HomeMy WebLinkAbout1934-07-18 A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County was held at the Cou~t House of said County on the 18th day of July, Present: Messrs. J. N. Fray, E. J. Ballard, P. H. Gent.fy, and Wj' H. Langhorne. Minutes of the last regular meeting were read and apProved. Mr. H. A. Haden,having indicated a desire to be relieved of the office and duties of Clerk of the Board of County Supervisors of this County, Mrs. Margaret T. WOodward is designated as Clerk of said Board of County Super- visors, and thereupon N?s~ Woodward ~ntered upon the discharge~of her duties as such. Mr. W. B. Colthurst requested that the Board provide funds for the em- ployment of a Clerk of the Trial Justice's Court and stated that it was im- possible for him to perform the duties of the Trial Justice as well as the duties of Clerk. Upon motion by ~r. W. H. Langhorne, duly seconded, it was ordered that the 'Trial Justice be authorized to employ a Clerk at g salary of $50.00 per month. IN THE~ MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF GILBERT S. CAMPBELL AND OTHERS, TO ABANDON CERTAIN PORTIONS OF STATE ROUTE ~NO. BETWEEN LACY'S STORE, WHERE ROUTE NO.. ?~ .INTERSECTS WITH ROUTE 642, AND THE INTERSECTION OF PRESENT ROUTE ?~ WITH ROUTE ?~: It having been suggested to the Board of County Supervisors by W. M. Gose, Resident District Engineer of the State Highway Department, Gilbert S.' Campbell, and others, that. certain portions of State Route No. ~, in-the County of Albemarle, the first of which portions lies between Lacy's St~re, at the point of intersection of Route ?~ with Route ~4~, and a point approximately lO0 feet North of Buckeyeland Schoolhouse, some ~$/100 of a mile, and the second of which lies betwemen Campbell's Gate and the inter~eotion.' ef .State Route ?~ with Route ?29, some 20/100 of a mile., are no longer ess®ntial for~ public conv~nience, and it f~rther appearing tha$ Notices were, on the ~th day. of June, 1~, that being the lst.~day of the June Term of the Circuit Court of Albemarle County, Virginia, posted at the ~ront door ef the Court House of s aid'County,~and a.t two public ~plaees in the aeighborhood of ~e road p~oposed .to be closed, and the~required~twenty days aotice having been published, therefore, on motion duly made.~and seconded, it is ordered that P. H. Coleman, S. P. Nottingham, Chesley Haden, C. E. Starkweather and Phil S. Purcell, any three of whom may act, be appointed as Viewers, whose duty it shall be to view those portions 'of Route ?~ in this County, now desLred to be closed, and make report, in writing, whether in their opinion any,a~d if any, what inconvenience, would result from discen- rimming the same; the Viewers herein named shall meet at Lacy's Store on the ~th day of July, 1~, go over said Route No. 78~, and file with the Clerk ~f this Board their report in writing. Upon motion by Mr. I~. H. ~anghorne, duly seconded, it was ordered that ~he salary of Miss B~.ssie Jones be increased to $40-~0 per month ~effective Jul~ 1, 1934. A Petition of the residents of Crozet, requesting that a Deputy Sheriff ~e stationed at Crozet, was presented. Upon motion, duly Seconded, it was ordered that the Sheriff be inst~acted ~o station one of his deputies at' Crozet when necessary. Upon motion, duly seconded,, it was ordered that Mileage .