HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-01-17without regard to district or color. Claims against the County amounting to $316,912.07 were presented, exam_nea~ and allowed and certified to the Director of Finance for payment, and charged against the following funds: General Fund School Fund Dog Tax Fund Crozet Sa~_itary District F~md Joint Health Fu~_d School Construction Bond Fund Comm. of Virginia Current Credit Account $ 12,680.27 68, 03A~68 563.75 150.75 2,399°04 9OO $316,912.07 Upon motion, the meeting adjourned. Chairmen A. regular meeting of the Beard of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virgini~ was ela the 0 fice said on the Present: Messrs. C. Purcell McOue, E. J.~Ballard, Henry Chiles, C. R. Dottier, J. W. Williams, aneW. W. Wood. Absent: None. Officers present: County Executive and Commonwealth's Attorney. Minutes of the meeting of December 20, 1950, were read and approved. Mr. C. R. Dorrier nominated Mr. C. Purcell McCue as Chairman for the year 1951~ which memination was seconded byMr. J. W. Williams. TAere:.,Being no further nominations, Mr. McOue was unanimously elected. Upon motion, made by Mr. Williams and seconded byMr. Dottier, it was ordered that! the present Clerk of the Board and .the present department heads be reappointed for the year~1951. Mr. D. A.,Rebinson recommended that Mr. R. C. Sours be appointed as Assistant the Director of Finance and Mr. Samuel S. Olark be appointed as ~Ssistan~ to the County Executive, each having the power to act in his absence. Upon motion, made by Mr. Williams and seconded by Mr. Ballard, Mr. Sour~ was appointed Assistant to the Director of Finance. Mr. D. B. Marshall, Commonwealth's Attorney, advised ,the Board that the law did not provide for an Assistant County Executive but provided that if a person were needed in this e~.~pacity~ the Board should convene to appoint someone. It wzs the expressed opinion of the Bo~rd that Mr. Clark was the Board's choice for such appointment. The Board instructed Mr. Mars~all to get an opinion on this matter. ~r. C. M. Pennington appeared regarding his !~vestock c~ approved by the Board at its previous meeting. The Commonwealth's Attorney advised that new legislation which '~ became effective July 1, 1950, provided for the payment of fair w~tue of livestock and fowls regardless of the assessed value. Mr. Pennimgton was a~vised that this matter would have to be taken mnder advisement. All current dog claims were deferred untilthe Board adopts a new p~licy for the payment of claims against the Dog Tax Fund. Hr. Ell~ton of the Highway DeDartment advised the Board that roads in sub- inclusion in the Secondary System. Mm. D. A. Robinson, County Executive, was instructed to advise all peti%ioners of this law where-applicable. The .follOWing applications having been made.to the Board of County. Supervisors to approve of the p-lacing ef the..roads as .described in the- appli~tions in the Secondary High- way System, it is hereby ordered that Messrs. J. G. White, J. B. Kegley, Hugh N. Clark, C. ¢ Wade, and E. Gaines F~ay,-resident freeholders of this County, any three of whom may act, be and they are hereby appointed Viewers whose duty i~ shall be- to examine such roads, smd re- port upon the expediency of establishing same; they shall, as soon as practible-after re-- ceiving this order, proceed to make the views, and may examine, other routes and locations- than the o~es propozed, and if of the opinion that there-is-a necessity for establishimg public.roads, they shall locate the same, return a map or diagram thereof, with a roper% te the Board stating locations of such roads, the convenience., and inconvenience-that will re- sult as well as to the individuals as to the- public, whether said roads will be-of such mere private convenience as to make it proper that they sh~ald be opened, established, and kept in order by the person or persons for whose convenience they are desired, whether any yard, gardens, or orchards will have to be ~aken; the names of the landowners on such roads, which of such landowners will require ~ompensation, what will be a just compensation to the land-. owners requiring compensation for the land so taken, and for the damages of the residue of the tract, if any, beyond the peculiar benefits to be derived in result to such residue from the roads to be established; and all other facts and cireums*~nces in their epimion msef~.l in enablimg the Board to determiming its expediency of establishimg the roads, and they sha~ file such rep,.r% with ~the Clerk of this .Bo.s.rd; In the event that some of the landowners do not re. quire compensation and they will execute written consent, giving the right of way in question, the said Viewers shall obtain such consent and return it with their report.