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46 !172 1175 1177 1!~8 11~ ~180 Smith Bros, (Norbh Garden) R. H. Starg~ll Jo ~. ~prouse Union Dollar Store I. Walters Weast.' s S~re .~s. R. L~ W~eb~ger O. H' ~ood Ll~d ~Wood Upon m~tien the mee~img ~djourmed. Orders AmoU~ $.'10,50 leto 24°48 6o10' I6~90 1.60 lte~O 25IS~6~ ~ ,~ Chairmam A_reg~Iar_me~timg~ of .the B. oard., af_Oo~un~:~Sup~r~t~ors ~ ef~.Alkem~rle~ C~unty., Virginia, salkr~..for. ~ha.Clerk. of .his_C~ur~,. Hponmciiaw.by_Mn,~ ,C.._ Purcell_ McCme~.secand~d by Nr. P, H,.. G_en~ry~. ~i$.. Was__ o.r~er.ed _4ha~_ no..~ch~ng~ in the ..,sal~ .e_[.tha ¢lerk...of: th~..Tri~l Jastice's i 6oui~_be..mada d.u~ingtNla fiscal year. The. following..t~o!~tion, was, on iao~ior, dul~. mate....~d~ ..aec~ded, adopted,. BE.IT'..~0L~D_ b~...~e .Bo~d.of. S~e~i.aora .~f. ~.~le Co~ty that She ing..roads .in_Albemarle County: (1~.~ T.e p~l~ce..hard_~urface~ or=black .toD-, .crt. Road N~, ~6, .from its i~t.er~ec_~ion.wi~k.~ad..Ne.,~ ?4~_a~.~~ic., ves~ ~ 9/10 ~les, %a~ita ~tersec%ion._~..Roa~ No. 601 ~ ~ (2~,. To~ i~pr_c,ve.,_ ao as te make~ ~ecentl~..pae.s~hle .~he y...ear, around, Road Nc... 6~,...~anc,9_ .Rcs~,~, .fr.c~,.its, inf~er.secti~n wi~h Na. 6~1, West, t~c_the. Nelsan County Line~ (3.) To imp~o~_~.,, so_ aa to_maka.decently~, l~.~asable_the Fear ~ound, Road No.. 6~.~. f~omi~_ fnterae:~n ~ S~ate.~ Ro.u~e. No. 230, '~oar . ~1~ 2_ 2/10 ~leS,,,.thence.~o~e~ re-ad N~, .69~. appr~tely .1/~-of a (.4), TO. imp~o,ve~ .S.a as. %o. make' :decently_. passable. ~J~e .y~ar aro~md, Ro~ No. 6~8~. from ira. ~tersec~i.on..~th. Ro~te.. No .... 601_~ East, one ~le to. end. _of ~inten~ce; ([~) ....... To..impr~o.ve_~.. s.o_..aa..to make_decen~l~.~as,sable_ the. y~.an around, road C.e~er.,~ a~rrO-~a~e~..l~e.. ~o..the_~_tern..foo~ of Southwest MeltOns. Intereated .citizens_ appear~ed..before .the Board .and_ urged. _this. Board to ~ain request %he~ :Sta~aHighw~X.. Commiasion~ ~ re,loc.aria: .and _widen ~he bridge, at...C~chrSm~a.Mili, on .Ro~%e 631% in. Albemarle. Oo. Unty.,..~d.ta re, leaate ~he .road North. t. hereo~,, and it_appearing that at a..meeting, of this. B.oard.~_ hel~. on,..the..l~, dax _,o,f~..l)ecemher~.....l~3_$.,., .t. he~ following .resolution was~ adopt ed ~ . ,BE~IT_...RF~OL~. b.y the_. Board. of Ce. unto. $~p.envis. o. rs..of ~bemrie County,= ~a~. the. ~tate ~~..~o~ssioner:he .~d.,,~a.~r~.._re~uested to-re- locate and. ~d.en hi~y.bridge: On Ro~a 6~......!ead~g. f~om the City. l~s.~ to ~.o, ~d ~at..