HomeMy WebLinkAbout1949-11-16 Claims against the County amounting tQ~i~$79,816.54 were presented, examined, and allowed and certified to the Director of Finance for payment and charged against the follow- lng funds: General Fund School Fund Dog Tax Fund Crozet Fire District Fund Crozet Sanitary District Fund Joint Colored High School Fund Joint Health Fund Comm. of Va. Current Credit Account Comm. of Va. Dog Tax Credit Account $15,455.71 60,578.51 289.45 67.85 151.29 16.00 2,646.80 541.03 69.90 Upon motion, the meeting adjourned. Chairman A regular meeting of the Board of County Su~rvisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held at the Office Building of said County on the 16th day of November, 1949. Present: Messrs. C. Purcell McCue, E. J. Batlard, Henry Chiles, C. R. Dorrier, J. W. Williams, and W. W. Wood. Absent: None. Officers present: County Executive and Commonwealth's Attorney. Minutes of the meeting of October I9, 1949, were read and approved. Mr. A. M. Casey, Jr., representing the Children's Hom~ stated a new home was being planned to conform with a survey made by the State Welfare Department. He wanted to Low to what extent the County would participate in the construction of the new home. Mr. D. A. Robinson was directed to investigate the situation and write ~Ir. Casey before November 30th. Mr. ~. W. Shields, Resident Engineer, presented the Final Secondary System MaintenV anco, Naintenance Replacement and Constraction Budget for the period ending June 30, 19~0. Upon motion, made by Mr. Wood and seconded byMr. Ch~iles, the adoption of this budget was approved. Communication was received from the State Highway Department acknowledging receipt of the resolution of this Board adopted at its September 21, 1949, meeting, approving the abandonment of the following sections of relocated Route 53: Station te Station: Report of the County Executive for the month of October,~ 1949, was presented and approved. The following claims against the Dog Tax Fund were presented: (a) Claim of Robert E. Shiflett for two sheep killed by dogs. Upon motion, made by Mr. Dottier and seconded by Nr. Wood, it was ordered that ~. Shiflett be paid $10.00 ea~ for these sheep, a total of $20.00. (b) Claim of J. W. Johns for five sheep killed by dogs. Upon motion, made by~r. Wood and seconded by ~. Chiles, it was ordered that ~r. Johns be paid $12.00 each ~or .these sheep, a to~al of $60.00. Claim of George A. Gibson for one lamb k~ltled by dogs. Upon motion, made by Mr. Wood and seconded by~. Dorrier, it was ordered that Mr. Gibson be paid $20.00 for this lamb. Dlaim of Samuel W. Terrell for one shoat killed by dogs. Upon motion, made by M~. Chiles and seconded by Mr. Ballard, it was ordered that ~r. Terrell be paid $10.00 for this shoat. (e) Claim of .~yston D. B. Cad~ for one ram and one yew killed by dogs. Upon motion, made by Er. Bailard and seconded by ME. Wood, it was ordered that Mr. Cady be paid $35.00 for~ these sheep. (f) Claim of Helen and Alice Cunningham for one lamb killed by i dogs. Upon motion, made by ~r. ChileE and seconded by Mr. Dorrier, it was ordered that the Misses C~_uningham be paid $20.00 for the lambs. Mr. D. A. Robinson, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement ef Expenses of thai Department of Finance for the month of October, 1949, one-third of which to be borne by the State. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was ex--ed, verified and i approved. Mr. D. A. Robinson, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses of th~ Sheriff's Office for the month of October, 1949, two-thirds of which to be borne by the State. Upon motion, du~y made and seconded, this Statement was wxamined, verified, and appr eve d. Er. D. A. Robinson, D52ector of ~J. nance, sutard, tted a Sta.'~ement of ~xpenses of th~ Oommonwealth's Attorney's Office for the month of October, 19%9, one-half of which te be borne by the State. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified, and approved. Statement of Expenses incurred in the maintenance of the County Jail and a Summar-~ Statement of Prisoner Days were submitted. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, these statements were examined, verified and approved. Claim of Dr. Richard T. Ergenbright, Jail Physician, Lu the amount of $2.0 for services rendered during the month of October, 1~%9, was presented and approved for pay- mont. Nr. D. A. Robinson read a letter dated October 26, 1949, written by him .to the Boards of Supervisors of Fluvanna, Greene and Madison Counties, advising them of the actio~ of this Board of October 19, 19~9, relative to the caring of their prisoners by this County and stated that no response to this letter had been received. Mr. Robinson also advised that approximately $350.00 hs.s been spent on exterior maintenance to the Jail and Jailor's house. It was suggested that the committee appointed by the Beard meet and decide on further maintenance to the interior of the Jail. Mr. Robinson advised that the lease for facilities in the County Office Building to the State Highway Depa~l~ment as previously approved b7 this Bgard, had_ been executed by the State Highway Department and returned to the office of County Executive. Report of the Albemarle-Charlottesville ~btic Library for the month of October, 19~9~-. was presented and approved. ~&r. Robinson read a communication from the Albemarle Historical Society acknow- ledging his letter of August Il, 1949, regarding an oil. _~nting of Thomas Jefferson for the Court Eoum. Mrs. J. W. ~cLeod and a committee from the Historical Society appeared before the Board and requested permission to hang the Old but restored pictures of County ~,. notables on the Court House Walls. No action was taken on this matter, but it was sug- gested that the committee work out a plan and present a formal request to the Board ask g i that they rescend a previous reseiutien barring all picbures ot~her than oil paintings. A color rendering of a proposed official seal for Albemarle County was presented Ne formal action was taken. Messrs. Chiles, Fife, and Robinson were appointed to study the seal and report to the Board at the December meeti~. Mr. D. A. Robinson read a communication from J. Gordon Bennett stating that T. Coleman Andrews and Company's audit of the accounts of the County of Albemarle and D. Robinson, Director of Finance, was accepted by. the Auditor of Public Accounts. 