HomeMy WebLinkAbout1949-12-21402 A regular meeting ~f the Board of County Supervisors of gtbemarle County, Virginia,. was held at the Office Building o£ said County on the 21st day of December, 1949. Present: ~gessrs. C. ~urcell ~JicCue, E. J. Baitard, Henry Chiles~ C. R. Dottier, J. W. Williams, and W. W. ~food. Absent: None. Officers present: County Executive and Commonwealth's Attorney. ~inutes of the meeting of November 16, 1949, were read and approved. ~M. John DeKoven Bowen appeared concerning the assessment of students o£ the University of 'Virginia with personal property. ~. Bowen stated that the payment of these taxes was particularly hard £or the married students Of cope!ey Hill who are living on G.i. allowances. He also stated that the students who live in and own mobile trailers are doing so only because %ha~ have no other place {o live while they are in college. ~r. Sykes and~ Mr. ~cFarlsmd, students of the University and residents of Copeley Hill, also appeared ~or~ the Board and concurred with the statements made by Mr. Bowen. After a lengthy discussion o£ this matter, the Board received and read a tele~am from ~r. C. H. Morrissett~ State Tax Commissioner, expressing his inability to attend this meeting of the Board. Upon motion, made by ~. Dorrier and seconded by ~&r. Wood, it was resolved that the members of the Senate and House o£ Delegates from Albemarle County be requested to seek amendments to the Tax Laws ~hat will tend to clarify those laws with respect to assessing and taxation of property of students in colleges and universities in the State of VirgLnia. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that ~r. D. A. Robinson, Albe~m~rle County Director of Finance, secure for the Board firsthand information from the assessing authorities of other localities in Virginia touching the policies of those localities in a~ssessing and taxing property of students. ~. W. N. Shields, Resident Highway Engineer, appeared and advised the Board that to date the total expenditures 8~.i~the Highway Department in regard to maintenance were runnin 54% as against 46% of the time which has elapsed. An application was received requesting the Board to recommend the State Highway De- partment to take into the Secondary System 950 feet of read beginning at the intersection of Neadowbrook Road and Grove Road and ending at the southeast boundary of ~eadowbrook sub- division. ~r. Williams recommended that this road be viewed when viewers are appointed at the regular January road meeting. The following claims against the Dog Tax Fund were presented: (a) Claim of Sanford Gardner for six hens killed by dogs. Upon motion, ~m~y made and seconded, it was ordered that Nr. Gardner be paid the assessed value of $0.25 ~ach for these hens, a total of $1.50. (b) Claim of Ashby NIaupin for one ~ killed by dogs. Upon motion, duly made s~d seconded, it was ordered that Nr. Naupin be paid the assessed value of $10.00 for this ewe. (e) Claim of G. A. Gibson for one ewe killed by dogs. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, it was ordered that ~r. Gibson be paid the assessed value of $12.00 for this ewe. (d) Claim of W. B. Haney for one sheep and three lambs killed by dogs. Upon motion, made by Nr. Chiles and seconded by Nr. Wood, it was ordered that ~r. Haney be paid the assessed value of $12~00 for the sheep and $2.50 each for the ls~bs, a total of $19.50. (e) Claim of Comer Smith for five sheep and one ram weighing appro~i- mately 125 lbs. killed by dogs. Upon motion, made by ~r. ~'ood and seconded by ~r. Dorrier, it was ordered that Nr. Smith be paid the assessed value of $12.00 each for the sheep and $12.O0 for the ram, Cla~ of Odie JOhnson for two chickens killed by dogs. Upon motion, made by Mr. Dottier and seconded by~. Chiles, it was ordered that Nr. Johnson be paid $1.00 each for these chicken,s, a total of $2.00, (g) (h) 0!aim of Lyston 0ady for two ewes ki!tedby dogs. Upon motion, made by Mr. Wood and seconded by~. Williams, it was ordered that Cady be paid $12.00 each ~o~r_ these ewes, a total of $24.00. Claim of J. W. Corell for six lambs killed by dogs. Upon motion, m~de by Kr. Dottier and seconded by ~. Wood, it was ordered that ~. Cor~lt be paid $12.00 each for 'these lambs~ a total of $72.00, Claim of H. V. Herold for five ewes and one buck killed by dogs. Upon motion, made by Nr. Ballard andsseconded by Nr. Dorrier, it was ordered that Nr. Herold be paid the assessed value of $12.00 each for these sheep, a total of $72.00. These sheep were assess to ~Ar. George Douglas from whom they were purchased by~. Herold. (j) Claim of Jack Clark for seven sheep killed by dogs. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, action on this c~aim was deferred. (k) Claim of Dr. E. D~ Davis for one sheep kil!edby dogs. Upon motion, ~a~ hy~r. Williams and seconded by Nr. Dorrier, it was orderedtthat action on this claim be deferred until the January meeting. Claim of Avery Cattin fo~ three sheep killed by dogs. Upon motion, made by,Ar. Nillimms and seconded by Nb. Wood, it was ordered that Nr. Catlin be paid $12.00 for these' sheep, a total of $36.00. Mr. Robinson presented a c!s~m of ~s. E. E. Thomas for five sheep killed by dogs which was paid in September, 1949, a~ the rate of $12.00. However these sheep were assessed at $14.00 each. Upon motion, made by Mr. Williams and seconded by~r. Wood, it was ordered that Nrs. Thomas be paid the difference of $2.00 each for these sheep, a.total of ~10.O0. (n) Claim of Mt. ~!aris2a Cemetery filed in the nmme of Harry L. Clark for sheep killed and dama'~ed by dogs. U~$~ mo~2o~imad~=~ R~D; ~eg~ a~ seconded by Mr. Williams, this claim was approved in the ~moo~t of $85.00. ~essrs. Vaughn, ~awyer, Adams and Doubleday appeared and requested that Route 667, the Old Ballard Road, which runs between Garth Road and Route 250, be widened and tarred~ an~i advised that the people living on this road would be willing to give the ne~essar~y land for widening. They advised that the distsmce of this road was 3.7 n~iles. Mr. Shields suggested that this road be studied along with other roads. Mr. J. T. Henley appeared and suggested that the Board recommend to the Legis- lature that the Albemarle County system of the Board of Supervisors appoLuting the School Board be continued in the event that a new statute is passes whereby the Board of Super- visors shall also act as the School Board. No action was taken on this matter. Nr. E. H. Bain, Chairman of the Planning Oommisaion~ appeared and asked the Board if it wished the Planning Commission to continue its duties. Nr. Chiles expressed the opinio that doing away with the Commission at this time would be a bac]~vard step for the Board to take. Uoon motion, made by Nr. Chiles and seconded by ~)~. Dottier, Nr. N. Y. Suther!and, Robert E. Taylor, and ~rs. Gordon Smith Wer~ appointed to the Commission for a term of four Years, ending December 31~ 1953. Nr. D. A. Robinson, Director of Fine, ce, submitted a Statement of EX~oenses of the Department of Finsnce for the month of November, I949, one-hhird of which to be borne by the State. Upon motion, duly made ~and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified and ~i approved. Mr. D. A. Robinson, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement' of Expenses of the ~i , Sheriff s Office for the month of November, 1949, two-thirds of which to be borne by the State. Upon motion, duly made s~nd seconded, this ~tatement was examined, verified and approved. ~r. D. A. Robinson, Director of Fi~ance, submitted a Statement of Expenses of the ': 3ommonwealth's Attorney's Office for the month of November, 19~9, one-half of which to be ~ acme by the S~ate. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was exsmzined, yeti-Ii and ~pproved. Statement of Expenses incurred in the maintenance of the County Jail and a Summary Itatement of Prisoner Days wer~ submitted. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, these Claim of Dr. Richard T. Ergenbright, Jmil Physieian, in the amount of $2.25 for services rendered d'~ring the month m~Novembar, !949, Was presented and approved for payment. Communications ware received from Ftuvs~mua and Greene Counties accepting the agreement with -this C~ounty to pay a flat rate of $25.00 per month plus a per diem ~harge of $0.75 for confinement and care of prisoners in the Albemarle County Jai. Reoor% Was received from the Department of V~elfgre and Institutions showing commitments to Couuty and City Jails for September, 1949. The following reports were presented, and upon motion, made by ~Ir. Dorrier smd seconded by Mr. Williams, were approved. (a) Combined annual report of County Extension workers. (b) County Executive Report for the month of November, 1949. (c) Report of the Charlottesville-Albemarle Public Library for November, 1949. The resignation of ~. Her~y P. Omohundro as a member of the County Pls~uning Commission was received and upon motion, made by M~r. Dorrier and seconded by ~Ir. V~illiams, was accepted. Upon motion, made by ~.~. Williams and seconded by 5~. Ballard, the following reso- lution was unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of-County Super~lsors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that $200°00 be mad is hereby trs-u~sferred from the Un- appropriated Reserve of the General Fund to be used for %uniforms for the Sheriff' s Deputies. UpSn motion, made by Mr. V~illiams and seconded by Mr. Wood, the following reso- lution was unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County. Supervisors of Albemarle Commty, Virginia, that ~~e s~ud is hereby transferred from the Un- appropriated Reserve of the General Fund to Alterations and Repairs to the Court House. Communications were received from the League of Virginia Counties enclS, sing a stat~ ment of 1950 annual membership dues in the amount of $246.52. Upon motion, made by ~ir. Williams and seconded by Mm. ~ood, this claim was approved for payment. Communication was received from the State Compensation Board approving the salary and expense requests of the Department of Finance, the Sheriff's Office,. and the Office of the Commonwealth's