HomeMy WebLinkAbout1950-09-20464 ~ regular meetLug of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held at the Office Building of said County on the 20th day of September, 1950. Present: Messrs. C. Purcell McCue, E. J. Ballard, Henry Chiles, C. R. Dorrier, J. W. Williams and W. W. Wood. Absent: None. Officers present: County Executive and ~br. D. B. MarshAll, substitutin~ for ~. W. O. Fife, Commonwealth' s Attorney. _Minutes of the meeting of August 16, 1950, were read and approved. Mr. ~. R. Dorrier reported that the City and County Children's Home Committees had met regarding the Children's Home Board request for an appropriation of $25,000.00 each from the City and County and advised that the committee wished to get further information and hold another meeting before making its recommendation to this Board and to the City Council. Report of the County~ E~ecutive for the month of August, 1950, was presented and approved. Mr. D. A. Robinson, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses of the Department of Finance for the month of August, 1950, one-third of which to be berne by the State. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified, and ap- proved. Mr. D. A. Robinson, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses of the Sheriff's Office for the month of August, 1950, two-thirds of which to be borne by the S~ate. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified, and approved. Ms. D. A. Robinson, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of ~Expenses of the Commo~vealth's Attorney's Office for the month of August, 1950, one-half of which to be borne by the State. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified, and approved. A Statement of Expenses incurred in the maintenance of prisoners confined in the County Jai~, along with a Summary Statement of Prisoner Days for the month of August were submitted. Upon motion, duly ma~e and seconded, these Statements were examined, verified,,- and approved. Claim of Dr. Richard T. Ergenbright, Jail Physician, in,the amount of $12.00 was ~esented and approved for payment. Mr. D. A. Ro$inson, County Executive, presented reports of the Welfare Department ~or the month of August, 1950, in accordance with Chapter 371 of the Acts of the Assembly of L950. Claim of the University of Virginia Hospital in the amount of $1611.30, covering hospitalization of indigent patients for the month of August, 1950, one-half to be paid by the County, was presented and upon motion, duly made and seconded, was approved for payment. Mr. D. A. Robinson, County EXecutive, presented the proposed S.L.H. Contract for the sear beginning Septembe~ 30, 1950 and ending September 30, 1951, as received fromtthe Univer- sity of Virginia Hospital. In presenting this contract, ~r. Robinson recCmmended that the Board accept the contract as presented except for the date, and recommended that it be exe- cuted on a fiscal year basis. Upon motion, made by Mr. Dorrier and seconded by Mr. Chiles, the following resolution was unar~meusly adopted: BE IT RESOLI~ED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albem~rle County, Virginia, that the Agreement for Care under the State-Local Hos- pitalization Plan be executed by Mr. C. Purcell McCue, Chairman, on be- half of the Board, for a period beginning July l, 1950 and ending June 30, 1951, at a rate of $11.72 per diem. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Mrs. Virginia S. Marks, Superin- tendent 'of the Department of Public Welfare, be and is hereby appointed aa Authorizing Agent for the County of Albemarle Communication was received from Mr, C. E. Starkweather and Mr. Starkweather also appeared in person regarding the Board's ps,merit of $12.00 each for ewes and lambs killed by dogs. Mr.~ Starkweather atated that he was under the impression that he should be paid $20.00 each for these sheep. Mr. D. A. Robinson advised ~r. Starkweather that the Board had paid his claim in accordance with ~is assessment of same on file in the Department of F~inance and that he was trying to contact Mr. R. E. Black to determine the circumstances under which the assessment was made. Claim of Clarence Walker ~f North Garden for ten chickens killed by dogs was pre- sented. Upon motion, made by Mr. Dorrier and seconded by Mr. Wood, Mr. Walker was allowed $0.60 for one of these chickens and $0.40 for nine as recommended by Mr. William Napier, Dog Warden. Mr. Robinson again presented claim of Robert Crile for twenty-two turkeys killed by dogs, Mr. Robinson advised the Board that he had been able to secure an assessment of $2~.73 each on Mr. Crile's turkeys for the year 1950 but that he had not secured as assessment for the year 1949. Mr. Robinson was instructed .to straighten out Mr. Crile's assessment Des fore the Board would be willing