HomeMy WebLinkAbout1950-06-21 E regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia,
was held at the Office BuildSng of said County on the 21st day of June, 1950.
and W. ~. Wood.
Nessrs. C. Purcell McCue, E. J. Baltard, Henry Chiles, J. W. Williams,
Nr. C. R. Dorrier.
Officers present: County Executive and Commonwealth's Attorney.
~inutes of the meeting of Nay 17, 1950, were read and approved.
Communication was received from the State Department of Highways advising that
the Highway Commission had approved the transfer from the Secondary System to the Primary
System Route 613 from its intersection with Rt. 250 east of Charlottesville to its inter-
section with Rt. 33 at Barboursville and also the transfer from the Primary System to the
Second~ System of Rt. 230 from Crozet to the intersection of Rt. 33 west of Stanardsville.~
Communication was received from the State Department of Highways enclosing
Option-~greement covering the right of way through the property of J. ~. Johns in connectio~
with Project No. 1302-05 (1372) on Route 795, with the request that this Agreement be
executed and returned.
~r. W. W. Shields appeared and a~vised that as of June l, 1950, lO0.1% of the
~unds allocated for highway maintenance had been disbursed but that only 87.8% of the total
allocations had been used. Mr. Shi&~ds also reported on the work now being done by tl~e
Highway Department.
Mr. W. N. Shields a&so advised that in securing right of ways on Route 712 there
was a building at the intersection at Keene which would have to be moved at the cost of
$200.00. The Board expressed the feeling that $200.00 was a reasonable sum for the moving
of this building and approved of the use of the amount of fu~ds for this purpose.
M~. W. W. Wood advised ~. Shields that there were two sections of Route 743 whic2
were very rough and asked when the Highway Department could, improve these sections. ~.
Shields advised that no improvements could be made on this Route until next year.
Mr. Henry Chiles reported that a request had been received for a hard surface on
road leading into Albemarle Lake, Route 675, and that he had instructed petitioners to se-
cu~e +~he necessary rights of way.
Request was received from the Virginia Electric and Power Company for the Board
'to confirm its request for street lights at Crozet. ~. W. O. Fife advised that the County
could not enter into a contract for said lights as a facility but that the County would be
responsible for seeing that the Crozet Sanitary District assumes its obligation in the pay-
ment of stree$ light service. Upon motion, made by Mr. Wood and seconded by Nr. BaLlard,
the following resolution was uns~uimously adopted~
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County' Supervisors of Albemarle
County, Virginia, that this Board doth hereby confirm its request for
street lights in the Crozet Sanitary District from the Virginia Electric
and Power Company under the contract now existing between the County of
Albemarle and th~ Virginia Electric and Power Campany, and
BE IT FL~RTHER RESOLVED that the liability for such lights shall
be a primary obligation of the Crozet Sanitary District of Albemarle
County as provided for by the Sanitary District statute, and should
funds for the payment of this obligation not be available otherwise, the
Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County shall lay a levy in the
Crozet Sanitary District for a sum sufficient to meet this liability.
Upon motion, ma~e by ~ar. Chiles and seconded by Mr. Wood, ~r. D. A. Robinson was
~ustructed to reimburse himself from County funds for expenses inc~rred in conne~t~o~
The matter of increasing the Jail Physicism's fee was again discussed and Mr.
W.o O. Fife advised that the 1950 Legislature passed legislation whereby Board of Super-
visors were permitted to appoint the Jail Physician and also Whereby iBhe ~overning body may
pay the jail pt~ysician either on a monthly basis or at a flat rate for each patient, ~ro-
vialed the Compensation Board approves the amount of compensation. Upon motion, made by
Mr. Chiles and seconded by Mr. Williams, the following resolution was ~mauimously adopted~
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervigors of Albemarle
County, Virginia, that the Jail Physician for Albemarle County be paid a
fee of $3.00 for the first prisoner attended each day EUd a fee of $1o00
for each additional prisoner attended.
BE iT .W~RTHER RESOLVED that the State Compensation Board be re-
~uested to approve the foregoing rates and that the Cmmpensation Board
be f~ther requested to reimburse the County for two-thirds of this ex-
Mr. Wo 0. Fife, Commonwealth's Attorney, advised the Board that Senate Bill No. 15l
adopted by the 1950 Legislature provided that governing bodies of sa~y County operating under
the County ExecUtive form of government may prohibit the sale, storage, or use of fire works
This matter was discussed but no action was taken by the Board.