~e _road.. R~h of..:~s_ bridge, he st~ig~tened." ~ec.es.se~, %0. ~el. _f~her_ or_ addition, requests .~_ co~ection_..~k said RoUte 631. ~ Petition of ~,.. B.. F....:..Cl~k~..an~..~%hers.~ ~e~es~g the B_~r.d %o ~ec.o~e~d %hat Jefferson S~reet.~ leadimg.:~om.the ~oolen..Mills. Road, be_ .taken._inte~...t~he..Secondary System of Hi~_wa~.s,. wan.presented,. Tb~s_ ma.t~er waa~.referred. ~o. N~,_ P, H, Gentry...a~d N~-.. ~. ~. Gose with. the.. req. ues~ that. ~hey.. in~esti~a~e ..~he..ma.%~= and. report.., back...to the Board, mately,.j..l~, milebe recommended toe,be.taken into the,:Secondary.,=,Sy.s~em of Highways was presented and. this.~ m~t~er, was 'referr. ed.~ %.oi. H~., W~ MA~ Goaes Resid~n.~, Engi, neer,~ ~h .the ,r_aq~est that he inves,tigaSe ~ and.~.r ep crt' back. Hr..... P. H.....~eatr~.ne~:~r~d..th~i he.had _viawt~ithe...roadiWhich.Mr..,. Th~od~r.e Kcse requeste¢ taken ~intel the Seconda~.~y,.s~em of. Highways.. a~d.~ ~omnd .~ha.t.. considerable~cons.truction was ne~.essar, y~, aad=re~ommemdei..~nat ...the Board. . taka, no aciion..on, the mat.ten .until_..the prope~y owners s~bmit.ted, pr.op,.si,tach to .put. same,.in, the.~ pr_oper condition on salve e I~.mas_. ordered that. a brie[stn,opsia, of._the prapos, ed. Budg~l .bi p, ublished, according, to lawo The. fello, wing?.,comaunic~tion.~ witk refe.renee to the prop. osed..a~o, ol..Rudg~i, for the fas- cal. y~a~ beginning,..Jul~ !., , ,19.3~, .was pr~sent.ed~ and....upon b ' ~y.~ .Mm...: C. Mcill. Hcflme.., .was approved s ~arch 1~, 173~ To. tha..~emhers, oi. the. Bcardof~uper.viaors of Albemarle County Charlot~esvil!e, Virginia Gen~ieme~: Following. numerous..~onfer, en~ea..with..ref~renc:e io.~%he..scho.ol.f~hudget we have come to thefollo~ingconclusions~ To pr~ide..s~fficient:f~ndafon a newschool.buildi~g ai.F~rl~ille as well, as..other.op~erat~..~.enses_~f ~coun~.~.schoo~...it.~.be. aecessa~ ~o pr~vida,.$!O~i.O~elcl,~e_,of..the ~o~t..no.~essa~...i~.co~e~.~e_bond dae the ,We ar.~,~furthen, oi.~he_.apinionth~,~ale_~j, of..,8~plus.reasonablacolleCtions of delinquenta will produce an amount s4aproximat~ly..$!O~000.~_,.but in order that, theScho, el Boar~m~y~prace,ed=.with the..buil~in~wi~hout ~' fear of barrassment..in.meeting[i~s.,'obligaiions...when, dua~'we.~eComnend ~hat,~ 8~¢ l~.~v~,, be laid_ for .the..,y~e.a~..l~,3~.W~t~,a. c~sh. app~o~ri~tim~.of.~such a sum which ma~,.be~.necessary. ~aproduce $105~000. During.thefiacal.,~ea~IiS~i~.~ill_~benecessar~...~.r..