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ZO ~22~" 2201 2202 2205 22~6 220? 2208 22dc) 221_0 221'1' 221~ 2213 221~ 221~' 221~ 22[~ 22~ 2220 W; L, ~Upin 2221 222'2 222'4 22f.~ 2226 2227 222'8 223'1 22~2 2233 223'4 223~5 223=6 223~8 22~c) 22~ 224~1 2242 22~ 2254 W. Sam B~-mley W, O. Fife J. '~aSon Smi%h' C. U. Bailey · . S. Ceok ~. -~..'_'EII~ C. $. 'Huff~ - ~.nces' T, Sou~l Bessie ~aes ~. 9. 9reef ~ B~ss ~ohn ~esley ~o~ He~ Dep~eat ~e1%~ ~omes Upon mo~on~.~he meeting a~j_ourned- Civil ~uror Grand Juror H # # for ,May, # # App~ropria~ion.fer ~Y.., 1535 (Rest_ ~oom) ~y, 1$'35' S~I~r~ :fO~ ~,,~he month, of May.,: ,1~3~ ~mount 11.6o 18.~0 ' '14.00 8.40 '10.50 12'80- 15.20 4..20 4.20 ?.00 8.20 6.80 ?.~ 350,00 100,00 200*O0 100o00 341,66 lO0oO0 22~o00 ~0.00 308.33 250.00 45.00 YOoO0 ~o-0o .~o.o0 Y%oo 12.%oo~ 150,oo yo. oo 40.00 86.41 24.25 53.33 26.67 48.00 10-00 28.00 i the Southern. Railway ComnaA~ be and ~e' hereby reaues%~L__~o: ereo_.~_and ma~n%~a I,OX i. 26 $': :1.3.~4, 1.3~ 10~21 2.00 22o~ 11.25 31.21. 2,:l.g 41.94 28,6~' 3,10 22,30 25.88 1.50 8.~ 23.'1'o · 4%?0 4.3.36 1.50 5.0O 73. 12.50 26.4.5 1.98 28.25' 4.90' - 38 ].6.00 9.00 30.38 14.oe0 24.5~ 1%00 33,30 4.00 8oO0 6.99 18.00 3.~0 ~,80 46.~ X4..4~ XO.~3 3.20 100,00 34lo&& 3o8~33 4~.~ 48.~ 210.80 62.40