HomeMy WebLinkAbout1949-10-19A regular meetimg of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia~ was held at the Office Building of said County on the 19th day of October, 1949. Present: Messrs. C. Purcell McCue, E. J. Ballard, Henry Chiles, C. R. Dorrier, ~ J. W. Williams and W. ~. Need. Absents None-. Officers present: County Executive and Commonwealth' s Attorney. Minutes of the meeting of September 21, 1949, were read and approved. Mr. Shields appeared smd advised that in computing the allocations to ceumties, !~ Albe~le County steed fourteenth in mileage and fifth or sixth in area. Request was received from Mr. Edgar Bradley to improve Route 713. Mr. Shields advised that pipe li~es had been put im along this Route but that the read still washes. Request ~was received from Ye. H. D. Spicer f~o~ proper draimage on Short 18th and Chesapeake Streets. Mr. Shields advised that this matter was being taken care of. A complaint was received from Mr. E. L. Sandridge at Crozet, stating that water was running over the culvert onto his drive. Mr. Shields advised that the Highway Depart- merit would open this ditch if he found it to be his Departmemt's work. Communication was received from Charles W. BrYamt asking that the Horse Shoe Road below North Garden be taken i~te the Secondary System. It was ordered that Mr. Bryant be mailed an application farm on which te make formal request. Mr. Robinson presented ~_~ agreement for the lease of Rooms 102, 104and 106 in thell County Office Buildimg to the Highway Department for the sumoef $100.00 per month, beginnLug September 1, 1949 for a period of four years. Nv. C, Purcell McCue, Chairman, sigmed this ~lease on behalf of the Board. ~ J× Communication was received from the Dep~r~ tment ef Highways extendimg an mnv~tatmo~il to the Planning Board to attent itw annual convention. Mr. Robimson suggested that ome mem- ber of the Planning Board be appointed to attend the convention and also that one member of the Plannimg Board be appointed to serv~ as a Road Viewer. Upo~ motion, made by Mr. William; ~d seconded by Mr. Chiles, it was ordered that the Chairman of the Planning Commission ap- point one member to attend the Highway Cemvention at the expense of the County and also, to appoint one member to serve as a Road Viewer. The following claims against th~ Dog Tax Fund were presented: (a) Claim of Mrs. Fannie B. Thomas for two sheep assessed at $10.00 each and one lamb weighing approximately 90 pounds. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, it was ordered that Mrs. Thomas be paid the as- sessed value of $10~O0 each for the sheep and $0.20 per pound for the lamb, a total of $38.00. (b) Claim of G. R. Paschal for two rams weighing 100 poumdw and 80 pounds respectively. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, it was ordered that Mr. Paschal be paid $0.20 per pound for these rams, a total of $36.00. (c) Claim orA. D. Simpson for erie sheep assessed at $10.00. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, it was ordered that Mr. Simpson be paid the assessed value of $10.00 for this sheep. (d) Claim of Mrs. James Seale for mine hens weighing approximately five pounds'each. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, it was ordered that Mrs. Seale be paid $0.25 per pound for these hens, a total of $ii.25. (e) Claim of KeithB. Wiley for one sheep assessed at $12.00 a~d one lamb weighimg approximately 90 pounds. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, it was ordered that Mr. Wiley be paid $12.00 for the sheep and $0.20 per pound far the lamb, a total of $30.00. Claim .of Ellen V. Michael for one lamb weighing approximatei~100 pounds. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, it was ordered that Mrs. Michael be paid $0.20 per pound for this lamb, a total of $20.00. Claim ef C. E. Starkweather for three sheep assessed at $12.00 each and four lambs weighing approximately 120 pounds each. Upon motion, duiymade and seconded, it was ordered that Mr. Starkw~ather be paid the assessed value of $12.00 each for the sheep and $0.20 per pound for the lambs, a total of $132.00. Er. D. A. Robinson, Direcbor of FLnanc.e, submitted a Statement of Expenses ef the Department of Finance for the month of September, 19%9, one-~hird 'of which to be borne by the State. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, v. eri~ied, and approved. ~ir. B. A. Robinson, Director ef F'~ce, submitted a Statement of Expenses of the Sheriff's Office for the month of September, 19%9, two-thirds of which to be borne by the State. