HomeMy WebLinkAbout1934-09-19Williams in this =ounty., had =equeated some ~em~ne~ation for hie se=viced, 0n motion by ~. =. _~A=cell HcCue. duly seconded, it was o=dez~ed that Ghai~mam / / A regular meeting of th~ Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held at the Court HoUse of said County ~n be l~th da~ of September, 1554. Present: Messrse J. M. Fray, E. J. Ballard, C. Purcell Nc~me, P. Ho Gentry, and 7. H. ~ Langhornee Minutes of the meeting of A~gust I?, 1934, were read and approvede IN THE MATTER OF ESTABEISHING A PUBLIC ROAD FROM FEDEP~I~S?~TE_ROUTEiNO. 22 TO ROUTE NO, ?~1, IN PROXIMITY TO KESI~ICK PUB~XC SCHO0~ The Board of C~mnty Supervisors of Albemerl County, a~ a re~lar ~e~. ~ld.. a~ ~.Oou~ H~se_~f...a~ Coun~ on the 18~ day J~y, 1934, ha~g_.~..~.e~r ~en _entered, appcinted.Dou~as. For~h, E. L. B~dley, S. Do~ier, E. W. Sco~, .Jr., .~d~, D. Forbes, ~. ~sinterested free~lders of C~ of ~b~rle (.~y~ee.~e~. w~.mi~2, act), as C~sieners,~.Who~ du~ i~ shou~ ~e, aider being ~duly~ swer~,~...to me'et a~ 4tS~ o'cloak P. M., en the ~ls~ day ef July, 1934~ c~ the lands ~f~J, B, Belk,.._.and.~o~. ascertain wha~ woml~be~a.~us_.t compensation for such per, ion ef the lan. ds~.~f~.~ said_J.~.B...Belk, ~ f~r sUCh other prOperty~ as is proposed to be takes for ~he..~.read,._.laid .~eu_~ .in the Viewers report herein,, and map therewith, as well as ~' ~smages, if am~, res~l~ing ~o.the resi~ue..~ey0nd .~%he benefits ~e be derived by such residue frem~Smch rea.d; and.the said C~missioners Douglas Fo=sy~h, E.~L.~Bradley, Walter S. Decrier, E. W. Scott, Jr.,"and S. D.~ Forbore having met on the Slst day of July, 19S4, and, as appears by certificate appended to their report, having been duly swor~, amd having, as directed, fil~ their report ~rein which said report, with the eertifi~te appended, is in words and~figares, as follows: C(N~ISSiONERS~ REPORT STATE OF VIRGINIA, Commty of Alb~arle, I, 7. L...Maup.in, A Clerk, in and for the County a£_oresaid, de certify t~at Douglas Forsythe, E. L. Bradley, ~r S. Do~ier, E. W. Seo~, Jr., ~d. S. D. Ferbes~ ha~ ~s d~ ~de..oath before me ~at th~ ~! ~i~' ~lly ~d i~a~ly asce~ain w~t w~l be a ju~ eomp~satiom f~ l~d (er f~ such in~es~.or e~ate ~ ~he land) of the free~ld ~ereof J, B. Belk imogen,, ~d fcr..~ch_~er p~er~_as is .proposal ~o be t~en ~ the Co~ _of.._~b~. ~_..a. p~blic r~d, a~rd the d~ges, ~ ~y, re~lti~g to t~ adjae~2 ~d other proper~ o~ .said 2e~ or ~er ~e p~pe~ ef ~ other ~rson, bey~d ~e peculiar ~fits c~e ~e such prop~ties res~etively ~m ~e c~e~ion ~d oper~ion of a pu~ie road f~ Feder~ S~te 'R~te No. 22 to Route No. ~7~ in pro~i~ ~o Ke~i~.._~blic~ School, ~eu~ thel~ds of J. B. Belk, Ke~ck H~ Club ~d O & 0 R..R.,~ .