HomeMy WebLinkAbout1934-10-172O 362 364 $65 $6? ~?o ~?~ ~-~7 ~7~ ~79 ~80 591 aga '~0 413 414 416 417 418 419 Co Ho Wood U. W, 'Wood Barnes IAunbe r ~o A. I~den U. B. Jo~s~ J. F. Hill ~d Wood J. L. Nayl~ ~e Oo~ner Greoe~ J, E. Spr~ae 0* 8. Wells ~rlie C~rlie ~ker ~. ~.B~ed~ ~s. O. H~ ~rby ~I~ Rebe~s ~i~ of C~rl&~es~.e... ~s. C.~' Y. C.~reeden Dr. ~s$ D. ~s~ J. Garl~d Th~s ~m~y Reli~ Pa~oll ~. M. Bo~e~ ~u~ V, P~ell t~bel SMffer R~ Nels~ ~ouis e ~illi~.. ~erese ~dfo~-_ Breeden ~i~y of C~rl~tesville BO~d of ~blic Welfa~ Na~io~l B~k & T~s~ ~t~y of ~rlo~es~l~ C. H. Robe, s E. C. Breeden ~i~ ~ ~rlo~esville ~. T. H. ~iel ~er~n~ Relief ~oll 17.10 41 ..40 .5.40 11.4~ .8.40 1o80 12~70 2*O0 ~ 4.80 2.80 44.80 . ~.~o 28 · 80 8.~ 5.00 ~4,00 ~8.05 8.00 75.00 20.00 ~,00 [~.00 75.00 ~0.00 1.~ ~1.50 5eO0 / ~ Pegular meeting of the Board of Co~ Smpervisors of Albemarle Count-y, Yirginia, was held at ~ Cour~ House of said COun~y~ on %he 17th day of 0otober, 1934. ~resemt: Messrs. J. 1~ Fray, E. J. Ballard, G, PmroelI llogme~ P.. H. Gentry and J. A. O, Neill, tlinutes of ~he meeting of Septmaber~ 19, 195S, were read and approvede IIpon~mo~.ion by Mr, O. Puroell Mogul,' it was ordered that the County contribute $10eO0 per month for t~elve mom~hs beginning O°~ober.1, 195$, ~ard ~he eost of main~emamoe of t~he Rest. Room ia Charlotte sville lit. H. A. Hades, Director of Finance, smbmit%ed statement of expenses' of the .Depart~en~ of Finance for the month of Selfaembe~, 19~, -~ne~hird of whioh is ~o be borne by the S~ate, which s~at~en~ was e~e~, verified and approved, 2he ..following resolution, offered by Mr. E,-J. Bal!ard, was unanimously adop%e~: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board .of-County ~upervisors of Albemarle .geun~%y, Virginia, that all Relief ~lorkers be paid in kind ex~ep~ those, ~who, in ~he opinion of ~he ~om~ Exeouttve, should be paid ia eash. The foll~ing resolution was una.~mously adopt,df BE IT RESOLVED by She Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virg~ni&, Shes Shis Board become a member of ~She ASSOCIATION OF VIR~I~ .tA ¢0~N~ SUPERVISORS, and applicaSion.ffor membership._is.~.he~aby, made, and a sum of Twen~- Five Dollans .approprtated.£er membership dues, and .the 01erk is direcSed So se~d a copy of %his ResoluSion.So Mr. Ohas. W. 0rush, SeoreSary, ChrisSiansburg, Virginia. Mr. Pe H..GenSry and ~he Couuttr._ExecuSiVawere .authorized ~e.,a,t~c. end'~he meeSing of She AssoeiaSion of Virginia Co~nt-y. ~upervisars_~ be.held..~m_Havember_t,._t93.4,: in Lynohburg, Upon moSi~n by Mr. Co Pur~el! l/o~ue, seconded by Hr. J. A.. O'Nei!l,.. iS was ~_~ered %has She County subscribe for eight memberstfips in the Chamber of..Oammer-ce for ~be year beginning Oc+~ber 1, t9~. The following resolution, offered by Hr. J. A. 0'Neill,~.secondadf~--~Hr~.