HomeMy WebLinkAbout1934-08-17 A regular meeting ef~ the' Board ef County Supervisors cf..Albemarle C~unty 1 was ~eld at the C~urt House ef the said County on the 15th day~_ef .August~ 1~34~, Present: Messrso J. M. Fray, E. J. BAllard, md P. H~ G$nt~y. 1~ ~ quorum not beLng present, ~e Bea~d adJ~m~ed. ~A dnly eall®d meeting of the ~iBoa~d of Oounty ~uper~tsors of Albemarle G'oun~y, Virginia, ~m hel~ ~t the ~t House ~ ~id ~ou~ em the l~h d~ ~f August, i~4. ~nutea of the meetings of J~ly 18, 1.9~A, an~ A~ust 15, 19~4, were ze~ ~ ~pp~ oved. [~-motion ~e by N~. U. H. ~angho~ne~m~d seconded ~_~, P. ~H, Gent~y, the ~ollowi~ p~e~le ~d ~esolu~ion was ~.~im.ously ~opted: ~ ~, p~su~t to the p~cvisiena of G~pte~ ~9~ ~of .the ~cte of the General A~ly~of Virginia of 1934, a t~ial justice ~s fo~ the first time appointed fo~ Albe~le County by the ~cuit Cou~t of Albemarle .Co~$y, ~d im now ~d ~s been functioning ~in said Oe~ty since the first day of ~aly, 1934. ~ IT ~FORE ~OL~D, that this, the Board of Co~t~, Supe~- ~viso~s cf Albemarle Co~ty, he~e~ ~ this means m~es application -to the Oompt~clle~ of the ..~e ef Vi~ginia fo~ is~u~ce by him of ~a~t to be drawn to the orde~ of the Cowry of Albemarle fo~ ~esent payment out of the Treasury of Virginia of the s~ of ~A00,0~, to be used ~de~ the p~ovisions of the aforesaid Act of ~the Assembly in o~de~ to assimt 2he s~d ~ounty to car~y out the ~ovisions of that Act. ~ motion made by ~. ~. P~ell N~e, duly seconded, it was ~rde~ed that ~application be made to the Vf~ginia ~e~gency Relief ~inist~at~ion f0~$~,3~'~.6~ for Relief p~pesem To~ the month of ~Dt'embe~, ~ motion made by ~, ~. H. ~gho~ne, duly seconded, i$ was 6~de~'ed that ~$250.0~ be contributed to th~ ~hildzen,s Home,~ ~f~ ~TT~ 0F E~A~IEHING A PU~IC ROAD ~0N F~~ STATE RO~E NO. 22 T0~ R~ N0~75I, IN ~0XINI~ TO ~SW~ICK PU~IC SCHOOL: The ~po~t of Do~as Fo~syth, Edwazd U. Scott, E. L. B~adley, ~alte~~ S. Do~ie~ and ~erb~s, ~emmiaaiOne~s heretofore appointed in the ~bove-entitled ~tte~ at the [~gu[a~ ~[y, ZgSA, meeting 0f ~he Board, ~vi~ ~etu~ned theiz ~eport he~e~n, it was orde~e~ that this matte~ be-continued until the next ~egula~ monthly meeting of the Board. ~N T~ ~T~ OF ~ ~ICA~TION OF GI~T S. C~B~L, ~ 0~, ~ON C~T~IN PORTIDNS 0F ET~ ROUTE NO. 755, BEDEW ~CY'S ~0~, ROUTE 7~, WITH ROU~ 729: ~e ~epo~t of P. H. ~ole~, ~. P. NOtting~, ~heal~ Haden, C. E:. 