~d wi~ p~Perly ce~i~ the. Gi~mn under.my hand this Sls~ day of July, 1934, 7. L. Maupin. TO THE H(NORAB~E BOARDDF S~P~RVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE: We, 'Douglas .Forsythe, No L. Bradley, 7alter S. Perrier, E. W. Scott, Jr,, and. S. D, Forbes, Cc~aisSioners appointed ~ry your Honorable Bed~ te ascertain what will be a ~ust compensation for such p~rt of the laud (or for such ir~ereet or estate in ~he land) of the freehold ~ereof J. B.~ Belk is tenant, and for s~ch other p~pert-y as is pr0po~ed ~o be taken by the ~o~u~y of ~lb~arle for a public read £rem Federal State Ne. 22 ~to ReuSe No. ?SI',~ in proximity ~e Keswiok Publ~ School, .through the lands of J. B.Belk, Keswick Hunt Clmb .and C ~& 0 R. R., and to assess ~he~.d~mages, if any, resulting %o *~e adjacent or ~s~ property of said~ tenant or owner, heyemd the peculiar benefits ~mt wilI aeerme te said ~eper%ies respectively fr~m the eonstrmo%ion and ~eperation ef ~he said public rea~, ~ ce r~i~ that on the Sls% day ef~J~, 19~4, the ~ ~esignated ia%he said order, we met l~gether ~m the samd par_t~ ef the l~nd (~) the limits of.which were th~B and there described~ to_ma aaf~ll~$~. A S~i~ or.land. S0 feet~wide ~Beginning a a Eoin~ on .~he Sauther~Ma~gin of the Jeffersem~ Highway. and extended Sou~h 26 $1' E 28.S fee~e.~themargim~of 0~& O R~$ at a poi~ about 4~ fee~ 7eot of the 01d proper~yJ~ line of~.Redger, a.and~Everett as shown on plat hereto tached, And after being duly sworn, upon a review o£ ~Jae pa~ .aforesaid and of · he adjacent and o~her property of :said ,wrier who_woul~ be .damaged_in ~heir property by the ccnst~ction and O~eratfon of the said r~ea~;.and upon such evidence as was b~fo~e us, we are of opinion.and do. asce~~hat for the said par~ (or for ~he interest er esCaPe.in ~he part), and..f.~r~.~he other propert~ so taken $25e00 will be a Just compensation. Amd.~.the_~d~ma~ea~,.~o:~ the adjacent or other property of said tenant o~ ovmer b.y reason_ of_. ~he._oons~r~uction and opera- tion of the said road, b~end ~he peonliar_.henef, ita~_~hat_wil! accrue ~o said properties respectively f~cm-.~e conatruatio~and_.oper, ation~of such road are (xxx) ~'Given under our hands Shis 31s~ day of July, 1~$4. S. D. Forbes Walt er S. Dorrie r E.E. Bradley Edward W. Scot~ Douglas Forsy~h Counsel-for J.. ~B. Belk..~e~eupon~appeared borer e ~ke .Board of ~ount-~ Supervisors and objected to confin~ation of said las ~med repo .r~,. and requested ~hat other Commissioners be appointed for ~e. purpo, se of asc. er~at~g ~the e~rmpe~sat~ion amd damages for the lands of J. Be Belk~ and .~he...said Beard having ma~-~re .ly considered, the. above,mentioned Ccemissicners. report, da~ed July_ ~lsta..19~A,,and. m~..cause, deemed .go~ ..in..the .opinion o~ the Board, being shown against the same, it was,..on mo~ion duly made and seconded,.,.ordered that ~e afore- s~id Cmumissicners' report Be,..and ~the same was. o~firmed. It was_~er~or~/~e:~-..