HomeMy WebLinkAbout1935-02-20 971 Cash Po.s~age 9?2 Dr, B. H. Ear!y~ Order 9?3 Gilber~ Farrish Order 97~~ ~ati~ Ba~ & Trus~ Co~ " ~6 Dr~ A,A~ ~.zer " ~77 Wood, Ve~ & Co. " ~78 Wes~e~ U~en Tole. Co. T~e~s ~7~' Drs. D~el~& ~el Orders g~2 ~86 L~ise ~der " 98? ~s. F~ H~e~ " 988- 989 ~ N. ~e~ " 990 ~e F,Ni~olas " 991 ~s. S. M. Bibb Order 992 · gg~' Mrs. R. H. Dudley " gg~ Ca~ Postage 995' LumY. P~ell ~96 Lu~ ~add611 " gg? L~ie Huck ste~ " 9~8 ~s. Ha~ld O'Neill " 999 L~ise 1~i V~ M. ~ " 1~2" J. Garl~4 Thews " 10~3 S.E. ~b. ~e~. Co. Telephone Ser~ce 1~4 Louise A. Willi~ ~leage 1~~' F~ces T. Southall Mileage 1006 J.G. Th~as ~le~e 1007 Vae M~ ~i~ ~!eage !~8 ~s. ~. M. Bell1 Mileage 1~9 B. ~ond~ Payroll 1~* S~ C~2 " 1011 Aubrey $~ad " 1012- 101~ ~s~ H.P. MeO~ " lOl& E~ie F~rish 101~ ~reld S~ " 1016 ~t Ge~ " ' 'N I017 ~me~ F. meholas 1018 Louise ~ex~der " 1019' ~s~ F~k 'E~ " 1020 ~s. ~h NelseR " 102i'~ Mrs~ R. L. Crea~ " Amoum~ 12.00 2.00 2.40 25*00 2~00 '8,10 11~ 12~00 lS.OO l ,oo 8~ 2,YO SO.O0 SO. O0 75,00 llg.lY 17,60 15e90 27,15 3e~ 12e50 motion the meeting adjournede / A' regular meeting_of the Board. of County 8uperviso.m of Albem~-le County, Virginia, was held..at the C~ur~ .House of the said'Oot~aty on the .20th day of February~ 1935. Present= Messrse.J.M..Fray, .C. Purcell. MeCue, E.. J...Bal!ard,..P.H. Gentry, La~orne, and Dre L. G. Roberts. Rinu~es of the m~e~ ing of January 16, 19S5, were read and approved. Mr. D. B. Owen and o~her citizens from the. Crozet and ~Wnite Hall communities appeared to re'quest ~he Boa~d to ree~end the improvement of the road from Croze~ to Nortonsvilie. The following resolution, offered by Mr'. Iii. J. Ballard, .seconded.by Mr, P. H. Gentry, ~as U--r~--nimously adopted: t~BEREAS, we,. the members Of the: Board of County Supervisors~- of ~lbemarle County, Virginia, at a regular meeting held on February 20, 193~, at. the House of said county, had before us a large delegation of representative citizens who live along /md adjacent to Secondary Route 2~0, leading from Crozet to Nortonsville; exhibiting a petition signed by qu~ified voters and properhy o~ers living in the territory served by .this read as their FA~/ TO. MAE/ET ROAD .and .urgently requesting that we give expression ~f our eenvietim upon said petition as set forbh, ~o be presented to the Virginia State High- way Commission. I~[EREAS, with a thorough knowledge of the .co. nditien and importance of this.road e. nd wi~hou~ any at~p~ to interfere with the :.bus iness of the STATE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT an~ upon examination of ~he petiticn, we are in full oord a=~..approval to. tre~t this road with. Chips and Tar~ in the 1935-~6 budget of this t~pe ~ro. ad er: i£ adequate funds .are no% 'available in. this budge%, in subsequen~ B. udget un~il said..r~ad, is comple~e,._filed with .the STATE HIGHWAY COME[ SSION. of Commerce, requested that addition~l appropriation be made. to. assist~ the Chamber~ of Cma- nerd. in advertising Alh~le .Co~.