to approve the ~claimffor turkey damage. ~ ? Mr. D. A. Robinson, County Executive, called the Board's attention to the fact ~:~/that the Acme Visible Records Plant at Crozet, while al! construction had not been completed: the plant is now in operation and when final construction is completed, this ~lant will b$ the largest single industrial operation in the County, certainly as to employment. ~Mr. Rob~ son was directed to again express the Board's appreciation to the Company for the location o~.. its plant in Albemarle County and assure it that it is the Board's desire to cooperate with it in every way possible for ot~ mutual ben'fit. Mr. D. A. Robinson, County Executive, presented to the Board a deca~l of the County~ s seal which had been reproduced by Chewning-Thornhill Company of Lynchburg in green and gold. Mr. Robinson recommended that the Company be requested to submit a sample of the best decal they can offer in the official colors of the seal although the cost would be somewhat greater. The Board concurred with M~. Robinson's recommendation and authorized him to se- cure a s~ple decal of the original colors. Mr. D. A. Robinson, County Executive, advised that a meeting of County Managers was being held in Washington on September 27, 19~0, Upon motion of ~. Chiles, seconded by Mr. Williams, Mr. Robinson was designated to attend this meeting at the expense of the Couno~m~ Mr. Robinson reported that the Compensation Board had not allowed the County's .~ claim for reimbursement for the State's share of maintenance co~ts of the two-way radio and advised that in his opinion, the only alternative left to the Board was to include this item in the next annual reques~ to the Compensation Board, and if unsuccessful, then to institute legal action against the Compensation Board. ~. Tice of the Right-of-Way Division of the Department of Highways appeared and presented an omnibus deed for rights-of-way on Route 641 and at the request of Mr. Tice, the i following resolution was unanimously adopted upon motion of ~. Wood, seconded by ~ir. Ballard~: WHEREAS, the Commonwealth of Virginia through the Department of Highways has prepared and submitted plans to the Board for ~he con- struction or improvement of a section of Route 641 of the State:Secondary System, Project 1302-0%, in Albemarle County, from Int. Rt. 29 to Int. Rt. 644 (N. of Burnleys), approved August 17, 1950; and WHERE~S, it is proposed to finance the cost of ~e~at~uc~tion fifty ~ercent from Federal Aid Secondary Funds and fifty percent from ~ St~ate funds allocated to Albelmar!e County; and WHEREAS, it is the desire Of this Board that said road he im- proved in accordance with said plans. NO~4 THEREFORE, BE iT RESOLVED; That this Board hereby approves the pl~us and requests the Department Of Highways to proceed with con- struc~ion in accordance with these plans, and this Board hereby agrees to and does guarantee a ~0 ft.~ un~es~tricted right of way as indicated or noted on said plans, together with the right and easement to use such additio~l areas as may be required for thee proper execution and mainten- ance of the work as indicated on plans, it being understood that incidental costs such as moving and resetting existing fences, houses, structures, utilities, or o~her obstz"actions of such nature, are to be paid from Secondary Funds allocated o~ to be allocated to Albemarle County. It is further ~uderstood ~nd' agreed that in the event one or more property owners refu~e to execute a deed covering land required from their properties for right .of way purposes, this Board hereby ~uthorizes the Commonwealth of Virginia, Department of Highways, to institute condem- nation proceedings and agrees to pay from funds allocated or ~to be allocated to Albemarle County, all costw in connection therewith including awards of commissioners. Mr~ W. W. Shields, Resident Engineer, presented a petition which he had received requesting the relocation of Route 765, and advised ~that he felt this to be a matter for the viewers. Upon motion, made by Mr. Chiles and seconded by ~m. Wood, this matter was deferred until the next viewers are appointed- Mr. Shields also advised that the fourth annual Highway Conference w.ould he held at V.M.I. in Lextington, Virginia, on October 12th and 13th. Mr. Henricks a~peared before the Board ~and requested that Hospital Drive, the street going from West Main Street ~t0 Jefferson Park Avenue in front of the University of Virginia Hospital, be made a one-way street with a two-hour parking limit. He a~lso requeste~ that the Board ~ix a $!.00 fine instead of a $5.00 fine for failing to abide by the two- hour limit if it found this in its ~er. Upon ~otion, made by ~&r. Chiles and seconded by ~r. Dorrier, this matter was referred to the CommonWealth's Attorney. Mr. Shields advised