HomeMy WebLinkAbout1935-05-15 A, re.ar, meeting, .of '~he Beard .of Coun.%y~ Supervisors c~:A~bfen~rZe: County.. Vir~inia, ~u~es of. the mee%~ ~f APril 1~.,: 193~,. were read. ~d approved' adJa~en~ of-the ~o~ prOr~d'ed for Sravel._.of ~Xo~es .of"%.he. ~p.a~n~:':~.o' '%he ~f. ~he f~s ~de .a~lable by these c~g~s ~o be used ~.o p,ro~de_ a d~s2. for ~he ~choet ~s. ~.~en ~te ~he~sec~nd~ ~ ~e_ Co~, ,Executive. r ~o~d. 2~* ~e l~w ~ro~ed. ~. i~be .which had :~o2 ,been Upon mo.~ten~, dul~ seconded~ ~%.~s order,~ ~a~ ~he.'~pa. s2 ~ol~cy of .~he. BoaFd of be ~low~., and %he reques~'of'.~. J. R. W~ield.~ Jr., for such'~ all.o~nce was A% %he-~ques% of Co~sel for ~.: W~ren ~ ~T~ _0F~.'~' ~PLICA~ON 0F ~ · ~'T0 DISO0~.~.'AS .AP~LIC R0~., A .C~TAIN OLD ~0~."~H'~E ~-D~ 0F SAID ~D $. ~A. C~0UN ~s ordered.c~n~inued.~iI~-~e ne~.,re~.~ meeting, of %he Board. reco~ended ~ ~ess '~he~ were some s:e~ous, obj,ec%ions _from %he c~iz~.~.~ %ha% nei~- ~orhood a% .or b.~f~re th. ~e/m~e~,i~ of' ~ke' Bo~d, %h~"~. Board ~o on record..~ reco~end~ ~o~tt.ee from..,the,. City. Co.oil, ~ih,,reference to the const~oiion .of an addition ~o t'he ~n a fif%y-fi~y basis' ~d 2ha~ ~_.~he fui~.e ~he opiating, e~,~ses of the Clerk's Office, ~o~. Ho~se. ~d..Ja~' be .~i~ded_..eq~lly between the .Co~%y.~ ~d the ~%y ~d .~2ha% %he. City PaF $.he._~o~y.a grou~_renZ~. ~ ~ti~n %here%o, and.~% ~e Ci~y~ Co~cil .~d ~he Board ~f 0o~%~ S~er~is_ors .each ap~oin~ .a representative citizen %o co~ose, a Bo~ ef Appr~sers ~ demesne 2~s a~l rental ~ue~ ~i~ proposal. ~s acceptable %a %he Cc~t~ BE IT RESOLED b~ the Board of Co~ty. Super~sors of Alb~rle ~ Vir~nia, %ha% ~. E. M. W~l~d. be_.~d .~. hereby appo. int~.~%o r~resen% %he Co~t~. of ~be~rle. on '.~a Bc~d of App~ae~.s. %0~ demesne the ~1 Co~.y of ~be~cl.e ~d_.used for the re~al, walue of~ ~o.~d ~ed ~b~ ~e/Cou~ House~, ' ' Clerk~ s Office ~d J~, ~d B~ ~ F~R ~OL~.~ ~t'~the C~~ ~f'~t~s. Board he ~d is hereby authorized ~2e~ exeeu~e:~~ :a~e~% ~o'abide b~ t~e v~ue de%e~ned By the Board of Appraisers in the execution.of a new. contract ~h the City of Char-- l~2~es~lle, for .the use of s~d property.. The .fOllowing. rese[uti0n, offered. ~y. ~., ~W~ H.,'. Langhor~e, was unan~ously adopted~ .BE' 'IT-~RE~0LVED':By the Boar.' ~'dj/Ofl'~' Count~j .Super.~iScrs: ~f:'~b~rl e: C~ty, Virg!~."~:~'he/C~J'EXecn~e Be"~d/is;hereby.: autho, riZe~ ~O'"~e Clerh~ s '~r.., ~._;. P.7'Grove,. ASsistant'Trial JuStiC.e~. appeared'before t~e Board. and requested ,.at the. Boar. d~.unitawitB-_the./City Council in. the establishnemt..and,:maintenaace of a' home.,r "~hiS matter_was far. erred to the County Execati..ve~..wi*h. inSt~ructions to_investigate. a.nd repor~='b.