HomeMy WebLinkAbout1935-01-16.... Payee. 8O4 8O5 806 8'O? 808 8O9 810 8!1 814 815 815 8!? 818 82~ Alice Louise 0ar+~er Samuel HI Dawson Chas. Bo Harris Mrs. R~/;h ~elson Lucy Powe!l Lucy Waddel! Lot~ie Huckstep Mrs. Harold O'Neill Louise A, Williams ~ M. Boswell V~ rginia Smith' J. Garland Thomas Western Union Tel,. S. E. Pub... Serv. Corp, Louise C. Williams Va'. M. J. G. Thomas Payrol 1 (h'ders Mileage . O_~'ect Amount $ 1§o00 14cO0 ?cO0 6OEO0 $0.00 60.00 ?~.00 ~deO0 10~0 ;4.15 42e60 14.60 A regulsm meeting cf 'bhe. Board of ~un%y.:$up~r~_s6rs/-of Aibemarle~untyl Virgins, -w~s held at ~he C~ur$ House. of ~he said'CoUnt, on the 16%h day of Januar~y, 1955e Present= Messrs..J.. M. Fret, .~...J,.Ballard,. C. Purcell 'MoC~e, P, E. Gentry, W. H. La~horne, a~d Dr., A, G. ~oberbs. ]~s:-ef~ t~e_mee~tng.. ~ D. eaember. 19, 19~4, were,read and .appr~ve~e The Board was called 2o order and on mo~iau..d~y., sacaude~ .Mr_. ~..Purcell I/eCu. Was unanimously ele.o/;ed Temporary Chairman. ' The Temporary Chairnmn..%ook ~he cb~ir .an~ called for . nominations., for Chairman of ~he Board. Mr, J, M, Fray was..nominated bY .Mr,. P. H, ~en~r7, seconded, by Mr. E. J, Ballard, and unan"~ously.ele.e~ed...Chairm~, cE...%he .B. eard. fer /;he year 1955. .... 35 The Chairman %hen called ~or nc~_!na/;ions for..¥io.e. ~hairman. Mr. P..H. Gentry was .nominated bY l/rS ~, .Purcell McCue; aud_ seconded .by Mr.~ E,. J.,. Ballard,.. Mre Genbry was ~-_-nimoualy .e!ec~ed Vice Chairman, for *~he ~.2~. ~r 1935. ~The Chairman ~hen a~no~nced the appoin~men$ cf_ ~he following 2~ e~mpose %he Finance Committee for .~h.e year 1955: Messrs. C...P~rcell..MeCue, .0halrin,z/, P. He Gentry, and W. ~. I~ appearing%ha% on.Januar~ 1.,_19~5~, Hone L. F. SmitB,.~ Judge of the ~tr~i~ Cour~ ' of Albemarle County,. ~y .order .duly. entered, appointed.Dr.,L.~.~... Roher~a a member of ~hi s Board from' ~he Whi~e Hall Distric.~of this_.Oouzfcy~.to fill_/;he .unexpired. ~erm of office of John A. O'Neill,. de,eased. (said ~erm._ending December. Sl,.~19 ~5.).~and. i~.. ~fur~..her appearing from Clerk's eer/;ifi.cate,._da2ed.J~n,uar~,. 1, 1~5, ,~hat Dr. L. G. Robe~c.s has duly qualified, according ./;,.law, ~kereupon Dr..L;, G..Roberts appeared, at ~this ~ng and ~was duly recog- nized as the .member. of..thiS_B, oar, d_from~.the...