~hei~coun%y to pre- vide_~.addili~nal $l..66~_.ff. thiaia~r~ by,~the. ~ta~e. Bo~d of ~ucalio~ to mee_t.ihe bonds oaths ~r~!lille School. We. feel the ~differ.ene. e hetween,..the amount_ nece.ssary~, $.a prap,erlz operate the schools and_the....probable, smou~t..~o~.~.c, ollactions ia.so ~aall.that it can be pro~id.ed._~er ..b~,. am app.,r~.priation from_ the.. general, f_un~ and.does not justify an. inet.ease, in._ihe..la~.,,~at this time. Mr... ~... Mason ~milk,~.,Sheriff.~. requeeled.th~t.,.ihe .Board. amend tis action..taken at the ~ar. ch,...!934, meeting and..emplo~ o, ne.fUll.time.d~u%~ .and.~f. our.par~.time deputies. Upon .mot.iona.,dul~ sec. onded~ i~.,was ordered. ~ihat .the .Sheriff be_permiit.ed to employ one f.ull, time .d ep~t~ and four part.,time, deputiea~ pro~ide~ ,t~e lotal salaries of same do not. e~eed..t, he muountaauthorized, at...~he_~acck,~l~4, .meeting. The... fallowing~x, esClution~_..offlere~ .b~. Mr~ .~... H...Langhorne~ ~s.econded..by... ~._ C. Parc ell klcCue, was unanimously adopted$ W~L,. Maupin~..Glerk. of the Circ. ui%.=jCourt+, cspor~ed io=~the Board thai the..land, hooks~,of,..the.,coun~v.~ere~.comple~e.f~om~lS~l i,o~_..date ~th the ex- ceptionLof_.~e ~,eara,18!~.a.1844,,.ad ask.~.~he.Board to pass a resolu- tion. requesti~.~.the, lo~.of.these books from~e State LibraS~ for the /p~ose. of recopying. The Board. desiring, to; have its. land.~.b, ook.records, complete from 1841 to date.~ respectfully petition, the. Hon.. Wilmer,_..L.. Hall~.Sta,te .Librarian, to leah the_ B. oard.fcr a s.horl period.of time ~he..land books of. Albemarle County for ~he_ .yeara.18,$~.~and..1844 respectiv, el~.,.~:with...the.~asamrance ,t. hat %he ,utmost cars wilt_, be::t=aken of them. Themat%~r_ef...the. Charloti_eaville..and=Albema=le_Railwa~.., Como.anw substitu%in= busses ing a. telephone line on..Belmcn~:...W~the~;:ha~ing ~s~ecurfed:~:~ ~he. proper..aUthor~y..:~[bThis matter waa referred, t.o; ~he,. Oomm~nw~e~ a Att.orne~_ ~with .~uc~ons.. ~ .~.c~r.: w[tk ,%.he. proper of- ficials., o~ .. ihs., Che saReake, and....Polom~c.[ T~lep.hone ~C.on~,any~ ~with r .e£.e~nc ~. t.~ this matt e r. Upon mclion,~, ~dul~s~co~d~d4~,it ,was!',erder~ed,..,i+.hat _an.~c~c~un~ing~m~chine~.be,.p~r cP~sed for far. ~he_Albemarle .Cm~u~_~. of~....the. F,ederal ~ac.2~,.Relisf Ad~is~ret£cn~-, :Upon motion Execut£ve provide %he neces.~ery~.o~f£ce-speceoutaidecf%he Court House. , Application waa:m~de %o %h.e Emerge~ncyl. Relief_ A~ministratien_fcr. ~fund.s.. %c!~carry on %he .wo. rki~_.Alb.em~rle~Coun~fer_~three, monZh~begi~.,~ril 1, 1935. ~Ren,.rec~ommendation of the~.Co~n%y .Exe~i~a~.:~.