's~kweathe~ ~d Phil E. ~cell, Viewers appointed in the above ~tte~, at the regula~ Ju[y Meeting of this Board, to viewce~tain portions of State Route 7~, in the County of Albemarle, ~ving been fi~e~ ~ith the: Cler. k of this Boa:d on t~he 19%~ dray of July, 1934, ~d the s~e pea~ing to be in p~o~e~ O~dre~, it' ia ord~ed that th~ said ze~o~ be mpon the Minutes ef this Boa~d, a~d t~t pzoeesz te m~on the land pzop~ie- ~e~a alo~ those peztions-ef the ~oad to be discontinued ~e iseued by the ~lez~k of this ~a~d, re~u~ble~to ~he next zegula~mee~ing of the~Bom~d, te ahow cause, if a~y they can, ~y the portions of said Route ~$, mentioned ~d zepo~, ~ou~ not be discontinued. ~e afo~esai~ ~po~t of Vie~s ia in wo~ds and figures,, ms T0· ~ HONO~B~BO~ ~ C0~ff S~VIS~S 0F ~~R~ 00~, VA. ~, the ~de~signed viewezs appointed at a meeting of yo~~ Boa~d held on the ZSth day of ~Zy, 1934, to view that portion~ of Cowry Road ~V3$ e~ding f~om its inte:.sectien of CO~y ~o~ ~42~ mt Nick's Peat~ 0fEice i~ a southe:ly direction 0.?5 ~. to ~int about 10G feet north cf ~i~_ School House, ~so t~$ ing in m southerly di:ection'0.20 mi. to its intersection with co~ty =omd ~729, ~d ~eport in ~iti~ Whether in o~ opinisn any, ~d if ~y, what inconvenience would ~esult f~om discontinui~ th~ s~e, beg leave to ~ke ~epo~t as fellows: ~t on the 19th. d~ of July, 1934, we met at the ~lezk'm lice of the ~cuit Oo~t of AZbem~le ~unty, ~d afte~ first being d~y ~o:n By U. L. Mmupin, ~Ze~k, of the said Court, we p~ocee~ed to view ~aid :o~ds,~ We carefully ex~ined the roads p~oRosed to be closed ~d ~epozt that in o~ opinion no inconvenience will zesult to ~y one if said ro~a ~e discontinued and closed. - Re~ectfulZy. submitted: P, H. C0~ (Signed ~he-reviewing repo:t of the ~inmnce Co~ittee, was p~esented~: ~0pted, ~ o~de:led spread: JuZy [8, [9~4 9 To the Xemhers of ~the Board of County Supervisor~ of Al'beast le~ County~ Vi~ g init. i~he Uncles. alEs.ed members of the Finance Co_m~__ittee of youm BoaZd ~es!mec~.ful~y report that the fol[ewing bonds were purchased on ~uly Z, . $5,00~,00 Scottmville~letteavil[e ~oint Zsaue 5ts, due 5/~41 P~r V~lue ~5,000,00 ~c:ued ~te~eat ,~. 42~.~6' $~.0O0.~ 2ha~l~t2~mville District- Accr~d Inter e~t ... $5,0~,,00 ~rlottemville DiStrict 5. ~ due ~5/4? ~r V~lue ~ $5,0~,00. ~emi~:, 6.92 (4.30 Bas'is} ~46;00 ~crued Inter est 115~28 $~10.0~,00 U. $, Treas. S~:'s ~ue optional after .