-; Provided, however, that the Chairma. n of the State Highway Commission, sometimes called the State Highway Commissioner, shall fo~x~hwith be notified and made a party to these proceedings, and that he shall ~kewise_be notified of :the time and place of the meeting of the Viewers herein designated. (1) Road beginning at end of Route 745 (West of Route. 29~ and extending 3/4 mile to road entrance of H. W. Cook. (2) One mile continuation of Route 805, beginning en Route 29 one-half mile North ef Coves- ville and ending at homes of J. B. Hunt and E. S. Napier. (3) CO0 Road #3040 on Route 630, 1~ miles .to home of Mathew Fitzgerald.. (4) Extension of Route 792 for a diztance of 0.3 .mile. (~) Old Horse Shoe Road, a distance of ~ miles begimuing at 01d. Lynchburg Road and running northwest. (~) Key West Lane beginning at Route 20 ( 2 mi. East of City.) and continuing 0.8 mile to junction of road to main house and road to tenant houses of Carlin C. Stokely.~ (7) Extension of Route 22' from Cismont toward Cobham for approximately 400 yards. ~8) Extension of Route 639 for .3 mile, at Lin ~dsay. (9) Road beginning at the end of Rou~e 806 and extending one mile to the Greene County line, (10) Relocation of Route 765. (il) 0ne-half mile road in Bellalr Estates. ~12) Road beginning at Corpcrate limits of Charlottesville on Locust Ave. and extending .4 m~ (13) Road leading east from Ridge Street Just beyor~ Har~m~u MiL1 Road for 3 or 4 blocks. (1~) Seven hundred feet - Palatine Avenue. Resolution was received requesting improvements ~to 5.5 miles of Route 708. Petitio were also received requesting improvements on Routes 717, 719, 665, 635 and 637. Mr. Shields recommended that a study of all p~ojects on ~face treatment be made before deciding en what can be. done to any one road. The following tetegram~was sent to .Governor: John S.. Ba%tt? upon motion of ~. Chiles, seconded by Mr. Weed: We ~amimously and whotehear~dly endorse-Judge Lemuet F. Smith for appointment to Supreme C~art of Appeals. Important Board Meeting prevented our calling personally today. (Signed) Albemarle County Board of Supervisors and Commonwealth's Attorney. Communication was received from Mr. Samuel S. Clark requesting the Board to ask Mrs. Eva W. Maupin, Clerk, to secure the mailing address of the grantee in each re~l estate transaction recorded in her office. Mr, Robinson also requested'tha% Mr. M~rshall bring this matter before the local bar and request its cooperation. Upon motion, made'byMr. Woo~ and seconded by Mr. Ballard, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: 'BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors ~f Albe- marle County, Virginia, that Mrs. Eva W. Maupin, Clerk of the Circui% Court, be and she is hereby requested to secure the mailing address ef of the grantee in each real estate transaction recorded in her elf ice. 'Mr. D. A. Robinson reported to the Board that the Crozet Sanitary District Gem- mittee had recommended the employment of Mm. Everett L~ Below on a full time basis at a salary of $200.00 per month. Upon motion, made by ~$. Ohiles and seconded 'by 'Mr. Wood, the Committee's recommendation was accepted with the understanding that Mr. Below is to pay his own mileage and is to take care of emergencies, day mud night, without extra charge. Report ef the County Executive for the month of December, 1950, was 'p~esented and approved. Upon the recommendation of Mr. Robinson, motion waz made by Mr. Dorrier 'and seconded by Mr. Williams, authorizing a temporary loan from the General Fumd to +~e Crozet Sanitary District Fund to cover bonds and interest maturing during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1951. Reports of .the Charlottesville-Albemarle Public Library for the' month of November and December, 1950, were presented and approved. Mr. D. A. Robinson, Director of Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses of the Depa~'l~aent of F~mnce for the month of Decmabe~, 1950, one-*,2~ird of whSch to be borne by th~ State. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, %his Statement was examined, verified, and ap- proved. Mr. D. A. Robinson, Director of Finance, smbmitted a Statement of Expensew of the Sheriff's OfTiee f~r the month of December, 1950, two-thirds of which to be borne by the State. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was exam_f_ued, verified, and approved. mr. D. A. Robinson, Directc~ ef Finance, submitted a Statement of Expenses of the Commonwealth's ~ttorney's Office for the month of December, 1950, one-half of which to be borne by the State. UPon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, yeti- fied and approved. Mr. D. A. Robinson, Director of F!'Bance, submitted a Statement of Expsmses in- curred in the maintenance of prisoners confined in the County Jail along with a Summa~v Statement of ~risoner days. Upon motion, duly made a~ seconded, th~se~;S~teme~ts were examined, verified, and approved. ~laim of Dr. Richard T. E~genbright, Jail Physicism, in the amount o£ $6.00 was presented and approved for payment. Report~on commitments te county and city jails for September, 1950, was received from the Department ef Welfare and Institutions and ordered filed. Report of the audit of accounts of Jesse B. Wilson, Trial Justice, for the fiscal Reports of the Charlottesville-Albemarle Public Library for the months of Novem- bet and December, 1950., were presented amd approved. Cldim of the University of Virginia Hospital in the. amount ef $2207.36 for hos- pitalization ~f indigents for ~the month of JanuarY, 1951, was presented and approved for payment. Mr. D. A. Robinson, Co~mnty E~ecutive, Presented reports of the Welfare. Department for the month of December, 1950, in accordance with Chapter 371 of the Acts ef the Assembly ef 1950. An offer of $15.00 was received from Mr. Moses Crawfard for five acres of County land. Mr. Crawford was advised that-this offer would be taken under, advisement. Mrs. Alfred Chanutin of the Child Welfare Association and Dr. S, D. St~rkie of the Joint Health Dep~rtment appeared regarding dental work in schools, Dr. Sturkie advised that the State Health Department was not able to smppty a ¢8lered~jde~tist .L~thi~ sehoei <yea~.~and ~h~-'Gh~ldi~are A~so~eiatio~ 'had ~.pr~o~ese~ te'-SuppI2~· ~Whi%e dentist to take care of the colored children. However, Dr. Sturkie advised that this proposal did met meet with %he ap- proval e~ ~he State Health Department. The Board instructed Dr. Sturkie -~-d Mrs. Chan~tin te meet with Dr. Roper, State Health Director, regarding this matter. Mr~ D. A. Robinson, Director of Finance, asked the Board if it wished to continue the same policy in the assessment of military personnel as others and was advised by the Board that it did. Mr. Robinson called the Board's attention to the fact that there had been consider able criticism of his office in regard te the enforcement of tax collections and read the following from a communication dated January 4, 1951, from Mr. C. H. Morrisett, State Tax Commissioner: "The 5% penalty accruing December 5~gives ne taxpayer amy Sec- reason or right to expect t~at he may wait until June to pay. tiara 58-965 of the Code of Virginia expressly provided that: "The ~reasurer, after the f/2th day of December, shall call upon each person Chargeable with taxes and levies who ~has not paid the same prior to that time, er mpon the agent, if any, Of such person resi- dent within the county er corporation for payment thereof; and upon failure or refusal of such person or agent to pay the same, he shall proceed te collect them by distress er otherwise." Treasurers who have not heretofore resorted to legal process to enforce the collection of State income taxes but have depended tirely upon the voluntary payment, are earnestly ~rged to resor~ te legal process in the future ~c collect taxes from persons who will not pay except under the compAlsion of legal process. The law plainly re- quires t~mts course." Mr. Robinson also advised the Board that all original tax notices to taxpayers have written on them the fo!lowing: "This is a statement of your taxes which are now due and-~yable. Under the law if unpaid after December 5th, penalty of 5% must be added an~ beth taxes and penalty become collectable by levy, distress, or otherwise." The matter of fire insurance and water line to the consolidated high school was discussed. Mr. D. A. Robinson, Dounty Executive, recommended the following: (1) Accept engineer's p~oposal with regard to water line. (2) Build the water line in accordance with City Specifications. (3) County retain legal title to water line.. (4) Permit City to control water line se long as the School gets an ample water supply. (5) County request City water rates. As an