~/;e .Hall :District of this County. W. Allan Perkins, acting as Attorney for Frank R..Warren,. appears, al.before %he Board and S~a2ed %hat he had been reques/;ed by Mr. Warren to apply to have. an old County Roa~ discc~'tinued, which passes through the. properties of said Frank R° ~arren and S. A. calhoun in A1Bemarle Couv~cy. I~ se~ns that /;his road has not been used., for many,, yea~s an~ in fao% only ~ /;race of it remains. ~ It appearing to %he Board %ha%'.-on %he 1st day of %he December, 19~4,. Term of %he ~ir- ~a~(:Cour~ ef ~lbemarle County, te~xi~-..on .the. 3rd day cf Dec,nb.r, 19~4, a notice was pos2ed a/; _theY.front door ~f. %he_ Cour~ House of Albemarle County.,_and-at ~ publie placels upon the road which is propcsed.~ be closed,, in ~ich~ sa{d_no~ice, the~ s~atement.~appears .t!m~t the said Frank 'R. ~arren will make applica/;ion to ~he Board of Superrisors at.floe..'" '~xrs~. me~e~mn§~-' of sai Board ~eld a£/;er /;he 2~rd day of Dee. ember, 1934,...2o appo/n~not..lesa/;han %hree, ~or more than five ~_ewers tO view said road,...and.~A~-Po~c.t~_ said Board, in wri~in.g, whethe~, in their opinion, an~, and_ .if. an~, wha2. inconvenienca will .re. sul.%_if s. aid~r~.a~..is ,olds'ed add discon- tinued~ and it appearing ~/;ha~_all .~ther..provisions_of Section .20~9 (9) of the Cod~e cf Vir- 36 gini~ have Been complied with, ~oo~e~o~ ~11_ ~ sulk: from ~.scongfnu~ The road_ in..guea~i~n ts...~he,, por~ion~....~he .old. County Highway wkieh ~ runs fr~ a th~ ~e ~ds~.of..F~..R._~r~...~dhalong the ~a~ linas~be~een ~e ~As. ~f sai~ Fm~ E~..~W~ren ~d gur~is .G,. Msi~. to .~..poi~ where s~d..eld what is known, as t~e Ridge ,.and.:Mi!ling~on. Roads.. ........... And H, G.. Shi~ley,~..State ~Hi~hw~y_Cemmissi~mem, .stroll. be.m~de_a p. ar~y to these pro- eeedtng s and 'notif.~a~ ~he~eof. and....of~. ~1..fur. bher. action.~ take~ he.r~,n,:_ The fellowimg, reaelu~i.~,, offe!~ld .~y.~/~* .W".H'.Langhorne, se~onde~ ~ H~:, P, H. ~e~tr2 unanimous ly ad~p~ed: WHEREAS, the ferry, acr~ss.~the_Jam~s .River ,at :Warren,. Virginia, has been for a number ..of years~operated..by~ ~... L- Gardner.. and r~he · ~ue ~e _eperat~ of this fe~ N~, T~~., ,, BE ~ ~SOL~D by ~he B~rd ef Oou~y~S~e~sers of b~le C~nty,.F~n~a,. ~t ~.S~ate Hi~_O.o~ssi~ ~.-~d is hereb~ requested..t.o..~ake_ov_er ..~his ferry., and operate s~e, The BOard's ~m~. ~a..c~le~ ~o ~he .~ed ~f.. ad~ie~ s~ce for S~.~ of red'ds in ~ Clerk's Office, as_well as. additi~ or, ce spacee. Up~ ~ion ~ ~e C. Puroqll M6Oue, duly., seconded, .i~ was.. ordered that +~he.. Coant~ ~e~ti~e se~ p~~~ pl~s ~d e~e of~ ~ oos~ of ~s.~ork_.~..rePor~ back ~O ~he B~rd. ~e W. Me .Gose, Resi~ .~e= of ~he. S%.ate ~ay D.ep~n~, ~b~t~e~ a ~ ~ds ~ Al~rle C~.a~ .~e .