$ 5, 2rm.52 1,091.8B 10 l~r' "¥~Lue. ' $10,O00~ ~ P: emituu,. ~. L56~5 {~.00 ~ais) 215,65 Total ~iOt~e~iLle Diairic~ ~nking .$20,00~00 U~ $. ~e~s.. ~ta. due P~ ~i~:, 2,'~5625 (5%00 ~sia) A~1~-26 Accrued ~e'z eat Tot&l .I~y District 'Sinking Fund $1,000.00.Rivann~ DiStrict 5's due Par Value $1,0e0..O0 l~emium, 7+2A4.~ (4.50 ~.si~ 72.45 Ac~ ued Inte~ est $2,00.0.00 ~iv~nna ~itt:ict 5ts due Par Value- - - Premium, 6,8691 (4,$0 ]~asis) locrue~ Inter es:t ' $2, $55,000;~0 754~ 69 Total Riv~nna District Sinking ]~und S9.~5I'18 $1!, 000,~00 Sc ct ~sv_ille ' Dimtrict 5'~ due ?/1/31 fzom Rivaun~. Dist, Total Scottsville. D~strict Sinking ~und ll,00~.00 $9,000.00 ~hite H~ll District due 1/1/48 ~:- P~ ,V~lue ' ~ . P~emi~ ?.2449 (4.~0 ~si~) ~;:~cr ued ~te=eSt; '~ 1!,000.~ite ~1i DimtIici due 51 t48 ' ' ~ Value ~crued ~te~es~ SZO, O o.oo u. optional a~'le du..e 4/iS/46[- P~r Value Pr~i~,- 2.15625 ('~,00 ~sia) $9,000~00 - 65Z~04 1,2.5 ........ $ 9,65~,29 ~lO, 000;'0O -68.-6l Total ~ite Hall Distriot Sinking ~02,955. 29 ~ ~e, recommend :that the ]$omrd authorize the Directo~ of Finance to make the following_, transfers: l~om Scot~avilZe District I~erest .and Sinking ~_und . . Accoun~ to Riv~nnm District ~te~e'at mhd Sinking ~nd Aceo~': '- To cove= interemt, fo~ one ye~, 5's due. V/L/~' l~'om Samuel Miller District Interest and ~inking l~und AC¢oun2 to Riva~a ~$$~iCtI ~te~:eat ~d Einking Accoun~: To cover inte~:e~t fo~. one. yea~, to July !, ~954~- on $15.000..00 $~uei Mille~ 5% Bonds sue $650.00 1~ om Scot~.svil~e ~Dis.trict --Interest and Sink:~f~md AcC'oun~ t.o SEanuel ~Eiller Inte=est and Sinking To cover interest for one year, ~o Juky ~, ][934, on ~2,600.00 S~ottsvitle .5's due ~om ~hits E~I-~. District Imterest and .Sinking ~Und Account t~ samuel Mille~ Into=est and Sinking E~ To cowe:= inte=est for one yearn, ~to July 1, 2f gM, on $17,000.00, ~aite Hall 6~s due 7. $2,0:20 ~00 ~om Scottsville IIistr:ict to ~hite H~ll District tere~t and ~inking FUnd Account: $250.0~- cover inte=eet' fo:= one yearn, to July 1, I9~4,-on $5,0'00:,,00 Scottsville 5'rs due RespectfUl[y submitted, C. PUR~ lieCl~E. ~Signed) Chai=man li~. H. A. ~dem, Di~e~to~ of l~inance, submitted, stmtemeat Of ~xpenses o~ the ]~epartmeat ef Finance for the month of ~Uly~ [95~, one-third of which i~ to~ be be~ne Sy ~he ~tate, which statement was examin&~, verifie~ anal p~oved. ~ Com~m~unication from t;~ A- Oorbet~, requesting ~ayment for soil zemoved f~m his farm in [928, was presented and ~eferred to the ~otmty Executive f~or invemtigmt%on..amd ~epo=~. It was orde:=e(t %h~t the Commonwealth's At~tozney Prel~are~ sm~ 0~inmnce l~vying a t~ on SI~ lt~chines in the County.. ~e following resolution, of Eered by N.~.' ~f. H. ~ho'~ne, duly seconded w4s unanimously ad opCOde: BE IT ~ESOLVED BY TEE BO~I) O~ COIJlt'TY' S~ERVISORS O~ ~a,. MARt~'~ ~ COD-NTY~, VIRGINIA, that the S~ate Highway Commission be ~d im hereby =equemted to take ~ection of ~oad' described ms foilers into the High~ay~Syst.em~~ B~girming mt a point~ on Oo~unty Road, O-?lS, ?/10 miles mouth of Keene. thence in m ~outherly direction, c~oss- lng County Road ¢.-71% mt a point onO-?IA 1~ mile must' of the inte:=section of C-7~4 with Cv?iS, and extending on in m southerly dizection for a, tota~ of approximately 2 mi~em to lit. Pleasant Colored C'huxch. The following clmi~s were presented, e~amined, mhd mllowed,_ and o~dered ~o be certified to the Director o[ ~insmoe fo:= payment: ~ 5§5 554 555 Alb. Home Mutual ~ire.Ins..~Co, Assessment to meet loss 558 .~:'em~u~'e~ of V£rginia 559 C, G; Cook; SUsti¢e CoOk. District ]~oa.r d 563~ 564 By fire of Earlysville School Bldg. Office Supplies fo:= C, E.. D.. F,, and T:ial JastiCe Services, CommisSioner on Road ~ood Supplies fo~ ~Jail ~fice ~uip. foz D. ~. ~aa Acct. ~ ~il fe~ ~uZy. ~ ~mtez Acct. at C. H-~ cle~kta Of~; ~d Jail fo~ ~nacy~-~ les ~.; 6zosm' Lunacy-~ lea ~. G~ o~, P. T. To Zuvemim .~e~ a. ~ileage fo~ ~u[y. ~Lunacy--P. T. To omB~, ~e~m$ing E~. Di~t~ itt Eome Se~Vices. Road Co~isaione~ 27.:00 2'o0~ 26;49. i4;08 8,24 lO.GO 2.00 11 19 565 566 56? 568 569 5,7i 5?2 5?5 576 ~p~s and'Snider Go. EVer egt Uaddey ~ Co. Doug t~a · For sYth Printed Forms for D. ~, Lunacy--Luveni~Spes~.m Deed:~ook for C~erk Services; ~o~d.C°mmissione~ ~ervices, Ro~d ~°mmtsslonez Gilmore, Harm & Snyder, Lnc. ]~lec. ~ for. Judge ~mith's Off, HA ~-G!eason & Co. Food Supplies foz H.;&.~den. Director Fins~ce Ha~ckel-~iti~.e~ ~ns. De-'. A., ~. ReimbUrsement fo~ ~xpenditu~es f~om Revolving~Pund from July 16, I934, tO~A~st ll, [ 19~4~inc: O~ffice Eq~pmen~-fo~ C.E~ ~ Eelp; ~ept. ~of ~inance ~fice ~UP~ fo~ D. ~. 