HomeMy WebLinkAbout1950-02-15A regular meetiug of the Beard of Co~aty S~apervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, held at the Office Buildiag of said Co~aty on the 15th day of February, 1950. Present: Messrs. C. Purcell McCue, E. J. Ballard, Henry Chiles, C. R. Dorrier, J. W. Williams, and We W. Weed. Absent: None. Officers present: ¢ounty E~ecutive amd Commomwealth~s Attorney, Minutes of the-meeting of January 18, 1950, were read and approved. The following Viewers' Reports were presented and accepted in accordance .wi~h Section 2039 of the Virginia Code: (1) "We, the undersigned, being viewers appointed by yo~r Board at its regular meeting on January 18, 1950 to view the following described section of road and make report to your Board, hereby wish to advise that on January 25, 1950 we viewed this section of read and m~.ke the following report: Beginning at the end of State maimtenance on Route 734 near Simeon amd centimuing to the Northwest for 0.4 Mile, ending at line fence ef J. M. Powell. We find that this section of road serves the Powell Orchard farm and two other houses, when same are cccupiedo Ne recommend that your Board take into the State Secondary Road System that section of this road begin~uimg at the end State maintenance on Route 734 and conti~ui~ug for 0.2 Mile, approximately to the entrance to'the first'home ch the right." (Signed) J. B. Kegley H~gh N. Clark C. C. Wade (2) "We, the undersigned, being Viewers appointed by yo~r Board at its regular meeting on January 18, 1950 to view the following described section of road and make report to your Board, hereby wish to advise that on Jarmary 25, 1950we viewed this section of road and makel the following report: Beginning at end of State maintenance ~ Route 769 and continuing to the South for a distance of 0.4 Mile. We find that this section of road serves three (3) families and we believe that section from end of State maintenance to first forks of road (the road where Mrs. Lamb's father, mother, and brother live) a distance of approximately 0.2 Mile would be of public service. Therefore, we recommend to yottr Board the placing of this 0.2 Mile in the State Secondary Read System and rejecting of the rema~g section of 0,2 Mile.~ (Signed) J. B. Kegley Hugh N. Clark C. C. Wade (3) '~e, the~:~ersigned, being Viewers ~appointed by your Boar~ at its regular meeting n January 18, 1950 to view the fellewimg described section of read'and make report %e your card, hereby wish to advise that on January 25, 1950we viewed this section of road andmake the following reporti~ ' . Beginning.at Route 712 South of North Garden and extending Northwast for 0.5 Mile to A. Mo Mayas gate entrance. We find this road serves four families and is the only outlet for a large well developed farming area and~chardproperties. We recommend to your B~ard that this 0.5 Mile of road be placed ia the State Secondary Road System." (Signed) J. B. Kegley Hugh N. Clark C. C. Wade (4) "We, the ~ndersigned, being Viewers appointed by your Board at its regular meeting on January 18, 1950 to view the following described section of road and make report to your Board, hereby wish to advise that on January 25, 1950 we viewed this section of road and makel the following report: Beginning at end of State maintenance on Route 641 and extending to the Southeast for 1.5 Miles to the Rogers, Brown and other properties. We find that the location of the present road is not a proper location for a road to be placed in the State HighWay System. We suggest that the petitioners would develop a road on the location of the old road North of the branch. We, therefore, cannot recommend to your Board the placing of this section of raa~ im the State Secondary Road System. (Signed) (5) "We, the ~ndersigned, being Viewers appOi~ted by your Board at its rega!ar meeting on January 18, 1950 to view the following described section of roa~ and make report to your Board, hereby wish to advise that on Janissary 25, 1950 we viewed this sectmon of road and make the following report: Beginning at Rout~ 771, in Gentry Addition, and extending to the East for O.16 Nile. We find that this road carries a 40 feet right of way, is well stabilized with cr~shed stone, amd serves three (3) families, including the family at intersection with Route 771. We recommend that this section of road be added to the State Secondary Road SYstem." (Signed) J, B. Kegley Hugh N. Clark O. C. Wade (6) "We, the ~ndersigned, being Viewers appointed by your Board ~at its regular meetingII on January 18, 1950 to view the following described section ef road and make report to yo~r Board, hereby wish te advise that on January 25, 1950 we viewed this section ef road and make the followimg report: Beginning at a poin~ at intersection of Route 631 and old read from Horseshoe area and extending 1.0 Nile to the Northwest te Charles Byarst gate. We find this road not to be on the old location but has~ beau changed around hill through private farm, and this landowner not agreeing to have road widened en this location. We further find. the landowners adjacent to the old roadbed will met mov~ back their fences and Sire a 30 feet right ~of way. Therefore, we do not recommend to your Board that this section of road be placed in the Stste Highway System." (Signed) J. B. Kegley Hugh N. Clark O. C. Wade (7) "We the undersigned, being Viewers appointed by your Board at its regular meeting on January 18, 1950 to view the following described section of road and make report to yo~r Board, hereby wish-to advise that on January 25, 1950 we viewed this section of road amd mak~ the following report: r ginnimg at end of Skate maintenance on Route 610 sad continuing 2.5 Miles to the East. We find that the location of the uresent road is not, in our judg- ment, a s~itable location to be placed ia the State Secondary Road System and s~ggest that these landowners would develop a road on location which would serve the first family to the right and thence following water g~ade to serve Williams and Mahanes. Therefore, we cannot recommend the placing of this 2.5 Miles-in the State Secondary Road System." (Signed) J. B. Kegley Hugh N. Clark C. C. Wade (8) "We, the madersigaed, being Viewers appointed by your Board at its regular meetingil on January 18, 1950 to view the following described section ef road and make report te your Board, hereby wish tc advise that e~ January 25, 1950 we viewed this section of read and make the followim~ report: Beginning at Route 625 on top of hill near Hattons Ferry amd ex- tending 0.9 Mile to t4~e Eazt te Mrs. Iane~s gate entrance. We find this road serves four families and believe you would be justified in taking into the State Highway System that section of same beginning at Route 625 and extending 0,~ Mile on approximately same location. We do not feel that we cam recommend the fall 0'.9 Mile. We, ,therefore, recommend to yomr Board that you place in the State Secondary Road System this 0.4 Mile." (Eigned) J. B. Kegley Hugh N. Ct~rk ~. ~. Wade (9) "We, the undersigned, ~ei~g Viewers appointed by your Board at its regmlar meetingll on January 18, 1950 to view the following described section of read amd make report to your Board, hereby wish te advise that on January 25, 1950 we viewed t~is section of r~oad and make the following report: Beginning at private lane on Route 664 just Seurth of Nortensville and extending for approximately 2.5 Miles to the West. We find the present road te be rather a lumber hauling road and, although there are sene four or five families living in this area, we do not feel that service wu~Id be rendered to justify the ex- penditure of constructing and maintaining a read at this Iocatien. We, therefore, do net recommend to your Board the placing of this road in the State Secondary Road System." (Signed) J. B. Kegley Hugh N. Clark C. C, Wade The following Viewers' Reports were presented and accepted in accordance with Section 2039 of the Virginia C~e, subject te the conditions set forth therein being met by July 1, 1950:' (1) "We, the ~udersigned, being Viewers appointed by your Board at its regular meeting on Janmary 18, 1950 to view the following described section of road and make report to your Board, hereby wish to advise that on January 25, 1950 we viewed this section of road an~ make the follming report: Begimuiug at Belleview Avenue ami ~he East Corporated Limits of Char- lottesville, thence over Coleman Street for 0.1 Mile to the North. We find that the present road carries 40 foot right of way and serves three (3) families. We further believe that the landowners or users of this section should be required to stabilize the surface of read with 40 ton~ of run o2 crusher (from l" down) stone. Therefore, we recommend to yo~r Board if'and when the petitioners provide this required stone that the same be placed in the State Secondary System." (Sigued) J. B. Kegley Hugh N. Clark C. ¢. Wade (2) 'We, the undersigned, being Viewers appointed by your Board at its regular meeting on January 18, 1950 to view the following described section of road and make report te ~3~ur Beard, hereby wish to advise that on January 25, 1950 we viewed this section of road and make the following report: Beginning at Route 688 im Crozet just North of Mr. PhillipS.' residence amd extending 0.08 Mile to the Nest. We find this s~ction of road serves three families, imcludimg Mr. Phillips. We ~elieve that you would be justified in putting same in the State