HomeMy WebLinkAbout1950-07-19452
A reg~tar-meets-of-~the Boar~ o~ CSua%y SuperVisors. of AtbemarleiOoUm%y, 7irgi~a,i
was held at the Office Buil~i~. o~ ~ C~ty om ~ ~ ~ of ~,~t9~., ~' ~
~t: Mesas. O. ~~ ~, E. J. ~d, He~ C~t~, 0. R. Do, er,
Williams, 'an~ W. W. Wood.
Absent: None.
0ff~ice~s present:
Cemmo~wealth"s Attorney.
County ~xeeutive and Mr. D. B. Marshall, 'substitution for the
Minutes of the meeting of June 21, 1950, were read'and approved.
Mr. C. M. Gar~ett, Jr. appeared and requ~ested free ofi~ice sp~ce in the County Of-
fice Building for the P.M.A. 0ffic~. Mr. Hunter :Orenmhaw, Secretary Of the P.M.A. Office
Mr. Moore, District Agent, also apPeared regarding this matter. Upon motion, duly made an~
seconded, M~. D. A. Robinson, County Exe~tive, was instructed to notify the P~.A. '0ffic~
that the Board regretted that it was unable to graut its' request for free office space.
A number of citizens appeared before the Beard end ex~ressed opposition of the
proposed Charlottesville By-pass. After a discussion of this matter, the following reso-
lution was adopted by the following rec6rded vote: ~es - M~ssrs. E. J. Ballard, Henry
Chiles, J. W. Williams, and W. W. WOodJ Mr. 0. R. Dorrier declined to ~vote.
BE I~ RESOLVED by the BOard of County SuPervisors of Albemarle
County, Virginia, that this Board go on record as opposing the p~r°Posed
~[-Pass and 'shall do everything in it~ power to prevent it from going
over the proposed route 'through MeadoWbrook Heights.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Beard is willimg to ~we~-:
the State Department of HighWays and the City of Charlottesville
ing out another route which will be satisfactory to all parties concerned.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of'this Resolution be sub,
mitted to the State Department of HighwaYs a~d to the City Council of the
City of Charlottesville.
Mr. W. W. Shields appeared a~d advised that t~& State HighwaY Department had.re-
ceivedpetitions for improvement of Route 653, the road leading from East Market Street t°
the Stock Yard, and the road into Albemarle Lake. Noaetion was required by the Board en
these petitions.
Mr. Shields also advised that the State Highway Deps~ent would be willing to
furnish labor and equipment for grading and covering-d~mptng areas in the County for which
the County wou~d be billed. ~ ~
In accordance with resolution received :from the County School Board, the follow-
resolution, offered by Mr. Dottier and seconded By Mr. Chiles, was unanimously adopte~:
BE IT RE~OLVED by the Beard of C'our~y Supervisors of Albemarle
County, iVirginia, that the following amounts which were appropriated out
of the 1949-50 Budget, Be ~e~pp~ opriated from the unappropriated School
Fund S~plus and credite~tb~ the following accounts:
Architects Fees 19-205
Red Hill Alterations and Additions .l~-601b
Red Hill Equipment 19-403
School Census I7a-326
The £ollewing request was received from the School Board:
"The Albemarle County School Board hereby requests authorization
~.,~u.~ zer r~ae :t-ot~r tots e~tendimg 160 feet and facing on Henry Avenue,
owned by ~illiam Johnson, in order that this land might he added to the
Joint Negro High School site. It is unders%ood that one-half of the
above amount is to be paid by the gharlottesville City School Board and one-
half by ~the Albemarle County School Board..
In a~ce w~th %he.-foregoimg~ toques%, the following resolution, o£fered by
I/r. ~/illiams and seconded by ]~tr. Wood, was unanimously adopte~l:
BE. IT~ RESOLVED byvthe Beard, of 0ommtF Supe~v~.sers- ef Albemarle.
Coumty, Virginia, that the-Albemarle~ County School Bee_~ be..- -a~' Is--he~e--
by am~horize4 te-make-.a..~itten~ o££er of $t, 500~00- for. %he fea~ te+.s-.ex--
ia ox~er that this~-taad.~ght ~e~-added .to-the Joiat Negro High SeheeI
Cha~tettes~.~ e City. School Bear~ d and one-half ~y the Albemarle
Scheet Bear~.
