HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-02-21 that Mr. Robinson negotiate.wiKh Wiley and Wilson on .theT~% charge in their bid for engi- neering services. M~. Robinson recommended that the Highway Department give the Board a twenty--year pX~n on Route 29 and ~lso ask for a survey on Houte 743. After a lengthy discussion of these matters, motion was-made by Mr. Dottier, and seconded by Mr. Chiles, authorizing Mr. RObinson to place an order for the ~ecessary-.amount of ten and eight inch pipe to meet with City Specifications.. Mr. Robinson advised the Bear4 ~ha% he fel~ the request for th~ ~ppropriation for this-pipe should come from the School Board and was instructed to advise the School Board accordingly. Upon. motion, the meeting adjourned. Chairman "' A regular meeting ef the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, ¥irginis was held at the Office Building of said County on the 21st day of February, 1951. Present: Messrs. C. Purcell McCue, E. J. Ballard, C. R. Dorrier, J. W. Williams, and W. W. Wood. Absent: Mr. Henry Chiles Officers present: County Executive and Co~monwealth't Attorney. Minutes of the meetings of ~anuary 17th, January 19th, and February 8th, were read and approved. Mr. S~trother F. Harem, Mayor of the City of Charlottesville, and Mr. H. A. Haden, member of the City Council, a~peared before the Board and advised that the Council had received a communication from Governor John S. Battle suggesting that the City and County provide office facilities for Justice Lemue! F. Smith as some of the etcher localities in thc State are doing for the justices from their areas. Mr. Harem advised that the Council had taken no official action on this matter but expressed the feeling that they would like to participate in such an arrangement jointly with the County. Mr. D. A. Robinson and Mr. D.B. Marshall were reque~sted to confer with Justice Smith regarding ~s need for a local office. Mr. N. W. Shields, Resident Engineer of the Highway Department, appeared and read to the Board a letter from Mr. L. E. Akers, Secondary Roads Engineer, in which Mr. Akers r~ quested approval of the name Jack Joyett Trail for Route 732.- Upon motion, made by ~.. Dorrier and seconded by Mr. Wood, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOL~ED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albe- marle County, Virginia, that the. name, Jack Jouett Trail, be and is hereby approved for Route 732 from Route 250 at Shadweil to its inter- section with Route 53. Mr. Shields al~o discussed with the Board the mcceptance of subdivision streets into the Secondary System. Mr. Shields advised that such streets do not apply ~gainst the County's allotted m~ge but are included in the five per cent construction money. Mr. Dorrier asked Mr. Shields if there was ar~v possibility of the Highway Depart- ment not being able to improve Route 20 before June 30th, at which time the $139,000.00 al- located to the improvement of Route 20 would no longer be available. ~&'. Shields advimed that he did not t~ink so but the Board might adopt a resolution requesting the Highway De- partment to begin work on this Route as soon as possible. Upon motion, duly made and secon ded, the following resolution was unanimously adopted:~ WHEREAS $139,000.00 has been allocated by the State High- way E~ssion to be expended for improvements to State Route-20 prior to June '30, 1951, a~ W!L~, s~id ~a!location will not carry over beyond that date, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED ~by the Board of County Super- visors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the State Highway mission be and is hereby respectfully requested to proceed with letting of contracts for said improvements with utmost dispatch. ~lr. Robinson advised the Board that the petition for inclusion of certain roads in Bellair Estates Subdivision in the~ Secon~~ System had been withdr~vm. Col.~D~. id S. McLean~ap~eared with a group of citizens and requested that Route be improved. Mr. Shields advised that work on this road was planned for the come,uS Spring to correct damages caused by floods. Upon motion, made by ~r. Dorrier and secor~ed by Mr. Williams,. it was c~dered that the State 'Department of Highways give every ~onsideration tha. is reasonable to expect in the improvement of Route '~l~. · ~. 