Secondary Road System, provided the ~b-division plot shows it te carry a 40 foot right of way or that landowners would provide a 40 foot clear and unobstructed right ef way, and stabifize surface of road with 32 tons of run of crusher (l" down) stone. We, therefore, recommend that when the 40 foot unobstructed right of way is provided, including the section of Mr. Phillips' yard that same would take, and 32 tons of stone is adde~ to surface, that this section be placed in the State Secondary Road System. (Signed) J. B. Kegley Hugh N. Clark C. C. Wade (3) "We, the undersigned, being Viewers appoimted by your Board at its regular meeting on JanuAry 15, 1950 to view the followimg described section of road and make report to your Board, hereby wish to ~dvise that onJanuary 25, 1950 we viewed this section of roadaud make the following report: Beginning at Route 250 East of YanceyMills and continuiug to the South to George Mills' house, a distance of approximately 0.2 Mile. We find some six families to be served and a narrow 15 foot right of way, and the petitioners have not secured their 30 foot width. We recommend to yourBoard that if and when the petitioners secure a 30 foot unobstructed~right of way (this me~ns their having the power ~ompany move their pole off of same) and grade a 20 foot road to the intersection of first road to the left, a distance of approxi- mately 0.1 Mile, that this ~e placed in th~ State Secondary Road System. This grading %o be in accordance with State Highway Depart- ment's Cla~s~Roads and to be left in condition for traffic to get over same. We estimate that 18hours with an angledozer will do this work.~ (Sigsed) J. B. Kegley Hugh N. Clark C. C. Wade Upon the recommendation of Mr. W. W. Shields, Resident Engimeer, the foi~ing resolution, offered by-Ill'. Dorrier and seconded by Mr. Wood, was umanimoustyadopted: .... BE IT RESOLVED by the Board cf County Supervisors o~ Albemarle County, Virginia, that the following be and they are hereby approved as Federal Aid Secondary Projects~ (1) Route 649 frmu Route 6!3 (Stony Poimt Road) %o Route 643 at Proffit, including bridge over ~he northerm fork of RivannaRiver. (2) Route 795 from the end of macadam at intersection of The following resolution, offered by Mr. Wood and seconded by Mr. Williams, was ~ous2yadopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County~u0ervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that Route 665 and 671 betw. een'Ehart-~and~P~o~$e_6.14~$~th e~Nill±ngto~ ~e-aud~.~.e~a~eHe~ebyapproved as Federal Aid Secondsm~y Projects. BE IT FURTHER RE. SODVED that the State Department of Highways be and it is hereby requested to program this project ahead of Route 795. The following resolution, efferedbyMr. Wood and seconded by~. Williams, was unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle Coum%y, Virginia, that this Board does hereby a~prove that Route 616 from Route 250 East to the Fluvanna County Line, addistance of 1.~ Miles, be included in the 1950~51 budget for oil treatment if money be available. Mr. A. B. Rice appeared and advised the Board that the old C. C. Camp Road over AppleburyMoumtaim~from the South Garden Bridge to Faber was badly neglected. Mr. Rice further advised that a delegation would appear regarding this road at a later date. Mr. Julian Thomas appeared regarding Route 708. Re.was advised by Mr. Shields that the sign had been ordered for the quarry entrance and the widening of this road would be begun shortly. Mr. George Cart appeared re~arding Route 658. Mr. Shields advised that the High- l~way Department would try to get to this road during the year if possible.. A delegation from the RuritanClub appeared and expressed the opinion that they would like to see plans to build the mew ~hite high school begun as soon as poszible and asked that the present Road Levy of $0.30 be retained and put ina ~d for the bmildimg of this school. Upon motion, made by Mr. Dorrier and seconded by Nr. Wood, it was ordered that action on this matter be deferred until the 1950-51 budget is considered. Mr. Hugh Henderson, Assistant County Agent, appeared and re,uss%ed an appropriation!! to cover prizes for the ~nnnal Baby-Beef contest. Mr. Robinson advised that an appropriatio~ was included in the current budget for this pm~.pose. Mr. J. R. Wingfield requested that i such sn appropriation also b~ included in the 1950-51 Budget. Upon motion, made by Mr. Chiles and seconded by Mr. Wood, action on thismatter was deferred until the 1950-51B~dget is considered. A nmmber of citizens appeared in oppositio~ to the telephone toll charge at SCo~tsville and Esmont. After a lengthy discussion of this matter, Mr. Robimson was instruct ~d to ge with the Board to the State Corporation