HomeMy WebLinkAbout1950-03-15 A regular meeting of the Beard of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held at th® Office Building of said County on the 15th day of Narch, 1950. Present: Nessrs. C. Purcell McCue, E. J. Ballard, Henry Chiles, C. Ro Derrier, J. W. Williams, and W~ W. Wood. Absent: None. Officers ~resent: County E~ecutive and Commonwealth's ~ttorney. Minntes of the meetings of February 15, 1950 and February 16, 1950 were read and approved. Nr. W. W. Shields, Resident Engineer, appeared regarding the dumping of trash along the highwzys. ~r. Henry Chiles questioned the possibility of the County providing locations adjacent to conjested areas where the citizens of the County might dump trash and suggested that a committee be appointed to work toward this end. Nr. D. A. Robinson, County Executive, recommended that such committee work with the Planninc Commission on the matter. Mr. NcCue appointed the following to serve on this committee: · Nr. W. W. Shields reported that he had been advised by the State Department of Highways ~that Routes 665 and 671, between Ehart~ and Route 61~, South of NillinEton, ha~ been approved as Federal Aid Projects to be included in 1951-52 Funds, making it necessary to re-arrange the ~rogram as now set up. Communication was received from Charles W. Byars regarding the Viewers Report en the read beginning at a point at intersection of Route 631 and old road from Horseshoe area and ex~ending 1. O Nile to the Northwest to ~. Byars' gate. Eurther action on this report was deferred ~til the next regular road meeting. Nrc Edgar Bradley, Dr. Robert Lee King, and a number of other citizens from the Scottsville area appeared regarding the Volunteer Fire Company at Scottsvilleo They re- iterated the history and development of the Fire Company and appealed to the Board for any help it sees fit to give. The following committee was appointed to work with the Planning Commission on this matter: Nessrs. C. R. Dorrier, J. W. Williams, W. W. Wood, and Henry Chiles. Nrs. Norton, Executive Secretary of the Albemarle Tuberculosis Association, ap- peared and advised that due to recent developments, the Association was now requesting a supplemental appropriation from the County of $~00.00 instead of $1,200.00 as previously requested to care for indigent patients from Albemarle County for the remainder of the fis- Upon motion, duly made and seconded, the following resolution was unanimously cal year. adopted~ BE IT RES~ED by the Board of County ~upervisors ef Albemarle County, Virginia, that $800.00 be and is hereby transferred from the Un- appropriated Reserve of the General Fund.to Sanitoria Care of T, B. Patients, to cover the cost of care of indigent patients from ~lbemarle County for the remainder of the fiscal year. The matter of vacations for the SheriFf's Deputies and radio dispatchers was dis- cussed. The~S~eriff appeared and advised that if ~acations were granted it would mean that one e~ra man would have to be hired to h~p with the radio dispatching. Upon motion, made by ~r. Williams and seconded by Nr. Chile~, it was ordered that a committee be appointed to work on this matter. Nr. McCue appointed the following to serve on this committee: Henry Chiles, W. W. ~oed, and E. J. Ballard. Nr. Julian Thomas, Forest Warden, appeared and requested the Board to adopt~ a Resolution urging all citizens to observe forest fire prevention rules as set up by the Stat~ resolution was unanimously adopted~ WH~, two-thirds of all forest fires in Virginia are caused by smokers, campers and brush burners, and ~AS, forest fires destroy timber neaded in industry, spoil recreation and scenic areas and make poor hunting and fishing, and WHEREAS, the cons~rvation of Albemarle County, and this Board wishes te cooperate with the V~ginia Forest So, ce in the prevention and control of forest fires, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that each citizen of Albemarle County who has occasion to burn br~h and trash, or who smokes or builds campfires in or near the weeds be requested te be most careful not to start a forest fire, and, to this end, it is suggested that all citizens observe the following forest fire prevention rules: BRUSH BURNERS 'l. Rake or plow a safety strip. 2. Have tools and water ready. 3. Pick damp, calm day to ~mrn. 4. Burn after~ 4:O0 P.M., if calm. 5~.~Drown smouldering fires with water or cover with clean dirt. 6. Inspect next morning. ~. Help us te Keep Virginia Green. SMOKERS 1. Never throw a burning match, cigarette, cigar or pipe tobacco in brash er gr~ass. 2. Be sure your match is out. 3i Crush out your cigarette, your cigar, your pipe ashes. 