HomeMy WebLinkAbout1934-12-193O No__.. 599 C.S. Wells 600 ~S.. T. 60la * W, ~o ~ood. 602a ~ F, 60~ ~J. M. ~i~e & 60~ John ~eb~ger 606~ ~. L. Winebar2er 607~ ~Woolwo~h Co. 608a ~ohel Woods~ 609~ ~ Y~%s S~ore 60lb Mrs. R. L. C~a~ 602b ~. ~ Boston 60~ ~ B. ~ond 6~b ~ ~. ~ed T. Re~ck 60~ ~s. C. P. Moore .606b ~S~ E. ~b. Se~ 60~ ~ ~ke & ~, A~s~ ~h ~D~. J. W. R. Smith 609b ~.T.H. ~i~ 610 ~ Claude 611 ~ Gi!~e~ Farish 612 Dr. J~ W. R. ~i~ 61Z W.E. ~s~n 6I* ~ B. ~on~ ~1~ ~Mrs. R, L. Orea~ 616 A, G. Jo~om 617 Ba~le~ Bolli~ 618 ~ ~cy P~ell 618 ~ Lu~ Waddell 620~ ~ ~ttie 621 ~Mrs. Harold O'Neill 622 ~ Eouise A. Willies ~ Va. ~i~ ~ J. ~rl~ ~s BailoUt Bolling ~W. E. BesOm 628 B. ~. R. ~ Qrea~ ~ ~ie Fari~h Ba~lett ~t ling Per~ Carroll Ohas. B. ~is ~s. A. R. NcCa~ ~ Mrs. ~uiSe A. Willies ~s. W. M. Befell ~ss Va. 6~8~ ~ Fr~ces T, Ob~ec~ Oe~. Acct. Oc~.. ~Acc~. Sep~o &· Oc~c. Accte 0c%. Oct. Ace~. J~e, ~y, Aug.-, 3~.,~ &.O~Acc~s. Oc~.. Ace~. _ . Au~st. Acc~. 0et. Ac c~. ~ov. Nov. Nov~ Pa~ll Aec~. Lila Acc~. ~by ~rgess Aco~. ~one 1280, Acct.~' ~[=e.s Kirby Ac~. ~' 01iie 'Acct. Jo~. ~i~ehe~ & E~e~ett Via Aec~. W. E. Boston Aco~. · G~ines ~y Bal, Acc~. ~yrell P~yro.~t 1~'22/S4 ~al~ for Nov~ber ~1~ for 'S~ for Nov~ber '~ for Nov~ber S~I~, for Nev~ber Sa~ fo.r Nove~er Sala~ for ~ov~er S~a~ for Nov~ber ' xf/ze/ w. c. .Nov~er T~el ~g No~ber T~vel~g Aec~ ~~e.r T~limg Acc~. ~ov~ber Traveling $. 4.80 17o40 4.00 ~9o~ _ 5,10 59.25 8.10 1.25 ~50' 8.~ 2.00 8~[0 60.00 ~0.~ 60~ -75e~ 75e~ i19.1~ 4.20 2.40 5.~ '16.~ -~6.1~ ~8.15 32~85 19e00 ~ A regular meeting .of ~he Beard ~f Country Supervisors of Albemarle 0curt%y,. Virginia, was held at ~/~e Court House of ~he said Oount~j on'. the 19th day of .December, 195~ - Present: MessrS. J. M. Pray~ E. J. Ballard, C, Purcell McOup, ]~. H. ~Langhornee ~ Minutes of the meeting of Novembe~ 2?th~ 1554, were read and ~ Hr. 'IT. M. Gose, represen%im§ ~he_State Department of Highways, reposed om the WOrk done ~n the Eeeonaary ~ystem .cf_Roads fo~ %we ~e~rs ending July 1, - Messrs. R. E. Jackson and E. 0._MeOue, Jr.~ requested %ha% the Beard reoemmen~ ~o the Highway Departmen~ %ha% Bridge a~ Coeb~aa's Mill Pond be re-ICed%ed and %ha% %he approaches ~o %his bridge be widened and the roa~ le~ding ~%herefrom s~raightened. The following resolution, offered ~by Mr.