint H~ealth Department" bm mailed with the tax notices. After R Uiscussion ~of the matter~ ~r. Wood madm a motion, seconded by ~r. Bailaz~d, that this pamphlet b~ mailed separately from the tax notices and that no p~mphlets which did~ not eon- cern general cot~ty fiscal matters should bm mailed with t~ notices. Y,,~. Robinson Dresented a comparison of the assessed values of Public S~rvice potations for the yeses 1946~ i947~aand i948. ~r. Robinson advised that th~ wa%er rm~mnue from the Grozmt Sanitary District was not sufficient %o retire the bonds and that some action would b~ necessaz~y before the budget for th~ n~x~ fiscal year is prepared. Action on this matter was d®ferred. In regard to %h~ ~r~signation of ~tr. E. H. Bain as Chairmah of the Orozet Committee~ ~[r. Wood reported that ~e had talked with It.,[r. Hi!dr~th s_nd he had agreed to !e~t ~r. Bain continue to serve in this capacity %mmporarily. Upon motion~ duly made and second~ the resignation of ~[~. Bain was reject®cl. Commomications wer~ received from Fred C. Kimbo and read. ~ offer of ~!00.00 was received from [,Ar. Bruce Reynolds for 4 acres of land s_nd a house located at Chestnut Grove in thm Scottsville District. ~r. Robinson advised that the appraised ~a!ue of this land was ~80.00 smd the appraised value of th® building was ~320.00. [~. Dorrier advised %hat he had s~en this property and judged the land and the building to be worth about ~230o00. ~. Dottier fur%h®r advised that th® peopl~ now ii~ing on th® propmrty would probably like to bm~ it if they could raise the mtnmy° Upon mo%ion, duty mad~ ~nd macondmd, it was ordered that this property b~ offered to the present occupants for the sum of ~250.00. Claims again8~ ~he Gou~ty amounting to ¢85,573./~1 were presented, examined, and allowed and certified ~o %he Director of Finance for paymen~ &nd charged ~gai~st the follow- funds: General Fraud School Fund Dog Tax Fund Crozet Fire District Fund Crozet Sanitary District .Fund Jeimt Health Fund Comm. of ~a. C~m~re~t Credit Account Upon motion, the meeting adjour=ed. $13,014.57 68,128.84 299.60 40.84 129.22 3,238.37 $85,573.41 Chairmam