~,. ~ Upon,motiOn byMr. C. Pure.l! McOue, duly seconded, it was ordered that appropriation of $100eO0 be made for the purpose of assisting the Chamber cf ¢o~neroe in advertising Al- bemarle County by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Messrs. J. M. Fray, C. P~ircell MCOue, E.' J. Ballard,.P.H.. Gentry, W. He .Langhorae a~d Dr..Re~e:~s; Noes: None. C~mun~ioat.ton. from. Nrc F. D. Preston,: General Secretary,. Children' s VirgLui'a, requesting., appropriation for this 'organization for the fiscal year 'be~in~ing 'July 1, 19~,. was presented. tivd was inst-r~eted to include $100.00 . for_ the 'Chil~enm~$.,Hom~ Society. of 'Virginia in the B~d~et for the year beginning July 1, 1955. A bill from J. P. Grove, substitute Trial Justice, amounting_to .$12e~0, for two days services was. prese~te&am8 ordered.paid without dedme~i~-frem the salary of the Trial Justice. Report~ of 0.. G.. Greet, ¢om~y Local Farm Age~, for the year ending November ~0, was ~presented amd ordered filede'~ 1934, Bill for premium ~a bond. of. Dr..L,. G- Robe,s..for. term~ ending DecemBer $1, 195~, amodnting ~o $15e~0, was presented and ordered .paid. Report. of ~he District Forester for the year 1934.was presented, read, and ~rde~ed. fil~d. The Courfcy Executive reposed ~t sketches .of the proposed ad~ti~ ~o tee Clerk's Offfce and estimate of the cost had been secured and that the City of .Charlottesville °bjec~ to t~ne pap~ent of. one-half of~the~ cest~ of..,such improvement. A,.Commi~cee .composed of the Chafrman of the Board,..Nr~. C. Purcell McCue, Clerk.of the Circuit Court, and the County Exe6utive was appointed to confer with. the City Cou~il with reference to %h£s .~attere Mr. H, A. Had,m,.. Director of Finance, aubmitted, statement ..or.expenses of the Depart- men~ of Finance for the montd~ .of January, 19S~,~.one?third of whichis to be borne By. the State, which statement was examined, verified and approved. Upon reco~mendationo~ the o0Unty'Executive, the rate of pay of ~ssessors and Collec- tots for the-year 19~5 was. fixed.at 50~ per .hour,. including mileage. The County Executive was authorized to maploy stenographic help.fbr the Welfare Depar~ mem~ at a salary not to~ ~ceed. $0.00 per month. : The 'Uounty 'Executive was authorized to apply to the-Virginia Emergency Relief Adminis. tration for .additional.funds for the_ q~arter ending_ March ~1,. 