0. M. Pennington and his attorney, Mr, Downing Smith, appearsd before the Board regarding Mr. Pennington's claim for sheep killed, for which Mr. Pen~ingt°n h~d been allowed $10.00 each by the Board. The policy for the assessment of livesto~ and fowls and the payment of claims fox dog damages was discussed, and upon motion, made by Mr. Wood and seconded by Mr. Williams, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County SupervTsors of Albe~marle County, Virginia, that effective this year all sheep and all poultry sha~_l be assessed at full ~alue with a m4ximum assessment on sheep of $50.00 each and a minimum of $10.00 each, an~ further tha~t all claims for dog damages sh~ be a~lowed on the basis ~of such assessments. In mccordance with the above policy, Mm. Pennington was allowed .an additional $20.00 for each of the five ewes for which he has been previously allowed $10.00 each. Claim of R. H. Middleton for one calf killed by dogs was p~esented. Upon motion, made by ~. Wood and seconded by Mr. Williams, it was ordered that Mr. Middle-ton be paid $30.00 for this calf. Claim of B. K. Purvis for four ewes killed by dogs was presented. Upon motion, made by ~. Williams and seconded by Mr. Ballard, it was ordered that ~. Purvis be paid $25.00 e~ch for these ewes. Claim of Lyston B. Cady for two ewes killed by dogs was presented. Upon motion, made by Mr. Williams and seconded by ~. Wood, it was. ordered that ~. Cady be paid $35.00 each for these ewes. Claim of Winston S. Wood for five hens killed by dogs was presented. Upon motion, made by Mr. Wood and seconded by Mr. Williams, it wa~ ordered that Mr. ~ood be paid $0.65 e~ch for these hens. Claim of J. G. White for one hen killed by dogs Was presented. Upon motion, made by Mr. W~i~amd amd seconded by ~. Dottier, it was ordered that ~. White be paid $1.00 for the hen. Claim of Clifford L. Searcy for twenty-t?2ee hens was presented. Upon motion, made by Mr. Williams and seconded by ~Lr. Ballard, it was ordered that ~. Searcy be paid $1.25 for each of these he~. Mr. J. T. Henley, Chai~an of the School Board, and Mr. Paul H. Cale, Superinten- ~-~ ....... ~ ~ ..h~ ~n~.,~ ~.r~in~' the application made last year for ~ million year if ~proved by the State Board of Educa~tion On Febraary 23, 1951, and requested that the Board approve m request of the School Boa~rd fro the release of $700~000.00 ~ be Eot aside and available when needed. Upon motion, made by Nr. Williams and seconded by Mr. Dorrier, the following resolution was unanimously adopted~ BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albe- marle County~ Virginia, that the ~Albemarle County SChool Board be and is hereby authorized to-mealie formal request of the State Board of Education at a meeting to be held on February 23, 1951, for the re- lease of $700,000.00, a portion of the Literary Fund Loan approved previously, this amount to be set aside in order that it may be avail- able w~en needed. Mr. Paul H. Cale, Superintendent of Schools, advised the Board that the- proposed budget for the year 1951-52 carried an appropriation for three additional ~ses for the negro high school and requested that Mr. Robinson be authorized to place ~u order for same now rather than wait for the adoption o£' the budget in order to insure delivery before September with the understsnding that no funds be used for same until after July l, 1951. Upon motion, made by Mr. Williams and seconded by Mr. Ballard, Nr. Robinson was authorized to place an order for three shhool buses, the cost of same to be carried in inventory un- til the 1951-52 budget is effective. In connection with this matter ~. Robinson requested the Board that he be per- mitted to purchase materials and supplies up to $25,000.00 to be carried in inventory un- til July 1st, and advised that the item he had in ~ind in parti~ular in addition to the buses was the pmrchase of coal. Upon motion, made by Mr. ~illiams and seconded by Mr. Nood, Mr. Robinson was granted permission to pure. base materials and supplies costing up to $25,000.00, this amount to be carried in inventory until July l, 1951. The following resolution was received from the School Board and read: WHEREAS, it is necessary to construct some means to supply water to the proposed Central High School to be situated on Route 743 west of Route 29, and WHEREAS, a~ the request of the County' Board of supervisors engineers have made a preliminary survey and recommend the installa- tion of certain facilities to transport and supply city water to said school, and WHEREAS, after ~Onsideration of the engineer's recommenda- tions, the County Board of Supervisors have in turn