~ ~e road aforesaid be established without- gates; and that ~he Director.of Finance of ~his C=.ant~ pay, (n.~t~ of general County_ flmds ~o J. B.Belk, the .~ua of $25e00, the amount..aLTo_wad:~ him_in %he afor. esaid,.~C~nissioners' report. Mr.A.L. Benue~2,.Superlntenden% of Schools, asked._the approval of the Board of County Supervisors of.an:applioat, ion. made...by the School Board for loan of $28,~00. OO.frem the Literary Fund for_.the._erec~ton of a new sohool'::.building at Eartysvitle. ~ The following resolu$ion, offere~, by. Mr. C.:.Purcell. McOue, and duly seconded, was ~-~animously adopted~ I~EREAS, 2he School .Board for the county~ of Alb~arle, Virginia, on the 19~ day of. September, 1934, presented ~o this Beard, an application addressed to ~he S~ate Board of Education:of Virginia, for the~purpose of borrowing from the Literary Fund $25,000.O0 for the new school building a~ EarlYsville, Va,, to be repaid in fifteen annual ins~llments,.~.and.the inSer~st thereon paid an- nualXy, RESOLVED, That ~he application of the county School Board to the State Beard of Education of Virginia, for a loan of $25~000,00 from the Literary Fa~d, is hereby approved, and Authority is hereby granted the said county School Board to borrow the. saidamount for the.purpose set out in said applica- %i0~. The Board of County Supervisors for said county will each year during the life of this l~ua, at the time ~h~. fix the regular levies, fix a rate of levy for schools er make a c~sh apl~ropriation sufficient for operation expen- sos and to repay this losm in annual installments, and the interest thereon, as required by law 'regulating loans from the Literary Fund, THE MATT~t OF THE APPLICATION OF ~ILBERT S. CAMPB~2~L iND OTHERS, TO ABANDON TAI~ PORTIONS OF. STATE 'ROUTE 75~, BE~EEI/ ~ACY'S ST:0RE~ WHERE R~TE NO. ?~S~ INTERSECTS WITH ROUTE 642,. AND THE INTERSECTION OF PRESENT ROUTE ?~$ ~/ITH N)UTE 729~ Process t~ summon the land proprietors along those portions of the aforesaid road that are proposed ~o be abandoned having been returned with acknowledgement, p~ ~legal and timely service upon Gilbert S. Campbell, Foun~ainWetls and Harry Browning, landed ~roprietors thereon, and no cause having been shown against the same, it is ORDERED that ~ose certain por~ions of said State Route 7~, in the County of Albemarle, specifically .described in Viewers' .Report herein of July 19th, 1934, and plat ~herewith, and ~e first of which portions lies bet-xeenI~-cy's S~ore, at 2he point of in~,ersection of Route ?$~with Rou~e $42, and a point approximately 100 feet North of B~ckeye!~nd Schoolhouse, (some 75/100 of a mile) .and.the. second of which potions lies~Be~een C~bell's ~e ~d the 729 (s~e 20/1~ of a ~le) be a~ ~he~s~ are he.~e~ ~scont~ued.:as a public ro~d. ~e fo11~ ord~ee, offend by Mr. adopted by the following recorded vote: ~ Ayest Nessrs. J. ~. Fray, C. Purcell NcCue, E. J. Ball, rd, P. Ho Gentry, and W. E. Eanghorne; Noes~ None~ BE IT .ORBAINED_~y...the. Beard_of _O.o~t~..