48;00 ~ecial Attorney Food Supp. lie~ fo~. J~.il COok mt ~mi[ 10%00 Household ~ M~ppliea for Cle~. ~t. & Sup,~-fo~ Dlsinfec~t fo~ C~, H.& Coal fo~ C. H. ~ ~i~ 6,90 ~inking. CuDs for ~1-. Ofi. i0;29 Tank ' Heate~ fo~ P~em, on Policies cove~ing Nile~.e fo~ ~uly Co. ~tion 'Office Rent for N~tional Re~plo~ni Of C1ce O~ S~ Huffma~; D, S. II~00 45~75 2;00 41,40 57? 57g ~57~ Ohms., King · Son 0o. Food ~upPlies foZ J~il 5~ Lovegrove Ni[ilng & Feed Co. ~lt foz Jail 58[ ~:; Purcell ~c~ue 582 ~i.dway ~lect~ic ~o. 585 .P~ce: 2rcs. 5~ ~. R, L. ~e 585 5~ ~mington R~nd, -~-c. 58~ ~.-F~ T. Reni~k 59:I 592 Senai~h-l/itchie · ,' lgason 'smith, 595 5,96 59? J 598 G. F. SPitzer, ?.T~eaz, :? o f ~. Hospi gal Public ~erv, 599: J. U, ~olfe, ~, P, ~Mill, & ~ving 6G2 L. K.- ~dridge & Son 60.~ ~=y ~[lexe~er~ 605 A, ~; ~elt 6:~6 P; E. ~lae~el~ 6'0~8 -~e Batle~ Sto~e 610 ~, S~ De,ne 548179 24~$0 6ti 8'i5 6~8 619 622 628 J. 1[, Fray & Co. ~. W. and'H. 6;' H; Kennedy j~ I~ liaupin- B, A. Patterson ~s. J. R~ Roberts ~th B~ os, ~. E.' 7;50 [ileage for ~uly 12~00 0~fice Supplies for D.~, ~ud Sher.. 17~20 ReimBursement for I~ng Distance phone Calls to 6/~4 ' '' 2~ePai~S'to Ele¢, ~iIing~ ~t ~. H.~~ ~oad ~pl~ea fo~'J~iI~ ~le~e~ fe~ ~uly, p. 2, 2oombs~ ~k Hm~,ia, Services, Roa~ ~o~issione~ Eleat~ical Repmi~ mt~ Inquest-~ 1 ~oach~ ~acy--~ssie ~est; ~95 Z5;9~ 6,5O 4°50 2~00 Igileage for July, I9a4 Telephone S'e~:Vice forJune ~o~k on Sidetr~k'to be pei_and.Aug%.. fo~ned'~y the Sou.-~-.~-~. 275.8~ Nati ida Ter=ill - Thompson ~s. pinX Thurston ~. ~. Ut= July ~elfsme Ac=t. ~. 0o~ission foz the Blind Hee~ ~niahed, ~elfa~e Acct. I, ~mlte~_~ Wuly ~elf~e Acotl ~y ta~ .t s ~isa~y ~ ~ly ~e lf~ e Ac ct. ~itt~,a ~e ~nd ~u~ ~lf~e Acct. ~l~-oP. Eo Chii,dren'm Home for ye em' end i v~' 6/30/~5. P~of; Serv., ~illie C:; Dea~e Elec. Ee~vfce at ~. H. ,- ~E. ~d Yai[ fo~ ~ly '~d pmr~ 0f A~ust. ~aoy-~F~k P,~-T; Toombs, ~v~i~ ~pe~s ~ial'- of How~zd Rmwling~ ~ofEins and ~zi~ls from 2/I2~ to 7/21/5~, inc. Burial of Unkno~ ~f~t o~ed by Dz. Mc~u~e J~y ~l~are Ju~ ~elfa~ e JU ~e lfa~e ~ C}, july ~elf~ e ACCt,m~ ~ut.y 'Uelfa:z e July Uelf~e ' Acct. .~ly ~e~e Acct;~ ~ly ~lf~e ACct~~ ~ ~elfare Ae~,~ ju~ We ~f~ e Acct. July Welf~ e Acct. ~e-~elfa~ e ACer .... ~mty ~etf~ e AcCt ~ ~u~ ~elf~e Acct. ~e ~d ~uly Uetf~ze Acct. · July ~elf~e Acct~ .July Uelfa~e Acct, ~uly Uelf~e Acct; July Ue lf~ e Ac ct. ~ ~ly ~ Uelf~ e Ac ct. July ~elfaz e Ac ct. Jul~ ~elfar~ Acct. ~ 2,50 I8.4~ 6j90 2'5,00 242.50 4;OO 4;oo. ;oo 22,00 8,O0 6j0G 4;,0,0, 8;00 8;00 g;oo 5~00 8;00 ~;0O 6j20 Z;49 4,00 65L J, ~..