HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-02-08SPECIAL of two wells would be~apprexima~ely $23,000..00 i~eluding digging of wells, one-half mile of pipe line between +~he wells, pressure tank, dual pumps, ~eetric c~rent, contingencies .amd engineering services~ _and adVised that ~his would furnish no fire protection. He estimated the cost of a six inch line-with ne ~ooster pump, which would not give fire protection, at approximately - $36,000.~. The. Board expressed the feeeling that the additional expenditure-for fire pro- %eotien would be questionable- due te the fa~t that the-proposed school would be fireproof. Mr. Paul H. Cate-, Supt. of Schools, advised that no consideration had been given to the amount of fire ~LinsUrauee the~Sehoel Beard would carry e~ the ~ldi~g and equipment after the ~dimg is completed. Mr. McN~tt~advised that the-cost efa te~ ~aml eight inch li~ ~withemt ~he lO0,000 gallon tank would cost approximately $49-,500.00 and rece~manded t~h~t the County build such a li~e an~ retain ownership and request City water~ rates. Upon motion, made by'Mr, Dottier and seconded by Mro0hiles-, it was-ordered that the ten and eight inch line be recemme~ed te the School Board, in whi~ ~. Henley, Chair- man of the School Beard and Mr. Paul Cain, ~aperintendent, concurred, and Mr. Robinson was requested ~ work with the--City on the best deal possible. Mr. McCue appointed the follow- lng committee to work with Mr. Robinson in this matter- Messrs. Chiles, Williams, and Derrier of this Board, and Mr. Paul H. C&~le, Supt. of Smhools. Upon motion, ma~e by Mr. Weed and seconded by Mr. Williams, it was~ ~greed that Wiley amd Wilson would be awarded the engineering job for the pipe line to the proposed consolidated high school if a proper contract c~u be made with the~City ef Charlottesville. Mr. Dorrier ame~ed this motion in that Niley and Wilson would be. employed if outside engin- eering services are to be secured. The Board agreed to Mr. Dorrier's amendment. Mr. Robinson suggested that Mr. McNutt be employed to help ~ith negotiations with the City and Mr. Marshall~advised that the initial motion of the Board employing ~. McNutt provided for this authorization. Mr. Wood advised the Beard that Mr. William Ri Napier, Game Warden, had questioned the authority and action of the Board regarding tax assessments and the payment ef claims in public. Mr. Napier appeared before the Board and stated that he did not remember mentioz~ng the Beard er Mr. Robimson or criticizing their actions in any public conversation. After a discussion of t~his matter, Mr. Napier was requested to refrain from critimizing Board policies in public in the future and %o bri~.amy problems which he confronted to the Board for discussion. Up~m motion, the meeting adjourned. February 8, 1951. Pursuant to the following waiver, members of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, met in special session on this date with the following mem- bers present: Messrs. C. Purcell McCue, Henry Chiles, C. R. Dorrier and. N. W. Wo~d. We, the undersigned members of the Board of County Supervisors of Albe- mar!e County, Virginia, hereby w~ive notice, and special service there£~~ of a meeting to be held at 3:00 P.M. on the 8th day of February, 19~51, at the Commty Office Building for the purpose ~ef discussing the water pipe line to the proposed consolidated whi~ high school, and we do hereby action, at said meeting upon the matters hereinabeve-mentioned as may be lawful, incident, and necessary thereto. The following resolution was received from the City of Charlottesville and read to the Board:: BE IT RESOLVED hy the Council of the City of Charlottesville that the City Manager be, and he is hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with the Board of County SuPervisors of Albemarle County to supply water to serve the high school proposed to be constructed near the intersection of Route 29 and the Nine N[ile Circle on the following terms: The Co~&uty will construct at its expense the line from the present city main near the intersection of Route 29 and Barracks Road to the School site, the ~ine to be constructed of mechanical joLut class 150 enamel lined cast iron pipe. After installation, the City will assume the maintenance of the lime itself, but any pumps necessary to furnish adequate pressure to the school will be-supplied, maintained, and operated at the cost of and by the county. The City shall have '~he right to tap the line for the purpose 0f supplying consumers along the line provided such taps do not ~nterfere with an.adequate supply to the school. Water used at thesschool will be metered at the school and paid for by the County at regular City rates. In the event, due to widening cr change in the location of the--highwaYs along which it is proposed the piPe be laid, it becomes necessary to relocate said line, ~¢ost of relocation will be borne by the County. The possibility of the widening of Route 29 which might mean that the pipe lime to' the school along Route 29 would have to be 'moved was discussed. Upon motion, made by Mr. Wood and seconded by Mr. Chiles, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervi'sC~s of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the resolution of the City Council of the City of Charlottesville, be and is hereby accepted and Nr. D. A. Robinson, County Executive, is hereby requested to convey to' the City Council the appre- clarion of the Board for its resolution consenting to furnish the County's proposed consolidated high school with Water at the City's regular ~ates, and to request the City to consider the construction of the water line from the Intersection of Route. 