HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-01-19SPECIALfor all real esta%e and personal propert~ in Albemarle County .owned by the American Telephone and Telegraph Company, said procedure to be followed in 1951 and all subsequent years se-long as~ t~e tax levy re- mains uniform in all magisterial districts. Claims against the County amounting to $117,379.07 were presented, examined, and allowed and certified to the Director cf Finance for payment, aad charged against the follow- General Fund Schoet Fund Dog Tax Fun~ Crozet Fire District Fand Orozet Sanitary District Fund McIntire Trust Fund Joint Health Department School Oo~stractien Bond Fund Comm. of Va. - Current Credit Account Comm. of Va. - Dog Tax Credit Account Accts. Receivable - Due from S. M. Cedar Rust Fund Accts. Receivable m Due from W. H. Cedar Rust Fund Total $ 16,899.50. 78,838.83 754.00 4.52. 315.67- 100o00 - 3,148.13 14,193.20 t, 252.82 12.30 690.~0 _ 1,!69~.90 $117,379.07 Upon motion, the meeting adjourned. Jam~ry 19, 19 51 Pars-~ant to the following waiver, members of the Board of CoUmty S~pervisers ef Albemarle County, Virgir~ia, met in special session on this.date with the~ following members present: Messrs. C. Pmrcell McCue, E. J. Ballard, Henry Chiles, C. R. Dormice, J. W. Wiili~s, and W.- W. Wood. We, the ~mdersigned members of the Board of CoUnty Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virgi~nia, hereby waive notice, and special service thereof, of a meeting to be held at 10:O0 A.M. on ~the 19th day ef Ja~nary, 1951, at the County Office Building for the p~ose of discussing with Mr. R. B. McNutt, Jr. oft Wiley and Wilson, Consulting Engineers, the water line to the County's proposed consolidated high school, and for the purpose of meet- ing with Mr. William R. Napier, Game Warden, amd we do hereby consent to the transaction of any and all business and the taking of such action at said meeting upon the matters hereinabeve mentioned as may be lawful, in- ciden%, and necessary thereto. Mr. R. B. McNutt, Jr., of Wiley and Wilson, Consulting Engineers~ appeared azEi discussed with the Board the water line to and water supply for the consolidated high school. Mr. MeNntt recommended that the Board consider further development in ptAnni~g its water to the school and its effect on such a water supply. In discmssing the possibility of wells Mr. McNut% advised that he did not believe wells in that section would be satisfactory for a mehool of this size. He further advised that in the event that ~urfae~ water is used, a of ~wo wells would be:appro~ma.tely $23,00G.00 including digging of wells, eme-hs, lf mile of pipe line ~etween the wells, pressure tank, dual pumps, ~eetric current, contimgeneies..amd engineering services~ and advised that this would furnish mo fire~ protection. He--estimated ~he cost of a six inch line-with ne booster pump, which would not give fire protection, at approximately $36,000.00. The-Board expressed the feeetimg that the additional expenditure for fire pro- tection would be questionable due to the fa~t that the proposed school would be fireproof. Mr. Paul H. Cale, Supt. of Schools, advised that no consideration had been given to the amount of fire 'insurance the School Beard would carry en the building and equipment after the building is completed. Mr. McNutt~ ad-vised that the cost of a ten and eight imch lime without ~he 100,O00~i gallon tank would cost approximately $49,500.00 aud recommended that the County build su~ a line and re~ain ownership and request City water~ ra~s. Upon motion, made by Mr. Dorrier and seconded by Mt.Chiles-, it was~-ordered that the ~en and eight inch line be recommended to the-School Beard, in which Mr. Henley, Chair- man of the School Board and Mr. Paul Cal~, Eaperintendent, concurred, and Mr. Robinson was- requested to work with the-City on the best deal possible. Mr. McCue~ appointed the follow- ing committee to work with Mr. Robinson in this matter - Messrs. Chiles, Williams, and Dorrier of this Beard, and Mr. Paul H. C~le, Supt. of Schools. Upon motion, made by Mr. Wood and seconded by Mr. Williams, it was ~greed that Wiley amd Wilson would be-awarded the engineering job for the pipe line to the proposed consolidated high school if a proper contract ca~u be made with the~ City of Charlottesville. Mr. Dorrier amended this motion i~ that Wiley and Wilson wo~ld be. employed if outside, emgim- eering services are to be secured. The Board agreed to Mr. Derrier's amendment. Mr. Robinson suggested that Mr. McNutt bo employed to help ~ith negotiations with the City and Mr. Marshall ~advised that the initial motion of the Board employing Mr. McNutt provided for this authorization. Mr. Wood~ advised the Board that Mr. William Ri Napier, Game Warden, had questione, the authority and action of the Board regarding tax assessments and the payment of claims in public. Mr. Napier ~ppeared before the Beard a~d Stated that he did not remember mentioning the Board er Mr. Robinson or criticizing their actions i~ amy public conversation. After a discussion of this matter, Mr. Napier was requested to refrain from cri timizing Board poLiCies in public in the future and to brt~hany problems which he confronted to the Board for discussion. Up~ motion, the meeting adjourned. Chairman February 8, 1951. Pursuant to the following waiver, members of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, met in special session on this date with the following mem- bers present: Messrs. C. Purcell McCue, Henry Chiles, C. R. Dorrier and W. W. Wood. We, the undersigned members ef the Board of County Supervisors of Albe- mar!e County, Virginia, hereby waive notice, amd special service thero2~~ of a meeting to be held at 3:00 P.M. on the 8th day of Feb~_ary, 19~51, at the County Office Building for the purpose of discussing the water pipe line to the proposed consolidated whi~ high school, and we do hereby