~ ~. H. Gen%r~y, seconded by Hr. E. J. Ballard, was u~animously adopters: BE IT RESOLI~ED by the Beard ef Coumt~y Supervisors of Albemarle County ~ha~ ~he $~ate Highwa~ Commissioner be and is hereby requested ~o re-locate ~ and widen high,ay bridge en Reute~No, ~$1, lea~img from %he Oi~y Limits o Rio, and that %he road nor*.3a ef t~is bridge be s~raigh~ened. ~ Hr. A. E. Benne%4~, 8uperim~enden~ of 0eun~f Schools,.. requested %he'~Board with ~he Eehool Beard in an application %~-~the~Federal Public WOrks A~minis_~ra~ion for ~he necessary funds to eons~rue~ new school building:a% Early.~ville. Upon motion by Mr. U. E. LangB~rne, seconded by Mr. C. Purcel! Mo0uo, it was ordered that application be made ~o the Federal Public Works Administration for $50,000e~, 'of~ which $15,000.00 is ~ be a gr~nt a~d the remainder a loa~s for the purpose of constructing a new l schooi building at Earlysville. - Mr. E. J. Ballard w~s appointed to represent the Board of County ~upervisors on the Rural .Rehabilitation ~ ~r. Arthur West requested ~hat the Board re-imburse him for $12e0~ paid for ~be.-use of bloodhounds. ~ Upon motion by Mr, E. J. Ballard, scconde~ by Mr._ C. Put, ell MoCUe, it was ordered that $12.00 be paid to Mr. Arthur l~est to re-imburse him for amount, paid.._~or~ m~e ~f blood- hounds ~o locate person guiltw of stealing chickens fr~m his proper~y. The County Executive recommended the appointment of Dr. ¢. H. Eliot as Health Officer for the County effective April 1, I~35. Upon motion_ by Mr. ¢. Purcell McOue, duly seconded, Dr. El!er w~s unanim~.s!y~ elected Health Officer for the County of Albemarle effective April 1, 15~. - The ¢~t-y Executive recommended the appointment of Iirs. MarJo~ie E. Johnson.as ~loyee .in the Department of Finance effective January 1, I~S§~ at a~salary cf $6~.00 per Upon motion by Mr. C. Purcell McOue, duly seconded, Mrs.:Jo~msenwas unanfmo~sly~ ~lected an. employee in the Department of Finance effective January 1, 1936. ~ Mr. H. A. Naden, ,Direc~r.of Fiuanc.e, ~it~ed s~at~ent of expenses of of Finance for the momth of Nov~aber, 1534, eno-third of which is to be berne by~ th~ State, which~ ~tateme~t was examined, v~ri~ied and approved. The' rollS-fag claims were- presented, examined, and allowed, ' and ordered to b~ terrific. ~rector of Finance for i~ymen~: 125 l~. $, Cook, D. S. 12iI Gilmore, Harem& Snyder~ Inc. 12~2 H. lt..Gleascn & Ce. 12g$ H~ A. Baden, Director df Fin 1244 ' B~uckel-Oitizens Insurance 1245 H.' J. Ban.y, V. S. 1246 1247 O. S. H~, D. S. Midway Electric Cc~pany Monticello Drug Store, Inc. 1~ Patterson & Hernde~' I~57 E. M. Pow.Il, D. S. Election Services $ ~.00 Eleotion Services D~e s 25.00 ~ffice. Supplies .for ~.