Nr. D. A. Robinson, Eomaty Executive, recommended that the:Beard a~pprevean ap-
p.rop~iation tz~aasffer ~or $?50.00 te cover, the County's share of the purchase of this land.
The--follow: ~i~g resolution.was received ~rem .the School Beard=
"WHEREAS, the pre~ plans for the proposed central high
school ~ill.~. be completed wi~ the hex% few-days-, a~-
WHEREAS, it seems economically advantageous to have working
drawiags completed in--time to secure bids. in. mid-winter,
N0~, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the County Boar~ of Super-
visors of Albemarle County be and is hereby requested to authorize ~he
School Boar~ to proceed with worktag drawings-for the proposed cea~al
high school. It is estimated that T=he 'cost ef 'these.wer~ddrawings
will ~e approximateLly $40,000.C~. This is a legitimate ex~'tmre of
the Special School Capital Outlay FUnd bu~ ~e SChool Beard is ef the
opinion that unbudgeted surplus at the begLnmiag of the current fiscal
year plus receipts from the reeeat sale of school property will finance
this. project."
I~ accordance with this resolution of the School Boar~,:the following resolution, offered
by Mr. Williams and seconded by Mr. Batlar~ d, was mnanimously adopted:
BE IT RESOLVED by the-Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle
County, Virginia., that $40,000.00 be and is hereby appropriated from the
Special School Capital Outlay Fa~d to be used for working~ drawings of
the proposed oentral l high school~ Code - 19-205.
Mr. D. A. Robin~n recommended t~e retirement of the Literary Fund Leans out of
School 0perattmg Funds. Mr. J. T. Henley, Chairman of the School B~ard, was present and
concurred with Mr. Robiason's reccmmendatian. Upon motion, made by Mr. Dottier and secon~e~
by Mr. Wood, the following resolution was unamimonsly a~opted~
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of 0ounty Supervisors of Albemarle
County, Virginia, that $39,050.00 be and is hereby appropriated frcm the
Unappropriated School Fund Smrplus to 20-801 to be used fro the retire-
men% of Literary Fund Loans.
The following claims against the Dog Tax Fun~ were presented:
Claim of Mrs. A. E. Braun f~ two lambs killed by dogs. Upon motion,
duly made amd seconded, it was ordered that Mrs, Braun be paid the
assessed value of $20.00 each for these lambs.
Claim of O. E. Starkweather for six ewes and ten lambs killed by
dogs. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, it was ordered that ~Mr.
Stark~eather be paid the assessed value of $12.00 each for these
ewes and lambs.
Claim of Harry Lamghorne for ~ne ewe killed by dogs. Upon motion,
duly made and seconded, it was ordered that Mr. Langhorme~e paid
the assessed value of $13.25 for this ewe.
(d) 01aim of Mrs. Rosa Via for twenty-five chic~.gns alle~ged/~ killed
by dogs. Mr. NApier, Dog Warden, reported that there was no evi-
dence of damage of dogs and ~eccmmended that this c_~-~m be disal-
lowed. Upon motion, made by Mr. Chiles~ and seconded by Mr. Wood,
this claim was denied.
Mr. D. A. Robinson, .Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses of the ~
Department of Finance for the month of June, 1950, one-third of which to be borne by the
Ur. D. A. RObinson, D~rector of-Finance, ,submitted-.a.S%atemem~.of..Expenses-of the ~
Sheriff's Office for. the month of June,-:~wo-~hirds of-which to Be--Berne--By--%he-S.~a~e. ~p~n
motion, duly-made and seconded, this S~atemen% .was examined,-verified, and approved,
Mr. 9, A. Robinson, Director of. Fim_~ee, submitted--a-S~a%~t of- ~e~s.es-of the
C~m~onwealth~ s.--A~J~orney's 0ffiee ~fer~ ~he-. month of .June,-. 1950, one-half of--which -to be- berne-- ~t"
by the State. Upon motion, duly made and'~seconded, this Statement was examined, -verified,
and approved.
Statement of Expenses incurred in the maintenance of ~he. County Jail ateng ~with-a
Summary Statement of Prisoners days. was sul~mftte~. Upon motion, duly made amd seconded, ~
Statements were examined, ve~fiod, and approved.
01 -s/m of Dr. Richard T. Ergenhright, Jail Physician, in the-amount of $4.00 for
services rendered' during the month of June, 1950, was presented, and-approved., for paymea~.