~o~ the Sheriff and his Deputies, effective Au~ust 1,. 1934, be re.d~ced fr~om.Bix Cents to Five 0ents per mite. IN THE ~MATTER OF ESTABLISHING A PUBLIC ROAD FROM FEDERAL-STATE ROUTE NO', 2B TO ROUTE NO.. ~31, IN PROXINITY TO KE~CK PUBLIC SCHOOL: The.above-styled matter having been continued at the regular June, 1934, meeting of the-Board, and~. the Board, upon adJ~r~ment of that meeting ~ having met upon the ..lands and themselves veiwed prospective routes, consideration of the Same-was at this, the July, meeting resumed; and . J. B.: Belk, by his attorneys, appeared and again urged~objection to the establishment of the read as set ~u~t in the report (and. plat therewith) of Viewers appointed at the regular .April,.. 1954, meeting of this_Board, ~and fur- ther and other testimony, t~uchtng the expediency or.propriety of establishing the road as set out in said report a~d map, was thereup.on..heard; Whereupon, and it appea~ing that the:. Ke.swick~ H~mt Club-has given so much of its lands as.may be necessary for. said..ro~ad, and outlet from. the_Keswiek School property; that the same was duly authorized at a. meeting of... the members ef said Club held on~th~--2~d day. of May,~ 1934; and that the Chesapeake and Ohio Railway Company has heretef~Pe~failed_and ~still fails .to:.sppe.ar in these- ~roceedings, or make defense or obJection.thereto,~although_.proceas s~mmoning said company has been ~twiee returned duly.executed;_.there,mpon, .mE,.er further consideration, it was, on motion .duly made amd seconded, ordered that the aforesaid report of ~viewers, which~is in words~and, figures f$11owing, be adopted and s~read ~upon the mitres: -. ~WERs" REPORT~ .... STATE OF ~VIRGINIA, COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, to-wit: To the Ho~oral~le Board of S~pervisors of ~.the County .of. Albemarle: The undersigned Vtewers~ appointed by your order made_ on~the~ Idth day of April, 1~34, resPec~fully report that they went~mpon the la~ds proposed to be take~ for'.a public-ro.ad,~frem State. Route No~ 22 to Route No~ VS1, in p~0Xtmity tOi~Keswl.¢k Public_. Scho~ol,_~on. ~the~ 30th day of April, 1934,. and report thereupon as follows: lst: The convenience .or inoonvenienc~e that _will resuIt as well to individuals as to the public ts as follows: Establishment of this connecting ~oad will result .in ~great. ~ublic conve, nlence, and. ~very slight, if~,?'~i~deed .any, incOnVe~aience~t° ~ one; 2nd': The~ said road will not b~e one of such mere private con- venience as to make it proper that it should be opened~ and kept in order by the persom or persons for Who~e $onveniemce it 'is.desired. The road is not for private, b~t~for p~blic convenience; S~d: No yard~ g~rden er_orchard will have to be taken. None; 4th: The names of the land ov~ers on such route are as follows: J. B. Belk; Chesapeake & Ohio Railway Company, a Corporation; and Keswick Hunt Club; 5th: The fOllowing named of said land owners req~ire compensa- tion: J. B. Belk; 6th: . A J~st comDensa ~ion to. the land..o.wner, s _requi_ring. compensa- tion for the Satd.