alternate, Mr. Robinson recommended the County purchase water from the City at the City Limits at wholesale under contract. Mr. Robinson was instructed to have Er. R. B. McNutt, Jr. of Wiley and Wilson meet with the Board of Supervisors and School Board regarding ~q~is matter. Mr. R~binson advised the Boa~d that the Sheriff had requested that the Board Mr. D. A. Robinson, County Executive, presented to ~e Board the application ef the Virginia Telephone and Tele~aph Company to the State Corporation Commission for rate increases and recommended that the County oppose such increases at the next hearing on same. It was the feeling of the Board that an attorney should be employed in this matter and ex_pressed the opinion that Mr. Ed McCue was the logical person to be employed since he has ~epresented the County so well in this matter previousl~ without compensation. The following committee was appointed to stmdy this matter with authori%y to employ an attorney~i Messrs. Chiles, Perrier, Williams, Robinson, and M~rshall. 6ommmnication was receive~ from the Virginia Forests, Inc. requesting an approp- riation ef the Board to cover the cost ef supplying each child enrolled in 'school from the first through the seventh grades with a Smokey Bear Fire Prevention Comic Book. Mr. Robin- wit~ son advised that/the present enrollment, this would mean an appropriation of $109.47. Upon motion, made by Mr. Wood and seconded by Mr. Perrier, the following resolution was ~aani- mously adopted: NE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of AlBemarle Gh~nty, V'~r~imia, that $109.47 be and is hereby appropriated from the Un- appropriated Reserve of the General Fund to be used for Smokey Bear Fire Prevention Comic Books for children in the County Schools from grade one throush seven. Communications were .received from the Virginia Chamber of Commerce regardi~ por~ in Virginia and defense contracts and controls and were ordered filed. Mr. Henry Chiles, Chairman of the Office Equipment Committee, reported to the Board that the committee had studied the need fora t~x billing machine and a protectograph in the Department of Finance and recommended that Nr. Robinson place orders for the two machines in order to insure delivery before the time for preparing ~lls. Upon motion, made by Mr. Chiles and seconded by Mr. Wood, the report of the committee was approved and l~ands for the purchase of these machines are hereby appropriated~ Resolutions were received from the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors regarding Social Security Tax, Sales~Tax, and Civilian Defense. Each of these resolutions were read to the Board and no action was taken on the matters of sales taxes and ~ivili~U defense. ~pen motion, made by Mr. Need and seconded by ~r. Chiles, the following resolution, similar to that of Fairfax in regard to Social Security, was unanimously adopted: ~ ~REA~,-the employees of this County, many of whom have long years of service, have no form of retirement, and WHEREA$, the amount of sa~_~y paid to County employees does not allow them to save sufficient money in lie~ of a retirement plan, and WHEREAS, it has been brought to the attention of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County that the Congress of the United States has recently passed legislation extending the coverage of the Social Security Act to persons not previously covered by said ~Act, which legislation mow includes employees of this County who are paid in wh~le by the County and those ~ployees paid in part by the County and in part by the Commonwealth of Virginia, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED $~hat the Board of County Super- visors of Albemarle County, Virginia, requests that the Honorable~overnor cf Virginia make a study of the recommended amendment to the Social Security Act and that he take whatever steps that he may deem necessary so that this County may adopt a proper resolution to insure t~he said em- ployees and officials of this County the benefits of the Social Security Act, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be for- warded to the Honorable Jehn~S. Battle, Governog of the Commonwealth of Virginia, and to Mr. William B. Speck, Field SecreSary of the League of Virginia Counties. Communication was received from the family of Nr. W. O. Fife acknowledging the Board's expression of sympathy. Upon motion, made by ~r. Dorrier and seconded by ~. Wood, the following Resolution was ~uanimously adopted: WHEREAS, the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle Oeunty, Virginia, desires to pay tribute and respect to the memory of the late W. O~ Fife, Commonwealth's Attorney uatil his death on December 3t, 195o, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that in the death of Mr. Fife, the County has lost a capable and ~sefml official, members of the~ Board have lost a cemrteous and considerate associate. His helpOA1 smggestiens, consideration for the views of others, and conscientious conception ef duty, coupled with h~mility, and u~assuming mature and high sense of honor 'have impressed ia las~ing memory the fineness ef his quality, the coveted attributes of his character.