~uper~iso~r.s of Albemar!e Coun~t~,.¥irginia, _Ch ~he. I~h.da~. of September, 19~,. and in pursuance to Section 198 of the Tax Gode of Virginia as amende.d_.by the 1934 Acts of' t~e Assembly that: Any person, firm er cor~poration havi~g on a road, street, alley, or o~her pUblic place ,6r~ in.shops, stores, hotel.s, beard, ing houses, depots, public or private rooms, er amy other place anywhere in the ~unt~y' a slot machine of any description i~to which are d~opBed coins to dispose of any article of merchandise o~r for ~he purpose of operating musical or other devices 2potato on the coin-in,%he~slot principle, used for gain, except as a pay telephone,' shall pay for every such slot machine or. m~sioal or other device as the case may be, a license tax ~f $2-50 per year on machines where the customer pays o~ne ~oent and a license tax of $5.~0 per year on machines where the customer pays .more' ~han 1~ to .operate, except automatic baggage or ~ar- eel machines or receptaclee which are used for the storage of baggage, parcels of any.character on which shall be levied.a ~ax of twenty-five cents per year £or e~ch receptacle that is operated on the .coin-in-the-slot princiPles provided hewe~er, ~hat no such person, firm or corporation may keep, maintain, exhibit or operate any slot m~chine er any device, in w.~hich .the element of chance enters or which gives ou~ any slugs or checks or device which may be used ~o ~gain operate the machine or gives cut any prize or any ~her article than the article of merchandise or music in p .ayment for v~ich the coin was originally deposited provided further, that this ordinance shall ~t apply to slot machines that are used for the purpose ef selling individual sanitary drinking cups, or U.S. Postage This license is not transferable and is not to be pro-rated. .Any pers~n~ violating any provision ~f t~is section shall be fined not IeSs ~hau five ncr more t~m fifty dollars for each day and' %he~achi~e. ahall~ he. eonfisea%e~e Each license issued shall show the manufacturer's number- If ~the-machine has no number the license must. be pasted ~ a comspicuous place on ~he~machine, This ordinance shall be in full force and effect~ on and after Ja~. _ - usry 1, ~r. H. A. Haden, Coumby Ex~cutlve, recmmmended for appointment Miss Frances T. $outhal~l, as Superintendent ef Public Welfare, at a salary of $160.G0 per membh, effective 0etober~ 1, 1~4. Upon motion by Mr. W. H. ~.anghorne, duly seconded, Ntss Southatl was appoimted ~uperintende~t of Public Welfare, at a salary of $1~0.