HomeMy WebLinkAbout1934-11-2724, 461 ~ N,. W. Push 46~ - T. ~. Sellers 4~4 ~ L. X. S~dr~dge V~ ~re~e 475 ~ Mrs. ~ L. 476 ~ ..F~- Wool~ 477 ~ W. W. ~od 478 ~ ~. ~* H. ~in ~ - Unton~ ~11~ 481 - N~ D~I ~ore 482 ~ J. D. V~ ~ ~ ~. E. SV~use 48? - F~ A. Wes2 488 ~ _~ G~ve ~9 P~.~ Ave. 491 B., $.-, Woolfork Ci~ of 495 , N~i~al ..B~ & .~ Co. 4~6 ~teh Nel~n 497 - ~. g. H. ~r~ 4~8 ~ B. A, Coles 4~9 ~. J.. G. R. ~i~ ~2 . ~ra B, Beek 505 - ~ P~11 506 . L~ ~dell 510 ~ ~. ~s~ ~h Nels~ 513 J. ~l~d ~s, - 1.50 4S..80 4-~ S?.80 Y0.26 47.~7~ 4.~ $.10 20~ 55.~ 2.80 ~.00 7.85 20~75 I$.Z0 6.0.~ $O.~ ~0~ 7~ffi A:~u!7: tallest' mee%iag of ~he B~ard 'of'Comfy Super~sors of ~b~rle Co~, 'V~ginia, ~s ~l.d a~ the Co~ ~use of said O~y'~ ~e 27th ~y of Nov~ber, 19S4. Present:' Messrs. J. M. l~ay, ~E. J.' Ballard, C. Purcell McOue, P. H..Gentry ~nd ~2es of 2he meeting of ~er 17, 1~4, were read and apP~ved. ~e felling ~solu~i~, off, ed ~ Mr. 'U. H. ~g~e, seconded ~ Mr. ~s ~~sly adop~e~= ~~, ~e ~ of O~n~ Super~sors of '~b~rle_ count, in special sessi~., ass~bled t~S 27~ ~Y of 'Nov~ber, 1934, desires ~e of~eially pay tribu~ ~d res~ ~ the liF~-~ ~d:~ACsOmpliS~en~s of Je~ A; O'Neill, ~o served ~is Co~ as a m~b~ of this board ~ J~u~ 1, 1928, day of his death. NO~, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOEVENx~ (1) That in ~he death of~ Jo)m A;"'O~-Neill, the COunty of Albemarle has sustained the loss of _a-heisted and honored ~itizen as ~11 as a faithful and efficient Public Servant.. (2) That we exbend our sympathy to his family. body. That a copy of these.resolutions be spread upon the minutes of this (4) Ttmt the county Executive, :H;'A. Haden, be direo%ed~ %0 %ransmi2 a oopy of these resolutions to his family. Hr. H. A. t~den, Director of Finance, su~ni~ed statement of expenses of the Depa~%- memt of Finance for the month of October, 1954, one-third of which is to be ~orne by State~ which statemen~ was. ex,mined, .verified and approved. [Mr. P. H. Gentry repor*~ed that he .had .attended~. the . meeting of~.~e_Associa~ion of Vir- ginia[County Supervisors ~long with Mr. E. J. Ballard.,..the Commonwealth~.s At~cerney and the Coun~ .Executive, in_ Lynehbur§ on No-ember 1, !9~t, and %h~;~.heAssociatio. n.~. h~S apparently.,. been ~uccessfully formed, and if' a large portion of. Me. counti~s~wauld..hecome members, motion P. H,_ econ ed,- it. s oreo.red the Fidel~tw amd Deposit Comp,my of Maryland. on Dora Beck, Superint. enden~.~of Public ~Wetfare, Be ca'celled. [The following claims were presented, eXam~med, and allowed, ~d ordered to be to th~ Dirge%or of Finance for payment: No. 902 ~5 907 910 911 912 914 917 918 920 Payee ~George T. HufF, Treas, .W.T. Sergean~ ~Honry M. Bush ~L. E. Clark ~J. R. Dowell ~W. O. Durret% ,J. G..