Attorney for the calendar :fear 1950. Co~unication was received from Dr. S. D. Sturkie, Health Director, regarding the school lunch and milk program. Dr. Sturkie also _~rovided the Board with copies of the Septi~ Tank Ordinance. Mr. Robinson presented a claim of the University of Virginia Hospital in the amount of $12,17~.18 covering hospitalization of indigent patients. He advised that the credit due the hospital by S.L.H. amounted to $2,69~.00 for the six months ending December 3] and $101.00 for the-six months prior. Upon motion, made by ~r. Dottier and seconded by ~. Chiles, it was ordered that the County matdh the State appropriation in the payment of this claim. ~¢~. Williams recommended that the County appoint a Welfare Advisory Board which would consist of several citizens in each community whose duty it woul be to advise the Welfs~e Case Workers of the need of those persons app/~ving for welfare cid. This matter was discussed but no action was taken. Mr. Robinson advised the Board that a blar~ket bond in the amount of $25,000.00 had been executed effective November 16, 1949, covering employees of the Department of Finance. A request was received from the New Amsterdam Casualty Company for a release on the indivi ~t Upon motion, made by Mr. Chiles smd seconded byMr. Dorrier, ~. Robinson was authorized to e×ecute releases on the following individual bonds: R. C. Sottrs June T. Via~ Virginia Dare Hicks Caroline Wood Margaret R. Pac~ Hilda M. Morris Virginia R. Sandridge Mr. Robinson presented~.:to the Board a?copy of the Notice Sale of the School Bond Issue to be held on January 5, 1950. ~ ........ E report was received from the County Seal Committee recommending the adoption of a se~t similar to the one .previously presented to 'this Board but simplified in design and color in order that it may be more clearly reproduced. Upon motion, made by t~. Williams and seconded by ~M. Wood, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: NE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that $100.00, or as much thereof as necessary, be ap- propriated from the Unappropriated Reserve of the General Fund to cover the cost of having a County Seal drawn and reproduced. Communications were received from Fred C. Kimbo and read. A claim in the amount of $28.60 covering expenses of the employees of the Depart- merit of Finance in eating out at nights during the tax rush, was presented, md upon motion, made by ~r. Williams and seconded by Mr. Chiles, was approved foo payment. The matter of holidays coming on Sunday, as in the case of Christmas Day and New Years Day of this year, was discussed. Upon motion, made by ~Lr. Dorrier and seconded by Mr. Williams, it was ordered that County offices close on the following Monday in each ~. Wood recommended that an ordinance be passed setting forth a definite policy for the payment of livestock claims. Upon motion, duly made ~nd seconded, it was ordered that the Committee on Livestock and Fowl Claims meet regarding this matter and report back to the Board at the January Meeting. Upon motion, made by Mr. Williams and seconded by ~. Dottier, ~s. Eleanor F. Bradford was approved as the Case Worker Lu Charge to serve until a new Superintendent of Public W~_~are is appointed. Upon motion, duly made sad seconded the following were appointed to serve as Ro~d Viewers: Messrs. J. B. Kegley, Ashby Harris, James G. ~ffhite, C. C. Wade, Stuart Hamm, Sr., and Hugh Clarke. Col. Henry B. Goodlee appeared regarding a central registrar for Albemarle County. Upon motion, made by ~. Chiles and seconded by ~r. Wood, it was ordered that Mr. Robinson be ~s.~ucted to request members of the Legislature for their assistance in sectoring the passage of enabling acts making it permissable for the County of Albemarle, operating under the Executive Form of Government, to establish a central registrar in the County of Albemarle. Uponr~-~motion, made by ~. Chiles and seconded by I¢~. Dottier, it is hereby ordered that A. C. Jone IIi of Copeley Hill Section, City of Charlottesville, Virginiak be refunded $97.65~ personal property taxes paid for 'the year 1949 in asmuch as Mr. Jones was not a resident of the Cotmty on January let but rather a resident of the City of Charlottesville. Upon motion, made by Mr. Chiles and seconded by Mr. Willimus, it i~ hereby ordere~ that Peter V. Daniel be refunded $30.].0 representing an overpayment of 1949 personal property taxes as a result of anerroneous assessment resulting from the assessing of his tsmgible personal property at One hundred percent of fair market value instead of the 25% basis used in assessing other tax payers. Claims against the County amounting to ~80,86~,0~ were presented, examined, s~ud l allowed and certified to the Directo~.~of Finance for paTment and cha~ged against the follow- ing funds: General F~nd School F~fid Dog Tax Fund Crozet Fire District Crozet Sanitary District Fund Joint Health Dept. Fund Com~. of Va. Current Credit Account 11,965.76 63,520.27. 409.00. ll. 90 !, 520.8~ 2,779.34. ~160,863.04 Upon motion, the meeting adjourned. Chairman.