HomeMy WebLinkAbout1935-04-1718~4 1~66 184~ 18.68 ~' H~ r ~ Wood Ltoyd Wood D.~tPi c% Board 18~?0 . S.. W... WoOds, on . . 1812 W' 1816 .... ~._ R,..~ie~., J~. 18B0 18~1·. 1883 1884. 1.886 188_7 18~88. 1891 189.2 18% 18~ 1898. 18~S 1~oo. 19.0.2 z~3. 1908 1}0~ 19i0. 19il 19,12_ 19i3 1~i4.. 1917 '~elfara., Ac.c.~,, Feb, ,.. 1935 ¢o_.., s per,ion,, .of,, 0o~,%_o f ', OPerati~ for. ~...mon~e.~ end~.. 2/28/3'~, 'Welfane...~Ct.,., Feb. sheep· ki~:ed,.by Doge- Sheep ~d,~b..k~l.et by ~e.~,/: ~_ed'.by. d~ Sh.e_ep~,~~.,~ed 'by D~gs~ .... Interes~ ~._C.o~...o2. ~b~; Bo~s due ~/~/~ ~a ~D~rio. t :, '62%, O0 " $5%00 LeSs: 0~er~Pa~en~j.for Feb~ .... ' Salary fen. ~nch~ .1~'35. S.~ary. for ~ch.,_ 19'35 ,~propi:.. (.Res% Ro.omLfor.,~ch.. 1~3~ Ser~.ces. as_ Ro~ :Viewer ~elfare Aec~,.., Feb,_., ~e~e. ~.c~._J~.: and Feb. We~e.. lc.c~..+, Feb..~ 1935. ..... - ~_ou~t 3~oo 5'20.27 3;00 .2,00 6;5.O 32.00 ?.5o 5.6.50 18;00 4?.60 125.0.00 3Y0,00 100.00 200,00 100o00 65;0o 341.64 100-00 308.33 125-0o 5o.~ 40°00 48,00 5.3.33 26.61 86.4.1 24,25 15.o;oo' 10o00 ~1.69 28.~ 2.00 2°00 10.00 13,~ 1.~ 12.00 1,~ ~p. on4mo%i~n. ~he~me~g adjourned, ~~. , ,Chairman. 1 held. ~t .~h.... C~~e..,~,..~ha., ~d .Oount~ ._en...~he .l%tk ~,~,~f ~ril, !935. · Roberts, ~ . :Htnu~ea. of.._the...mee_iing.,~,,,l~!~ch__~.,,~.· wer_e, r_ead ~ approved-. made passable. ma.tt, er__ba.referred, to~.the Re.aiden% El~e:e~,.~..~b~. $.~&~e..H~..%~.l,~el~~, .~'J~l. the request %h.~t..he_make,.this_raad passable. ..... Neti~e. ·ofi.,a~l~a~n~_ el_ i:he~.~,Char, lo~.tesville~·and_Alb~m~r3~ :l~ail~.. GO~.~LV,,,~t.o, 2he State .Ce~por~..Co~nissionl~._substi!uts busses fam_:.tr, elle~.~.araand_that~ the_iCor~or~%£on Oom-' as follows, ...... XA..BiXm~nt...lection,_,~om_.a..poi~t. on.D~_uit.A~.~n.~..We.a~_.of. ~o.nom~ Street, thence., aI~n~.~.,~h.~..S.o,u.~hern.,mar~..n, ,.,~of, .said~.J~,.A~en~e._o.r.essing,.,Sonoma Street to... $~e._in$~r. oacJ£on..af_.~o~%icello:Avenua:ant_~l~..d.e..~%re_~.t~:,.~the~cj to the Nor- the~..~rgia...of. ~.uit A~.emie. lth.e_s,~,, s_tr:e.eJm~an&,~yauues_,hein&~ho~n on plat .... l~_...O~rlton ..Sociiont..... Bolwten_Old ~l{ol~~:.. R~d.. and_.Flo~e.: Road, ac ros 8 ~Ivea A~.e~u~_fr.om_its..W~ster~,,..~id.e.~.:,di~.~.m~llI...i.o~.!t~ .F~x~u. sii~., lense enter- margin,_~Gf:::~i. !. Nas,sa~/.'Road:io,:and..