HomeMy WebLinkAbout1950-04-19 A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle Co~ty, Virginia was held ~t the Office Building of said County on the 19th day of April, 1950. Present: Nessrs. C. Purcell McCue, E. J. Ballard, Henry Chiles, C. R. Dorrier, j. W. V~illiams, and W. N. Wo~d. Absent: None. Officers present: Co~ty Executive a~d Commonwealth's Attorney. Minutes of the meeting of March 15, 1950, were read and approved. Communication was received from the ~League of ~omen Voters expressing to the Board the League's complLments and thanks for the Board's far-sightedness, practicality, regard for economy, and regard for the needs of the County Schools. Communication was received from T. W. Ross, Assoc. Right of Nay Engineer, advising that in obtaining a separate' deed on Route 795, Project 1302-05(1372), through the property of E. L. Bailey, it would be necessary for this Board to pass a resolution asking for same, Upon motion, made by Mr. Dorrier and seconded by Mr. Chiles, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: BE IT P~SOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albe- marle County, Virginia, that inasmuch as the approach to Route 734 requires a right of way through the property of E o L. Bailey in con- nection with the' Federal Aid Project on Route 795, Prcj-ect No. 1302-05(1372), that this Board does hereby recommend totthe Highway Department that this right of w~y be secured in connection with this pr.o jeer. Mr. W. W. Shields, Resident Engineer, appeared and advised that the Highway De- partment would clean up as much trash along the highway, as possible before July~ after which time the law would protect the property owners. The matter of public dumps in the County was again discussed ~nd the matter was referred to the Planning Commission for study. Mr. Chiles advised that he would be glad to work with the Planning Commission in this m~ter. Communications were received from the Department of Highways enclosing copies of tenative Secondary Road Allocations for the fiscal year July l, 1950 to June 30, 1951, and also Tentative Allocations of Mrimary construction funds for the year 1950-51. Communication was received from the Department of Highways advising ~hat the Highway Commission, on Narch 23, 1950, confirmed the resolution of this Board adopted on Sgptember 21, 19~9, approving the abandonment of 0.09 mile ~f Route 317 (Blue Ridge Sanitor- ium), under Project No. 1481-A. Communication~was received from the Dep~tment of Highways advising that the following additions to the Secondary System of Albemsmle County had been approved, effective July l, 1959, in accordance with resolutions of this Board d~ted February 15, 1959, reques- ting s~me: (1) From Route 771 to 0.16 Nile East to Dead End - Length 0.16' Nile. (2) From Route 625 to 0.4 Nile Northeastl ~o Dea~ Ehd * ~Leng.th iGj~ Nile. (3) From Route 712, North of North Garden, to 0.5 Nile Northeast to Dead End - Length 0.5 Nile. ($) Beginz~ing at End of State ~aintenance on ROute 769 and continuing to the South for a distance of 0.2 Nile - Length 0.2 ~ile. (5) From end of State 5~aintenance on Route 734 and continuing to the Northwest for 0.2 Mile to Dead End - Length 0.2 Nile. A resolution was received from the Stony Point Road Community Association reques- ting the Board to t~J:e appropriate action in the inclusion of Route 613 in the Primary Syste .~No action was taken by the Board at this time due to the fact that a resolution to this ef- 42' Mr. Hugh Flaunagan, members of the Red Hill, Greenwood, Neriwether Lewis, and McIntire Parent-Teacher AssOciations, and members of the League of Women Voters appeared and expressed to the Board their desire for the $3.50 tax rate to be maintained, setting aside the $0.27 Road Levy for School financing. In discussing the adoption of the Budget, Nr. C. R. Dorrier reported that the com- mittee appointed at the last meeting of the Board had approved the appropriations as set up in the proposed budget, appropriating $1200.00 each to the Crozet Fire Company, the Scotts- ville Fire Oompany, and the Charlottesville Fire Company. He further reported that the Committee recomended that in the event Charlottesville does not accept the $1200.00 approp$ ri~t~d?~to its Fire Company, this amount should be devided between Scottsville and Crozet at the end of the year. Mr. Dorrier also advised the Board that the Scottsville Fire Company desired an appropriation from th~s Board of $2400.~0 for the next i~o years, no appropriation to be requested during the two years following. Mr. Dorrier made a motion that the proposed budget for the year 1950-51 be amended so as to appropriate $2400.00 instead of $1200.00 to the Scottsvil~e Fire Company. No second was received to tCr. Dorrier's motion. Following this discussion of the Budget for the year beginning July 1, 1950, and ending June 30, 1951, the same was adopted by the following recorded vote - ~yes: C. PumcellI McCue, E. J. Ballard, Henz7 Chiles, C. R. Dorrier, J. W. Williams,aand W. W. Wood. Curremt (195()i $16,800.00 ~ .59 Delinquent. LAND RED~MPTI ~S FE~: Clerk Sheriff Co~onwealth ttorney Tr~sfer FI~S BO~ 0F ~IS~ ~S STA~ SUPP~ ~T~: 1/3 Dept. of ~ ~ce ~p. ~ 2~3 Sheriff' s ~ff ~' ~. N~nte~nce o~ Jail, Care Pris. Capitation T~ ~s A.B.C. Pr0fit~ Distribution Rol~ S~ock ~ RE~T~ OF CO~ ~Y PROP~TY LICENSES DOG T~ FUND ~ ~ANS~ S~E 0F PROPE~ H ~LIC ASSIST~ ~CE G~S ~FU~ 0N V.P. ~ C~C~ ~COt~IES V.~ .A. F~ NI~A~ ~hE ~ D~ C~ GASOLt~ T~ ~ ~S I~ST 0N B~ ~E DEPOSITS PR~ ~ES TOT~ GEi~ ~ Sale of Dog Ta ~s~oss) TOTAL DOG TAX JND ~SST. FUND: ~en. Fund ASST. FUND !SG yA..~ PUBLIC Trans~ er from TOTAL VA. PUBLI Year Ended June 30, 1949 June 30, 1950 ~'~" "' ~ .___~Estimated) ,~.~.~'.~.!a ~ Y ..... 133,520. ]% 175,000. C~3 oes: on,'9. ALB~LE COUNT¥, VIRGINIA REVE~ EST 'INATES E~!NG J~E 30~ 1951 FOR T~ ~ " . _ Ye-~ End~g Ten'bative Increase Over Decrea~ ~nder Estimate Ye~ ~ding Ye~ En~ng ~' OOC LC.~ .00 -~ 25,000.00 27,958.43 39,120.00 40,824.00 1,704.00' -O- c~ 500~00 8,380.00 1,880.00 -0- 11,161.55 ..., 4,464.8~ 2,000.00 5,000.00 3,000.00 -0- 477.29 300.00 700.00 400.00 -0- 4,256.90 2,000.00 2,500.00 500.00 -0- 15,156.55 901.14 2,3'51.72 661.5O 2,203.68 299.27- 12,000.O0 14,000.00 2,000.00 800.00 800.00 -0- -0- 100.00 100.00 -O- -0- ~600.00 600.00 -0- -0- 2, 000.00 2, 000. O0 -0- -0- 250.00 2,500.00 2,250.00 -O- 10,O00.O0 ll, 500.O0 1,500.00 -0- 2,750.00 2,760.00 10.00 -0- 12,500.00 14,000.00 1,500.00 -0- 1,800.00 1,800.00 -0- -0- 1,500.00 2,500.00 1,000.00 -0- 90,000.00 90,000.00 -0- -0- 600.00 800.00 200.00 -0- 6,000.00 9,060.00 3,060.00 -O- 500.00 500.00 -0- -0- 1,315.00 858.00 -0- 457.00 -0- -0- -0- -0- 102,956.50 125,565.50 22,609.00 -0- 500.00 1,000.00 500.00 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 1,000,00 -0- -0- 1,000.00 500.00 500.00 -0- -0- 2~0.00 30°00 -0- 170.00 -0- -0- -0- -0- _ -0- -0- -0- -0- ~l]~'~ 488,2?7.50 /¢-.,113.00 28,627.00 8,840.93 ~0~ 12,212.08 2,44~.98 2,973.50 105,309.23 892.94 35,212.50 2,200.00 2,061.67 1,882.00 89,186.23 2,395.86 1,517.50 1,370.87 1,499.33 1,454.67 -0- _9.60 ~444,866.92 9,000.0__0_ lO,O00.O0 9,000.00 10,000.00 ~1~0.00 -0- 1,000.00 -0- _ 9.2191100 9,219.00 115,600.00 115,600.00 152,000.00___ 36,~Q0.00 152,000.00 36,400.00 -0- 103, i47.80 103,147.80 Fi~mi Estimate . ~y Board ; 150,000.00 40,824.00 8,380.00 5,000.00 700.00 2,500.00 1/+,O00.O0 8OO.OO llO0.00 6OO.OO 2~000.00 2,500.00 Il, 500.00 2,760.00 1%,000.00 1,800.00 2,500.00 90,000.00 800.00 9,060.00 500.00 -0- 125,565.50 1,000.00 -0- 500.OO 30.00 -0- -o- 488,277.50 ~I 10,000.00_ _ ,,,,~ 10,000.00 ~ 152,000,00 152,000.00 tH00L FUIfD: )iR.