~., D.F., & Sheriff Lunaey--E~hel Pearl Hash Food Supplies for Jail Gas Account at Jail $1.49 Co.'s Portion (~) of ~ost of Treating Area in Belmomb ~or Japanese. Beetle -. 486.6~ Mileag~ for. No.~ember,. I~A__. ~1.0~ 0ffiee Furniture for C.H. 1.25 Food ~upplies for Jail $9.T1 Re _,imbursemen%. for the,folloWing. Expendi~ tmr~es ,from the ,Revolving Fund from Ex~ra Help, Dept. of Finance $ 54~00 Office Supplies, Depb. of Finance 109e??. Food Supplies for Jail 102.61. Allowance for Cook at Jail Stove for Eleo$ion Side%rack Con s t~ac ti on 9,~- 0Ieaning Supplies for C.H. 26.9~ Repairs to C. H. Commission on Coupona Paid: Ivy Di strict $ . 56 Rivanna ~.s~.r:i?t' White ~ali':'~ I~i~iot 1.00 ~.12 of the D. F;, and Clerk for 19~,5 Mileage for November, 19~4 30.1~ Lunacies--Jackson Boa!, Jr., E~hel P. Hash Mi~age.,. 'for ~ovemb er:~ I ~34 Re-imbursement for Board Paid to Jailor at Iianassas, Va. ~.~) 1~.40 IAmany--Ethel Hash 2.~ Office Supplies for D. F. Binders for Dept. of.. Finance Cleaning Supplies for C.H. and Jail ?6.08 Food Supplies for Jail 16'17 Re-imbursement for S~amps purchased for C. 0. during year Repai rs to llaeh,ine Heater in C. O. Co. 's Portiere (~) Rent for Re-employ- ment Office for November, 1934 7,~0 Repairs to Heating Plant at C. H. & C.O. 15.~ ~eage for November, 1954 10.80 45.i~ I~.2'5 12~ 1260 I~1 1265 1264 1265 1266 1267 1268 · 1269 1270 1~72 1275 1274' 1276 I279 1280 1281 1282 1285 1284 1285 1286 1287 1288 1~91 129~ 1294 1295 1296 1297 1~98 1299 1~0~ t~1~ 1Z19 IS20 1~21 I~22 1325 1524 1~25 1529 1~52 1353 15~8 13~9 I~4I' 1342- 1~43 1~t4 1345 1346 1347 ,W, Ab~t~ S~ith, D. Se F~ane~s T; Seuthall S2ate Forester 'of Virgimta Dr, ~ R. S%insen Virginia Public Service Co. Ar~r Wes~ E~ae2% C~rter Wyatt Chambers~ Mrs, O. B. Dickerson Willie Henderson ~s. R. H. ~d~ Mrs. Bessie ~ ~s. Philip ~odes ~S~gs Henderson ~as. T. ~ge Mrs. C. H, Kir~ B~ H. Mou~ Fi~ z~ Bros. ~wk~s B~s~ I. Walters ~11 & I~i~, Alb~rle Fa~er s ~ ~e~der Be~-~ller ~. E. ~ Sed~s J, W. B~ce ~ler' s S~ ~ Cash Nea~ ~ke~ ~e~i~ ~c~nge ~rle s ~le~ ~e -Go~ 8~ore J. A. O~ig D~n & ~y ~ A. ~wsen O. R. '~rrier S. R. ~e~ E~ O, Fe~eyhough J. ~. & H. Gibbs *~ H. Ke~e~y ~a Bros. & J. I. ~up~ ~upin Br~se J. E. Naylor ~s, T. ~ge B. A. O, A, U~z E~s ~ly ~iggly N. H. Mrs. J'. R. Robe~s- H. F. E. K. ~d~dge ~, ~. Sellers ~ Bros. J. E.Sp~use ~ilda Terrell T~ s~ ~ayl~d' s C~ ssa~ J. M~ ~i~e S. T~ J. ~ ~lli~s R. E. ~i~arger. ~ C. H. ~ood ~oyd ~ood W. W. Weed A. K. ~ss NeVi. Miller MrS. F. D. ~ley Mrs. N~cy Tree Mileage for November, 19S4 Mileage for November, 1934 Forest FireS,~ November, 1934 ~unacieS''E~hel H~sh ~ JackSon Be~, Jr~ Electric 3er~ce at C. ~H.