~lison ~. N. Ga~er ~.; R. ~rdon .~ J. T.~up~ ~n .~i%h O'Neill ~h A. S. H. M~re B~en M. C, H. Ash~ ~is ~r~ M~ ~. Y. ~er~nd Geo. ~. ~las Na~i~l B~k & ~s% C~p~y H. A. Had.n, Direc~r of ~n~ce 921 ~, H. Mar~in 922 ~T. H. Woody ~, E. ~h 925 ~. L. Car~er 926 ~. W. Leak. 927 ~, J. Miehie 928 ~. A. T~I~ 929 ~. H. FoSter W.A. ~dford 932 ~ M. Birc~ad ~. E. Walton 936 ~G. A. ~ibson 957 ~eo. ~. Sheplebt 958 ~J. ~, ~vis b.S. Huff~ 941 9'. M. ~acker 942 ~rs, W. C. ~acker ~. Roy H~ ~s. C. S. H~ 945 ~. A. ~er ~. ~. Simo~ E.S. ~apier 949 E. ~. Oliver App.ropo: to AIBo Com. House. for Oct.'. $ 10..00 Lunacy--Karl B. Phillips 9.00 -Civil' 'Juror 8.10 Civil Juror 16.80 Civil' Juror 11.20 Civil ~uror Civil Juror Civil Juror 16-80 CiviI Juror 14e00 Civil Juror 15.20 Civil Juror Civil Juror ~' 15.20 Civil. Juror 4..00 Civil JUror Grand Juror 4.30 Grand Juror 2.60' Grsnd Juror Grand Juror 4. SO Grand Juror S.80 Grand Juror Coupons maturing on County Bonds, '12/1/34 ,1486.25 Re-imbursemen~ for ~he following expendi- ~Ares from the Revolving ~And from-~t0/15,/34~ to n/l?/S4; inc., Ex~r~ Help, Dept. of Fin_ance Pos%age for', Dept. of Finance Office Supplies for B. F. Cleaning Supplies for Jail Food Supplies for Jail Allowance for Cook at Jail $ 89.50' 215.51, .60 5,~ 142.94 10,00 Telegraph Service for Welfare Dept. .4~ Time, H~uling (ERA) 2.60 Building and Hea~ng Repairs a~ C. H., Ct, 0. and Jail 14.~0 Furni~re for C.H. ~.60' .Disinfec~t and Broom for Jail C(,maission oA Co~pons Pai~: Rivanna Vistriet.......$.!Z Sco%bsville District,...12 l~hite Hall Di strict.....!S Electi~ Services Election ,Services Elect-ion Services Election Services Election Se rviees~ and Rent Vo~in§ PlaCe Election Services Election Services Election Services Election Services Et. c~ion Services Election Services Remt--V~cing Place Election Services Election Services E1 ectic~ Services El, c~ion Services Election Service~~ Election Services Ren~-~Votin g Place Election Services Election Services and Rent Vot~ Election Services Election, Services · Eleetion Services E1 ec~ion Services Elec~icm Eervic es Election Services Election Sera_cos and Rent Vo~ing ~Place Ele~ion Election 525.22 10.80 S-O0 S.O0 7.00 11.20 $-O0 S.O0 1.00 7.00 12.50 ~.00 leO0 7'00 12.00 $.00 ?.00 11.20 4.00 ?,00 25 951 Thcs. L. Rosser, Jr. 982 W.E. Fo~ler, Jr. A. E, McM~rdo 95~ 955 W. ~. NcO~b 956 C.F. B~la~ 957 Jo~ S. Bat~ S~ E. Dawson 959 Sa~ ~e~ 961 ~. H. ~o~rs 962 96~ ~. E. ~ood 964 965 ~e 966 Ira 967 O, J. ~ood 968 969 H. J~ ~offi~ H.C. Miller 971 972 Julian Cat, erich B.B.Burruss 974 J.B. Thompson 975 J.B. J~ ~76~ Jo~ ~. Bla~ Peter 978 ~rri ~ ~ite,. 