~lLia~ns 622 MXs..',I~, L. ~ine!~ger 653-A; I~ ~,~t 6~ O~ifton 6~9 A. ~- 64~ E, ~. ~den S4'~ U. L. '~upin ~. J; ~ney E. ~. ~wel~ ~,:. S;' CooK: Bo~d ~ Public ~ Bessie ~onea 8~0 651 6'62- 664 66-5 ~8 john ~ley lielton Jones lg~s. Bessie Dunn Ruth Bur~usa T; O; ~cott July Weli'ame A~et. JUly ~elfsme Acct, ~ly ~e~f~ e 'Acct.. Ducks kxlled ~ ~g ChitOns killed by ~eep and ~mb killed by ~heep killed by ~oga 5heed kilted by 'Sheep ~d ~ kilted ~y Dogs ~b killed ~ Dog fez A~t fo~ ~la:~y fo~ August lm~y fo~ A~us~ ~y foz A~Umt ~l~y fo~ Sa~zY ~o~ Augurer Stalky foz A~ust ~t~y fo~ .Augus~ Salm~y foz A~ua~ ~lm~y fo~ A~ust ~l~y foz Stalky fo~ A~ust ~y foz ~ust Stalky fo~ App~o~i~tioz fo~ A~u~t Salary foz' Augus~ Sal~y fo~ ~l~y fo~ ~tmzy fe~ Augus~ ~l~y fo~. August Z~l~y foz A~uzt Sal~y for August U, .$$m l~u:nley ~ala~y fo: AugUst Z* H, Pu~cell;~e~. of V~', State Collections fo= ~uly J. H. Pu:cel[;T~ema. of V&~ State Collectionm fo: ~uly ~I~icense I~8 ~. L. ,Roberts ~$9 ~hoadaie l~itmgerald 190 Sadie ~i~zgerald i$~. ~. ~E. Cason 192 ~. I?a 2essie ook Zg~ ~uise ~. ~izZimms ~ ~a ~. Beck 198 Virginim J'. G. Tho~S 200 Alb~ar le ~mer s ~ J, Bell ~tler's Sto~e A. H. Bolick Omslh Hem~ ~ket Cox ~pt. The Co,try S~o~e A; T. Dur~e~ H. C. Fe~neyh0~h 'Fit:~'~h ~0S. 216 ~lorenoe li.ght~gale J. ~ ~ay ~8-.. ~r een.~ ing~ aS~or e 219 Gibh*a ~ore - 22~ ~. S, Huf~n lieup in B~os. i~ J, T. ~upin ~dw~ Cash ~o~e ~tchel~ Me: c~dise O~s. T. P~e Piggly ~ggLY C,. D. Powel: Pzoffit Exc ha~ge ~:s. Pugh'~ Sto:e ~lomon'a ~o:e H, F. S~pson Smnd:idge ~o~e ~2 C. W. ~n~i~e T. E. SelLe:m ~ith B:os~; No:th ~:den ~ith B: o s...C~pbell E. M, O. C. ~eed Valentine & Hul~ 22.4 225 226 227 228. 22g 250' 233-. 234 · 235 25~ 2~g 242 243 24~ Rent, Sull ivam Milk Num sing--pugh Jim Cox's Rent Sam'~oor e'~ Rent ~. Rent Pos$~e ~ le~e; July ~ Leage ~ Ju Ly Nile~e, JUl~ Nile~e, ~uly ~Ieage. 2uLy *July ~ ~y Ac July Ac ~t ~u~ AcCt~ ct Ju~ Acct. ju~y July Acct. ~ly Ju ~y Ac July ~ly Ac~. ~Ly ACt ~ZY AC ~ly ACct. ~U~y Acct' ~u ~ ACCt ~Uly ACCt~ ~UZy ~uZy ACCt, ~ky Acct, ~uly Acct ~Zy Acct- ~UZy ACct, July ~cct~ July Acct, July ~cct' Ju~y ~cct Juky ~cct; July Acct, Ju~y ~cCt, July July ~cct; Ju~ ~cct; ~ly ~cct. July July Acct, ju y Ju~y cct; July ~c July July ~cct; 