~TY FUNDS: ~ES: ~rent (1950) $16,8 (Effective Rate of .:linquent Taxes LSH APPROPRIATION PATE FUIYDS: ~neral Appropriatio lpervision ocational Education pecial Education apt. ' s Salary ransportation rincipals ' Salaries osOital & Sanatori~ et. Training in Ag~ arm Machinery Repsd amue~ff af~teria ick Leave for Teac~ TEER FUNDS: awson Fund )0.00 @ 2.30 $2.555) ~' Salaries .culture rs REVENUE ESTIMATES - CONTJNUED uition - Other Div~ions uition- Private Sa~rcem ale of Supplies lale of R. E. and Ot~er Property ,ents, Rebates & Mms '~asoline Tax Refund lale of Textbooks )onations - Librarie ~I%ICIPATED SURPLUS .:0TAL SCHOOL FUND ~1 SPECIAL SCHOOL ~urrent (1950) $16,~)0,000.00 ~..60 (Effective rat ~. of .667) ."0TAL SPEC. SCH. CA~ OUTLAY FD. .~CINTIRE TRUST FUND: ~atiormul Bank & Trus Co. PeoDles National B~ Literary Fund of Vi~ ~inia ~OTAL MC~T!P~E TRUS~ FOND JOIh~ HEALTH DEPART~ :]NT FU~: 21-800.1 State 21-800.2 University ~f Virginia 21-900.! County of ~.bemarle 21-900~2 City of Ch~lottesville 21-1ooo NSC 21-1100 IVNA TOTAL JOINT HEALTH EPT. FUND 41 CROZET SANITARY Anticipated Surplus ginning of Year 4t-10 Water Rents 41-20 Water Connect~ 41-30 Fire Hydrant 41-40 Sale of Mater~ 41-50 Cut 0'ff Charg~ 41-90 NOC TOTAL CRO WZET SAN. Di TOTAL REVENUE ESTIM~ YEAR ENDING JUNE 30 1 51~ . __.~ Year Ended Year Ended Increase Over Decrease Under June 30, 1959 June 30, 1950 Tentative Year E~iding Year Ending I (Actual__) ~Estimat_ed) Estimate June 30_, 1950 June 30,. 1950 340,806.B 342,300.00 ~86,4oo.oo 44,1oo.oo 15,841. 58 -0- -0- -0- l, 770.20 -O- -O- -0- 237,4~2.68 6,333.32 28,158.56 8,319.92 !, 9 56.00 20,696.72 666.66 -0- --0-- -0- /+7O.67 -0- --0-- 977.5O 3,238.80 932.00 -0- 2,951.60 1,978.13 2,067.17 8,618.90 822.49 _99,12_5._59_ 783,174.62 18 5,717.00 196,282.00 10,565.00 7,000. O0 7,000. O0 -0- 15,600. O0 16,200.00 600.00 -0- -0- -0- 1,956.00 1,~956.00 -O- 55,000.00 55,000.O0 -0- 1,325. O0 !,325.00 -0- 8,740.00 9,140.00 400.00 12,600.00 13,200.00 600.00 4O0.00 400.00 -o- 600. O0 600. O0 -0- 1,200.00 1,200.00 -0- 1,200. O0 1,200. O0 935.00 975.00 40.00 1, 500. O0 500. O0 -0- 500,00 800.00 300.00 100. O0 100. O0 -0- 2,000. O0 2, 500.00 500.00 l, 596. O0 2,000. O0 404.00 1,800.00 2,000.00 200.00 12,000. O0 12,000.O0 -0- -0- -0- -O- YITAL OUTLAY FUIYD: iSTR~CT FUND: -0- -0- -0- -0- 1, 000. O0 --0-- -0- -0- --0-- ~inal Estimate y Board __ 386,400.00 -0- -0- 196,282.00 7,000.00 16,200.00 1,956.00 55,000.o0 1~325.00 -9,tzD. oo 13,200.00 4oo.oo 600.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 975.00 SO0.00 8OO.OO 100.00 2,500.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 12,000.00 -0- at Be- 19.886.00--, 15.543.50 -0- 672,755.00 726,321o50 58,909.00 -0- 87,600.00 100,800.00 13,200.00 -0- 87,600.00 100,800.00 13,200.00 4,342550 _ . , 5,342.50 726,321.50 ~ 19_o, 8o0..oo 100,800.00 1,143..05 964.89 375.00 2,482.94 1,200. O0 1, 075. O0 -0- 1, 000. O0 1, O00. O0 --0- ~75.00 3,,7.5.00 -o- 2,575.00 2,450.00 --0- 125.00 -0- -0.~,, 125.00 i, 075.00 1,000.00 .37,5.00 2,450.00 10,581.67 1,800.00 10,127.50 7,705.82 279.46 -0- 30,494.45 14,160. O0 14, 917.~00 7 57.00 -0- 2,000.00 2,000.00 -0- -O- ll,050.O0 12,371.86 1,321.86 -O- ll,050.O0 10,879.~14 -0- 170.86 --0- -0- -0- -0- 38,695.00 40,603 ,'00 2, 07'8i86 170.86 14,917.00 2,000.00 12,371.86 10,879.14 -0- I 435.00 40,603.00~ O/iS sntals ~ls 7,357.61 157.50 525.00 29.29 ~0~ 1,000.00 1,500~00 500.00 7,400.00 9,000~O0 1,600.00 50.00 250'00 200.00 700.00 900'00 200.00 15,00 t00.00 85.00 ,. 10.00 10..00 -O- -0- ~0- -0- 1, 500l. O0 9,000.00 25O*OO 900,00 lO0.O0 1G.O0 -0- BT. FUND 8,077.~0 rES, ALL FDS.1,247,942.99 9,175.00 !1,760.O0 2,585.00 1,408,191.50 1,532,212,00 156,285.86 -0- [ n,7 .o0 1i 532,212.00 32,265.36 GEneRAL F~:.~:~ iA'RD. OF C0. SUPERVISORS 100 Comp. o~'Members 21g Ins~ ~re~iums T AL. Bp.lo!I s wso EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES YEAR ENDED JUNE 0~ Year Ending June 30, 1950 Aoorooriation Exoenditure Appropriation 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 -0- -0- -0- ,, 2Po.qo, , , zDo.06 ~4oQ.oo 2,200.00 2,~00.06 22,400.00 Increase Over Dec~eas~ Under Proposed Year Ending Year E~ding Exoeqditur.e _ June.30, 1950 _ June 301~ -- ~950 000. O0 -0- -0- -0- -0- -~- 400. O0 -0- ., , ~', -0- 400.00 -0- -0- Allowed By Board 2,000.! .. .4QO.~ 2,400.( 1AAMISC. 105 Recor[ 199~ROad ~ i99a Tax 200 Advsr~ 201 Audit 206 Dues 213Workme 214 Rents 214~Rent o 219Contri ~State .Local city 39~ $~RVICES .~g Fees -O- 5o.oo .e ':~ds 300.00 .is~Lug 100.00 1,250. OO League Va. Counties 250.00 Compensation 100. O0 ~ Deposit Box 25.00 F' ~Rest Room. -0- - Ch.of Commerce. ).00 -g- 20.00 10.00 62.95 50.00 50.00 2 · 34 300. O0 300. O0 407.14 100. O0 t00. O0 903 · 09 1,250.00 l, 250 · O0 246.52 250. O0 250. O0 8.92 125. O0 125. O0 25. O0 25.00 -0- -0- 180. O0 180, O0 -0- t~D';OO:t -0- -0- 50.( -0- ~ -0- 300. ( -0- ti-0- 100.( -0- ! -0- 1,250. £ ~ 250.C -~ 125.£ -0- -0- t80. C 275.00 ~184%2__0'~,275.00 3,275.00 3,275.00 4,459.20 1,184.20 400.00 210.00 -0- -0- -0- 400 Purchase 400#3 Auto Mkintenance 6OO 6014H 999~Cash A] 999 Cash 999'Cash A 999 Unappr TOTAL MISC~ lB CO. EXE( 102 Comp. 206 Dues & 212 Ins. ~ 215 Rep. & 218 Tel. & 220'TravelJ 319Statioz 405 Office TOTAL CO. 2,718.94 2,718.94 -0- -0- -o- 148.46 -o- -o- of Land 500.00 -0- -0- -0- 300. O0 -0- -0- -O- ~op. to_ other fds. -0- 21,013.04 -0- -O- ~'op.-Sch,Fund 25,770.20 1,770.20 -0- -O- .-Road Fund 88,014.68 88,014.68 88,014.68 -O- Reserve _( 54, 630.2~8) . . -0- 86 8~. 2 .150,000. O0 68,423.54 118,806.28 180,575.00 156,724.20 :U~IVE OFFICE )f! C. E. S~bscri~tions e~.-Surety B6nd t, 380.00 1,380.00 2,400.00 2,400.00 20.00 -0- 20.00 20.00 25.00 -0- 25.00 25.00 ;n. Equipment -0- -0- 30.00 30.00 ~!, Postage 70.00 124.35 100.00 125.00 Expenses -0- -0- 200.00 200.00 y, Prints rms. lO0.O0 38.49 25.00 50.00 [uipment 125.00 125.00 50.00 -O- ~C. OFFICE 1,720.00 1,667.84 2,850.00 2,850.00 lC DEPT. O~ ~iNANCE 102CComp. ¢ fl Director 105 RecordJ ag of ~elin. 109 Comp. fl Assistants: R,E.. Sours~ 3360.00 June T ~' Via 2400.00 Va. Dare Hi~s 1800.00 Na~.[j. ~ Johmson~ 1680.00 Cgroline Wo ~ 1680.00 Margaret R. ~ace 1560.00 M.Louise Ha~a 150~0. O0 AsseSsors i 3000.00 Extra Help ! 1800.0__0 200 204 Book 206 Dues & 212 Ins -Surety Bonds 215 Rep. & Equipment 218 Tel. & ,~l., Postage 220 Expenses 319 SZation~ Printed Fins. 399 40 5 Office TOTAL DEPT. -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- [~-0- --0- 88, 0~. 68 63,014.68. .... 