Mr. Paul H. C~le, Superintendent of Schools, and members of the School Board ap-
peared and presented the following bid of A. E. Cubright for alterations and repairs to the
Red Hill High Schoolz
Base Bid
Alternate No. l, Wood Trusses
Alternate No. 2, New Heating Plant
Alternate No. 3, Fire Proof Boiler Room
Arohitects ' Fees
Grand Total
1, 560.00
2,6oo.oo ($400.already pd.)
_ 8, OOO.O~
~M. Cale also presented the foll~ving request frc~ the School Board=
2The Albemarle County School Board hereby requests permission
to use up to $17~000.00 of School Fund Surplus Ln the current School
Board Budget to supplement the original appropriation of $50,000.00
to construct and equip alterations and additions to the Re, Hill High
School and to ~omptete payment of architects for this project."
Upon motion, made by Mr. Williams and secOnded by Mr. Wood, the following reso-
lution was unanimously adopted:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle
County, Virginia, that $17,000.00, or as hatch thereof as necessary, be
and is hereby transferred fromtthe Unappropriated Surplus of the School
F~ud to be used for alterations and additions to the Red Hill High School
Mr. D. A. Robinson, Director of Finance, recommended that the County pay the
balance on the Literary~d Loan of approximately $$0,000o00 in order to s~v~ interest on
this loan. Mr. J. T. Henley, Chairma~h of 'the School Board~ advised that this would be agree.
able with the School Board. ~. Wood offered a motion which wzs seconded byMr. B~llard,
to pay this !oanfrom the 1999-50 School Operating Fund. Mr. W. O. Fife advised that he was
not in favor of raising the tax levy for one pmrpose and spending it for another. Mr. Wood
withdrew his motionuntil this matter could be clarified and action thereon was defSrred.
Mr. E. L. Bradley and several other citizens ef the County appeared and requested
the Board to retain the rate of $20.00 per month rental for office space occupied by the
Soil Conservation Se~ice. Mr. Bradley further requested that the County enter into a five-
year lease at this rental rate. Mr. Bradley based his request for this rate upgnTthe fact
Robinson, County Executive, pointed out that the County now ranks third in the State in its
contribution to.J~the advancement of agriculture and home ec6nomics. Mr. Fife advised that
the County could not lease this office s~ace for a five-year term and suggested that a leas~
be drawn for a one year term with a continuing clause from year to year, subject to termi-
nation during the following year upon thirty~ days notice b~e~_~e~ party. Upon motion,
made bye. Williams and seconded by~r. Chiles, the following resolution was unanimously
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Co~mty Supervisors of Albemarle
County, Virginia, that the County lease to the Soil Conservation Service
Rooms ll2 and ll4 in the County Office Building at the rate of $20.00 per
month on a yTarly basis subject to termination by either party upon thirty
days notice.
~. T. O. Scott, County Agent, appeared and expressed the need of an additional
~ssistant agent in the County to work with fruit growers. }~. Scott advised that he had
bgen notified by the District Agent that a mau was available for this position if the Countyi!
would pay a part of his salary, which 5~. Scott stated would b2 approximately $1500.00 per
an~uum. Upon motion, made by ~h% Chiles and seconded by ~m. Wood, the following resolution
was unanimously.adopted~
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Sup&rvisors of Albemarle
County, Virginia, that a sum not to exceed $1500.00 shall be appropriated
from the Unappropriated Surplus of the General Fund to discharge the
County's sha~e of the 'sa~ry and cost of an additional County Agent whose
duties shall be directed primarily to the fruit growing industry.
Mrs. T. J. Randolph IV appeared before the Bo~rd and discussed the County Seal
which was designed by Mr. Sam Clark and drawn and painted by ~rs. Randolph. Mrs. Randolph
advised that six colors could be reproduced and that she?~d used only six colors in paint~_u~
the seal by using different shades and tints of the colors used. Upon motion, made by~r.
Williams and seconded by Mr. Ballard, the seal as presented was adopted as the official
Albemarle County ~al. Mr. D. A. Robinson, County Executive, recommended that Mrs. R '-a'-~dolph
be paid $50.00 for her services which was approved upon motion of Mr. Williams, seconded by
Upon motion, duly made and seconded, the following ordinance was adopted~
~ OPd~II~CE TO ~ g2~ tl~-2XlAGT ~ OP~INg2ICE PROIilB~ING TRE SAI~ OF BF21R ~ WIi~ ON SUN-i!
BE iT ORDAINED by the Board' of County Supervisors of Albemarle County:
(1) That an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance prohibiting the sale of beer and wine
on Sunday as authorized by Acts of the General Assembly of 19~0, page 29, be amended and
reenacted as follOwS::
(2) That the sale of wine between the hours of twelve o'clock post meridian of eac~
Saturday and six o'clock ante meridian of each Monday is prohibited and it shall be unlawful?.
for any person holding a license to sell wine or to permit the consumption of wine upon the
premises mentioned in said license.