~land se taken ~d for the d~age~ ~e. the ~sidue of the tract beyond the peeuli~ benefits to be derived in~espect to such residue from the ~oad. e~ .landing to be established~are as f.,llews: $25.00 (T~enty~five :Dol!a~s). ?th: The following are the ~ther facts and circumstances which in the opinion of your Viewers are useful in enabling your Board to determine the expediency ef establishing or altering the said road: PUblic necessity requires a connecting road, im the vicinity of Keswick Pmbitc ~chool, between State Ro~te 'No. 22, amd Route No. ?~1; a rai~-. road crossing is already constr~cted on the location; the .Road will render Keswtck Public School and Keswtck Hunt Club~ more readily acceSsible from a hard-smrfac® Road in ~he ?rimarY~System of S~ate Highways. A map or diagram shewing the road as located by undersigned Viewers is herewith returned., we u~derstand that the cost of construe- riCh, in such manner as will.be acceptable to State .Highway Depart- ment, will be borne by interested citizens. Ail of which is respe~c.tfully. Submitted, S. P. Notting~am Chesley A.~ Haden P' H. Coleman C, E. 'Starkweather P. S. Purcell (si ( S ikned } THEREUP0~', it was further ordered that S. D. Forbes, E. L. Bradley, Walter S. Dottier,~E. W. Scott,-Jr., and Douglas Forsyth, five disinterested, resident freeholders of the County, any three of whom may act, be and they were appointed Commissioners, whose duty it should be to go upon the lands of J, B. Belk, and to ascertain what will be a JUst compensation for such portion of said lands, and for such other proPerty as is proposed to be ~taken for the road, laid out in said Viewers Report, and map, as well as damages, if any, resulting to the resi~due beyond the benefits $o be~derl~ved by such residue .from such road; the aforesaid co~m~.issioners shall, after being duly sworn~ meet at 4:~0 P. M., on the Slst day of July, 1934,-~ on said lands of. J. B, Belk; they shall comply with the Statutes. in such..cases, made and provided, and forthwith make return of their report to~ the~ Board. And counsel for said J. B. Belk having been present at the time~ of.making this o~rder, no further notice to said Belk of the time and place..of, meeting is deemed nece Ssary. Report of the State Auditor on audit of County Records from July 1, 1932 to June 30, 1933, was presented. The fOllowimg report of the Committee, appointed at the April,~. 1934, ~eeting, to confer' with City Officials with reference to Board of City P~isono ~ers, was presented: ~- Chaelot tesville, Va. July IV, 1934 To the Members. of~ the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Charlottesville, Virginia Gentlemen: At the April meeting of the Board a repres- entative of the City. of Charlottesville requested that a Committee be appointed t6 confer ~ wi th a similar Committee from the City Council with ference to the board of City.prisoners in the County Jai 1. The umdersigned members of this Committee have conferred at length with the City Committee and redommend that the offer of the City Council to pay for the board of 'City P~isoners on a cost plus basis, which is attached .hereto and made a part of this report, be accepted. Respectfully submitted, P. H. Gentry (Signed) H. A. Haden (Si gned) July 18, 1934 Mr. H. A. Haden County Executive ~harlottesville, Va. Gent lema~' The City Council at its meeting on July 16, adopted the Jail Committee's recommendation, which is as follows:! The City DaY the Cotmty the actual cost ef board of ~Y priSOners plus 60%. This cost to be determined .by thefollewing method~ Actual cost of 'fo~d, fuel, Salary cook,~ as well as such proportion of time of ~addttienaI deP~y sheriff whie~h,~ in the opinio~ of the .G~ty Executive, is the prope~ proportion of the ~said Deputy's time to be assi~ed te the eest ef opera,ion of the Jail~ ~e COst of the ~ardof Oi~y prisoners te be dete~ned by ~lplytng the m~be~ of Oity.pr'i~ne~s days by ~ee ~d-the m~be~ of State prisenerS~ days~.bY two; this tetal~ to be _~vided .in~t~ the cost, which has been dete~ned.by the meted set forth ~t the beginninE of this paragraph, and ~Itiplying .~y ~h~ee to deter- mine_the actual.~Cost~ ef each Ctty~prisene~ day. T~s cost to be .~lti~lied..~by 160 te fo~ bead.of i~s prisoners. ~is ~rangemen~ for board of City p~soners may be ~e~na~d on.lO .~a~s.no~i.~e. Seth Bumnley CITY MANAGER ('Signed) Up6n motion by Mr. E. J. Ballard, duly seconded, it was. or~de~ed that port of the Jail CoMmittee be adopted. Upon motion by Mr. W. H. Langhorne, ~uly seconded, .it was.ordered that Chairman of the Board reply to letter of H. G.Shirley, State Highway Commiss- ioner, dated May 19, 1934. Mr. H. A. Haden, Director of Finance, submitted statement of. expenses of the Department of Finance for the month of Ju~e, .1934, one-third of~ which is to be borne by the State, which statement was examined, verified and approved. Claim of C. E. Moran, Deputy Clerk, for fees earned prio~ to the first of January, 1954, and paid into the County Treasury after the first of January 1934, amounting to $16~.39, was again-presented. Upon motion by Mr. E. J. Ballard, it was ordered that $165.39 be refunded to C. E. MOran, Deputy Clerk. The following communication from H. G.Shirley, Chairman, State Highway Commission, Was presented: COMMON~VEALTH OF VIRGINIA -DEPAR~NT OF HIGHWAYS- AlBemarle County-Secondary Ad~i tions June 26, 1934 Albemarle County Board of Supervisors, ~arlottesville, Virginia. Gentlemen: Your resolution of March 21st concerning a change in the secondary system of Albemarle County has been acted on as follows. Addition Rejected- From Rents 230 to old county road, through property of J. S.Carpenter, a distance of 0.~ mile. From C-691 at a point 1.1 miles west of Route 5, thence north 0.1 mile to Niss Flossie Rea's barn, a distano~ of 0.1 mile. Yours very cordially, H. G. Shirley (Signed) S:v. Commis.stoner~ Copy to.Mr* C- S. Nullen (ftle~attached) Mr. F~ D. Henley The following ordinance, presented by Mr. W. H. Langhorne, was unanimous- ly adopted: AN ORDINANCE PROHIBImT~NG. SWEARING AND DRUNKENESS IN PUBLIC. BE. IT ORDAINED by the-. Board. o.z~ 0curry Supervisors 0f Albemarle County..,. Vi~ginia~..on the 18th .day of July,. 