recommended to this Board that a certain type of facility employing 8 inch and l0 inch~ pipe lines be used; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the County Board of S~pervisors be an~ it is hereby requested to appropriate a sufficient sum to construct and install the facility to supply water to said school in accordance with the Board of Supervisors' recommendations, said appropriation to be made from the Special School Capital Outlay Fund. Mr. Robinson advised the ~Board that Wiley and Nilson had ~greed to reduce their engineering services from 7~% to 6% on the water line to the proposed high school, and in ~ccordance with the above request of the S~o~l Board and upon motion of 'Mr. Nood, seconde by Mr. Williams, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: · BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of ~lbemarle County, Virginia, ~that $49,500.00 be and is hereby appropriated from the Special School Capital Outlay Fund t° be used for the cost of water pipe line to the p~epesed consolidated The following resolution was received from the School Board and read:. WHEREAS, this Board has this date requested the County Board of Supervisors to a~propriate from the Special School Capital Outlay Fund a' sum sufficient to construct and install a facility tO supply city water to the Proposed Central High School,~ and 9.6 WHEREAS, it is anticipated that there will be an over Col- lection of current taxes as a. result of the current fiscal year's operations of $15,000.005~ NOW, THEEEFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the current SchOol 0per~t~ng Fund revenue estimates from current taxes be amended to in- crease estimated revenue from Current taxes by $15,000.00; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the above sum be appro~ priated as a transfer to the School Special Capital Outlay Fund to defray part of the cost of Said water facility. in accordance with the above request of the School Board and upon motion of Mr. Dorrier, seconded by Mr. Wood, the following resolution was unanimously adopted:: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle Cou~ y, Virginia, that $15,000.00 be and is hereby appropriated from School Operating Fund Revenue estimates and transferred to School Special Oapital Outlay Fund. Mrs. Fred W. Scott, Jr. of the Red Hill Parent-Teachers Association appe~mred be- fore the Board and read the following letter from the Associatio~ "To the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors - & To the Albemarle County School Board Gentlemen: Because of the Plans and actions of the Board of Supervisors and the School BOard of &lbemarle County the new addition at the RedHillHigh School is now in use. we haVe increased space for classroom instruction, and auditorium of adequate size~ with c~F6r- table chairs and with cafeteria facilities which make us the firs~ school in the county system able to serve hot lunch to our pupils. In the two weeks the cafeteria has been in operation it has been received with enthusiasm by pupils, teachers and the parents who/are helping to operate it. All of"Us share in the benefits the school addition brings both to the school and to the communitY. We wish to e~press our gratitu~ t° each~of you who helped to bring about this increased usefuluess~ of our school. We are proud of the foresight demonstrated by our Board of Supervisors in estab- lishing the special school capital outlay fund, and in working out with the School Board m. systemati~ plan for school improvement within a reasonable tax levy. Ne urge that the capi. tal fund be built ap as rapidly as possible within the $3,50 levy, so that school improve- ments may go forward, aud all Albemarle children can experience a pride and satisfaction e~ual to ours. Especially we urge speed in the building of a central high school, which is most essential ~o the plan for the entire county. Yours very truly, Red Hill P.T.A. (Signed) Mrs, John J. Purvis, Pres." Mrs. William C. Chamberlain appeared before the Board s_nd read the following letter from the League of Women Voters of Albemarle: "Mr. Purcell McCue, Chairman Board of County Supervisors Dear Nr. McCue: Since this month and next the Albemarle Board of Supervisors will make'its · f~r~ncial plan for the year ahead, the League of Women Voters, as one group Of citize~, reaffirms to you now its unqualified support of your p~ogram for improvement of the County Schools, inaugurated two years a~go. We endorse ~hd applaud ~.the