'Jre 980 E~g Solo~' s 981 T- U. Ja~ 982 98~ 984 985 A, F. ~obe~sen 986 987 ~ve r~[de ~b~ 988 J.N. B~ck~br~ 989 ~ G. Bailey A~[, S~e~ns 992 ~. W. ~dri~e R. O. ~II 99T J.S. 998 W. ~* Pa~ 999 B- 10CO T.H. De.er 1002 H.L. ~ebb 10~ P.L. H.W. ~09 O. Nel son Beck t010 H. Ashy ~r~s 1011 1012 1015 $~ M~ Ha~s 101~ Me~is~ 101T J.R. I018~ Jno. ~. C~pbel! 101~ Olive F. 1020. C~ rlie C. 1021~ ~lo~te~lle 1022~ C.V. 10~ ~. A. C~en~r 10~ G.W. ~h 102 ~ ~ .,J. ~. ~ite 102~ P.K. ~ssey 1028~ ~. Y. Su~herl~d 1029~ J~es D. ~l~ey J. $. ~o~is H.G.~addell S.A. Calho~ ~. E. ~argell Elec%io~ Services Ele o~ion Services Election Services Election Services Election Services Electi~ Services Elee~ien ~ Se~vices E1 et%ion Services , Electic~ Services Rent of Voting Place Elec~i on Services Election Services Election Services E1 ee%ion Services Election Services Election Services Rent.of Voting Place Election Services Election Services Election Services Election, Services Ele cti ~ Services Rent of Voting Place Election Services EIe c~ic~ Services Ele c~ion Services Electie~ Services · lec~ion Services · Election Services ,Rent cf Voting Place -Elec~iCn 'Services Election ~Services -Election services · Electien Services · Ele c~ien Services Eleeti en 'Services ,Rent of Voting Place Elect-ion Services Electica Services -E~eetion Services E~ection'Services and Rent Voting Place -E16ctiOn ~ Services · Ele eti on S ervi c e s Etecti cn ~' Services Election -Services Election 'Services Electi$m Services Elec~i em Services Election .Services Rear of~ Voting Place Electien .Services Electiea Services Ele cti~ Services Election Services Election Services Electiem' Eer~iYices Rent -of' Voting Place Election ~ervices Elec~lon~ Services Election Services Ele ct'Ic~ Services Elec~cn Services El'action Services Rent of Vo%i~g Place Electica Services Election Services Election, Services Election Services Election Services Ele ctica Services Rent ef 'Voting Place Election Services Election ~ervices Election Services and Rent Voting Place' Election Services Electicm Services Election Services Election Services Elec~ien Services Election Services EleCtion Services El,ecticn Services Ele c~ion Services Election Services Elec~i~ Services and Rent Voting. Place ~ ElectiOn Services Election Services Election Services Election Services Rent of Voting Place Electicm Services EleC~ic~ Services Election Services Election Services Elec%i~m Services Eleeti~a Services ~oun~ ~.00 $.00 '10.80 3.00 3.00 1.00 12.80" 14,~0 ~.00 ~,00 S,O0 ~eO0 10.80 ~eO0 ~.00 1.~ ~1.~ t1,70 8.~ 8.50 1.~ 7eO0 10.~ '3.00 6.40 8.30 7.60 ~.00 9.80 Se00 ~eO0 1.