1934, as follows: If any person, arrived .aS the .ag~ e.f discretion, ~rofanel~. curse or .swear or get or be.drunk in..publie- he shall be guilSy~ofl.a':mt~'demeano.r and upon conviction thereof shall be fined nat less than_, one . nor .. more .than ten dollars. This ordinance shall be in force and effect f~om~date of passage. ~The following claims were presented, examined, and allowed, and~o~dered to be certified to the Directo~ of Finance for payment: No._ Pa_.~. ee ~ Amount 42X National Bank & T~Ust Co. 1934 $13,100.00 422 Joint Health Department .§00.00 423 J. M. Purcell, Treas. of Virginia 145 42~ W. H. Langho~ne 65.60 42g Amhefst Fuel Co. 126.83 426~ Anderson Bros. Book Store 4~2 W. S. Cook, D. S. 43~ W. S. Cook, D.- 434' D~. Jo C. Coulter 43~[ C~'ozet l~int Shop 436 El!iott Ice Co., 437~ Everett Waddey 438 ~ W. 0. Fife 43~ ~ N, Garland,. J, ':P. 440 ~ P. H. Gentry 441 ~ H. M. Gleason ~ Co. 442 ~ E. L. Grasty Coupons maturing July Appropriation for July, 1934 15% of Dog Tax COllections from /1/34 to 6/30/S4, inc. trending 8 Meetings Finance Com. Coal for C. H. and Jail Office .Sup. amd Typewriter for Director of Finance Food Supplies for Jai'l Supplies for Cou~t Room Gas account at Jail to 7/$/~4. ~acy--Robert Davenport' Cutting pape~ for D. F., and printing for Jailer Mileage for ~e, 193~ I~maey--Lewis Layne Lunacy--Llewellyn S. Wingfie!d Envelopes for C.E.,D.F. & Sheriff Ice Tickets fo~ C. H. Binders for D. F~, Land Book for Clerk Expenses to Richmond, Va~ i~acy'-LleWellyn S ...V/ingfi eld 1 Day Finance Committee Food Supplies fo~ Jail Lunacy--Lewis Layne 78.50 1'27 1.$5 4.00 24.00 5,5'0 84.65 8.46 2.60 6.40 S3.60 .50 443~ N. A. Haden, Dir. of Finance: Re-imbur semen~ fm' EXpenditure s from Revol~ing Fund amS~follows: Extra Hell~, D. F~ .Office ~Bal. Assessing Scott. Dis$. FOod Supplies fo~ Jail. _ Coal fe~ Jail Allow~ce fo~ CoOk a~ Jail Tel~ Ha~ing L~ber (.E~_).. ~'il.~ ~. P[~b~:g... and Mis cellane~Us .Repairs .a~ O. H. and Jail Dimi~eetant.for C. N.& Jail Frt.~ and Hauling Chgs. ~n Coal far O. H. and ~ail Si~s for C,H. ~king CUps fo~ C. H. Co~ission on Colons Paid 444~ H. J. Haney, D. S. 445~ J, Z. Holladay, Jr. 446~ O. S, H~flman:, D. S. 447 Javman.!$, Ino. 448~ joint He~l~h..De~.,~ 449~ Chas. King & Son Co. 450 D~. W. D. Macon 481~ W. T. Martin'Hdwe. 452~ W. L. Maupin, Clerk 453 C. Purcell McOue 454 The Michie Co. 455~ Monticello Hotel 456° National Bank & Tie, st Co. 457~ Piedmont Candy Co. 458 ~'E, M. Powell, D. S. 45~~. F~.T. ReniCk 46~~ D~j L. G. Roberts 46'1 Schofteld Shifter 462 W, A~bott Smith, D. S. 463 W. Abbott Smith, D. 464 .S.E. Pub. Serv. TOtal Mileage .for June., .1934' Co. Porti~n'Rent ~f Office, Nat. EmpI~yment. eau Mileage for june~,)-~ 1~3~ 0ffic~ Supplies f~r Clerk Appropriation for Au~s~, 193~ Food Supplies~for ~ail ~naey-~Llewell~ S. Wingfi eld Key fo~ Sheriff Recording and Indexi~ Land to C~pt~oller Attendance and Mileage meet~s District Home Co, tree, Salary Co, tree and Fin~ee C$~iStee Sup. to Va. Code ~udge & Cl. Lu~eh~s:~pu~y Box Ren~ f~om to ~/1/~ Mileage .for June,~ ~m~cy--Lewis Lunao~:l~wis Mileage for ~Jume, ~1934 $116. 0 25.00 6~.68~ 10.00 12.65 13.50 178.92 3.75 10.29 .1.25 451.29 S0.84 7.50 ~35.52 6.25 500.00 16.17 7.70 .40 45.80 14.00 1.50 15.00 V.20 12.88 5.00 5.60 .50 27.00 3.10 72.80 465 466 F~ank A' :Stri Va. Public Servi~.e 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 48O 481 482 483 484 485 4~6 488 489 490 491 492 493 495 496 ~01 502 50.5 506~ ~0~ 511. 