~ J..~W. ~Earha~t. w~s apR,%ri%ed Assessor and 0olle.c~o~ £e.r.:~%heCha=lo_t. tes.ville District. was. ord~red~.p~id..~_.L~ A.~, Gorb. e.~. f.or~,~_aoil-rem~ed~..fr.omh~a ~prop_erty in the ~riaco.ll:~£or_ %axes_ for.. ~e .~ear,.li.~.~2 erroneous[ IN THE,.ItAT,T~,...0F.. THE._APPLIGATIGN. :0F: FRANK... P~. ,~/~.: TO. ,DI~GONTINUE,AS..,&. PUBLIC ROAD, poin~.iu t~e_ c.enten,ef_~he. Charlo~es.ville and.~ite. Hall., road,.266...fee~._~est of ~. A, Calhoun;s.,.eni~e~..,,,lhence_ in~ .aNcri.~w. eat~.rly.,..din, eclion through ::.%he, lands.. ,of_. ~.. A... Calhoun, crossing,~.Mechum! .s River~,_ near_Granville' ~wen, s. old mill ~..eile._ thence, r.~..o~, the lands of Framk.,.R.. Warren.. ~nd_along...the boundar~ lines betwe, en_.ihe,.lands.~.of._~ho aaid_~arren and Gurt~ G.. Knisle~..~o. a pein%, where said_,old..~o~i. ~uteraect.s..,with_ .wh~i-.is_... knower, as_.~ the Ridge and Milling%on reader, having,,be.en filed with .tko Cle~._of.this. Boar.d..on the ~h..day ~f~ ~rch, t~e.. ~%at.e ~ahwaY,,CO~ssion..,~s.;he~e.~ore been noti~ed..,_~..ihe~e..,pr~ceedas.,, .~ IS ORD~ l~d..p~op, ri.ei.~rs,_,~,on~,,.tho,se,;Po~i~s..oi %h~...r_oa. io..be ~cOntinuedbe i,ss~ad..by the Clerk of. i. his Bo~d.,. retu~able. 'io~. lhe ne~ re.~ mee~ cf .lie. B. oa~,..:.%.o show. ~use, if ay %heycan~ .why. the said,..ol~_.road_.mentio~edand, described,.ia, saidr.ep.ort~,.should, not be discon- %%hued. 'The aforesaid rep.or~._ cf. ~iewe~s is in:_..wor~s, and. figune~,,, as follows's '"To...the. Hanora~le..Boa~i .of,. C, ount~., Supervisors .of_Alhemarle..,C~unty, Virginia~ . We_,. %he. undersigned ~iew~rs~. appo. in%ed ~% ,a.,m~etLug~,~of_;.~oUr. Board held mn the 16%h d~ 0_f ~~~,,153~.,,,',.10. ~.~..a R~d,_.whioh ...r.~Sl from a in, the., c,enler, r ,of .~he.. ~.ot~.~s_v~le.:~i...~i~e.,.,~,,,R~...2 66 feet" ( 266' ) direction ~ ~om~ ..~ e .. ~nds.. of,.. S...,A,,...,.~h0~.. Gray%lie. ~ens'. old:.m~_.s, ite;_ ~enc. e:..~ng..~o~,,.~e_.lads of F~ 'R. ~arren .~d. ~o~g.!he_ bo. an~ l~es~ beiween .the. l~da...of i~e....s~d Fr~k R~ ~ren. ~d._O~tis...~.. :~is~,..to a._po~t..wh~e s~.01d, road intersects ~ethe~ ~... our. opi~._.any~.~ ~.~..~,.. what..incon~.e~ience wo~ld result f~. disconiln~ing. ~e.. s~e~_.b eg~ lee~e., to. ~ke. rep,~r~, as fo 11o~ = That o.n~ the. 9th da~ of gmr~,, li3,~,...we~ met_ ~. %he.: Cl_erk_ s Office of the Gi~c~..Co~%.:.ef~ ~be~rle. County,. a~..af~_er., fi~sl being,,.~y s~ by W.._ L.,. ~p.~.~,...C!erk~..,~f_.