~ 7.00 l~eeO · ~eO0 se~ Ng* P~7~e · 10~7 C, D. Lewis 1045- 'Fannie B. Batis 1049 Jno. Mayo 10~ -G. T. Goodwin 1051 10~2 -J. F. ~ul~ 105~ ~R, B. ~i~e 1055 ~ of ~co~sville 1056 '1057 ~, J, Mill~ 1058 Austin ~. ~int 1059 ~P~ C~ M~o~ 1060 ~0. L, ~i~h 1~1 S. T, ~ite 1062 ~M~ J.Te~el! 106~ ~. D. ~upi= 1~5 D, ~ S~dge 1066 ~W, W. ~scetl 1067 ~M~e ~. D~scell 1068~ ~e ~1 c~i~ Club 1071 ~J. F. Leathers 1072. E, H. V~._rner 10725 ~J. E. Gibson, Jr. 1074 ~F. E. Ale~uder 1075 JWilliam McCcmb 1076 ~H. A. Haden 1077 'N~rgaret T. Woodward 1078 ~Jo 1079 1080 ~. ~. ~up~ ~81 ~ ~. Maup~ 1082 ~O. E. Mor~ I08~ ~. O. ~fe 1084 'J. Mason ~mi%h 1085 1086 1087 1088 1089, 1090 1091 1092 10925 1094 1095 1096 1097 1098 1099 1!00 11~1 1102 11025 110~ 1105 1106 1107 1108 1109 1110 ~W. ABbo%~ Smi2h ~Ho Jo Haney ~E. M. Pow,11 ~C. S. Hmffman ~Bessie J~es ~Jo~.. Wesl~ ~Mel~n Jones ~s. Bessie ~nn Miller ~ B~russ ~C. G. ~reer ~W. B. Ool~hurst ~. ~ B~!ey ~Jo~ H~lth De~r~ ~ncis T, 3ou~ll ~eor~e T~ Huff, T~as. ~derson ~O. ~. Apple ~ JacMson Beal ~B~u~s A~ding ~chine ~ ~rlot~es~lle 'C~rlottesVi!le H~d~re Co, ~Char!o~ es~lle Supply ~Ci~ of ~arle~es~lle 1111 1112 11125 ~Conway Printing Ca~pa~y 'We So Cook ~. S. Cook, D. So 1114 0rozeb Print Shop 1115 ~. T. Ds~ueron 1116 ~District Board 1117 1118 1119 1120 1121 1122 11225 1!24 1125 1126 1127 1128 1129 11250 11251 1132 Rent of Voting Place Election Se trices E1 ec%ion Services Ele ct~ion Services Election Services E~ection Services Election Services Election Services Ren~ of Voting Place Elect~ on Sex~¢ices Election Services EleCtion Services Election Services Election Services Voting Place Rent Election Services Election Services Election Services ~lee~i~n S~vices Election. Services Election Services Rent of Vo~ing Place Election Services Election Services Election Services EleCtion Services Electfion .S~rviees Election Services Re. imbnrs.emen%, for Expendit, a~es · iu~.ccnnecticn.__wi~h Voting.' Place at_Crozet,._.~a,.,....No~. 6, 1954, and Labor_ a~d.. Wood _~arnished in eor~- nec~i~ .wi~h ~ s,~ee ~alary for November Salary for Nov~ber Salad5 for November Salary for November Sa!ar5 for November Salary for November SaS~ry ~or November Salem~r for November Salar~ for November Salary. £or Nov~ber S~la~y. for November Salary for November Salary' for November Salary for November SaI~j for November Salary for November Salary for November Sale-~5 for November ~alary for November Salary for Nov~ber S~lary-for November Salary for November Salary for November Salary for November Appropriation for November Salary for November A~propriation for Alb. Com, House, Nov.': Off~oe Supplies for D, F. ~ Rent Storage Room for Oct., 19~t. Euna~ oommiSsion--Joh= Wesley Ela~ Servicing Adding M~ehine Food Supplies for Jmil Olea~ing Supplies for C, H. Grate for Ta~ Heater fo~ Jail ~s and ~ater A~coum~s for C. C. 0., and Jail and Coal for Printing Ballots Mileage for the month of October Eun~cy--Nrs. Susa= Jane May and Luther Office Supplies and Printing for, D. F., Trial Justice, Welfare Dept., a~d Clerk~-s Office Eun~cy--Jo~ Wesley Ele~ 0pe~a%ing Expenses for Home for Eun~cy--Eliza J. Howard.....,. 