~ck"~t~ the_ new .regular' meetin~g. .Mr_~..H~ Aa' ~aden~: Dire~ctor: :of Finance, .. eubmitt.ed siatement'-cfr' exAens;es'~'~of- t~e De~%men' of' Finance. f~r tho. m0~ih', of prxl~: I93~.t one. t~.. of._.~mck is to be. bo~e.'by the ~te, _ which st~tementl was examined:, yeti.fled.and approved, The. f~otlmring cteims, were present~, s.samined~,, and. allow~d,~ ~and order.ed.;%o~ be. certifie~ t o"Eh e' ~ire~tor'. ' 0f" 'Financ.e: for payment .- 2066 NatiomlBankandTrust;Ce, Purchase 0f'$1,000 Alb._:'Coi..S. M, Diet, .~ ~%Bonds b~Samuel~Miller Dist..Rd. DebtFd, $1,166.2~ 20~. .And~nsonBros. Rook ~tore Office.-$upplies for. C.. E.. , D. Fi. W®]~_are_ 4,12 2061 Jackson Beal -Rent'of Room for T. i- f~om,_~/3~.~O.'4/~/3~ !~.00 2068 Jackson Bed., J.. P.. .~ies,-Howard Carter and._ L. B.. P. owell 4.00 206~ E; E. Bibb Asses.sing.and'.Oollecting~.duriv~.April~ 20?0 R. Fo Black Assessing..and..Oollectingduring. April. 2011. BurroughsAdding~a.chineCo. Senvi~ing..~dding,.~a.c~nes..inDep. t.o of Finance andClerk, s .Office. Charl~ttes.ville.Bdwe. Co,. Fire_Extinguishers 10,18 .:Cha~lotteeville Sup... Co. BOiler. D~ains for Jail _ 2.3~ C£~y Collector LibrarF~App_rop. r~Latton..for 1931.. $800.00 20 2 2073. 2014 2015.' Commerce ReaI~._& Inst.. ¢0., 20?6 ' C a n:c · 1 1 · d 201.t_ W.. S,. Cook, D:. 2018~ W..S..Cook, D. S. 2019 ~. T. Dameron 2080 Dr... F. D. Daniel 2081 Dr.... E. D. 2082 R.~ G..Deane, J. 2083 2O84 2O85 2086 2081 Defter., Edwards.&. Morris E~srett Waddeyflo. J. F, ~arth H. M.. Gleason & Co. H. A.. Haden, D.-F~. ~088 H, ~, Haney, D. 2089. Perc~.Barris, 2090 ~, S. R~ff_w~_~, 20~1 Jar_man~s, Inc. 2092 20~3 20, 4 20c)5 2096 209-~ 209.8 2099 21o0 2101. Cham..King .&. Sen., W. T. Mar. tin Hdwe. Dr... J. 0, Mamty Dr.s. D~u .0. ~iohols The PenitentiarF I~dlDept. Dr. M. L. Rea Remington Rand, Dr,. L,..C,. Roberts 210.2_ 210~ 21o4 21o 2106 21o? J..~son. Smith, Sheriff M.R. W. Abbot%. Smith, S. E. Pub, S.er~... Oorp..~ ~tate Forester of ~s. Account .a~. Jail and Water Account. ,.at. C.' :H..~C~.0., and Jail Bond.as. Jailer and_ D. S. f_or. P. M. Elli~tt/ ~cy~.Kemp. er HoWdyshell Mileage for !pril.. 1~3~ Lun~cy~-Hovard CarEer LunaCy.-Nary: Irene Johnson Lanacy.-.Eemp~r. HoWdyshell Lunacies.-rMary Irene.Johnson-and '~rs. Lula Marshall Fo~d:. Supp!ie s !for. Jail . Deed Books. for..Clerk' s Office ~.!eage. 'for. April:and/May., 1~3~ . Fo~d.. S~pD~ies for'Jail: Ro~imburseme~t~for '%he following ~xP'enditures from the RevolVing Fund..from 4/13/3~ tO mc., Salary: of Assessors $238.13 SCamps. and_.