467 David ¢. Wilson~ M. D. 468 J. W. WOlfe, J, P. 469 H. Moore BOwen 470 W. W. D~is¢oll 471., R. B. Fray M. o. Harlow M. Y. Suthe~land John N. Tidd H. G. Waddell W. E. Dale Charles L. Gomdon Jo~ T. T. 'A. P~Ice Lewis J.~ S~idge J.E, Shi s.le~ H. H. S~okes Al~on Walters L. F, Wood' L. R. S~fdge AIb oma=lo' F~ me~s Na~y Ale~de~ Beal~NtIlem P. E. B~ o~ell The ~ e~ StO~e W. F. Clements J. H. c~aig S. R. ~r~ett Edwards Pig~. Wigg~ R. N. J. M, F~ay & J, W. and H. Gibbs K~lle~ & George G. H. Kennedy J. R. Ki~kga2~iok J. I. Naupin L. B. POwell M~s. J. R, Rob,mrs H. F. S~son T. E. Sellers.. A. J. Smith Smith. B~oS. J. E. Sp~se Matilda Te~re.ll ~ompson B~os.. 512, N~s. Fi~ T~ston 51a J. W. Til~ 51t. V~ Co~ssion fo~ the Blind 515 516 517 518 519 H. B. Wa~land F, A. west ~itten' s Mrs.~R. L. Winebarger J. K. Pace C. W. An~rim & Son L. L. Ola~k M~s..~. Garth N. B. P~ot~ E. D. TaYloe. D~. Bu~nl~y W. 526 527 52.8 529 531 C. Eo MOPSA~ H.' A. Haden Margaret T, Woodward J. F. Ga~th A. G.Bell W. L, Maupin 532. 'Eva W. Maupin 533. C. E. Moram 534 W. 0. Fife 535. J. Mason Smith 536~ W. Abbott' Smith 537. H. J. Hau~y 538. E. M. Pow, Il 539- G. S. Huf2mam. 54~ W. S. Cook 5~1. P. N. El!lotS ~2 Go. Board of Fab. We~are 5~ Bessi~ Jones 514~1~.~ Jo~ Wesley 545 Melton Jones 546~ M~s. Bessie ~ Miller 54~- ~th Bu~uss 548. T. O. Scott 549 ~ C. G.Greer ~50-W. B. Celt~rst ~51~ W. S~ Bu~nle2 ~ ~.M.~Cell, Treas. of Va. r.umaey,-Robert: Davenport Electric .Service at and Jail. for June and of July ~cyl-Rober~ Da~enpo~ L~oy--~wi s 'La~e G~and Ju~o~ G~and Juro~ G~and Jure~ G~and Gmand Ju~o~ G~and Juro~ Ci.~ 1 < ~uror Civil 0t~l Juror Civil Juror Civil Juror Civil CiVil/ Ci~l J~Or j~e..Welfare Aec~. June We~.~e. Acc~, June ~We~e Acc~. June ~We~are~ .Ao.c~. Jume We. lf~e AceS, June We~are ACCt. J~e We~ave Acct. J~e Welfare ~une Welfare faceS, June Welfare May Welfare Aoc~, ~June 'We~a~e Aoc~. J~e ~eIf~e Ac~. June ~e~a~e Acct. June Welfare Acct, Nay and..J~e Welfare Acct. ~e Wel~a~ e. ~Acc t, J~.e We~a~e Acct, June ~e~e. Ace~. &~e we~are Acer, J~e We~a~ e Ac et. June Welfare Acc~. J~e .. We lf.a~e June. Nelfare Acct.. N~~ ~d June ~we~e: Acct.-. Ju~e we~a May. and.~ ~e Wedgie:Acct. June Wel~'e M~y Welfare..Ace~, .~J~e Welf~e Acc~. ~ume. ~el~e. Ac ~eks ~lled by ~gs Sheep ~lled by Dog L~b killed, by ~g L~b killed by ~g L~bs killed by dogs Sheep ~d ~bs killed, by Dogs For keeping Dog umder ebse~va- Re.nd ~ o$ .Fee~ Sal.a~ fo~ .Jul.~, 1934 Sala~ for July,. 19a4. Sa~ for~ July, 19~i Salty for July, 19a4 Salary for July, Sala~ f~r July, 19ai Sal~y'.f6r ~uly, 19a~ Salary fo~ July, 19ai S~.~y.for Ju~, 19ai Salary for July, Sala~ f~ JU~l~ .-~at Salary. ~or. July, S.a~ for~ July,. 1934 Appre~riatlon for July, SaI~y fo~ ~Uly, Sa~y fo~ July, 19ai ~.~Y. fe~ ~uly, 19a! Sal~ fo~ July, 19ai $~y..for July, 19al Sal~ .for. July, 19at 20'. 41 5.00 2.00 4,50 3.90 -4.10 2.60 5.80 ~.50 3.10 23.40 21.00 21.00 20,40 24,60 18.20 21.60 22*20 18.50 10.00 4~00 5,00 12.00 ~.00 $0.00 8.00 6-00 8.00 13.