~C, Purcell was unanim~us!y adopSed~ ~HEREAS, ~ernard Ward,.of Albemarle Count~, has eulmft~ced So ~be BOard~of County Supervisors ef...said. Cemxt-j._his offer. So purchase at 2he pr~ioe cf $800.~ a ee~n p~oel of l~d, eon~[n~g 22 7/10 acres, si~a~ed ~ ~, o~v~ed ~o said C~. by J~es H. Jones ~ de~ 1925, of~ ree~d in ~he_~Clerk, a ~fiee for ~e Cireui~ Cou~ of Alb~rle in D. 18~, p. 242, and particularly described in, plat of Hugh F. Simms,~ da~ed. November, 1955, u~on She following terms, t.. ~2§.00 in.,cash.paid.herewith S~ She Director' of Finance of Albemarle County, $225.00 So be paid in cash upon delivery of a deed, and $550.~0 payable in t~o installmenS~. .. evidenced by ~vo bonds of said Berma~_ rd for $275,00 each, payable on or before eno and t~vo years after date, con.- ~aining horn. sS.ad waiver, bearing inSere~ at 6 per conS, and seCUred by deed of Srus~ on said lands~ AND WHEREAS, iS.. is. causidered by She Board of~Oount-y Supervisors of Albe- marle County in regular me. Sing assembled., that. $800.00 is a fair and adequate' price for. said land,_ and.. ~h~S.:She ~ex~ns..of said_offer are reasonabl$ and saf~ ,~ ~ THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, Tha~' iS is So She best inSeres%s of She County So sell said parcel of land, o~%aining 22 7/10 acres, as aforesaid, and parti- cularly described in said plaS, and t2 is hereby ordered %has .said sale be ma~e ~ be carried ouS pursuan~ So SecSion '2723 of %he 0ode of Virginia. IT I~S ORDERED Shes $60e00 be paid ~o 8~e%er C. Jones in full set~lemenS of his claim againsS the above.~ described property. The roll,ring claims were presenSed, examined, and allowed., and .crdered. to be certified She Director of Finance for paymenSt .Payee 77~ J. ~/. Purcell, Treas. ~f Va. 77~~ - ?. Bland Tilmaa 774 Albemarle Home Mu~. Fig, Ins.Oo. Assessment.~e~ee% Fire Loss. ??S Anderson Bros. Book SSo. re, Inc. Office Supplies /'er ~. E. and D. F. 777 ~ Barnes Lumber CorporaS[on 778 ~ Jackson Beal 77~ ~ Charlo%%esVille Aba~i~ 780 781 ' City Collector 782 ~ Com~ay PrinSing 786 -~z~ ~i~ Sh~ 787 ~Dr. T. H. ~iel o Dr. E. D. Davis, 789 ~Di~ric~ ~d 1~% of Celle~ions from sale .of Dog Tags for July, August,. and Sop%amber, RefUnd of ~axeS~ and DepS. Welfare and 0£fioe Equt~ merA~ for C. ]~. Pain~ for 0. H. ~d..Jail ~ildi~ ~pplies for ~age a~ ~1 2.~4 ~n% o~ Room for T. Food Supplies for Ja~' (~rl B.Ph~l, ip~-7.74 ~~e .~d Pl~bing ~plies ~r C. H.. ~ Jail 26.42 ~S Se~oe at Jail-'~o' 10/3/~ '1.22 ~in%~g for De~. of Fi~e L~a~--~ Br~ - 3.20 ~na~--~ B~ 4e~ Mileage~for Sep~ber, 19~ 2~.~ ~nti~ for D. F., T. J. ~d De~. ~elf~e 13.75 22 79O 791 792 793 794 E~_ps and Snider Cmapan~ A. ~. Fray Gilmore, ~ & ~der, ~e. 0ffioe Supplies for D. F. Food Supplies .for Jail._ ?.