(3) ~ny person, firm or corporation violating the pro~lsionS of this Ordinance sha~l
be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished by a fine of not less than $10.00 nor more
than $500.00, or by confinement in jail for not less than ten days nor more th~n twelve
months, either or both.
(4) All other 0rdina~uces or parts of Ordinances ~_u oonflio~ wish the pro.visions of ii
this O~dinance are repealed to the extent of such conflict.
(5) The provisions of this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect after pub-
The following claims against the Dog Tax Fund were presented:
(a) Claim of Nr. H. W. Nann for one sheep and two lambs. Mr. Napier re-
ported that .he did not see the bodies of the lambs and only saw the
sheep after a lapse of several days. Upon motion, made by Mr. Chiles
and seconded'by Mr, Williams, the claim for the lambs was denied.
Upon motion, made by ~Ir. Williams and seconded by Mr. Wood, Mr. Nann
was allowed the assessed value of $15.44 for the sheep.
(b) Claim of Robert~Crile for twenty~two turkeys. Action on this claim
was deferred due to the fact that ~. Crile had no turkeys assessed.
(c) Claim of john T. Jhorth for two ewes and one lamb killed by dogs.
E~tion was deferred on this claim until the assessor can investigate
the assessment.
Mr. D. A. Robinson, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses of the
Department of Finance for the ~month of Nay, 19~0, one-third of which to be borne-by the
Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Stmtement was examined, verified, end.ap-
Mr. D. A. Robinson, Director of Finance, ~ubmitted a Statement of Expehses of the
Sheriff's Office for the month of Nay, 1950, two-thirds of which to be borne by the State.
Upon~motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified, and approved.
Mr. D. A. Robinson, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement 8f ~xpenses of the
Commonwealth's Attorney's Office for the month of Nay, 1950, one-half of which to be borne
by the State. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified,
and approved.
Statement of Expenses incurred in the maintenance of the County Jail along with a
Summary Statmnt of Prisoner Days was submitted. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, these
Statements were examined, verified, and approved.
Claim of Dry.Richard T. Ergenbright, Jail Physician, in the amount of $6.00was
presented and approved for payment.
The following reports were received and ordered filed:
(a) County Executive.
(b) Charlottesville-Albemarle Public Libra~y.
Re~ort on the audit of accounts of the District Home Board for the calendar year
1949 was received from the Auditor of Public Accounts ~ud was ordered filed.
Mr. D. A. Robinson, County Executive, presented the Welfare~Budget for the fiscal
year ending June 30, 1951, in the amount of $173,265.00 which has been approve~by the
State Department of Public Welfare for $160,000.00. Upon motion, made by ~. Williams and
seconded by Mr. Wood, the welfare grants were cut 20% which will provide 60% of needs in-
stead of the present 80% except for Aid to the B~ud and Foster Care, and Mr. McCue was
authorized to sign this budget on behalf of the Board.
Nr. D. A. Robinson, Director of Finance, recommended that the WelfareBudget pro-
vide local funds for the County's share of expenses of the District Home in the Welfare
Budget. Upon motion, made by Mr. Williams and seconded by Mr. Wood, ~. Robinson's recom-
Communication was received from Dr. S. D. Sturkie, Health Director,
mendation was approved, requesting that 100% of.budgetary needs be met in homes where there
is illness or a health problem. No action was taken on this matter~
Report was received from the Department of Welfare and Institutions on commitments
to the County and City jails during March, 1950, amiwas ordered filed.
Report was received from Major R. N. Youell on the Luspection ~the County Jail
and was ordered filed.
Report was received from the Jail Committee as follows:
(1) Get Information from other Counties.
(2) Review consolidation with City in view of estimated costs presented.
(3) Get State~s reports on City Jail. ~
(4) If possible, get other estimates.
