HomeMy WebLinkAbout1934-09-05248 249 25O 2'52 25~ 254 255 256 July Ac ct JU'ly -Ac et. July ~cet July A:c et, July AceS, JU~y Acct. July ~uly July ACct, July July Acer, ~uly ~uly ~ct~ ~uly Acer ~ly &oct; July ~u~ ~cct; July Acct, July 25,7 ~lar once 258' J. W. ~ppe-rson 259 ~dam' ~nt 260 26t ~- H; ~rtin Sto~e 262 ~:A ~ ~ee~ 263 ~; E; Spzc~e Sto~e 264 26'5 26? 2~g 27~ 2?2 S. ~ lambert C. A. Hmd~ Steed~'s S~ore ~ s. Nellie ~t~er son ~e:~Vin~ 27'5 Umncelled 27~ 6. K'. Breeden 27? R. H. Shi~Ie= 2~8 '~r ed Tyzee 2~g_ Cha~lie Umlke~ 280 ~har lie ~ker 282 Ben Lucy Powel[ M~s. ~zold o-Neill Xs~bel S~:ffeZ Ruth Nel~ Louise 291 ~. 6~l~d .Thomas 292 ~er ese .Ho~n.e~ 294 ~cy ~addell Rest--Tom ]gar sh ~uneral EXR, JOhn Uoolfo~d - - . Rent-'Uo Ods Riley Emergency Relief ~yr'ol~ ~¢ Payroll, 8/9/~4 Rent--M~ s. ~;~lter Funeral Exp.-J+ .Uo olford Rent-.Joe ~i ills Rent-~es ~ice Rent--~ge ~ice R~t.-H~ Sal~r y~ ~us~ ~!~Y. A~Ust Sal~y; A~uat S~l~y; A~t S~i~y, A~uat 6~00 16;00 29; 70 ~jo~ 40~, 44~ 6~00 2~40 i0~80 [~o0 5? ~ 20 2r$ 4'0 2~4~ 50.:00 / A duly called meeting of the Boszd of ~ounty Supervisors 0~::~lbema~le Cou~lty, ~irgini~, was held mt the Cou=t' House of said Coumty on the 5%-h da~ of SePtember, i954. It ~d been repozted to the Bo~d t~t.it would be.neeeaaary t~ tre~ ~ze~ in the City of ~lo. tte~i~le to ~:di~te ~aD~eae. ~eetle; The ~ity a~thozities ~eque~ted t~t the County s~ze in this e~ense, the' total coat of ~ich had been estimated at ~ Upon motion By ~. C. ~oel! ~ue, duly seconded, it ~s o~de~ed the ~o~ty s~e fifty Del cent; of the e~enses ~hich it.is necessazy the County and City s~e-. ~ ~ COunty ~eeutive ~vised tBe ~o~r4 that he ~d =eceived notice t~e City ~uthorities t~t the CitY would ~t~a~ from the.~oint ~elf~e D~ paz~ezt' ~on motiom ~ ~, ~-~ PurCell M~ue, duly seconded, i~ was o~de~ed that the County Executive proceed to organize a V~elfa~e Department as econ- omically ~s pos~ible.. NOtice was received from the State Highway Department that th~ey would vac~t-e the C~oun~y*sl property on~toher ~, 19~4. ~e Co~onweal~B'a A%to:-ney advised the Boazd that ~ank Jones; who gave infozmmtiom which lead to the ~reat of a m~de2eB By the n~e of ~iltiams im this County., had requested some ~emune~ation £oz his, se~vicea, motion by Mx. ~C. ~u~cell McCue, duly seconded, it was o~de~ed that ~ank'~onea be paid $25,.0Q. ~ 15 Chai~m~n / / A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle Cou~t~, Virginia, was held at the Court House of said County on ~he l~h day of. September, 1934. Present: Messrse J. M, Fray, E. J. Ballard, C. Purcell Mc0ue, P. H. Gentry, and W. W. 'Langhornee Minutes of *~he meeting ef Augus~ 17, 1934, were read and approve~e IN THE NATTER OF ESTABLISHING A PUBLIC ROAD FROM FEDE~ ~PAE~..$~ROUTE NO. 22 TO ROUTE NO, ?~1, IN PROXIMITY TO KESWICK PUBliC SCHO0~ The Beard of County ~upervisors of Albem~rI County, a~ a regular meeting_held., a~ ~he:. Comr~ House.of~ aai~ County~ on the' 18th da~ ~of July, 1934, having_.b~._am~.orde= .then entered, ap_pein%ed D.ouglas. Fo=syth, E. L. Bradley, W~lte~ S. Dottier, E. W. ScatS., .Jr., .and~.. D. Forbes, ~ftve.. disinterested freeholders of the County of Albemarle (.any~th~ee.of Whim. might, act.), as Cmmissieners, m~Whose duty it ~OUl~ be, after being ~duly, swern,~ ..to . .me et at 4t~ o'clock P. M., on the 51st day of JUly, 1934, ~a the lauds cf-J, B. Belk,....and.._ta~ aso~er~ain~wha.