16-88 Services Electoral Board Mom Examined for E. R. A. Ice Tickets for C, H. ExaminLug Mem--E. R, A. ~ 1.00 15,50 ?.~ SeC0 3cO0 .25.00 25.00 10,00 ~e~ 25.00 5.00 10o80 ~,00 3,00 25,00 _~,00 1.00 25°00 .~eO0 ?,00 2550e00 _100 .100,00 100,00 225e00 2~eO0 60.00 50e00 ?5,00. 28.00 26.67 86,41 24°2 5 150,00 50,00 · ISOOO0 .7..-50 ~ 2,00 .. 6.99 .1,05 61,49 !8.00 18.45 5.30 ~7,75 · 570°84 45,825 ,25-75 8~50 Supplies for Clerk's Office (2 Deed Bks,) ~2.11 ~ffice Equipment 'for C. He 2,25 Food Supplies for Jail 29:,27 Policy covering Safe Burglary, Pr,m. Mileage for October, 1934 30,90 Eur~cy Commission--John Wesley Ela~a Services Electoral 'Beard ~9.90 Mileage .£or October, 1934 2~.80 Office Supplies and. Equip. for C.O,&uD. Fe 13.55 Ribbon Coupons for Clerk's Offlee Food SupPlies for Jail Hospi~al~ Treatment--Mrs. Robt. Blaok~,ell 15,00 [~naev,-Susan Jane May 5:~25 ~Dr. ~. A. Kyger -1F. Y~. Maupin, Clerk 1136 11~7 1138 1159 1140 ~The ~ Michie Co, ~Montieello :-/2mag Store, Inc. ~M~ti~ello Hotel ~C. N. Moon ~Dr. W. H. Paine 1!4~1 1142 114~ 1144 ~E. ~. P~ell ~Reminglon Rand, Inc. ~D~.F.T.'Re~ek -Dr. L. ~. Rob°tls 1145 1146 1147 ~Sensib~gh-Ritchie 'Elect. Co. ~J. A. Shirley ~Dr. A. A. Sizer 1148 1149 1150 1152 llSB ~W. Abbo%% Smith .S.E. Pub. Serv. Corp. of Va. ~$outher~~ Rail~y C~ps~y -L. R. Stinson -Va. PUblic 'Service Co. *J, W. Wolfe 11~ ~J. W. Saber 1155 -Nat Parro~-~ 1156 Lemmel Smith, ~' Judge 1157 N;. L. Via 1158 M/ss Ethel Walker 1159 Dr.S.H. Wat~'s 1!60= ~T. L. While 1161 ~Mrs. Bessie Parr 1162 ~Mr~. 0. B. Dickerson 1165 -~met~ Carter 1164 ~Mrs. Phillip Rhodes 1165 ~yatt 0hambers 1166 ' ~illie H~derson 1167 ~Mrs. J. H. H~m~ 1168 ~, Walter' s 116~ .Dr. T. E. Bruce 1170 ~Dr. B. H' E~rly 1171 ~Fitzhugh Bros. ~. 1172 ~0has. T. Page 117~ ~Hast.ings Henderson 1174 -E. K. Sand~idge 1175 ~Albemarle .Farmers 1176 ,N~y~Al~ander 1177 ~ Beal-Mill er Co. 1178 ?H. B. Bedd~s 1179 ~A. J. Bell 1180 ~. W. B~aoe 118I ~Bu~I~'s S~re 1182 .~ .Cb. ah Meat Marke~ 118~: ~W. F. Cloments 1184 ~E. E. C~bbs 1185 ~Charle s Coleman 1186 ~The Coun%~y Store 1187 ~J' H.¢raig:- 1188 -Dsmrea & Mundy 1!89 ~ ' -~. A. Ds~son 1190 ~C.-S~ Des~e 1191 . ~R. ~. Es~es 1192 ,B. R. Durrett llgS~. ~H. 0. Fe~neyhough- 1194 -J. C. Fields 1195 J.M. Fray 1196 .J.W. & H. ~Bibbs 1197 ~. M, Harring~on 1!98 ~0~ S. Huffman 1199 ~o H. Xen.nedy 1200' -~ea Bros. & Purvis 1201 Maupin ~rcso 1202 Jo I. Maupin - 120S .J.E. ~aylor 1204 .B.A. Pat~cerson ~206 £2O? 1208 1209 1210 1211 1212 1213 [214 .215 1216 1217 1218 1219 1220 1221 1222 m1229 Chas. T. P~ge Piggly Wiggly ~P~ff_i%t Exchange .. H. mS .Mrs. J. R. Robe~s ~E. F. 8~pson ~C. W. S~d~dge ~. E~Sellers ~ith B~s., C~pbells ~ith Bros., ~A.J. ~o~' s S~re ~ell' s Store ~J.' ~E. Spouse ~Mat ~da To,eli ~Th~Som Bros. ~O. A. U~z ~rs. Grace Ves~ ~ayland' s Ex°mining/ ~en,~ for Wel fare'.:l~ork(ERA) RecJrding Re1~ase Deed fr~m R.L. · Wool _and. ~eed of_ Tra~.._.Bernard WoOd Binding-~o Tax Books_,.fo~ D. ~ Re~% R~ employment. -Office. (O~tober) Meals for Sheriff Sheep killed by Dogs Med. Serv. re~dered.by orde~ of Com. A%t~ .. in case.of Irvine,.R..Shaw Mileage for Oc%ober, 19.3~ Ramens.- Ty~ev=iier .for Welfare .Dept. ~ e~d~ Rihb~ .an~._S ervie&. £c=~. Clerk' s~ Off. L~oy Oo~ ssions--- 1 Desk E~p for D. F. Sheep.killed by ~gs in casa ~f Essie ~b~ ~leage for Oe*~ber, .11~ T~ ~hbne Ser~ee for Sept.,Oa~& Nov. Rend-Use of RiEht o~ E~y--Jo~. Wesley ~ EleCtriC._ Serv..~ O..H.,. C..O..- &.,Jail ~ Co~issiens: 'N~S ~ ~.~s~.. J~ ..May_ an ~r~ys"~lled .~ dog Sheep .killed by ~g Sheep ~11~ by Dogs -Chi°kens killed by ~g:a Turk.s ~lled by Sheep~killed ~ Dogs Sheep killed by Dog Wel~sre _Acct. 0c2. ~el~=e Ac~., ~. Welfare Aee~., ~. Welfare~ Acc~., Welfare Aco~., Oc~. We!~r e Acc~. Wel~re Acc~. Wel~eAee~,, ,0~ · Welfare Acc~., Welffare Aeon., welfare Aee~ Welfare Acct., Welfare Aeon., ~e Welfare ~Acc%~, Oc%e ~elfare Acct., Welfa~ Aec~,, Welfa~ Aoc~, ~elfare Aeon., OC~e ~el~re Ao~, ~elf~e :Aoe~ Welfare Welfare Ae~., Oc~. ~elfare Acct., Oct. Welfare Welfare ACe%., ~elfa re Acct. Welfare' Aec%., Welfare Ace, s, wel ~re Aco~., ~el fare Aec~., .~elf~e Acct,, ~el fare Acc~, ~elfare Acct,, Welfare .Acct., Oct. ~elfare Ao~., Welf~e Acct., ~fare' Acct., ~eI~re Aec%., Oc~. Welfare Aoo~., Oe~ Welfare Aoc~., WeI'~ Acct~, ~elfare Acc%., 0c%~ ~elfare Acct., 0~. Welfare Aoc~., ~lfare Ae~., Oc%~ ~elfare Aco~., We lf~e Aec%., ~eIfare Acc~., Oc~. Welfare Acct., Oc~. ~eIfare Ace%., Welfare Acct., ~elfare Aeons, W~ fare Aoe%~, ~elfare Aoo~., ~elfare Acct., OctJ Welfare Aoc%~, Oe%. Amount $1s 0o '~.OO 6,00 10.00 17.$5 52o~5 ~5.00 11.00 2°00 51.00 ~9°80 41.95 5.00 - 5.40 '4.00 5.50 4,,67 5..00 I0,,00 4. 50 12° 50 10o00 '1.~0 '4°00 29..00 4.00 12.00 5,50 2e00 20.50 ~4.00 4.00 ~.00 12eO0 19.00 5.00. 8°00: 6.61 22e50 14cO0 4.00 11o00 14e00 ~'3.00 8°00 '22e00 12o00 26°00 12o 89 1.90 'BOO0 10.00 !2oOO 4_.00 1224 122'5 1226 1227 1228 1229 1250 1251 1252 16 17 5!4 515 516 517 518 ~J.-M. V~hite Co., Inc. ? S. T. ~White -Whitten' s ~Mrs. R. E. Wi~e~a~r - Ll~d Wood ~W. R. ~ke ~ ~A. B. '~th~ght, Treas. of Va. ~A. B. ~2~ight, Treas. of ~er2en~y Relief P~roll 519 ~-ghas. B, Harris 520 ~Mrs. R. ~. Creasy 521 - B. ~mond 522 -J. 6. Th~S 523 ~ Va. M. ~ith 824 ~W. M~ Befell 525 ~ ~uise A. Willi~s 526 ~ ~is Sou%hal! 52? ~ C~celled 528 ~b. ~. Famers 529 'A~n Meat ~. 