~riod fr~.July 1~ 1932, to July 1, 19~4~ ~e follo~ng ~Cl~$_we~ _p~.se~e.d, ex~d, _~d...allowe~, ~.~d~ orde~d ~ be ce~ifie · o ~e Di~c~r ~ F~ce for pa~= ..... I575 Mrs..Sarah E..Wilhoit Pension .for ~e year 1955 1~7 ~s. S~ah F, Bishop lS79 M~, L~kin Bmee " 1392 ~se ~u~ E. ~ra~es 1Z95 ~s. Ida ~. G~ 37 Nee 1417 G, D. Huohlnsen To Jo Mrs. ~a!lie'C, King Mrs. Eliza Kirby:, ~J. p. ~s. ~Ien Lo,defoe Nrs. A~elia ~s-. D. M. ~dis~n Mrs. ~. 0. Maup~~ Mrs, J. R. Maupi~ Mrs..~ ~, J. ~rs~ll Mrs. ~er~ M~lis~er ~s. F, M. M~Gee ~s. ~s. ~g~e ~hie ~s. Virg~ia 142i Mrs. ~anie Mcquary 142~ N~s. J, E. Nor~S 1425- .~s. Reb%~ A. ~42~ ~s. Eliza Patterson._' 142~ ~m, S~lie C. Per~. 142~ ~s. Virgins B; P~llips ~. Nellie Jas, R. Mrs. ~s. Leu C. S~dge ~s. ~cia A. Shifle~ Geor~ J.~ J. ~°ms ~s. ~ey-I. Turner Mrs. ~b~a C. Wood D. P, Woodson Pemston for 2he year 1SS5 .... " T .A.B. G~gh%, '.1. reas,, of Ya. 1~ of .C..cllec%icns frc~.~he., sale. of .19S4 . Dog .Tags...fer ~quarter. e~g .Dee. $1, 1~34 50.00 60.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 ' $OeO0 50~00 50,00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.~ $0.00 50e~ 50.~0 50.00 50.00 50.~ 50.0O ~0.~ 50-~ 50.~ 50.~ 144 146~. ? Peoples National. Bank 145~ W. S; Cook, D. S. _ 1~5~ _ Croze~. Print ~hop 1A$~ Ca~cel led 1~57 Dotter, Edwards. &~ M~rri[a A~ders~n Bros. Book S~ore,ImeeOffice ~upplies for C.. E. amd DJ' F, Roscoe C. _Johnson ........... Re.imburseme~ for Fees ~d doc~O~ Jackae~ Be~, J, P. .... L~ac~J~.S C~I~ C~rl~es~lle Ab~.teir. . Food Sup~t~ for J~ Cclle or _ . . 1/5/ss Deputies ~d..Dep~ Ser~. for 14~ Di~ric~ Board- .. ~ . H. A. Haden, Director cf Fine 146~ H.J. Haney, D. S. 1466~ ~.Dr. Percy. Harris 1467 1465: 1470~ C. S. Hmffman, D. S. Jarmma' s_, Inc. Chase King &Son Co., Iac. Lo~regro~e Milling & Feed Co, Dr. ~. D, Mace~ $5~,~.~0, ~.ar. Value,,. Federal F~ ~ge. 6,78 5,e4~ 1.76 49.~ Food. Supplies .for..Jail end Paper Towels for C. H. a~d C. O. O~orating..Exp~msels of ~he District Hom~ for tw~ .months ending December Si,~ 16S4 Lunacy--Nary Kinney .Record Book for Clerk's Office Feed ~Smpplies for jail Re~imlrarsemen~ ~ae Re~_olving Fumd on~ae- ce~_.of Ref~ud el. Taxes on Prope ~r~y mea~ Cr. ozet ma ~acct' .of ~ldge. ~eing burned 1966 to C. W. Saudridge.~ Re-im. lazrsement~ for the £ollowi~g · tmres~.from ~he Revol_vi~g_Fumd · o Viz/ss, Pos~ Offioe .B~m: Ro~ Extra. Help, 'I~.