~, ~G..O. ~d J~l Re-~b~s~ for ~o~t ~id. ~ord for use of Bloodhe~a. ~ard for Nov~ber, I9~ B~d for No~mber, ~a~ for No~er, 1~ ~d for No~r, ~34. ~rd for Nov~b~, 1~4 ~d for Nov~r, ~1~34.~ Bo~d for NoV~b~ Ren~ ~for No~er, 1~34 Rent for No--bet, 1934 Welfa~ ~ AEC., NeV~ber, 1~ Wel~re Agc~., Ncv~ber, 1934 Nov~ Welfa~ Ace~. Nov~be r ~ll'a~ Nov~ber Welfare Ace~. 0e2ober ~d November Welf~e Norther Wel~re Aee~. N NO~ber .Welf~e No~ ~. Welfare No~mber W~fare No~maber ~elfare .Acct. November .Welfare Acct, November Welfare Acc~. NOVember Welfare ~c~. NoV~b er · Welfare Aec~. No~ber Welfare Acc~. NO~ber ~I~re Aoo~. N°v~ber Welfa~ Acc~. Nov~ber Welfare Aec~. Nov~er Welfare Aec~, N°v~ber Welf~e Aee~. NOvember Welfare AcCt. NOve~b er ~elfare ~ Aec%. November Welfare. Acct.,. N&~b er 'Welfare N~er Wel~ Acct. No~ber ~elf~e Acc~e November Welfare November Welfare November Welfare - ·-November ?~elfare November. 'Welfare November Welfare Novemb er NoVemb e r November November NOvember November November November No ~ember November No~e.r Nov~be r Nov~ber Notcher. N0v~ber Nov~ber Nov~er Nov~er No--bet N~b er NoV~ber Acct. Aoo~. Ace/;. Aec/;. Acer. Acct. Welfare Acct. Welfare Acct. Welfare Aec~. Welfare Atone Welfare Aecto ~e!fare Acc~. Welf~e Acc~- Welfare Welfare Ae~e Welfa~ Welfa~ ~el fare Aec~. ~elfar~ Aec~. ~el f~e Acc~ ~Welfare Acc~. ~elfare ~el fare Aec~. ~elfare Acc~. Welfare ~el fa~ Acc~ ~elfare Aec~. November. Welfare November Welfare No,ember ~Wel i~re Acct. T~rkeys ~killed by Dogs Hens killed by. Dog _ Sheep killed by Dogs Sheep killed By Dogs Sheep killed by Dogs Irate=est due on Count~ ef~--Alb~arle Bends as foll~s: January 1, 1935 -$10,125.00 Jar~ary Barnes Lumber Corporation Material for Peri%ion in~i~ie 'C'~'. Roo~ S. E. l~bl~e SeN. Corp. o~ Va. Telephone Service for Oct., No~. & Dee. H. A~ Haden Margaret T. J. F. G~r%h A. G. Bell Eva W, Maupim C. E. Nera~ W. B. Colthurst Salary. for December, 1934 Salary for. Decembe~r, 1934 Salary for December, 19S4 Salary~ for 1Dee~b~r, 1934 Salary for December, 19~ Salary fo~' December, 1934 ~alary 'f er December, 1934 Salary~ for December, 1934 Salary for December, 1934~ ~S.~9 S7.I5 12.00 ~.00' 4.00 2.00 2,00 lS. V2 Sl.~ 2.~ 11,~ 4.00 6.50 2,CC S, O0 16~50 I~00 ~,5~ 2~26 la. O0 2,48 6. 50 8.~ 60,~ 29.S4 S9.40 $50.00 100e00 225.