HomeMy WebLinkAbout1950-05-17440 Upon motion, the meeting adjourned. Chairm~u. A regular meeting of the Beard of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia~ waz held at the Office Building of said County on the 17th day of May, 1950. Present: Messrs. C. Purcell McCue, E. J. Ballard, Henry Chiles, C. R. Dottier, J. W. Williams, and W1 W. Wood° Absent: None. Officers present: Co~.untyExecutive and Commonwealth's Attorney. MinUtes of the meeting of April 19, 1950, were read and approved. Communication was received from the State Highway Department enclosing copies of the final allocations of primary construction funds for the year 1950-51, as approved by the Highway Commission on May lC, 1950. Me following reports were presented, approved and ordered filed: (m) County Executive. (b) Charlottesville-Albemarle Public Library. (c) Board of Equalization. Mr. D. A. Robinson, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses of the Department of Finance for the month of April, 1950, one-third of which to be borne by the State. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified, and approved. Mr. D. A. Robinson, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses of the' Sheriff's Office for the month of April, 19.~.0, two-thirds of which to be borne by the State. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified and approved. Mr. D. A. Robinson, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses of the Commonwealth's Attorney's Office for the month of April, 1950, one,half ef which to be borne by the State. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified, and approved. Statement of Expenses incurred in the maintenance of the County Jail along witha Summary Statement cf Prisoner Days were submitted. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, these s~atemen%s were cEa_mined, verified, and approved. Claim of Dr. Richard T. Ergenbright, Jail Physician, in the amount of $4.25 was re ceived and approved for payment. Mr. D. A. Robinson, County Executive, advised the Board that Dr. Ergenbright had requested that the County raise the Jail Physician's fee to that ef the City of Charlottesville which is $3.00 for the first prisoner visit and $1.00 for each additional prisoner attended during the same visit. Mr. Fife, Commonwealth's Attorney, ad- $ised the Board that this rate could be paid by the County but the State would not reimburse the County in excess of the present rate which is $0.75 and $0.50 respectively. However, Mr. Fife pointed out that the Code of Virginia also provided a monthly salary for jail physicians, which upon the approval of the Compensation Board, would be two-thirds reimburse- able by the State. Mr. Robinson war instructed to ~ake a check en the statements rendered by Dr. Ergenbright during the past twelve months and report his finds to the Board at its next regular meeting. The following claims against the Dog Tax Fund were presented: (a) Claim of Hu~h E. Henderson for one lamb ~eighing sixty pounds. UpOn wotion, made b~Mr. Chiles and seconded byMr. Williams, it was (b) Claim of N. G. Collier for one ewe~and one lamb weighing twenty pounds. Upon motion, made by Mr. Chiles and seconded by Mr. Williams, it .was ordered that Mr. Collier be paid $12.00 for the ewe and $6.00 for the lamb. Claim of Llewellyn Miller for three kids. Upon motion, made by Mr. Chiles and seconded by Mr. Williams, it .was ordered that Mr. Nill~r~b~::~paid~the assessed value of $2.00 each for these kids. (d) Claim of Mrs. R. A. Alger, Jr. for sex ewes, one ram, and two lambs. U~on motion, made by Mr. Chiles and seconded by Mr. Williams, it was ordered that Mrs. Alger be paid $14.00 each for the ewes and ram and $?.00 each for the lambs. (e) Claim of Odie Johnson for four hens. Upon motion, .made by Mr. Chiles and seconded by Mr. Williams, it was ordered bhat Mrs. Johnson be paid $0.266 each for these h~nS. (f) (g) Claim of Mrs. Norman Kelsey for one ewe and two lambs. Upon motion, duly made ~nd seconded, this claim was not allowed on the basis that Mrs. Kelsay had no sheep assessed. Claim of W. E. Bu~ord for two ewes. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, it was ordered that Mr. Bu~ord be paid $13.20 each f~r these ewes. (h~ Claim of John T. Garth for two ewes and eno lamb. Action on this claim was deferred until f~rther i~formation is obtained, Claim of Mr. O. Robbins Randolp~h in the amount of $800.00 was presented representi~ professional services rendered in com~ection with the sm'vey and preparation of a countour map of about twenty acres, proposed site for the Central High School. The Board was of the opinion that the request for payment of this claim should come directly from the School Boar~ Mr. Cale, Superintendent of Schools, appeared and advised that of the $11,000~00 appropriatioh made previously by th~s Board, $1,000.00 was intended for architects fees and $10,000.00 for ~ preliminary drawings. This claim was approved by the Board on the basis of information re- ceived from Mr. Gale. Communication was received from Mr. Hugh E. Henderson enclosing the names of boys and girls who owned good or choice calves in the recent baby beef show. No action was necessary in this matter due to the fact that the curzent budget included an appropriation to cover prizes in this show. Claim of the University of Virginia Hospital in the amount of $334.23 was presente~i