~c~oss,.Br~m~lwa~ {.,~,e.,ae..sJre.eta~ and' avenues 53 named...,herei~b~v.e~.._..Xn conneo.iion_.wi~tk the. a£o~e~id te~l. ~ne,.~PEOYY~DED ~t the Section", ion_ the Home. -~:on_ ~t,, b~..~....~:..~.t,~ll...~.~.-~,.~!.!ao~:-.~i~-..~a'.-~~$~d for 'this lo~.e.s~l.e,~...,we~e bn~. -~ ~ ..att.ent[on,,._~. ~he...Bo~. ~. ~w. o[.ha~n~heae..~ cross,ga crossings. - - Included, ~,_ H~. A,._..~de~.-.~~-:ef-F~ce.s,.-,:sub-ti-ed-- s~t.~ent_.o~, e~.~a~-.o.~..~e. ~pa~men% .of...~n~e.,f.~: ~~th.;:~f.. ~.~,1~.:~.9a~-~---.°f- .~..~..~.he.,.b~.-~Y the 55 .0~. ,OOi:O0 30.00 gOoO0 102' Comp.,enaat~on o£ ~lcecu%tve · 109 C~pens~tton of 212. Pr~i~ on Bond ~9 ~taglo~e~F, e~c... ~ 405 OffioelEqutpmen~ of Cou~ I09.Compen~=%ion. of Depu%ioa::~,_. .... : .,_' .... '-204 Book Binding 2.12 Premium on Bond 6oo,~. ':-:i., i' nae'~'Or!ice, · ; to2 .... it~ ioner, and.De~,u~fe~. .... 218 Telephone an~ ·Tole- ' treph ~ervice ~0.,0o · - 319, 8ta%ione~', etc.. ........ Telegraph set £unc~Ons The -0- Tiii1'~ graph -0'"' TITLE OF ITEM 102 C_o~s*~n of Super- 220 ..; ~,, Pr£~%ed o£ 57 moo -0 S~a? ......... %o Joint rapher "5 :~t[TeleP:hene'aTeleEraPh lY, O-OO 350~,00 200.0O' 350O. O0 Propert~ ...... 1A,,.:~~ O.o~on~aL~h A ~torney'~ Off, ce ing-.: ...... ~....~~ A :are ~iso. ners E~c~n. Poor Relief..: L~cT. Oo~,.~ .0~ ...... ~o~_. ~oo~o~ ..... Or~nd TO%a~ 16pO.O0.. 386.T..6~4, , 7600...00 .... _.. 8~0.,00 '?oo~o~., 60~T2.. ?oo..~_ , - 2100.00, 23~5.~6 .... 2600~0~ ,. 2200.~00... [2~00. 102.00 ........ !128.82 -e- 2.11 '120000 -~-- )oo.0o ~e~ ~50. .66 .04 EX~ENDff. TIYRE"~ES ~a~e Unde~ Ward'em FoWlS ~ R.EVENI~ ESTI~AT~ DOG F~E) YEAR ENDING ~UNE 30, 1936'. ~ 6~ ~oo. oo x48.Se 224.8 o~0 _ ~ ~50,00 YEAR ENDING JUNE Year..En~.ng. . '..: ...... AIlow~ Revenue F~xes. . 2~.1?~.2~ -a- ~lg.~ 3 ~e42,e2?.ee Allemkl' Revenue EXP~~E ESTIMATE ~_'~tF,_ .Y~R_~ItD, TJ~ ..:A'I]I~ :BO, 1926 P~T~V~NNA .D~S~ICT DEBT :FUND $1~0'00 raised by. · ._ Estimate Bonda 80~.Intere~ on Bond.e. :Hore.aJe Ovel- D~ore&Be Ulld~r Tentative Year Ending' Year Ending Final T~ia~T rai,sed by I~linq~uenJ.s /ue...of. P~.~ erJ,~ $2,520,?59°00 $1.29 EXPEN.~ EST/HATES F0~_ ~EI~i:YF.J~.,~ND:I:N~ _~UI~ 30, 1936: SC.0~F~E.D~T~.I[0AD DEBT FUND 8.0t ,:Ilar e~_O~er ........ Ds.crease [er ' ~nder Allowed Allowed Board Ta~al. ae.vs,nu~ Increas.e Oyez' . Be.crease UpJ~er Year Ending Year Ending Final · June 30., .193~. ,. ..