~ 50,00 SSSeSS 15~0 J. Mason Smith 135!. I~o Abbott Smith 185~ H. J. ~ 13~$~ E.M. P~ell 1~ ~. S. Cook 1~ ~anees T. Sou~ll 1~58~ Jo~t Heal~ ~. ~ ~59~ BeSsie Jones 156Q Mrs. Bessie ~ ~ller 156~ ~th ~ss 1~6~ T. O. Seott 1868. C. G. G~er 1S6~ George T, Huff, T~as, 13~5 Je~ Wesley 13~6~ Mel~en Jones lSaT J.M. F~ 186~ O. ~reel! Me~e 186~ E. ~. Balla~ 1872 Je~ A. O'Neill Es~e A; B. Gathrigh%, Treas. of Va. Salexy for-. D~ember. I984 ~lary for December, 1984 Salary for December, I984 Salary for December, 1984..- Salary for December, 1984 Salary for December, 19~ .Salary for December, 1984 Salary for December,' 1934 Appropriation for Deoember,.19~ Salary for December, 19~ Salary .for December, 19'~ Salary for December, 1934 Salary for December, 1934 Salary for December, ~ 1934. Appropriation. for December.. (Re s~ ROom) Salary for December, 1934. Salar$~ for December, 1934 Attendance and Mileage Board .Meetings At-~endanee and Mileage Board.Meetings A%~endanee and M~leage Board_Meetings Atteidanoe aud._Mmleage Boar~lileetings Attendance and Mileage .Board_Meetings At'~endanoe. and Mtl~ge Attendance and Mi'. Attendance and. Mileage Go.. ~.e. Board Mee%i~s State Collections for l~e~vember., 1~84 1~ A. B. ~%hright., Treas. of Va. License.Fees Colleo~TiC~s..fcrNo~,.,' .l.98i 2~ ~A. B. Ga~hrigh%, Treas. of Va.. 1932 Taxes (Income and PenaltY) : 689.' Cash 64q Bartlett Bolling 64~ Can'oi1 Penney 645 Mrs. H- P. MoCary 645 I~. E. Bos~on 6ti B. ~ond 645 C. B. ~r~s, 6~ Mrs. R. L. 64~ Mrs. C- H. ~rby 6~ ~fie Farrish ~$ Alb~r!e F~rs 660 A~ & Na~ Store 655 Be~-Mill ~ 65t Susie 65y BuYer's ~ore Cash Mea~ C~raI Marke~, ~o. '~. W. Oox ~ept. S~re 665 ~ily Pro~ess 66~ ~n & M~ 66.6 ~vis 3~re 66y .W.A.D~som 66~ C, S. ~ane 66.9 G'~ R.Dor~er i Sy~ T. H, De,er 67~ A. T. ~r 6T~ Dr. B. H, ~ly 67~S Bob E~es S~re ~6~4 Gilber$ Farrish 6~8 H. C. ~rne~ ~6 Fi~zhu~ Bros. 67Y J.M. F~y & Co. 6~9 Gibbs S~ore 68.0 H. M. Gleason & 68~ ~ods R.B. 6~6 ~w~ Bros. & 68] Ce 8. Huf~ 6~8. H.W. Ja~son & Co. 619~ Jefferson Shop 6~S $. A. ~be~ 69~ ~pin Br~s. 6~9 ~mt~ell Mdse. 700 E. E. ~die 7~1 J. E. Naylor :7Q2 N~ Deal S~re TOS ~or~noe Ntgh~a~le leo%ed during ~he month of No~., i984 Postage Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll PaTrotl Payroll Order payroll 0r~ers O~ders Or,!ers $25o.oo 125.00 - 90,00 ~ 60.00 50.00 75.00 .150.00 ~500,00 40.00 - 53o,5S 26o6T - 86.41 24~25 lO jO0 .48.00 · 28,,00 210'80 $9°00 - 55~20 51°20 40,00 · 14.80 . 45-60 27.60 29,898..92 2SI~21 20.00 12.00 9.00 20'00 2,~80 7.20 8 ,~10 2.00 S.60 12.80 10,80 12..~ S90.~ ~'90 6;15 5~00 28,10 15,90 a~O0 8.