~ permonth, effective Octeber~ 1, l~4e ~pon motion of Mr. E. J. Ballard, duly seconded, it was ordered ~ha~ a refund of $8.01 be made to Mr. P. B. Tilma~ for 1~3 Taxes paid i~ the County of Albemarle whdch should &ave been paid in the Cit~ of Charlottesville. Mr. H. A. Haden, Director ~f Finance, submitted statement of expenses of the Depart- ment 0£~ ~Finmaoe for the month ef ~Am~st'~'l~:cm~ e-third of which is to be~ berme by the State, ~hioh statement was examined, ~/verified and approved . ~pon motion by Mr. C~:'l~mcell I~eC~e, duly seconded, it was ordered t~at the Chairman exeeu~ ec~tract with the Southern Railway C~pany for the operation of a sidstrack cons- ~ruc~e~ adjacent to the County's ~property near Preston Avenue, ~his citye ~The following claims were presented, examined, and allowed, and ordered to be cer- tified · e the Director of Finance for payment: Ne.- payee 666~ National Bank & Trust Co. 667 ~Albemarle-Miohie Co,, Inc. Principal, Ym~erest and B~kerage on $60,000.00 Purchase of Bo~ds Food ~ppltes for Jail 669 Jackson.' Beal, J.p. ~u~ctes, B_~ie Te~lor._and..~. ][tm%er 67~ J..' P. Bell Co. B~d~g Book~. for Clerk' ~ Office 6~ C~rlo~Ses~e Aba~o~ F0ed Supplies for Jail 6?2 C~rlo~es~!le H~. Co.,~e.. Hous~I&.~d Cle~g ~pp/ies ~r 67~ Ci~ ~lie~or ~s Ae~ a~ J~l . 6?4 W; B. Cook, D. 8. 675 gIliott Zee Co., Zne. 6?6 H.M. Gleason ~ Coo 677 H. A. Hades, Ditcher of Fiance , 678 H. J. kan.y, 679 C. S. I~ffln~, D. S. 680 C. S. Euffman, D. B, 681 Dr. Percy Narris 682 Jarman's, Inc, Lev. grove Milling & Feed 685 W. To Martin Hardware 686 The Michie 687 ..Pace E.M. Powell, D.S, 68g Remington Rand, Inc. W. Abbo~b Smith, D. S. 691 8ouShcEast Pub. Serv. Corp. 692 Dr. L. R. ~sen ~. Os~r ,~nefo~. 6gg J. Z. Hotladay, Jr, ?00 Hill & Irvl~, Inc. 701 ,Dr, Bernard H. Early ?02 Df. Richard T. NrgenBrigh~ ?03 ])r. A. A. Sizer 704 L, K. Sandridge & Son 705 P; E. Blackwell 706 J. W, Bruce 707 _The Butler 8~re 708 Charles ?~9 Dsmron & Mundy 710 S. R. Durrett 711 C.S.Deaue 712 R, N. Es~es ~s-, Edward s ?1~ Lea Bros. & Purvis 716 Maupin Bros. 717 J. I. Maupin TIS 0has. T. Page 71g B.A. Patterson 720 Proffit Exchange 721 N- H. 722 ~rs. J. ~. Roberts ?23 H, F. -Sampson 724 T.E. Sellers ?25 Emith Bros. 725 E.M. Smith 727 $olemen's $~ere ?28 J. E. SNreuse 729' C.C. 7Z0 MatiIda Terrel! 7~I Mrs. Grace Vest 732 Waylaud Cmm~issary 7Z~ F. A. West 7Z4 S. T. White 7~5 J.W. Wil!iaz~s 756 Mrs. R. ~. Wi~ebsrger 7~ C, H. Wood 7S8 Lloyd Wood 759 W. W, Wood 740 Nat. Bur~ley 741 Mrs. A. L, Bishop 742 ~ R. Lewis Burrou~s 743 ~ Go B. N/le.e~e for August, lg~ Ice for C, ~ Foo~ Supplies for Jail Re-im~rseme~t for Expendi~tures R ~e~fa~ rd Repair ' Office Equipment, Printing For D~pt~. of Finance Post~ge for De~...-.ef_Finance Ex~r~ ..Help, Dept. _.of.. Finance Printing .for Sheriff F~e_d Supplies. for Jail ATlowauc e. for Cookat JaiI. BuiI~LiAg. Repair. s _~S_ O. ~H,~ ,Inseeti~iEe.. ¢omm~ssie~., ion Co~pons.,._~id_. Mileage for~ August, Mileage for Augms~, .lg~.~ D~namies, Benie Taylo~ and E.va..Aun~e~ Dmuaoy--~ Hun%er , ' Office Suppliesi~or Dep~, ..o~ Repairs-%-Plumbing at .JaL! .... 