19~5e_ On motion duly made amd seconded t~e following resolution was adop%e~:~ BE IT RESOLVED, that a rev~rd of $5~-~0 be offered for information resulting'in the. arrest and~ conviction 'of the person, er p~rsons, who bur~ed the Earlysville Public ~ chool Building e The following claims were presented, ex, mined, and allowed, _and. Lord,red 20 .be certifiei to the Director of Finance for payment: NO_,_~ payee 1605 Mrse.Emma Ge ~a~e Pe~si~ fer ~he yea~ 193.5 $ 50~ 16~ W~T. Hensley . ~ep killed .by. dogs 12~ 1~O~ ~, A. Had.n, Di~cter of F~c$ Re~.~rs~t for .~e. follo~ng ~endi- ~es -f~ ~ e:J Re~ol~ ~d fr~ [/14/~5 Pos2~e ~d O~fce Supplies for D~t. of F~e 117~76 Exp~S. On Off.-E'~ip. 'fo~ D. F* e9~ . Exp~sS' on~F6rmS~fo.r T.J. ~ ~48 Fo~ Sullies for Jail ~ 166;81 ~o~e for Cook a~ J~l 12e50, d 43 NO. ~ Obj~o'~ Amount 1607 (Con2" ~) ~1-608 X609 1610 1611 1612 1615 1614 /~aher s~ Fuel Company Ander~on'Bres. BOokB~re, Inc. Barnes L~ber Co rporation Char l~te sville AbattOir CharlOttesville Hardware .Co. Cit~y Collector Co,way Printing Co.,. Inc. 1615 1616 1617 1618 1619 1620 1621 Crozet Print Shop Debtor, Edwards & Morris Everett Waddey Company C. Mercer Garnett H. M. Gleason & Coo 'Monticello Drug Store, Inc. 1622 1623 1624 1625 1626 1627 1628 1629 1630 1631 1652 Pace Bros. Remington Rand, Inc. S~th East Public Service Corp. Southern Railway Company R. E, Turner Virginia Forest Service M. C,. Thomas F~rni~ure. Co. Virgini~ Public Service Bernard H. Early, M. D. Dr. Richamd T. Ergenbrigh~ L. E, Sandridge & Son Ma~j ~l e~en~er . 1~5 1656 166V 16~8 1609 I6~A 1~2 16~3 16~' 1645 1~6 1648 16~9 1651 1652 1654' 1655 1656 165~ 1634 Mrs o R.. B. ~n%heny Beal-Mtller Company H. B. Beddows B~le r' s S~ore Cash Moa2 ~ket J. H. Clark .E- L. Cobb- T~. Corner Groce~ T~ Co~ S~re J. H. ~r~ g D~eron ~d Mun~y W. A. Daws~ C; S. Dele C.~ R. Do~ier.& Co~ ~s. S. R. ~rre~ A. T. ~er R. N. Es~es H. ~. F~eyhou~ J. M. F~2 S. M. GollAd~ J. W. ~d H. Gibbs L. M. ~~on 165e e.H. Renne~y 1660 Lea Brothers & Purvis 166~1 J.I. 16~' ~ B~thers 166~ H.E. M~y 166~ J.L. Nayler 166~ :~s. T. Page 1666 B.A. Paterson I66~ ~. Sallie Pa~ 1666 Piggly Wiggly 1669 Mrs. J. R.. Rebe~s 1670 16Y1 T.E. Sellers 1672 ~2h Bros. 1674 Sol.inch's S2ore 1675 J.E. SPr~se 1676 ~2ilda To,ell 167~ C. 1678 J.M. ~ite 167~ S.T. ~ite 168~ 1681 J.W. Willies 1682 R.L. WineBarger 168~ C~; H. 'Wood 1684 Llo~ Wood 168~ W. ~./Wood 1687 Sh°p 1~88' ~ros. Co. 168g Dr. J. O. M~ 169e Mrs. C. E. Xir~ 1691 R~. M. ShiElet~ Re~t of Court Room f0~ T, J,. $ "lSd09 Vital s~a~is~ios i~er~ific&~es 145eo0 Cle~i~.r.~erial s _~d Sup. ~or C. H. ..... 10.29- ~ _Ceal.~0rc, H. ¥& Jail 146~81 Oo~.si~= °n'Coupons Pai& . Ri~DiS~. - $~86 S~ueI..M~le-n..