~t. of Finance Pos~age~-~p~..of F~e Fo~. Sullies for~ Jail All~ee for Cook a~ 1j~l El~ion 8e~ees 62e69 10.CO 48.08 47~S8 S4.50 Cleaming Supplies for C. N. amd J. 13.25 Cc~mtssion ,on Coupons. Pd.,~.R.Dis_~ _1.0~ ~ 166~$9 ~leage ..f~r ~cem~r, L~oy~Ma~ Ki~ L~cy--J~es Oel~ Mileage for ~he:. m~h of Deo~be~, 1~34 I8~ Office ~upplies for D. Feed Supplies for J~l:~d_Cle~. P~ ~ Tu~enti~ for C. L~--~ Ki~ 3'8 1474 1475 1476 1477 1475 . ~li~way Electric Company. Uon2iee!ic Drug 8~Q.re,. Ine, Dr, ~V. H, Paine E. M, Powel!, D.S. $ ensibaugh-tt~tchie E1 ec e Cee Ca~eelle~ 148~ 1485 1485 1486 1487 1488 1~90 1491~ 1493 lt94 1495 1496 1499 1500 150I 1505 1506 1507 1505 1509 1510 1511 1515 1514 iSlS. mSl6 S. E, Publte Serv._ Cor~.:.of~.Va,~elephone Sezwic_e~-~e~..I/ovember,/Dee. & Jan. U~derwood ElliS% FiSher Co, Vae Publie Service Co. J. R. ~[ingfield~ J. R, 0. Hall Mrs, Ellen Michael P. R. Smith Mrs, G. H. V&it-~en James H. B~.dale Jo~.~ack W. R. ~e, Jre ~. E. Fowler. W. B. H~f J. ~ Jones' J. B'. T~ R. B.Fr~y M. C. Harl~ M. Y. ~therl~d Typewriter :.f r. Clerk for .Dee. ~. J~. ~eep..~lle~ ~ Dog She~ kil!e~ Sheep ~1~ ~eep ~lle~ by 05~i J~or W 1517 1518 1520 1521 1522 152S- 1524 1525 1526_._ 1527 155.! 1~8 1541 1542 154~ ~4~ 1~52 1~5~ 15~5 1556 1557 1559 1561 1~62 156~ 1565 J. W~ Bruce Rutler'~ S~or~ " Cash-Meat: Ma~k~c ..... J, H, Clarke " C. S.. Dele " ~ R. D~rier ~ H. Estes " ~up~ B~se " J~ L. Naylor " O~ Te:' Page B.-A. Pat~ers~ Pre ~.on Ave, ~rke~ .... " ~s. J...R, Robe~s " Co.W~ Sa~d~'-dge T. E. Sellers A, J..Smith' Smith Bros. Smi.~h Sclomo~' s S~re J. 51. Sprouse ~il~ Terrell C. A. ~z Lloyd Wood~ S. T. J~ W. ~lli~ C. H. ~ood :'Weodson., s S%ore A. K, Amount 7.50 15.55 52.47~ 65~65 44~$5 2.O0 SO.~ 10.~ 2'0O 15'00 2.$0 6.80 5'6O 5.60 ¥~20 8.20. 10.S0 9.60 4.50 2.60 S.IO S.50 9.92 27,~ 33.~ 14.00 ll,~ S.O0 1~50 l~e~ 5eO0 S.~O0 !sl~ 20~ 157.o 1§72 1~79 158~ 1~9~ 1694 159~ 159~ 160~ 160~ 160~ Paye~ Meri~ Shoe Ce. Fi2 zhugh Bre s.. Chas. T, Page Wyatt -Chambers Emmett Carter Mrs. C. Bo Dickerson ~tllie ~e~dersen W. T. Dameron, Sergeant Mrs R. H° Dudley He A.Haden Nargare~ T. Woodward J° F.Garth A. ,~. Bell N~rJox~e K. Jolmson W. ~. ~m~im E~ W. ~pin ~. E. ~or~'~ W. B..C~l~rs~ W. S~ B~ley W. AbbOt H. J,~ey E. M. p~ell W. S. Cook Fr~ees T. J0i~ Heath Dep~m~ Bessie J~s T. 0. O. ~. Greet ~s.'B~sste ~ Miller R~h Bur ~ ss Je~ Wesley George T. H~f, Treas~ Mel~cm Jones A. B. Ga~hright, Treas. of Va. 22 .A.B. Ca, bright, Treas. of Va. 25 A.B. Ga%hrigh2, Treas. of Va. 831 Cash 822 Mrs, R. L. Creasy 823 W.E.Bo~on 824~ B. 825 C~oll Per~ ~2~ O~rles B. ~is 8~ ~iee Louise 82~ ~. L~a B~ee 829 8SO ~e 8~1 M~ G~ gs~ 8~ ~ Eill Eaue~ms B,~C. Abell 8S$ Amy · Na~ ~ore C. $. ~'1 A, J. Bell H.C. B~ed~ A~ Pe E, Blae~e A.H. Bolt~ ~sie B~ey B~s. 