64, t98.88 88,04 -0- 25.0O -0- 25.00 --0-- 50. O0 6, !20. O0 6,120.00 5,600, O0 6,100.00 500.00 200. O0 170.30 200. O0 200. O0 -0- 17,740.00 15,613.40 18,060.00 18,780.00 720.00 125.00 tZ~.75 175.00 175.0o -o- 15.00 19.00 15.00 24.00 9.o0 20.00 28.00 50.00 50.00 -0- 355.00 367.78 175.00 -0- -0- -0- 3!9.z~ 300.00 300.00 -0- 75.00 864.02 1,000.00 1,000.00 -0- t00.00 738.65 1,200.00 1,200.00 -0~ 2,000.00 1,926.58 1,700.00 1,700.00 -0- 10.00 10.00 t0.00 10.00 -~- 350.00 350.00 42'5.00 425.00 -0- I~F FINENCE 27, llO.O0 1D C~LL. OF ~R~.LIN. LA~ TAZF~ 102 Comp. o~ l~ttor~ey 2,500.00 1E BD~ OF EQUALIZATION 100 Comp. o~_lMembers 1,260.00 109 Comp. o~iAssessors,Clerk 8,939.44 200 Edverti~s~ng 32. ~0 218 Tel. & T~l., Postage 75.00 220 Travelin i Expenses l, 102.88 319 Statione 'y, Printed Fins. 31.18 17 4,459.2 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -O -O . o,ooo.o, 156,724.2t 2,400.01 20.0( 25.0( 30.0( 125.0( 200.0( 50.0( -0~ 2;850.0( 6,100.0C 200. OC TOTAL BD. OF 1F TAX 102 Comp. of 109 Comp. of i8,780.00 175.00 24.00 .: 5O. O0 300.00 !,000.00 1,200~00 1, 700~ 00~ lO.O0 425.00 29,964.00 26,675.96 28,910.00 29,964.00 1,229.00 17 ,00 · . .l, 565~. 27 2_, OOO. 60 2, 000. O0 -0- -0- 2,000. O0 480.00 2,000.00 500.00 -0- 8,949.34 -0- 2,080.00 2,080.00 32.40 ~5.00 25.00 -0~ 82.85 75.00 110,00 35.00 1,102.88 150.00 150.00 -0- 31.18 25.00 25.00 -0- 1, 50C EQUALIZATION 11,440.00 10,678.65 2,275.00 2,890.00 2,115.00 1, 50C .00 500.00 -o- 22,080.00 -0- 25.00 -0- 1!0.00 -0- 150.00 -0- 25.00 .00 2,890.00 Eng~eers -O- Assistants 201.00 -0- 268.08 2,067.63 1,00C 40C 1,85C 2,536.71 2,541.71 5,700.00 2,450.00 -0- 3~25C~00 2,450.00 200 Travelin~ Exoenses 319 Statione~liy, ~rinted Fms. 405 Office ~uipment TOTAL TAX MAP -0- 2,000.00 2,000.00 -0~ 201.00 1,000.00 -0- -0- -0- 200.00 200.00 -0- 268.08 500.00 100.00 -0- 2,067.63 2,000.00 150.00 -0- -0- 2,000.00 .00 -0- -0- 200.00 .00 100.00 · 00 150.CO 52 EXPE~U~ITURE EST/NATES - CONTiND~D YEAR ENDED JIE~ 30, 1949 Year Ending June 30, 1950 Proposed I ApUropriati0n' Expenditure %~!Uropriation Expenditure CO. PA~NNING CO~SSION )2 Comp. of Engineer 300.00 10 Advertising ~ -0- -0- .8 Tel. & Tel, Post~ge -0- 80.56 -9 Stationery, Pri~ed Fms. 200.00 265.20 ~AL CO. PLANNING C~If~4. 500.00 345.76 YEAR ENDI~ JUE~. 30, 1951 Increase Over Decrease Under Year Ending~ Year Ending Allowed June 30, 1950 Ju~e 30, 1950 iBEBoard 30Q. O0 300.00 -0- -O- 250. O0 250.00 -0- -0- -0- 75..00 75.00 -0- ~00..00 75.00 -0- 225.00 850.00 700.00 75.00 225. O0 300.00 250.00 75.00 75.0p 7OO.OO -RECORDING OF DOC~ENTS )l' Comp. of Clerk1 )5~ Certifying Votin~ List )9 Comp. of Assistants: . L. Maupin 2 ~80.00 ~len. Humbert 1 )80.00 ~cy B. Harris 1%0.00 )l Auditing )4 Book Binding L2 ins. Prem. - Sur L5 Rep. & Mtm.- Equ [8 Tel. & Tel., Pos 50 Excess Fees Pd.t L7 Record Books LTd Re-Index Books L9 Stationery, Prin ~9 Miscellaneous 35 Office Equipment )TAL RECORDING OF D ~ CIRCUIT COURT 32 Comp. of Judge 33 Comp. of Relief~. &ry. 09 Comp. of Stenogr; .pher 21 Jurors & Witness, .s 22 Jury Commission 18 Tel. & Tel., Pos' .age 14 Libraries 19 Stationery, Prin' 3TAL CIRCUIT COURT B TRIAL JUSTICE C0~ 15 Rep~ & Mtn. Equi: ,merit 18 Tel. & Tel., Pos' .age 17 Record Books 19 Stationery, Prin' 99 Miscellaneous 05 Office Equipment OTAL T. J. COURT C C0~O~fEALTH ATTY OFFICE .02 Comp. of Comm. A-ry. .09 Comp. of Stenogr~ )her II Doctors Fees, Co: mer. 18 .Postage .... OTAL COMM. ~TTORNEY IFFICE oo0. oo 4, 999.92 5,000] oo 5, oo0. oo_ 300. O0 197.60 200.00 200. OO 6,240.00 6,240,00 6,360~00 6,600.~0 125.00 ]3+4.55 150,00 150.00 800.00 35.58 800,00 800.00 ~ty Bonds 35.00 35.00 3f/S00 3.5.00 .pment -0= 25.80 37.50 50.00 ~age i O0.00 211.03 200.00 250.00 £tate 500.00 329.54 350.00 1, O00.00 1,000.00 807.46 1,000.00 1,000.00 100.00 -0- -0- 100. O0 ;ed Fms. 500.00 285.94 400.00 300.00 250.00 -0- -0- -0- 300.00 202.50 -0- 150.00 tCI~ENTS15,25~O0 13,514.92 14,532.50 15,635.00 240.00 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 12.50 -0- 50.00 -o- 650.00 -o- 100.00 -0- -0- I00~00 -O- l 0 oo -0- 1,202.50 100.00 .ed Fins. 1,311.70 1,601.05 1,601'05 1,601.05 50~00 60.00 I00.00 100.00 720.00 720.00 720.00 720.00 1,000.00 1,069.00 1,000.00 1,000~00 50.00 45.00 50.00 50.00 40.00 59.21 60.00 75.00 i5.O0 22.00 25.00 25.00 -0- .59 ~0- -0- 5,000.00 200.00 3,186.70 3,576.85 3,556~05 3,571.05 6,600.00 150.00 ~ 800.00 35.00 5O.00 250.00 1,000.00 1, 000. O0 100. O0 i 300.00 150.QO _ I15,635.00 ed Fms. -o- 7.47 15~00 1~.00 40.00 74.93 75.oo 10o.00 30.0o -o- 25.00 25.00 40.00 100.92 125.00 125.o0 5.00 -0- ~o- -0- 125.0o ~8.00 -o- -o- z40.O0 281.32 240.00 265.00 -0- -0- ~ 1,601.05 -0- -0- 100.00 -0- -0- " 720.00 -0- -0- 1 1,000.00 -0- -0~ 50.00 15.00 -0- ~ 75.00 -0- -0- I 25.00 -0- -0- ~ -0- 4, 500. O0 4,291.65 -0- 200. O0 150~,00. . 755..-10 -0- -0- 4,200.00 4,400.00 580.00 600.00 700.00 .... ~./?~0~ 20.00 -20.,00 5,500.00 5,020.00 4, 650.00 5,246.75 15.00 -0- t 3,571.05 A POLICING & IE~EST: .02 ¢omp. of Sheriff .06 Comp. of Deputie~ '. A. Smith 2~ . S. Cook 2~ -. W. Wolfe 2~ ;. R, Marshall 24I 'uiton Thomas 19~ !adio Dispat.(3) 36( .ll Coroner's Fees -99 Arrest _Wa~ .ants.. ~t2 Ins.Prem.-Surety 28 Tel. & Tel, Post~ !20 Mileage !20a Traveling Expen~ ~24 Maintenance Radi¢ $19 Stationery, Prini $25 Uniforms $99 Miscellaneous ~00 Auto Purchase ~00~Auto Maintenan, ~00~8 Auto Maintenan, ~00~9 Auto Maintenanc ~O0~10 Auto Maintenaz ~05 Office Equipment ~99 Police Equipment ~0TAL POLICING & IB~ ~C CONFI~PE~ENT & C~ 102 Comp. of Jailor 106 Comp. of Cook lll Doctors 215 R~p. & Maintenan~ 218 Tel. & Tel., Pos~ ~O1 Bedding ~ATING 3,636.00 3,63~.00 3,636.00 3,636.00 .00 0.00 O.O0 0.00 0.00 0.00 15,O90.00 15,090.23 16,740.00 '-0- -0- -0- -0- 8.00 ,O- Bonds 50.00 60.00 55.00 ge 75.00 159.52 125.00 70.O0 -0~ 50.0O as 100.00 27.85 50,00 Equip. 800.00 907.00 800.00 ~d Fms. 50.00 147.74 25.00 545.25 5548.17 200.00 15.00 4.68 15.00 4,736.56 4,736.56 -0- 350.00 625.96 500.00 350.00 649.15 500.00 ~ 300.00 655.67 500.00 ce 300.00 897.39 50.0.00 !0.00 -0- 15.00 4,022.50 4,030.00 25.00 15,180.00 I, 000.00 I0.00 55.00 150.00 50.O0 50.00 528.00 50.00 200. O0 15.O0 6OO.OO 60o.oo 600.00 600.00 15.00 25.00 STIG. 30,500~31 32,183.92 23,736.G0 23,364,00 OF PRISONERS i,770.00 1,770.00 300. O0 300. O0 75.00 69.25 ~ge 50. O0 73.25 100.00 78.00 -0- -0- 15.00 25.00 -0- 100.00 -0- -0- 25.00 -0- -O- -0- 25.00 -0- ! 265.00 200.00 '-0- 4,400.00 20.00 -0- ! 600.00 -0- . ,-,~0- , ,. ~ 20~O0 220.00 ?00.00 5,020.00 1, 860.00 480.00 75.00 t, 500.00 75.00 200. O0 9 _ NNrl qN 3,636.00 2~0.00 1,800.00 ~ 15,180.O0 1,000.00 -0- 1 i,O00.00 lO.O0 -O- 10.00 -0- -0- 55.00 25.00 -O- 150.00 -0~ -0- 50.00 'C~ -0- t 50.00 -0- 272.00 I 528.00 25.00 -0- ~I 50.00 -0- -0- ~ 200.00 -0- -0- ~ 15.00 -0- -0- l -0-' 100.00 -0- ~i 600.00 100.00 -0- ~ 600.00 100.00 -0- 600.00 i00.00 -0- 600.00 -O- -0- 15.00 -0- -0- 25.00 1,700.00 2,O72.O0 1,860.00 -0- -0- 48O.OO -0- -0- 100.00 25.00 _ -0- 1,500.00 -0- -0- 90.00 15.O0 -0- 200.00 -O- --O-- 9_NNN_NN _¢~ --0-- 23~364.00 1,860.00 480.00 100.00 1,500,0g 9O.OO 200.00 2,000.00 F' ~-~ -COh~I!