~t-brosses an~ CO~ for Jail and Desk for C. E. and D, F. H. M. Gleason & Co. . Food_Supplies_and .Cmen~ for Jail H. A. Haden, Direotor~ of..Finanoe ~-imb~L~.sem~%:. for. Ex~qendi~ures from . . ?,=d'. 9717/: ?95 N.J. ttaney, D. S. 79'6 Perey I~rris, M. D, 79? C.S. Huf~, Do S. 798 Jdrman's, tho. ?99 ~mz. King.& Son Co., Ino, 800 LovegroveMilling-&Feed Co. 801 'W~ L,- Maupia~Olerk 802 MidwayEIeo~rio Co. 805 ' Monticello Drug 80~ Paoe 8O5 8O8 809 810 81'1 812 81~ 814 R. Il. Powell,.:Do _8, Dr. M. E. Rea Dr. P. T. Reniek .~.. '_Dr.. ~ G. Roberts Hugh F. Simms 815 816 817 818 Va. l~ablio Servioe CO. 819 Virginia State Penitentiary'. ~8~-~' ' Western UniOn Te]. Co, 821 C.~. ~Foodward. 822 Dre D. C. Wilson 823 J. Re Wingfield, Jr., Jo P. ,.Amoum.~ $ 11.76 94.50 825 Jeter 0. Jones L. K. 8andridge. & Son Albemarle Farmers Co. Treasurer of Virgini~ ~. B. Beddows Bruce's Drug S~ore J. W. Bruee ~r. F,. Clements Charles 0oleman J, H. Craig Damren & Nu~y ~. A, Da~son 826 827 828 829 850 831 8~2 833 834 855 ino. ~ Ex~ra Help, De!~. of Fi~noe S~a2ionery, e%O., for D. F. F~od Supplies for Jail Allowance for Cook ._at __Jail .... .,Houaehold,_Equi~ment for Jail Fr~, .and Haulin~ .Oh~s, on Welfare Eqaipment 5.60 Labor, Welfare Dept. 2.67 Board, We.l fare Dept.. Bldg,~ Re~airs...at C. E, and Sidetke 01eaning~Suppltes for Jail 64o~L7 ~. ~e~ssion On Coupons Paidt .... Char!ot~esville Dist.. $1.21 Ivy Dis~. e45 Rivamm~ Dis~. 2.42 Samuel Miller. Diz~. 2-47 . _ Ssot%sville Dist. 1.78 White M1 Dist. Mileage for: Sap,.omb.er. Lunaey-~Earl B. Phillips .Mileage for September 0ffioe Supplies for D. F., and Speolal Binders for Olerk's ~fftoe Food Supplies-~for Jail Foo~ 'Supplies. for Jail and Paint for Re~ordi~g 5.,752 Traots of '~ Del. Lamis Elco. Serv. a~ Clerk's Off. and C. H. Co.,s peloton of Rent of N. R. O~ for September, 19~4 Food.,Supplies for Jail · Mileage for September Izu~ ~y--Nannie Harlow Pos~ Mor~em .Exami~ticn of Mrs. Jas. Sur. v.ey, Pla~ and Profile of relocation $54.00 31.81 188,42 loc00 21,50 8.66 6t6.,26 4~o95 5.00 1!2e28 16.74 42.24 :573.20 7.50 7,50 16.95 5.?0 .... of~ R~d at KeswtekHun~ Club J, .Mason Smith, Sheriff. . - Re-imbursement. fen payment of ~rd a~ J~ 21,~ J. ~s~..~h,...Sheri~f . . _ ~.. C~issions~ O~. A. ~pson and ~ $~ouse~ ~s~ing 24 Capitation ~s~s ~ISeO0 W. Abbo~ ~i~h, D.S. Mileage for September, 1934 29.85 $ou~h ~ ~b. Se~. ~. .Telephone-Ser~ee 41e9~ ~e St~da~ Re~$ter.. Co. ~l~g Spe6ial E~i~ ~d ~ing ~ ~'eke~s for ~ year 19~4 260e55 ~ea~er?~f ~rginia ~,'a Po~i~ of Sala~ ~ .Oiro~2 C~ .Judge for year begi~g 2/~S5. 1;~62~0~. ~rie Ser~ee a2 ~. 0.~ ~. H. ~d Jail Teleg~ph ser~ee,Sep%~ber, Sheriff ~bt-~ Repai~ a2 Jail 6.12 ~ M~ Spouse 6.