'Food .Supplies for Jail Eecks for J~il Bindi.~g_Tax'_:Bo0ks .for D. F,~_ Food Supplies for -Jail 'Mileage for A~gus% 1.g~ Office. $~pplies a~d Equi~memt. for D,F,& 0.E, Mileage for August, 2el, phone Service~ Ju~y, Aug, & Sept, · .unaeles, E~a Hu~ter amd Benie 2~yIor- Eunaey--Bessie West, Forest Fi~e Electric Service at ~,~:, ¢, O~ & Jail Eunaey--B. es st, WeS~ Zunacy--Bessi e West Premium ,on Boris:of 0, E, a~ D, F, an~ employees in Dept,,. of,.Fi~anee Re~t, ef Office for ~a,tr.,,,-Re-~,employ, Admi~, Casket for Sam Sprouse Examinatio~ ,of ~8 Mca (ERA) SSA,00 ~ .un~o~-~-Benfe TaylOr 5.00 Exam~ation?-ef 5- Men (ERA) Examination of 1~ Men (ERA~ Augast Welfare Ac~c. Wel fare Ac c~., August August Welfare August Welfare Acct. August Welfare Acc'c. August Welfare August Welfare AceS. August ~etfare, Ac.cS. August. ~elfa~e Acct. August Welfare Au~s~, Welfare August Welfare August welfare AceS, Au~st Welfare Aoc~. AUgust Welfare Acct, Augu st.~ Welfare" ~y Welfare Acc~. Augu'~'b Welfare AceS, AUgust Welfare Augu s~ Welfare August Welfare Acct. August Welfare A~ga~ Welfare August Welfare AceS. AugIA st Welfare August Welfare August Welfare Augus~ Welfare Aecte August Welfare AceS. Augus~ Welfare AUgUst l~elfare Acct. Augu ~c Welfare AugaS~ :~elfare AceS. Augu s~ Welfare Augus~ Welfare Hems killed by Dogs PiE KilIed By Dog ~hee~ ki! led by. dogs Iamb killed'by dog 4,00 2.64 ~6.28 $ 25,00 66,54 22.28 88.75 15",50 90.48 12.~0 4.80 6.50 67.,~7 41*g4 ~.16 lB ,35 7.00 2.25 26.~B 2-75 65.60 $4",00. 10.00 8.00 2,,00 25. S5 2.00 856.24 22.~0 Bg.00 2..50 6'50 · 6,00 17.00 2e00. 20o00 4,,00 6.~0 4.00 $.00 7.~0 12-00 5,50 S*O0 8:,.00 6.00 - 6*00 7?",00 6cO0 4.00- 12e~ 12.~ 12.80 2.~ No. P~_ yee.. 745 -C. E. S~rk~ea%her 748 -~rgare~ T.~o~ c. s. ~62-W. $. Oook Ve~ .~essie J~es ?~ ~Joi~ ~e~ Dept. 78~ ~s. Bessie ~ Miller ?~? ~Ru~ ~r~ss 768 ~T. 0. 769 ~C. G. ~reer ~0 ~ Jo~ Weal~ ~1 ~Mel~on Jo~s 9 'J. M. ~rcell, Treas. of V~ 1~ ~J. M. ~rcelI, Tr~s. ef Va; ;11 ~J. M. ~rcell, T~as. of Va. 29S ~. ~ 296 'Dr, W. D. 2~? B. A. Coles 29~ Dr. R. L. ~e ~0 Dr. ~e~ D. ~v~ ~ ~L~ise ~mlli~s ~Z ~Dora B. Be~ ~04 ~Vir~nia ~ 3~7 ~b~e Fa~ers ~8 ~A. J. Bell ~9 Bickby' s ~i0 ~ Brace' s.D~g~ 32ore ~11 ~ ~tler' s ~o~ ~12 ~A. H. Bolick ~1~ ~ Cash Meat ~6 ~A. W. Oox D~t. Store ~17 ~e Oe~ ~ore ~19 ~ O~ze~ ~~ ~21 ~ ~. B. 'H.~ ~rly ~22 ~i.' T. 324 ~li~ lee St~ Fi%zhu~ B~s. ~eep killed by Dog Coupons maturing October_ 1, t954 Salary for September Salary for Sept~ber Sal.~f~r. SopPier S~a~ for Sep~b~ S~ ~r 3ep~ber S~ f~r Septet . S~a~ for Se~ber Sal.