~ BE IT FURTH~R RESOLVED that this brief appraisal of the service and character of Mr. Fife be spread upon the minutes of the Board, and a copy transmitted to his widow. C~m~ cation was received from the State Board of Education. advising that the new~ school census showed the ~popmlation for Albemarle County as 5,531 making the basic salary fo~ the Division Smperiutenden% $3250.00, sixty per cent to be paid by the State and forty per cent to be paid by the County. Since the salary of the County's Divisio~ Superintendent ex- ceeds this amoumt~ no action was necewsary in this matter. C~mm~atien was received from Mr. I. T, Quinm, Executive D'.~z~e~tor of the Com- mission of Game and Inland Fisheries, acknowledging receipt of the Game Warden Agreement. C~mm~cation was received from the Albemarle Tuberculosis Association requestLug the balance of the County's appropria~tion of $1200.00 for the fiscal year ending June 30,~ 1951. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, the payment of this sum to the Association was approved. Communication was received from the March of Dimes Campaign Headquarters request- ing an appropriation cf the Board. It was the expressed feeling of the Board that public tax ~hould mot ~e contributed to this drive but that. the members would contribute individu- Upon motion, made by Mr. Dottier and seconded by mr. Williams, the Board co~- gratulated Mr. Narshall on his appointment to the elf ice of Commonwealth ts Attorney an~ ex- tended wishes to Mr. Marshall for a successful term of office. Mr. Paul Henderson of the C. & P. Telephone Gompany of Virginia appeared before the Beard and requested that this company be allowed to repor% its property values for tax purposes in a lump sum without regard to districts. ~r. D. A. Robinson, Director of Finance .advised the Board that th~s arrangement could be worked out so leag as the County maintains a ,maiform ~ax rate. Upon motion, made by ~r. Nilliams and seconded by Mr. Wood, the fetich- lng resolution was unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the Director of Finance be and ~e is hereby directed to render one combined tax bill, without regard to magisterial districts, for all real estate and personal property in Albemarle County owned by the Ohesapeake anti. Telephone Company, said procedure to be followed in 1951 and all subsequent years so long as the tax levy remains mniform in all magisterial districts. Mr. Naltor A. Harlow appeared before the Board and made application for a permit to operate an automobile gravey ~ar~ d au his property, ~m~ and one-half miles from Oharlottes- ville on the Sco%tsville '~Road~ The Board advised ~r. Harlow that it would view his property ~r. Harlow, was read and ordered filed. After dispensing with all other business for the day, the Board viewed the abcve mentioned property and upon motion, duly made and seconded, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: RESOLVED that it is the unanL~mous opinion of this Board that per- mission should be granted to W. A. Harlow to set us and operate an "auto- mobile graveyard" on his property, provided that operation of said ~auto- mobile graveyard" shall be restricted to the following location~ Said ',automobile graveyard" shall be restricted to the 28.75 acre t~act of land situated in the Charlottesville Magisterial District approximately two and one-half miles from the Corporated ~mmits of the City of Charlottesville, identified as parcel 91-17 of the Albemarle 'County property identification map, and that this "automobile graveyard" shall further be restricted to that p~rtion of this. parcel which lies East of a s~raight line from the residence to the einderbtock plaining mill building now situated on this parcel of land, and fun%her shall not extend North of the above mentioned residence building. IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that