Repor$ of the County Executive-for the month of June, 1950, was presented and. upon
motion, made by Mr. Chiles and seconded by Mr. Dottier, was approved.. Upon motion, made by
Mr. ~illiams and seconded by Mr. Wood, all over expenditures of appropriations dmr~ the
fiscal year endimg June 30, 1950, were approved.
As provided by:Law, Hr. D. A. Robinson, Director cf FinanCe, submitted the delin~
quent ~sts for-the year 1949 as follows:
949 ·
~pStation Taxes $ 9,549~ $ 477,45
Income 7,986.79 399.34
Intangibles 156.50 ?.83
Personal Property 12, 50~.32 625.22
Real Estate
Total $43,82~,96 $2,191.31
Per Doling. uent Lists . Per
Tax Penalty- Total ' Bo..oks. Dif~e:ren~c~e
$10,026.45 $10,026.45
8,386.13 8,386.38
164.33 164.~?
$46;0l?.~7 $46,018..~9
Capitation Taxes
Personal Property
Real Estate
$ 8,887.50 $ 4~.38 $ 9,321.88 $ ~,321.88
942.~ 47.1~ 990.~2 990.~2 -0-
92.8? 4'64 97.§1 97.~1
6,39~.49 _ 319.72 6,714.21)
_ 5,615.77 '_ ,2S0,79 5.896.56) ... 1_-.~.6~.~ ,3.65_
$21,9 3.60 $ Sa3,0ao.z Sa3,o16.,s3"
0apitation Taxes
Personal Property~
R. E. (Sold to 0omm.)
$ 8,6~8.00 $ 432.90 $ 9,090.90 $ -0-
3,617.99 180.90 3,798.89 3,797.22 1.67
. 2.401.18 120.04 2~.5.2!,22 2, 521.2~. ...... -0-
$14,677.17 $ 724'84 $15,411.01 $ 6,318.44 1.67
Upon motion, made by Mr. Dorrier and seconded ~-Mr. 0 ~hites, it .was.~dered that
no part of this list be published and Mr. Robinson was requested to post this list in front
of the Court House.
Reports of the Charlottesville-Albemarle Public Library for the month of June,
1950, and for the year ending ~une.. 30, 1950, were presented, approved and ~dered filed.
Report was received from the Division of Markets on the test on-weighing and
measuring devices in the County. Upon motion, made by Mr. Wood and seconded by Mr. Dottier,
Mr- Robinson was instructed to renew the contract for this s~ce fcr~the coming year.
Recommendation was received from the Planning Commission for the appointment ~f
Mrs. Fred G. L~ad~, Jr. te the Planning Commission, UI~h motion, duly made and seconded,
Mrs. Liady was appointed to the P~ Commission for a term expiring December 31, 1953.:
7 The working status of Mr, T. O. Scott,'~Oounty Agent, was discussed an~ Mr. Robinso~
~ the next
was instructed to write to Mr. Scott and request that he appear at meeting of the
Beard to discuss this matter.
'Upon motion, made By Mr. Ohiles and seconded by Mr. Dottier, the-following reso-
lution was ~,~_~nimously adopted: ~-
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors ef Albemarle
County, Virginia, that this Board dot~ hereby reqaes% an additional
street light in the Crozet Sanitary District %o be locate~ em St. George.
Avenue, f~em the virgimia Eiectric amd P~wer Company under the contract
now e~sting between the County ef Albemarle and the Virginia Electric
and Bower Company, amd
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the ~liability for suah light shall
be a primary obligation ef the 0rozet Sanitary District of Albemarle
County as provided for by the Sanitary District Statute, and shoul~ the
f~s for the ~jment of. this obligation not be available, otherwise,
the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle Gonmty shall lay a levy in
the Crozet Sanitary District for a sum sufficiemt to meet this liability.
An offer of $95.00 was received from Mr. E. C. Wingfield for two ~racts of land
of 11.31 and 1o15 acres lomated in the R~Tanna District. Mr. Robinson ad'sod that this
~d was bought by the county at a recent tax sale for $95.00 and recommended the sale of
this property at this amount, subject to the approval of Mr. W. W. Wood. Upon motion, made
by Mr. Chiles and seconded by Mr. Ballard, the sale of these ~wo tracts of ~, ~tified
on the Land Map as Nos. 80-48 am~ 8~-~9, was approved in the amount of $95.00 subject to th~
investigation and approval of Mr. Wood.