~ f~r 3e~ber Sa~. for Sept~ber Sala~ for Septe~er S~ for Sept~r Sala~, for. Sep~ber Sal~ for Se~er S~a~ for SopPier S~a~ for Sept~r S~ for Sept~er S~a~ for Sept~ber Sala~ for Sept~r Appropriati~ for September S~a~ f~r Sept~ber S~a~ for Sept~ber Sala~ f~ Sep~e~er Sala~ for Sept~ber S~a~ for Sept~ber 3~a~ for Sep~ber State-Oollecti~a for Au~s~, 1~4 License-Fees Celleeti~ for AngSt, 19~4 · R~--$~. Moore Med. 3e~. Roars Med. Serv, Har~ Fisher Mileage.. ~r. Angst Mtle~e for. Mil~ge for Au~ Jar $ a~ Tops Tel ep~mae. A~gu s~ Aee~. August Acct. A~s~ Acc%. A~ Acc%. A~ AcC~. Auks% Auks2 Au~St Acc%. Au~ ~ Au~s~ Acc~. ~s~ Acct. A~s ~ Acct. Au~s2 Acc~. Au~ ~ Acct. A~ Acct~ Augua~ Acc~. ~ A~st Acct, $29 E. L. Grasty H,W. Ja~son 335 ~e Jefferson Shop ~ert~<:ShOe Store ~2 ~4 Peoples Store ~ Sol--on' s T. E. Sellers J, D. Vi~ Vir~ ~ere~ Florence Nigh~enge~e Augus~ .Aoc~. August Ac.to Au~us~ Aug~ s~ Acc~. A~s~ A~s~ Acc~, Au~ s~ ~s~ Aoc~. A~st Acc~. Au~ Acc~. Aurar Ace~-~ Au~ % Acc%, A~st Aoe~. A~' Ao~, A~st A~ Acc~. ~st Acc~ ~st Ao~. 3~st Aoo~. ~s~ Acc~. ~s~ Acc~ A~s~ Acc~. A~st Acc%. Au~s~ Ace~. Au~s~ August Acc~. A~ Aco~. A~ AccO, August AceS, Au~s~ Ac~e $ : ~000 550000 1000~0 100.00 $41.66 100.00 2250OO 150.00 50.00 255000 125°00 90.00 -55.00 ?fi.O0 $00-00 2606? 86.41 4~,00 -28.00 6.25 S,21 ~4e~ - 2,00 ~.95 6.B5 48.25 26.80 76.20 7~.70 1!.50 4050 17060 75.27 79.~ ~0.50 l,B~ SloT0 22.00 35.20 3Z.69 e-8o .. ~1.~ 19.9~ 2~-~5 ~.80 92050 9.00 6.00 8,00 ~00 21.60 10~ 22e80 45e80 11.~ 4cO0 1~. 20 165e80 70, 50 ~0. 364 $65 S74 S78 $80 381 S82 $84 $8? $98 $99 ~0 401 402 · '."W'. Wood Barnes I. aa~er Coo ¢. A. ][aden U. S. Johnson J. F. Hill P. 9. Williams F. ~d ~eod J, L. Nayl~ ~e Corner Groee~ ~ ~d Na~ S~e~e ~s, ~. E. M~fn ~rlie ~lker ~rlie ~ker ~. O.Breed~ ~s~ C. ~ Eirby ~1~ Rebe~s ~ O.~reedea Dr~ ~s~ D. ~es~C~ ~th, D.D~ ~erg~ Relief ~a~i~l~ B~ & ~s~ ~ rg~cy Relief ~.M. Bc~eI1 ~u~ V. ~irg~a O'~e~l I~bel Sheller 410 415 418 17o10 41.40 5,40 ~ 5.25 12.?0 .4.80 4.80 2. O0 ~ 4.80 2.80 14-4o 28.80 ~60 6.00 5.00 4.?0 4*OO 19.90 8,00 ~.00 ~5.00 ~.00 4.00 2.00 S.O0 A ~eg~lar mee~iug of ~he Board of C~unty Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held at ~he Oour~~ House of said Count-y. on ~he 17th day of October, 1934. Present: ~essreo J.' M. Fray, E. J, Ballard, C. Purcell Ne~ue, P.~ H. Gem2ry and ~inu%es of ~e meeting of Sep%ember. lg, lgS4~ were read and approved. IlPon~mo~ien by Mr, 0. Puroell NeGus, it was ordered ~hat ~he Coun~-y cen%ribu~e per month for twelve, mon%hs beginning Oe~eber~t, 1~$4, ~m~ard ~he eoS~ of main~enanee ef ~he Rest .Room in Charle~esvillee ~r. H. A. Eadem, D~ree~or of'..Fimance, submitted s~a%ement of expenses of the Depar~aen' of Fiaance fc~ the month of Self&amber, 19S4, one,bird of which is ~o be borne by ~he which s~atemen~ was ~xamined, verified au~ approve~e ~he following resolution, offered By Mr. E, J. Bal!ard, was unanimously adopted: ' BE IT RESOLVED by the Board .of-County Supervisors of Albemarle .~oun.~y, Virginia, %hat all Relief Workers Be paid in kind exeep~ those; ~who, in ~he opinion of ~he ~ount-y Executive, should be paid in eash.