Commission Hearing regarding this matter when set. A report was received~ the Crozet Water Committee consisting of the folloWimg recommendations to the Board: (1) That the d~£ference in cost between a 1" and 2" line, estimated to be about $60.00, to lay a line to W. C. Miller's, be bourne by the Water Company. Also, that each case be consid~ for its individual me, it and that any action of the committee would be determined according to the individual problem presented. (2~ That in the case of seasonal water users, as C. C. Wade and Charles Thurston, they should either pay f~r meter installation and be charged a $2.50monthlyrate and also pay the $2$OOfee for cutting the water on and off, or pay~the flat $30.00 annual charge. (3) That the Croz~t Lumber Company be notified that effective April 1, 1950, the contract price of $15.00 per month would be enforced simce in the Committee's opinion, the emergency which permitted the Water Company to accep~ a reduced rate no lo~ger exists. (4) That Everett Below be instructed t~ake a survey of the water system ~ud report the $1.50 rated customers who had inside water connections. Upon motion, made by ~r. Chiles and seconded by Mr. Dorrier, the recommendation of the e~ttee that the Water Company bea~ the difference in the cost of a 1" line and a line to W. C. Miller's was approved subject to the aporoval or'Mr. W. O. Fife, Commo~wealth,z1 Attorney. Mr. Fife advised that previous~requests similar to this had been rejected and this!! matter should be checked furth~ b~e~,~ e~o~ ~.~-~- ~'- of the committee that seasonal water usera either pay for metier'installation and be charged a $2,50 monthly rate a~i also the $2,00 fee for ~utting water on and off or pay the flat $30,00 annual ~harge was approved, In co~eetion with the committee's recommendation that Mr., Be!ow be 'instructed to make a survey of the water system to determine the $1o 50 rated ~ust~mers who have inside water connections, Mr. E. H. Bain suggested that the present ordinance be amended so as to provide the $1.50 rate in cases where there is one outside tap only. It was ordered that Mr. Fife be approached on the advisability of such a~ amendment. Upon the recommendation of the Seal Cemmitteej a motioa, offered by Mr. Dorrier an~ seconded by. Mr. Weed, was made adopting the seal as d~sigmed by Samuel So Cla~k and drawn by Mrs. T. J. Randolph. Upon motion, made by Mr. Williams a~d seconded by Mr. Dottier, the Seal Committee was authorized to selec% a motto to be placed on this seal. · UpOn motion, made by Mr. Chiles amd seconded by Mr. Nilliams, the followi~ reso- lution was unanimously adopted: BE IT RE~OLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that $50,000.00 be and is hereby appropriated from the Unappropriated Surplus of the School Fand to be used for improvements to the Red Hill School. Request was received from the School Board for authority to make am application a loan of $1,20~,~00.00 from the Literary Fund for the new white high schoolA Upon mo%ion, made by Mr. Williams amd seconded by Mr o Chiles, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: WHEREAS, the School Board for the County of Albemarle, on the 15th day of Febraary, 1950, presented to this Board, an applica%iom ad- dressed to the State Board of Education of Virginia for the purpose of borrowing from the Literary Fund $1,200,000.00 for the new school build- lng near Charlottesville, Virginia, to be paid in 30 annual installments, and the interest thoreau at two per cent paid annually, provided there are sufficient funds in the Literary Fund at the time the money is called for by the School Board. If, in the discretion'of the State Board of Education, it appears advisable to provide money for this loam through assignment to the Virginia Retirement System, the rate of interest on this loan will be not less than two nor more tha~ four per cent per annum. RESOLVED, That the application Of the County School Board to the State Board of Education of Virginia for a loa~ of $1,200,000.~0 frma the Literary Fund is hereby approved, and authority is here~y granted the said Oounty School Board to borrow the said amount for the purpose set out in said application. The Board of Supervisors for said County will each year during the life of this loan, at the time they fix the regular levies, f~-x a rate of levy for schools or make a cash appropriation sufficient for operation expenses and to pay this loam im ann~! installments and the interest thereon, as required by law regalating leans from the Li%era~y ~d. In considering this matter, Mr. Robinson suggeste~ that the Board ~zke in%o con- sideration the schools' overall improvement program amd h~w it would fit in with a long- range school capital budget, considering-the improvements 'to be made, the scheduling of same the debt liability and revenue necessary to finance the program, along with anyexp~o%ed crease in operating costs. I~ the support of this, he'read to the Board the Gray Tax Cern- mission's recommendation Ne. 43 covering this subject. Report was received from J. Mason Smith, Sheriff, listing the following work ef his office completed during the year 1949: Civil processes, i~cluding executions, chancery suits, civil warrants and various notices, l?ll Criminal Arrests. 