~ate.. .86 1 1 ca~:Coal./~o~./C* H.. &_J~. " - ' 109~;60 0ff~ce, Suppli6S~ for ~C. Ee,.]'ia~Ia..D.e Lumber for R~rs %_o.. ~._ H-~. 1~ FOod .Sullies for J~l ~useho. l~ and Clewing, Su~.li~S~ ~0r- Ja~l 7.83 Water ~d Gas Se~ce for C.. H.,C;~.,&" 26.49 Office Supplies ~d P~i~ for~ D. ~d T.J. 28.~5 P~ted Forms for 'Clerk's Office 16.00 Food ~d Cls~ Supplies'for Jail 56~89 Office Supplies for Clerk's ~fice 43;69 Ju~ Co~issi~er for 1935 15;~ Food Supplies for J~1~ 32.48 Office Supplies for ~.~.,and D. F. Co.'s Potion (~) of Rent for Na~l. R~-~plo~ Office for J~ua~, '35 7,50 Food Supplies for Jail 5.50 0f~ice Supplies ~or C. E. Office Telephone Se~ice for Dec., J~. & Feb, S*,10 Balance due on ~ct. of Si~&rack 7~44 J~y Co~issioner for 1935 l~e~ Ferest Fire ~t~cti~ Se~ce, Nov. 4~ Bedd~g for J~l Elect.tic Se~ce for Jail ~d C. 0., &C~.46~ E. a.A.. i. e January Welfare Account Nov., Dee., and Jan. '~elfare Acct. January ~Velfare Account 0c~,., Nov.~ ~-e~. & Jan.' Welfare Janue, ry ~elfare Accoun~ Dec. e~d Jan. Welfare Accoun~ Jmm~y I~elfare Accom~t Dec. and Jan. ~elfare Account .Se~'l:;,., Nov., ~ D~. Welfare Aoconmt January Welfare Aocotu~ Boo. and J~m. Welf,~-~ Aoeomat Welfare Acct., 2/8/S6 January ~lfare Account 27.00 1~55 2~.~ 7°50 ll.O0 14~.~ 21e~ 17.~ 22e~ 12e~ 1.~ 14.50 18.50 1.86 12e~ 2~7~ 7.00 ~.00 18~ 13e~ 6~ 10'00 1-98 2.lO 2cO0 1694 1695 1696 1697 1698 1699 1700 1701 17~ 1704 1705 1707 1708 1709 1710 1711 1712 1715 l?li 1715 171G 1718 1720 1722 1724 1725 1726 17~ 1729 17S4 17S6 17~8 24 10~ 102~ 10~ 10~ 10~9 10~7 1048 105~ 1051 1052 1~5~ 1054 1055 1056 1057 I058 1059 1060 10~ 1062 1066 1~67 1068 1569 Mrs. C. B. Dickerso~ Mrs. PhilliP Rhodes Chas,- T. Page East-Macon Transportation Frances T. Sou~hall The Dail~ Progress P. ~.' Barn,%% Mrs. E. D. Fos2er E, R. 3Ou2herlaud J. T.- Via W. S. Cook, D. $. H. J. Hamey, D. S. C. S. Huffman E. N. Po~el! W. Abb~~Smi~h, D. Se . H.~ A.~ Haden Nargaret T. ~ood~rd J. F. GaSh A. G. Bell Ma~o~e ~. Jo~sen W. L. ~up~ ~a W. ~upin W. O.~* Fife J. Maso~ W, Abbo~ ~ith E~ M. PowlI W. 3. P,, M~ Ellio~t Bessie Jones Jo~ Wesley ~rs · Bessie ~. Miller- ~h' Bur~s s C, G. G~er W. B. Colth~ W. S~ Bu~ey F~nces T. ~out~l ~erge T. ~f, Treasurer ~12on Jones J. P. Gr~e O. W, Bail~ A. B. Ga~hrigh2, T~eas.. A. B. Ga~hri~, .Treas. Mrs. R. H. ~ley Fr~ees T. Sou~ll, R. ~em~le Fairs Be~-~ller J. F. Bell A. J. Be~ Belmen~ P~~- Bic~ey's 32ore P. ~. ~e~ell A. H. Boltck Le~ B~ce Susie Br~ B~ce's D~ ~ods Store H, R. Bradbu~ B~ey Br, s · Bu~ler's ~11y C~er O~sh Meat M~k~ T~ Contel Mark,2, Inc. L. L. Chiles W. F. Clements P. H, Col~ Co, er G~ee~ ~e Co~ S~o~, Inc. A. W. O~ De~. S~ore J. H. Craig D~eron & M~dy Dr. T. H. D~ieI M~is .Da~s W. A. D~son Dr. B. H. Early O. 8. Dele · T. H, Despot E. B. Douglas A. T, ~rer R. N, Es~es