'BUYer LiI!y O~er Cl~h Teat ~r~ 8&~ 85 Le L. C~iles 8~1 L.C. ~sho~ Water 855 A. -~. Cox 8~$ J.H. C~ig 85~ Dr~ Te H. ~iel D~en & ~8y C.S. 'Dele T.H.'Des~r 8~$ 866 J.M. Fray 869 Gibbs Store 868 869 G~od~o~e 870 R. B, Hail 871 L. M Welfare. AccO., Dee.:, Board for Dee., 19~. Lunacy Commissions--Karl B. Phi~lli~, Jackson. BeaI,...J.r~;'-J~s._ BOa~ for Dec., 19~. S~a~ for J~u~, ~_5' Sal~ for ~~, Appropria~io~ for J~u~, '!995. . Rest ~O~e S~ary for ~o m~b ~se Fees':'eo~le~d m~h :of .~e~er, 19~4... 1952. T~es on.Intan~ble Portal P~e.~y...oolteo~ed d~ing ~e month_ ~..:Dec,be.r,_. i9~, ..... Poz~age P~oll H ,H Or, er 4cO0 4.50 8.00 17,20 15.00 S50.O0 100,00 $41,66' 225.~ lSO.00 50.00 125~00 90~00 60~00 50.00 I50,~00 500.00 86~z~ 24.25 55.$$ 26~67 48~00 10.o0 i8921~0~ ?cO0 25~00 2~10 ~OeSO 9.10 7~,20 10.~ 1,00 95~45 8~ 19~20 2~19 65~0 28~42 7,e80 ll~O 5.20 21~20 39 87S 87~ 876 8?$ 8?9 881 88E 88~ 8~ .88V 888 88~ 89~ 898 899 90~ 9~ 905 ~08 908 909: Payee T, P. Haden H. ~o Jackson & The Jefferso~ ~ B. Jo~s~ S, A. L~e~ Lea Bros. & ~r~s ~s~ W. H. E~ ~e T. ~pim Bres~ Middy Gash Et,re Mitchell Mdsee C~e Na~ie~ml B~ & Trust ~J~ L. N~ler New De~ O. T. Page L. O. P~rtsh Miss N~!te Pat~erse~ ~. D. P~ell J. J. Peter Ed~rds' Pi~l~ ~gg!Y O. W.S~dri~e L. K. S~dge H. F. S~pson Se~tsville H~e* Coo T. E. Sellers E. M. S~%h B~s. (C~bell.s) $~%h ~Se ,~No~h Gard~) Soto~ SS:ere J. E. Sp~oUse C. C. 911 ' ~hrif~ CoA/~¢e. 915 914 915 916 917 918 '9191 92e 921 922~ 92~ 924 925 926 927 928 929 950 951 9S2 955 954 956 95? 949 941' 942 945 944 94~ 946 94? .948 949 950 952 95; 954 955 956 95? 958 96A-~ 965~ 966 9~ 96/) Mrs..Finx Thurs~on Union Dollar S%ore C.A. J. D. Via V~ A1Berene corl~. (Faber) Va. ~bere~e C~'..(Se~yler) Valenti~ & Hull C. C~ Wa~e I. ~alter s F. A. Wes~ J. M. ~i~ & Cee Mrs.~ J~ W. Will~ P~ T~ ~llia~ R. ~eW~eb~ger ~. E. Wood Lloyd Wood A. K. L. B. P~II J. L. ~ Nayl~r C. A. C~oz~:~e,r Cee .. S.E. ~b. Se~. Corp. H~old ~i~ B. ~ond Efffie F~rish A~rey M~.. H. P. McCr~ ~e. Farri ~ie~.F. Nicholas E, N. Ge~ ~tse ~ex~der H~Id Smith City~ o~, C~r!ettesv~le~ Crezet P~~ Order M~leage for Dee. Oraer T ~ephone Se~oe Pa~o~ Pd~age Pa~.otl 0~.~ $ 6.60 15e95 27.25 76.85 112.95 5.79 5cO0 1.80 ~0.65 165e75 47,80 28.~ 4.50. 16e~0 4e~ 8e6~ 11~ 1~e55 ~e90 108.74 1Be$0 $060 128,V0 20~ 16~80 15~5 24e~0 4~0 A~50 21e10 120~ lO~S ~eSO 2e40 8.10 6~0 9.00 4.20 le60 le50 9e50 ~?