~e,. ~d..Cou~..we .proc. sealed ~o ~ew s~d road. Respectfully submi~t ~d, J, F. J. B. Kegley ~i~r .Be 9rodueedI ~ - $2.s.~0.00_.~0,. ~d..in~.erest.. thereon.,~:~c~lat, e~ ..io.~.tke .da~.e el. entry of the-- ia bribe, autho~ ed ~,.fo~ ~d.~ on r beh~f, of_ ih~_ .Board,; · o. si~', exert e ~GINIA: .......~.. T~ OIRC~T O0~T_ .OF:a~R~ CO~ THE...BOARD..~ OF. SUPERVISORS OF. ALBEMARLE COUNTY.. ) ) G.~. 'NC~EE~-. LOUISA NC'GEE AND.1 .~ PEOPLES_NATIONAL Bible OF CHAR~OTT~5~ILLE.,,.. ,V.A...(A.. COI~O~TION)~ Petitioners ~ertiftcai:e-of Deposit- Milvina~ Cheape mat.ter. Respond enis. Thia..day came. '.'The. Beard_ .of..SuBe~iso=a of Albemarle Geunty, BY Ait. orney_.for., ihe~ .Co~onwe.~th,...~..mo_~.ed the., Oomr. t~. f-en.l..ea~e gt10 file its pre'ilion, ad. e~ibii, a..~her~h, lhe. above~ entii!.et, pro.c.eed~g, and leave being..Er~ted ~he. $~e ~s..ac.co~di~.f~ed., and.th, ereuBon C. W. Mc~e, Lou~..McGee_ and. :~e Peoples.. Na~ion.~.. B~., of. Charle2~es.~i~e, Vir~a, moved, for. leave to f~a ~.eir_ respective, answera~.te,, said..petition, ~d leave_be~g...~ied the afc=osiris ~swers_ were. ao_co~ngly filed; ~d_.ii apBea~ frem...the .~legaliona~ in .sai& petition contained, ~s.. dt~esi~ed, on September 21st,~ 1918, ~ ~a. Peeplts ~tional B~k, of C~=loi.t.esv~e_,..V~gi~; ~hat.. the..s.~e ~_ .e~e~ed.:bz. a cerium terrific c.at.~ ef Dep. osit_,. Nc, 21~0~,jiasued~ by. said B~ o~. 3~ptembe~. 21st, p~a~e .to the order of the .Ci=e.ait..C.e~ of~. ~b~cle Co~ty; that the ~oresaid,.~e~fic. ate. .~s... on No~ember .21sts~ l~lS.~s pa:s~i, t~ order of s.aid_Co.m~.i ~nt_~ed.No~ben2~h~.l~lS,,~ deliveced to. ,~d ce. ceip~ed for by N,.. 0~_ Nc~_e.e,. ~hen ~.easar~er...~f ~,~rle Go~n~.y.;., ~at .C ~....NcGee and Lemi~ MoGee.. a~e lhe sole sur~ chi~ren, he~s ~d..~slributees~: el. N, C. ~Gee~ 5{) And £t aDp..a~r-in~hat in~eros_t on..the..sa£d.f.u~ds..amounts t° the sum_. e.~. ~1,:12~, ~'~%: ~d_ t~: ~:ha ':.~.n~Said: :.~_.~.. ~nes.~: :as...:a'fo re's~d ~ is the prop er~ ef/'~d'r'~f~!~ be~ga.~a~,.~'he/~0~-o~ ~lbe~r!e, and that Z~Lia O~ERED ~ha%jSSu~_ ffund~. ~[th..int. eres~,jhe pmi~i.t~/~2he Director ef Finance. olf~ Albemarie::.Co. unt~., upon. exe~u.%£on enddel[~r~. ~.~e prier of- pro~ec.~on ~o~. s~_ h~k,~. ~ ~he_: wen~ tha~_~e_.~_e~.s~d, los~ .cert~f~cat should..De produced° ($iE~ed) .... LE~IIEL F~,. S~ITH, Judge. B~ C,_E,. More~_ (Si~ned) D.C. Up. on._ mO2i. on,~ duly~ ~.aaco_n. ~',. 2[~ [~ .~s .ardere~ ~ .ons,~h~I~._.~h~e~ ~nses., !n~ c cnn e~$'i on ~gh. ~he. pegi+~ ~.~. ghe. ~Corpo. ragian_G~issiom..