'A. J, Bell 531 ~ B~ce' ~ ~g Store ~ A, H. ~lick ~ The-~%ler S%ore ' Cash Meat Market ~ L. E. Chics 5~8 ~e Co,er Groce~ ~39 ~ ~e Cou~ S~re 5~ ~ A. W. Cox Dept. S%ore 541 J.H. Craig ~2 ~ Wm. A. ~wson 5~ ~ C~z~ Pha~ ~ ~ C. R. Dottier & Co. 545 ~ C. S. Dele 5~ T.E. ~sper 547' 'Dr. E, D. Da~s, Jr& 548 ' Dr. B. H. Early 549 ~Dr. L. G. Robe, s ~ ~ A. T. ~rrer 551 S.R. Durre%t 552 H.C. Ferney~,~U~ 553 Fi% zhug~ Bros. 5~4 J, M. Fray 555 H.M. Gleason & Co,, 556 E* L.. Grast-y 557 Gibbs S~ore 5.58 T.P. Y~den 559 R.B. ~1! ~60 C. 3~ 561 H. ~. Jack~n 562 Jain's, ~6~ Jefferson 564 ~. B~ Jo~sen ~5 8. A. ~be~ 566 Lea B~os, 867 ~ch. ~ve. ~o. 568 ~s. ~. H. M~in 569 ~up~ Bros. 570 J~:I. ~up~ 571 E~ J. T. ~pin ~72 Merit ~e ~ Mitchell Mdse. 574 P~ples 3~ore ~7~ Chas. T · ~ge 576 ~o~ce Nighti~ale 577 J. ~. Naylor 578 E~rds ~g~!y Wiggly 579 C.D. P~ell ~80 ~ B. P~elI 581 ~of ~ ~ch~ge 582 ~au~e C. 58S- Ee L. Roberts 5~ T.E. Sellers 58~ M. 8cleon 586 ~. X. 3~dridge 587 C.W. $~dridge 588 ~ Bros, 589 E.M. ~ ~ A.J. ~i~ 591 J.E. ~se 592 T~ ~Iess Co. 595 C.C. S~eed 594 ~ysou~h S~ere 595 J, ~ V~ 596 Va. Alb. 597 ~a. ~b. Welfare Acct., June, July, & Oct.. 'S4 Welfare Acct., October Welfare Acct., 0c~ober Welfare Acc~., Oct. 'Welfare Acct., Oct. Welfare Acct., Oct. Welfare Acct., Oct. Welfare Acer., Oct. Electi°n Services State Collec~cions for the month of Oe~. 19S2 Taxes. on Intang. Per. Prop. collected for State during _Oc~._, 1934 Posta2e Over,raft Amt. of Cks. on 11/1/3~ Ace2.' Gaines Kirby Ren~ ~/~--W. E. Boston ~ W.' R.~ Payroll W. RJ Payroll Travei, Oct. Mileage for 0c~ober Mileage for 0e~ober Mileage for October Mileage for 0c~ber For Sept. & 0e~. For -58,10~19-AC Accts. Oct'. Oct. Acct. Sept. & Oct. Bills Sept. & Oct. Acc~ Sept. & 0~. Acc~ J~e ~d Aug. Acc~ 0~. Acc~ Aug. & 0~.Accts. ~ep~. Acc~ 0~. Ac~ Oct. Acc~ Sept~ Acct. Sept, & Oct. Acc~. ~ept~ '& Oct. Acct. Hutchinson, N~s~ll & FiSher 0c~. Acc~. 0~. Acete c~ Acc~ ~t. Acct. Se~. & 0c~ Acct~ Oct. Acc~. Oct. Acct~ Sept~ & 0~. Accte A~. Acct. Oct. Acc~. Sept. & Oct. Acc~ 0~. Acct~ Oct. Acct~- ~. Acct~ Oct. Accte Sept. & OCt. Acct~ 0c~. Acc ~,~ Oct. Acct. Aug. Se~. & Oct. Accts~ Acct. Oct~ Oct. Acct. Sept. & Oct. Acct. S~e~pt,&~ Oct. Acc%. Oc~o Acct. Sept. & Oct. Acct. Sept. Acc~ Oo~. Acct. Oct. A~. 0~.~ Acct. Oct. Acc~ Oct. Acc~. S~t. Acct. 0~. A~ Oc~. Acc~. Oct. Acc~. Oct. Oct~ Acct~ Oct. Acc~ Sept. Acc~e Sept. & Oct. Ace~ Oct~ Acc~ A~. Acct. 0~. ~cct~ Oct. AcCt. ~t. Acct. ~ Aco~. Amo~ 4.00 12.O0 9,90 10.00 ~00 6°50 ~00 956~89 2§.~0 7.70 18, ?0 5.00 3.00 17.50 8.10 4~80 38.80 26.70 27.20 71,42 2.~ 40.80 _ 10.~0 433, ?~ 48.00 1,50 9.50 4e00 12.26 10.80 2.25 7OEO0 28.50 I5~0 11~0 26,92 2.~ ~20,~ 52,85 21,20 ~,~0 10-95 14~0 ~0~ S7,80 18~ 1~9~76 1~20 52~0 5.20 2~,60 6~ 15,50 26.