covering hosp2talization of imd~'~gent patients under S.L.H., one-half to be paid by the Count~ and upon motion, made by Mr. Dorr&er and seconded by Mr. Chiles, was approved for payment. Claim of the State Forester of ~irginia ia the amount of $921.08 covering forest fire control service from April 7 - May 9, 1950, was presented and upon motion, made by Wood and seconded by Mr. Chiles, was approved f~r payment. A copy of a com2azuication addressed to Najor. R. ~. Youell, Director of the Divisio~ of Corrections, regarding necessary improvements to the County Jail, was received from Mr. S. Brent, Supervisor of Jails. In the discussion of the matter, Mr. RObinson advised that Mr. John Ross had inspected the Jail but that he had not received a reper~ f~om him as to his estimate of the cost of repairs needed. Mr. Robinson further advised that after this estimate was received, he would proceed %o secure bids on repairs to the Jail. At the request of the State Highway Department, the following resolution, offered by Nr. Chiles and seconded by Mr. ~ood, was unanimously adopted as an amendment to the reso- lution passed by this Board on April 19, 1950: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that inasmach as the approach to Route 734 req~.~res a right of way through the property of E. L. Bailey in connection with the Federal Aid Project on Route 795, Project No. 1302~05~1372), that this Board does hereby recommend to the High way Dep~rtment that this right of way he secured, and that the State ~ighway Department be requested to locate the aforesaid approach at approximately Station 13~20. ~ 442 Dr. $.' D. Starkie, Director of the Joint. Health Department, end Mrs-. Morton of the Albemarle TuberCulosis Association, appeared before the Board and .advised- that a mass !,Ray Campaign was plan~ed for the month of September w~ereby all residents of the City and County over the age of fifteen would receive X-~ays. They requested that the Board adopt a reso- lution giving their support to this matter aud also requested that Mr. McCue ar seme~ember of the Board attend a meeting of the T~bercu!osis Association to be held im the' Co~mrt House at 8:00 P.M. on May 25, ~1950. Upon motion~ made by tlr. Williams and seconded by Mr. Wood, the following resolution was umanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of ~County Supervisors of Albemarle Ooumty, Virginia, that this Board shall give its wholehearted moral Sup- port to the Albem~r~ le Tuberculosis Association and the Joint Health Den partment in their mass X-Bay Ca~.paigm during the-month of September, 19~D, whereby 'all citizens of th~ County of Albemarle and the City of Charlottesville over the age of fifteen, will he given an opportunity to re~eiv~ X-Rays. In 'accordance with ~otice F~blished setting this dateffer a ~public hearing on a proposed amendment to the 0rdinanee prohibiting the sale of beer and wine on Sunday, whereby the sale of beer on Sundays would be permitted, a large gathering 'appeared before the Board and discussed this matter. From this gathering the following persons spoke in favor of the proposed amendment: Mr. E, C. Wingfield, Attorney for petitioners, Mr. W. H. Kirby, Mr. 'Joe Porte~, Field Representative of the Restaurant Association, M~. T. E. 'Wood, Mr. L. F. Wood, Mr. C. L. Critter, and Mr. Russell Gardner. The following were among ~hose persons who spoke in opp&sition to the proposed amendment= Mr. L. R. Quartos, representing the Ruritam Club, Mr. J. J. Wood, Mr. Theodore Rose, Mr. W.~ W. Finley, Rev. I. G. Couch, R. T. W. Duke, Mr. Gezrge Gentry, Mr. Hugh C~ark, Rev. Bruce Wideman, Hrs. Thompson of Free Hnion, Mrs. Clark of North Garden, the Baptist minister of N~rth Garden, Mr. H. G. Bowles, Mr. B. Yeum~ and Rev. Charles Maupln. Following a lengthy discussion,~ this matter was continued until the next ~regular meeting-of the Board. The Budget of the Department of Public Welfare for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1951, as approved by the Department 0f Welfare and Institutions, was Presented for this Board's approval. However action was deferred until the next meeting. It was the expresse~ ~pimien of members of the Board that efforts should be made to reduce Welfare costs amd Mr. Williams was instructed to convey this feeling to the Welfare Board at its next meeting. Mr. McCae stated that he felt that the School Bpard should furaish this Board with information regarding OPerating cost~ of the proposed new schools and. hew the School Beard propose~ to obtain the ne~essarTf reven~e far such operations. He ~lso stated that Mr. Cale had consented to ebtmin this i~formation for the Board as soon as possible. Communication was received from Dr. M¢I~emore Birdsong accepting the Board's re- appointment t~ the County Planni~ Commission for a term expiri~4 December 31, 1953. C~mmu~ ication was received fr~m Drl NeldOn Cooper advising that he would be unable to accept the Board's reappoimtment to this Commission. Mr. D. A. Robinson, County Executive, was instruct to write to Dr. Cooper, accepting his resignation and expressing the Board's appreciation of his service to the Plann~ Cemmissie~ in the past. Proposal was received from T. Coleman Andrews and Company to audit the accounts and records of the County for t~he year ending June 30, 1950, for the sum of $1,25o.00. upon motion, made by Mr. Wood amd seconde~ by