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified, and ap- proved. Mr. D. A. Robinson, Director of F~mce., submitted a Statement of Expenses of the 6ommonwealth's Attorney's Office for the month of September, 19%9, eno-half of which to be borne by the State. Upon motion, duly~made and seconded, this Statement was _e~mined, veri- fied, and approved. A Statem~ht of Expenses i~curred in the maintenance ef the County Jail for the~ ef S~ptember, 19A9, along with a Summary Statement of Prinoner Days was submitted. UpOn motion, duly made and seconded, ~these Statements were examined, verified, and approved. Claim of Dr. Richard T. Ergenbright, in the amount of $5°00 for ~hr~lces rendered as Jail Physicis~n during the month ef September, 19%9, was received and approved £~-~ payr~ent. Report of the County Executive for the month of September, 19%9, was presented and approved. Report of the Charlottesville-Albemarle Public Library for the month of September, 19%9, was presented a~d a~proved. Upon motion, made by ~r. Chiles and seconded by Nr. Nood, it was ordered that the County contribute $1200.00 to the Community Chest, the same amount as contributed last year. Upon motion, made by Mr. Wood smd seconded by ~r. ~illiams, Mr. Robinson was i~- structed to advertise the 19%7 delinquent lands as proviSed by Law. A report en the county jail was received from the Department of Welfare and Insti- tutions amd was ordered.filed. I~ discussiRg th& jail situation, the Board authorized Mr. Robinson to take care of the emergency maintenance necessary. Upon advise from Mr. Fife, Nr. Dorrier made at, etlon , seconded by ~. Need, instructing Nr. Robinson to advise the Boards of County Supervisors of Greene, Fluvanna, and Madiso~ Counties that if they continue to send prisoners te the Albemarle County Jail after December l, 19%9, they would be billed at the rate of $25.00 per month plus a per diem charge ef $0.75, and that this ~rrangement would be ena monthly basis. Salary and ExpCnse Request Forms for the Department of Finance, the Sheriff' s Office, and the Commonwealth's Attorney's Office, as prepared by the respective Department Heads for the calendar year 1950, were presented and the fol!ewing resolutions were uhani- mously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the Salary a~d Expense Request Form, ~s ~re- pared_by D. A. Robinson, Director of Finance, fc~ the Department ef Finance for the calendar year 1950, be ~d is hereby approved. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board ef County $~pervisors of Albemarle County, Vir~a, that the S~lary a~d Expense Request Form, as pre- pared by J. Naso~Smith, Sheriff, for the Sheriff's Office for the calendar year 1950, be and is hereby approved. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County~ Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virgin&a, that the Salary a~d E~pense Request Form~:.as pre- pared by W. O. Fife, Commonwealth's Attorney, for the Commonwealth'~ ~.. Attorney's Office for the calendar year 1950, be and is hereby ap- Cemmur~icatiam was received from the ~harlettesville amd Albemarle Chamber of Commerce, advising that the Annual Meeting ef the Chamber would be held on October 2~th at 6:30 P.M. in the Virgimia Room of the Monticello Hotel. Mr. Robimson was authorized to vote on behalf of the Board in the annual election of directors. Commumicatien was received from the League of Virgimia Counties advisimg that its a~ual meeti~ would be held at the Woodrow Nilson Rehabilitation Center on October 26, 27, smd 28th. Nr. Robinson reported that twenty-six ef the County's employees were' X-rayed by th~ Albemarle Tuberculosis Association and that ne positive reports were received. ~Am acknowledgment of sympathy was received from Mrs. Annie Bet!eLA. Page, wife of the late John White Page. Communications wer~ received from the Emergency Fuel Commission and ~r. W. O. Fife~i Mrs. Eva W. Maupin, amd Mr. _C. Purcell NcCue were appointed as a committee for this County to work en this project. A report ~he audit of the accounts and records of the County for the year endedl~ J~e 30, 1949, was received from T. Coleman Andrews amd Company and ordered filed. A motice was received from the James River Bus Lines advising that application been made to the State Corporation Commission to opera~te a passenger bus service from the junction of U.S. 