Mrs. Virginia S. Marks, C.W.C. of the Welfare .Department, appeared before the
Board an~ presented reports of the Welfare Department for the month of June, 1950, in
cerdance with Chapter 371 of the Acts of Assembly of 1950. It was ordered that each member ~
ef this Board be furnished lists of applicants for Welfare assistance each month with the
~mderstanding that no part of these lists be made p~blic.
Mr. D. A. Robinson, County Executive, recommended the appoia~ment of Mrs. Vir~!
S. _~_rks as Superintendent of Public Welfare at a salary of $3,200.00 per year. Upon motiom~
made by Mr. Williams and seconded by Mr. Ballard, Mrs. Narks was appointed Euperintemdent
of Public Welfar~at a salary of $3,200.00 ~er yeare
Mr. D. A. Robinson, County E~ecutive, ad~ised the Beard that Mr. Campbell Holt's
term on the Welfare Board expired on J~ne 30, 1950. Up°n motion, made by Mr. Chiles-amd
seconded by Nr. Williams, Mr. Campbell Holt was reappointed to the Welfare Board for a thre~
year term expiring June 30, 1953e
Mr. Williams advised that he had received letters and telephone calls in eppositi
to the use of fire works in Albemarle County. After a discussion of this matter, Hr,
Williams offered a motion to prohibit the sale ef fireworks im Albemarle ~unty with the
exception of Rcme.~ cannons and sparklers. No second was received to Mr. Williams motion.
Communication was received from the League of ~irginia Counties advising that the
first meeting of the Virginia 0itizens P~!a~g AssoCiation would be held at Natur~ Bridge
en August $th and 5th. Hr. Robinson stated that he 'would like to see some member of the
Board attend this meeting. Mr. M¢Oue authorized Mr. Robinson to attend this meeting an~ to
take ar~ member of the Board who found it convenient to a~en~ · Mr. Williams advised that
he would ~ry to attend with Mr. Robinso~ Hr. Robinson s$a%ed that the County Planning
Oommission had requested that'the Board appropriate funds for i~s members dues.in the
Virginia Citizens Planning A~sociation. Upon motion, made by Mr. ~hiles and seconded by
.Mr. Wood, the ~ollowing resolution was unanimously adopted~
BE. TT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle
County, Virginia, that $3~.00 be and is hereby appropriated from the Un-
appropriated Reserve of the General .Fund to lg-206, D~es and Subscriptions,
to cover membership of the Albemarle County Planning Com~ssion in the
Communication was also received from the League off Virgi,~a Counties advising t~at
the National Association of County Officials would hold its 1950 annual meeting in A%tanti¢
0ity the week of Septemb~ 3mi tkrou~h September 7th. Mr. Robinson .advised ~hat he would-
like to attend this meeting asa part of his vacation if timider WOU!d p~l'~tite ~pon.motion,
made by Mr.. ~ood and seconded, by Mr, Chiles, Mr. RobSon was -~uthorized te~-at~end t~is
meeting and to take amy mem~ of the Board who fouhd it convenient to attend,
0emmumication was also received from the League of Virginia Counties advising that
a conference on "The Public a~d the P~blic Schools-of Vita" we~ld Be.hel~ at Ma~y
Washi~ Oo~!!ege at Fredericksburg, Augus% 3, 4, and ~h, 1950.~
O~cation was received from Mr. I. T. Qui~n, Execrative Director of Ne-Gem-
mission of Game and Inland Fisheries, enclosing copies of the 1950 Acts ef the General
Assembly, pertaining to Game, Inland Fish, and Dog Laws which apply ~tate wide.
Mr. D. A. Robinson, Director ef Ftnauce, ad~ise~ that the Oo~pe~satic~ Boar~ had
been requested to approve vacations of de,aries amd radio operators ia the She_~iff's Office
and also te $.~ar~ in the maintenance cost of automobile police radio equipment but tha~ he
had not yet heard from that Board. He also presented a copy of am epiuion addressed to
Delegate N. C. Bailey of Orange from the Attorney General with reference to the expenses ef
sheriffs. ~. Robinson advised that h~ would visit the Gempensation Board as soon as
possible to. discuss these matters.
Commanications were received from the Compensation Board approving the salary ad-
justments requested in the Department of Finance, the Gbmm~ealth s &ttoraey's Office, aud
the Olerk's Office.