~' 985: 98,6 98"1 988- 989 990' 991 992 995 994~ 995 99~ 999 10~ 1~i I~4 1005' 1006 1007 10~~ !011' 1012 ~0~ 101~ 1015 1016 1017 1018 1~1~ 1020 1021 Cash ~ Dr. B. H. Earl~ Gi!ber~ Far~ish Dr. J. 0. Mun~ National Bs~k & Trust Dr. A.A, ~zer Wood, Ve~ Wes~e~ Drs. D~el-~ D~el Je G. ~s~ R. L. L~ise ~der ~s~ F~ H~e~ ~. ~h Nelso~ ~ie F,Ni~elas ~s. S. M. Bibb H. C. Breeden ~s. R. H. ~dle2 ~ey' P~ell Lu~ Wadde~l ~ie HuCk step ~s- Ha~ld o'Neill L~ise A. Willi~ J. Garl~ Thews ~uiSe A. Wilii~ F~ees T. South~ J. G. Th~s Vae M~ ~i~ ~s. W. M. Bo~ell Aubr~ E~e ~rold ~t ~ie F. Nicholas Leu[ se ~ex~der ~s. F~ Mrs. R. Objec~b. Order Order Telegrams Orders ~ ;J~Nileage " Order Postage Salsry~ Telephone Service Mileage Mileage Mile~_~ge l~i.!eage Mileage Payroll Amoum~ $ 10.00 12-00 2,00 10.~ SS, SO 8,10 11~ 12,~ 15.00 SO.O0 $0.~ 60~ 119~ I1,2~ 15.90 27,!~ 26 0 4.80 4e8~ 12~ 12~0 e,to Upon motion the meeting adjourned. / A regular meeting_ of the Board of County Supervise.rs of Albemarle County, Virginia, was hel6 at ~he Court.House of the said Cot-~ty on the .20~h dayof Februa~, I9S5e Present: Messrs, .J.M..Fray, _C..Purcell HcCue, E...J.. Bal!ard,~_P. H. Gentry, La~g~orne, and Dre L. G. Roberts. H~nutes of the meet:trig of January 16, 1955, were read and approvede Mr. D. Be Owen a~d other citizens from. the Cromer and '~ite Hall comunities appeared to relquest the Board to. recommend the improvement of the road. from Crozet to Nor~cnsvilie. The following resolution, offered by Mr, E. J. Ballard, seconded.by Mr, P. H. Gentry,. ~as unanimously adopted: WHEREAS, we,~ the members of the: Board of County Supervisors'of Albemarle County, Virginia, at a regular meeting held on February 20, 1~$~, at. the Cour~ House of said county, had before us a large delegation of representative citizens who live along and adjacent to Secondary Rou~e 230, leading from Crozet .~o Nortonsvilie; exhibiting a petition signed by. qualified voters and property owners living in the territory served by this road as the ir FARM TO. M~I~ET ROAD and .urgently requesting that we give expression Of our convictim upon said petition as set forth, to be presented to the Virginia State High- way Commission. WHEREAS, with a thorough knowledge of the condition am/ importance of this ~oad and v~th~ any atteapt to interfere with the'business of the STATE HIGH~Y DEPARTMENT au~ upon examination of the peti%ic~, we are in full ac- cord an~ approval to tre.at th_is road with_Chips and Tar in the 193~-S6 ~dget of this type ~aad ar_ if- adequate funds .are not 'available in. ~his budget-, in subsequent budget '~ntil said road. is. complete, .~filod with .the STATE HIGHWAY COMM~ SS ION. 41