~5 4.00 19.00 3.00 4.50 4.00 14~00 3.90 ~00 5.00 6.00 7,00 13,00 38. O0 ?'00 3,00 ' 20.00 6-00 ' 10.00 4.93 4.00 12.01 S.O0 8,00 2.80 5.00 2,40 4.50 9.75 22.80 2,50 165,$9 350.00 I00.00 200.00 100.00 341.66 100,00 22§,00 333.33 250.00 t25.00 90.00 60*00 50*00 50.00 75.90 100.00 40.00 '48.00 28,00 53.33 26'87 86.41 24,25 150'00 SalarYcfOr ~uly, 1934 20.00' State ollections for Juna,=1934 1,374,29 6 ~ J.M.P~roetl, Treas. cf Va. License/Fees Collections Jume, 1934 7.50 N~o. pay,e.. Ob j eot Amount 102 Virginia Smith 103 W- M, Boswell 104 Louise Williams 105 J. Gavland'Thoma~ 106 Albemarle Farmers IOV 108 109 111 112 11~ 11~ 115 116 117 lis 119 120 12t 122 124 125 127 180 18,i 185 138 lac 1~2 lA8 1~0 1~1 15V Army Goods Store A. J. Bell Butler' s Store P. E.Blackwell Cash Meat Market Central Market, Inc. r.,. L. Chiles J. H. Craig E. L. Cobbs The Country Store W. L. Cle~nts C~oze~ L~ber Co., Inc. Crozet Print Shop O~ozet 0. Re Dottier C. S~ ~ane ~ Store A. T. ~rrer E. C. Fe~eyhou~s Fitzhu~ B~os. Florence Ni~$engale J. M. ~ay N. ~. Oleasom Oibb' s $~ore T. P. Hade~ Hawkins B~os. ~s. Oe S. ~f~a~ H. W. Jackson The Jefferson Shop E. J. T. Maupin Merit Shoe Store Midway Cash Store King GPee~ouses ~upin Bros. · . ~. ~aupin~ ~tc~ll' s Me~c~ndise Oha~ T, Page Peoples Store Piggly Wi~l~ ~. D. P~ell L. B. Powell Preffit Exe~ge ~s~ ~'s Stere E. F, S~pson C. W. San~idge ~2 C. W. Sandridge T.E. Selie~.s Smith Bros. E. N. O. C. Steed Valentine & 158 J. D. Via 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 169 170 171 172 ~174' 176 I77 184 185 Va. Alberene Corpe. C. C. Wade F. A, West J. M. White & Co. S. T. White William' s Store Mrs. R. L. Winebarger C. H. Wood W. W. WOod J. P, Pace Bessie Cook -- Mrs. Nellie Patterson K. O. Br..den Co H. Kirby, Mrs. City Water Dept. Dr. W. H. Paine D~. Dan O. Via -M. H. Cason National Bk. & TrUst Co. W. M. BosWell I~cy Pow. l! virginia Pa~ro~t Isabel 'Shaffer Ruth Nelsom Loci se Wi lti~ms J. Garland Thomas The res. Molyneaux Virginia Smith Lucy Waddell June Mileage 'June Mileage June Mileage June Nil,ag e June Acct. June Acct. · xme Acct. June Acct. June Ac ct. June~ Acer June Acct. June Acct.' Juame Acct. J~e Acct. June J~e ~Ace J~ne Acct. June Acct. Ju~e Acct. June~ Acc~ J~e ACct. J~e Aec June Acct. J~e Aeet. J~e Acct. June Acct. ~e Acct. June Acct. J~e AceS. ~me Ace~. Ju~e Acct. J~e Acct. ~e Acct. June Aee~. J~e Acct. June Acer J~e Acct. June Aoc~. J~e ~Ju~o ACct. J~e Acct. J~e June Ae June Aces. J~e Acct. ~e Acct. June Acct. Jane Acct. J~e Acct. ~e Acct. J~e Acct. J~e Acct ~e Acct. J~e Acct. Jume Acct J~e Acct, J~e Acct, Ju~e Acct. Ju~e Acct. June Acc2, JUne Acct. June Acct. ~une Acct. J~e ACct, June Acct.. J~e Acct. J~e Acct. Rent fo~ Lawrence Aery Rent. for Charles Shaw Rent--W~te~ Nars~ll Nilk Water Eent--~est, Gent~ ~di c'a ~ 'Service Nedical Service Eent Rent'-L. P. West Sala~ for ~uly. Sal~y fo~ July S~a~ fo~ July Salary fo~ July Saia~y fo~ July Sala~ ffe~ July Sala~ for July Sala~ for J~y Salary fe~ July Sala~ fe~ JUly $ 58.00 56-85' 21.70 14.00..i 28.50 117.30 3.50 11.50 2,00 23.50 12.00 3.85 1.7~ 5.00 8.00 ~5.00 1~o00 7.05 S. O0 2.00 I7.00 8.00 5-00 24.00 2.00 5.94 6.00 20.00 78~0 167.50 6-00 12.00 7.50 381'15 22.50 2'00 4~00 6.00 18.00 15.00 51,50 3.50 241.66 13.50 1.50 ~.50 31.00 12.00 10.00 9.00 S8-70 V.20 15.00 6.00 ~10-00 2.40 4.14 6.00 15.75 3.00 20.00 75~00 20.00 SO.O0 100.00 75.0~ 115.17 37.50 75.00 $O, O0