HomeMy WebLinkAbout1950-10-18 A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held at the Office Building of sai~ County on the 18th day ef October, 1950. Present: Messrs. C. P~rcell McOue, E. J. Ballard, Henry Ohiles, C. R. Darrier, j. W. Wi~].~ams, amd ~. W. Wood. Absent: None-. Officers present: County Executive and Mr. D. B. Marshall, substi~ating for Mr. W. O. Fife, Commonwealth's-Attorney. Mimates of the meetings of September 14. and 20, 1950, were read and approved. Mr. Willey of the State Department of Agriculture appea~ed and-discussed with the Board the problem of cedar fast. He advised the board that in order to have cedars cut, the fruit growers are required to get a petition signed by at least ten free. holders-in ea.eh district effected by cedar rust. Mr. Willey stated that the expense-.of cutting the cedars would be borne by the general fund u~der the law and the general fund would be reimbursed by an assessment against the apple orchardists in the districts which would benefit from the cutting of cedars. He further advised that the maximum assessment against orchardists is $1.50 per acre for cedar~ ~f ten years ar more and $0.75 per aero for cedars under ten years Claim of Robert Carter for seven ewes and one buc~ which he purchased on August 28 1950, for $33.00 and $100.00 respectively, was presented and upon motion, made by Nr. Williams and seconded by Mr. ~ood, was allowed in the amount of $20.00 each, a total of $160.00 Report of the County Executive for the month of September, 1950, was p~esented, approved and ordered filed. Mr. D. A. Robinson~ County Executive, called the Board"s attention to the fact that ~he School Fund was over drawn by approximately $12,000.00. At the request of Robinson, motion was made by Mr. Nilliams, seconded by Mr. Dorrier, amthorizing a temporary lean from the General Fund of a sum sufficient to cover school fund expenses until the col- lection of 1950 taxes. Mr. D. A. Robinson, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement ef Expenses of the Department of Finance for the mo~th of S~ptember, 1950, one-third or'which to be borne by the State. Upo~ motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified, and approved. Mr._ D. A. Robinson, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses of the Sheriff's Office for the month of September, 1950, two-thirds of which to be berne by the State. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified, and approved. Mr. D. A. Robinson, Director of F~ance, submitted a Statement of Expenses-of the Commonwealth's Attorney'~ office for the month of September, 1~950, one-half of ~hich to be borne by ~the State. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this statement was examined, verified and approved. A Statement of Exp~nses incurred in the maintenance of prisoners co~fLued in the Couht~ Jail, along with a Su~aary Statement of Prisoner Days for the month of September were submitted. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, these S~tements were examined, verified, and approved. Claim of Dr. Richard T. Ergenbright in the amount of $6.00 for services rendered during the month of September, 1950, was presented and approved for payment. E~. D. A. Robinson, County Executive, presented reports of the Nelfare Dep~rtment for the m~nth of September, 1950, im accordance with Chapter 371 of the ~cts of the Assem- bly of 1950. Claim ef the University of Virginia Hospital in the amount of ~'7~1~.'78. 70. Report was received from the-Department of Nelfa~e and Institutions on commitments to County and City Jails d-~ing the year ended June 30, 1950, and was-ordered filed. Report oF the District Home for ~Z~e months of July and August, 1950,~ w~s p~esented and ordered filed. The matter of Naynesboro's participatien~in the District Home-was ~isT cussed and Mr. Robinson and Mr. Marshall were requested to confer with Mr. James E. Bowen, City Manager, and Mr. Littleton ~ad~dell, City Attorney, in an effort to get the City's feeling toward offering the City of Naynesboro the oppo~rtunity of making a capital invest- ment in the District Home-. Mr. D. 