~ 2 ~7.45 8,~ 89~5 1!1,'~0 599 C.S. Wells 600 S.T.. White 60la ~W. W. Wood 502a F, A.Wes% 604a J.M. ~e & Co, 60~a John ~meb~ger 606a ~R. L. W~ebarger 607a 'Woolwo~h Co, 608a ~ohel Woods~ 609a ' Y~c~'s $2ore 60lb Mrs, R, 602b 'W, E, 60~ B. ~ond 6~b ' ~..~ed T, Re~iok 605b 'Mrs, O, P, Moore 60~ 3- E. ~b. Se~, 6~b 'Dr, J, W. R. ~i~h 609b '~,T. H, ~iel 610 Claude C, 611 ai!b~ F~sh 612 '~, J, W. R, ~i~ 613 W, E.~ BosUn 614 ~B, ~on~ 615 ~s, R,. L. Orea.~ 616 A, ~. Johnson 617 Ba.~le~ Bollix. 618 Lucy P~ell · 619 ' ~cy Waddell 6~' ' ~t~ie' 621 ' Mrs, Harold O'Neill 622 ' EouiSe ~, lilli~s 623 'W. M. BO~tl 624' ~ Va, ~i~ ~25 J. ~rla~ ~s 626 ~ Ba~le~ Boll~g 62~ 'W. E. Boston 628 ~ B. 629 ~. R. ~ 2rea~ 6~ ~ ~fie Farish 6~1 ~ B~let~ Bolling 6~2 Per~ Carroll 633 Chas. B. ~rris 634 ~s. A. R. 63~ ' Mrs. '~uiSe A. Willies 636 Mrs. W. M. Befell 6~? ~ss Va. Oote Aee~. Octe .Acct. Sept. ,&~ 0et. Acct. Sep~. &-Oc~. Acc~. Au~ st.. Acc~, Oct. Acct~ Aug. Sept, & 0~t. Nov. ~oll No{. Pa~ll Acc~.~ ~by ~rgess Acc~. ~one 1280, ~one~1099. A~c~. ~nes ~rby Acc~. Je~ ~che~t & E~re~ Vi~ Acc~. W., E. Boston Acc~..· G~ines 8~a~, for Norther S~a~ '. for No~ber S~a~ for Nove~er ~S~' for Nov~ber Salad, for Norther S~a~ fo~r Nov~ber Sata~ for Nov~ber Sala~ for Nev~ber AmoUnt $_ 4. 80 73e40 4e00 59.35 8.[0 1.25 7.2, ~ SI00 ie00 8~00 8.10 ~0~ .75e~ -4e20 4e00 S6.10 ~2e85 ~ A regular meetLng .of the Board ,f County Supervisors of Albemarle Oo~mty, Virginia, was held at ~e Geur~ House ef the said 0ounty en the 19th day of De,ember, 1954. Present: Messrs. J. M. Pray, E. J. Ballard, ¢. Purcell Mc0ue, 1% H. Gent-~y, and- ~. H, ~Langhornee ~ Minutes of the meeting of Nevmnbe~ 2?~h~ 1934, were read and approved. ~ Mr. 1~. M. Gese, representing ~he .State Department of Higtm~ys, repor~e~, om %he work done on ~he Secondary System of Roads fo~ ~t~.o years .e~ding .-July 1, 1934. - Messrs. R. L. Jackson and E.. 0...IleCue,-Jr,, requested that the Board recommend tO the Highwa~ Department %ha% Bridge a~ 0ooh~an's Mill Pond be re-l~eated and ~a~at the approa0hes ~o this bridge be widened and the road leading :therefrom straightened. The following resolution, offered ~by Mr.~ P. H, Gentry, seconded by Mr. E. J, Ballard, was umanimously adopt,ti: BE IT RESOLIFED by ~he Boa~d e£ County Supervisors of Alb~aarle ¢oun~ that the State Highway Comnissioner be and ts hereby requested to re-looate~ amd widen higtamy bridge on ROute~No. 651, lea~ing from the Ci~y Limits ~o Rio, and that the road north of this bridge be s~raightene~. ~ Mr. A. E. Bennei~, Superim~endent.-oF County Schools,, requested %he';Board ~o ~unite wi%Ii the School Board in an application ~o _the.Federal Public Works Adminiatration for the necessary funds to' oons%ruc~ new school building at Ear!ysville.