Communication was ~lse received from the Compensation Board advising that the
Compensation Board had never approved a contract with a jail physieia~ Based em a fi~ed fee
per patient confined in the Jail but tha~ a ~mmber of contracts had been approved on a
$onthly basis, and .recommended that this Board arrive at a reasonable compensation for the
jail physician at a monthly rate. Mr. Robinson was authorized te act on the basis of the
resolution regarding this matter adopted hy this Board at its ~une meeting.
The Board authorized the payment of $1200.00 each to the Scottsville and Crozet
F~re Companies as set up in the ~mrrent budget.
Oemmanieatima was received from ~. T. Dallas Bailey, Oensus Supervizor, advising
that the preliminary census count as of Ap~i! 1, 1950, in Albemarle County was 26,550.
Mr. Robinson advised that the cost of operating the car used by the Department cf
Finance for the year audimg June 30, 1950, was 1.46 cents per mile as compared with 3.9 cent
per mile, the cost ef operating State ca~s, and that the Co~aty's cost did not ~efleet the
credit for State gas ~ax refunds:
Comm~uication was received fr~m the Calhoun Chevrolet Company offering to re~ew
the contract with~the County for the cede year for furmish~ au%emotive equipment en the
same basis as last year which is as follows:
Net Oost, F.O.B.
Delivery and handling ($25.00) per mnit.
Tire Tax.
Total of the above i~ems plus 5%.
Upon motion, made by Mr. Wood and ~e¢onded by Mr. Ballard, Nr. Robinsau was authorized to
enter into a con, et with the Galhoum Chevrolet Compa~ on the above ~asis.
C~catien was eeem~e~ Mrs.-Thomas ~efferson Randolph expressing her
appreciation to the Board for its cbc-ak for her services in reSard to the County Seal.
The advertising Budget of the Charlottesville-Albemarle Chamber of Commerce for
the years 1950-51 was received along with a request for au appropriation of $300.00 from the
.... l~m~ mm~n. made by Mr. Chiles and seconde~
BE "IT RESOLVED by the Board o~ County SuPervisors ef Albemarle
0ounty, Virgiuia, that $300.00 be and is hereby appropriated from the
Unappropriated Reserve of the Beueral Faud to Contributions, Local-Chamber
Cf Oom'~lert.~e e
Commmmication was received from the SSate Chamber of Commerce reques~d~g that the-
its ye~'17 subscription. No action was t~ken on this ~mtter.
Cemmauication was received from the P~bli¢ Housing Administration regardiug the
rural nonfarm pmblic housing program and was ordered filed.
Mr. Robinson advised that in cemmmnications from Greene and Fluvanna Counties, the~i
had advised that they had m~ immediate plans for jails of their ew~ aud would co~tinne to
use the Albemarle County Jail, ~t that Madison County would not commit itself with regard
to its plans for a new jail. Mr. Robinson also p~esented estimates on the cost of renovat~
the Albemarle County Jaile After a lengthy discussion of this matter, Nr. Ballard offered
a motion wl~.e_J~ was seconded by I~. Wood, apl~ov'i~ the rem:~0'ation of the p~esomt jail
facilities in accordance with outline received from Mr. John Ross as a result of a meeting
with Mr. Brent, Supervisor of Jails. Upon motion made by Mr, Chiles and seconded by Mr. Woo~
Mr. Robinson was authorized to contract for the renovation of the County Jail with Mr.
Edward VanLear e~ the basis ef cost ~lms a fixed fee of $1600.00, provided Mr. Robinson was
satisfied that the details of Mr. VanLears proposal a~e the same as those offered by Mr. John
Ross, smd provided that he was satisfied that the items included in overhead costs by each
cont~"act.were the same.
Mr. Hunter Garth of the State Forestry Service appeared befo~ the Board and voiced
his obj ctmons to the pro rata
way radio system being charged
Act. Mr. Garth stated that if
one cent per acre appropriation, the State would take the radio out of the local Forester's
truck. He stated that the Forestry Division would continue to charge what the Forestry De-
partment considered telephone service at the two towers an expense chargable against the
County's obligation under the Forestry Act and that the Forestry Service would also agree, to
She cost of the Forestry Warden's automobile radio maintenance being charged against this
fund. Upon motion, made by Mr. Williams and seconded ~y Mr. Chiles, the County agreed to
appropriate funds to cover the pro rata share of costs of maintaining the station equipment
of the tw~-way raddo system previously provided for in the budget as a charge against the
County's obligation to the State Forestry Service under the State Forestry Act.
Mr. D. B. Narshall was requested to investigate the law regarding cedar rust and
report back at the next meeting of the Board.