~p,n.e 50, 193~ _Eeti'aa~e FUND raised by Anto~n$~ '%.o be-Raised bY . ADDr onria_t.i_en. Exner./i~u~ e Po.s~aJ~e .... Year. End/~.g Increase Over June 30m 193~; Proposed Y. ear A~ro~ria~io_~ E~.e~di~ure.~ June 30.~1935~ Decrease ~nder Ye~ Endilng Allowed J,me ~0- 'i72'"~ B. _Board_ J EX~I~DIJT~RE ESTI~IATES FOR ~.~ ~ 30. 1934 -- --Year .~ng Increase Over ~.creaee Under ~une 30, 193~, Proposed Ye~ ~d~g Year .~ing , ,,A~rc~riation~?pditure ~ Avvrovria~t~ ~enditur.ee~ ~~,. J~.e.. 30., .1.~ I?A.. School Boar_ _ d{ 100 Compensa~:$.on of Members $~40,.00. $~40~00 $ ~40.00 $~.40.00 -o- $-o- 20~. Freigh%.. Express and ;d~en%" · ~ffice ~o ' ~n of Sacra- Expense of ~.on of 8ap et- Lon of Super- Board of ~r~ Par. i. :. Allowed BY Boated. -Year Ending. lncreaae 0ve~. D. ecrease Under '~ne 30; ~I~)~' P/~opdsed Year Endtn~ Year All oved~ By Board. Upk e ep · ~a.nd_ To~e~ ~E.V.~~E ESTZ~ATE8 FOR,THE.,IEA~..ENDIN& ,/J~NE 30, 1936 SCHOOL:-F~ ~ %he,. :]le;linqaen~': O%:her Sale. of Real. Dawson l~ud Ren%. ria.tiona Temporary L~c~l Levy Approp- - ¢~T* D Increase. Over Decrease Under Year Ending June 1,78,oo Year Ending $ 3~.%oo 11~03~.,00 -o- 15~000,00 . 15,0~00~ Final.:~ Estimate The Boa~d-proC-eededL.~.o' la~F %he _O. eun~y. Levies ,.~,_~he y.ear..l$3[,[,~,~or.d~re~ that t~e' Fire,ute'of the...C..oun%y.. !Of. Albemarle: ass ess.. andi..o~ect..ien, ali :~axabl.e re~l e s~t~e property. of. s~id property, · dell~.s. ~r. th.of, said prope~7. . . . _ ~ne. ~d._dolla~a .wo~th...e~ s~td property. %c.,the.Dir_e~io~.o~ F~nance for payment: Shop. ......... ~'12 4;16 66.00 5°00 .?.~ "FOOd.., ~upp,~ts.-~'~.: Grate_ .fer Bo. iler., ~~ '"~." ~..,' .... ._._ ira. lq~!ent..,.~i.. ~lerk'.s O~f~ce . . ~~,~ Ke~i.~ ....... f~ ~,,~.,~1 for_ ~ch. Te~~_ .S,e~ce_. for. ~,:ervieors ~d We~e.. ~p~.. ~~m~la .~a~oa. ~lO~ent, Off. e_ for .~. # # II # # # # II !1 II # # # # It !1 °60 197.60 3.10 42.19 .19 4,00 ~.00 4?.00 8.00 4.25 4.00 14.99 4.5,0 12.50 35,,30 33-~ ~4,00 6.~ 23~00 ~2~00 ~4.15 11,00 13.~ 12.50 8.00 3.00 y, O0 12'~ ~,,~' ::. I2.00 2.00 I1.00 2.00 23'~ 1~.~0 28.00 3,~ 16,00 3.00 .12.~ 6~'Oo 65 ~.~o 39,54 ~e~.~..~. 2.42 Sco~.~l~', D~:~:~' 2.32 , ,. ~~ ~a~e..~a~.....:.. ' $1~ ;3~ 38.~e 3.00 8.00 ~62,90 8.oo 9,00 5.60 6;40 XSo. oo I0,00 28.~ _TIAOA, .mo.~£on~ ~ih.e__ me et.;L~g ad,l ou~ned.