~ ~'~l!e ~d ~b. Co..~ber .of C~eree ~ ~ual ~ber~hips for ye~ begi~i~ ~..~1 set~.~en~ of D~ Scoured ~ ....... dee~f. ~ of 1~I8/14 on J~es ~ Jones Prop~ We~are ~~s for Sep%~ber 21.00 Sep~r Welfare AeC, Audit~g Aeeo~s ~d Records of ~o~ Sept~ber 'Welfare Aec~e 4e~ 837~: O. S. Dearie 858 Edwards Piggly Wiggly 859 R.N. Es~es 84~ ~J. C° Fields 841 ~ Fitzhugh Bros. CO. 842 J.W. ~d H. Gibb~ ~ C. S. Nuffman Sol--ember wel fare ~Acct. Sel~ember Welfare September Welfare Aeon. September WelPare Acc~. Sep:~uber Welfare Aeon. September Welfare Sep~ember Welfare Aco~. ~ep~ember Wel~ re Acc%. Sep~ember Welfare Aec%, September Welfare Ace%. september Welfare Ace%. September Welfare Aec%. 'September Welfare Aeon. September Welfare Aee%. September Welfare Aoo%. September Welfare Aec%. September l~elfare Acc,. . 844 ' Jefferson Shop 845 'G. E. Kennedy 846 ' Maupin Bros. 849 'B* A, Patterson 850 ' Powell' s Store 851 ~N. H. Pugh Sep. i~mber. :weI fare Aeon. Set~emb.erAi.~el fare Acct. '.sePtember Welfare Ace%. Se~.~Ber: Welfare Aco~- ' Sep~e= :Wel~e _Acc~. 8-00 6.00 : 4-00 25.~ 22.50 14e~ ~No. 8SS 8~ 8S5 8SS SS? 8~8 8~0 8~ 867 8~ 8Y8 8~ 880 88~ 88~ 8~~ 888 8~ 896 897 898 15 421-' 422 424_ 425 426 4~ '4~ 429 43O 45? 459 ~ 44? 452 -- 455 454 455 458 4~ Mrs, J.' R. Roberts H. F. Sampson T. E. Sellers .~. Ii. ~ni~h Bros. ~J. E. Sp_r~Ase I~ti'lda Te~ell ~s. Grace Ve~ W~lend' s. O~is s~ ~- W. Willi~ ~s. R, L, ~neb~ger ~arles ~d Wood W- U. Wood ~. R. ~u~ R. D, ~Ien ~ ~ves Mrs.N~ey ~ree ~. F, ~. 6. Bell U. 0. Fife E. M. ~ell W. $. ~ok Bessie Jones ~s. Bessie ~ ~th ~r~ss C. G. ~reer Jo~ Wesl~ ~e!~n J~es J.M. ~ree11, Treas. J. M. ~roell~ T~as. ~f ~ash ~rg~ Relief ~oI1 '~o ~er~en~ ' Relief ~roll ~. Garland Thomas Virginia Smith Louise t, W* M. Boswell Albemarle Farmers Beal~M~ller Co. A. J. Bell Bru~e,s Bu21 er ~ s ~$~ore A. H..Boliek ~en%ral L. L. Chiles The Oou~ Store Cox Depa~..~e.n~ Store Co $. A. T. ~rer It. 0, F~meyhovgh ~itzhugh Florence Nigh~ engale Jo M. Fray lt. Ii. ~leason Gibbs ~ore Ro B. Bail O. S. ~uffman Ho W. Jackson Jefferson Shop Midway. Cash Store Maupin Bras. J. lo MaU~ E. J. T. MaU~in Mitchell Mdse. J. L. Naylor · Peoples Store .Piggly l~iggly :~'. D. Powell SePtember Welfare Aca~... September Welfare. AceS. September Welfare September Welfare. Acc~. S ep~ ember.Wel fare. AceS. Sep~ber Welfare Aoc~. . Septe~er ~W~fare Acc~. ...... Sep2~ber Welfare Acc2. .. Sep~ber Welf~e Acc$. Sep~ber Welfare Acc~. Sep2ember Welf~e Acc~. Sep~ber Welfare Acc~, Sep~ber Welfare Acc$. Sep2~ber ~el~re Acc~. Sep~ber Welf~e Acc~. . H~. killed ~ Dog ~eep ~1!