'A. Robinson, County Executive-, advised the Board that Section 287 ef the Ta$ Code provided for the sale of delinquent lands to the Commonwealth on the second Monday in December, and also provided further for the ~ferrment of this ~ale by resolution or ordinance of the governing bodies of counties. Mr. Robinson requested that the Board defer the sale 1948 delinquent lands for at least four months in order that~ his office might have an oppor- tunity to collect a larger portion of the 1948 real estate taxes and also in order to avoid this sale during the rush period of collecting !9~0 taxes. Upon motion, m~ade by Mr. Wil!iam~ and seconded by Mr. Wood, the following resolution was adopted by the-following recorded vote: Ayes - ~ssrs. C. Purcell McCue, E. J. Ballard, Henry Chiles, C. R. Dorrier, J. W. Williams, and W. W. Wood. Nayes - None. BE IT RESOLVED by ~he Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the sale of delinquent lauds for 1948 taxes to the Commonwealth of Virginia be deferred ~til the first Monday in April, 1951. Upon motion, made by Mr. Chiles and seconded by Nr. Wood, ~r. McCue was authorized to sign a lease for the rental of Rooms 112 and 114 in the County Office Building to the So~ Conservation Service for $20.00 per month for t~he period beginning July l, 1950 and ending Jun~ 30, 1951. Cc~munication was received from Nrs. Ella Williams Smith offering her resignation from the P _laDning Commission. Upon motion, made by ~r. Chiles and seconded Mrs. Smith's resignation was accepted with regret and Mr. Robinson was requested to advise Mrs. Smith accordingly. The question of ~. E. H. Bain continuing on the Finance Board after the assumption of his duties as manager of the Farm Credit Department of the Peoples National Bank was dis- ~ussed and referred to the Commonwealth's Attorney. Communication was received from the LanCe Ccmpan~ advising that it is interested in purchasing several carloads of cedar from the County. ~r. Robinson was instructed to advise ~he Lane Company ghat this matter would have to be taken up with individual landowners in the County. Co~m~n~_cation was received from the League of Virginia Counties advising that the annual meeting of the League would be held in Abington on October 23, 24, 25, 1950. Mr. D. A~ Robinson advised the Board that the League was interest in bringing the annua!~meeting to Charlottesville next year. Upon motion, made by Mr. WOod and seconded by Mr. Ni ~lliam~, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: ~EtEREAS, the Board of County SuperEisors of Albemarle County is very much interested in the work of the League of Virginia Counties and is desirous of doing everything possible to further the growth of said League, and WHEREAS, Charlottesvi~.e m~d Albemarle County are located in the center of Virginia with adequate transportation facilities both east and wests n~rth and south, and WHEREAS, to o~r knowledge the League of Virginia Counties NOW, THEP~FORE, by unanimous vote-of the Board of Super- visors of ~lbemarle Ge~uty, we do extemd a most cordial invitation to the League of Virginia Counties %o hold its 1951 annual meeting in Charlottesville. Upon motion, made-by Mr. Wood and seconded by Nr. Dorrier, the following reso- lution was unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that Nr. D. A. Robinson, County Executive of ~lbemarle-Coumty, be and he is hereby designated as the County's representative to veto on behalf of the County of Albemarle on all questions which may be raised at the 1950 annual meeting of the League of Virginia CoL~uties. A resolution was received from the Bedford County Board of Supervisors recommendin~ that the Governor of Virginia and the members of the General Assembly of Virginia make a study of the recent amendment to the Social Security Act and take appropriate action te in- s~e to employees of the Bounty the benefits of the