4. Use the ash tray in your car. Communication was received from the League of Women Voters of Albemarle County expressing to the Board its hope that the current tax rate be maintained for the coming year~ and that the amount of $0.30, previously levied for road debts, be earmarked for school dove lopment.. The following claims against the Dog Tax Fu4d were presented: (a) Claim of Mr. W. H. Gimbert for one ewe killed by dogs. Upon motion, ·ade by Mr. Chiles and seconded by Mr. Dottier, it was ordered that Mr. Gimbert be paid $20.00 for this ewe. (b) Claim of J. G. White Estate for one lamb and one ewe killed by dogs. Upon motion, duly made ~and ~.econded, it was ordered that $12.00 be allowed for ~he ewe and $6.00 for the lamb. (c) Claim of Lyston D. B. Cady for two ewes killed by dogs. Upon motion, made by Mr. Chiles and seconded by Mr. Wood, it was ordered that Nr. Cady be paid $20.00 each for these ewes. Mr, Robinson advised the Board that Mrs. G. R. PasChal had questioned, the payment of the sheep claim allowed her at the last meeting. Mrs. Paschal stated that she had assessld her sheep for the year 1950 at $20.00 each but she had been paid for the sheep killed this year at the 1949 assessment of $12.00 each shd requested that she be paid the difference. Mr. Robinson advised that her assessment had not been filed prior to the date the sheep were killed. Upon motion, made by Mr. Wood and seconded by Mr. Williams, it was ordered that in this case and all eases sLmilar to this which may a~ise in the-f~e', that claims be paid on the basis of the latest return on file in the office of the Director of Finance at the date of such claims. Report of the County Executive for the mont~ of February, 1950, ~ presented amd approved. Communication was received and re~d from the Young Men's Business Clab enclosing a resolution requesting that no taxes, Federal, State, or local, be increased. No action was taken on this matter. Mr. D. A. Robinson, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses of the Deoartment of Finance for the month of February, 1950, oneSthird of which to be borne by State. proved. Mr. D. A. Robinson, Director of Finance,~submitted.a Statement of Expenses of the Sheriff's Office for the month of February, 1950, two-thirds of which to be borne by the Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified, and ap- Mr. D. A. Robinson, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses of the Commonwealth's Attorney's Office for the month of February, 1950, one-half of which to be paid by the State. Upon motion, dulymade and seconded, this Statement was examined, yeti- lied, and approved. Statement of ExpBsses incurred in the maintenance of the County Jail and a Summary Statement of Prisoner Days were submitted. Upon motion, duO, made and seconded, these Statements ~ere examined, verified, and approved. Claim of Dr. Richard T..Ergenbright, Jail Physician, in the amount of $3.00 was ~ presented and approved for payment. Report on the audit of accounts and records of Jesse B. Wilson, Trial Justice, for'! the fiscal year ended June 30, 1949, was received from J. Gordon Bennett, Auditor of Public Accounts~ and ordered filed. A petition was received from numerous merchants ope~atfng in the County, requesting that the Albemarle County Ordinance regarding the sale of b~eer and wine be amended ~o as to permit +~he 'sale of bee~ on Sundays for off premises consumption in the County. Mr. E. C. Nir~ield, Attorney, appeared on behalf of these petitioners and asked that consideration be given to this request. Mr. Wingfield was advised that an ordinance would be prepared and! presented ~ the next meetiug of the Board, at which time the Board would order the intent o~f proposal of such an ordinance ~published, setting the Nay, 1950, meeting as the time for public hearing on sgme. A contract for the keep of Federal prisoners was received from the United States Marshal. Mr. D. A. Robinson, Ceunty Executive, recommended that the per diem rate be in- creased from $1.00 ~o $2.00. Upon motion, made by Mr. Chiles and seconded by Mr. Wood, the contract as received from the U. S. Marshal was approved with a $2.00 per diem rate, and Mr. McCue, Chairmah of the Board, was authorized to execute same. Communication was received from the Greenwood Community League urgi~ that action be taken as soon as ~ossible to put into effect plans for the consolidated white high school Upon motion, du~ymade and seconded, the following resolutions were unanimously ~ adopted in accordance with requests received from the School Board: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemsm~le County, 'Virginia, that $11,O00.00 be and is hereby transferred from the Unappropriated Behe~l Fumi Surplus to Capital Outlay, Architect's Fees, for preliminary drawing~ and engineering services for the proposed white central high school. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that $125.00 be and is hereby transferred from the Un- appropr~iated ~choo1 Fu~d Surplus to Capital Outlay, Code' 19-600, in order that D.~ B. Marshall may be paid for legal services in connection with the title to the site for the white Central High School. Upon motion, made by Mr. Dorrier, and seconded by Nr~. Wood, the following reso- lution was unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle ~ County, Virginia, that $250.00 be and is hereby transferred from the Un- ~ appropriated Reserve of the General Fund to Public Assistance, Textbooks for indigents. A~ the red, est of Ro Belle Burke, District' Home Demonstration .Agent, the Board gave its approval of Miss Elise Noel,- Assistant :Home Demonstration ~gent, taking advantage of a two-week in training course at Blacksburg for the period March 28th to April 7th. Upon motion, made by ~. Dorrier and seconded by Mr. Wood, Nr. Allen K. Rmndolph was appointed to serve as a member of the Albemarle County Planning Oommission for a term of four years e~i~ December 31, 1953. Communications were received from ~r. W. E. Duke amd Nfl Dave Canning regarding the Albemarle County Seal adopted at the last meeting of the Board and were ordered filed. Communications were received from the State Chamber of Commerce regarding Tax Relief measures and the Chamber's Twenty-six~ Amuual ~eeting were received and ordered file~. Attention of the Board having been called to a suit filed in the Circuit Court of Albemarle County by J. S. Hartm~an against Jos~ephone D. Thurmond and Others, in which sui~ the bill names the Albemarle County Board of Public W~are as a party defendent, on motion, duly ma~e and seconded, it is ordered that the matter be referred to the Commonwealth's Attorney with authority to take such action with respect thereto as in his judgment may see~: advisable. Claim of the Virginia Forest Service in the amount of $101.84 was presented and approved f~ payment. Nr, D. A. Robinson, County Executive, recommended that since the Forest Service insisted that radio mainten~uce service be considered a part of the County's obligation under the terms of Section 541 of the Forest Fire Control Act, that the expense of this service be considered as well as a pro rata share of the cost of maintaining and operating the central radio station radio equipment in determining the County's obligation under Section 541. The Board concurred with Mr. Robinson's recommendation in this matter. Claim of 0. R. Randolph in the ~mo~mt of $83.43 was approved for professional services rendered in August, 1959, covering field inspection and preparation of may of State Route 6~.6 and 151 as e~hibit in CommOnwealth versus John Harris. Com~cation was received ~frcm F. O. Gardner, Jr. requesting refund of personal property tax paid Eor the year 1949. No action was taken on this matter. Upon motion, du!ymade and seconded, Messrs. J. B. Kegley, Hugh N. Clark, and A. Gaines Fray were appointed as the County's Equalization Board for the calendar year 195o. Request was received from Dr. S. D. Sturkie to reallocate $975.60 of Unexpended Funds in the current fiscal budget. Upon motion, made byMr. Wood and seconded by Mr. Dorrier, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that $975.60 be trans2erred from 21-127.5, Compensation of Graduate Nurse, to bhe following cedes within the Health Fund: For: ~-Covering of floor of nurses and sanitarian room with linoleun. (2) Painting of woodwork in nurses and sanitarian room. (3) Labor and material for additional light (4 tube) and moving present light in nurses quarters. (4) Venetiau blinds for 7 windows. (5) Labor and material for door to sanitarian room. (6) Part-time clerical assistance ays (7) Sink and wire basket, dishware. (8) One hand level. (9) Printing of im~mnization certifi- cates. Code Amount 21-215 $35O.OO 21-215 100.00 21,215 35.00 21-215 I19.00 21-21~ 75~00 21-!09.2 126.00 21-405 100.00 21-405 5.6O 21-319 65~G0~' The proposed budget for the year beginning July 1, 195O and ending June 30, 1951, was discussed, and a synopsis of same was ordered published according to Law, and IO:OOA.M. April 19, 1950, the date of the regular April meeting of the Board of County Supervisors. Claims against the County amounting to $77,137.59 were presented, examined, and allowed and certified to the Director of Finance for payment and charged against the follow- in~ funds: General Fund School Fund Dog Tax Fund Crozet Fire Dist. Fd. Crozet Sanitary Dist. Fund Joint Health Fund School Construction Bond Fund Total $12,3.48.00 59,325.14 236.70 45.28 136.28 2, 886.64 72.7_LT7 $77,137.59 Upon motion, the meeting adjourned. Chairman.