~ 55.78 S. O0 ~.50 16.I~ 29'00 15.90 7.60 18;20 2~.48 ~o00 ?o 10 ~89~0 28~%0 ~-50 12-~ 57,80 6.00 33 707. C. De Powell 708. ~, Bo Powell ?0g, L, E. Sandridge ?I0~ T. E. Sellers 711 A. J. Smith ?iX Dr, J, W. Smith ?15~ Smith Bros. 71& C. C, Steed 715. J. B. Tindall 71~ Thrif~ Coal 717. C. A. U~z 718 Mrs. Graee Vest 718 J, D.Via Co. 729 Va. Alberene Corp. 721 Valentine & Hull 722 I. Wal~ers 72~ C. S. Wells T24 F. A. West 725 J.M. White & Ce. 726 3. To Whi~e ?2T R. L. ~nebarger 728 Lloyd Uood A. Ko t~yant~ Western ~niO~ Tel'. Co. ?32 Yanee~~ s S~ore Mrs. C. p. ~oore A, ~ B~e~ B~le~ ~ll~g Per~ Oarro~ '~eld ~i%h W. E. BosUn ~uise Ale~der ~s,, ~h Nels~ 74! Smuet H. ~wson 742 ~. B. ~s, ~s. R, L. Crea~ 745 ~e Famish ~s. H.. P, - 747 T. P. ~d~ J- 2. Sprouse 749 ~tl~'s S~re M. H. Cason 751 ~ L. Chiles 752 Ci~ of ~rlo2~esville A. W. Cox De~. S~re T. H~ ~sper C.R.~rrier Gibbs S~ore ~ts T. P, Haden 759 Ki~'s ~oe S~Ore S. A. ~Be~ 761 Mrs, W. H, 762 ~pSn Bros. L. C. ~Parish 768 J* J. Por~er T.~ E. ~Sellers 771 ~t~ Bros. 772 C. A. U~z Va. ~b. Corp. 7T4 ~al~t~e & H~I ~s. R~ E~ ~nebarger 7~T8 I. ~ters 780 J.M. ~i~e ~ron & ~s. C. H. Kir~ S~uel H. D~son Ohas. P. Mrs, ~ Nel~ 785 B= ~let% Mrs. H. P, ~ouise ~e~der Mrs. R. L. Crea~ 7~~ W. E. Bos2on 7~ Effie ~rri 7~ Per~ Carroll 7~6 ~ice Eovise Ca,er ?~ A. G. Jo~Son 79~ J. 7~ W. E. 8~1 ~old ~i~ 8~2 A. 6. Jo~s~ 8Q3 Mrs. R. L. ~rders # # # P~yroll # ~ders Payroll Mileage Payroll ObJeo%- 26.7o ~ 19.20 · 28.00 ~7.00 2.00 2o~ 5.50 36.60 1~.80 12.00 3.00 . 16.00 118.60 137.87 17.80 7°20 7.50 4;95 29.15 17,1~ 16;00 2'20 12,00 17,50 10.50 S. 50 5,40 2O'0O 26o~ $`00 4.50 1-00 5e22 -7.50 ;e00 12 5.80 3.60 10.50 3,00 1.20 4.50 22e85 1,59 27.00 1.00 7.20 16.~0 2.40 12..~0 4.00 3eO0 14e00 14.00 1OCS0 17.50 12.00 4.00 20.~0 l~e00 9.,90 2.00 SeO0 6.00 9cO0 3.90 4~,15 2.80 12.00 2,0O 2e?0 80~ A~ioe Le~se C~rter ~o~ 805 S~e~ ~ 806 C~s. B. ~rris 80? Mrs. ~th Nelson 808 L~ ~ell 809 Lucy Wadde!l " 810 ~ie Huoks%ep 8~ MrS. ~ld O,~eill " 812 Louise A. ~mlii~s " 8!~' ~ M. Befell " 814 Vi~i~ ~i%h- " 815 J. ~rl~d ~s " 816 ~este~ Union Tele. 817 S. E. ~b. Serv, Co~ 818 ~uise C. Wilii~s Nil~ge 819 Va, M. ~ith " 820 J. G, Thee " Sup~Slrs of-Al~emarle~°Untyl VirgiL, A regular meeting of the Board of. County... '. ~ ~ " ~ ': 'Was held. at ~he Court House of ~he said' count, on the 16%h day of Janmary, 1955e Present: Messrs..J..M. Fr~, .E...J. Ballard, C..Purcell McCue, PJ H. Gentry, W. ~H. Langhorn~, a~d Dre L. G. Rober~se ...... ~z'.'O~_ ~he_mee~ng._ e~ Daee~be~ 19, 195A, .were.read and approvede The Board was called %o order and on motion..dul~., se. eonde~..Mr.. ~..Purcell N~Cue Was unanimously elected Temporary Chairman. The T~aporary C~irman..