~ri~tin~ for D./F, ~5.32 Office Equipment for D..F~ Printing for ;Trial Justice '9e00 Food Supplies for Jail 1110~1 Allowance.. for .Cook at. Jail .... 10o00 ~ssion Fee~ Home for Incurables, (Jesse. Ward)_ Hau,lin~ .Relief Supplies 3 Rent., Relief'Office 5.00 Phone_ Ren~.,~ Relief Office ._ 6.60 l~int ing.~t for.. Welfare Dept., Toilet Supplies, .for Bldgs. 1.99 ecol.:for ~ H.: Mileage,~ for~. April,. 1935 Lumacies.,~Lay. fat~c.~ B. P..owell_.and.Howard.:.Carter Mileage.. for April, Office Sappli.e.s_for Clerk's Office. Lunacy--~r~ Lula Marshall Food. Supplies for Jail · Key .for T.. J.' s Office -Lunacy~-M~s.. ,. Lula: Mar shall Lunac~-~rs. Lula Mars~~ 0ffice Equipment for .~spt of Welfare :Mileage for April.,. 155 ~ Lunacy,-Mar~ ~rene Johnsea ~..ewriters for Dept. of Finsmc.~. and~Welfare P~st' :Mortem. Examina:iione Alack :Jackson~ and Luna.cy~,Eem~er Howdyshell .Lunac. Y--,l~ry I~.ene Johnson Repairs to. WaGer ~ipe &t CO.. Relief Office Mileage for April, 1~3~ Telephone Sar_vi.ce for Mareh.,.Ap~ril, a~d Forest Fire Extinct:ion .Service for April. Bun~cF-,HOward Carter 826.16 5.00 41,.20 2'70 5',00 5.00 4,00 92.12 11.6~ 41.49 ?28.60 22,15. 10o00 1%00 1.60 3.60 %00 8.05 15.85 5.00 nc. os 10o~0 1.~0 2,00 52,90 51,21 2' o 5.00 23.08 21o9 2110' Virginin Printing 0fl&Ge Va.. PUbic. SerVice ~ Monticello Drug. S~'ore . 2111 - Bernard H.. E~rly,. ' Printing.for. ~ept. of Welfare El.ec%r£c Servioe .~% Cour~ Rouse., Co. '. Relief Office, and. Olerk,_a .Office, CO=.'s Portion .(~)/Ren%.of Natl. ~1o~ ~n~ Office for..~ril, E~n~ti~n.of ~8 Me~. dur~g ~r~ ~d April ~(~ ~d...L~acY~y~t~e B. Powell 2112'- Dr. Richard'Ti; 'E~genbrigh% ,. Examination of 52:'Men.. during ~aroh and 2113 ~i~ore., H~ ~ ~nyder. Household...~pliea for. Co. 2116 2111 2tlS~ 2120 212I 2122 2123 2124 2125 212~ 2121 2128 2129 2130 213~ 2132 2133 2134 2135 213(' 2137 2138' 213~ 214~ Msm~ 'Alexander J. B. Anthony BeaI, Miller H.~. B.. Beddows Bishop' s ~Ore P. E. Blackw~ll A. H. BO~ck Bu~ler' s Store ~sh Mea~. ~ke~ Ce~r~' ~rke~ E. L. Cobbs C. H. C~e~ Co.or ~, H. C~g '~e 0ountry 8tore C. R. Dottier ~ Mrs'.Z.R. ~rrett R. N. Es~es H. :O., Fe~eyhou~ A, ~ G. Fray ~. W. ~. Gibbs H. M. ~l~son ~ CO. S. M. ~llida~ L. M. ~~on 2143 ~ - Co' S, Huffnau 214~ H.W. ~ackson '& CO. 214~ ~. H. Kennedy 2141~ 214~ 2149 21~0 2151 2152 2154 2155 2156 2151 2158 215~ 2160 2161 2~162 2163 216~ 2166 ~1~? 2168 2110 2111 2112 211~ 217~ 2~15 2~16 21lO 2181 2182 ~22186 218S 2189 2191 2192 219~ 21~ Lea 'Bros. & Purvis Frank Lewis. ~;~upfn Bros. l.. J. 