imagination and vision of the Drog~am~itself, and the so~nd financial policy by which it is put into effect. Since the beginning of work on the plan, the impact of not only the Kor~an'War, but of national mobilization will put obstacles, those of inflation an~ scarcities, in your w~y. ~% it is our belief that these obstacles will not decrease in our generation; and that nationa~ mobilization imposes on us the double challenge to proceed des~L:~e~them'aud because of them. The greatest resource of this county, as it is of the cot_~utry, is its ob~ldren; and our greatest responsibility in time of crisis is to train and equip them '$~ the best of our ability to meet the increasing difficulties of our times. With this goal before us, and in the happy assurance that your foresighted sche- dul~ of building and pa2~ents is adequate and elastic enough to adjust to possible necessar~ alteration, we ~rge you to proceed with the ne~t school building with all practicable celerity. Yours sincerely, (Signed) Louise Chamberlain President. Report of the County Executive for the month of January, 1951, was presented and ~approved. Report of t~e-Compensation Board of ex,ess fees of the Clerk's 0ffice for the year 1950 was received along with an audit adjustment showin~ the CoUnty's p~io~ pay~bie to the State Treas.~rer as $1,189.74. Upon motion, made by Mr. Weed and seconded by ~r. Williams, this-amount was approved for ~syment. Report of the CharlotteEville-Albemarle Public Library for the month of January, 1951, was presented smd approved. Mr. D. A. RobLuson, Director of Fimance, s~bmitted a Statement of Expemses of the Department of Finance for the month of Xanuary, 1951, one-third of which ..... to be borne by the State. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was-examined, verified and approved. Nr. D. A. Robinson, Director of Fiuance, submitted a Statement of Erpenses of the Sheriff' s Office for the month of January, 1951, two-third~ of which to be borne by the State. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified, and approved. Statement of Expenses incurred in the maintenance of prisoners conf~ed in the County Jail during January along with a Summary Statement of Prisoner days was submitted. Upon motion, duly made and seconded these Statements were examined,, verified, and approved. Claim of Dr. Richard T. E~genbright, Jail Physician, in the amount of $15.00 was presented and approved for payment. Communication was received from the Compe~sation Board advising that the agreements between the County of Albemarle and Dr. Ergenbright and the Comuty of Albemarle and Dr. Thomas E. Jones, had been approved by the Compensation Board. Report of the District Home for the months of November and DeCember, 1950, was presented and approved. Mr. D. A. Robinson, County Executive, presented reports of the Welfare Depart- merit for the month of January, 194~1, in accordance with Chapter 371 of the Acts of the Assembly of 1950. Claim of the University of Virginia Hospital in the amount of $1318.56 of which $676.78 is due by the County was presented and approved for pa~ent. Mr. D. A. Robinson, County~ecutive, advised that Mrs. Maupin had requested an additional appropriation of $1620.00 to cover the cost of rebinding and restoring old record books. Upon motion, made by Mr. Dorrier and seconded by Mr. Wood, the following resolution was u~_~.~mously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that $1620.00 be and is hereby appropriated from the Unappropriated Reserve of the General Fund to be used for rebinding and restori~ old record books for the Clerk's Office. Upon motion, made by Mr. Dorrier and seconded by Mr. Need, the following reso- lution was unanimously adopted in accordance with a request received from the St~te Corpor. ation Commission~ BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the State Corporation Commission of Virginia be and is hereby requested to assess all properties which are owned by public service companies or corpora$ions in the magisterial districts of this Gounty, and which do not lie within the corporate limits of the Towa. of Scottsville, on a county basis rather than on a district basis as~ has heretofore been done so long as the tax rate remains uniform in all magisterial districts. Mr. D. A. ~obinson, County Executive, reported that no progress had been made on committee. The hearing of the Virginia Telephone and Telegraph Company before the Cor- poration Commission on February 26, 