HomeMy WebLinkAbout1934-08-15 A ~egutav meeting, of the Board of County Supervisors af..Albemavle County
was ~eld at the Court House of the ~aid County on t.he 15th day._of .August,
Present: Messrs. J. M. Fray, E. J. BAllard~ and P. Ho ~Gent~y.
~ quo~ma not being present, ~he Board ad,out, xed.
~A ~uly called meeting of the ~Boa~d of Oounty Supervisors of Albemarle
~oun~y, Virginia, ~ hel~ at the [~t Rouse ~ ~i.d County on the !~h d~
d~ ~f. Auguat, ~4.
~lnutea of the meetings of ~4 y 18, 195~, ~ ~.us$ 15, 1954. were ~e~
~ ~pp~ ove~.
[~ motion ~e ~ ~. W, H. ~angho~ne and seconded by-.~ P. H. Gent~y,
~he ~o~o~ p~te ~d ~esolu~ion was ~imomsly ~opted:
~, p~su~t to the p~iaiona of G~p~me~ 29~0f ~.the
~eta~ of the General A~mem~ly ~of Virginia of ~954, m tziml justice
~s fo~ the first time appointed foZ Albe~le Oounty by the
~uit Co~t of AZbema~le .~o~$y, ~d iz now ~d hms been functioning
~in said Ce~ty since the first day of ~ly, 1954.
~ IT'~0BE ~0L~D, that this, the Board of Count~ Supe~-
~viso~s of Albemarle ~o~ty, he~e~ ~ this means makes application
~o the Oomp~olle~ of the ~e of Virginia fo~ is~u~ce by him of
~a=~t to be d~awn to the orde~ of the ~ounty of Albemarle fo~
~esent pmyment out of the Treasury of ~i~ginia of the s~ of
~4.00~0~, So be used ~de~ the p~ovisions of the aforesaid Act of
~the Assembly in o=de~ to ~ssDs~ ~he said'~ounty to ca~y out the
~p~ovisions of that Act.
~n motion made by ~. ~. P~ell R~e, du~y see~onded, it was oede~ed
~hat ~m~licmtion be made to the Vf~ginim ~e~gency Relief Administ~mt'ion
fo~.~4,~5~ fo~ Relief p~posea To~ the month of ~pt~be~, 1954~
~ motion ~de by ~. ~. H. L~gho~ne, duly seconded, it was d~de~ed
tha~ $250.0~ be contributed to th~ ahiZd~en,m Home.
22 TO~ RO~E NO~51, IN ~OX~I~ TO ~ICK PU~IC 5OHOOL: The z~poet of
Domg~as ~o~syth~ Edwa~ ~. Scott, E. L. ~adley, ~te~ S. Do~ie~ and
~o~b~s, Oo~immione~s heretofore appointed in the above-entitled mmt~e~ at
the ~gu~az ~Zy, 1954, meeting 0f the Board, ~vi~ zero'ed their' ~epoz~
he~ei~, i~ was o~de~ed that this mat~e~ be continued ~til the next
monthly meeting of the
~A~ON G~TEIN PORTIBN~ OF ET~ ROU~ N0. 7~. BE~ ~CY'~ ~0~,
HO~E ~5~ ~ITH ROU~ ~29: ~e ~epo~ of P. H. ~ole~n, ~. P. NothingS,
Ohealey Hmden, ~. E. ~t~e~the~ ~d Phil 5. ~cell, ~ie~e~s appointed in
the above ~tte~. mt the ~egulm~ ~UZy Meeting of this Board, to view.ceftin
portions of ~tmte Route ~, in the ~ounty of ~bema~1e, ~vinE been file~