505 Number of days in court (1 to 4 officers) 208 Calls and investigations (in addition te radio calls) 400-500 Mr. Robinson reported on the analysis being made in the Sheriff's Office of use being made ef the tw~-way radits and advised that a f~ll report would be made to the Board The Boardts attention was called to the fact that Mrs. Anne Ho Loving had mot taken her full vacation for the. last thr~e years. After a discussion ef this matter, a motion was made By Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Chiles, authorizing the payment of one- fomrth ef one month's salary for the week which ~s. Loving did not take durimg the year 1949 The following recommendations were r~ceived from the Livestock amd Fowl Claim Committee, and upon motion, made by Mr. Weed and seconded by Mr. Williams, were umanimous~y adopted: Rece~mmendations , Payment of Livestock Claims: Sheep: Pay assessed value if assessable. Pay fair market value up to $20.00 if umassessable. LamBs: Under 3 months of age, pay one-half of assessed value of ewes. Over 3 months of age, pa~ assessed value of ewes. Cattle: Pay assessed value on assessed cattle. Pay fair market value en unassessed cattle, the value te be computed on weights and quality. Calves: Pay en same-Basis as cattle. Pigs: Up te 50 lbs. - $4.0~ Over 50 lbs. - $5.00 ~ecommendat_i_ons - Pajxm~ent of Fowl Claims: Poultry ) Turkeys ) Chickens) Pay a fair value less cost ~-marketLug~. Geese ) We also request that the Game Warden be requested to supp~vmore definite imfor- marion as to quality, age and val~e in all cases where unassessed. W. W. ~ood E. J. Ballard Henry Chiles The following~c~Aims against the Dog Tax Fand were presented: (1) Claim of Jack Clark for seven sheep killed by dogs. Upon motion, made by Mr. Chiles and seconded by Mr. Wood, it was ordered that Nr. Clark be paid $18.00 each for these sheep, a total of $126.00. (2) Claim of W. A. Carpenter for two ewes killed by dogs. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, it was ordered that Nr. Carpenter be~paid $10.00 each for these ewes, a total of $20.00, this being the~assess- merit turned in by W. D. Hart, former owner of the sheep. (3) Claim of G. R. Paschal for three lambs and three ewed killedby dogs. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, it was ordered that Mr. Paschal be paid $12.00 each for these'sheep a tStal of $72.00. Mrs. Pashhai appeared and advised the Board that they had had sixteen sheep killed within three months by fox hounds and asked~that the Board advise members of the Legislature of the abuse being made ~£ the fex huntimg ..... law. Mrs. Paschal was advised by Mr. Fife to take this matter up with her attorneyand the Board advised Mrs. Paschal that the matter would be taken under advisement. (~) Claim of C. B. Spradlin for four pigs killed by dogs. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, it was ordered that Mr. S~radlin be paid $4.00 each for these pigs, a total of $16.00. (~ Claim of Dr. E. D. Davis, Jr. for one ewe killed by dogs. Upon motion, duly made ~nd seconded, it was ordered that Dr. DaEis be paid $10.00 for this ewe. (6) Claim of J. ~. Correll for one ewe and two lambs killed by dbgs. UpOn motion, duly made and seconded, it was ordered that Mr. Correll be paid $!0.00 fe~.tHe.~eW~ .and~.$5,~0O ea~h.~..Eor the lambs, a total of $20.00. (~) Claim of N. Y1 Sutherland, Jr. for one ewe killed by dogs. Upon motion, duly made ~nd seconded, it was ordered that Mr. Sutherland be paid $12.00 for this ewe. (8) Claim of G. R. Paschal for three lambe killed by dogs. Upon motioh, duly made and seconded, it was ordered that Nr. Paschal be paid ~3~O0 for these lambs. (9) Claim of Theodore J. Mn!lman for one lamb one month old killed~byd°gs. Upon motien, duly made and seconded, it was ordered that ~. M~an be paid $5.00for this lamb. (10) Claim of Charles E. Norton for erie ewe killed by dogs. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, it was ordered that Mr. Norton be paid $10.00 for this ewe. (11) Claim of Frances S. Durrer for two hens killed by dogs, Upon motion, duly made and seconded, it was ordered that Mrs. Dmrrer ~e paid $~.00 each for these hens, a total of $2.00. (12) Claim of Harry Langhorne for one small lamb and one large lamb kil~led by dogs. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, it was ordered that Mr. Langhorne by paid $5.00 each for these lambs, a total ef $10.00, this being one-half of the assessed value of ewes assessed by Mr. Langhorne. Mr. D. A. Robinson, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses of the Department of Finance for the month of January, 19fO, one-third ef which to be borne by the State. proved. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified, and Mr. D. A. Robinson, Director of. Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses of the Sheriff's Office for the month of January, 1950~two-thirds ~f which to be borne by the Upon motion, duly made and seconde~, this Statement was examined, verified, and ap- State. proved. Mr. D. A. Robin~on, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses of the Commonwealth's Attorney's Office for the month of January, 1950, one-half of which to be borne by the State. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was ~xamiaed, veri- fied, and approved. Statement of Expenses incurred in the maintenance of the Gounty Jail and a Smmmary Statement of Prisoner Days were submitted. Upon motion, duly Sa~e and seconded, these Statements were examined, verified, and approved. Claim of Dr. Richard T. E~genbright, Jail Physicisa, in the amo~ut of$3.5Owas presented and approved for payment. Cemm_~mication was received from Lamb~ Morgqn, and Associates offering ~heir ser- vices as consulting engineers regarding the Grozet Water Works sho~!d the need arise. The following reports were presented and ordered filed: (a) County Executive. (b) Oharlottesville-Albemarle Public Library. (¢) County Agent and Assistant. (d) Home Demonstration Agent a~d Assistant. (e) Department ~Welfare and Institutions. The matter of increasing the bond of the Director of Finance due to the increased fttuds on hand brought about by the S~hool Bohd Issue was discussed and upon motion, made by Mr. WilLiams and seconded by Mr. Wood, it wms ordered that the bond .of the Director of Finance be increased i~ the amount of $100,000.O0 for the term ending December 31, 1951, the following resolutions offered by Mr. Williams and seconded by ~r. Wood, were unanimously adopted: (1) (2) NE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle Oou~$y, Virginia, that no withdrawal shall be made ef any portion of the $250,000.00 time deposit ef February /%, 1950, in the Peoples ~ational Bank of Charlottesville, to the credit of the County of Albemarle, unless and until authorization therefor be given by formal resolution of ~his BE IT FU~T~ RESOLVED that the Commonwealths' Attorney of the Couuty of Albemarle be and he is hereby directed to deliver to the Peoples National Ba~k, or its appropriate officer, a duly attested copy ef this resolution. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that no withdrawal shall be made of any portion of the $250,000.00 time deposit ~f February 3%, 1950, iu the National Bank and Trust Company of Charlottesville, to the credit of the County of Albe- marie, unless and until authorization therefor be given by formal reso- BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Commonwealth's Attorney of the County of Albemarle be and he is hereby directed to deliver to the · National Bank and Trust Company, or its appropriate officer, a duly attested copy of this resolution. Upon motion, made by Mr. Weed and seconded By Mr. Williams, the following reso- lution was Ehanimo~sly~ adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board ef County Supervisors ef Albemarle Coanty, Virginia, that Mr. E. O. McCue, Jr., Senator, and Mr. Henry B. Gordon a~ud Mr. James F. Dulaney, Members ef the House ef Delegates, h~ advised that this Board favors the enactment of a bill "To amend and re- enact Section 15-338 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, relating te cer- tain officers in counties operating un. der certain forms ef county govern- ment" - the Board's ps~tieular interest relating specifically tc the appointment of justices of the peace. Upon motion, made By Mr. Wood and seconded by Mr. Nilliams, the following reso~ lution was unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED By the Board ef County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the support of Mr. E. O. McCue, Jr.