~0 316 Medics 319~ Static 399 Niece] TOTAL CARE EXPENDITDIRE ESTimATES - CONTINUED YEAR ENDED JI~ 30~ 1949 Year Ending ApproRriation I ~upplies 50.00 nery, Printed Fins. t0.00 laneous 50.00 OF PILIS O~iERS 4,035.00 ~215 -Mtn. R 299 Approp ville, Crc TOTAL FLRE i "~. 7FLRE PR~TION &' ~T!NCTtON 109~3 Radio ~ispatchers 1/6 -O- ll6 ~Comp. Iof i Chief Warden l, 020.00 ~ 208~Forest F~e E~t.Serv. 800.00 ~dio Equipment -0- . ~o Charlottes- ~et & Sccottsville -0- . & EXTIN. 1,820.00 S IST. CE ~embers of Bdo ~, IMembers of ~z ~Assistants: B~adford 2160. O0 ~odt 1980. O0 ~g~on 2100.00 Kat~ R. ~ll .1980.00 ~lene Bre~d~n 16~.00 ~ar~ha Bai~2e~ 1560.00 Yacht ~ 2100. O0 ~xt~a Help] ~ . 60q. O0 l~ 580.00 206 Dues &~ S~bs~iptions 2~ Ins.Pr~m~ety Bonds 5.00 218 Tel. &~Tel., Postage 180.00 220 Mileag~ ~ l, 500. O0 ~20 Te~b~Ok~-fer Indigents ~0.00 4~ Auto ~r~has~ 2, 3~. 28 ~0~l Auto M~tenance 300.00 g0~2 Auto ~inte~ce ~00.00 405 Office E~'~pment ~lO0.00 999 Transfer ~to V.P.A.~d. ~13~00.00 8B PUBLIC ~ · 00 Comp. 220 Mileag 102 Comp. 109 Comp. Eleanor F. Clair L. Jeanne St~ TOTAL PUBLI C :ASSISTANCE BSIST~NCE ~ecoveries ~:.:i! EOspital ~ia Care T.B. m~unity Fund t iHome 300.00 ~t00.00 3,000.00 !34,033.28 8C COUNTY '39%~f.P.A 70i U. 'fa. 70la Sanato 702 Alb. Co 704 Distric 705 Confed. TOTAE COUNT 50.00 7,5O0.00 Pat.2~200.O0 1,200,00 3,700~00 Widows Pen~%pD~ ~450;00 ~ ~SSISTJ~NCE 15,100.00 2_5o.oo 3!~4ISSIONS 80 LUNACY C June 30, 1950 Proposed Expenditure Aplmqpriation Expenditure 46.62 50;00 50.00 3.26' 10.00 ZO.O0, - 63.~o 50.00 50.00_ YEAR ENDING JUNE ',30," !951 Increase OVer Dec~ease Under Year Ending Year Ending June 30~.1950 June 30,_~950 Allowed BY Board -0- ~0- 50.C -0- ;-0- 10. C -o- '?.o-- 5o.c 4,771.59 6,800.00 6,8~ ,:~00~ y 40. O0 6,840.C ''-O~ -0- 900.00~ 900.00 ~LO- 900;C I~0~0;00 1,020.O0 1, O20.00 -g- -0- 1, O20.C !,OO5.53~ 800.00 650.00 -O- 15Q.O0 650. c -0- -0- 132.00 132.00 i~0- 132.C 2,025.53 -o- .I~.6oo.oo 3~O.Oo _. ~-o- 1,820.00 6,302.00 4,632.00 1501.00 6,302.0 300.00 · '148.95 3,000.00 300.00 300.00 100.00 100.00 3,300.00 4,000.00 -0- 7O0.O0 -0- 300.0 100.0 4, 000.0 10,255.93 --0~ '7.50 26.79 "517.37 1,117. !0 !181.78 376.87 313.29 2,368.28 242.58 290.13 -0- lo3,1~7.~o 122,294.37 13,200. O0 14,160. O0 960. O0 -0- 14, i60.0t -0- 25 · O0 ' 25.00 ' -0- 25.01 5.00 5.00 - -0- -0- 510~ 45.00- 75 · 00 - 30 · O0 i'~ -0- 75. O( 450. OO 550. O0 t00. O0 -0- 550.0( 1, 500.00 -0- · -O~ 1, 5OQ~OO 250. O0 200. O0 -0- 50. O0 200. O( 450.00: 450.00 -0- ,, -0- 450.0( 400. oo 400. oo -o- ,:. -o- 4o0.0( 50. O0 50.00 -0- , -0- 50.0( -0- -0- -0- ~50. O0 400. O0 150. O0 -0- 400. O( 250. O0 ~00.00 150. O0 -0- 400. O( 150.g0 150.00 -0- -0- 150~0( ll5 ~ 600.00~ 152 ~ 000. O0 36 .~. 00 L_n- 152,000.0( 38,515.90 ~.~0 173,265.0C 136,300.00 173,265.00 1, 463.12 7, 5CC. co 2 ~ 200. O0 l~ 20O. O0 4,821.37 550.00 17,734.49 -0-~ -0- 12,500.00:;. 12,500.00 1,200.00 2,400.00 1,200.00 !,200.00 5,000.00 -O- 550.00 550.00 20,450.00 16,650.00 -0- -0- -O~ -O- -0- 12, 500.0C t, 200. O0 -O- 2~ 400.0C -O- i -O- 1,200.0C (Included in 8g-703) ~0,.00 -0- -o- '~- ii-o ~ 55o.oc 1,200,00 5, 0~. O0 16;650.00 420,20__ 6--50.00 650.00 -0- ___650.op 138Reg. Vi~ 214 Rental 229.APprop. TOTAL 1,450.00 -O- 1,558.55 3,575.35 -0- -0' ;al Statistics 150.00 !35.50 ~ Health Office -g- 287.50 lio Health ~ept.~p,82q. O0 i0,9~y.~6 HEALTH 13,978.55 14,936.31 ll'ADV. OF 109 Comp. ll4 Farm T. 0. Scott H, E. C. Gj Greet $,on HO~ EC. S: 2220.00 1740.00 1020.00 1,320.00 -0- 1, 600.00 400.OO 16o.0o --0-- .1~1,O50.00 13,2i0.00 128 Home Dem~Dstrators: Ruth B. Huff 1620.00 ~ 1200.00 ~., Postage blest Prizes ~bipment & H0~ EC. Joyce T. Hog 218 Tel. & T 299 Calf Con 405 Office E TOTAL. AGRiC. 13 EL~OTZ0~Si 112 Election'Officials 214Rent 22 Cost o~ lZotmng Lisv 319 Stationel~,'~ Printed Fins. 399 Miscell~f~ous ' TOTAL ELECTI0NS 1,600.00 4o0.00 150.00 -0- ,1.2,371.86 14, 521.86 1,320.00 i, 500.00 1,560.00 4,860.00 4,860.00 4,980.00 ~,980.00 2,940.00 125.00 3OO.OO 100.00 9,645.00 4,000.009 125.00 30.O0 IO0.O0 15.00 4,270.00. -0- ' -0- -0- -0' ~-0- 1,600. O0 -o- Ii! -o- 4o0.00 -0- ~O.00 150.00 -o- ii -0- -0- 1,321.86 'il -0- __12,371.86 t, 321.96' 1~. 00 14, 521.86 2,570.00 146.68 115.o0 6~Q2 9,017.70 2,820.00 150.00 25O.OO 100.00 9,800.00 2,820.00 200.00 175.00 lO0.O0 60.00 2,765.75 134.00 2.50 292.5O 2.00 3,196.75 3,000.00 125.00 30.00 150.00 .15.00 3,320.00 9,835.00 3,000.00 125.00 30.00 150.00 15.00 3,320.00 120.00 !~-0- ? -0- 7 5.00 .0- 7 i. O0 -0- -0- -0- 560.00 4, 980. O0 2,820.00 200.00 175.00 100.00 9~835.00 3,000.00 125.00 30.00 150.0O 15.0_0 3,320.00 EXP~I_TURE ESTimATES- CONTINUED YEAR. ENDED JUNE 30, 1949~ . Apprqpr~iation ~-Capital Outlay 200.00 (2) 2,340.00 1,200.O0 250.00 2,500.00 325.00 :9 Comp. of Janitor~ !7. Electric ~rrent~ LO~F~re Ins. Prem. L5 Repairs " ~3 Water Service )6 Cleaning Mat. & ~upplies 450.00 ~ Fuel ~ I 900.00 )9 Miscellaneous i 50.00 )3 F~rniture & Fixti~es 400.00 )l ~ Renovation of C irt House 9,317.71 ~oen~t~e -0- 2,377.50 1,381.87 :131.42.. 452.12 285~36 838.33 807.40 .35 153.35 9,317.71 Year Ending yw~R ENDING JUNE 30~ 1951 Increase Over Decrease Under June 30, 1950 Proposed Year'Ending Appro0riation Expenditure June-30, 1950 Year Ending June. 30L1950 )TAL MAINTENANCE ~ GF~RAL STORES h~U~RAL FU~ND GPJ~ID T ~ALS ~ DOG TAX FUND 19 3 Radio Dispat. /6 .6 Comp. of Game Wa den !0 Travel ~ Maintenance, Red: o Eauip. ~9 Dog Pound .7 Record Books & T~ gs .9 Stationery, Prin~ ed Fins. t0 .Auto Purchase 10~'5 Auto Maintenan, e ll Fowl Claims t2 Livestock Claims )3 P~bies Treatment )4 i~% Due State )5 Transfer to Gen. Fund. )TAL DOG TAY FUND ~ VA. PUBLIC ASSIST~ ~ POOR RELIEF 13 General Relief t4 ~ld Ag~ 15 Aid to the Blind ~6 Aid to Dependent ~7 Regular Foster ~3.2 Med., Burial, 13.3 Emergency ~TAL P~BLIC ASST. 150. O0 150. O0 ' -0- -0- 2,640. O0 2,760. OO 120.00 -0- 1,.200. O0 1, 200. O0 -0- -O- 500. O0 500. O0 -0~ -0- 800. co '2,500. O0 1;700. O0 -o- 400. O0 300. O0 -0- 100 .O0 600.00 600.00 -O- -0- 750.00 750.00 -0- -O- 26.95 50.39~ 23.4~ -0- 250.00 250.00- -0- £0- -0- -O- -0- -0- H00L FUND: 'A ADMINISTRATION 10 Comp, of ~iembers ~2 Comp. of Supt. t2a 'Comp. of Asst. ~5 Comp. of Secy. & 1~ Dues & Subs~ t9 Express, Frt. & .5 Hepairs to .8 Tel. & Tel., e !Oa Tray. Exp. of &4embers !0b Tray. Exp. of !Oc Tray. Exp. of As ~t.Supt. ~9 Other Expenses .9 Office Supplies ~6 Census, Surveys, )5 Office Equipment 1TAL ADMINISTRATION 17,932.71 15,745.41 7,316.95 9,060.39 1,843..44 100.00 .llowed Board 15O. 00 2,760.00 1, 2co. co 500.00 2,500.00 300.00 600.00 750.00 50.39 250.00 -0- 9,060.39 -0- 408.96 -0-- -0- -~- -0- -0- 371,422.70 540.O0 300.00 -~- 10.O0 170.CO 10.00 562.00 300. (JO 3 50. O0 2,200. OO 100. O0 1,050.Ob . l, 570.Q0 7,162. O0 .~CE FUI~ 410,036.60 472,791.50 ~7,897.50 - 117~ 412.68 102,306.68 -0- -0- 900.00 900.00 -0- 690. O0 1, 200,00 1, 200. O0 -0- 587.88 l, 200.00 l, 200.00 -0- -0- -0- 75.00 132.00 57.00 -0- 2~1.~0 -0- 275.00 275.00 -0- 197.00 225.00 300'.00 75.00 - -0- 1.72 10.00 10.00 -0- -0- 562.26 -0-~ -0- ~ -O- -0- 436.23 -0- -0- -0- -0- 232.37 600.00 600.00 -0- -0- 1;~89.19 ~ 3,000.00 3,000.00 -0- -0- -0- 25.00~ 25.00 -0- -0- 1, 382.85 1, 350.00 1,500. O0 150. O0 -0- 2,061.67 , 1,31~.00. 