'Highway No. 15 ~nd State Highway No. 652 in Buckimgham County on Thursdays,~ Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays, and Holidays between said Intersection of U.S. Highway No. 15 to Howardsville, Virginia, in Albemarle County and ret~urn via Mt. Tabor, Centemary, Newton'si Store, Glenmere and ~Zxtell. Communi~tions were received from Fred C. Kimbo a~d read.~ ~ ~ ~ Upon motion made by Mr. Henry Chiles and seconded by Mr. W. W. Wood,the following resolution was unanimously adopted: ~, in the opinion of this Board great benefit will accrue te the Coumty and the general welfare of its inhabitants will be promoted by advertising and publicizing the resources and advantages of the Oo~mty; BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the sum of $5,000.00, at the least, should be made available for this p~rpose during the remainder of 'the calendar year 1949 and for the calendar year 1950; BE IT F0~RTHE~ RESOLVED, that of the aforesaid sum, $3,000.00 be and the same is now hereby appropriated foz the said purpose for the remainder of the calendar year 1949, the balance to be subject to further appro- priation after the 1st of Jsmuary, 1950. Upon motion, made by ~r. Chiles and seconded by Nr. Wood, the ~o~lowing resolutio~i was unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, ~irginia, that $15,000.00 be and is hereby appropriated from Unappropriated Surplus of the School Fu~d to Capital Outlay - Archi- tects Fees (19-205,) Upon motion, duly made and seconded, it was ordered that the services of Mr. T. Scott, County Agent, be continued on a status quo basis to the extent that his health will permit. Claims against the County amounting t~(~ $79, 816. 54 were presented, examined, and allowed and certified to the Director of Finance for payment and charged against the follow- lng funds: General F~nd School Fund Dog Tax Fund Crozet Fire District Fund Crozet Sanitary District Fund Joint Colored High School Fund Joint Health Fund Comm. of Va. Current Credit Account Comm. of Va. Dog Tax Credit Account $15,455.71 60,578.51 289.45 67.85 151.29 16.O0 2,646.80 541.03 69.90 Upon motion, the meeting adjourned. Chairman A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle Co~uty, Virginian was held at the Office Building of said County on the 16th day of November, 1949, Present: ~essrs. C. Purcell ~cCue, E. J. B~llard, Henry Chiles, C. ~. Dorrier, J. W. Williams, and N. W. ~Iood. Absent: None. Officers present: County Executive and Commonwealth's Attorney. Minutes of the meeting of October 19, 1949, were read and approved. Mr. A. ~. Casey, Jr., representing the Children's Hom~ stated a new home was being planned to conform with a survey made by the State Welfare Department. He wanted to know to what extent the County would participate in the construction of the new home. Mr. D. A. Robinson was directed to investigate the situation and write Mr. Casey before November 30th. Mr. W. N. Shields, Resident Engineer, presented the Final Secondary System Mainte~ anco, ~aintenance Replacement and Construction Budget for the period ending Jtme 30, 19~D. Upon motion, made by Mr. ~ood and seconded by ~. Chiles~ the adoption of this budget was approved. Communication was received from the State Highway Department acknowledging receipt of the resolution of this Board. adopted at its September 21, 1949, meeting, approving the abandonment of t~e following sections of relocated Route 53: approved. Station to Station: 223~65 -- 227~60 Report of the County Executive for the month of October, !949, was presented and The following claims against the Dog Tax Fundwere presented: (a) Claim of Robert E. Shiflett for two sheep killed by dogs. Upon motion, made by Mr. Dorrier and seconded byNr. Wood, it was ordered that ~r. Shiflett be paid $10.00 each for these sheep, a total of $20.00. Claim of J. ~. Johns for five sheep killed by dogs. Upon motion, made by Mr. Nood and seconded by Nr. Chiles, it was ordered that Nr. Johns be paid $12.00 each ~or these sheep, a to~at of $60.00. Claim of George A. Gibson for one lamb k~itted by dogs. Upon motion, made by Mr. Wood and seconded by Mr. Dorrier, it was ordered that Mr. Gibson be paid $20.00 for this lamb. Dlaim of S~muel W. Terrell for one shoat killed by dogs. Upon motion, made by Mr. Chiles and seconded byMr. Ballard, it was ordered that Mr. Terrell be paid $10.00 for this shoat.