H. C. Fe~e~ou~ J, M. Fray, Ff~z~ D~g Gibbs S~o~ H. M. GleasOn & Cee Goo~. S2ore · C. A. Haden T. P~ ~ L. N. Ha~in~on Haw~ns Bros. & Jamua_?y Welfare Accou~b.. Mileage for January ~ oo~rl~ of ~btishing Dog Tag ~o~i~o H~ killed by '~g Turk~ ~lled by Dog ~eep killed by dog Sheep ~lled by Dogs Milo~ge ~or J~u~ ~d bal~e ~e on Mileage fOr Deemer ~le~e for ~~ Sala~ for FoB~ A~p~Ati~ for Feb~a~ S~ for Fob~ A~rop~i~ for Feb~ S~a~ for Feb~a~ $ 4.50 12',50 4cO0 12elO 17.85 ~e20 15.00 7o15 22.25 42~ 100.00 22~ 6~.0~ 50-00 75e~ 26 ~6~ 86.~1 24,25 150.00 50.00 500~ 150~ Two days Services of ~b. Trial J~stioe 12cO0 ~a!ary for February ~,,.q"t~te. Collections for ~January,. 19~5 License Fees ~ " " " Orders Payroll Orders It It # It 22,50 7774.10 925,50. 104',60 6,00' 2e50 40.,50 1.25 18-80 25.30 2.40 25.50 19,90 6.50 461,75 24 14.50 26.20 1,50 10.80 18.90 49.38 34*'70 4.00 1~20 26.~0 25.,~ 15,27 6,20 20~15 4~.00" 45e70 11,29 15.00 ' 9S.80 6.50 16~55 45 1071 1072 1076 1 79 lop2 ~0~ ~OB5 ~086 1087 I088 1088 10~0 !0~ 10~5 I08B 10~7 1098 1099 1100 1101 1102 11~ !1~ 11~ !I~ 1!0~ 11~ 111~ 111~ ~ lllt 1Ii~ 1t1~ IlI? 11!8 11!~ 11~ 11~1 11~ 11~ ll~t 11~ 11~? 1128 11~ 11~2 11~ I1~5 11~6 11~7 11~9 11~ 114! 1142 11~ 1144 1145 1146 1147 1148 1149 1150 1151 1152 I155 ll~t 1155 115~ 11~8 1159 1160 1161 1162 116~ 11~ 1165 1166 J&rmant s~ H.W. JacEs~ & W -. B. Johmsem '!~rs. ¢. H. ~r~ C. A. ~be~ Lea Bros. ~ ~s ~s. '~- H. Matin ~e%t. Maup~ E. J. T. J. I. ~up~ ~upin ~d~y Ca~ 3tore H.. E. M~dy ~ohell ~se. Monticello D~g Store Mrs. C. P. Moore J. L. Naylor New D~I Sto~ O. T. Page L. O. P~rish E~rds Piggly Wiggly C. D. Po~!l E. M. Sadler & Co. H. F. S~pson O. W. S~idge E. W. S~d~dge $~er & We~berg T. E. Sellers W. B. Se~i~ Mrs. A. O. ~elton Dr. C. ~. Si zer B'~ F. ~ith A. J. S~h E. M. S~h Mrs. G. ~ Smith --_ S~h Bros, (C~bell) . ~th Bros. (~o~ aardem) Sp~less S~ore J. E. Srouse R. H.-- ~argell ~ompson T~i~ 'Coal O. A. Valen%~e a H~i Victory Shoo Store Vtr~ia.~berene 0~. (Schuyler) Vir~a-~berene Oo~. (Fab'r) J. Do Via Co. C. C. Wade S. G. Walker & Son I. ~sl%ers Ben l~alt on Weas%' s B~ore F. A. Wes~ S. T. White J. M. Whi~e'& Co. ~Ih~en ~ s ~ore ~s~ J~ ~ ~llt~s ~s. ~. L. ~bar~er C. H. Wood Lloyd Carl A. K. ~W~ Y~'s Store ~rlo~es~lle Hd~. R. B. H~! Fryers T. Sout~l, R. D. ~b~ le F~ers Ce Lilly C~ter Cash Mea% Marke~ P. H. Cole~ D~e~n & Mun~y T. H. Desper M~s~ll W. Douglas T. ~ibs~ H. M. ~eason & Co. C~is A. ~de~ C. C. S. ~ L~be~ Laey's L~e~e~ Milling J. I. ~up~ ~pin Br~s. Mert~ She. ~ohell ~se. J. L. Nayler N~D~I S~re Ed~rds Piggly Eiggly Orders Orders t! ti Payroll Orders Amoun~ $ 12.!5 25o60 ~?.60 114,10 26,38 liS.60 1.86 ~9.10 538.57 43.05 6.00 4e65 . 