$a _establish a. ~?ato. fo~_ho.nd_~,~f: the Director of F~ce,ha p~i.d...~ tho ~..._H.~ A. _Haden~_ Diroc~onof ~c.e~. s~mit~.~...s~a~emon% .~f o~.~s.ea...of_.:~e Dop~%ment of Finance fen the~.month ef .Febrmar~, l~,....one.~hir~..o.f~ which ea..to be borne, by the State, wh~ch..s2a$.emen%.wa~exam~d~ ?ve~t~ied..,a~dapproved,~ .,~he~.foltawing_~taims.w~ne presen~ad~;.exa~nad~ and all.~.~d~a~.~rdened_~abe certified to_lheD~ec.t.o.r of_~i~mc.a~for paint: 17!o. 1741 .... 1742. Reeple a. National Bank ...... Mrs.. ~mmia_F... Nicho~ .... A~/erson_ Bros.., Bo.ok, ~St~,e., .!ac. ~. P. Bell Co.. $1677.7o ~0.00 ¢~nway~ Printing Ca D,~acon ~ason. Smith.. Cook. Justice. Corb o~,' Cancelled Charlo.tl.e~s~illa H~rdwar e..Oo_...~Inc,. Rep~_. it.'.~AR~.. 0~fice ~d' House- ~d_..s. upp~.S f~r.. J~.__ 14,23 1_~.t~ .... Oh~b~tes~iEa, S~plz.,,~...,~ ~c~ Griie .for..~._~.la~.er. Heater at J~l 1.03 l~.i~. Charlo.%t.es.~iEe. lbai~ ...... Foo~.~.~p~lies. for .Jail.. 5, 88 'lilt..: Ch~.~.e. & llb._.O~b.en_o~.:fl~ ..,.~e.c~.,.,~.proprfation .~or...~bl~ii~.~d 100, 17t8 0h~ ~.~a..&..l~ ..... ~_~her o.f._Co~...Balan.o,e...Of, lpprep, riaii~_~,,i~.r year. 11~,~ 100.00 1~.$1, Chalo!i.e,s.~e...S~ ._Go~. S~._fo~ C~._ Relief .Office.. 1.50 1I~0. ....~i~... C,~2.eclor ......... ~a. f~, ~Goo. Hng. a% Jail 2, 1.22 1I~ ..... ~i~ .Norig~e.. ~d..,,~~ca Go~ .. Pre~?~n_b~d..f~r, Dr... ,,Roberts $15,00 Office. 5~p.lies, for ~..,F., ~d .g~rk~a off. L~,.-Walier Key ~.00 . ~-~al%ar Key . ;.~~ for ~o.~l..Reno.~. fro~F~, ~32 1~1~. Dr... 0 E.. ~r~,coll Ref~d_.ef_ ~xes. p~d .erroneously. 13. 84 116], . ~- 0. Fife . ~le~.~h. c~nne.ciion .~. Belk .Rd.,~: Case 10,~0 1~6~ ~_ ~... ~e~.on & Co. F. ood._,iupplies for .~1. 35.8~ 1~6~,,, _ H., A.. ~den ... ~_ens_e,s.,, of,..8uBer~o~s, ~ .Co, Executive att~ iss_~n. MeetS,, ~ Re~ka I0,60 - %~es :from ..~e, .Rev~g.,~d_ from 2/18/3f Postage. for~. F. 45.09 Food.. SupBl~es.. for_ Jail ......... 11-9,13 ~.~,.~Co .... ~lief. ~uipmen~. 2.~ War.er, Se~c.e.~,, Co.~..,Re,~f..Off, 2e~ ~o~a~ion,.La. Coapons Paid ~ I~ Dis~. .... .38 ~al...~ler..~.. 14, 3~ 17.72 .... Montic ~110 i. Dairy~, Ino~. I~I. lest ~n .uni on 1l~2... ~. Ashby 'Ha~is ..... Uercer. .~.e~ ~';'.~. ~'e'eler - 1802 B. eal~ler' Co, 1803~ ....H,_ B. Beddo_~ 1804 i, H, B~l!ek.. 18.0~., Bu~er, s 8~;ore 180.7., ~etl Clrter. 18~8.. Cash. Mea~ ~rke% 1~10_ 1~ ~ A. Da~on 1811 .... C.. R. Do~e~ 1820 .R.N. Esies 1821~ ~..C. Yerneyhough 1822. Fitzhu~ Bre~he~s 1823. J.E.. F~ 1826 1.82~ ~..W. Jackson. 