~%o.ok the chair and called for nominations_ for Chairman of the Boar.de Nrc J. Ne Fray was .p~minated. by .Mr.. P. H..Gentry, seeondedby. Mr. E. J. Ballard, and unau'imously.ele.c~e~ .Chair~m.. of.._~he .Board. f~or She year 19'55. The Chairman %hen called ~or nmaina~i.ams .far..¥io.e. Chairman..Mr. P. H. G~try was nominated by Nfs 0. Pvreell McOue; and. seeonded..by Mr. E.. J.. Ballar~... Mr, Gentry was umanimous.ly .elco.ted Vice Chai~, for: the ~:.~ear 1955. 'The Chairman +~en announced the appo.in~ment of_l.~e following. %0 compose the Finance Committee for ~he year 1~55: Ness.rs. C._Pvrcel! .M~:Cue, .Chaired, P..E. Gantry, amd W, ~. ~ ~ho r~e · I~ appearing fha% on.Janu~r~ 1.,..19~.5., Eon.. L. F. Smith,.. Judge of %he ~ircvi~ Cour~ of Albemarle County,, by order, duly. entered, appoin2ed .t1~.. L,_..G..... Roherf~s..a member of %hi s Board from'the ~hi~e Nal! Dis~ric~.~f ~his..Co~n~y.~o fill_the unexpired term of office of John A. O'Neill,~ deceased. (aald term.~ending Deamaber. ~l,~l~Z~)~mnd..i~_~her appearing from Clerk's certificate,..dated .Januar~ 1,, 1~3~, Shat Dr, L, .G, Roberts has duly ~lified, according_to.law, thereupon Dr. L;. G. Roberts appeared, a~.tkis ~ng a~d was duly recog- r~iz,ed as the member cf..this.__Board,..from..%he .Nh~e .~1 .D~t~e~ ~- ~ated ~a% he~ ~d be~ ~ques%ed ~ ~, W~ren ~o apply to ~ve. an old Co~y disc~tinued, ~ich p~sses ~ou~ the p~pe~ies of ~aid Fr~ R, W~n ~d S. A. C~h-o~ in AlBemarle .Cou~y. IS seems that this road has not bean used. for many~ y~ar~s an~ in fac% only~ trace of iS remains. ~ I% appearing to ~he Board %ha~' on %he ls~ day of %he December, 195~4,~ Term of the ~ir- ~i~Cour~ of ./~lbemarle Countlr, to-wi%-_ on .She. ~rd day of December, 19~4, a notie~e was po .st~ ed at ~the:.front door of the Ceur~ House of Albemarle Coum~y~,~.and.at .~t~e pubtie~ p!ace~s upon the road which is proposed ~o be closed, in ~ich..sa~d,nc~i.oe the ., sta%ement., appears .that the said Frank ~R. ~rren will make application to %he Board of_~Supervtso~s at~ the f~rs~, m~eting of sai Board ~eld after the 25r~. day of De,ember,. 195A,~%o ~ppoint~ mete:less. ~ three, ~or mo re ~han five ~.ewers tO view said road~and~rePor~..to~ said~ Beard, ~n wri~i~g~, whether, in their opinion, any, au~ .if. ~, what~imcon~enten~a will resul~%.tf said~roa~.~is ~clesed a4d disoon- %inue$; amd it appearimg~%hat~all~other~.pra~isions_of Section 20~ (~) of the Co~e of Vir- 35