% would_be~a~.~Juet compensa%iOn for such portion of ~he landa.lof~ s~id..J,.B.. Belk, ~ for such other property, as is proposed to be ~akem for .tke,.~ehd,.Iaid .~eu% in %he Viewers report herei~,.and map therewith, as well as~ damages, if any, res~l~ng..~.the .residue,beyOnd...~be benefits ~e be derived by Such residue from'~such road; and~the said.Commissioners Douglas Fo~sy~h, E.~L.~Bradley, Walter $. Derrier, E. W. Scott, Jr., and S. D..._For~be~ having me2 on the $Ist day of July, 1934, and, as appears by certificate appended to their report, having been duly sworn, and having, as directed, filbd their repor~ ~/~rei~ which said report, with the certificate appended, is in words and~ figures, as follows: COMMISSI0~' REPORT STATE OF VIRGINIA, County of Albemarle, te-wit~ I, We ~"~el~pi~, a Clerk, in and for the County aforesaid, do certify that Douglas Forsythe, E. L. Bradley, Walter S. Dottier, E. W. Scot%, Jr., and $. D. Forbes, have %his day made ~oath before me that they will faith- fully and impartially ascertain what will be a jus~ compemsa%ion for such land (or for such ~.inter'es%.or estate in the land) ef %he freehold whereof J. B. Belk iS.~enaut, and. fcr..sueh_ether, proper~y~ as is proposed to be taken By the Comnt~.~_..of. Albemarle. Eor....a, public read, award the damages, if any, re~ulttag to the adjacent and other property of said tenant or owner and to· the propert~ of any o~her person, beyond the peculiar benefi%s tho% will ac- crue to such proper%les respectively from the construction and opera, ion of a public read from Federal $~ate 'Route No. 22 to Route No. _?~I in prokimity to Keswick .l~blic. School, t&rough the.lands of J, B. Belk, Keswick Hunt Club and C & 0 R. ,R., e~d .will properly certify the.. same. Given under,my hand this ~1~ day of july, 1954. W. L. Maupin. TO THE H~ORABLE .BOARDDF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF ALBUm/AgUE: We, Deugla. S~Forsy~he, N. E. Bradley, Walter S. Dorri er, E. W. Scott, Jr., and $. D. Forbea,.Oemmissioners appointed by your Honorable Bod~ ascer~ai~ what will be a '~uet emmpensation for such part of the land (or for such ink'erect or estate in ~he land) of the freehold ~here. of J. B: Belk is tenant, and for s~h o~her property as is proposed to be taken By ~he Cour~y ef Albmaarle for a public read from Federal State No. 22 ~%0 Rou~e No. ?~I,. i~ proximity ~o Keswiek Public Eehcol, .through ~he lands ef J, B.Belk, Keswick Hunt. Club .and ., and to assess ~he~.damages, if any, resulting ~o the adjacent or~ ~chs~ property of .said~ tenant or owner, Beyond the peculiar benefits %hat will .accrue to said l~oper%ies respect~tvely from the construction and operation of the~ said public r~a~, ~ certify that on the ~ls~ day of~Jul~,1934, the day designated in%he said order, we met ~ogether on ~he. said par~t~ ~of the land .(x)'%he limits of .~hich were tha~ and there described, ta~ua .as.f. cll~$~.. a ~oi~ on .the..S,uther~.Margin of the Jefferson..Highway and extended Sou~h 26 ~1 E 2§.~. fee~.%e...the margin~.~f C~& 0.11~:~ at a point about 45 fee~ Wes~ of the 01d properS, line of~_Rodgersand Evere~t as shown en plat hereto a~. ~achede