Mr. Dorrier, this proposal was ~ccepted and ~obinson was instructed to advise T. Coleman Andrews and Company accordi~g!y. Mr. Robinson advised the Board that Mr. William H. Hatchett, radio dispatcher, hkd resigned, and he r~eommended Mr. Linton Smith who had app~ed for the position, te replace Communication was received from Mrs. Eleanor F. Bradford, Case Worker Lu Charge in the Welfare Department, offering her resignation amd asking that she be relieved ef her dut- ies as seen after June 1st as possible. Upon motion, made by Mr. Williams and Seconded by Mr. Derrier, Mrs. Bradford's resignation was. accepted, effective June 21, 1950. Communication was received from the Institute of International Education advising that it would like to have a group of Japanese officials visit the County to discuss "Develop- merit of County Management in the United Statem." The Board instructed Mr. Robinson that an~ expenses of this visit could be charged to the County. Mr. Robinson advised the Board that he had requested that a proper count of the persons living at the University of Virginia be included im the coup% ef the County's popu~ !ation~ ~, Communication was received from the Virginia Music Festivml requesting an appr~- priation of $500.00 ~y the Board. 'No action was taken on this matter. Communication was received from the Soil ~onservation Service advisinqE that their lease for office spac~ in the County Office Building would expire ~June 30~ 1950, and asked if it would be agreeable With the Board if the Soil Conservation Service continue to occupy its present quarters under the same ~erms and conditions of the present contract for the period begimming July ~, 1950 and ending June 30, 1951. Upon motion, duly made and seconded,~ Mr, Robinson was instructed to advise the Soil Conservation Service that the Board would be willing to enter into a contract on an annual basis, the rental to be the same as that of other county rented offices of $1.50 per square foot as approved by the Rental Committee of this Board. Communication was received from the Pa~bli~LBull~£n~g;;;::S~i,e~ advising that the office space occupied by the Rent Control Board would not be required after June 30, 1950, Communication was received from the State Chamber of Commerce and was ordered file~. A report on the audit of the accounts of Mrs. Eva W. Maupin, Clerk, was received from the Auditor of Public Accounts and was ordered filed. Mr. D. A. Robinson, County Executive, reported to the Bosrd that it was the opinion of the Attorney General that water service oould not be rendered outside the Crozet !i Sanitary District. Mr. Robinson advised that the only su~ution to the ~estion of furnishing water to residents outside of the district seemed to be to petition the J~dge to change the ~ boundaries of the Sanitary District.- No formal action was taken on this matter. Mr. D. A. Robinson, Director of Finance, advised that there was a balance of $1959.39 in the Joint Negro High School Fu~d and requ~,sted that this amount be transferred, onethalf to the City and one-half to the School Operating Fund of the County. Upon motion, made by Mr. Dottier and seconded by Mr. Williams, Mr. Robinson was authorized to transfer this balance as requested. Mr. D. A. Robinson, County Executive, advised the Board that the Municip~.~ Fimamce~ Officers Association 1950 Conference was being held in Montreal, Qmebec, the week of June 5~, and requested that he be permitted to attend and have the use of the County car for this tripS, and that two members of his staff, Miss Hicks and Mrs. Via, had also consented to atte~ the meeting as a part of their vacation time. Upon motion, made by Mr. Chiles and seconded by Mr. Wood, Mr. Robinson was authorized to attend this meeting and to use the County car. Mr. W. 0. Fife, Commonwealth's Attorney, advised the Board that so long as payment~ were in ~ccordance with the contract for the Joint Negro High School and the vouchers carrie~ the approval of the architects and the Superintendent of Schools, these payments could be made prior to ~_udividual approval by the Board. Mr. D. A. Robinson advised the Board that there were two pieces of land sold to ~ Mr. M. U. Dixon by the County which Mr. Dixon did not have recorded in the Clerk's Office. 444 had offered these tracts of land back to the County if the County would pay the costs of recordation. Mr~ W. W. Wood made a motion to accept this offer but no second was received to Mr. Wood's motion° Mr. Robinson stated that he would like to have permission to instruc% bidders on County property that they would have to pay the costs of recordation along with th~ sale price of the property bidded on. Mr. Fife advised that he did not feel 'that the bidder could be forced to pay the costs of recordation and~-~hat iNr~,;',Gilm~r ~hO~ld~:~e requested to ask the Court to issue an order~-~whereby such a policy could be enforced. Claims against the Co~unty amounting to $4%,609.09 were presented, examined, ~nd ~llowed and certified to the Director of Finance for payment and charged against the follow- ing funds: General Fund School Fund Dog Tax Fund Crozet Fire District Fund Crozet S ~anit ~ary District Fund Joint Health Fund School Construction Bond Fund Comm. of Va. C~trrent Credit Account Upon motion, the meeting adjourned. $t2,423.89 6,240.40 292.05~ 1,282.05 327.01, 2~992o9~ 17,320o90 ~ _ _3,729_. 82 $4/+,609.09 Chairman