1~0 .. Jefferson ~ep 1.8~ ....'G~ H, Ke~edy 1~3.~ ~upin Bres. 1839~ C~s,.., T. Page~ 1~40 18tl ...... B,._A. PatterSon 1843~.` Predd~.~F~e.~l Home 1.8~4 ~,s_. J. R.. ~ber~$ 18~46 . ~ M.. 8adler i Co, 18~8 c. 1851 ....... Solomon, s S~ore 18~2 Fra~c~s T..~. Southa~_ 185l 18~_ ~e_ Ceun~ry 8~ore 1~. ~ Coal Co. 1861 ....... ~_. U, Sh~let~ ~ile. age. fan F'eb. ~r~i, ~ie.~e~ f_or..Fe~,, I935. Rep. s.. ~o., GalC~ting .~ch~e._...,. ~.'F. '~lk..fa~h, ed. C.o~...~elfare.. Dep~ Co...'s, ,PO~,~on~ (~).. Rent for Re-employ. '~f..~ fo~_~eb~a~,,, I~3~ Corgn.e~ Ser~ca.~ George Burne~ .... ~:ecgr~., ~p.,. for,,C....H, Telex._ '" ' ' n ~ c_o~.ec~.o.n ~_ Gr~d, ....... ~~,,,8a~lus,.Pr~ ~elfare A_C.C$~..J~n... lad.' Feb..,, 1135 Welfari. Acct_. ,.. Feb.. ,~ # # # # , ~elfar_e Acc~.._,..No¥.,s~ ,J~u...& Feb. We,l~e_v.e .Acct..., Feb.., 1~35, # # ~ · W~f.~e Ac.c.~. ~ec. and Feb., We._are .Acc~_s Feb. ,. 1~3~. Uile.~. fo~ .~eb.~a~,,,, 1~ .... Welfane. Acc~.., ~. and Feb~ ~elfare .Adc~.,,. Feb., 1915 (Rent) (Foo4. S~p.) Amotm'~ 4.3~ 10',O0 10,2:0 19,08 5.44 10o00 .90 8.00 47.78 42.10 34.10 41.0~ 1.08 3.40 2.60 4.10 3.50 3.80 4.30 3.f0 12.30 9,00 16.00 3,10' ~5-~o 6.80 11.18 }.to 9.00 16.50 16.30 8.00 25.00 12.00 31.00 2,00 14,00 12.00 3,00 4.00 1~o00 i5.oo 4.50 5°OO 18,~0 13,00 14.00 3.00 12,00 6.00 62.50 11.00 4.00 3.?~ 4,00 2,00 6.O0 32.50 8.4e 4o~ 13.00 12,00 10-~0 4.00 16.00 4°00 3.00 5.00 3°00 28.00 12.50 2.00 2.00 6.00 51 18.80 ~1883 1884 1886 188.~ H. A._ Hade=. MmrgAn~.~. iT..~ A.. O, Bell. W. O. Fife. W._ Abbott Eih. C.. W.~ Bailey E. M, Powel%. 189.2 O, ::~S ~ Huffmsm 18~4... P. Il. EIIiot.t .~ 18~ Bessie.-.~'on es 18~6. John_ 1898 ~h B~ss l~00 C.G..'~reer ~l .... ~, .B, Oo.l~hurs:t: 19i7 .llellon Jones Minor .' Fields Gl.assort. & .CO.. W~eb~ger Porter Valem~ine .& H~i .... Unive~si~.,.of4 VeL H~epit~. Co_..' s porti.o~n ..of.. [ col%...of and'_main%enan~e of_.~%'riOt Home cI~ding...%wo..~hurisi~ # # Inieres. t_ ~. C.o... of. ~b; BO~S due " $55.00 Ser~c.e~. :as. Re~. :Viewe~ 8,00 I;20.21 3;00 .2.00 6;~0 32.00 18;00 47.60 3Yo~oo 100.0~ 200,00 61;;oo '341.46 100,00 225.00 308.33 2~0~00 z2.~.eo 40o0~ 48,00 1;3-33 26.6? 86.41 24;21; ~o.oo 11;0'99 41.67 28.0~ 2.~ 2.~ 1~.~ 8.~ 1.~ 12.00 4.00 Up on.~mo%$~n th e:~me~iiag adJ our~ed~ 732 be request th.at, he. make .$hia..raad passable. ....... ~.~t~e,r ~[..~L]~.~OZL e£_,~he_.Charlx~teauJile,.end-..Alhem~r~Le 'llail~E, .~0~pAnX.~.t.o ..the State .C~.~ation...Com~ission,.Xc..eubsti.~ute busses fan.lr, elLey., c. ar.a .and. _tha~. the_:.Car~..or,ti'on Cam-