400 Mr. Chiles, it was ordered that the $250,000.00 bond now in force be increased by $50,000.00, totalling $300,000.00. The $50,000.00 bond will be in force for the unexpired term of the $250,000.00 bond. Upon motion, made by ~lr. Williams s_nd seconded by l!w. Chiles~ a blar~ket bond for $25,000.00 covering the employees of the office of Director of Finance for a three-year term was approved and ordered executed. Upon motion of N~. Wood, seconded by ~r. Willisms, insurance covering the bank messenger for $2,000, with an increase to $5,000.00 for the period of October 1st to January let, was approved mud ordered purchased. The committee on insurance for County proper~y was instructed to have several insurance companies submit prosp~ctives for the County Building insurance needs. Claim of T. Coleman Andrews and Compa~ny for their audit of accounts and records for the year ended June 30, 1949, in the amount of $1,253.00 was presented. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, it was ordered that T. Coleman Andrews and Company be paid. Communication was received from Nr. Cale on behalf of the Albemarle County School Board inviting the Board members to attend the State Board of Education hearing at Lane High School on Friday, November 18, 1949, at lO:00 A.N. Nr. Chiles advised that he expects to attend. Communication was received from Nrs. Anne H. Loving tendering her resignation as Superi~tendent of Public Welfare effective December 31, 19~9. Upon motion~ made by. ~r. Chiles ~ud seconded by Er. Ballard, it was ordered 'that Nrs. Loving's resignation be accepted with regret. A committee, consisting of Nr. Williams, ~. Dorrier~ and Nro Robinson, was ap- pointed to secure a successor to Nrs. Loving as Superintendent of Public Nelfare with authority to offer a salary of $250.00 to $300.00 per month. Communication was received from The ~ichie Company regarding the orderS_ua of the Code of Virginia, 1950g Mr. Robinson was instructed to check on the number of. copies needed before placing an order with The Nichie Company. Communication from ~tr. George Gilmer was received requesting t~he dropping of certa2~ ~z~rcels of-delinquent tax lands which could not be ~located. Upon motion, made by ~tr. ~ood and seconded by Mr. Ballard it was ordered that these lands be dropped from the land books, as follows: Na~R~aniel Burnley's heirs, Charlottesville, ~q~ite 5 acres. t~. ~. Carver's children, Bi,anna, ~Yhite, 7 37/100 acres. Fannie C. Colquit~ Rivannm, W-hits, 5 acres. C, p. ~-Fishburne ' s heirs, Charlottesville, ~.q~ite, 4 acres. ~' D.~.:~eriwether,~'~ Rivam~a, ~nite, 2 22/100 acres. N~g~et Rogers Estate, Riv~una, White, 1 8~/100 acres. R.D. Anderson and others, Samuel Nill~r, ~nite, 5 acres. Communication was received from the Department of Taxation inviting and summoning Nr. Robinson to the annual official meeting of the Commissioners of Revenue to be held in Richmond on November 18 - 19, 1949. ~ir. Robinson was instructed to invite some of the assessors te attend with him mt the expehse of the County. Communication f~om the State Chamber of Cm~mcrce was received ~ud ordered filed. Communication from the Charlottesville s~d Albemarle County Chamber o~ Commerce was received and ordered filed. I Communication from an anonymous citizen regarding the remodeling of the Court House and the condition of the ladies rest room therein was received and re~d. Communication was received from Fred C. Kimbo and read. Mr. D. A. Robinson reported %hat he had concurred with ~tr. E. H. Bain in authorizin~ repairs to the Crozet .Water Works dam by ~ir. A. D. Fox. He further reported that the work ............... *~'~*~ ,~o+~ ,~ ~'~NN.NN. and that no bill had been presented by Nro D. A. Rebinson reported on his recent attendance to conference~s of the League ~ of Virginia Nunicmp~litmes, State Highway Department and League of ¥irginia Counties. The County School Board, with Mr. Clair C~ssell, appeared before this Board to discuss the best means of financing and selling the County School Bonds for the Albemarle- i Charlottesville Joint Negro High School. At the request of Mr. Henley of the School Board, a motion was made by ~r. ~ood, seconded by ~r. Williams, appropriating $300.00 for the pur- chase of land ~zom the School Fund Unappropriated Surplus. A petition was received from citizens of ~eadowbrook Heights regarding Neadowbrook Road and Grove Road and was referred to ~r. ~iiliams and Nr. Shields. ii~'~ ~ Request was received from Mr. Charles Lamb ask~ug that one-~half mile of Route 769 · be taken i~to the Secondary System. ~r. Lamb was given an a~plication form for this request i and the matter was referred to t~.~. ~itliams and Mr. Shields. widened. road. Petition was received from Dr. Harsley asking that the west end of Route 670 be Er. Shields advised that the maintenance crew would be instructed to work on this tn the matter of road requests, motion mas made by Nr. Chiles, seconded by Er. Williams, ordering that the Road Engineer ~ud the Supervisors of the~respective district, view all road requests and if in their opinion 'the road warrants being taken into the Secondary System, the regular application be mailed to the petitioners. Claims against the County amounting to $1~6,831.74 were presented, examined, and ~ allowed and certified to the Director of Finance for payment and chs~ged against the following funds: 17,363.60 74,963.90 50~.25 13.75 llS.00 3,113.25 90,_753.99 $186,831.7~ GeneratFund .School Fund Dog Tax Fund Crozet Fire District Fund Crozet Sar~tary DistrictFund Joint Health Fund Commonwealth of Virginia Current Credit Account Upon motion, the meeting adjourned. Chairman