10.40 1.00 S.IO 48,60 4,00 8,00 4.00 S05.92 15.40 28.10 15,40 71.70 5.90 5S.I0 2.6O 2.50 Si ,O0 2.00 10.Oo 4-50 7.50 54.85 2,$4 15.40 28.60 5.95 5.00 12.00 1!.65 45.50 2.00 87.90 106.90 11.90 7.10 I22,15 1.50 10,80 61,00 121.50 20.00 29.20 8.50 52.60 24.60 2.00 12'00 2.00 24.60 2.70 19.20 918.10 1.50 20~58 9,40 1~.?0 4.90 1.60 1.60 11,00 'i.60 S.20 2.15 1Se4~ 2,~0 4.4O 4.50 2.$0 1.00 4'25 5,20 4.98 1.60 46 !170 Smi2h Bros, (North Garden) Orders -- $ 10,50 1!?! R.H. S%argell - lo60 1172 J. ~. ~pr~se " !~7S U~ion Dollar S~ore !174 I. ~ers , 1~ 1175 Weas~ ' s S~ere " 1!7~ Mrs. ~R. L. W~ebarg~r " 1~7~ C. H' Wood !1~8 Ll~d ~ood " !179 W.W. Wood " !180 T.T. Dic~~ ~Dfsh,~Offi~e~ B~,E..~.F~d'_~.e~,...- 251S,6~ Upon me%ion the messing ~adjourned. licgue.,.., aad., Dr_..l~,,..~,... Roborla~.. Minutes...,of,.~ths. mee~ing._~f,...E~.br.~ary.,.2~,~.,l~3~,~.were r~a&.ami approved. ~ H._,. ~ent_ry~ ~$_ ~. o~er. ed ~., ne..ch~_ ~ ~he...:~,,ef~.~he, Clerk. o~: ~h~._Tri~ Justice' BRIT..~0L~D..b~, ~he ,B~d ,of S~e:~i,aera .~f_,~b~le Oovnty that ~he in~,_r~.ads, in,.Albe~.mswle County (2)~.,.. To~. impr~o,.v.a~._s.o, as 2o make; ~e.centl~,p~s.sable .the ~a~. around, Road (3) Te imp.re, vs., so_ .aa to_ .make..decently~._paasable,, the ~.ear, around, Road No, 6~-~ f~om_~,s intersectS= ~ S~e_. Ro~te. Nc. 2~0, near 1~ 2_.2/lO..~lea,..,thenc~e.;e~er,.rOad_No ..... 69~, ~pre~tely 1/~ ,of a ~e. _t~_ end of ~nt~ce; ..... T~. imp~,o.ve~, so.. as. _to make' .decentl~ passabls...the .y~ear around, Road_ No.. 6.~8~. from its,..i~t, ersection.,.with. Ro~te No .... 601_~ East, one ~le ~.o .en~.,_ef ~inten~ce; lnt.er-ested .citizens appeared .bef.~re .tke Boar~..ad. ur_ged ~this. Heated t~o again ~request the: .$.ta~e_.Hi~_..w~ y~. C:ommission.~ ta r.e~loca~, ~nd widen the. bridge at..Gachm~n...a.M~ , ~n Ro~%e in. Albemswle. ~oantF~.~.~..to. re,!ecat, e. tha_.r.o~t.. North..thereof,.. and._£t_app~aring thai at a..m~e.ti~g of this Ro. ard.~_ held on_lhe, l~Ik. ds~.._of .~ec~emher.,_ 1~3.I, t..~e following resolution was- adopted ,BE..IT...RESOL- 7~ED.by. ~he. B~osmd of Coun~. Sup,er.visors _of ~lb~rie County, ~ha~.. the. $~a~.e. ~~.,..O.~.ss,iene~he ~.i:a.,~re~,,~.~eq.ues~ed ~o re- locate, ad .. ~den. h~F. br~ge. ~on. Rable 6~ ~ !ead~g. f~om the City. The.. Board. deeme~ unnec.essary~,, %o_make f_urther.::on addit£onal,, requests. , in conne_ctionwith.said RoUte 631. Peti~icm .of Hr... B., F. :.Clark, .and.o. thers~_ ~eque, sting t_h.e...B_o~r.~ to recommemd that JeffersOn Street,. leading~om the. ~oel.em,Mills Road.., be_ takeninto.~the..Secondary System of Hig~way.$~,~, ~was~.p~es.ented, This_ ma.trot was_.referr, ed to, Mr.~. P... H.. Gentry. e~ Mr. ~. ~. Goss wilh..the .requesl ,~.hat .$Ae~ inv. eatigate ~the.,matt~r and r. eport....~back, to the Board,