Mr. D. A. Robinson, Director of Finance advised that Mr. Be!ow had been unwilling
to accept $150.00 monthly salary approved by this Board. at its last regular meeting and that
the Crezet Water Co~mmittee had recommended that Nr. Below be offered a monthly salary of
$200~00. Mr. Robinson advised that Mr. Belew had advised him that he would be willing to
accept a monthly s~lary of $175.00 but had later said to Mr. Bain he would not accept it.
Mr. RebLuson was authorized to settle this matter with Mr..Below.
Claims against the County amounting to $110,41~90 were presented, examined, and
allowed and certified to the Director of Finance for payse=t and charged against the follow-
lng ~mds:
General Fund
School Fund
Dog Tax Fund
Crozet Sanitary District Fund
share ef the maimten~ce and operation of the County's two-
as a part of the County's obligation under the State Forestry
the County i~sisted upon this cost being charged against the
$ 11,754o05
Joint Health .Fund $ 2,416.05
School Constmo~ction Bond Fund ~2~,879.12
Comm. of Virginia Current Credit Acco,~ut 2,9~.~7
$ 10'4z .9o
Upom motion, the meeting adjourned.
A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle C.o~ty, Virgimia,
was held ~t the Office Building of said County on the 16th day of August, 1950.
Present: Messrs. C. Purcell McOue, E. J. Ballard, Henry Chiles, C. R. Dottier,
J. W. Williams, and W. W. Wood.
ABsent: None.
0fficer~ present: Ceumty Executive and Commonwealth's
Minutes ef the meet~ ef July 19, 1950, were read and approved.
Mr. Webb ~dyette, Supervising Game Warden, appeared before the Boar~ in response
to a complaint that Mr. M. G. Elliott, Game Warden for the CountY of Albemarle, was mot
giving his l~l~ time to his duties as Game Wardem. Mr. Nidyette advised that he would be
glad to work closer with the Board in the s~pervision of the game wardens and stated that he
would furniah Mr. D. A. Robinson, County Executive, with a monthly repor~ om the work accom-
plished by the game wardens. Mr. McCue expressed the feeling that if' Mr. Elliott was per-
forming his duties as a public servant, it seemed that at least one member ef +~he Board of
Supervisors would have heard ef his a~tivities. Mr. Midyet~te advised that game wardens are
always on call but are r~equired to work only forty-eight hours per week. He further stated
that Mr. Napier could handle game work under the law but not under the agreement mow in
force between the County, the City, and the Commission of Game and Inland Fisheries-. Upem
motion, made by Mr. Chiles and seconded by Mr. Wood, Mr. D. A. Robinson, County Executive,
was requested te write to Nr. Ii T. Quinn, Executive Director of the Commission of Game smd
Inland Fisheries, and request a review of the present contract.
Capt. Edgar WiLliams, Mr. Charles Woltz, and Mr. Roy Turner appeared before the
Board and again expressed opposition to the p~oposed 250 By-Pass. Oapt. Williams stated that
he felt the By-Pass should not be viewed according to the number of cars whinh would use
this highway but by that portion which would actually use it as a By-Sass ~ud su~sted that
Beard appeal ~te the State Highway Commission regarding this matter. Nr. D. A. Robinsen~
County Executive, suggest$~ that the Board request a hearing before the Highway Commission,
and Mr. Fife stated that this seemed to be the °nly course to pursue. Mr. Chiles suggested
that the Board have something positive to offer the Commission which woUld b~e better than the
proposed route rather than merely express epposi%ion to same. Capt. ~i~_~ams' advised that he
would work en this matter~ and prepare several other routes to be presented to the. Commiss. iem
Upon motion, made by Mr. Derrier and seconded by Mr. Nilliams, Capt. Williams.~ Offer~ to' sub-
mi~ alternate routes to the State Highway Commission was accepted.
Mr. W. W. ~hi.'~-lds, Remi~ent Engineer, appeare~ before the Board and presented ~he
budget for t~he State Secondary System for the year ending June 30, 1951. Upon motiau, made
by Mr. Chiles and seconded by ~. Williams, the following resolution was unanimously adepte~:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of C~auty Supervisors of Albemarle
County, Virginia, that the Budget of the State Secondary System of High~
ways for Albemarle County for the ~scal year ending J~ue 30, 1951, az
presented ~y Mr. W. W. Shields, Resident E~gineer of the Department of