said Social Security Act, and to call a Special Session of the General Assembly of Virginia if mecessary to carry out the intention of their resolution. Action by this Board regarding this matter was deferred until after the meeting of the League of Virginia Counties although the Board expressed the feeling tha~! it is sympathetic with ~is movement. Mr. Paul H. Gale, Mr. J. T. Henley, and Mr. E. J. Oglesby a~eared regarding the matter of water for the proposed central white high school. Mr. Gale advised that the best water supply which could be found on the school site would furnish only about fifteen or twenty gallons of water per minute which would not be a sufficient amount for the size of thin.school. He further advised that he had contracted Wiley and Wilson, Consulting Eng~neers~ who had recommended that the County contract for City water and also had recommended an eight inch pipe lime. ~. C~e stated that he had contacted ~. James E. Bowen, City Ma.u~ger, and Mr. Bowen had advised that he believed the County would be able to get city rates although this would-have to he taken up with the City Council. Mr. Bowen recommended a six inch pipe line and estimated that this line would cost approximately $25,000.00. asked from what source the lluuds for this water line would come, Nr. Gale stated that he considered this to be a capital expenditure and that the funds should be taken from the Special Capital Outlay I~nd. Upon motion, made by Mr. Chiles and seconded by Nr. Wood, Robinson was requested to meet with the city regarding this matter and report back to the Board ~t the next regular meeting, or a special meeting if necessary. An engineering surveyi~ up to a cost of $500.00 was also authorized if in the opinion of Mr. Robinson and Mr. Gale, this was deemed necessary. Upon motion, made by Nr. Chiles and seconded by Mr. Ballard, the following reso- lution was uhanimously adopted: BE IT P~SOL~ED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that $1200.00 be ~nd is hereby appropriated from the Unappropm-iated reserve of the General Fund to be used for the County's contribution to~:~the Community Chest. Communication was received from the State Ehamber of Commerce regarding Fire Prevention Week and was ordered filed. Communication was received from the Virginia Section of International City Mana- gers' Association regarding transportation to the Houston Meeting and was ordered filed. Mr. D. A. Robinson, COunty Executive, reported that the following matured and paid bonds were burned on October ~. l~n~ ~ ~ 72 .List of Matured and Paid Road Debt Bonds burned October 3, 1950: Lstrict )AD: ~fUnding County t.Issue-Char. & Scottsville t. Issue- Scotts. and Char. 't. Issue-Scotts. and Char. Ft. Issue: Charlottesville Ivy Rivanna White Hall Scottsville ~ivanna Eiwmna Sarans! Miller Samuel Miller White Hall White Hall White Hall SANITARY DISTRICT: Woolen Mills Sewer Crozet Water Suppl Issue Date of ~uthorized Board ~ ~_~_d/Or Sold Int. Res._ _ ~ Date Mat. Issued Date 5% 9/15/~ 5/¥21 100,000. 5~ 9/15/20 5% 6/15/21 ~0,oo0. 5% 9/15/20 5~ 6/15/21 50~ 5% 1/2/22 150,000. 75,000. 85,000. 15,000. 205,000. 500,000. 11,450. Ben. Beg. of and Exception '~ond~ End.No.. No_ -~ . _ $1,000 1-25 5OO 26-35 50,000. 500,000. 49,000. 500,000. 500,000. 5/1//,2. l,OOo 1-1o0 52,53,55 5/¥12 5o0 lOl-~O ?/1/~ v/¥31 1,000 ~-~0 nZl/_2l n/1/~1 1,000 121-!~ 11/!/2l ll/1/3Z ~ 5OO 1~1-220 ¥15/~2 ¥15/;V l, O00 ~ Face Totml Amount Amount , 6;~ l/2~22 :¥2/~.2 5% 1/2/2:~ :¥1/23 5~ 1/2/22 5/1/23 $ 25,000. _ $ 5,000. 30,000. ~7,000. 19,000. 106,000. 80,000. 20,000. 100,000. 60,000.. 189,190 19,000. 79,000. 206-355 150,000. 150,000. ~41~515 75,000. 75,000. 356-440 85,000. 85,000. 516-530 13,000. 15,000, 1-205 205,000. 205,000. 1/~/48 1,000 1-113 113,000. 113,O00. 6/1/50 1,450 1 only 1,450. ~/l/5O 1,000 2-1~ lO,OOO. 11,450. 6/1/47 1,000 1-50 50,000. 50,000. 1/1/48 1,000 164-500 337,000. 337,000. 1/2/47 1,000 1-49 49,000. 49,000. l/1/4~ 1,ooo ]~4-163 ~0,000. 50,000. 5/1/48 1,000 501-502 511,512,513 17,000. 