8,5.8.00, , -0-, ,, 4..57.00 7,792.67 9,000.00. 10,000. O0 1, 457 · O0 457. O0 12,859.31 15,000.00 29,000.00 14,000.00 -0- 41,462.35 48,000.00 51, O00.00 3,000.00 -0- 3,635.50 3,600.00 5,600.00 2,000.00 -0- 33,8t3.00 37,000.00 50,000.00 13.~000.00 -0- 11,377.64 12,000.00 15,000.00 3,000.00 -0- -O- -0- 60o. oo 600.0o -o- -0~ -0- 800.00 8OO.O0 -0-- 103,I47.80 115,600.00 152,000.00 36,400.00 !3,O38.75 43,883.00 3,600.00 33,100. O0 10,293.20 -0- -0- 103,914.95 1,4~0.00 1,2~D.O0 1,440.00- 1,440.00 5,700.00 5,700.00 6,000.00 6,500.00 4,800.00 4,800.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 3,720.00 3,460.00 3,780.00 4,140.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 -0- -0- -0.. -0- 50.00 43.04 50.00 50.00 375.00 424.97 500.00 500.00 200.00 223.85 200.00 225.00. 400.00 2 85.64 40o.oo 400.oo 400.00 312.50 400.00 40.0.00 150. co 153.98 3oo.o0 500.00 1,175. ~o 449.20 I, 175.00 90o.0o ~epor ts -0- -0- t, 000. O0 -0- 200.00 80.13. 200,00 l, O00.00 18,634.00 17,197.3~ 20,469.00 21,079.00 500.00 -o- 360. oo -o- -0- .0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 25.00 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 200.00 ~0- -0- 275.00 -0- 1, 000. O0 800. O0 -0- 1,885.00 1,275.00 5, 642.05 15,507.29 -0- 9,511.63 25, 579.92 22,409.60 3,200. O0 -0- 175,514.81 2,299.95 54, 596.24 15,829 · 27 43,410.76 .[:6,787.37 10,744.25 20,919.92 20,123.70 2, 559.96 6,050.00 10,020.00 16,350.00 13,115.00 -0-- -0- 10,500.00 10,200.00 26,250.00 26,900.00 -0- -0- 2,775.00 2,900.00 3,300.00~ 3,400.00 !89,750.00 195,400~00 2,400,00 -2~800.00 59,150.00 64,550.00 19,900.00 25,700.00 44,100.00 ' 36,800.00 7,300.00 ~ 5,100.00 12,050.00 12,650.00 13,t20.00 ' 13,320.00 24,637.00 24,460.00 2,760.00 2,960.00 3~970.00 uO- -0- 3,235.00 -0~ ~0- -0- 300.00 650.00 -0- -0~' ~0- 125.00' -0- I00.00 -0- -0- -0- 5,650.00 -O- 4OO.OO -0- 5,400.00 -0- 5,800.00 -0- -0-~ 7,300.00 -0- 2,200.00 600.00~ -0- 200.00~ -0- -0- 177.00 200.00 -0- Comp. 2,850.00 18,600.00 --0-- 7,300.00 25,680.00 2,700.00 3,200.00 177,500.00 2,300.00 64,150.00 ll,900.O0 50,700.00 4,800.00' 10,900.00 12,340.00 22,950.00 2,600.00 -0- ~B INSTRUCTION Mol Regular Day Sch~ ~3-1a Head ,E1,W. ,M. ( ~3-1b Head,E1,W. ,F. ( ~3-1c Head,E1,N. ,M.( ~3-1d Head,E1,N. ,F. ~3-3a Prin,E1,W. ,M. ~3-3b Prin,E1,W. ,F. ~3-3c Prin,EI,N. ~3-3d Prin,E1,N. ,F. 34-1a Teach. ,Et,W,M. ~4-1b Teach. ,E1,W,F, 8) 34-1c Teach.,E1,N.M. l) ~4-1d Teach. ,E1,N.F. 26) 34-2a Teach. ,Sec,W.M. (ll) ~4-2b Teach.,Sec,W.F (15) 34-2c Teach. ,Sec,.N.M, (2) 34-~d Teach., Sec.N.F. (5) 34~;3a Teach.,Voc.W.M. (4) 34-3b Teach. ,Voc.W.F ~ (1i) 34-3c Teach. ,Voc.E.M .(1) 34-3d Teach. ,Voc.N.F, (~) 487,897.50 900.00 1,200.00 !,200.00 132.00 275.00 300.00 lO.O0 -0- --0~ 600.00 3,000.00 25.00 1,500.00 858.O__O 10,000.00 29,000.00 51~000.00 5,600.00 50,000.00 15,000.00 600.00 800.00 152,000.00 1,440.00 6,500.00 5,000.00 4,140.00 24.00 -0-- 50.00 SO0.00 225.00 400.00 400.00 5O0.00 900.00 -O- , !,000.00 21,079.00 !0,020.D0 13,115.00 '0- 10,200.00 26,900.00 --0-- 2,9~0 · 00 3,400.00 -0- 195,400. O0 2,800.00 64, 550.00 25,700.00 36,800.00 %100.00 12,650. O0 13,320.00 24,460.00 2,960.00 EXPENDITURE ESTI~ATES - CONTIR-OED yEAR ENDED JO~E 30, 1949 Year Ending June 30, 1950 Proposed ~pprooriation Expenditure Aoorooriation Exp. end~.tur~ InstructiQn - Regular DaN' School (Continued--~ .... 135a Sup.~ W.~. (t) 6~200,00 5,673.70 6,400.00 3,000.00 135b Sup.~ W.F. (~) 5,6OO.OO 5,620.40 6,OOO.OO 9,300.CO 135d Sup.,I N.F. (1) 2,700.00 . 2,842.00 -' 2~900~00 _~3~200.00 TOTAL DAY~SCHOOL 434,970.00 428,772.82 ~55,692.00 f~65,775.00 17B2 INSTRUCTION, P~ET-TiNE ETC. 134e S~e~al! and Adult 8,320.00 YEAR E~!Di_YG JUi~ 30, 1951 Increase Over Decrease Under Year Ending Year Ending Allowed June 30, 1950 June 3.0, .1950 By..Bqard -0- 3,400. O0 3,000.0~ 3,300. O0 kO- 9, 3 O0. Ot -0- -0- -0- ~'00. O0 .. ~0- 3 ~ 200. O( 26,695.00 !6,612~00 465,775.0~ 134f Sub-Si 305 Other TOTAL PART 8,319.92 See Code 17G-134-91 it~tSS 2,500.00 -1.5,276.75 4, 500.00 5,000.00 Expenses -0- ! 222._50 . -0- -O- -Ti~E ETC. 10,820. O0 14, 819.17 4,500.00 5,000.00 iTB~ OTH~ INSTRUCTIONAL COSTS 109~ Comp,, iSrk to Prin. 1,200.00 843.00 1,200,00 1,320.00 220a TraY. ).V0c.Tea.-W. l, 200,00 2, 005.5~5 900.00 900.00 220b Tray ).VO~.Tea.-N. 300.00 358.65 300.00 300°00 220c Tray. .Home. Et.Tea. 600.00 365.50 600,00 600.00 220d TraY. ~. Sup.-W. 900.00 943.16 1,200,00 1,200.00 220e Tray. Sup;,N. 300.00 312.85 300~00 300.00 221.Tuiti~ ;o Other Div. 5,500.00 5,546.49 5,000.00 3,500.00 305 2,150.00 2,148.08 2,150.00 2,150.00 3 I3 Supplies 7 50.00 779.88 750. O0 750. O0 314 Library Supolies ' 1,600.00 2,689.95 1,700.00 1,700.00 315 Manual T~aznmng Supp. -O- -0- -O- -O- 320-Textbm~ks z~u~nished free -0- -0- -0- -0- 322.Voc,~ T~'aining Supplies 900.00 1,334.03 1,200.00 1,.500.00 399~Other ::nstr. Costs 600.00 t~9~_~.6! 300,00 300.00 TOTAL OT~2 iNSTR. COSTS,. 16,000;00 19,261.85 15,600,00 ]7+,520.00 17C CO.0RD: I29 Compul: 199 Other 220 Tr&v.E~ TOTAL CO-O} 17D AUXtLt tTD! Trans 123 Compl 136 -Comp. 210 .Fire Ir. 211 Liabitd 218 Teleph¢ 219 Trans. 300 Repairs '312 Gas, 0d TOTA-L AUXII N~TE ACTIVITIES Attendance 1,360.00 1,264.00 1,445.00 1,620.00 ,o~ordin. Act. -0- -0- -0- --O- :p~Attend.0ffic. 600.00 609.90 600.00 600.00 :D~ACTIVITZES 1,960.00 1,873.90 2,045.00 2,220.00 E~ AGENCIES o~tation of Pupils fJNechanics ~ '6,700.00 6,499.89 f ~Truck ~Drivers 21,240.00 20,376.13 S~ (Buses) -0- -0= t~ Ins.(Buses) 1,375.00 1,098.15 n~ Service 85.00 105.25 b~ Contract 1, O00.O0 269.60 ,~ires,Parts 19,000.00 15,110.98 l, Grease ~ ~,2_00.00. 12,200.11 500. O0 ~0- 5~ 000. OC 500. O0 ~0- 5,000. ~ 120.00 .~0- 1, 320.0C -0- 40-~ 900.0C -0- .0- 300.0C -0- -0- 600.0C -0- -0- 1,200.0C -0- *O- 300.00 -0- I, 500;00 3,500.00 -0- '0~ 2,150.00 -0- .'0- 750. O0 -0- ~0- 1,700.00 to- --o- ,zO- ~0- -0- 300. O0 4O- !, 500. O0 · ~o- - '- ~o~ 3oo.oo 4~o,oo 1, 5oo,~po ~, 520.00 175.00 *0- I, 620.00 -0- 600.00 175. oo ~o- 2, 22o. oo 6,780.00 8,040.00 23,310;00 28,4~0.00 -0- -0' 1,475.00 1,500.00 95.00 95.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 18,000.00 17,000.00 .1!~000.00 12,000.00 1;260.oo ~- 5, L3o.oo !p- -;0- 25.00 ~ -o- -~0- -0- t, 000.~0 1,000. O0 ~- 8,040.00 28,440.00 -0- 1,500.00 95,O0 1,000.00 i7,000.00 12~000.00 17D2 AUXILi. 400Replace: 17D3 OTHER 298 Comm.A( 299Dist.' o: 299h Other. 310 c~eser 327 Textbo~ TOTAL OTHER AGENCIES 58,600.00 55,660.1! 61,660.OO 68,075.00 AGENCIES Buses 7,415.00 1,000.~0 21,000.OO 21,599.59 14, O00eO0 16,000.00 2,000.00 %UZiLZAP~YAG~NCIF~ b.&Oommen.Oosts 150.00 297.23 150.00 150.00 -0~ ~ Textbooks 100.00 139.11 100.00 i00.00 -O- Ld. genczes -0- -O-- -0- -0- -O- ams -O- 1,709.16 -O- for resale 12,000.00 ~,g$~.~6 (~ee 17~-327)... -0.- -O- AGENCIES 12,250.00 13,403.46 250.00 250.00 -O- ITEl 0PER~T]:ON OF SCHOOL PLANT 68,075.00 105 ReCordi~ I19 Comp. oJ 123 Comp. ol 207 Light az 218 Telephoz 223 Water S~ 300 Tires,e~ 306 Janitors 311 Fuel 312 Gas, Gte 323 Wells 399 Other Ex 400 Replacem TOTAL 0PER. 16,000. O0 \ 150.00 100.00 -0- -0- 250.00 Documents 3 5. O0 -0- 3 5.00 -0- -0- 3 5.