Mr. D. A. Robinson, County Executive, advised that he had written to Greene, Fluvanna, and
Nadison Counties to determine their plans for the keep of their prisoners and had also re-
euested estLmatem on repairs to the Jail. Mr. Robinson also presented a report on the
Report was received from the Committee on Vacations ~or the Sheriff's Office,
recommending one week's vacation for deputies and two radio dispatchers upon the approval
of the Sheriff. and with the understanding that this be accomplished by doubling up and with~
out additional expense to the County. Mr. Robinson advised that the Sheriff desired the
approval of the Compensation Board. Mr. Robinson also recommended that the Compensation
Board be requested to share in the expense of radio opera~tors' salaries and radio maintenance
in view of recent legislation. Upon motion, made by Mr. Chiles and seconded by Fir. Wood,
the following resolution was unan3~nous!y ~dopted~
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisor~ of Albemarle
County, Virginia, that Deputies and Radio Operators in the Sheriff's Of-
fice be allowed one week's vacation with the understanding that this be
accomplished by doubling up and without additional expense to the County.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the State Compensation be and is
hereby requested to appro~ve said vacations in the Sheriff'z Office.
BE IT FDP~TtiER RESOLVED that the State Compensation Board be
and~is hereby requested to share in the expense of salaries of the R~dio
Operators and maintenance of the two-way radios to the extent o£ two-
thirds of said expenses, as provided for by Chapter 59, Acts of Assembly of 1950.
The following report was received from the Crozet Water Committee~
"It is recommended that the six inch line at the end of Hill
Top Street, approximately 480 feet, be extended to Ny~le Street, pro-
vided the present owners will give an easement through their land ·
(Blue Ridge~ Motors), and further recommend a two inch main be run on
Myrtle Street and parallel to it for a distance of appro~mate!y 525 ft.,
and_ fu_rther provided that the Blue Ridge Motor Co. will guarantee a
minim~un of i0% per annum for ten years, the cost of laying the 6 inch
and 2 inch mains o"
Mr. D. A. Robinson, County Executive., expressed the opinion that the recommendation of the
committee does not p~ovide for the best development of the CrozSt ~ater Cc~pany over a long-
ramge period inasmuch as the line will go a~ross p~operty where there is no street and he
felt only six inch mains should be installed in subdivisions of this nature. This matter
was discussed and upon motion, made by Mr. Chiles and seconded by Mr. Wood, the recommen-
da~tion of the committee was accepted by the Board.
The Crozet Water Committee ~urther re.commended that Mr. E. L. Belew be employed
Superintendent of the Crozet Water Company on a full time basis. Upon motion, made by Mr.
~ood and seconded by M~. Bllard, Mr. Belew's employment on a full-time basis was approved
at a salary of $150.00 per month.
Summary of radio calls was received from the Sheriff's Office showing 77 calls
the month of May as compared with 198 calls for the month of April.
Commu~_~cation was received from ~ George E. Bokinsky~ Comptroller of the Unmver-~,~
sity of Virgir~ia Hospital, advising that the info~mation upon which the new SLH Contract
rate must be figured will not be available until the middle of August and requested that the
Board approve of the continuation of the current contract until September 30, 1950. Upon
motion, made hy ~. Wood~and seconded by Mr. Ballard, Mr. C. Purcell McCue was authorized
to sign an agreement for the extension of the present S~LH Contract through September 30, 195i.
Upon motion, made by Mr. Wood and seconded by Mr. Ballard, the following reso-
lution was unanimously adopted:
BE tT RESOLVED by-the Board of Co~3aty Supervisors of Albemarle
Upon the recommendation of Mm.' D. A. RObinson, Director of Finance, the following
resolution, Offered by ~ir.~ Wood and seconded by Mr. Ballard, was una~hmously adopted:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board 'of County Supervisors'of Albemarle
County, Virginia, that the Consolidated Couaty Road Debt Fund be closed
and transferred to the General Fund.
Upon motion, made by Mr. Wood and seconded by ~f~. Ballard, the following reso-
lutions were unanimously adopted~
WHEREAS, the salary adjustment committee appointed by the Board
of County Supervisors, has recon~ended salary adjustments of certain Couhty
officers and employees, effective July l, 1950, and
~REAS, these recommended salary adjustments have been approved
by this Board in the 'County's 1950-51 Budget,
NOB, THF~FORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors
of Albemarle County, Virginia, that salaries in the Department of Finance
be, and they are hereby increased, effective July l, 1950, as follows:
Name and Position
R. C. Sours, Asst. D. F.
June T. Via, Clerk
Va. Dare Hicks, Bookkeeper
Caroline Wood, Clerk
Margaret R. Pac~, Clerk
Amo~mt previously approved Amount approved in
by Compensation Board
I, 680. O0
1,560. O0
1950-51 Budget ~ Increase
$3,360.00 $360.00
2,400.00 180.00
1,800.00 120.00
1,680.00 120.00
1,560. O0 60.00
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Compensation Board of the State
of Virginia, be and is hereby requested to approve these salaries and to
participate in its proportionate share of same.