~ by ~eep,~lled by ~gs _ ~eep killed ~ Dog Sheep ~lled by ~ons ~ing on ~ 11/~ Sala~ for S~a~ for 0c~ber S~ for 0c2ober S~a~ for 0~ober Sala~ for 0c~ber Sal~ for 0c~o~er S~ ~r ~Ber S~y for. . S,~a~ for~ Oc~b~- ~ for , S~a~ for 0c~ber S~a~ for 0c~r ~ for 0c~ober S~a~: for 0~ber S~ for 0~ber Sal~ for ~ber S~. fc~ ~r .s~a~ for. ~$ober AppropriAtt~ ~ for ~ber Sala~ for 0c~ber S~a~ .for 0c2ober Sal~ for 0c2ober ~la~ f~r ~ober Sala~ for ~ber Sala~ for Sa~._ for ~ber S~e ~llec~ions f~ Se~ber. 1~S4 ~cense Fees ~llec~i~s for 1~S1 Capitation T~es colleC~ed dur~g Sep2~ber, lVS4 lVS1 T~es on ~gible Per~l Pro~L~e~llected ~g Sep2~b~, ~age 8~ber ~leage Sep%~ber. M~e~e Sep~ber ~lea~e 3e~r Sep ~ber Ac:cS. Sep%~r Sep2ember Ao~e Sep~ber Sep~em~ r September ~o~e Sep2e~er AccO° Sep2~er Aee~e S~ ~er Acc~. ~p~b er AC~e Septet ~emb~ Ac~. Se~e~er AccO° S ~emb~ Ac ~. Sep~ber ~ber Sep2~r Acc~. S~2~ber Aec~. S~b ~ AccO° Se~e~er Aoc~e Sep~ber Acc~e ~ Sep~ber Ac~. Se~e~ Ac~. Sep~mber S~ber Acc%. Sep%~b ~ Sep2~er Aec~e Sept~be~ S~er Acc~. Amoun~ 1.21 28° 2~ 8.00 55.65 12.65 lOe~ 20~2~ 22',Z0 15. 60 _~.~5 14e~ ~.9~ 19.20 23 461 ~ ~. W. Pa§h Co. 462 T.E. Sellers 46S Solomon' s ~o'ro 464 L.X. Sandridge 465 ~A~h Bros. 466 C.W. Sandridge 467 468 J. ~. Sprouse 469 ~?0 ~ Valen~.ine &.Hull 471..~ 472 - I. Sfalters 4?$ S.T.' White 474..~ 475 ~ Mrs. 476 ~ ~ - N~ D~I ~ore 483 ~ Vi~ S~e 46A ~ J. E. S~use 485 ~ 487 ~ P~ A. Wes~ 488 · 4~5 - N~i~al .B~ 496 . ~eh Nel~ 497 ~ ~..C.H. Eir~ 498 ~ B, A'~ ~les 499 ~2 ~r~ B. 504 506 509 510 ~.. ~.~ Boswell 5~ ~ Vt~ ~i~h 512 ~h ' $2o76 2~o~ 4,00 2~ 227.1~ 70.26 470.70 17.4~ ~.~0= 2.~0 ~.00 ~0.~ ~.so ~e~ 10.~ ~0~75 1So.so 60e~ ~0.~ - 75e~ 11~? A~dul~f: ealle~ mee~iag of ~he Board of' Co~ty Supervisors of Albemarle County, 'Virginia, v~s ~el.d at the Cour~ House of said County' on ~he 27th day of November, 1934. PreSent: ltessrs, J. M. Pi~y, ~E. J..' Ballard, C. Purcell Mc. Cue, P. H. _Gentry ~nd W, H, Lg. ll~ornee Mitres of the meeting of OctoBer 17, 19~4, were read and approved. The following resolution, offered by Mr. 1~. H. Langhorne, seconded by Mr. ~. J. Ballar.~, was u~ animously adopted: :~EAS, the Bo~rd of County Supervisors of'Albemarle County, in. special session, ass~bled this 27~h day .of 'November, 1934, desires ~e officially pay ~ribute and respeo~ ~o the liF~;-~aemory and'~ae~0mplishmen2s of John A; O'}~eill, who served ~his County as a member of this board frcm January I, 1928, ~o ~he~ day of his.' death. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOEVEBi~r (2) body. (1) That in the death' of~ John A* 'o~Neill, the COunty of -Albemarle has ~stained the loss of a'~bel6~ed and honored 8itizen as v~ll as a faithful' and efficient Pmblio Servant. That we extend our sympathy to, his family. That a copy of these~resolutions be spread upon the minutes of'this (4) That the CountY .Execulive-, :H;,'A. Haden, be direc2e~. 2o transmit a eopy of these resolutions to his family.~