~0 -O- ~anitors 9,465.00 9,434.50 10,365.00 11,785.00 1,/+20.00 ~ ' I1,785.00 0t~her Empl. 4,400.00 6,163.44 6,680.00 7,100.00 /~0.00 -~- 7, I00.00 Power 1,600.00 2,/+30.29 1,800.00 2, 500.00 700°00 -0- 2,500.00 Servmce 250.00 329.42 300.00 3 50.00 50.00 -~- 350.00 .r~viee 600.00 487o 22 600. O0 500. O0 -0- !00. O0 ~00.00 ~Rep.Truck 100.00 241.24 150.00 150.00 --0- -~ 150.00 ~ Supplies 3,000.00 3,212.10 4,000.00 4,000.00 -0- -~- 4,000'00 7,500.00 9,469.83 8,500.00 8, 500.00 -0-- -O- 8,500. O0 ~e, Oil 300.00 261.76 300.00 300.00 -0- -O- 300.00 250. oo 7. oo 250. co 45o · oo 200. oo -~- 450. oo p~nses 300.00 236.49 300.00 -0- -0- 3¢0. ~?0 --O- ~t of Ser.Truck -0- -0- -0- -0-- -~ ~' __ 3~H00L PL~T 27,800.00 32,273.29 33,280.00 3~5,635.00 2,790.00 435.~0 35,635.00 , !TE2~NAI~£EN~N. CE SCHOOL PL~ 2iSa~Rep..Bld~;,Upkeep Crc. 10,000,00 215b .Rep.Repll~Furn.&Equip. 2, 000.00 215d ~Naintena~ce of Floors 500;00 399 Other Ext%nses . T.OT~ ~mn~.~L~.Nc~ ~ lin, 5oo.oo 7,688.72 9,000.00 8,500.00 -0- 500.00 8,500.00 1,624.52~ 2,000.00 2,000.00 -0- ~' 2,000.00 -0- 100.00 -0- -0- lO0.~ 0 -0- -o- -o- -o- -o .... o- 9,313.24 11, lO0.O0 10,500. O0 -Ck. 600.60 !0,500.00 ~ FIXED CHARGES LO Firs Insurance L1 ~iability Insurance L3 Workmsns Comp. Ins.~ [4 Rent )9 Other Fixed Chaz es )TAL FIXED CHARGES IG SPEC. SERVICES S State Reimbursement $4-91 Teach.H6sp.& $4-92 Vet.Training 34~93 Farm Nach. Re $4-94 Cannery Sal~r $5-92 Vet.Training ~0-92 Vet.Training LO Cafeteria 3-92 Vet.Training 22-93 Farm I~ach.Rep ~7 Textbooks for Re )TAL EXTRA SERVICES CAPITAL OUTLAY 35 Architect' s Fee~ ~0 Vocational Equip )Oa New School Buss ~3 Equipment for B~ ~0~ 'Imp~b.v. emen~ ~o, 30a-Ptmchase of Lan )la N~ Buildings ]lb Alterations of ~9 Other Capital On )TAL CAPITAL OUTLAY DEBT SERVICE 3Ca-Payment~ of' Bond ~Ob Payment to Sink ~1 Payment to L~ter 03 Interest on Bond 34 Int. On L~terary 0TAL DEBT SERVICE 0TALS SCHOOL FUND 1 SPECIAL SCHOOL C~ 0la New Buildings C!NTIRE TRUST FUND 8 Broadus Wood H.S. Crozet H.S. Greenwood H.S. McIntire H.S. Meriwether Lewis Re~ Hill H.S. S6ottsville H.S. Albemarle Traini~ OTAL MCiNTIPJ~ T~UST EXPENDiTU~ ESTIN~TES - CONTINUED ENDED JUNE 30,1949_ Year W~ading June 30, 1950 AD;qr_opri at iPn__~.ur.~ e Apo.~opriation proposed Expenditure 2,500.00 1,703.q2 2,700.00 2,500.00 -0- -0- -0- -O- uS00.00 657.68 800.0o 850.00 120.00 138.00 120. oo 175. oo . -0- - -~- -0- -0- 3,420.00 2,499.40 3,620.00 3,525.00 JPERVISED FOR STATE ~ani~or ~-Sal. -0- -Or.. ' '8,740.00 9,140. O0 in Agric.-Sal. -0- -0- 9,000.00 9,600.00 j-Sal, -0- 'O- 300.00 300.00 [es (2/3) -0- -0- 900.00 900.00 in Agric.-8!erk.-O- - 0- 900.00 900.00 h~ Agric.-~rav. -0- -0- 1,200, O0 !, 200..00 -0- ~-0- 1,200.00 1,200.00 ~ Agric.-Sup. -0- -0- 1, 500.00 1,500. O0 a~eSUpp~. -0- -0- 100. O0 lO0.00 -0- , u,0- . , ,12.000.00,, 12~000~00 FO~ STATE -0- -0~- 35,840.00 36,840.00 YEAR ENDING JUKE 30, 1__951 ....... Decrease Under Year Ending Allowed June 30, 19[~0 ~ Board Increase Over Year Endin~ ' June 0~19 50 -0- 200~. O0 I 2,500. O0 50.00 ' -0-$ 850.00 55.00 -0- 175.00 -0- - -~0- -O- 105.00 200.00 3,525.00 400. O0 -O- 600. O0 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- ~0- ~-©- -O- -0- !, 000. O0 -0- 18,900.00 -Oz LO- -0- -0- -0- ~ent 4,000.00 3,951.99 2,000.00 2,500.00 ~ 7,000.00 6,692.21 7,000.00 6,000.00 ~gs. 2,000~00 1,897.65 2,000~00 2,000.00 ~ites 500.00 322.il 500~00 1,'000.OO i3,4!0~43 13,419.88 .. ~O- -0-~ -0- -0- -O- -O- ld Bldgs. -0- -0- --0- -O- ~lays -O- -0- -O- _-0,_ 45,810.43 26,283.84 ll, 500.00 ll, 500.00 -O- lng Fund -O- ~y Fd. Ens.2,325.00 Fd. L~s. .. 921;00 3,246'00 -~ -O- 25,000.00 -O- -O- -O- 2,325.00 2,325.00 2,325.00 -O- -0- 7,250.00 920.~ 874,00 827.5~. 3,245.55 3,199~00 35,402.50 9,140.00 9,600.00 300.O0 900.00 900.00 1,200.00 ~1,200.00 1,500.00 t00.00 12~000.00_ ~o,8~D.00 667, 010./+3 646,203.48 672,755~00 726,321.50 -O- g7,600.00 t00,800.00 ~!TAL OUTLAY KJND ~0~ [.S. 500.00 -0- -0- 1,000.00 --0- -O- 5OO. 00 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- !, 000.00 1, 000. O0 314.28 221.40 314.28 297.26 314.28 302.82 375.00 27!.02 314.29 490.00 314.29 338.Z~ 314.29 321.79 25,000.00 -0- -0- -0- -O- -0- 7,250.00 -O' -0- 46.50 32,250.00 46.50 School . 314-29 5. 96.34, . 2,575.00 2,749.07 76,235.00 22,668.50 13,200.00 -0- 2,500.00 6,000.00 2,000.OO 1,000.00 -O- -0- -O- -0. Il, 500. O0 25,000.00 -0- 2,325.00 7,250.00 827.50 35,402.50 726,321.50 100,800.00 ~ellaneous .1 JOI~ HEALTH DEPT FU~U} .02 Comp. Health Dir ctor .02.1 Ned.Asst.=Par± time .09 Comp. of Office ~ssts: iugenia Lewis, Sup. 1775.00 'hyltis Grissinger 1680.00 ixtra~ Help 312. O0 .27 Comp. of P.H. N~ 'sss: '.ope E. McFarland 2700.00 %nifred B. Roberts 2700J00 ~inifred F. Larkum 2580.00 ;iizabeth Theirs 2530.00 ~acant ~ ~6 Comp. of Sanatar .aris: [omer CheavAaai 2640.00 'oseph F. Brugh 2520.00 ~ames H~ll .2.510. O0 ~O2 iuditor ~14 Rent ~18 Tel. & Tel, Post ~ge ~20.02 Travel, Direc ;or ~20.1 TraMel, P.H. N ~ses ~20.6 ~avel, S~ita ~i~s ~20.8 Tr~portation Patients ~16 Medical Supples ~19 Office Supples ~27 Biologicals ~99 Contingent & Mis ~05 ~uipment ~OTAL JOINT ~ALTH D~.FD. 314.28 314.28 314.28 375. O0 314.29 314.~9 314.29 314.29_ 300.00 300.00 300.O0 350.00 300.00 3OO.OO 300.00 300.00 -0- 14.28 ~0- 14.28 -o- 14.28 -0- 25.00 -0- -14.29 .0- 14.29 -0- 14.29 300.0o 300.00 3oo.00 350.00 -300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00. 2, 575.00 2,450.00 7,500. O0 7,500.00 7,500.00 7,500.00 535 · 25 512.50 520. O0 520. O0 2,770.00 2,470.84' -0- 125.00 11,400.00 11,088.75 4,425.00 180.O0 ~0~ 498.79 423.1! 2,135.87 959.07 159.58 531.96 146.37 731.00 467.7> 32,230.57 3,360.00 3,767'J00 4,620.00 180.00 370.00 12,300.00 12,850.00 500.00 2,970.00 1,320.00 --0-- 160.o0 400.00 63.85 340.00 50 .90 33,630. O0 7,260. O0 180. O0 600.00 420. O0 5O0.00 2,450.00 1,650. OO ,0- 250.00 480.0o 50.00 850.00 ~25.O0 38.695.00 7,670.00 180.00 600.00 495.00 SO0.00 2,750.00 2,040.00 216.00 120.00 460.oo 85.00 365.00 4s5.oo 40,603.00 2,450.00 -0- -0- -0- -O- 77,500. O0 520.00 407,00 -0- 550~00 -0- 410.00 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 75.OO -0- -0- -0- 300~00 -0- 390.000 -0- 216.00 ~J- ~0- 130.00 -0- 20.00 35.00 -0- -o- 485.00 160.00 -0- 2,543 · O0 63 5. O0 3,767.00 12, ~50.oo 7,670.00 t80.00 600.00 _495.00 500.00 2,750.00 ~,040.00 2i6.00 120.00 460.00 85.00 365.00 .... Z~5.00 40,603.00 EXPENDITURE ESTI~&TES - CONTINUED YEAR ENDED J~ Year ~ding June 30, 1950 Proposed _~Appr opr. i.ati, on Exoenditure CROZET S~2~ARY DISTRICT FUND 41.1 ADMI1 319 0ffic~ 405 Office TOTAL ADM] YEAR ENDING ~-~h~ ~ 0~195t .... Increase Over Decrease~Under Year Ending Year ~ng Allowed A0~.ropriation Expenditure June ~_~0.. 19.50 Ju~.e ~.0~ 1950 By Board ItS~RATION SUpplies -0- 1.72 150.00 150.00 Equipment -0- -0- 50.00 25.00 NISTRATION -0- 1.72 200.00 175.00 !ENA~cE AND OPERATION 41.2NAIN~ 214Renta~ 215.1 Rep~ 2t5~2 Rep. 102 Comp. ofi Supt. -0- 730.00 800.00 730.00 123 Labor~ fsi -0- 721.25 600.00 600. O0 125 ~eter Readers 1,500. O0 162.50 200. O0 150. O0 207 Elect~ ~ici Current 30. O0 20. ~0 30. O0 30. O0 · o~ Pipe Line -0- -O- -0- lO.O0 & Repl.