4;00 1~;60 ;50;00 15;75 4~50 20 3,41;66 ~00, OO ~25;00 250;00 O;oo 60;00 50;00 ~ 5AO0 I00;00 AO;O0 48;00 28;00 ~i41 zso;Oo 6,25 8;60 8;06 3;00 5, O0 ~;~;00 4a; oo 55 ;8'5 ~ ~55 8; 05 205~0 4;00 i4;78 2i;50 30,60 f4;40 I5~40 6~0~ 6,00 6'00 58;00 28;50 4;00 24.g8 1.9 ~90 18~00 9& 50 9~OG 286&4S -20~,20 5,50 ?.35 18~40 39;50 Ig~30 6;00 ~0~ 38A ~0 2~0~ 1¸3 248 24,9 25O 25]. 25~ 255 254 255 256 25? 258' ~v. W, ~Ppe-~son 259 .~; 'E; SP~o~e Sto:e 264 P; G; Uilli~s S. ~. ~mBe~t 26-8 C.A. 2~9 .Steed*s. $~oze 2?0 ~s. Nellie ~tlezson 272 ~e ~vin~ 274 ~ezgency Relief ~yz'olt 275 ~C~ncelled 2~6 ~. K, ~zeeden 27~ .R..H. Shi~ie~ 2~-8 ~ed ~ee 279: C~ lie Ualke~ ~az 1 ie ~ lke~ G. Fleming Boa 280 284, 285 286 288~ W. 1/,. l$oswell Lucy PowelI ~ s. Hmr o Id o,Nei Ismbel Sheller 289 ~Ru~h Nel~n 290 Louise ~itli~s 291 ~. G~land ~omas 292 ~e~ ese 294 ~cy ~addell July Acct. July :Lc ct. July July Acer, July ~uLy Acct. July July July July Ju~y Ao~t ju~y A~ ~u~ Ae ~uly ~ly A~ ~, July ~iy July ~u~ ~cct; ~uly Acct. · uty. Acct. ~ly Rest Ren2--T~ Funeral ~, ~o~ UoOlfo~d Memt--~o ods -Ri ley 6;O0 16;00 29; 70' ;oo 40~ 44L 6'~00 6~00 6;00 2,40 12; oo ~00 9~60 i0,80 1';60 , 6~00 6.{O0 6~,70 75;00 20~00 ~0;00 I00;00 A duly called meeting of the Boamd of County Supe~rvisors of~lbemaele ~ounty, ~i:.gini~, w~s held ~t the ~o~ Hous:e of said ~o~ty on the 5~h d~ of SePgemhe~, iO$A. ~esen~: ~ess~s. ~. ~, ~ay, C. ~celI ~ue, E. J, ~lt~d,-P. ~ It ~ been reported to the BO~d t~ it would be,necessary ~o t~e~ mre~ in ~he City of ~lot~e~ville to -e~dicate Jap~es9. Beetle; The ~ity amtho~ities ~equested t~t the ~ounty s~=e in this e~ense, the' total cost of ~ich had been esti~ted a~ Upon motion by ~. C. ~cel! ~ue, duly seconded, it ~s the ~ounty s~e fi~y pe~ cen~; of the e~nses ~hich-it~is necessary the: County and City sh~re. The County Executive advised the Bo.a~d that he ~ received notice the City ~uthorities tbmt the City would withdraw from the. Joint l~elfs~e De- partment, Upon motion By N~o C: ~celZ N~me, duly seconded, it was ozde~e~ t~t the County ~ecutive pzoeeed to o~g~ize m ~elfare DeDaz~ent~ ms ~on- omi~ml~y ms. posmible. Notice was ~eoeived f~om t~ State Highw~ De-P~tment t.~t ~hey would vaemt-e the Co~.~m p~ope~ty on~tobe~ ~. The ~o~onwemlth% Ailoz-ney ~vised the Boazd that ~k ~omes~ who grove info~mmtien which lead to the ~eat of m m~de~e~ ~ the n~e of