1951, was discussed and Mr. Wood .suggested that interested citizens in the County be requested to attend this hearing. The committee was authorized tgoemploy an attorney and appear before the Commission at said hearing. Commmm~cation was received from Governor JOhn S. Battle thanking the Board for its wire recommending the appointment of Judge Lemuel Smith ~o the Supreme Court of Appeale. Communication was also received from Governor Battle a~knowledging receipt ef the Board's resolution relative to the Federal Social Se~rity Act and advising that the Matter had been referred to the Advisory Legislative Countil where a theroug~ study would be made and ~ppropriate legislation prepared for the next session of the General Assembly. Communication was received from Dabney W. Sandridge agreeing 'to pay to the County as ~ gaaranteed minimum revenue from the two inch and six inch water lines recently con- structed by the County the sum of $16.10 per month beginning January l, 1951. Mr. D. A. Robinson, County E~xecutive, advised the Board that Mr. Evere~t Be!ew had refused to accept the County's Offer of full-time employment at a salary of $200.00 per month but at the present was continuing to work on an hourly basis at $1,25 per hour. No action was taken on this matter. Communication was received from Mr. C. H. ~orrissett, State Ts~x Commissioner, en~ closing forms for garnisheeLug in connection with the ~ollection ~f taxes and advised that the collection of taxes by garnishment is simpler, easier, and more expeditious and pracitcal f~han collection by distress or levy, and recommending the use of said form in every case in which its use is indicated. Communic a~ion was received from Mrs. §llen Chiles Pickett thar~king the Boar6 for its expression of sympathy in the death of Mrs. Chiles. Communications were received from the State-Chamber of Commerce and ordered filed. Communication was received from the State Corporation Commission regarding the regulations with respect to liquefied petroleum gases and was ordered filed. Requests for salary increases were received from the Sheriff's Office and from Mrs.. R. Bell B~mrke, Supervisor of Home Demonstration Agent, in regard to f~he sal~ of Miss E~ise V. Noel and action thereon was deferred until the 1951-52 Budget is presented for considera- tion. Mr. D. A. Robinson advised that the Red C~oss wished to train at least five thousan persons Lu the City and County in First-Aid s_nd recommended that the Board approve a class in First-Aid to be held in the Co?anty office Buildihg. He suggested that there be two classe weekly from 4:00 P.M. to 6:00 P.M. and stated that the Red Cross had agreed to supply an in- st~uctor. Upon motion, made hy Mr. Williams and seconded by ~r. Dorri~, Mr. Robinson's recommendati°n was approved and he was requested to send a letter to each Department Head ~t~gin~ that all County employees take this course and was also requested to make the class available to any other personnel around Court Square desiring to take the course. The matter of an assistant to the County E~eeutive was again dis~assed and ~. Marshall was instructed to se~re an opinion of the Attorney General on this matter. Upon motion, made by Mr. Dorrier and seconded by Mr. Williams, ~Iessrs. Hugh N. Clark, A. Gaines Fray, and J. B. Kegley were appointed to serve on the Equalization Board for1 the year 1951 and Mr. Robinson was instructed to write these men to de te~ine if they would~1 be able to serve in this capacity. The salary of Mr. D. B. N~rshall, Commonwealth's Attorney, was discussed and upon motion, made by Mr. Nilliams and seconded by ~. Ballard, ~he salary of $4400.00 as set up ~-~ the current fiscal budget for the Commonwealth's Attorney, and the salary of Nancy W. Failes stenographer, of $600.00 w~s approved for the year ending June 30, 1951. Claims against the COunty amounting to $131,211.78 were presented, examined, and allowed and certified to the Director of Finance for payment, and charged against the following funds: General School Fund Dog Tax FLuid Crozet Fire District Fund Crozet Sani~ District Fund Joint Health Department Fund School Conat~ ruction Bond Fund Commonwealth of Virginia Current. Credit Account AccOunts Receivable: Due'from Samuel Miller Cedar Rust Fund Due from ¥~hite Hall Cedar Rust Fund $ 18,806.81 62~335.92 209.70 8.65 360.5O 3,272.49 16,7Z~3.43 27,433.23 1,070,70 970.~5 $13-,211;78 Upon motion, the meeting adjou_~ned~ to reconvene at 4:00 P.M. On March 8, 1951. Chairman