-Meters -0- 487.80 50 · O0 100. O0 & Repl.-Nains -0- 122.46 150. O0 100. O0 215.3 Rep~& Repl.-Plant & ~mp House-O- 936.37 250.00 150.00 299 0utsi~ Contracts -0- lO.O0 lO0.O0 100. O0 304 Chemic ~1~ - Chlorene -~- 23.50 50. O0 50. O0 3 23 ~at eri al~ 30. O0 1.50 100.00 100. O0 TOTAL MAIN i~ CE & 0PW~&Ti0N I~5~0.-00 3,215.78 2,330.00 2,120.00 i 41. 3 CAPIT/AL! OUTLAY D!ST. S~STE~ 105 Recordin~ Fees ---,2,8- -0.- t50.~ -0- _ 2 5..00 .. 25..I -o- ~5.oo 175.~ -0- 7O.OO 730.( -0- -0- 600.( -0- 50.00 1501( ' -o- -o- 3o.( 10.00 -O- 10.{ 50. O0 -0- 100. ( -0- ~0.00 100.( -0- 1~0.00 150.( -0- -0- lO0.C -0- -0.- 50.C ~0- -0- 100. C 60.00 270.O0... 2,120.£ -0- -0- -0- 10.00 I0.00 -0- 10. C 123 Labor ' -0- - 0- 200.00 200. O0 -0- -0- 200. C 226 Spec. ~]En~ineering Services -0- -0- 100.00 100.00 -0- -0- 100.C 229 Outsid~= Contracts -0- 500. O0 3 50. O0 3 50. o0 -0- -0- 350.0 404 Fire Ht~d~ants -0- -0- 100.00 200.00 100.00 -C~ 200.0 407 Watero~NeSmerS A Meter Boxes -0- 392.00 -0- 400.00 400.00 ~ -~- 400.0 410 Water l~a~s, Valves, Conn. -0- 26.18 500.00 600 . O0 !00. ~ 'r~--O-- 600'0 TOTAL CAP!t~A~'~ OUTLAYS -0- 918.18 1,250.00 t,860.00 610.00 ~i;'-O- 1,860.0 41~4 DEBT 8~0 Redemp~ 803 intere, TOTAL D~3T ~E~VICE ;ien of Bonds ~t on Bonds S$~ViCE B~ESERVE F0] GONTINGENCIES TOTAL CR0~ 3,240.00 1,666.66 1,666.67 5,000.00 3,333.33 2,625.?~.. 2,625.00 2,.625.00 ~ 2,537.50 -0- 5,865.00 4,291.66 4,291.67 7,537.50 3,333.33 -0- -0- 1,103.33 67.50 -0- 7,425.00 8,427.34 9,175.O0 11,760.00 4,003.33 S~D E~PE~ITDItE - 1,193,140.08 1,210,587.53 1,408,191.50 1,532,212.00 251,631.01 -0- 5,000. O~ 87.50 ,, 2~ '~7~ .-50 7,537.5~ 1,4~8.33 1t,760.0( t27,6~.51 1,532,212.0( Following the adoption of the Budget, Sen. E. 0. ~icCue and ~r. John R. Morris appea~d and expressed the opinion that the money being spent for school purposes was not being spent to the best Advantage. ;: TOTAL PROP~ ALL F~DS The Board proceeded to lay the County Levies for the year 1950 and. ordered that the D52ector of Finance of the County of Albemarle assess and collect on all taxable real estate and all taxable tangible personal property, including machinery and tools not assessed as rea~ estate st the general reassessment of lands in 1948, used or employed in a manufacturing or mi~ng business taxable by- the State on Capital; including public service corporation property (except the ~olling stock of railroads operating by steam~, based upon the assessmen~ fixed by the State Corporation Commission and certified by it to the Board of County Super- visors both as to location and valuation. For General County Pu_~poses, Fifty-nine cents ($0.59)~Xon every One H~dred Dollars worth of said property. For Operation of School ~poses and School Debt Purposes, Two dollars and thL~ty-on~ cents ($2.31~on every One Hundred Dollars worth of said property. For Special School Capital Outlay Fund, Sixty-cents ($O160) on every One Hundred Dollars worth of said property. The Director of Fi~uce is hereby directed to credit the School Operating Fund and the School Capital Outlay Fund with their respective original gross levies as shown by the assessment books of the office of the Director of Finance/as the ta~ revenues become availab!~ and that he be directed to charge all delinquent taxes to the General Fund. The question of the sale of beer in the County on Sundays was again discussed, and iupon motion, mada by ~r. Chiles ~ud seconded by Mr. Wood, it was ordered that notice be given ~in the Daily Provue.ss o~.~ ~ w~ ~ + .......... '-~'-- of beer for off premises consumption on Sundays in the County, and notifying the public that p~folic hearing on srame .will be held at lO~.O0 A.M. on ~.~r~y 17, 1950. Report of the Co~mty Executive for the month of March, 1950, was received and ap- proved? ReDort of the Charlottesvi!!e-~&lbemarle Public Library for the month of March, 19~0 was received and ordered filed. Nr. D. A. Robinson, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of ~enses of the Department of Finance for the month of ~armb.~ 1950, one~hird of which to be borne by the Upon motion, duly made and seconded, Shis~Sta$Sment was examined, verified, and ap- State. proved° Nr. D. A. Robinson, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses of the Sheriff's Office for the month of Narch~ 19.50, two-thirds of which to be borne by the State. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified, and approved. Nr. D. A. Robinson, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of W~penses of the Commonwealth's Attorney's Office for the monIdu of Narch, 1950, one-half of which to be borne by the State. Upon motion, duly ma~e and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified, and approved. S~atement of Expenses incurred in the maintenance of the County Jail along with a S~m~ary Statement of Prisoner Days were submitted. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, these statements were examined, verified, and approved. Claim of Dr. Richs~d T. Ergenbright in the amo~_ut of $A. 50 for sez~ices rendered during the month of ~arch as Jail Physioian, was presented and approved for payment. Mr. D. A. Robinson, Co~ty Executive, advised the Board that the U. S. Marshal had questioned the increase of $1.00 per day in the contract for the keep of Federal prisoners. ~. Robinson was instructed to advise the U. S. ~arshal that the Board did not feel that thi increase was out of line with the cost of servic~ rendered in the keep of Federal prisoners. The following claims against the Dog Tax Fund were presented: (a) Claim of Guy A. Via for two ewes and four lambs (approximately two months old) killed by dogs. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, it was ordered that ~. Via be paid the assessed value Of $10.00 each for the ewes and one-half of the assessed vahe, 45.00, emch for the lambs. (b) Claim of R. E. Shifflett for two ewe~ killed by dogs. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, it was ordered that ~r. Shifflett be paid the assessed value of $10.00 each for these ewes. Nr. Robinson was given authority to adjust claims if he found misunderstandings as to the maximum allowed for sheep assessments. An offer of $100.00 was received from~Nr. Edward J. Shifflett for two acre~ of County owned oroperty at Earlysville, located in the Rivanna District. Upon motion, made b~ Nr. Wood and seconded by~r. Dorrier, ~r. Shiflett's offer of $100.00 for this land was ac- cepted. The matter of the listing of the Sheriff's telephone in the directory was discussed and upon motion, made by Nr. Williams and seconded by' Nr. Wood, Nr. Robinson was instructed to have the Sheriff's ~elephone listed, ~ addition to the present listing, as follows: P - Police - Sheriff, Albemarle Co~ty S - Sheriff, Albemarle County Nr. ~obinson was also instructed to explore the possibility of having the Sheriff's tele- phone listed under emergency calls in the front of the directory. A report on the insoection of the County Jail was received from the Department of Welfare and Institutions and was ordered filed. Nr. D. A. Robinson, County Executive, presented to the Board reports from various departments of th~ County on the policy of giving employees two Saturdays off each month. ~_~ o~ ........ ~ ~ e~ ~ ±.hi~ oolicv should be continued so long as it wzs work- Communication was received from the Public Buildings S~rvlce advising that their lease for office space occupied by the Rent Control Office would expire on June 30, 1950, without further right of renewal, and asked if the County would be willing to enter into a new agreement for further occupancy under the same general terms and conditions as ouilined in the present lease should the space be desired beyond June 30, 1950. Nr. Robinson was instructed to a~vise the Public Buildings Service that the Board did not wish to commit it- self beyond the term of the present lease. Communication was received from the Department of Welfare and Institutions advismn~ that $789.50 was the County's share of rea22t, ocation ~nds which should be considered as an addition to the previously made regular allotment for S.L.H~ for the six month period endin~ June Commo_uication was received from ~m. M. Y. Sutherland advising that he would be un- able to accept the Board's appointment to the County Planning Commission. Upon motion, dul~l made and seconded, Mr. J. G. Eqaite Iii wa~ appointed to the Plamuing Con,mission for a term expiring December 31, 1953, and Nr. Robinson was instructed to advise ~. ~nite of this ap- pointment. Upon motion, made by ~v~. Dorrier and seconded by Mr. Williams, Nr. Thomas Shep- herd, Dr. McLemore Birdsong, and Dr. Weldon Cooper were reappointed to the Planning Com- mission for a term expiring December 31, 1953. Communication was received from the Virginia Section of the International City i~anagers' Association advising that the Association would hold its semi-annual meeting at Natural Bridge~ April 28th and 29th, and Nr. Robinson advised that he had been asked to serve on one of the discussion panels. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, 5~. Robinson was requested to attend this meeting. Communications were received from the State Chamber of Commerce and ordered filed. Announcement was received from the Institute of Public Affair~ o~ its seventeenth session to be held July 9 - July 15, 1950. Report was received from the Virginia State Employment Service and was ordered filed. The Dog Warden's mileage for the year from February, 1949, through January, 1950, was presented to the Board showing official mileage and mileage compensated for by the County at five cents per mile. It was requested that ~. Robinson, Coonty Executive, clear this matter with ~Y~. Bowen, City lanager, and request an appearance of Nr. Quinn, ExeCutive Secretary of the Com~nission of Game and Inland Fisheries. ~r. Robinson~ County Executive, reported that he had communicated with ~r. George Deans, State Forester, setting forth the fact that inasmuch as the State Forester had taken ~ the position that the Coonty was liable for the maintenance of the radio of the Chief Forest Warden's car under Section 541 of the Forestry Act, he felt that the Co~_uty should also be credited for a pro rata share of the maintenance costs of the central radio equip- ment as a part of the County's liability under Section 541 of the Forestry Act and that our budget for the coming year had been prepared accordingly. In a discussion of this matter ~hei~ was an expressed concurrence ~_u the reasoning set forth above. Claims against the County amounting to $82,687.19 were presented, examined, ~ud ' all&wed and certified to the Director of Finance for payment and charged against the follow- ilng f~nds: General Fund School Fund Dog. Tax Fund Crozet Fire District Fund Crozet Sanitary District Fund Joint Health Fund NcIntire Trust Fund Comm. of Va. Current Credit Acct. Comm. of Va. Do~ Tax Credit Acct.~ $14,563.21. 60,530.49. 21.47. 120~00 3,114.58 291.09 2,202.89 Upon motion, the meeting adjourned. Chairman. A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia~ was held at the Office Building of said County on the 17th day of May, 1950. Present: ~essrs. Co Purcell McCue, E. J. Ballard, Henry Chiles, C. R. Dorrier, J. W. Williams, and WI W. Wood. Absent: None. Officers present: County Executive and Commonwealth's Attorney. Minutes of the meeting of April 19, 1950, were read and approved. Communication was received from the State Highway Department enclosing copies of the final allocations of primary construction'funds for the year 1950-51, as approved by the Highway Commission on May lC, 1950. ~he following rePorts were presented, approved and ordered filed: ~ (a) County Executive. (b) Charlottesville-Albemarle Public Library. (c) Board of Equalization. ~ Nr. D. A. Robinson, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses ef the Department of Finance for the month of April, 1950, one-third of which to be borne by the State. Upon motion, duly ms~de and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified, and approved. Mr. D. A. Robinson, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses of the Sheriff's Office for the month ef April, 19~, two-thirds of which to be borne by the State. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified and approved. Mr. D. A. Robinson, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses of the Commonwealth's Attorney's 0ffice for the month of April, 1950, one~half of which to be berne by the State. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified, and approved. Statement of Expenses incurred in the maintenance of the County Jail along witha Summary Statement of Prisoner Days were submitted. Upon motion, duly made and seconde~, these s~tements were examined, verified, and approved. <~ Claim of Dr. Richard T. Ergenbright, Jail Physician, in the amount of $4.25 was re- ceived and approved for payment. Mr. D. A. Robinson, County Executive, advised the Board that Dr. Ergenbright had requested that the County raise the Jail Physician's fee to that of the City of Charlottesville which is $3.00 for the first prisoner visit and $1.00 for each additional prisoner attended during the same visit. Mr. Fife, Commonwealth's Attorney, ad- ?ised the Board that this rate could be paid by the County but the State would-not reimburse the County in excess of the present rate which is $0.75 and $0.50 respectively. However, Mr. Fife pointed out that the Code of Virginia also provided a monthly salary for jail physicians, whieh upon the approval of the Compensation Board, would be two-thirds reimburse- able by the State. Mr. Robinson waw instructed to ~ake a che=k on the statements rendered by Dr. Ergenbright during the past twelve months and report his finds to the Board at its next regular meeting. The following claims against the Dog Tax Fund were presented: (a) claim of Hugh E. Henderson for one lamb ~eighing sixty pounds. UpOn motion, made by Mr. Chiles and seconded by Mr. Williams, it was