that in regard to~ Mra. Lamb's road, Mrs. Driscoll was not in favor of consenting to give a thirty-fo~t right of way but that he had advised her that she had signed the County's regular road ~pplication giving this right of way. He advised that Mrs. Driscol! had now consented to give the thirt~ feet but would do nothing to her fence along this road. ~r. D. A. Robinson advised that $~. Stanley Pierce had contacted him regarding, his interest in seeing Route 732 being called the Jack Jouett Highway. No action was taken on this matter since ~. Shields advised that he could not recommend t~he spending of County Secondary Funds for a road that did not have a ~igher traffic count. Mr. Walter Smith, Attorney, appeared before the Board and' requested an expression of its feeling toward the City's rebating one-~half~ of its license fee on a carnival to be sponsored by the Charlottesville Post of the American Veterans of World War II. Upon motio~ made hy ~. Chiles and seconded by Mr. Dorrier, the foll~wing resolution was unan~ously adopted: ~ItEP~, this Board was requested by the Charlottesville Post of the American Veterans of Norld War II to express to the City Council of Charlottesville its feelings with regard to a rebate by the City Council cfa portion of its license fee for a carnival; said carnival to be sponsored by the Charlottesville Post of American Veterans of World War II; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that if this Board had been called upon to make a similar rebate, and if this Board had the authority to make any such rebate, it would not do so. Request~as received from Mr. William R. ~apier, Dog Warden, for a rifle. Upon motion, made by Mr. Wood and seconded by~&r. Chiles, Mr. Robinson was muthorized to purchase The following report was reeeived~from the Planning Commission: Planning Commission Progress Report to Albemarle County Board of Supe ~ryisors: SI54IECT: INTRODUCTION: OBJECTI.BE: Trash Disposal for Albemarle County. Mr. Henry Chiles, Supervisor~f~r the White Hall District, and 'representing the Board of County Supervisors, appeared before the County Planning Com- mission at its March 10, 1950, meeting and presented the problem of trash Md garbage disposal in Albemarle County. Nr. Chiles asked that the Plan- ning Commission make a study of trash disposal and report their recommen- dations for a practical solution of this problem to the County Board of Supervisors. The objeEt of the Albemarle County Planning Commission was to determine a satisfactory and economical method of trash disposal and to recommend general areas for the location of trash dumps. Mr. E. H. Bain, Chairman, appointed committees for location and publicity. The Study was initiated by writing the Commissioners of the State Highway Department and Department of Planning and Economic Development for their suggestions. Through the latter organization the ~County Planning mission received information from Warrick, Fairfax, Henrico and Facquier Counties stating their methods of trash disposal. Later Rockingham County informed the Commission of a program injured by them. ~The committees decided that the Facquier County program could possibly be applied in Albemarle County and a trip to that county was arranged for the purpose of viewing their dump locations and to study their methods of oper- ating. It was learned that the Facquier Board of Supervisors had chosen two locations--one dump which was a cut in an abandoned road about six miles north of Warrenton, and another dump of several acres of sub-marginal land about four miles from the town of Marshall. These dumps have been in operation only a short time and although the State Highway Department covers them periodically with a land fill, they did not appear to be satisfactory for ~ long7 te.~rm~usage~ Fairfax, Henrico and Warrick County have county owned dumps and furnish m collection service in the thickly populated areas and sanitary districts. The Planning Commission has contacted Resident-Engineer of the State High, way Department and the Director of Public Health and finds that these agencies will cooperate to the fullest extent in the operating of public dumps in thi~ County. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION: It was concluded that the trash dispoaal practices of the Counties reviewed are not applicable Eor Albemarle County. The Albema~ie County Planning Co~mission recommends-serving the county by the location of public sanitary land fill dumping areas in the ~icinities of Free Union, Earlysville, ~echums River, Cross Roads, Keene, and Shad~ell. The exact location of these dumps and land acquisition is left to the discretion of the Board of County Supervisors. It is f~rther recommended that the county citizens be educated through a publicity campaign in the schools, P.T.A., and the various civic organizations. The '~lanning Commission will be haopy to study this problem further if it is ~ desired. ~ (Signed) S. S. Clark, Secretary Albemarle County Planning Commissioa Upon motion, made by Nr. Chiles and seconded by Mr. Wood, Mr. Robinson was directed to thank the Planning Commission for the work done this far and request the Com- mission to continue its work on this matter in an effort to determine if locations as desigr nated in the above report are acceptable to the citizens of these areas and also to inaugu-~ rate a publicity campaign in the County to give the maximum publicity to this matter. Communication~was received from Nr. S. M. Gibson, Chairman of the Committee on Annexation of the League of Virginia Counties, requesting the County's assistance of $50.00~ in preparing a bmief on Annexation Laws. Mr. D. A. Robinson, County Executive, recommended that the County accept its share of the responsibility ~f ~his work and the Board concurred~ with Nr. Robinson's recommendation. Upon motion, made by Nr. Nood and seconded by~. Ballard, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemar!e County, Virginia, that $50.00 be and is hereby transferred from the Un- appropriated Reserve of the General Fund to be used as a contribution to the League of Virginia Counties for the County's share of the expense of the preparation of a brief on Annexation Laws. An offer of $525.00 was received from Herman Morris of Stan~rdsvilte for tracts of land now owned by the Cou_uty in the Riyanna Distric~t of 12., 10.5, 10125, and 13.88 acres. Communication was received from B~%~: D~,~Sturkie, Director of the Joint Health Departmen%, advising that another complaint concerning the presence of ducks ~of Mr. Jim Farish of Crozet in the reservoir of~the Crozet Water Supply had been received by his office. No action was taken on this matter. Report was received from the State Forester for the fiscal year ending $nne 30, 1950, and was ordered filed. Communications were received from Gev. John S. Battle and Nfl H. B. Holmes, Jr. Secretary of the Water Resot~rces Committee, regarding Water Conservation Week - October 2-8 1950, and were ordered filed. Communication was received from the National Citizens' Committee of the Community Chests of America advising that the National Red Feather Campaign Rally would be held at the Shoreham Hotel in Washington, D. C. on September 29, 1950. Communication was received from the University of Economics Foundation advising that the Currency Monetary Conference would be held in New York, .N.Y. on September 23, 1950. Communication was received from the German Foreign Affairs Group expressing their appreciation to the Board and other friends for making their stay in this country enjoyable~ educational and highly constructive. Er. D. A. Robinson, County Executive, presented agreement dated April 21, 1950, between Baker, Hepward & Llorens~ Architects, Pend~eton S. Clark, Architect, and the School Board of the County of Albemarle~ 0~mer, for preliminary Plans and working drawings for the proposed central white high school. Upon motion, made by ~r. Chiles and seconded by ~. Wood, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that due to the existing National emergency~ the School Board of ~he County of Albemarle be and is hereby requested to request Bake~, Heyward, & Llor~ns, Architects, and Pendleton S. Clark, Architect, to extend the time for the beginning of construction of the proposed Central White High~,School, from t~ee years as provided for in contract dated April 21, 1950, to five years. l~r. D. A. Robinson, County Executive, presented the assessed valus, tions by the State Corporation Commission of Public Service Corporations in the County for the year 1950~ Upon mot~ion, made by Nrc Wood and seconded by Mr. Dorrier~ Mr. Robinson was re- quested to see that repairs are made at the Owensville Precinct place of voting before the ~ next election. Mr. Luther Nertz of 414 %th Street ~ppeared and sts. ted to the Board that waste water Erom the County Jail was running over his property and advised that he would be willing to give the County an easement~ for a sewerage cormection, and also advised.that there was a dead ~ree in the corner of the Jail year which he wished the Board would have cut down. Mr. D~ A. Robinson was au~Jaorized to correct these matters. Claims against the County ~mounting to $163,575.60, were presented, examined, and allotted and certified to the Director of Finance for payment and charged against the General Fund School Fund Dog Tax Fund Crozet Fire Dist. Fd. Crozet San. Dist. Fd. Joint Health Fund School Construction Bond Fund Comm. of Va. Current Credit Account Upon motion, the meeting adjourned. following funds: $ 11,767.33 97,509.58 471.85 8.05 354.46~ 821'.62 Chs~irman