WHEREAS, the salary 'adjustment committee appointed by the Board
of County Supervisors, has recommended salary adjustments of certain County
officers and employees, effective July l, 1950, and
~HEREAS, these recommended salary adjustments have been approved
by this Board in the CountY's 1950-51 Budget,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT BF. SOLVED BY the Board of County Superwlsors
of Albemarle County, Virginia, that salaries of the Clerk's Office be, and
they are hereby increased, effectiVe July 1, 1950, as follows:
~mount previously approved ~ount approved in Annual
Name and Position by Compensation Board 1950~..~1 BudMet ~ Increase!
Helen H. Humbert, Deputy Clerk ~ $1,920.00 $1,980.00 $ 60.00
~iNancy B. Harris, Stenographer 1,680.00 1,740.00 60.00
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Compensation Board of the State
of Virginia, be and is hereby, requested to approve these salaries and to
participate in its proportionate ~hare of same.
WHEREAS, the salary adjustment committee appointed by the Board
of County SuperEisors, has recommended salary adjustments of certain County
officers and employees, effecti%~ July i, 1950, and
.WHEPd~AS, these recommended salary adjustments have been approved
by this Board in the County's 1950-51 Budget,
NOW, THEEEFOP.~, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors
of Albemarle County, Virginia, that salaries in the Com-monwealth's Attorney's
Office be and they are hereby increased, effective July l, 1950, as follows:
Amount previously approved Amount approved in Annual
Name and Position _____b~mp~ensation Board . 1950,51 Bude~ Increa~_
W. O. Fife, Comm. Atty. $4,200.00 $~,400.00 $200.0(
Nancy W. Failes, Stenographer 580.00 600.00 20.0(
o~ ~ ~wr~w~ ~w.~nT.~.~n +.~+. +,b~.~m~,~.~,~ ~n Bc~zod of the State of
Communication was received from }Ar. C. T. O'Neill, Vice President of the National
Bank, advising that he wished to purchase for the P. H. Faulconer Estate a tract o~ 15~
acres, parcel 8, County Map 104, from the County, and offering $80.00 for this land. Mr.
Robinson recommended that the County sell this tract of land on. the basis of ~. Sam Clark,s
appraised value. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, the sale of the above mentioned tract
of land was approved, the sale price to be based on Mr. C~ark's appraisal. ~?~-_¢~
Communication was received from the League of Virginia Counties enclosing corn-
parative County data and was ordered filed.
A tentative program of a short course on water works, etc., being offered at ~
V.P.I. was received End turned over to Mr. He~y Chiles.
Communication was received from Louise Cooley, Home Demonstration Agent._~of; Augnsta?~
County, expressing her appreciation for the use of the Albemarle ~-H Club Camp. ~
Communication was received ...........from ~s. Ruth Burruss Huff, Homo Demonstration Agent,
expressing her~appreciation for tho sewing machine purchased by the County for the Home
Demonstration office.
Co~munication was received from Graham A. Randolph thanking the Board for its !~
award to him of $20.00 in the recent Baby Beef Show. I:
~. D. A. Robinson ~dvised the Board that he had been approached on the subject o~
closing County offices on Monday, July 3rd, and recommended that the County offices close
provided the State declares this a holiday. Upon motion, made by ~r. Ballard and seconded
by Mr. Wood, it was ordered that County offices close July 3rd if the State declares this
date as a holiday.
Mr. Henry Chiles advised the Board that he did not feel that he was qualified to
pass judgment on fire insurance matters and would like to be relieved of his duties on the
committee, and suggested that ~M. Robinson make his recommendation on ins~Lu'smce needs. Mr.:
Robinson recommended that the present policies be continued and the Board concurred with
Mr. Robinson's recommendation.
Upon motion, made by ~. Chiles and seconded by Mr. V~ood,. the following reso-
lution was unanimously adopted::
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle
County, Virginia, that $2,000.00 be and is hereby &ppropriated from the
Unappropriated Reserve of the General Fund to Cohtributions, Chamber of
Commerce Advertising Fund..
Claims against the.County amounting to $152,372.44were presented, examined, and i~
allowed and certified to the Director of Finance for payment and charged against the follow~
lng funds:
General Fund
School Fund
Dog Tax Fund
Crozet Sanitary District Fund
Joint Health Fund
School Construction Bond Fund
Joint Ne~o High School Fund
Mclntire Trust Fund
Crozet Fire District Fund
Comm. of Virginia Current Credit Account
Comm. of Virginia Dog Tax Credit Account
Overa~e and Shortage Account
Upon motion, the meeting adjourned.
$ 2O, 588.44
1, 959.34
l, 675.58