the Director of Finauc~ be and he is hereby authorized to issue a license to the said W. A..Harlow for the operation of said "automobile graveyard" in accordance with the laws of the ordinances of Albemarle County. Mr. J. W. Williams, Chairman of the Committee on responsibility for damage to County cars, reported that his cmmmittee had studied this matter and recommended that when gross negligence is shown in the case of an accident, the County employee who is driving thai ear shall pay all costs up to $25.00 and 10% of all costs over $25.00 to a maximum not %o exceed 50% of the employee's monthly salary. The committee i~mrther recommended that gross negligence should be determined by State Police except in the City of Charl~ttesville, where!i the City Police should be the determining party. Upon motion, made by Mr. Williams and seconded by .Mr. Ballard, the following resolution was ~manimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle Comity, Virginia, that in case of damage of County owned vehicles, with the exception of school buses, when gross negligence is shown the employee driving the vehicle shall pay the costs up to $25.00 and 10% of the costs over $25.00, provided the maximum amount he ~or she is required to pay does not exceed 50% Of his or her monthly salary. BE IT FURTF~ER RESOLVED that State Police be requested te inves- tigate and report on such accidents to determine if there was gross ~gli- gence en the part of tko County employee driving the damaged vehicle in all cases except those occuring in the City of Charlottesville, where adopted: such investigation and report shall be requested of the City Police~ BE IT FURTHERRESOLVED that a copy of this Resolution be'sub- mitted to each Department Hea~ and each employee in departments usir~ County owned vehicles. U~onmotion, duly made and seconded, the £ollowimg resolution was unanimously BE IT RESOLVED bythe Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the Director of Finance be and he is hereby directed to render one combined tax bill, without regard to magisterial districtS, for all real estate smd personal proper~ in Albemarle County-owned by the American Telephone and Telegraph Company, sai~ procedure to be followed in 1951 and all subsequent years se long as the tax levy re- mains uniform in all magisterial districts. Claims against the County amounting to $117,379.07 were presented, examined, and allowed and certified to the Director ef Finance for payment, and charged against ~he fellow- iug_ funds: General ~nd School Fund Dog Tax Fu~d Crozet Fire District F~nd Orozet Sanitary District Fund McIntire Trust Fund Joint Health Department School Construction Bond Fund Comm. of Va. - Current Credit Account Comm. of Va. - Dog Tax Credit Account Accts. Receivable -Due from S. M. Cedar Rust Fund A¢cts. Receivable - Due from W. H. Cedar Rust Fund Total Upon motion, the meeting adjourned. 16,899.~ 78, S3S.S3' 754.OO 4.52. 315.67~ 100.00 ~ 3,148.13 14,193.20 1,252.82 12.30 690.20 1,169.90 $117,3~.0V Pursuant to the following waiver, members of the Board of CoUnty Supervisors ef Albemarle County, Virginia, met ~m special session on this date With the following members present: Messrs. C. ~cell McCue, E. J. Ballard, Henry Chiles, C. R. Derbies, J. W. Willi~ and W. W. Weed. We, the undersigned members of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, hereby waive notice, and special service thereof, of a meeting to be held at 10:00 A.M. on ~the 19th day ef January, 1951, at the County 0ffice Building for the pu~ose of discussing with Nr. R. B. MeNutt, Jr. of~ Wiley and Wilson, Consulting Engineers, the water Line to the County's proposed consolidated high school, and for the purpose of meet- lng with Mr. William R. Napier, Game Warden, and we do hereby consent to the transaction ef any amd all business and the taking of such action at said meeting upon the matters hereinabeve mentioned as may be lawful, in- cident, and necessary thereto. Mr. R. B. McNutt, Jr., of Wiley and Wilson, Consulting Engineers~ appeared amd discussed wi~h the Board the water line to and water supply for the consolidated high school Mr. McNutt recommended that the Board consider further development in p.t~ its water to ~he school and its effect on such a water supply. In discussing the possibility of wells Mr. MeNutt advised that he did net believe wells in that section would be satisfactory for a school of this size. He further advised that in the event that surfae~ water is used. a S,