HomeMy WebLinkAbout1950-11-15 A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia~
was held at the Office Building of said County on the 15th day of November, 1950.
Present: r~Iessrs. C. Purcell ~cCue, E. J. Ballard, J. W. ~illiams, and ~¥. W. Wood.!.
Absent: ~essrs. Henry Chiles and C. R. Dorrier.
Officers present: County Executive and .~¢. D. B. Narshall, substituting for the
Commonwealth' s Attorney.
ReaS_ing of the minutes of the meeting of October 18, 1950, were deferred until the i!
next meeting of the Board.
A road petition was received from Mr. David J. ~'~ood, Jr., Attorney, regarding ~
a strip of abandoned highway about four or five hundred yards long ne~ Zion Hill Baptist
Church, at Cismont, Virginia, and Mr. Robinson was requested to advise ~. Wood that this
road would be viewed at the next viewing of roads.
Claim of Nrs. Norman Kelsey for one ewe and two lambs, which was previously denied
by the. Board, was again presented and Mr. Robinson stated that he had been a~vised by Mr.
T. 0. Scott that these sheep were jointly owned with ~r~. Kelsey and had been assessed to
Mr. Scott. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this claim was approved in the amount of
ClaLm of Jack Via for one ewe was presented and approved for payment in the amount
of $10.00 upon motion of ~. Wood seconded'by ~Ar. ~illiams.
Claim of Guy A. Via for four ewes and three lambs was presented and upon motion,
made by ~Ar. Wood and seconded by Nr. Williams, was approved in the amount of $70.00.
Claim of &. F. Pennington for five ewes killed by dogs was presented and upon
motion, made by Mr. Wood and seconded by Nr. Williams, was deferred until further informa-
tion is received from the Game Warden.
Upon motion, made by- ~Ar. Williams and seconded by ~lr. Wood, ~Lr. Robinson was re-
quested to obtain a written explanation from Mr. Napier, Dog Warden, regar~Ling the claim of
~trs. Grace Keane for sheep killed, and also to instruct ~,~r. Napier to give more definite
.~nf_ormation on claims filed in the future.
Report of the County Executive was presented, approved, and ordered filed.
~r. D. A. Robinsoh, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of w.
~xpenses of the
Department of Finance for the month of October, 1950, one-third of which to be borne by the
State. Upon motion, duly made an~ seconded, this Statement was examined, verified, and
~r. D. A. Robinson, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses of the
Sheriff's Office for the month of October, 1950~ two-thirds of which to be borne by the
State. Upon motion, du~v made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified, and
Nr. D. A. Robinson, Director of Finance submitted a Statement of Expenses of the
Co~o~.vealth's Attorney's 0ff,.ce for the month of October, 1950, one-half of which to bz
)orne by the State. Upon motiom,: duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined,
~erified and approved.
A Statement of Expenses incurred in the maintenance of prisoners confined in the
ounty Jail, along with a Summa~ Statement of Prisoner Days for the month of October, 1950,
'ere submitted, Upon motion, duly made and seconded, these Statements were examined, yeti-
'led and approved.
Claim of Dr. Richard T. Erg~bright, Jail Physician in the amonnt of $17.00 was
presented and approved for ~ayment.
Com~r~uication was received from the State Department of Welfare and institutions
$0.75 and $0.50 although the County was now paying $3~00 and $!.00 for this service.
Robinson suggested that the jail physician be paid a regular monthly- salary of $30.00 per
month and that the Department of WeLfare and Institutions be requested to reimburse the
County on this basis. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, it was ordered that ~,[r. Robin-
son and ~. Bowen, City Manager, contact the Department of Welfare -=nd Institutions to de-
termine what arrangements could be made reg~ding ti~is matter.
~lr. D. A. Robinson, Comuty~Executive, presented reports of the Welfare Department
for the month of October, 1950, in accordance with Chapter 371 of the Acts of the Assembly
of 1950.
Claim. of the University of Virginia Hospital in the amount of $2178~26 covering
hospitalization of indigent patients for the month of October, 1950, one-half to be paid by
the County, ~as presented and approved ~for payment.