17,000. onds 3% 13o,ooo. 1-3/$ 9/1~/~6 5/1/3(3 5/1/37 :ilO0 1 only 100. 5/1/38 t00 2" 100., 5/1/39 100 3" 100, 5/~/~ ~oo z~ . lOO. 5/l/4l lO0 5" 100. 500. 2/1/47 2/1/50 1,0o0 1-5 5,000. %oo0. Mr. D. A. Robinson, Director of Finance, presented to the Board a six-year com- parison of assessed values of ~Co~uty properties by distric%, class and year. Salary and Expense Request Forms for the Department of Finance, the Sheriff's Office, and the Commonwealth's Attorney's Office, as prepared by the respective Department. Heads for the calendar year 1950, were presented and the following resolutions were unani- mously adopted~ BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the Salary and Expense Request Form, as prepared by D. ~. Robinson, Director of Finance, for the Department of Finance for the calendar year 195~ be and is hereby approved. BE IT RESOLVED hy the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the Salary and Expense Request Form, as prepared by J. Mason Smith, Sheriff, for the Sheriff's Office for the calendar year 1951, be and is hereby approved. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County supervisors of Albemarle County., Virginia, tha~ the Salary and Expense Request Form, as prepared by W. O. Fife, Commonwealth's Attorney, for the Commonwealth'~ Attorney's Office for the calendar year 1951, be and ~s hereby approved. Mr. Paul H. Cale, S~perintendent, and Mr. J. T. Henley, Chairman of the School Board~ appeared before the Board in regard to a previous resolution adopted by this Board, requesting that the School Board contact the architects, who are at present preparing the work-Lug drawings for the consolidated high school, and request the architects to amend the clause of their contract so as to permit the construction of the building withinaperiod of five years rather than the three years as presently provided for by the contract between the School Board and the architects. Mr. Henley advised the Board that it was the opinion of the School Board that the Oonnty stood a chance ef loosing more by the extension of the terms of the contract than by continuing with it as presently provided for. On the basis of the above advice, on motion of Mr. Chiles, seconded by ~'~Nr. Nilliams, be it ordered that this board doth hereby rescind its resolution of October 18th requestimg the above extensi~h in the contract between the School Board and Baker, Heyward, and Llorens,~ and Pendleton S. C~2~rk. Mr. I. T. Quinn appeared before the Board regarding game mud dog warden service in this County. After a lengthy discussion of this matter, an agreement was reached, effec- tive January l, 1950, whereby the County is to pay direct $90.00 each, monthly, toward the salaries of Mr. Napier and Mr. Elliott, and the County is to furnish and maintain two-way radios for each Mr. Napier and Nr. Elliott. The balance of their salaries and all of their mileage is to be paid by the Commission of Game and ~and Fisheries. It was further agreedi! that each of these men are to do both dog and game work to be supervised by the Commission but are to make weekly reports to the County and State and are to investigate all livestock and fowl claims at the direction of the County. The question of the County accepting property from the N. U. Dixon estate was again discussed and upon motion, made by Nr. Chiles and seconded by Mr. Wood, it was orderedl ~hat the County accept the donation of said land in lieu of delinquent taxes thereon ~ud that the Director of FLuance strike the taxes from the books. Cla~s against the County amounting $8 $91,019.16 were presented, examined, and allowed and certified to the Director of Finance for payment and charged against the foll~win§ fu_Lnds: General Fund School Fund Dog Tax Fund Crozet Sanitary Di~i~ Joint Health Fund McIntire Trust Fund Comm. of Va. Current Credit AcCt. Comm. of Va. Dog Tax Credit Acct. Upon motion, the meeting adjourned. $12,152.84 74, 529.25 453.63 566.10 2,981.83 10.32 279.55 91, O19.16 Chairm~n.