29 and Barracks Road to the present corporate limits. The question of a ten and eight inch and an eight and ten inch water line was dis- cussed. Mr. Marshall advised the Board if they took the position that they were appropriati~ funds for a larger line to insure an adequate supply of water for the school, he did not think the legality of the appropriation would be questioned. Mr. Chiles advised that the School Board was reluctant to having the additional~ cost of a ten and eight inch line charged to the School Fur~ and stated that he did _not think t~s cost should be borne by the schools. Mr. McCue asked Mr. Marshall if the County could pay the additional cost of the larger line and not charge the school fund. In answer to this question, Mr. Marshall advised that legall~ he kn~w~ of no authority for the County to do t~s'l Mr. Robinson a~ked the Board if Wiley and Wilson should be employed as engineers for the water line. Mr. Chiles stated that he questioned the estimates given by Wiley and Wilson in their bid on engineering due to the fact that he was dubious of the thoroughness of Wiley and Wilson in their preliminary survey. Mr. Chiles requested the Chairman to ask fha% Mr. Robinson megotia%e, with Wiley aud Wilson o~ .theT~% charge in their bid for engi- meeting services. N~. Robinson recommended that the Highway Department give the Board a twenty-yea~l p~ on Route 29 aud ~lso ask for a survey on Route 7~3. ? After a lengthy discussion of these matters, motion was made by ~r. Dottier, and seconded by Mr. Chiles, a~therizi~g Mr. Robinson to place an order for the ~ecessary amount of ten and eight inch pipe to meet with City Specifications~. Mr. Robimsen advised the-Boardl Shat he felt the request for th~ appropriation for this pipe should come from the School Board and was instructed to advise the School Board accordingly. Upon motion, the mee%ing adjourned. Chairman A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virgini~ was held at the Office B~lding of said County on the 21st day of February, 1951. Present: Messrs. C. Purcell McOue, E. J. Ballard, C. R. Dorrier, J. W. Williams, and W. N. Wood. Absent: Mr. He~y Chiles Officers present: County Executive and Commonwealth't Attorney. Minutes of the~meetings Of ~anuary 17th, January 19th, and February 8th, were read and approved. Mr. St~other F. Harem, Mayor of the City of Charlottesville~ and Mr. H. A. Haden, member of the City Council, a~peared before the Board and advised that the Council had received a communication £rom Governor John S. Battle suggesting that the City and County provide Office facilities for Justice Lemuel F. Smith as some of the other localities in th, State are doing for the j astices from their areas. Mr. Harem advised that the Council had taken no official action on this matter but expressed the feeling that they would like to participate in such an ax ~angement jointly with the County. Mr. D. A. Robinson and Mr. D.B Marshall were requested o confer with Justice Smith regarding ~s need for a local office. Mr. 'W. W. Shie ds, Resident Engineer of the Highway Department, appeared amd read to the Board a letter from Mr. L. E. Akers, Secondary Roads Engineer, in which Mr. Akers r~ quested approval of the ams Jack Jouett Trail for Route 732.' Upon motion, made by Mr. Dorrier and seconded by r. Wood, the following resolution was un~ously, adopted: BE RESOL~ by the Board of County Supervisors of Albe- marle County, ~rginia, that the. name, Jack ~euett Trail, be and is hereby approve for Route 732 from Route 250 at Shadweil to its inter- section with R, ate 53. Mr. Shields al ~o discussed with the Board the acceptance of subdivision streets into the Secondary System. Mr. Shields advised that sueh streets do not apply against the County's allotted mi~mge but are included in the five per cent construction money. ~. Dorrier asked Mr. Shields if there was any possibility of the Highway Depart-I ment not being able to improve Route 20 before June 30th, at which time the $139,000.00 al- located to the improvement of Route 20 would no longer be available. ~.~. Shields advimed that he did not think so but the Board might adopt a resolution re~esting the Highway De- partment to begin work on this Route as soon ~s possible. Upon motion, dulY mzde and secoz ded, the following resolution was unanimouslY adopted::