The audit of the accounts and records of the County for the year e~uding Ju~e 30,
1950, was received from T. Coleman Andrews and Company and ordered filed. Communication
was received from J. GGrdon Bennett, Auditor of Public Accounts, advising that this audit
had been ez~mined and it appeared to confo?'m to the specifications furnished by his office.
Communidation was received from the Arlington Comity enclosing a resolution re-
garding redist~-icti~g of Confessional State Senate and House Of Delegates Representation.
No action was taken on this matter.
Communication was read from ~. J. H. Wyse, State Coordinator of Civilian Defense,
requesti~g the Board to elect a Civilian Defense Director for the County of Albemarle. ~.
Williams stated that he had had a good deal of experience in this t~pe of work and would be
glad to ~a%~ertake the job as director of Civilian Defense for the County, and upon the
approval of the members present, ~. NcCue declared Mr. Williams elected to the position.
Oommur~ication was received from the Albemarle ~ounty Historical Society regarding
the Jack Jouett Highway and action thereon was deferred for consultation with the Eighws~
Communications From Wiley and Wilson, ConsuttLug Engineers, and the Glamorgan
Pipe and Fotmdry Company, rege~ding the water line to the consolidated w~ite high school
were presented and discussed. ~M. Robinson was requested to make formal application to the
City of Charlottesville for water service and upon motion, made by Mr. Williams and seconded
by ~r. Wood, the details of this matter were put in the hands of ~. Robinson to work ~t
Co~unication was received from the State Chamber of Commerce advising that the
second annual World Trade Conference would be held at Norfolk on November 16-17, 1950.
Communication was received from the Crippled Children's Hospital in Ric~nnond,
Virginia, requesting financial assistance from the County. Mr. Robinson was authorized to
request the hospital's record of n~mes of children from this County and also the number of
hospital days for these children, and upon receipt of this i~ormation, action willbbe ts_ken
by this Board.
Communicztion was received from the Co~munit~tChest acknowledging receipt of the
County's contribution to the Chest.
E!r. Robinson presented quotations of the Federal Laboratories, Inc. on tear gas
guns and ammunition for the Sheriff's Office. It was the Board's feeling that the County
should purchase only a couple of each type cartridge rather t~.~u the complete kit of a~u-
nition. Upon motion, made by ~. Williams and seconded by'~r. Wood, the following ~e~$olutio~
was unanimously adopted:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albe-
......... -'- ~ ~o~_~a b~. ~nd is hereby transferred from
Mr. Robinson presented the County Seal as rep~.~duced by the American Decalcoman~
Company in the original colors, and upon motion, made by Mr. Williams and seconded by Mr.
Wood, the reproduced seal was approved and Mr. Robinson was authorized to purchase 1,250
copies ~ $o.48~.
Upon motion, made by ~ir. ~ood and seconded by 5~r. Williams~, contract with the
Arnold Company providing for the maintenance of the station radio equipment and seven mobi~
tutits at the rate of $7%.50 per month, was ~pproved and r~. Robinson was authorized to sign
same on behalf of the County.
Nr. V~. W. Shields, Resident Engineer, appeared and presented to the Board the
final budget of the State Highway Department for the year ending J~e ~0, 1951 for the
Secondary System Naintenance, Maintenance Replacement and Construction. Upon motion~ made
by ~. Wood and seconded by Nr. Nilliams~ the.followi~ resolution was unanimously adopted:
BE iT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Aibems~le Oounty,
Virginia~ that the final Secondary System Maintenance, M~intenance Re-
placement, and Construction Budget for the year ending June 30, 19~l,
as presented by Er. W. W. Shields, Resident Engineer of the Department
of Highways, be and is hereby approved in the roll,Ting amounts:
Maintensmce Replacement
Total ...............
Claims against the County ~mounting to $251,%51.29 were presmnted, examined, and
a~d and certifisd to the Director of Finance for payment an8 charged against the follow-
lng funds:
General Fund
School Fund
Dog Tax Fund
Crozet Sanitary District ~aud
Joint Health Fund
School Construction Bond Fund
Comm. of Va. Current Credit Account
Upon motion, the meeting adjourned.
$ 17,917.16
67,956.96 ~ 659.27
172.02 -