'T. ~pin J; I* ~upin ~s_. Susie M. Moon H. E. M~dy C~s.. T. Page B. A, Patterson ' 'Ed~rds N. H. ~gh ~s, J. R. Roberts H. F. C* W. ~ridge E.W. ~ri~e L."K. So,ridge T; E, Sellers ~th Bros. (N~h '~ihBros. E. M. ~th Sol,on' s Store Z. E. ~prouse ~tilda Te~ell R, L. Wine~g~ C. H. ~oyd ~. ~. Wood A. K. ~ ~s; C. B. ~ckersen ~s, PhiI~ip R~es Pr~dy~.s :~er~' HOme A. W. COx Dept.' S~ore' CO. ~s. G. H. ~rby Fitzhu~ Bros. CO. ~:'$ ~g ~ore U~ers~ D~g Room Frames To SoutH~l · . H. ~orne L. J. ~ddox N~i.On~l B~k Co.' o. Portion .of .Expenses .of,. operation of District Home for two. months endin, g,, Welfare Acct., April,. 1935 # · Il # # # I~' # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # .. # !1 # # # .# # .# # # # ~ keyS. killed by Dogs Sheep, XiIIed 'by.bog Sheep killed"-by Dog l~rch and,. April,~ 1935 April, 1935 # # It,_ch ~.and April, 193~ ~ril.~ '1~35 ~rch.._~d. April, 1~35 Ap~, 1935 April, ~rch ~d. Ap~i,. 1935 ' ~1, 1935 '~Ech.~. ~riI, 1~35. ~1, 1935 (Hilo~ge) Somioannuai.In%erest due on BOnds o'f fOllo~ing...dis~ricts on 6/1/35t 10.00 40.61 24.80 26.00 3.60 475.17 8.00 1.50 26.00 5.88 2.00 22.00 12.00 6;~OO 32-00 3.50 3.00 23.90 8.00 6.58 8.5o 12.00 :24.15 14.00 18.00 4.00 3.00 18.38 12o00 20.50 11.00 4,00 4.00 3,95 2.50 32.5o 10.00 26'45 3,92 12.00 12.00 %o0 2.OO ?. O0 rS.00 13.fo 4*OO 29.OO 5.00 2~o00 2%50 6000 14.00 16.00 3.00 3.00 16.50 8.00 2.OO 45.76 10o00 3.00 8.00 3.00 3.0o %60 12 9.46 ],,'96 1.00 3.50 3._~o 41.85 12.00 5.Go 9.00 7O 2~99 ,,2200' 2201 2202 2264 2205 22~6 22ol 220'8 2210 2 21I 2212 2213 221~ 221~ 221~6 221~ 221~ 222'0 2221 22ff2 22~3 22~4 222'5 2226 222? 22~8 222~9 223~1 223~2 2233 2234 22:~5 223% 22~? 22~8 2239 224.0 22~ 2'24~2 22,i4 J, B, Anthony W. $. Dorrier H, A. 'Oentry A. · Lewis-Hotladay Bar~W,.Hopk~son - . S. P, Not~in~, Jr. ~r~ ~, .Clark W.' M. ~rk George ~. D~u~as R. B. ~ E. ~shb~ M.~ ~. Su~l~ A', ~. 'Bell' ~J' L, ~up. in C. E. ~r~ W, O. Fife C. W.. ~, ~. Cook C, $. F~.nces- T,~ Bes~e ~enes C. G. Greet ~ B~ss Jo~. Uesley Jo~% He~ Dependent Hel~on Civil Juror Grand Juror for ~Ma~, 1935 # # # A~propria%ion. f~r May,..,. 1935 .(Rest. Room) .... ~! ~:?Approp.riation for! Ma~, 1935 S~l~r~..:for :.~he mon%h el. May.,: 19~3~.'' . . 1~..60 14.00 12.80 8.40 10~0 4.20 4~20 8.20 35o,~ 200.00 ~.OO ~00.00 2~.00 ~0.00 ~0.00 30~.33 4~. oo ~o. oo ~o. oo ~o.~ ~.oo ~o~ ~o.~ ~6.41 24.2~ 10-~ 28.~ Upon mo~ion:%he meeting adjourned. b. eeE_n~i~ie~,,., p~oJ.ess~..~.o..aummon .sait.lsmi p.r, oprieJora b~.vimg.~e, ea.~eJurned~/,'~h.owing legal -