~ Seaator, and Mr. Henry B. Gordon and Mr. James F. Dulaney, Members ef the House of Delegates, be requested in the enactment of a bill te be introduced "To require the furnishing of certain information te clerks of courts as a prerequisite to the recordation of deeds or other instruments conveying property or amy interest therein to authorize the State Dep~rtment of Taxation to prescribe certain forms %e impose certain ~uties upon the clerks ef courts in relation thereto; and te repeal 58-797 of the "Code of 1950." Upon motion, duly made and seconded, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED By the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that if this Legislature is to consider a modification of the Statute concerning coroners, Mr. E. 0. McCue, Jr., Senator, ~. Henry B. Gordon and Mr. James F. Dulaney, Members of the House of Delegates, be asked to s~ppert a change in the present Statute so as to require the State to pay all compensation to coroners inasmuch as this is a State function, and due to the fact .that our locality is being called upon to expend a large _sum annually for cormuers' fees becamse of ~e geographic location ef the University of Virginia Hospi%al where much of the coroners' work is done. Communication was received from the Thomas Jefferson Memorial Foundation request- lng that the County use a cut of Monticello en its out-of-town mail. No action was taken this matter. was received from the State Chamber of Commerce enclosing a rese- Communication lution of its Board of Directors requesting a proposed amendment to the Virginia Income Tax Laws to allow federal income taxes as a deductible item in computing state imcome tax liability. A request from the Albemarle TuberculoSis Association for an appropriation of $1200.00 was again brought to the attention of the Board and action thereon deferred umtil a report is received from the Committee appointed to make a study of expenditures of the Associatian. In con~ectio~ with the tabulation and indexing of the Oounty Ordinances, Mr. Fife advised the Board to wait until the e~ of the p~esent legislative session before completing this project. Mr. Robinson was instructed to ¢ontact~ Mr. Hugh Clark and Mr. A. Gaines Fray to determine if they would ~e able te serve on the Board of Equalization for the year 1950. In the m~tter of consulting Mr. Fife regarding tax matters, Nr. Fife advised that he should net be consulted abomt State tax matters. He advised that N~. C. H. Morrissett, State Tax Commissioner, should Be consulted regarding all matters pertaining to State taxes. Mr. Robimson recommended that a special appropriation of $50.00 be made to the League of Virginia Counties to be used by the League in its Legislative program on proposed annexation Legislation. Mr. Fife advised that such an appropriation was within the Law. Upon motion, made by Mr. ~liams and seconded by Mr. Wood, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virgimia, that $50.00 be amd is hereby appropriated from the Un- appropriated Reserve of the General Fund to be used as a contribution to the League of Virginia Counties in connection with proposed annexation legislatien.. Communication was received from Charlottesville and Albemarle Post No. 74 of the American Legion, advising that the Post had requested the City Co~ucil to waive the license fee for a carnival May 8-13, 1950, sponsored by the American Legion. The Board felt that no action was necessary by the County regarding this matter. A r~equest was received from Charles L. Guthrie, Jr. for a refund of $44.80, this being the amount of personal property tax paid to the County by him. Mr. Robinson advised that Mr. Guthrie had presented tax receipts showing the payment of tax en his property to the City of Petersburg, Virginia. Upon motion, made by Mr. Williams and seconded by Mr. Ballard, it was ordered that Mr. Guthrie be refunded the amount o~ tax paid to Albemarle County. ~. request was received from Robert Buckingham for a refund of personal ~roperty tax paid the County in the amount of $13.65. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, it was ordered that Mr. Buckir~am be refunded the amount of tax paid to the County of Albemarle upon the receipt of a certified copy of his 1949 tangible personal property assessment made by the City of Newport News, Virginia. Mr~ D. A. Robinson, Director ef Finance, presented the proposed budget for the year 1950-51 for the Board' s consideration. Claims against the County amounting te $104,678.75, were presented, examined, and allowed and certified to the Director of Fimance for payment and charged against the follow- in~ funds: General Fund School Fund Dog Tax Fumd Crozet Fire District Fund Crozet Sanitary District Fund Joi~t Health F~md McIntire T~st Fund Jr. Negro High School Bond-Construction Fd. CoSta. of Virginia ~rrent Credit Acct. Comm. of Virg~ Dog Tax Credit Acct. $ 13,959.29 60,915.80 571.50 13.51 169.04 418.98 841.89 2~,619.53 2o. $104,678.75 The Board adjourned to reconvene at 2:00 P.~. on Thmrsday, February 16, 1950. Chairman.